If anyone is organizing sexual discrimination and political censorship lawsuits against Google -- please contact me. My email is up top of my SuzannahBTroy artist dot com website.
By the way, I am the only one asking how many deaths from Hurricane Sandy are 911 related and I don't accept mayor Bloomberg's "none" so other than setting myself on fire like monks have done (and I love the FDNY so not an option - I do what I can to bring attention to the largest crimes in NYC Gov history so far covered up. Bloomberg's third term way more corruption has come to the surface than Koch's.)
What can I do to bring attention to the 2 largest Corruption Scams ever in NYC Gov.
Two videos given Age Restriction:
Suzannah B. Troy Only One to Report Denault vs SAIC, Denault Won & More Blacked Out News!
Although we think this is a very "lonely" guy that emails me for years now like we have a relationship and after the last 2 emails on his concerns for my exposure I find myself flagged and I do not answer him Google is age restricting my work which is a form of censorship as well as sexual discrimination.
Class Action Law Suit Google YouTube -- Sexual Discrimation -- Gender and Political Censorship
Even it it takes years please include me if anyone is organizing a class action law suit against Google YouTube because Google allows men to be topless but not women but I am not even topless and there are men and women showing a lot more than me that are not age restricted including full frontal male nudity I am told in OZ -- Chris what's his name.
Unless they stop age restricting me I want to join forces to sue and there is a massive amount of graphic sexually YouTubes with no age restriction to easily prove my case and yours.
Subject: Fwd: Notification of action taken on your YouTube video 911 Bloomberg
When are you going to stop the attempted efforts to violate my Freedom of speech, limit me in a on going blatant cyberharassment.
The Bloomberg SAIC CityTime, ECTP 911 video age restricted and you have not removed that.
These are huge stories and Google continues to empower lonely stalkers bent on toying with me.
You have full frontal make nudity Oz, massive cleavage that makes me look flat as an artist I am always talking about the male gaze and power grabs do if u support this sexual and political discrimation this is part 2 and I hope to be part of a class action law suit down the road.
This is political interference and harassment.
With anger and disgust,Suzannah B. Troy
Begin forwarded message:
From: YouTube Service <noreply@youtube.com>
Date: November 17, 2012, 3:07:40 PM EST
To: Suzannah\
Subject: Notification of action taken on your YouTube video
Regarding your account:Suzannahartist
The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content that may not be suitable for all viewers:
Mayor Bloomberg Hurricane Corruption 911
As a result, we have age-restricted this content.
For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?answer=92486.
The YouTube Team
The above link is Louis Flores post and he created the term "E-Burka" for the first video below that was age restricted wrongly as a form of political and sexual harassment, censorship and discrimination.