Monday, June 30, 2008
still no time warner
i rush because I am either at a cyber internet place or using free wifi
and it is under source of frustration but the posts are done under duress
and it is under source of frustration but the posts are done under duress
my thoughts I posted on Crain's re: WTC site
If NYU wanted to build a mega dorm at the WTC site it would have been built in record setting time like they did tearing down St. Ann's Church from 1847 and setting a world record for a speed build.
I agree there was a failure in leadership. I believe John Whitehead and mayor Bloomberg should be included in to date what is clearly a failure to rebuild downtown and everyone who knows me knows I am infuriated they refuse to date to honor the largest loss of rescue workers in the city and our Nation's history down at the seemingly unending fence all these years. (Betrayal at Ground Zero my letter in The Wall Street Journal from 2 years ago). Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joesph Grafagino died 9-11 heroes as far as I am concerned because the 9-11 toxic waste dump Deutsche Bank took them from us and it should never have happened.
I lived next to St. Ann's for 20 years and as far as I am concerned NYU got away with murder and to date the USPS who owned the air rights over St. Ann's never notified the State of New York as they were legally obligated and this was under Pataki . The State was suppose to investigate the sale of a historic site - is this in the best interest of the community and look into environmental never happened. NYU gets away with it's misdeeds because NYU has the most powerful connections and deepest pockets. Ironically, there are just too many powerbrokers, too many deep pockets with interests in the WTC site and that is my theory on why the WTC remains an open wound and why our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS did not hesitate with their lives and we all witnessed this in person or via tv and internet and the city of New York hesitates all these years to honor them with the simple respect due and to date that includes the final memorial where they will denied their rank although their uniforms stated their rank and the City of New York.
There is a lot wrong at the WTC and my letter in The Wall Street Journal Betrayal at Ground Zero - I would add the word "exponentially" to describe the betrayal and Bobby Beddia and James Graffigino's deaths are an heart wrenching underscore WTC's set backs. They heroically payed with their lives.
I agree there was a failure in leadership. I believe John Whitehead and mayor Bloomberg should be included in to date what is clearly a failure to rebuild downtown and everyone who knows me knows I am infuriated they refuse to date to honor the largest loss of rescue workers in the city and our Nation's history down at the seemingly unending fence all these years. (Betrayal at Ground Zero my letter in The Wall Street Journal from 2 years ago). Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joesph Grafagino died 9-11 heroes as far as I am concerned because the 9-11 toxic waste dump Deutsche Bank took them from us and it should never have happened.
I lived next to St. Ann's for 20 years and as far as I am concerned NYU got away with murder and to date the USPS who owned the air rights over St. Ann's never notified the State of New York as they were legally obligated and this was under Pataki . The State was suppose to investigate the sale of a historic site - is this in the best interest of the community and look into environmental never happened. NYU gets away with it's misdeeds because NYU has the most powerful connections and deepest pockets. Ironically, there are just too many powerbrokers, too many deep pockets with interests in the WTC site and that is my theory on why the WTC remains an open wound and why our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS did not hesitate with their lives and we all witnessed this in person or via tv and internet and the city of New York hesitates all these years to honor them with the simple respect due and to date that includes the final memorial where they will denied their rank although their uniforms stated their rank and the City of New York.
There is a lot wrong at the WTC and my letter in The Wall Street Journal Betrayal at Ground Zero - I would add the word "exponentially" to describe the betrayal and Bobby Beddia and James Graffigino's deaths are an heart wrenching underscore WTC's set backs. They heroically payed with their lives.
beauty, garbage filled to the brim, cormorant bird, millions of dollars wasted waterfall like Washington Sq Park's wasteful improvement, welcome to NY
The waterfall posing as art evokes the unwanted "improvement" and wasteful spending -- wrong spending -- I won't show you a picture of the pathetic waterfall but imagine if we took that money and spent 90 percent on housing the homeless and 10 percent on an inner city kid with ingenuity who could make a waterfall art at the same location NYC city style...just like the community said NO to the unwanted wasteful improvement at Washington Square Park -- let the city spend the money on parks in poor areas that need improvement
here is the east river
Garbage cans filled to the brim can't blight the stunning beauty of all the gardening along the East River, sad to say they closed the firehouse on the water which of course I think is a big mistake considering how much activity we have on the water and in the park I wish they had at least a first aid station and dock for first responders. There is a water park playground but I didn't want to photograph the small children playing among the sculptures of seals.

cormorant bird...I still haven't found my wire for my digital camera and the camera needs to be brought in for fine tuning so this is all iphone camera work.
here is the east river
Suzannah B. Troy, La Mama's Food Shop, 200 East 3d Street
200 East 3rd Street between ave A & B
closed Sundays,
If you go to this wonderful place be prepared to be your own waiter. You go up to the counter, pick your food, they give you the largest portions possible, you pay, tip and than make your way to the microwave to heat up the food. Mama's is one of the best comfort food places around!
High Constable Jacob Hays, The NYPD Museum
The museum is fun. The people there are the nicest and it is close to the Viet Nam War Memorial - the wall of glass with letters and quotes that is also a must see. There is also the WW2 and Korean War Memorial which is one of my favorites because it is also a sun dial. When the parks dept. accidentally planted the wrong trees that would block the sun and run the artist's goal to have the sun mark the exact timethe signed the peace treaty -- apparently all these Korean War vets and me wrote the parks dept and they kindly removed the trees.
I know I am a character. Passionate about many different topics -- a mosaic of topics that don't make sense to the outside world perhaps but to does to me.
too low on iron to donate platelets and other thoughts
being away helped my body and mind but I am back and the iron levels have shot way down.
if I eat in a very focused way maybe I can donate at the end of the week because I would love to see Skip and Monte but I feel very tired.
now that I am back, flashbacks and I have to refocus on the positive.
i have no tv hook up or internet -- can't find things == tired === so tired
shockingly tired today....
tired, tired tired
if I eat in a very focused way maybe I can donate at the end of the week because I would love to see Skip and Monte but I feel very tired.
now that I am back, flashbacks and I have to refocus on the positive.
i have no tv hook up or internet -- can't find things == tired === so tired
shockingly tired today....
tired, tired tired
Thermal image, on my way to donate platelets, thinking karma and other NYC issues

Yes I resisted Apple all these years but despite their mega chain mega stamp I don't like it was worth throwing out my Dell and "converting" because the tech is superior and the support is even more amazing. This is a fun affect from their old style photo booth feature that even has a curtain evoking playful reality that you can't have typing of fun in the booth behind the curtain.
I still don't have Time Warner which means no internet and tv.
I am still experiencing the new little development I am living in. What is beautiful about it is "very" but I can see the rush to build in every nick and scratch on almost every surface of my home. I can't bare the noise of construction and the site of cranes which is inescapable and I just pray no more people are injured or hurt.
Going to donate my platelets. I still can't find so many things that are scattered about including my wire to connect my camera so I will photograph my platelet donation on my iphone. I just hope my blood donations go to good souls, people that really appreciate the effort because it is an effort for me.
ps Can't find my bad boy calendars -- I am confident the ones I use to bring are still safe in storage but it looks like the other half are gone...lost or stolen is my new term...under the stress and duress of moving.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Karl "Santa"'s gift to me
Yesterday I gave Karl "buglers" tobacco = 2 bucks,
Karl was sitting with Chas and he said "We speak of you often. We speak of you kindly."
Karl's gift = priceless
I can't remember his exact words but it mean so much to me.
that is me,
picked up more of my plants,
scattered that so many kind souls kept for me,
unpack boxes that heroic community members helped me pack up
missing my Grandmother's ring,
was it stolen or is it waiting for me to find it.
missing my motorcycle helmet with vulgar funny stickers and paint,
an NYPD cap from the museum that honors their inception and 9-11,
can't find half of my bad boy calendar collection and the other
half is with an army of rolled up canvases and mannequins waiting
for me to reclaim them.
*Read poem to my Dad and he asked about two more rings -- they are worn together in combination and I realize they are missing. Did someone I thought was a friend steal them or did I lose them or are they just waiting to be found in something I have yet to unpack?
This was all so traumatic and I still have great upset that hits me from the trauma really abuse that I had to deal with. I hope they come back. After witnessing Sept. 11, I just have to chill because they are just possessions although deep down it does upset me. Still more trauma and suffering from this "thing that went on too long that caused me a lot of pain and suffering, moved, moved under duress and more fall out. Have to focus on all the goodness like all the good souls that cared for my many plants and gave them back to me better than I could have imagined...just have to have faith.
Streets of New York, 7th and 2nd Ave, right by past water main break, plus an article on NYC's slippery slope
(Please look past the garbage at the end is one of the glittery mega builds and one block away the Cooper Union supersizing in progress of the studio building. It is my opinion that all the vibrations from the CU build caused the water main break. MY POINT IS ALL THESE MEGA BUILDS WERE TOO FAST TOO TALL ON AN OLD INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY AND ISSUES LIKE MORE DISPLACEMENT FROM THESE BREAKS AND ACCIDENTS WERE NOT CONSIDERED. )
Dear Readers: Visit the link and you can see me and a diverse group of community members talking about the water main break. It was "medium" size but it looked like the East River had come to 2nd Avenue. Before we finally got city officials to hear us -- after how many infrastructure problems, construction accidents that impacted our city with loss of lives, safety concerns and displacement -- people can't bounce back from some of these "problems" and have to leave where this accidents or breaks occur....
Well now the street has a hole in it and so many streets are not in good shape. There are so many problems and it seems all the focus was on supersizing our neighborhoods city wide with mega dorms, sky piercing hotels and condos ---
it seems like two New Yorks, the new soulless hideous New York and the old New York that is crumbling including the infrastructure especially in this area and affordable housing...
The New York Post has an article today that doesn't even touch on the harsh reality but they took talk about homeless, crime and police officers.
"As of May, the city had 35,700 officers -- down from 40,800 in 2001, and the lowest level since 1992. There are 1,800 openings, with not enough recruits to fill the spots
..." "What went right could go wrong, Fighting the small things made the city great. The small things are slipping away." by Julia Vitullo-Martin
note on my thoughts on the police -- it takes courage to be a police officer, like a doctor if you make a mistake someone can that alone takes courage...they have to deal with a lot of unpleasant aspects of life that many of us prefer not to see.
I am a supporter but I also understand that not everyone is going to get it right or is honorable and that includes retirees so I can't idealize them or any group but I do feel the NYPD is impressive and they are also in an unfair position --- a terrible disadvantage because of the wrong decision to drop the salary which was a bad for the people of this city. Considering it all and despite the heart breaks they have gotten so much right in a city where there are so many problems that have no solution at least at this time. They do a lot of good that doesn't make the press and make just walking down the street safe.
Karl aka "Santa" gets a haircut and shave by a mystery barber when Karl was passed out.
Karl was none to please to wake up and find out a mystery barber had cut his hair and most of his beard and moustache.
Karl had no idea what he looked like so I took this photo and showed him.
How ironic because earlier this week I had handed him an invitation to Lorcan Otway's photo exhibition since Karl photo is on one of the invitations and his homeless presence documented. Karl thought he looked like a Viking and he was not pleased with his new look.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Let go and separate yourself is how you forgive! let go and separate yourself.
Louise Hay
It is not condoning the "bad" but letting go -- separating allows one to move on and moving on is key.
The stresses make me feel stuck in the past.
Forgiveness easier said than done.
Louise Hay
It is not condoning the "bad" but letting go -- separating allows one to move on and moving on is key.
The stresses make me feel stuck in the past.
Forgiveness easier said than done.
still no time warner thinking to myself verizon
I really wanted Time Warner but it is 5 days means pulling out their wires and patch up the holes in the wall and dialing verizon.
I am sick of lugging my computer to the coffee place to blog.
NYC is so stressful in ways that you don't realize until you take a break from the city.
I am going to try and pick up at least on bag of clothing from a friend in the West Village today if I can.
Friday, June 27, 2008
NY Blood center called, want to cry...can't say no and I want a bad boy
My hair is so thin up top I stopped washing it every day and I want to be vegetarian but I eat meat --ugh and so do my cats but eating meat allows me to donate.
When my phone just rang tonight and the woman told me she was from the New York Blood Center I told her I hope you are not going to ask me to donate my white blood cells. For those who don't know it means being completely still for 2 hours with a needle in each arm. You can only do it 12 times in your life and I have done it twice. At the end you get very cold. I had Fifi this awesome nurse put blankets on me and I fantasized big time about this baddie taking me for a ride on his magnificent motorcycle. When I do the big donations I would bring calendars and fantasize and the nurses are so nice they would smile at me and say that maybe I would get a ride and I did. A short one.
I don't want to donate white blood cells again until I know a 100 percent that I am not having a baby. I still hold unto a sliver of hope but I am really feeling my age and the intense trauma I endured the last year has taken it's toll on me.
I am larger than life...big shoulders from years of basketball but look at my wrists and you get a clue -- my veins are small and it is an olympic effort for me to go Monday and deliver platelets.
It will take at least an hour and I have to see if I can't get my hands on my bad boy calendars. Sad to say they are in storage.
I just picked up some bags that a dear beautiful soul kept for me all these months and headed for a subway than changed my mind and took a cab. The elevator doesn't work in this new development. Time Warner still has not been able to give me cable or internet. This would be the first time with Time Warner and I would have New York 1 finally but so far zip.
I decided to go to a coffee shop that is awesome and has free wifi so I could update my blog.
The phone rang and it was the NY Blood Center and I just wanted to burst in to tears.
I just can't say no. They are always having a shortage of blood. I have always jokingly said I am the only person in the East Village who's arms are sore from donating blood. Anyone who knows the East Village knows about the needles. I have a photo of a needle just in front of Cooper Union's build I shot and posted on this blog.
I am having bad boy fantasies. I am a goodie. Even when I try to be bad I am extremely good. Ask any bad boy for confirmation....just joking, sort of.
ps I have endured shocking cruelty so disturbing and I told a nurse it would bother me if someone got my blood who didn't appreciate the donation and she assured me anyone who receives blood donation appreciates it. I can still see the faces of people I believe are going to burn in hell if there is such a place and I can't reach that mother Theresa mind set. I would not want them to receive my blood.
pps on bad boys -- on men period I have a strict rule no guys with wives or girlfriends or both.
I also had an infuriating experience where a bad boy told me he was single and than set me up -- what was good about him was good but what was bad was very. I think of him because he did give me an all natural high and I need that now. So tired and still in live to give mode.
Can't believe I am going Monday to donate platelets but it's me so of course.
east village STILL has heart beat PROTEST JUL 11

yo still no internet or tv so I am writing from my phone to tell you the East village still has a heartbeat still alive protest I hear loud and clear
Rumor has it we owe our thanks to John Penley. Thank you John Penley.
Now I am at a coffee place with my computer and free wifi.
All around the East Village are posting for a rally -- condeeming the greedy mega rich family, the Ekonomakis who can afford to live anywhere but refuse and instead seem to take pleasure in evicting long term community members that can't afford the neighborhood if they are forced out of their homes.
I took photos from the taxi with all my bags crammed against me of the flyers -- the greedy landlords with zero empathy have this let them eat cake attitude so the flyer suggest let them guess.
It is vulgar but not half as vulgar and obscene as what the Ekonomakis family is doing. I remember at a rally in front of the ekonomakis would be mansion on 3rd St. a dynamic speaker talked about prime real estate in hell.
Ekonomakis can afford to live anywhere and these amazing good souls do not have that option and will be forced out of the neighborhood that loves them and they love unless the Ekonomakis has them move into the homeless shelters down the street. It is like a modern day verison of the Christmas Carol but the their no redemption for the Ekonomakis family. They just don't care. Welcome to the new hideous soulless New York.
The flyer calls for a protest on July 11 at 47 East 3rd Street. I can't find the wire I need to download my photos from my camera so I don't have the image but
I have this news!!!!!!!!
Despite the community crushing development, this horror show tsunami of mega dorms, supersized glittery condos and sky piercing hotels...
I AM EXHAUSTED GOING BALD stressing stuck in anxiety and angst and having big bad boy cravings and I just donated my red blood cells and I vowed to rest but I am going in Monday to donate my platelets so please get my a bad boy as a present.
Deliver him to my new home in a small development where right now even the elevator don't work. Thank you.
+I just copied the flyer and cropped it. Trying clicking on it to read it.
Just so you know I had a "let them eat cake" mayor Bloomberg as in the NYPD deserve a raise in The New York Times way back when.
15 year old slain started with words on the bus
This was not teenagers having an argument where someone felt "dissed" and had to pull out a gun or was owed 20 dollars and therefore felt compelled to end a life. There is too much of people getting killed on the street like that.
Another innocent good soul has taken the Express to Heaven. I wasn't there but reading the papers she asked people to chill out.
Keyanna Jones, 15 years old, walked a friend to the bus stop and died because of a stab wound to the heart. It is reported she died speaking pearls of wisdom and peace but she still was senselessly murdered and no guns required, a sharp object was enough.
insomnia continues
I went to bed by 10:30 but woke up in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep. I still don't have blinds and a list of other things I mentioned on this blog but it was also the upset from the past year that did upset me -- I guess that call that post traumatic stress...
It is a beautiful day and so much positive to focus on.
It is a beautiful day and so much positive to focus on.
nypost editoral, my thoughts on WTC and the Mayor, get NYU & C.U. to build there and it was have been built.
Where is City Hall? editoral in nypost
re: 2 city firefighters as far as I am concerned they died because of 9-11 and should be added to the 9-11 memorial. I remember Bobby who was amazingly fit and in so intelligent, compassionate and funny. He loved movies and he loved being a firefighter. He gave me an FDNY American Flag pin and it is too painful to have. I had made it in to a necklace and it is now downtown with the 9-11 Museum.
If NYU had wanted the "Deutsche Bank toxic waste dump death trap" for an NYU dorm the site would have been cleaned up, torn down and built at world record setting speed like NYU's tear down of St. Ann's from 1847. The community is still waiting for the USPS who owned the air rights over the historic site to notify the State of New York (this should have been done under Pataki) so the State of NY could than examine if it is safe for the community and examine environmental issues but the USPS continues to arrogantly flaunt and abuse their Federal Status. The mayor and his right hand city planner aided and abetted this speed build and tear down rather than a SLOW DOWN and make their good friends John Sexton -- NYU do the right thing along with the USPS -- put the community's safety and best interest before the mega speed greed tear down of a historic building for yet another NYU mega dorm.
You want results downtown -- ask NYU to put their campus there and the site would be built. They are the number one real estate magnate here in NYC and use their not for profit status and powerful connections to get the job done.
The mayor closed our historic firehouses, living memorials to 9-11, hoping like Cardinal Egan selling off the churches -- like a bake sale hoping to cash in. The tsunami of community crushing development means population up but the only concern is to make the developers rich at any cost and post 9-11 do the math on death toll, injuries and massive displacement from people and small businesses that can't recoop after water main breaks, crane falls, etc.
I don't understand how City Council gave themselves a raise or at any point you could say the city budget was in the black when it is all red RED WARNING LIGHTS -- from constructions accidents, infrastructure breaks to the roads are in such bad condition, the fire hydrants are missing caps or are used as garbage cans, so many problems with educating kids, violence on the streets, homelessness....
City Hall has a myopic view on stimulating the economy and at the expense and safety of the people of New York with subtle push outs to gross abuse of eminent domain by Columbia U. NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain to get the job done.
I have throat burn and I think it is from 9-11. I remember they did not implement cleaning vehicles leaving the site and the smell in the death dust, the smell of death and destruction.
I just never imagined this "new hideous New York" with firehouses closed, I renamed gentrification supersification and the price of living here is going up to pay for the infrastructure expansion for the mega dorms, sky piercing luxury hotels and condos - another push out. We have the largest police force in the USA so giving them a raise seems impossible but they deserve having had to be there for to terror attacks and more complicated challenges post 9-11.
The mayor along with power broker John Whitehead who thankfully stepped down refused to give the largest loss of rescue workers in the city and our nation's history the simple honor due -- their name, rank and dept. on a separate sign all these years. Globally people saw our fire police and ems run in to buildings in record number but there is no where to stand on the seemingly unending fence to honor what we all witness either in person or on tv the internet over and over again because mayor mike doens't want to make them special. A starvation economy except for powerful friends like NYU.
You want the WTC built in record speed get NYU and Columbia (no. 3 real estate magnate not for profit) to build their campuses there. Their cold blooded ruthlessness will move heaven and earth and entire communities to get the job down and at record speed.
With grief and anger,
Suzannah B. Troy
I added a poem that should be in itunes soon "Buy Town, Stuy town, affordable housing an oxymoron" -- it is on my mac website that talks about all of the above
re: 2 city firefighters as far as I am concerned they died because of 9-11 and should be added to the 9-11 memorial. I remember Bobby who was amazingly fit and in so intelligent, compassionate and funny. He loved movies and he loved being a firefighter. He gave me an FDNY American Flag pin and it is too painful to have. I had made it in to a necklace and it is now downtown with the 9-11 Museum.
If NYU had wanted the "Deutsche Bank toxic waste dump death trap" for an NYU dorm the site would have been cleaned up, torn down and built at world record setting speed like NYU's tear down of St. Ann's from 1847. The community is still waiting for the USPS who owned the air rights over the historic site to notify the State of New York (this should have been done under Pataki) so the State of NY could than examine if it is safe for the community and examine environmental issues but the USPS continues to arrogantly flaunt and abuse their Federal Status. The mayor and his right hand city planner aided and abetted this speed build and tear down rather than a SLOW DOWN and make their good friends John Sexton -- NYU do the right thing along with the USPS -- put the community's safety and best interest before the mega speed greed tear down of a historic building for yet another NYU mega dorm.
You want results downtown -- ask NYU to put their campus there and the site would be built. They are the number one real estate magnate here in NYC and use their not for profit status and powerful connections to get the job done.
The mayor closed our historic firehouses, living memorials to 9-11, hoping like Cardinal Egan selling off the churches -- like a bake sale hoping to cash in. The tsunami of community crushing development means population up but the only concern is to make the developers rich at any cost and post 9-11 do the math on death toll, injuries and massive displacement from people and small businesses that can't recoop after water main breaks, crane falls, etc.
I don't understand how City Council gave themselves a raise or at any point you could say the city budget was in the black when it is all red RED WARNING LIGHTS -- from constructions accidents, infrastructure breaks to the roads are in such bad condition, the fire hydrants are missing caps or are used as garbage cans, so many problems with educating kids, violence on the streets, homelessness....
City Hall has a myopic view on stimulating the economy and at the expense and safety of the people of New York with subtle push outs to gross abuse of eminent domain by Columbia U. NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain to get the job done.
I have throat burn and I think it is from 9-11. I remember they did not implement cleaning vehicles leaving the site and the smell in the death dust, the smell of death and destruction.
I just never imagined this "new hideous New York" with firehouses closed, I renamed gentrification supersification and the price of living here is going up to pay for the infrastructure expansion for the mega dorms, sky piercing luxury hotels and condos - another push out. We have the largest police force in the USA so giving them a raise seems impossible but they deserve having had to be there for to terror attacks and more complicated challenges post 9-11.
The mayor along with power broker John Whitehead who thankfully stepped down refused to give the largest loss of rescue workers in the city and our nation's history the simple honor due -- their name, rank and dept. on a separate sign all these years. Globally people saw our fire police and ems run in to buildings in record number but there is no where to stand on the seemingly unending fence to honor what we all witness either in person or on tv the internet over and over again because mayor mike doens't want to make them special. A starvation economy except for powerful friends like NYU.
You want the WTC built in record speed get NYU and Columbia (no. 3 real estate magnate not for profit) to build their campuses there. Their cold blooded ruthlessness will move heaven and earth and entire communities to get the job down and at record speed.
With grief and anger,
Suzannah B. Troy
I added a poem that should be in itunes soon "Buy Town, Stuy town, affordable housing an oxymoron" -- it is on my mac website that talks about all of the above
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Stuy Town, buy Town, Affordable housing an oxymoron, bye bye
submitted this poem I wrote over 2 years ago to itunes and it is now on my mac website including photos of the neighborhood characters and the hideous ugly NYU mega dorm on St. Ann's church grave with the facade from 1847 and more.
Smiling Lt., Tompkins Square Park
I am tired and transitioning, out of my head with fatigue and stress but I do feel safer walking down the street because of the NYPD. I just think they have done "almost" to good a job because they have made it so safe that developers have done everything except provide buses, trains and NYU trolleys to move us out.
Lynn Ligammari and Dan Chernosky, Park Ave. Bistro Jazzing it up
Lynn is a new friend and she has a superstar quality. I bought an album she is on in itunes "Politics for Kids" which has a jazzy--reggae quality. I really enjoyed Lynn and Dan as much as possible considering how tired I am...that is saying a lot.
Lynn is a powerhouse on saxophone
Clinton St. below Houston dedication Eastern European Jews
Children's magical garden, a swing and the lack of speed bumps
Visit the site, read their story, donate and help if you can.
See the swing...? I think a developer came in and put in this fence and the garden's response was to turn it in to a swing. This garden needs some miracles and a pro bono lawyers and NYC needs as much green space as possible -- nature's wait to combat pollution and water absorption because the sewers like a lot in the city can't keep up with what is going down...old New York.
I also heard Alfredo speak about safety concerns because he has seen kids hit by cars over the years by the garden which is surrounded by 2 schools. The community board was not able to help so I wrote a passionate letter and the city did respond -- not in my home work space so I don't have the letter, I am displaced to grabbing free internet at the coffee shop, they did work to improve safety with signs and checking but no speed bumps.
I looked at the other schools below Houston St. and they all have speed bumps -- the only ones I saw missing them are the two schools by this garden. There are no buses routes along these roads, I checked so I do not understand why no speed bumps but I am proud I listened to Alfredo and followed through with a letter and did get some improvement...just a little but I want speed bumps for the kids' safety by the schools and garden.
I want this garden to remain.
This city and it's inhabitants are in need of miracles -- all sizes welcome.
rape, violence and other thoughts
my brain hurts if that is possible, exhausted insomnia but saw this small piece in The New York Daily, "Rapist gets scolding & 75 years, this heinous scum rapist of course does not think he did anything wrong and he verbally abused the judge as well, verbal abuse is part of the violence -- from his cell he called the judge a "stupid hooker"...this creep also threatened to throw a female security guard off the roof of a 13 story building after raping her. How many women have been raped and thrown off a building top in Manhattan over the years. Maybe Al Sharpton and Barron volunteer for citizen patrols on roof tops but I have never head of such actions by them. Police that patrol these roof tops are courageous. It is astounding this rapist and so many males in NYC so openly verbally abuse women and it goes on and on not addressed and it is no surprise that it escalates in to violence such as rape and or murder.
This serial rapist can't control his abusive mouth and there must have been so many red flags that were ignored. I am glad he is behind bars and I hope he never gets out and the men in prison treat him the way he treated his victims.
The young Columbia University journalism student is so courageous and I want to burst in to tears when I attempt to think of what she endured and I can't it is so awful. The fact she found strength to show up is stunningly courageous.
I also read Mike Daly's piece "Parents share cop's bravery" and I do feel for the NYPD, their courage to go where so many of us do not dare and the police that have to investigate these violent heart breaking daily events and do their best to keep us safe in even more complicated times are amazing.
letter to metro free paper and stream of my thoughts....
during the extra bad insomnia attack i wrote metro the free paper praising them for the front page coverage of the photo exhibit documenting Manhattanville and stated that NYU does not even need to abuse eminent domain to get the job done. How future generations will look back in disgust, city wide, our photos, our art will tell the future what is -- what went down here....That future generations will refer to our photos and visit a recreation of what was in Las Vegas...visit NYC -- the NYC we loved before it was gentrified and supersized visit a recreation in Las Vegas.
I know I am in a small development, the least hideous ugly one possible I could find and when you sell a coop and the city almost puts a gun to your head to buy another one, it ain't.
i really need a partner to get "murderville" written and out there -- would love to see it as an independent film and I do feel like they are murdering us -- everytime I read another activist died city wide dropping like flies...the aggravation and stresses .
For me it is creeps trying to make me, like I am suppose to be a Barbie Doll -- keep my mouth, but this is America. I can't stand people that treat me like they are England and I am in a colony here before we became the United States. (I wrote a short story "waistland" -- fictional short story about the art world...have to post it on itunes -- hear how my artist in the story responds to the barbie girl treatment.)
Welcome to the new hideous new york supersized generic shopping mall.
It is why I love the strong feeling of community warmth = soul = real NYC.
no hair no tv no internet.insomnia iPhone blogging
That was me trying to type on my blog in my beautiful new home with no blinds and the light from the night as if some massive space ship had landed and parked next door was unbearable...
If you read Lotus Land healing from trauma you got a hint of somewhere beautiful I was resting but now that I am back in NYC full time and I turned down 2 weeks in paradise to restart my life...
I have donated blood although sleeping little, started weightlifting again to feel strong, "urban jewelry" that says "don't //// with me" and my mind and body feel pushed to the extreme and it seems like I have lost a lot of hair on the top of my head.
Time to do headstands again, rest as much as possible....the horrible trauma that went on to long effected me in ways like 9-11 where I couldn't focus -- no movies, I haven't seen a film in so long...just can't sit that through them so that gives me a clue I am still in trauma mode -- being back here stirs it up and being away for the first time makes me realize how disturbing it is to just walk down the street in NYC where you can see the saddest events, you can see it all and see things you can't imagine at all.
I have had so little head hurts, I have the post 9-11 throat burn, can't imagine making art or writing...need to find the reset button and I realize I do love my home. Let us see if I will have a room with a view or the "stop work order" gifts lifted and instead of a room with a view I have a room with a brick wall. Only in New York could someone build an apt with the terrace being the largest part knowing a building was coming up walling it in. Why? When I asked the young sales agent that must be making a large amount of money over and over are you sure my view won't be obscured and I can't deal with construction after what felt like the murder of the historic St. Ann's and the 7 day a week build and she so "No" and she had to know what I didn't, the sliver was not part of our property.
I have to hit the reset button and focus on the positive and there is so much that is positive. I need rest as much as possible and to get social -- social contact. I can't seem to really read much, long for a book to take me in and take me away.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
17 year old boy shot and killed Lower East Side
page 24 The New York Post NYPD Blotter
Vincent Cruz was shot in the head on Eldridge Street and Stanton shortly after 2am and again it was death over what ...? Some one imagines they have been insulted, or an arguement over a girl -- it is usually along these themes or money -- so sick -- why do people turn to guns -- why so fragile they turn to guns and murder?
Help catch the murderer - contact the police if you have info.
NYU kick in the Piccaso, The New York Post
The Evil Empire of the East Village strikes place is safe from NYU's mega domination,
Broadway and Lafayette are no longer public streets but NYU's private parking lot for their legions of trolleys and buses, did you ever notice New York City's kids take public transportation but not NYU's college kids?
How much would it help the environment to get rid of those trolley's and buses that congest our small streets? College kids have told me they don't have the money for transportation and I reply than NYU should give you a discount and incentives to walk, take public transportation or set up a bike sharing program that George Bliss of Hub Station has talked about.
NYU evicted The Bottom Line and you can listen to Murderville -- an excerpt from my short story in the itunes store -- I thought of people like Hilly of CBGB's that died an early death and my own health -- I haven't recovered from the murder of St. Ann's Church by NYU and the State of NY gave the USPS a free pass to sell the air space with out the proper notification so the State could examine the concerns for the community and environmental concerns....
no I am not at ease.
no I am not at Peace.
NYU just causes a lot of harm in the name of higher education and to date they have not given us one community out reach center which I asked for -- now I wanted them in any building they used the term "community facility" to supersize our neighborhood yet exclude the community.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Teeth for my readers over 18, O'Keefe and more
If you are not over 18 cover your eyes and do not read this post.
I rented "Teeth" and it is a dark horror comedy with a rave on the front that states it is a cautionary tale the most alarming since Fatal Attraction.
This film is not for the weak of heart and I do not see any male enjoying it but if only...The men in the film that over step their boundaries get justice and more and it is horrifying but they will never hurt or over step their boundaries with a woman in this case a young one ever again.
I thought of Tina Negron yesterday....Told a waitress that did not know the murderer was caught.
I also rented the comedy "Someone to share cheese with" and I thought it was very good...
a sweet unconventional film sympathetic to guys fat funny sweet men. Yes you have to be both sweet and funny if you are packing extra pounds -- sweet film.
O'Keefe the book survived my move quote in the front of the book
'Making your unknown known is the important thing.'
Please visit the museum dedicated to her and for those that don't know, her paintings celebrating flower paintings that are the quietest loudest celebration of women's "secret" our beauty -- that society teaches us the most negative of messages -- as in down there some where far far far away or dirty etc. Her paintings were a subtle way of talking about V pride.
As an artist I wear my soul inside out -- I wear my insides on the outside --- people that have crushes on me think I speak to them and only them the way I speak -- which is I am self revealing and I am to everyone so thanks to the kind souls that listen and are compassionate to me and don't even know me and even more so to the ones that do!!!!!!
Soul on the outside is the art process -- taking all the passion heart soul and guts and bringing out through your pores through -- my pores, pours, paintbrushes, pencil, computer keys...
I rented "Teeth" and it is a dark horror comedy with a rave on the front that states it is a cautionary tale the most alarming since Fatal Attraction.
This film is not for the weak of heart and I do not see any male enjoying it but if only...The men in the film that over step their boundaries get justice and more and it is horrifying but they will never hurt or over step their boundaries with a woman in this case a young one ever again.
I thought of Tina Negron yesterday....Told a waitress that did not know the murderer was caught.
I also rented the comedy "Someone to share cheese with" and I thought it was very good...
a sweet unconventional film sympathetic to guys fat funny sweet men. Yes you have to be both sweet and funny if you are packing extra pounds -- sweet film.
O'Keefe the book survived my move quote in the front of the book
'Making your unknown known is the important thing.'
Please visit the museum dedicated to her and for those that don't know, her paintings celebrating flower paintings that are the quietest loudest celebration of women's "secret" our beauty -- that society teaches us the most negative of messages -- as in down there some where far far far away or dirty etc. Her paintings were a subtle way of talking about V pride.
As an artist I wear my soul inside out -- I wear my insides on the outside --- people that have crushes on me think I speak to them and only them the way I speak -- which is I am self revealing and I am to everyone so thanks to the kind souls that listen and are compassionate to me and don't even know me and even more so to the ones that do!!!!!!
Soul on the outside is the art process -- taking all the passion heart soul and guts and bringing out through your pores through -- my pores, pours, paintbrushes, pencil, computer keys...
Health Insurance concerns about privitization, George Carlin and more
I don't have email and internet available the way I need to do to do my passionate work and I can't keep up so I am posting a series of emails on the comment section from a dynamo activist and you can read them by clicking on the comments section.
She includes 47 East 3rd Street and a funny ironic George Carlin quote as well.
Thanks and love to all the activists city wide just been overwhelmed by personal stuff can't keep up...trying
Just added latest email from Develop Don't Destroy and please help if you can
thank you!
She includes 47 East 3rd Street and a funny ironic George Carlin quote as well.
Thanks and love to all the activists city wide just been overwhelmed by personal stuff can't keep up...trying
Just added latest email from Develop Don't Destroy and please help if you can
thank you!
NYU the evil empire of the East Village strikes again-- Met Food Store is in peril please help if you can
Dear Readers: I am not going -- I refuse to attend anything to do with the community board because I believe they have many problems like not reaching out to the community to let them know when there are meetings and a conflict of interest but if anyone can go and speak up in favor of the Supermarket Met Food
NYU wants more money -- the greedy evil empire wants the supermarket to show them their books. HEY NYU, the communities from Stuy Town down to South Street Seaport want you to stop gobbling up affordable housing, buildings, tearing down historic buildings and evicting small businesses. NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain like Columbia U. to get the job done.
Go tonight if you can, sign up at 6pm and speak out. Thank you.
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:13:25 +0000
>Full board meeting is tonight at MS 131, 100 Hester Street( Eldridge
>and Forsyth Sts.). public session runs from 6:30 to 7:30 but
>speakers have to sign up at 6 pm. i have to talk on other issues so
>if someone wants to attend with me then we can copy this letter, put
>it out for board members to pick up, make a short appeal for
>support(only 2 minutes allowed) and then we can leave.
I still don't have internet hook up, here is me playing with special effects photo booth

I am in 4 story new development and I am not anti-development but anti-community crushing development. I went from a very trauma experience that went on way too long and did not have a saavy friend with me when I bought in to this new development and I made a mistake and if I had known what I should have which also in this case meant completely disregard what the sales agent told me and the same with the advertisement and by the way the contract sales the developer is not responsible for any misrepresentation by sales agents or advertising....
I would not have moved.
Time Warner came and left and I do not have tv or internet. I just have to be patient and it is party of being in a brand spanking new building but it makes it very hard to post all the emails I get with community activist information and even just respond.
I am at Apple right now but I feel like going home and sleeping except I have no blinds -- which means no privacy, still no place to put the toilet paper and towels etc. but here is my BIG BUT, SMILE, I love the community, the people so much, so friendly and I am still so close to the East Village. So big hugs and love and I hope to be connected to you again soon!!!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Lorcan Otway has an exhibtion, 80 St. Marks Place, opens 7PM Friday night
The above is part of a homage to Jewels and Amy which includes their wedding.
I will not be attending the opening but you are all welcome -- 7-10PM this Friday. Lorcan Otway
ps I had a huge disagreement with Lorcan on several issues but one being his article on a homeless person which was so unacceptable as far as I was concerned but Lorcan still wants to be friends with me. I do not believe he understands in the least what so greatly upset me but he did take awesome pictures of me in front of St. Ann's and you can see them
at as NYU ripped the stunningly historic church to bits.
I am wearing my protest shirt I painted "No more megadorms" which community members would praise as I walked down the streets....
Fire St. Marks Place, Ladder 3, Engine 28, Rescue 1 briefly stopped by and more
still feeling bad, tired, still don't have internet access, at Sidewalk Cafe....I took photos on my iphone but there were lots of guys with big can visit Lorcan's site to see more photos.
FDNY memorial, revisiting 9-11
If you search my blog you can find my letter "Betrayal at Ground Zero" in the Wall Street Journal which is even more true today but the WSJ did not keep a link to my letter.
To date as far as I know the mayor refuses to give the largest loss of rescue workers their rank and in one photo you get a hint of what was a larger crowd that gives you a hint of the millions of people that have visited the site and saw either first hand or on the news globally the images of rescue workers running in to the building but if you visit the site they are not honored with their names, rank and dept because the mayor and John Whitehouse ex Goldman Sachs chair where at least 2 power brokers concerned with so how making them special -- these are 2 guys that are treated "special" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Many were highly decorated with in their dept and serving our in the military. Some like Capt. Pat Brown were highly decorated serving in Viet Nam and came back with a lot of soul pain I am guessing and were treated shabbily and who would have imagined would be treated more so by the city, you see the mayor has hesitated for years but they did not hesitate for a moment.
To the millions that visit -- yes please know the heroism was tremendous --- people refusing to leave handicapped friends and more -- just want to burst in to tears but I am in Apple using their wifi, honoring the largest loss of rescue workers in NYC and in the USA's history on the fence should have been a fact of history honored always at the site from the day of.
I am Jewish but I remember the big cross at the site from way back when. I remember the site when it was blocked off by the police and the military. The soldiers shipped out and said goodbye, many slept in the parks around the site.
I am just mentally tired today, still this sensation of not being able to fully exhale, inhale, organize myself, find my things like my Gram's ring that was either stolen or lost in the move I made under terrible duress.
I didn't take the best pictures but I want to give you a visual if you haven't been down recently and a reminder there are a lot of problems down there, a lot happened post 9-11 that are shocks including Bobby and James taking the Express to Heaven post 9-11 because of 9-11 in the toxic death dump at the site....
have to quiet my mind and think positive thoughts now.
I confronted the mayor on the steps of city hall about the "old ps 64 building" and when he and I had didn't agree on NYU he started to walk away and I GOT TO YELL HONOR THE FIRE POLICE AND EMS at the WTC site. At least he didn't have me arrest it and was half decent. I will never forget the conversation I had with Amanda Burden about St. Ann's. He most keep her around because she makes him seem warm and cuddly.
Email the mayor and share your thoughts...I don't bother much anymore.
ps I do wish the artist for the outstanding memorial would be commissioned by NYU to make one for the Triangle shirt waist fire so people could not walk by and be ignorant of the horror -- the death toll on the side walk were they walk....I have written about this on the blog as well.
Karl and Chas
infrastructure on Houston -- for a long time I have been photographing this
Also if you are driving down Broadway below Houston -- stay out of the bus line during the day Mon - Fri or you will get a ticket --Broadway -- not Broad -- they narrowed it -- go figure around Spring or Prince -- check it
Sunday, June 22, 2008
random thoughts on fame, death, friendship and more
Scary tired and again I know it will take quite a while to regain myself -- my footing...I can't even think of lifting a paint brush or writing a story right now. I am thinking about how I can get myself organized, buy things but not more clutter and where to put all my art when I take it out of storage and will I be leaving this place in a year or two because I want to put down trees and a small garden, will i take the garden with me or sell it?
I read articles and references in books that want to label and analyze truly dynamic peopl after the fact, by people who are clueless like describing Abe Lincoln as depressed... he lost a beloved child --he dealt with so much heart ache and the stresses of running this country so any of his responses were normal considering the harshness of what he had to cope with. How can you not feel sad when you watch the news or not cry when you read something sad in the newspaper? I don't know how people can not cry. People want to label because it gives them some sense of power and order but when you examine and ask why -- a lot of responses just seem natural considering the circumstances.
When women are talked about in terms of their sexuality it is so shockingly demeaning and it is all a power trip by people clueless.
I don't have children and I don't want to die and leave people missing me. Death is peace for me. I also will know that no one can bother me or falsely lay crap at my door.
Special love for Al and his girlfriend. Al is younger but he is my "good" Dad who tolerates everything I say, reads my stories and poems and encourage me and his girlfriend is not threatened by me and is so cool thank goodness. I couldn't have made it through thru life post 9-11 with out Al so thanks to him and his girlfriend. She is so cool because some people do lay drama and trauma at the door to make their lives feel full. We all have to deal with the empty feelings and loneliness.
I have people tell me I am famous but I don't make the money that puts me in that realm. If I did of course loved ones and true friends are really important but now I would also like to have a business manager, a gang of lawyers like Ron Kuby and David Rankin plus top real estate, etc.
my personal legal gang on retainer but all that money could go to feeding homeless people...
and I would like security.
I read articles and references in books that want to label and analyze truly dynamic peopl after the fact, by people who are clueless like describing Abe Lincoln as depressed... he lost a beloved child --he dealt with so much heart ache and the stresses of running this country so any of his responses were normal considering the harshness of what he had to cope with. How can you not feel sad when you watch the news or not cry when you read something sad in the newspaper? I don't know how people can not cry. People want to label because it gives them some sense of power and order but when you examine and ask why -- a lot of responses just seem natural considering the circumstances.
When women are talked about in terms of their sexuality it is so shockingly demeaning and it is all a power trip by people clueless.
I don't have children and I don't want to die and leave people missing me. Death is peace for me. I also will know that no one can bother me or falsely lay crap at my door.
Special love for Al and his girlfriend. Al is younger but he is my "good" Dad who tolerates everything I say, reads my stories and poems and encourage me and his girlfriend is not threatened by me and is so cool thank goodness. I couldn't have made it through thru life post 9-11 with out Al so thanks to him and his girlfriend. She is so cool because some people do lay drama and trauma at the door to make their lives feel full. We all have to deal with the empty feelings and loneliness.
I have people tell me I am famous but I don't make the money that puts me in that realm. If I did of course loved ones and true friends are really important but now I would also like to have a business manager, a gang of lawyers like Ron Kuby and David Rankin plus top real estate, etc.
my personal legal gang on retainer but all that money could go to feeding homeless people...
and I would like security.
When I did lowly work on films and movies I saw what fame did to people -- it just greatly amplified all their self destructive behavior and in some ways they seem far lonelier and more compelled than ever to fill the empty feeling with what ever they could consume....
For now just glad I have my passion and creative and I love my community NYC.
For now just glad I have my passion and creative and I love my community NYC.
remember I am trying to catch my breath
still haven't fully exhaled and before I stumbled on Pela I was not feeling happy.
Hal keeping my bicycle all these months and there are still people left in the East and West Village and family members in other states that have my "thangs" -- just 20 plus decades of my life will take me time -- time to gather my self my things my art
lot of good energy directed at me
thanks and gratitude
today when I felt low saw old muses like a memory --- 3 times today -- also made me happy but they are muses it is better to enjoy from a distance.
People in my new neighborhood comfort me...
Hal keeping my bicycle all these months and there are still people left in the East and West Village and family members in other states that have my "thangs" -- just 20 plus decades of my life will take me time -- time to gather my self my things my art
lot of good energy directed at me
thanks and gratitude
today when I felt low saw old muses like a memory --- 3 times today -- also made me happy but they are muses it is better to enjoy from a distance.
People in my new neighborhood comfort me...
Hal my hero, thanks to Hal and Bicycle Habitat
big hugs, love and gratitude to all those that helped me and gave my "thangs" shelter with out asking me to sell my soul or other body parts and in fact straightened my soul and heart.
I have to rush now to get home. So tired.
Quality time with Dad
I just made a small donation for Billy of Pela and dear readers remember 47 East 3rd St.
Yo. I just made a small donation to Billy's medical bills fund because I support the arts, I am an artist and I am simpatico.
See the posting below...he is part of the group Pela which I stumbled upon last night.
My dear loyal readers -- please don't forget
go to their site and read their battle, they just lost a crucial round and they need our support = their case is symbolic of the struggle for people to remain here in NYC and the neighborhoods they called home rather than be crushed by this tsunami of over the top development...I renamed gentrification --- supersification.
I do have to conserve on my giving -- I am a live to giver -- I have a big red mark on my arm from donating blood 2 days ago, I just donated again to and to Billy's fund that you can visit and learn more about but the photo of the injury is distressing.I do have to contain my live to give impulse because moving is a drain on so many levels including financially and I don't even have a place to hang the most basic thangs we take for granted although the floor will do.
I am getting a couple of trees which is a form of green I am passionate about and NYC needs as much green as possible -- Mother Nature's all natural way of fighting pollution and NYC is becoming supersized concrete and glass mirrors and less green which is unhealthy.
Anotherwards at this late stage in life I have to work on putting my needs and self first...
big hugs and love to all who visit my blog with good energy and intention
Pela performing in Brooklyn, came upon them, fell in love
The song I heard the end of that I made me rush to itunes isn't yet in itunes and it's name is 'Juarez' but I look forward to being it on the new album.
Dear Readers: Please note the leader singer has injured his hand and needs help paying for physical therapy. Health care or lack of in the USA is so uncool. My brain is still so tired and I have not settled in to my new life, haven't healed from my the old one and after 2 knee surgeries which I did get covered by insurance -- I could not get the coverage for enough physical therapy to heal my leg properly so one leg is weaker.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Carlos Dos Santos, Brian, custom mc, April Barton, Suite 303 and Stephani who cuts my hair
Rallies in Harlem today
Dear loyal blog readers: tired and perpetual state of fatigue and stress --noted activists passed away and that was something I was thinking about when I wrote the fictional piece Murderville -- and I mention people are dieing....I really wonder if this is slow motion death fighting these community crushing developers -- it has taken it toll on me.... Anyway read on....
To CPC Members and Others Interested: 6/20/08
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of two strong community voices – Eric Levine and Marlene Petty. A moving memorial to Eric happened last week and Ms. Petty’s funeral will be tomorrow, Saturday, 6/21, at 10 AM at 541 West 125th Street at the Pentecostal Church. Her wake is tonight until 9PM at the church. Marlene lived at 3333 Broadway and was vice president of the tenants association there. She was a stalwart member of the West Harlem community on the frontline to preserve our public schools, affordable housing and the protection of tenant rights. She was much loved and respected by many throughout Harlem and New York City.
(1) On Saturday, 6/21, the Harlem Tenants Council is sponsoring a march in Harlem and a rally in Morningside Park – the details and an article by Nellie Bailey are pasted in below. The march will cover East, Central and West Harlem and the route is laid out below so join in where you can.
(2) Also on Saturday, 6/21 There will at Health Fair at the site of the Mahattanville Health Clinic (126th Street near St. Mary’s Church). There be a table at the fair to collect signatures on a petition and a survey about people's health and health care problems. There will also be people speaking about their clinic/health experiences at 2pm, after a performance by the St. Mary's choir. At about 2:30 or 3, depending when the speakers end, there will a march through the neighborhood. The fair will be on from 10-4 Sat., and will include games, refreshments and health info. A flyer about the protest march on health issues is pasted in below.
(3) The ongoing rallies in support of the Record Shack continue every Sunday at 11 AM, see announcement pasted in below for details.
Demonstration/Rally in Harlem Against Displacement & Gentrification
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Harlem: Resisting Displacements
By Nellie Bailey
June 16th, 2008
The politicians are selling us out big time in Harlem: Not much will remain of the world renowned Black Community if we don't fight back especially with militant resistance in the streets! The preservation and landmark of the recent discovered African Burial Ground in East Harlem is our current campaign.
Inez Dickens is feeling the heat from tenants' rights advocates
To CPC Members and Others Interested: 6/20/08
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of two strong community voices – Eric Levine and Marlene Petty. A moving memorial to Eric happened last week and Ms. Petty’s funeral will be tomorrow, Saturday, 6/21, at 10 AM at 541 West 125th Street at the Pentecostal Church. Her wake is tonight until 9PM at the church. Marlene lived at 3333 Broadway and was vice president of the tenants association there. She was a stalwart member of the West Harlem community on the frontline to preserve our public schools, affordable housing and the protection of tenant rights. She was much loved and respected by many throughout Harlem and New York City.
(1) On Saturday, 6/21, the Harlem Tenants Council is sponsoring a march in Harlem and a rally in Morningside Park – the details and an article by Nellie Bailey are pasted in below. The march will cover East, Central and West Harlem and the route is laid out below so join in where you can.
(2) Also on Saturday, 6/21 There will at Health Fair at the site of the Mahattanville Health Clinic (126th Street near St. Mary’s Church). There be a table at the fair to collect signatures on a petition and a survey about people's health and health care problems. There will also be people speaking about their clinic/health experiences at 2pm, after a performance by the St. Mary's choir. At about 2:30 or 3, depending when the speakers end, there will a march through the neighborhood. The fair will be on from 10-4 Sat., and will include games, refreshments and health info. A flyer about the protest march on health issues is pasted in below.
(3) The ongoing rallies in support of the Record Shack continue every Sunday at 11 AM, see announcement pasted in below for details.
Demonstration/Rally in Harlem Against Displacement & Gentrification
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Harlem: Resisting Displacements
By Nellie Bailey
June 16th, 2008
The politicians are selling us out big time in Harlem: Not much will remain of the world renowned Black Community if we don't fight back especially with militant resistance in the streets! The preservation and landmark of the recent discovered African Burial Ground in East Harlem is our current campaign.
Inez Dickens is feeling the heat from tenants' rights advocates
Andrew Berman's latest email, please help if you can
Dear friend:
I have important news to share with you regarding Silver Towers, landmarking in the Far West Village, and NYU's demolition plans for the Provincetown Playhouse & Apartments:
1) Silver Towers Landmarking: Next Tuesday, June 24th, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a hearing on landmarking the I.M. Pei-designed Silver Towers complex, which was first proposed for landmark designation by GVSHP in 2003. The poured-in-place concrete towers, the modernist landscaping, and the central Picasso sculpture are considered icons of modern architecture. Designation is needed now more than ever, as NYU is proposing to build new 40-story towers in and around the complex, including on the landscaping and open green space. See for more information.
Write the Landmarks Preservation Commission in support of the proposed landmark designation -- go to for a sample letter you can use.
Testify in support of designation -- go to the Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing on Tuesday, June 24th at the Municipal Building, One Centre Street (at Chambers Street), 9th floor (bring photo ID to enter), and go to for sample testimony you can use. It is recommended that you arrive by 1:30 pm, but the time may change -- check on Monday to confirm time or reply to this e-mail before the hearing to request time confirmation.
2) More Far West Village Landmarking Progress: Next Tuesday, June 24th, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will also hold a hearing on landmarking the former Devoe Paint Factory at 110-112 Horatio Street in the Far West Village. The last remnant of a large industrial complex in the Far West Village, the Devoe Paint Factory was part of both GVSHP's proposed Gansevoort Market Historic District and proposed Far West Village Historic District. While the Landmarks Preservation Commission declined to include this building in both designations, the Commission did instead promise to designate this building along with seven other individual sites in the Far West Village as landmarks, three of which have already been designated.
Write the Landmarks Preservation Commission in support of the proposed landmark designation -- go to for a sample letter you can use.
Testify in support of designation -- go to the Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing on Tuesday, June 24th at the Municipal Building, One Centre Street (at Chambers Street), 9th floor (bring photo ID to enter), and go to for sample testimony you can use. It is recommended that you arrive by 2:30 pm, but the time may change -- check on Monday to confirm time or reply to this e-mail before the hearing to confirm time.
3) NYU to Proceed With Demolition Plan for Provincetown Playhouse & Apartments with Community Board Approval: Last night Community Board #2 voted to approve NYU's plan for demolition of 133-139 MacDougal Street, the Provincetown Playhouse and Apartments; with this approval, it is expected that NYU will move ahead with its plan. Several weeks ago, after an enormous public outcry led by GVSHP, NYU did agree to preserve the four walls and entry facade of the theater portion of the building, although NYU originally claimed there was nothing worth preserving about the theater. But NYU has continued to refuse to preserve the remainder of the building, which has been called "the cornerstone of bohemia," "the heart of cultural life of the Village," and "the center of much of the resurgence and renaissance associated with Greenwich Village" by scholars and historians. Because of the historic significance of the building, and because NYU pledged to community groups, the Community Board, and elected officials to "prioritize re-use before new development" as part of the "planning principles" it agreed to, GVSHP felt it was critical that NYU be called upon to re-use rather than demolish this building. Many community groups, preservationists, theater advocates, historians and neighbors joined GVSHP in this call.
During last night's Community Board public hearing, speaker after speaker urged NYU's demolition plan NOT be approved and the ENTIRE building be preserved; only NYU and the Manhattan Borough President's Office spoke in favor of the current plan. At last month's Community Board #2 Institutions Committee public hearing on this issue, the majority of speakers strongly opposed the current NYU plan; at the hearing and press conference beforehand, opponents included Actor/NYU alumni John Leguizamo, playwrights Bill C. Davis and Richard Vetere, and Writer/Producer Tom Fontana. Yvette Eastman, the widow of Max Eastman, one of the original Provincetown Players, also attended the public hearing to show support for preserving the entire building.
Ironically, the approval of NYU's plan to demolish most of the building came just after the New York State Historic Preservation Office, in response to a request from GVSHP, declared that the entire building qualified for the State and National Register of Historic Places due to its historic significance. This finding was shared with the Community Board, along with other concerns that GVSHP had about the plan. On a positive note, the State's determination means that NYU cannot use State or Federal money for their plan without going through a historic preservation review and approval process, which would allow GVSHP and the public further opportunity to affect the plan.
Andrew Berman, Executive Director
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
I have important news to share with you regarding Silver Towers, landmarking in the Far West Village, and NYU's demolition plans for the Provincetown Playhouse & Apartments:
1) Silver Towers Landmarking: Next Tuesday, June 24th, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a hearing on landmarking the I.M. Pei-designed Silver Towers complex, which was first proposed for landmark designation by GVSHP in 2003. The poured-in-place concrete towers, the modernist landscaping, and the central Picasso sculpture are considered icons of modern architecture. Designation is needed now more than ever, as NYU is proposing to build new 40-story towers in and around the complex, including on the landscaping and open green space. See for more information.
Write the Landmarks Preservation Commission in support of the proposed landmark designation -- go to for a sample letter you can use.
Testify in support of designation -- go to the Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing on Tuesday, June 24th at the Municipal Building, One Centre Street (at Chambers Street), 9th floor (bring photo ID to enter), and go to for sample testimony you can use. It is recommended that you arrive by 1:30 pm, but the time may change -- check on Monday to confirm time or reply to this e-mail before the hearing to request time confirmation.
2) More Far West Village Landmarking Progress: Next Tuesday, June 24th, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will also hold a hearing on landmarking the former Devoe Paint Factory at 110-112 Horatio Street in the Far West Village. The last remnant of a large industrial complex in the Far West Village, the Devoe Paint Factory was part of both GVSHP's proposed Gansevoort Market Historic District and proposed Far West Village Historic District. While the Landmarks Preservation Commission declined to include this building in both designations, the Commission did instead promise to designate this building along with seven other individual sites in the Far West Village as landmarks, three of which have already been designated.
Write the Landmarks Preservation Commission in support of the proposed landmark designation -- go to for a sample letter you can use.
Testify in support of designation -- go to the Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing on Tuesday, June 24th at the Municipal Building, One Centre Street (at Chambers Street), 9th floor (bring photo ID to enter), and go to for sample testimony you can use. It is recommended that you arrive by 2:30 pm, but the time may change -- check on Monday to confirm time or reply to this e-mail before the hearing to confirm time.
3) NYU to Proceed With Demolition Plan for Provincetown Playhouse & Apartments with Community Board Approval: Last night Community Board #2 voted to approve NYU's plan for demolition of 133-139 MacDougal Street, the Provincetown Playhouse and Apartments; with this approval, it is expected that NYU will move ahead with its plan. Several weeks ago, after an enormous public outcry led by GVSHP, NYU did agree to preserve the four walls and entry facade of the theater portion of the building, although NYU originally claimed there was nothing worth preserving about the theater. But NYU has continued to refuse to preserve the remainder of the building, which has been called "the cornerstone of bohemia," "the heart of cultural life of the Village," and "the center of much of the resurgence and renaissance associated with Greenwich Village" by scholars and historians. Because of the historic significance of the building, and because NYU pledged to community groups, the Community Board, and elected officials to "prioritize re-use before new development" as part of the "planning principles" it agreed to, GVSHP felt it was critical that NYU be called upon to re-use rather than demolish this building. Many community groups, preservationists, theater advocates, historians and neighbors joined GVSHP in this call.
During last night's Community Board public hearing, speaker after speaker urged NYU's demolition plan NOT be approved and the ENTIRE building be preserved; only NYU and the Manhattan Borough President's Office spoke in favor of the current plan. At last month's Community Board #2 Institutions Committee public hearing on this issue, the majority of speakers strongly opposed the current NYU plan; at the hearing and press conference beforehand, opponents included Actor/NYU alumni John Leguizamo, playwrights Bill C. Davis and Richard Vetere, and Writer/Producer Tom Fontana. Yvette Eastman, the widow of Max Eastman, one of the original Provincetown Players, also attended the public hearing to show support for preserving the entire building.
Ironically, the approval of NYU's plan to demolish most of the building came just after the New York State Historic Preservation Office, in response to a request from GVSHP, declared that the entire building qualified for the State and National Register of Historic Places due to its historic significance. This finding was shared with the Community Board, along with other concerns that GVSHP had about the plan. On a positive note, the State's determination means that NYU cannot use State or Federal money for their plan without going through a historic preservation review and approval process, which would allow GVSHP and the public further opportunity to affect the plan.
Andrew Berman, Executive Director
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
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