Alerting all women, you are not safe if you go out and party in NYC. To date they have not found the woman's body who agreed to leave the chelsea club with her alleged murderer. Her name is Laura Garza
Saturday, September 19, 2009
More nightlife hell for women, Chelsea club attempted kidnap, 21 woman jumped from moving car, by the way Laura Garza's body still has not been found
Alerting all women, you are not safe if you go out and party in NYC. To date they have not found the woman's body who agreed to leave the chelsea club with her alleged murderer. Her name is Laura Garza
Alerting all women, you are not safe if you go out and party in NYC. To date they have not found the woman's body who agreed to leave the chelsea club with her alleged murderer. Her name is Laura Garza
FYI -- The Bloomberg administration pushes nightlife which is hell for the communities where there are so many bars and clubs. If the clubs are run by people that respect their neighbors and communities that is fine but many do not and extremely loud and very drunk people are shockingly disruptive as they party in to the night. In the mornings the garbage pales are filled to the brim and over, there is refuse everywhere as if it was an adult disney land from hell.
But the worst are the rapes, murders, drunk drivers -- some who have killed people....yes there is a horrific toll from a nightlife in NYC and the mayor pushes nightlife.
I contacted so many people about the conflicts of interest with Community Board 3, Lower East Side/East Village aka "community bar" and nothing. I heard nothing from the mayor's office, scott stringer who doesn't deserve to be in office and why should the people of New York pay for his speech writer that he should not even need when he can't return a call about a blatant conflict of interest. I am still waiting for Rosie Mendez's office to call me back about "Pour House" (over 2 years) which managed to sail past community bar 3 and SLA with TWO full bars across the street from Webster Hall. Alexandra Miltano called me back after I left word with Susan Stetzer. I didn't know the name was Pour House so I said the bar at 3rd Avenue and 11 and Miltano -- a lawyer for the DA's office in her spare time asked me "What bar?". I asked her to never call me again.
The horrific deaths of Imette St. Guillen (tortured, raped and murdered) and Jennifer Moore (Jennifer 18 years old -- beaten and raped than murdered) were not enough. To date the authorities have not found Laura Garza's body! Dear want to find her body. You have to research her murderer's haunts. I believe he buried her some where close to a favorite hang out or a nature spot he would go to....somewhere very close by. He was thinking fast and he moved fast.