Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tony Avella is out so it is business as usual at City Hall, hold your nose it stinks of corruption get ready for more community crushing development!
Click on link above to read the piece from The Village Voice, primary night with Tony Avella, Little Italy...
Let us make it clear, the people representing New York do not serve the people, many serve their own agendas and they make out like bandits doing so getting amazing housing from what I have heard including aides "ala Charlie so wrong Rangel", a terrific base salary for a part time job -- 6 figures and City Council members with the exception of Tony Avella have lousy attendance records and vote themselves a raise. Only in NYC can you vote yourself a raise, don't show up to work for a part time job where you are paid over $100,000 as a base salary plus perks and be investigated for corruption aka stealing tax payer money and get to vote to stay on for a third term and IT IS NOT CONSIDERED A CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!!!!!!
The link right above is about an investigation but when all is said and done with all shady dealings, dishonesty, nepotism -- Seabrook gets voted in yet again.
And these are just a few articles I found this morning and I am sure there are more.
Let us face it -- there is so much you don't know about the people supposedly representing you. They will tell you all the wonderful things they have done for the community but people either accept that x amount of corruption, nepotism and slacker, self serving ways are acceptable or they just don't care.
The primary turn out is shockingly low so apathy is key to city council, comptroller, DA winning which is disgusting. We need major reform, successful exposure and prosecution of corrupt wheelings and dealings, an end to nepotism which City Hall is rife with most especially City Council. We need to get people informed, passionate and intolerant of corruption instead of accepting it as a way of life.
As an independent I want to be allowed to vote in the primary. Because of corruption and disgust of the system and I wanted to parody Mike Bloomberg who changes partys like underpants, I switched last month to "democrat". I am an independent but I want to vote next year in the primary so I am considering the temporary change as long as I live in NYC or until there is a reform so I have a say although apathy aka a low voter turn out forms who represents us on City Council.