Monday, August 31, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy eating corn soup at Cara Cas, her thoughts on food and men that offer to be her "cougar bait"
Patrick Barr NYC Street Photographer
Sink Hole Forsyth and Stanton Street North East Corner very deep -- see pipe exposed
Chelsea Now, The Villager's sister paper makes a piece with Christine Quinn MIA City Council Task Force meeting to DOB disappear

Built-up complaints come pouring out - Similar -
Voice of the People
Saturday, July 7th 2007, 4:00 AM
Son screen
Howard Beach: Al Gore told the "Today" show that his son's arrest was a "private matter." Driving 100 mph made him a danger to the public. Sorry, Mr. Vice President, it is no longer a private matter.
John Urban
An eye for an eye
Bronx: So a man spent 16 years in prison because former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro refused to retest the DNA evidence that eventually cleared him. Pirro should now be made to spend 16 years in prison. That's the only way justice will be served.
Richard Nagan
Body bag boom
Manhattan: Re "New law tightens screws on builders" (July 4): Too little, too late. How many construction workers and civilians have been injured or died in this tsunami of community-crushing development?
Suzannah B. Troy
Read more:
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Street Zaps is a big hit especially in New York where people like Jodi Lane of the East Village died and pets have died or been injuried
Charlie Parker Festival jam packed, have video, too tired to post on YouTube right now
Edgar says drinking is his prison
The 9th Precinct was very kind to Edgar last night. He was so drunk they did not ticket him but sent him to the hospital. The NYPD were being kind because Karl had told me of being handcuffed to the bed at the hospital when he was not as lucky as Edgar.
Edgar studied the mind and was a psychoanalyst. He made the mistake of falling in to drinking and it has destroyed his life. Yesterday he had just gotten out of rehab. His hands and feet are swollen so I fear he has a systemic infection. He is a good and kind man.
Gave Marlene the update on Lincoln Anderson's false accusations and yes she does want Bob Arihood to take down the photo
Vote Sept. 15 in the Primary, if you are out of town call the Board of Elections
Bill's bad behavior not quite behind him This wins the award for most vulgar window in the East Village for the month of August!
He loves Yetta!!!!!!!!!
81 Bowery, I was sent this by a community activist & was not able to post in time for press conference
Background on 81 Bowery:
On Thursday, November 13, 2008, more than 50 tenants were vacated from their homes at 81 Bowery, a long-time SRO building located in the heart of Chinatown. The tenants, all of whom are low-income Chinese residents, received little advance notice from the City – most of them only knew they had to immediately vacate the building when NYPD officers showed up at 6 p.m. The City had determined that the fourth floor of the building, which houses the SRO, was posing an “imminent danger to the life and safety of the occupants” because of two fire code violations. Told initially by the City that they needed to go to a homeless shelter or find their own housing, most of the residents were then given temporary housing in the Bronx provided by New York City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
The landlord of 81 Bowery has attempted to evict the tenants from the SRO many times over the past decade, and the Chinatown Tenants Union along with MFY Legal Services has been working with the 81 Bowery tenants since 2005. In June of 2008, tenants won a victory in court when a judge issued a ruling stating that they have a legal right to remain in their homes.
What happened at 81 Bowery is only one instance of landlords in Chinatown forcing tenants to live in unsafe conditions and putting their lives and homes in danger. Landlord neglect is an intentional tactic used by landlords to force tenants to move out – whether by “choice” or because the City decides that the building is unsafe for habitation. As Chinatown continues to rapidly gentrify, even during this economic recession, we anticipate that more and more landlords will use this tool to kick out more low-income tenants. The fight over 81 Bowery is not just about this one building – it’s about all tenants in Chinatown asserting their right to live in safe conditions and their right to remain in their community!
Esther Wang
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
Chinatown Tenants Union
Project Coordinator
(212) 473-6485
Howl, I was sent this by a community activist, I can't keep up with all the email I am sent that I would like to post, check their website for more
Apple's sex offender locator App shows sex offenders live near Tompkins Square Park
There is an app to locate sex offenders. I did not down load it but a friend of mine did and he told me the sex offender app shows there are many sex offenders living close by Tompkins Square Park. It even appeared to him to be an entire building (or several I am told) of sex offenders. According to this free App my friend looked at there are a lot of sex offenders in the area.
We have three children's playgrounds in Tompkins.
Bottom line, hold your children close by you and do not let them out of your sight!
We have been having a baby boom in NYC ever since Sept. 11 and even the gay books stores in the West Village went out of business and are now maternity shops.
You don't need a sex offender app to know to hold your children's hands and do not let them out of your site or place them in the care of people that don't have references.
As far as I am concerned if Woody Allen did what he did anywhere else in the USA other than NYC or LA, he would be on the list.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Norman Siegel for Public Advocate
John Liu postering the Lower East Side and breaking the law, he gets busted! Margaret Chin respects the law. Who understands the law and who doesn't
Suzannah B. Troy interviews Jason G. post the mass eviction Lower East Side
Note: Jason G. praises me at the end of this YouTube and I found that particularly touching after the long series of emails I was sent by Lincoln Anderson where he speaks for himself and Bob Arihood accusing me of many things that gee, it seems they are guilty of. Thanks Jason for your positive words.
Below is the first YouTube Jason and I made together. It was his idea to create these YouTubes and we have received a lot of praise for our first YouTube. He is a voice for the many that have been displaced in this community crushing development that under Bloomberg has been so shocking I renamed "gentrification" supersification.
Cooper Square Committee were truly a heroic group of activists that came through and thanks to their hard work Jason and his family will remain here on the Lower East Side but you can imagine what it must be like to move after 30 years. Jason is 30. He was born here and lived in the same building his entire life.
Lt. Petrosino NYPD & American Hero honored in the window of The Italian American Museum
GomiNYC closes smiles and goodbyes, store for rent, East Village filled with signs for rent.....
The link above will take you to Anne's poem about the store closing and me shopping there my last time.
When I met Anne she had a business partner who was very kind and generous to me. All our lives would dramatically change as did so many New Yorkers with this tsunami of community crushing development.
Friday, August 28, 2009
DOT approved speed bumps for Anna Silver School

Jim Power and Jesse on a rainy day clearly in need of help
My Bloomberg Poster King of New York No Third Term Is Democracy for Sale? makes a reappearance
Jack Maple's son emails me because of my YouTube on his Dad
* I had met him at a function and when very troubling events occurred in my life, I called him up and asked him out to talk about them and get his advice so it wasn't romantic.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Asian website picks up my YouTubes including the debacle by NYU & The Villager!
Suzannah B. Troy buys a jacket and waves goodbye to Gomi NYC closing Saturday
Click link below to read Anne's poem on closing...
Tonight at Theatre 80 Harps Galore, ballet & hip hop! Here is a photo with Lorcan Otway's Dad & Gloria Swanson on Broadway Let us be Gay
Suzannah B. Troy at PAL on 13th St. to make a donation as she said she would in her Mike Lichter Barron Wolman YouTube!
Thanks for all your support regarding Lincoln Anderson's harassment of me last night. Also an article in Chelesa News gone missing
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dominick Dunne passed away
Lincoln Air Head Anderson, assoc. editor of The Villager sends me an email and here is my response....he can't stop emailing me and I ask him to stop
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to say that 8,000 people have now viewed the Quinn-Kurland-Derr debate that The Villager and Gay City News hosted on Aug. 13.
My response folks:
Lincoln I thought we told each other no contact. Is this stalking?
Are you finally going to report the news like my demand for community out reach resource centers?
You are so busy not reporting the news you probably are the majority of the views!!!
Bye stalker who doesn't report the news but schills for people I pray the Feds are investigating!
Sent from my iPhone
Dear Readers: I sent Lincoln --The Villager an email about Jim falling and breaking his wrist and shoulder and I got a very unusual response back. The anonymous person did not want to use their The Villager email so they responded and cc: Lincoln and I printed out the response and I sent a copy to Commissioner Kelly and the Deputy Inspector of the 9th Precinct.
Suzannah, let me just say this once, so it's perfectly clear: I have no idea what you are talking about. I never sent you an "unusual response," I don't use phony e-mails (I don't even know how to create them), and I have no reason to send you an "unusual e-mail." Please, get off this weird kick you have about me. I am just a hard-working reporter and I am trying to do my job. Go bother someone else! Seriously, stop obsessing about me -- or whatever it is that you are doing about me, whatever you would call it, and stop being so negative about me, The Villager, whatever -- like I said before, please just go bother someone else, go and harass someone else. There are 8 million other people in NYC and billions more in the world -- start something with them. But kindly just leave me alone. Stop bashing me and stop bashing The Villager. None of it is merited. If you have problems and your ego was hurt because you weren't in an article five years ago -- get some help -- or go bother someone else. But leave me alone. Bob Arihood has told me all about you, so I know exactly what is going on. Bob tells me you are constantly harassing him and now are even trying to get Hot Dog to extort money from him because of a photo he posted of her on his blog. You are causing him real problems -- and he is just a photographer trying to document his neighborhood and its many characters. Suzannah, just leave us alone! Focus on yourself, get some help.
As anyone could clearly see, unfortunately, the bad karma is coming from you. I try to have good relations with everyone, but it seems that you would rather dwell on some article from 6 or 7 years ago. Why don't you just get over it -- and get over yourself already? I just don't get it. Don't you have anything else going on in your life? It's so weird.
I don't mean to be mean or hostile -- but I just don't know what to do to get through to you. I just wish you would put your energies toward something more constructive, instead of bashing me and the Villager, my publisher, etc. OK, no one's perfect, you weren't in an article a few years ago. But let's just move on. I always liked you as a person and an artist with an activist bent who cared about your East Village neighborhood, but then you just freaked out after the Whole Earth bakery article that Gerard Flynn, a freelancer, left you out of. Just get over it. Why hold a grudge like that for so long? Was it really such a big deal? Apparently it was. But can we just move forward after a certain point? I just don't understand the vendetta.
All these e-mails were intended for you personally -- not to be posted on your blog.
I am just dismayed at the way your characterized the recent debate The Villager sponsored. (That is why I contacted you: Because you seem to be one of the main people putting out all the misleading misinformation, calling me an Air Head, calling my boss Air Space in your "coverage" of our debate.) Then debate was something I personally spent a lot of time working to set up, then to help run, etc. I put a lot of my own effort into it. You just want to dump on us and twist things. It's just sad. I had thought that by e-mailing you directly that maybe I could "patch things up with you," though I still don't feel I or anyone else here did anything wrong, other than to not quote you in an article maybe 5 or 6 years ago, which apparently deeply wounded your ego. But that seems to have earned a lifetime's worth of wrath from you -- and if I now send you an e-mail, in an effort to try to be nice to you and communicate with you civilly, you then you post it and twist it and try to make look like I'm (still) the bad guy, etc, etc.
I guess there is no point, and it's a lost cause.
Folks here yet another email:
Would it help if I said, I support "community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm where they used the term 'community facility.' " Because I do. OK?