Thursday, July 31, 2008
Robin William's greenhouse Harlem dream house
ABC news local with Lauren Glassberg who I adore.
The house is a dream house.
10 dollars to tour this weekend and the money will go to planting trees in Harlem.
ABC news is showing video footage of rapist in Queens.
I don't know if I will have time to get to ABC News website. Maybe the newspapers will have a link that I can post but please if you can help catch this rapist. The more videos of rapists and color photos can be posted in windows all around the neighborhood the better.
Keyanna's murder walks
I was not there. My thoughts were published in the New York Daily News on behalf of Keyanna Jones based on an article I read in The New York Daily News and in the article it was stated she urged peace so I don't understand what she did to deserve being stabbed in the hurt -- to be murdered.
My heart goes out to her family and friends. It was heartbreaking to listen to her Grandfather speak and he seemed in shock. ABC showed beautiful photos of Keyanna and again I just feel chills in my body. This is very disturbing.
I did not witness what happened but a young girl was stabbed once in the heart and it seems the man's intent was to kill her.
I don't understand why her murderer is allowed to walk. I understand he felt he was being attacked by a group of teenagers and he claims plunging a knife in Keyanna was self defense.
What was her weapon? She did not have one.
Again I was not there but I just wonder who is working at the District Attorney's office that presented the case to the grand jury.
lunch conversation about construction accidents, getting women from all over the world, life imitates art?
As much as I stand out, like all people I am also a series of contradictions and one is that I am also invisible more than I would like sometimes. I make a reference to being invisible and people talking in front of me as if I don't exist in a fictional short story I wrote called "Chopping the Street" which is about white collar crime.
I was having lunch and a small group of business people where chatting loud enough for me to hear "Bloomberg", "construction accidents" where just that, they happen, (he may have also blamed supervisors) something to that affect --- which anyone who knows me or follows this blog knows I feel we had way too many accidents because this was a tsunami --- it was way too fast to be safe and there are many other reasons it was and isn't safe which I am not going to discuss+ and than the loquacious man talked of a man he admired -- I didn't know the name. I can't remember the name but he admired this guy because he could get any woman he wanted, "South American", "Asian", "Russian", you get my point...
I was having lunch and a small group of business people where chatting loud enough for me to hear "Bloomberg", "construction accidents" where just that, they happen, (he may have also blamed supervisors) something to that affect --- which anyone who knows me or follows this blog knows I feel we had way too many accidents because this was a tsunami --- it was way too fast to be safe and there are many other reasons it was and isn't safe which I am not going to discuss+ and than the loquacious man talked of a man he admired -- I didn't know the name. I can't remember the name but he admired this guy because he could get any woman he wanted, "South American", "Asian", "Russian", you get my point...
In "Chopping the Street..." I talk about the "white collars" they "white collars" had
their quieter, or not so quiet parties with "servants of all kinds".
their quieter, or not so quiet parties with "servants of all kinds".
I ate as quickly as possible and left. Does life imitate art? There was something about that conversation that "felt" criminal to me.
It was so horrible. I wished I had my head phones.
+ There are so many reasons why these site were not safe and still are not. I am not anti-construction. I have stood up for the construction workers pointing out at City Council Task Force Meeting on DOB which Christine Quinn was too busy to attend, Dec. 2006, that too many constructions workers were dying. There is so much construction going on city wide right now it is mind boggling and still I believe impossible to "police" safe guard because there is just "too much" and only so many union trained workers....I also wonder where the droves of mostly wealthy people will come to fill all these supersized mega builds city wide. And you know my stance on our infrastructure and yet another way peoples lives are endangered.
Tenants and Neigbhors -- this was forwarded to me by activist
Tenants & Neighbors Happy Hour on July 31
Tenants & Neighbors is launching a new initiative to involve more young people in the struggle to preserve affordable housing and strengthen tenant protections. Join us for the kick-off event on July 31 at 5:30 at SideBar at 110 East 15th Street at Irving Place. Admission, which includes a one year introductory membership to Tenants & Neighbors, is $20, $15 for people 25 and under, who qualify for our youth membership rate, and $10 for current members. Come and learn about our current campaigns and about how you can get involved!
Save the Date: Tenants & Neighbors Annual Meeting and Conference on September 20
Please mark your calendars now and plans to attend Tenants & Neighbors’ annual membership meeting and conference on Saturday, September 20. The theme of the conference is "From the Ground Up: Building a Grassroots Movement for Tenant Power."
Tenants & Neighbors is launching a new initiative to involve more young people in the struggle to preserve affordable housing and strengthen tenant protections. Join us for the kick-off event on July 31 at 5:30 at SideBar at 110 East 15th Street at Irving Place. Admission, which includes a one year introductory membership to Tenants & Neighbors, is $20, $15 for people 25 and under, who qualify for our youth membership rate, and $10 for current members. Come and learn about our current campaigns and about how you can get involved!
Save the Date: Tenants & Neighbors Annual Meeting and Conference on September 20
Please mark your calendars now and plans to attend Tenants & Neighbors’ annual membership meeting and conference on Saturday, September 20. The theme of the conference is "From the Ground Up: Building a Grassroots Movement for Tenant Power."
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
If you have an inner prude, respect it and don't email to the Gov and other matters that matter or don't

Yes, I emailed Gov. Patterson today about environmental, infrastructure concerns, illegal air sale over St. Ann's etc.
So what is new....?
I was feeling under the weather and yowza, I can't explain it but I pasted this fierce dude with tatts, including wings that wowed me and rocked my world, hmmmm, I can't wait until I out grow this particular phase but I am feeling a little better tonight. Hot!!!!!!!!
I am planning on getting rock climbing ropes and scaling The New York Times building nude with SBT text about nudity aka transparency in NYC government (and of course my website but first I have to get in better shape. I want to call The New York Post and get on their front cover like the artist Kasuma and if I am not in shape you know they won't give me the time of day. I also have to call the police and get arrested. Just joking of course.
Kasuma did go nude in the courtyard of the Museum of Modern Art and did make the front page of The New York Post as she got arrested.
She made some fun and wild under wear art. My under wear art is about technology being a 2nd skin, technology changing faster than fashion, human relations and sexual politics.
One of my favorite Kusama art works is a chair but like no other.
If you are a prude you should not be reading this!
Yo I am tired!
I have that lovely 9-11 throat burn and I am tired.
Thanks for all the emails. I can't post everything but I am reading them and I commend you for all your caring on so many issues from health care to the environment, politics and everything. If I don't post it just means I am worn out but bravo for your efforts and thank you!!!!!!!
email from Andrew Berman for 75 Morton Street, a rally!

Dear friend:
Please join GVSHP for a rally we are co-sponsoring on Wednesday, August 6th at 5:30 pm in front of 75 Morton Street (at Greenwich Street), where we will be joining local public school parents, elected officials, and the community board to call for preservation of the State-owned building at 75 Morton Street for re-use as a local public school.
Background: 75 Morton Street is a former warehouse built in 1919 and currently owned and occupied by the State. However, the State intends to sell off the building, potentially to the highest bidder for whatever use they see fit. A recent rezoning of neighboring blocks, and the City's recent decision to allow 'condo-hotels' (like the nearby Trump SoHo 'Condo-Hotel') in the area, increases development pressure on this site.
GVSHP has joined with the Public School Parent Advocacy Committee to ask the City and State to turn the building into a much-needed local public school, given levels of overcrowding at nearby schools. We are concerned about what could happen to the site if it is simply sold off for development, and support locating a school there, which would maintain the building for a public purpose and potentially create an open space attached to the school which could also be used by the general public. A decision from the State is expected shortly, so Wednesday's rally is needed to send a strong message about the community's wishes for the site.
If you plan to come to the rally, or cannot come but are interested in this issue, please reply to this e-mail to let us know.
Andrew Berman
Executive Director,
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
My thoughts on Rita's letter, John Sexton and thanks to people from all over for caring.
I love Rita's letter for so many reasons including her mention of saving trees at Berkeley as an analogy to Provincetown Playhouse which I find touching. The letter is awesome!!!!!
I like the term "position of power", sounds sexy, except in this case of course. It is the opposite.
I call NYU the Evil Empire of the East Village because NYU mega dormed the East Village to death. I know West Villagers feel the same and anywhere from Stuy Town to South Street Seaport most community members feel NYU has gone too far and is predatory and destructive, not a good partner with the community.
I kind of look at John Sexton as Darth Vader but Darth Vader had some redeeming qualities. John Sexton has sold out, sold out the neighborhood although NYU has such powerful connections they can always get good p.r.
The city is going bust and it is so disturbing that the no. 1 real estate magnate, NYU is buying up and supersizing as fast as possible because they probably won't have a mayor like Mike Bloomberg who acts like he is the mayor of NYU and not NYC so the rush is on to tear down and supersize asap. I have heard that the President of Columbia U. is in fierce competition with the President of NYU to supersize and in every way possible. I was told both men have "lost their way" and forgotten their true values." This was told me in Italy by the first Americans I finally came across, how ironic. Columbia U. is the no. 3 real estate magnate. Cooper Union wants us to know they are not as bad as NYU and I say that is just because they don't have NYU's resources. The new studio building, the intent to tear down their Science building and supersize and lease thanks to Amanda Burden, mega millionaire socialite city planner and Cooper Union's mega dorm fit in with the river of NYU mega dorms down Third Avenue which start at 14th Street and all "not for profit" which would seem to indicate a cap on not for profits real estate magnates as the city goes belly up. I am told they use the term community facility to supersize and exclude the community which is why I keep calling for community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm and supersized "university housing".
Thanks to people from all over the world that take to the time to speak up for our communities. You are New Yorkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a letter to John Sexton from a Californian that cares. Preserve the historic Provincetown Playhouse!!!!
This letter via email was forwarded to me and I contacted Rita and asked for permission to post on my blog. Rita, thank you for your passion and carrying for the City of New York, for our historic Provincetown Playhouse. I consider you a true "Villager" and a New Yorker!!!
This is a letter to the President of NYU, John Sexton.
I am writing regarding the preservation of the Provincetown Playhouse. Why is it so hard for you to understand the importance of preserving the historic playhouse. I think you are just interested in money and that you have forgotten there are some things worth preserving despite the big money needed for a law school.
In Berkeley, there is a grove of old stand trees that the University wants to destroy in order to build a new sports facility. The trees cannot be instantly regrown somewhere else. Yes, new trees can be replanted but they will not be the trees that have been there for hundreds of years. And it will take hundreds of years for new trees to become symbolic of the campus.
There is a sports facility nearby that is used by the men's teams. The administration is crying because the women's team will not be by the old facility. The administration wants what it wants and it does not care that the trees are part of the very fiber and heritage and tradition of the campus.
The trees are the historic symbol of the Berkeley campus of the University of California. Provincetown Playhouse is the symbol of the tradition of theatre in your area. When it is gone, that symbol that is part of the tradition of our country dies a little. More and more of those symbols are disappearing.
You of all people should be fighting to save it. Shame on you that you are so willing to give it away. Shame on you that you support the lies that have been told and continue to be told about its protection.
Money buys lots of things. It can buy a new law school or an education building. Or it can be used to preserve a place of creativity and memorial to the best that has been produced in theatre in our country.
Please use your position of power to help keep alive this wonderful reminder of the creativity of American theatre. It should remain a continuing active theatre producing the best plays in our time.
Rita Ayral
*Dear Loyal Readers of my blog: To help go to and read, join, learn how you can help! Thank you, SBT
SBT at Tompkins -- Music and Riots photo by Clayton Patterson

Loved the photo and I see one of my best buddy's girl friend in the photo.
I had so much fun. I screamed so loudly as Hammer Brain played to off load some tension!!!!!!
I had fun!!!!!
I would love to see more of Clayton Patterson's and Elsa Rensaa's photo documentation and videos. They have been documenting our neighborhood, community and NYC for so long and they have a huge archive which becomes more important as the city under goes the newest "bad make over take over" (feels like the baddest to me and I know it is all relative).
Clayton and Elsa are also really good at what they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Clayton and Elsa!!!!!!!
Amercian Indians real New Yorkers
I have posted the American Indian Museum downtown before and I just found this support group.
Heartbreaking, the history... Ignorant people want to dismiss it using words like "casinos".
Solar one/Chris Neidl + Special Council Hearing on Alt. Energy Sources and NY
Contact: Chris Neidl
Solar One
(212) 505-6050
Special City Council Hearing on Alternative Energy Sources and New York
City's Electricity Grid: Potential, Challenges and Policy Directions.
When: Thursday July 31, 2008, 9:30am-1:00pm
Where: Hunter College, West Building (southwest corner of Lexington Avenue and East 68th Street in Manhattan) in the 8th Floor Faculty Dining Room.
The Infrastructure Task Forc
Solar One
(212) 505-6050
Special City Council Hearing on Alternative Energy Sources and New York
City's Electricity Grid: Potential, Challenges and Policy Directions.
When: Thursday July 31, 2008, 9:30am-1:00pm
Where: Hunter College, West Building (southwest corner of Lexington Avenue and East 68th Street in Manhattan) in the 8th Floor Faculty Dining Room.
The Infrastructure Task Forc
"Sewage spills cut into beach time" Amy Zimmer, Metro
Sewage spills cut in to beach time, Amy Zimmer, Metro
Again this is a huge problem and anyone walking around the Lower East Side when it is raining can see when it remains it is like the East River can to the East Village.
Amy says in NYC "sewers were designed long ago to collect storm run off".
Well Mother Nature provides us the most natural resource for storm run off but the mayor keeps letting developers eat up every piece of green for the all mighty dollar green.
Infrastructure is old and the city is supersizing at a rapid pace and that was just one concern regarding St. Ann's but also for the entire city.
This has photo images you might like that also tell the story.
The New York Times did an article on gardens and the need for green as a natural way to absorb rain and I know it is posted here somewhere but really too tired to search.
There is so much more I want to post and talk about but I have to rest.
And dear Readers: Some of you have directly contacted me about how much you love the neighborhood, community and city and I consider you East Villagers and real New Yorkers because you care, you love the community and you actually come here and help us.
Thank you.
newest video of NYPD nightstick disturbing.
Newest video of the nightstick incident is disturbing. I do think they are the largest police force, aprox. 37,000 policing over 8 million?
The NYPD also does a lot of good and there are no videos and youtube footage of all they good the do.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"air toll" on the water planes and helicopters to the Hamptons?
For the really rich who are flying out to the Hamptons via water planes and helicopters -- whatever the fees are can they raise them even more to get money for NYC?
suicide response to mortgage crisis which hits all economic strata USA
This mortgage crisis hit many Americans hard and of all economic backgrounds. There is just too much to talk about but I saw a piece in Metro, "The Suicide Solution" that mentioned the tragic response by a woman in Mass. that killed herself rather than lose her house. If I remember correctly she left behind a husband, can't remember if there was kids.
It is really clear anyone can lose their housing these days and in so many different ways as entire neighborhood uptown is facing eminent domain "abuse" in my opinion thanks to Columbia U. or ask Daniel Goldstein about the Ratner development.
Let me count the ways, there are too many....
Metro, Patrick Arden "Everyone suck it in" Subways filled to capacity
Yup, it is on Union Square and bless Metro and Patrick Arden.
AM New York also bless you from last month (?) when you did the piece on the subways literally rotting and I too posted photos of the water coming thru ceilings and that was on scorching sunny days.
Question re: subways packed to capacity -- when all the supersizing around Union Square Park and 14th St., 13th Street, and 12 with St. Ann's mega dorm-- was this in any way taken in to consideration. NYU occupies to much of the property around there and supersizes to capacity and I am told that NYU even has a building that serves as a hotel for parents...just what I heard.
Anyway great article with even better photos in paper page 2!
City Critters, making another donation
I am making another donation today for City Critters.
They are terrific and I needed some follow up info and they got if for me.
Rape, man caught sodomizing boy and two NYPD officers caught him.
I am trying to find info to post on rapist that was on NY1 and I haven not find info but I came across this and want to post it to show yes it can be male on male and cross any boundary.
NYPD narcotics officers where on the ball and the caught this creep.
breasts poems and postings
It sure feels like I was assaulted and for those interested in violence towards women which starts often with verbal attacks and escalates go to my search engine and type in "breast poems" and click on the link for the large breast print painting I did way back when. Please note that attacks starting with verbal assaults can also be female on female for all the same twisted reasons from mental illness to jealousy*, etc. but what ever gender, what ever there is a line people cross and it is no longer about freedom of speech and globally if you could tally it up it usual end with females targeted. Remeber Tina Negron's last words...I have many posting on her death and her last words where about "control" and I think I mention control in my letter in the Financial Times. It is a sick power trip and control is part the package.
I also have been published in The Financial Times with regard to Lucien Freud's painting of a nude older woman and my own art but in terms of what I would call geo-sexual inequality including economics to basic human rights.
Another letter that relates to this topic is a letter I had published in the Arts and Leisure Section on Women and Pornography and I have a special homage to Mae West but the bottom line is I talk about violence towards women. These are old letters but it is clear there is so much acceptable violence on so many levels directed towards girls and women.
I have documented the "East Village verbal assault" which I believe was also in part because I am a woman.
When you do the search under "breast poem" you will see my art and links and than you will see postings about Tina Negron.
Heartbreaking. Young beautiful woman murdered in the East Village and by a sick individual living amongst us, surprise. Not at all. Also remember you don't have to have dated someone or even know them to be a victim of violence of any kind.
* Etc. covers a lot and I want to add -- violence of any kind can also be linked in my opinion to possible abuse of drugs, legal and illegal and alcohol or any combination there of.
I also believe there is more "drug abuse" involving prescription drugs and any combination stated above and not just because of higher population but because pharmaceutical companies are distributing them more than ever to kids on up and use tv and the media to "push them" or advertise them....
NYPD rookie knocks critical mass bicyclist to ground.
I made it clear I have a more positive view of the NYPD and I have been published on their behalf. This is awful. I often do not agree with The New York Times editors but way back they wrote a great piece on the NYPD and Critical Mass working together and I agree.
From the video it appears completely unprovoked and violent. The New York Post editors want to say no harm done but anyone witnessing that and the man being knocked down would most likely disagree.
David Rankin is an excellent lawyer. He defended a friend of mine successfully. I hired him. He is a young impressive lawyer. As I have said before I see him as a young William Kunstler. Except he doesn't work the media the way Kunstler did and Kuby does.
I have only seen Kuby "work the media" once in my life in person and on 3rd Street, the East Village and he was phenomenal.
Continue to wake up tired actually feeling exhausted.
I do feel more and more city living is not for me although I remain here for now. I can't imagine being in my fifties dealing with all the problems that seem to be getting far worse.
Governor Patterson talked about the budgetary crisis and add in the infrastructure, environmental problems and the cost of life here sky rocketing along with the biggest push out yet. It will make some people happy like the NYU power brokers -- it will mean for buy ups using their not for profit status which the city can't afford anymore.
Just one of many reasons the city is going bust.
How ironic that as the city goes further down in every way opposite the sky piercing mega builds, the budget is beyond bust, the mayor continues to expand his mega fortune while in office. Some people have all the luck.
posting on my site Bloomberg's web of deception
Readers: I got this posting as a comment on my blog and I am sharing it with you.
I don't know anything about this website and it covers other celebrities, famous people and their families and I am not comfortable with some of it from the quick look I took.
I did call for nudity my Mae West way of asking for transparency from the mayor on down to the community boards and here is a response:
Here are just several
Monday, July 28, 2008
East Villager is cyber stalking me but considers themselves a hero and true East Villager
Go to the posting on "Eviction Notice Economakis"
and please be aware I have a cyber stalker.
I asked this anonymous person to leave my blog and me alone and this anonymous East Villager continues to return after telling me how boring I am and a list of other insults and put downs continues to return to harass me.
Please take the time to read this person's attacks and how this person feels he or she is the real deal, a true East Villager.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hammer Brain and 20 years ago Al was on the front page of the NY Post
20 years ago Al of Hammer Brain with a huge Mohawk was on the cover of The New York Post so I am told. He was arrested and it was one of the images that made front page news.
Al is one of the most wonderful people in the neighborhood and so smart!!!!!!! I adore him and he is so supportive of artistic souls, a compassionate intelligent guy and Hammer Brain rocked tonight.
I am so tired I feel my eyes ache. I want to post a few more photos and than I have to rest. Just beyond thrilled to see Al do his thing in Tompkins. He is an amazing soul!
Clayton Patterson documenting Remembering the riots 20 years ago
Clayton Patterson is a kind of Lower East Side Icon along with his partner in life Elsa Rensaa and key documentor of the riots from 20 years ago which -- the parts that I did see where extremely painful to watch because the NYPD did completely lose control and where violent. The video in some ways has probably improved relations because no one wants to revisit that violence on either side and today everyone was peaceful and calm.
Clayton Patterson's video footage of the riots from 20 years ago will be shown at Webster Hall, I think Tuesday Aug, 5th. (It should also be noted Clayton was arrested a week ago for doing what he does photographing what is happening and I hope the 7th Precinct will drop the charges. I have a posting on this.
The message was save the community, shop in small business stores and pick up litter. I was so glad to see my friend Al up there performing tonight. I screamed loudly.
I feel awful because of a horrible and traumatic experience I had to sell my studio in a coop and I am glad to be out and hope never to live in a coop again but I am in what I call a hotel..aka condo and although 4 stories tall it is part of the new development I loathe but it was either that or get killed on taxes and be renter so I chose condo.
I am just glad to be a New Yorker and help any way I can city wide and that includes people, parks and animals.
Eviction battle continues "Dead Bakery Walking" Peter Silvestri and Jerry Pecchia

Truly it is either laugh or cry and today we all went with laughing.
I am holding up the beautiful art card that you can see in person which includes the image of Filomena, Peter's Mom who died at 94 knowing we the community of the East Village and beyond (because so many consider Filomena and Peter's kindness and soul food an oasis and healthy resource)
we fought and won a mini-miracle so Filomena died at 94 knowing all her hard work and her dream, her son were not thrown out on the street.
Please type in "Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen" in my search engine and read more postings and help if you can!
Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen, 130 Saint Marks Place 212-677-7597
Please type in "Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen" in my search engine and read more postings and help if you can!
Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen, 130 Saint Marks Place 212-677-7597
me and police brutality in Tompkins
Yes, I did experience police brutality in Tompkins Square Park -- a very young big huge muscular police man laughed at me.
The only way I can cope is a sense of humor and the Mae West in me is coming out full force so hey mr. young big police man, when I am mayor, even though you are tall enough and handsome enough you are not going to be one of my bodyguards!
I voted for mayor Bloomberg twice not understanding he was going to destroy this city with over the top community crushing development so fast it has endangered our safety with infrastructure and construction tragedies/fiasco's and more is to come. I did not understand the mayor was not going to be the mayor of the people but he is the mayor of NYU and the mayor of this destructive tsunami of development.
The only feature Mike Bloomberg has that has been greatly enhanced since he became mayor is his huge NYPD bodyguards that surround him like a wall. When I had my chat with the mayor on the steps of city hall they were cool and gave us space. When the mayor quickly got the jist of my feelings for his support of NYU he walked away and he and his huge bodyguards heard me yell this, "Honor our FIRE POLICE and EMS downtown at the WTC site!!!" Something like that and I asked for a raise for the NYPD and FDNY in the New York Times that directly addressed the mayor and I was published in The Wall St. Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" which again talks about honoring our rescue workers down town.
Tonight in Tompkins remembering the riots was peaceful and that includes the NYPD and that is they way it should be.
The video footage from 20 years ago is devastating and young kids here tonight did not know about it. No one here was anti-police in fact I think we are all pro-community. What is amazing is some people have had their teeth knocked out and knees stomped on and they have no bad feelings towards the police. Our community has come along way towards healing but of course the question is -- will the community survive?
I have admiration and compassion for the NYPD but I also have seen some of the video footage and put it this way, I am glad the police officers today representing the 9th Precinct were layed back and cool as much as people had a great time and one of the terrific people running the show spoke powerful words about saving our community, about shopping in small stores and not mega stores and picking up litter!!!! Anyone who reads my blog knows how I feel about litter bugs.
The stresses of the city, politics, what feels like corruption, NYC politics feel incestuous and a club -- an orgy of admiration club as the people continue getting crushed as gentrification becomes supersification people are getting crushed with higher Con Ed bills, higher taxes to come, higher prices at the supermarket, the gas pump so the biggest crush in NYC is coming, so say bye bye.
I continue to feel drunk with exhaustion, I try to keep my eyes on my cats as they sit outside on our terrace which is hard. Just bounced my iphone on the ground again. I had Karl and 5 other guys protectively point to my iphone on the ground at Tompkins. I really need to get away with my cats asap but it isn't easy. My inner beauty switch is off. It was just great to feel the love from community members especially in Peter's Bakery, more on that to come.
1 Billion dollar pension fund set to burst by David Seifman
David Seifman's piece "One Billion pension bomb to burst" is just part of the horror show that tax payers will have to absorb and the other is the delipidated infrastructure which is either bursting, exploding or constantly being expanded mostly for sky piercing hotels, condos and mega dorms. The streets are in such bad conditions they seem like they were built around the year the water pipe broke on West 10th Street which was just before the Civil War.
It all ready feels like New Yorkers are getting killed and not just on taxes including future hikes to absorb the billion dollar pension bomb.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
photos in and around the East Village and Bowery...the boarded street is the Bowery intersection by Houston Street...welcome to the Bloomberg New York you haven't heard about and you can only experience first hand. All my dear readers know how I feel about the death toll from construction related injuries and infrastructure related accidents like the gas explosion from Friday that was like a bomb severely burning people.
I voted for Bloomberg twice but he has shown me one rendering of what he and Amanda Burden had in mind in terms of supersized development I would have voted against him.
This is a horror show above ground, below ground and in terms of future hikes in everything including as David Seifman points out taxes hikes to absorb the pensions.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Shelter from the storm, get out my Jack Maple book

I was in The Strand circa what seems like a 100 years ago before the traumatic actual move (as oppose to the on going trauma) and I always visit the crime section and the law section and sometimes the two intersect. Anyway the Jack Maple book practically fell off the book shelf and into my hands and I like facial hair. It is such a great read, even though there were aspects of his life well put it this way he was a character but an Olympic heart and he was such an over achiever when it came to must read this book.
Hello Jack, can you hear me....I wish you and I could chat about the city. I saw some young transit police officers chase someone and the perp jumped in to the subway train. They just shook their head in defeat.
Not chubby over weight Jack Maple. Jack Maple would have sprinted up the stairs and taken a cab to the next stop which he did as a young transit cop and caught the guy! He was not built like an Olympic gold medalist sprinter but clearly he had the heart of one.
By the way, he go in big trouble with his superior officers way back when for daring to arrest someone when he saw a crime on his way to work in the subway. In the old days each dept was very separate so a transit cop was to only handle transit, etc. and the separate departments did not communicate.
Jack Maple emphasizes transparency in his book and he suggests xeroxing his guidelines in the back of his book and handing them in which I did to the 9th and to the Commish's office because I am a character too. (When I stop communicating that means I give up but I do believe in the NYPD and they continue to evolve and our the most dynamic police officer as well as the largest.)
I do think Commish Kelly has done a good job considering he came in after 9-11 with completely new responsibilities that are defining as we go post 9-11. Our mayor closed fire houses and allowed the NYPD starting salary to be lowered. The mayor won't even give the fire, police and ems their rank at the memorial and the mayor has erased the largest loss of rescue workers in our city's and our nation's history at the fence which you would think he would want to honor.
I really wish the mayor had to wear a blue uniform for even half a day and walk the streets or police the housing projects and in uniform.
The population is rising and the NYPD numbers dropped and the responsibilities and complexities continue.
ps When I wrote my piece on wanting transparency (used the provocative word nudity or naked to get readers attention) from the mayor on down to the community boards I was thinking of the Jack Maple.)
Did you know Community boards members get free parking placards? I did not know this.
Well click here and read on.
Community Board 2 is getting some praise for giving them up.
I don't imagine Community Board 3, the is the East Village, Lower East Side and the Bowery will be doing so, do you?
Please calculate how much that is worth to a person to have a free parking placard in dollar bills.
I never thought about that but that is like getting paid in gold because parking is so scare.
When I went to my first community board meeting it was the most unfriendly welcome, actually all of them were pretty unfriendly like it was a closed club. I asked David McWater about why they were so unfriendly and he said they just have to get to know me. Yeah right!
I won't attend any more meeting and here is why. The last was when the very pretty Christine Shakespeare of NYU-dom reprimanded Andrew Berman for singling out poor NYU from all other not for profit institutions and I did respond "Because you are the only not for profit institution to build a river of mega dorms down Third Avenue. David McWater who owns many bars and no one on the community board and community board SLA 3 consider this a conflict of interest and manger let me know that what I said, when I said it was unacceptable. Thanks for protecting NYU's interest. Could you imagine me living next to St. Ann's being so outraged by the stupidity or her question that I respond with an answer that she should know especially with the salary they are paying her.
By the way, pretty Christine liked my ideas about community outreach resource centers and how I wanted the people in the projects included in this outreach, etc. and to date....nothing and that was before NYU set a world record building St. Ann's mega dorm.
I don't want to run for a community board position but if I did I would make sure everyone in the community knew who I am and that I want to hear them and represent the community if it means setting up an office on a park bench in a park or by a subway. I could not live with myself representing a community that does not know I represent them.
Community boards need way better community outreach, accountability and if need be turn it into a democracy where people vote and no placards especially until the community can say, yes we know what is a community board, who represents us and when the meet and that the community's voices are heard and the board shows documentation of how they have responded.
Thurmon Munson!!!!!!!!!!!!
On facial hair and baseball -- it works!!!!!!!! Click on the above link to see the photo and my mustache theory.
Thurmon Munson is my most favorite Yankee. I watched him play ball on tv, have his faded signature and the teams (but not here in my home aka hotel room). And of course I love Babe Ruth.
best sports reporting on Joba, felt like having a cigarette after reading and I don't smoke! Thanks John Harper, that was a really good read!
Best sports reporting on Joba by John Harper. It was so good I felt like smoking a cigarette afterward but I didn't because I don't smoke! Thanks John Harper, that was a really good read!
p.s. The New York Post is my favorite sports sections because they are good reporters and they publish my letters but John's reporting hit the spot. Sorry guys. My favorite sports letter is the one about the Yankees passionless play and wanting them to have to give some of their bloated salaries back to the city for firefighters, police, ems, homeless, libraries, schools, etc. when they didn't win the world series.
p.s. I think the Yankees and the NYPD should both allow facial hair. Look at the photos from the 60's and 70's! Hello?
Dead guy for sale! Cheap! East Village humor...
NYU's mostly empty trolleys and sharks on Broadway, yes they have a permit
If you have money honey and powerful friends like NYU does you can do just about anything in the big Apple. Despite NYU's well paid hired hands saying how green minded NYU is, NYU continues to chauffeur their students around in mostly empty trolleys and buses and continues to use Broadway and Lafayette as their personal parking lot when they have so much private property to park all of their fleet of NYU buses and trolleys. NYU like our public officials need to help this polluted city by taking public transportation. NYU can provide a bike sharing program as well. Please click on the photo of the NYU trolley and look for yourself. One student. Either get rid of them or stop and pick up New Yorkers from the community if they are empty but really just get rid of them. There is too much traffic congestion and Discovery Channel was congesting traffic in a different way.
Discovery Channel had very good looking people yelling "Shark" and an NYPD officer did pull over to check and see if they did have a permit. Yes they did. It was yet another spectacle in the side show that is NYC.
Joba Chamberlin put on your spiritual safety belt and bumble and bumble hair products
Yo Joba congrats and post 9-11,I developed this "appreciation" for big teddy bears (Mae West would understand when I say I prefer younger men) so you caught my eye. I love American Indian jewelry because the pieces I have are spiritual - the images of the animals, sun, Mother Earth are significant. I also made an art series that talked to this and Joba time to put on your spiritual safety belt!!!!!!
Do not let this go to your head. As much as your it seems cools it can destroy you -- all the "stuff" people throw at you, worse than any curve ball. Be wary of all this success because it can be much more challenging than being a professional athlete. There are really uncool people that would happily "hook up", sucker you so I hope you have people helping you so stay humble, stay close to Mother Earth, be humble or you will tumble.
ps for those following my blog, I am losing my hair and I want to shave it all off because it is so expensive to color it which makes it look thicker. Alder of Public got me to use "Bumble and Bumble prep" and their hair powder...I bought the smallest bottles possible for 5 bucks each and they do give you the illusion of thicker hair.
Con Ed -- Gas blast injuries 17 in Queens yesterday
My feeling is Con Ed cannot keep up with this way too rapid development expansion and keep the people of this city safe. They needed to say slow down way back when and they did not and that includes the mayor on our behalf for all aspects of infrastructure.
I think of Jodi Lane who took her dogs for a walk in the East Village, the place she called home and died. How many people have died or been injured post 9-11 due to infrastructure concerns?
Again so many people hurt and my heart goes out to them. The New York Daily News has some moving coverage of this latest tragedy.
nudity for activisim and the need for transparency in city government
I will go nude to get my point across but I want my words written on my body and the same treatment as Lindsey Lohan got for New York Mag if that is what it takes...and that includes body guards, etc.
Well that is never going to happen. I want transparency "nudity" -- I want the mayor on down to our community boards to get nude -- transparency. Ironically when you have mega billiionaires and mega millionaires in government there is a lot that could be considered "conflict of interest" but people just shrug. It is one of the complicated aspects most ignored since the new economy of mega wealth has afforded mega wealth seats in government but I want way more transparency in city goverment and that includes at the community board level as well including the need to vote for representatives at community board level.
The most affordable way to get body guards is to run for mayor of NYC and win!
I know people were scared I was running for some job in city government so much so The Villager (not anymore) cut me out of the article on Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen way back when and I was sent an email that said the author of the article stated I did not say anything different than anyone else -- hmmmm, I stated NYU and all the mega dorms use the term community facility to supersize and exclude us -- we want community facilities in every mega dorm and they will help small businesses, the community, you can walk in use a free computer, ask for a tutor and hmmmmm, I was the only one to mention Filomena Silvestri and the fact she died knowing we fought for her -- returned some of that love she directed at us and she died at 94 knowing her business was not evicted out on the street. If you want to know who "runs" The Villager -- look at the double page spread of photos that praises the anniversary of the paper -- and it includes John Sexton among others that kid themselves they are so wonderful for our community. I was also told by Lincoln Anderson via email the author of the piece wondered if I was running for city government. Hmmm, interesting that I was erased. (Erasing someone is not murder...and the reporter that erased me also erased Filomena and me thanking the community for making the difference, for sending a message, for showing the difference between the East Village being a village and not NYU-ville!)
Everyone uses the papers starting with The New York Times and their special friends got phony p.r. pieces front page so it is nothing new.
Just like people shrugging their shoulders when the 2 words "politics" and corruption come up.
I don't want a job in city government. It says "artist" at the top of the page and I consider "words" part of my art.
ps They air brush or are the words computer enhance nude photos, hmmmm.
pps Nudity got your attention but the reality is we need nudity---transparency in city government -- here is a theoretical -- let us say Con Ed finds a way to give a city worker some kind of "endowment" for lack of a better word....we need to know what are city representatives relationships to higher ed when they are no.1 and no.3 (No1 NYU. No. 3 Columbia U.) real estate magnates of NYC and throw in Cooper Union and NY Law.
we need to know what are the relations with big business to people that work for city government, we need to know if so and so dated so and so before they ran for that persons job and won or was appointed -- maybe that is not a problem but maybe it is.
We need transparency, we need accountability and we need to know the people of New York come before community crushing greed and that includes safety from infrastructure problems like the Con Ed blast yesterday and how can Con Ed or any part of city government and the people keep up with this tsunami of way too rapid development?
The New York Post showed us how much our local politictians spend to get around the city -- it was in the millions. Time for public transportation so they can spend more time with the public. How much do we pay for the mayor's transportation. I have not seen him on a subway?
The New York Post showed us how much our local politictians spend to get around the city -- it was in the millions. Time for public transportation so they can spend more time with the public. How much do we pay for the mayor's transportation. I have not seen him on a subway?
NYtimes metro section article on the mayor making millions? Lucky guy contrasted with the city going bust quality of life going down
I can't find the link so if you can email it but this week I thought I saw an article in The New York Times, metro section that stated the mayor made millions while in office...he is just a lucky guy.
First I want a refund-- I want him to pay us back the dollar we pay him and we can put it in to the city budget. How much do we pay mega millionaire sociality city planner Amanda Burden? What ever it is can we have the money back to use toward re-opening our firehouses and I wish she stayed a socialite marrying mega rich men and divorcing them. (By the way in NYC it is a socially acceptable way to earn mega bucks, marrying and divorcing rich men. By the way I am told the goal is to have at least one baby right away to get more money! ) However Amanda Burden was born with a platinum spoon in her mouth. Dollar bill Dan Doctoroff can we have the dollar back?
2nd I posted and email that I sent that asked that the city budget is bust can the mayor pay for speed bumps in front of the only 2 schools below Houston in the Lower East Side area that I have seen that do not have them.
It is just obscene that he makes this kind of money and closes our firehouses, libraries --he has enough to solve our budgetary woes out of his own pockets and when I see all these celebrities ask us for donations I always think the same about them as well. If we give 50 dollars and scale that up to what they earn --- they could be giving millions. And then you have billionaires as The New York Sun pointed out about one New York billionaire born in Brooklyn who declares Virgin Islands his home which is just another way he is not paying taxes here in NYC.
We also need to put a cap on the no. 1 and no. 3 real estate magnates -- it is obscene that you can buy up all of New York and use the not for profit status as shelter. I continue to ask you news reporters visiting this blog and email them directly -- you have the resources I don't, do the math, what would all these not for profit institutions have to pay the city of New York in taxes and show how much of New York they own.
Let us have a list of how many billionaires make New York their playing field and play ground owning some of the largest houses here in NYC but refuse to declare NYC as their home and answers those questions and than tell me how the city could be going more bust than it was when the mayor closed our firehouses and our starting salary for the NYPD got lowered which should NEVER have happened and still puts the city in a awkward position like so many -- bottom line -- if it is true that the mayor sold Donnell Library, and
my belief that you can't let greedy NYU supersize the East and West Village with out examining the safety and environmental concerns including infrastructure meaning for instance they cram 900 students into the St. Ann's mega dorm and yes they throw down the newest pipes for sewage and water which I saw them do but they are connected to old pipes and the pressure of throwing 900 plus friends use of water and sewage and add in all the other aspects of infrastructure means the old pipes down the street do break because they are old and rotting.
My old home water would come out rust colored sometimes...the city especially in the Village -- East and West have old pipes and supersizing buildings and throwing down new pipes just in front of the hotels, condos and mega dorms doesn't assure the safety of the community.
When the pipes breaks it means people and small businesses are displaced which thrills greedy developers. Anything that makes is impossible to live here is a good thing for greedy developers.
I believe our safety has been jeopardized in so many ways because of this tsunami of community crushing development and I was published first in AM New York, 'Destroying Old New York" January 11, 2007 on my concerns for the East Village because of St. Ann's tear down and city wide.
I believe safety concerns and our quality of life concerns worsening even further continued to be ignored and New Yorkers are paying some with their lives, injuries and with higher everything and less to show for it or being pushed out of the city.
Donnell Library sold! First it was firehouses now libraries?
Dear loyal readers to my blog, an activist emailed me this...
> It seems that the Bloomberg administration is selling off the public libraries for special interests and private companies once again by having sold the Donnell Library to a hotelier! They are stealing from children and the general public and it represents a huge step backwards for America. the Bloomberg administration is purposefully misusing their position of power and check out the bio of the Chief Operating officer of the New York Public library.
> Chief Operating officer of the New York Public library, Mr. David G. Offensend
> The Donnell has been sold to a private developer for about 50 million dollars. They're plan is to tear it down and in it's place build a 5 start hotel high rise. A new and inferior library will open in it's basement so that the patrons can scurry underground like rodents. I see this as theft of assets from the public (us)!
> petition
> _________________________________________________________________
> It seems that the Bloomberg administration is selling off the public libraries for special interests and private companies once again by having sold the Donnell Library to a hotelier! They are stealing from children and the general public and it represents a huge step backwards for America. the Bloomberg administration is purposefully misusing their position of power and check out the bio of the Chief Operating officer of the New York Public library.
> Chief Operating officer of the New York Public library, Mr. David G. Offensend
> The Donnell has been sold to a private developer for about 50 million dollars. They're plan is to tear it down and in it's place build a 5 start hotel high rise. A new and inferior library will open in it's basement so that the patrons can scurry underground like rodents. I see this as theft of assets from the public (us)!
> petition
> _________________________________________________________________
Friday, July 25, 2008
smiling but cranky

Now as Mae West might say, I want to get somethings off my chest, bare my.....
soul since every day NYC becomes more soulless -- it is more important than ever to be soulful passionate rather than be silent. The greedy me monsters want you to be silenced by intimidation or just shop as they turn this city in to a mirrored generic shopping mall.
I wonder if I shaved my head and wore big baggy shirts how people would treat me. I would save so much money, time and energy. I can't tell you how much money it costs to dye your hair.
I used to be very muscular, chunky and have very short hair and very few people recognize me now but I am surprised by some people from so long ago that do. One guy that has been hanging on the street for as long as I have lived here knows me and remembers me from when I was much heavier and much more muscular.
One morning after being harassed as in the kind where you go down to the police precinct and file a report harassed and a little more attention from another guy I went and got a big gold ring put in my nose! An older man when I was feeling really really blue after Sept. 11 and comforted me gave me such a pep talk and I happen to bump in to him again with the big gold ring and he convinced me to go home and take it out.
I love being 46 years old and I feel more comfortable in my body than ever.
I just can't stand the law of inequality and lack of freedom and I promise you if I get upset I will radically alter my appearance. When I see young women with piercings and mohawks and I really understand. The police can do very little for you until after your are harmed big and bad and or murdered and if you listened to my podcast "Murderville East Village" in my fictional tale the female character comes back and she is very, very angry and she makes her anger felt by all those involved in causing her pain and her death. This is my art and this is how I work out my feelings through paint and words.
Also note I have a much more positive feeling about the NYPD than many in the neighborhood and I really feel they do so much we take for granted which makes the streets safer but I do admit sometimes I do feel scared. They carry a badge and have authority and it is so important they have a strong sense of integrity and that goes for retirees as well because they still have a badge and some still have guns and if they don't have integrity they become society's problem.
ps Question: If I had not but up this busty photo would you have read my thoughts.
I feel calm now but I really had some major upset about NYU, the purple reign of terror and destruction of the East Village and West -- they are so predatory waiting for buildings to empty as in people being evicted for their greed disguised as not for profit.
Same with they creepy greedy landlords that sell themselves a building they own for a dollar and evict long term community members.
News flash Tompkins Square park and I have my inner beauty switch on!

In NYC it is hard to tell reality from movies.
Jay was very happy to have met David Duchovny and David went out of his way even with 2 big body guards to shake Jay's hand. That is a nice trickle down, the only better would be to hire Jay and other characters as extras.
It is a well known fact that the real star in David's family is his MOM who has a huge following they love her because she is a wonderful teacher at the school in Grace Church. You know the school entrance that faces the billard bar but as usual if you own a bar in the East Village you seem to be able to get around a lot of things like being across from a children's school entrance in Grace Church.
I do have my inner beauty switch on but if there is a black out it isn't my inner beauty switch.
Thanks to all the "real" people that come to visit my blog and I wish you good vibrations.
I do have flash backs and my response to them is karma oh yeah.
Hit the delete button. Be patient it takes time to adjust and I just moved after 20 years. I am a true cancerian, home is everything. I am considering moving again as soon as I can and camping out in Tompkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a little venting on Tompkins, the quality of life in NYC, and predication more falls to come
One: I am sick of the film crews and the poor and middle class are just getting poorer as the cost of living is going up so they should treat the neighborhood like they do when they visit poor countries and make sure there is a trickle down that can be felt! Hire poor people. There are huge amounts of them -- far more visible than the oppressive film crew.
Our historic area is being destroyed and if they don't actively help they will have to go back to Canada and recreate NYC and guess what -- the people of the East Village will feel as much trickle down if they film in Canada. The filming falsely "glamourize" the area and every college kids wants to live here.
Two: Wow the dogs of the East Village have a new improved dog run and everyone knows I LOVE DOGS, really all kinds of dogs but how about humans? When are we going to get tamper proof soap dispensers in the mens and womens bathrooms.
I asked for "smart doors" and I got them...small modesty doors that give us the basic human right to some privacy but discourage the problems that go on whether there are doors or not because people that are going to go in there to do drugs, have sex, or pass out on the floor will do so whether there are doors or no doors. Having doors allows the good citizens the basic human rights of a little privacy and when I see elderly women, handicapped women and Mom's with their kids in there using the doors I am happy.
The men's bathroom has a nick name with the word play on "little shop of horrors'. I can't remember the actually "name" for the men's bathroom at Tompkins but yes all of the above goes on in there but the men's room has no doors. (I think I remember the word play but it is way to vulgar to share and I also remember a request for toilet paper that is user friendly.) The time has come for them to have a door -- some kind of very minimal door that discourages sitting down and shooting up which they are going to do anyway with out a door but allows a guy to do what he has to do if you get the drift. I have seen men go in to the women's room to go to the bathroom because they need a door. Don't make me spell it out. Give them one small door, smaller than what we have but give them something so they don't feel compelled to walk in to the women's bathroom.
I AM TIRED OF ASKING FOR TAMPER PROOF SOAP DISPENSERS, contrast that with the parks dept. unnecessary improvements in Washington Square Park which in my opinion is obscene when there are POOR PARKS ALL OVER THIS CITY THAT REALLY NEED THAT money and the people would benefit. Washington Square Park "improvements" are to benefit NYC's largest real estate owner (and not for profit----calculate the taxes they would owe the city if they didn't have the status aka tax shelter, that is right it is...) NYU!!!! NYU owns most of the property around Washington Square Park and destroyed all of the beauty with their hideous architecture. The mayor pushed this wasteful unwanted improvements for his good friend "NYU" (the purple reign of terror, the evil empire of the East and West Village, Stuy Town, the Seaport, Chelsea) and for tourism and we can't even get soap to wash our hands. Hey mayor Mike, please if you are in the East Village and you need to use the facilities, please stop by Tompkins Square Park! Some how I don't think we will ever see the mayor here in Tompkins ever. Adrian Benepe has made some brief visits to Tompkins for publicity I think but I bet he has never set foot in the mens room and I wish he had to.
I am so sick of asking for soap dispensers that make an appearance for a day and than are gone.
I was so embarrassed I told a Mom to take her daughter through the gates to the children's bathroom so the little girl could wash her hands with soap. Can we have better treatment than the dogs of Tompkins?
We have a huge population of people hanging in the park and in NYC and guess what -- they have to use the is a basic fact of life so we need them open and with basics like soap and some kind of modesty doors have ever small to discourage abuse.
Nice that the dogs of the East Village have a new improved dog run, how about the men's and women's bathrooms?
ps I really appreciate the 9th Precinct and I don't take for granted I can walk in the park and down the street and feel some what safe because of their work so thank you 9th Precinct. I have compassion for the police having to deal with drunks, drug addicts, and many complicated aspects of society that most of us are clueless of, avoid, etc.
pps The name for the mens room at Tompkins, //// house of horrors,
old english a noun or verb
Adrian Benepe, do you give a "care" or substitute with old english. ???????
(Under the mayor it is all big business butting in and the people of this city's quality of life has gone down the toilet and that includes walking down the street and not getting electrocuted like Jodi Lane, or sitting at a bar and getting crushed by a crane falling, etc. etc. etc.
It is about quality of life or the lack of life vs greed in this new economy that is part of this tsunami of community crushing development. It is like the fall of Rome...prepare for more scandals and arrogant people who really think their time will never come.
Quality of life is going down...
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