Monday, September 21, 2009
Isabella Rossellini Green Porno talk about her movie shorts and book GREEN PORNO
Isabella looks very beautiful and natural....real. Apple showed two short clips from Green Porno and again Rossellini's realness, her artistic self shined with honesty, a kind of purity, humor, frank talk about sex but only from an anchovy's perspective, tee hee, and sadly how man's over consumption has greatly harmed the sea and the creatures that live in it.
Rossellini does make you laugh. There is no way you can feel sad for long but her short entertaining == art movies -- 2 minutes long will educate you and hopefully inspire you to be a little better citizen -- consumer on the planet. She also wonders if sea creatures feel and all animals for that matter. Every living thing seems to have the response to flee to survive. It is clear to me cats and dogs feel, have memories and dream.
She is an entertainer, smart, funny and geniune.
I did ask her about two legged animals and sex, especially how women have lost their power, how it all seems to be about men, etc. She said she was born in Italy and at the time the attitude about sex was quite repressed but I had wondered if she would take on 2 legged animals in her next project which sounds very exciting and it sounds like the answer is no.
She referred me to Eve what's her name, who I am no fan of, when I used the word vagina. It is so amazing that word is such a big deal because with out it none of us would be here so don't you think the word would evoke admiration and even awe.
I prefer Annie Sprinkle any day when it comes to education and empowerment over Eve what's her name but if I was going to hang out with someone so share a glass of wine or go for a walk it would be Isabella.
A woman in the audience praised her beauty, her fabulousity and we all applauded. Her parents were mentioned and Isabella said of course she thinks of them often and she added don't we all think of our parents often? I do.
She was dressed in a man's suit tailored to her feminine body and she has the same boots I have. Her outfit much like mine would be greeted in my family with disdain but for me she was pure delight, pure artist, real, honesty, genuine.
The link below is a general sex=planation of sea creature sex. I don't think Isabella is ever going to make the two legged movies but any rocket scientist following my blog knows like Isabella I making very short films myself and so I have great admiration for her project and she is funny and courageous. The word porno has had a different response here in the USA than she imagined and it made some people back away from the project so her next project has the word "sex" in it but no green porno 2 is on the horizon!
You can find many different sea creatures and insects Isabella elaborately and artistically sex-presses in lively humorous ways that may turn you on or frighten you but you will look at these creatures differently maybe even with awe. You may give up eating some. She warned us that our over consumption of tuna and salmon have forced certain
locales to put a halt to hunting them. She warned us that farm raised fish are dangerous because of anti-biotics and even dyes. She is not a vegetarian and still learning her self. She eats organic as much as possible and one of her favorite staples is goat cheese.
A teacher in the audience asked her if Sundance Channel had removed the snail youtube because it had S&M? Isabelli said no! They just take down and put up new content all the time.The most darkly kinky sex is snail sex - it is down right sado maschoicstic