Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thanks for all your support regarding Lincoln Anderson's harassment of me last night. Also an article in Chelesa News gone missing
The piece that Lincoln Anderson said was 6 or more years ago was two years ago in 2007 and I with much arm twisting I got Anderson to write an obituary on Filomna Silvestri after she died. Otherwise she would have been the invisible woman with the reporting by The Villager.
Click on the article up top about the rally to save Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen where I spoke up and Anderson's reporter erased me.
I called her a Vegan Earth Mom but, you will note, no where in the article did she, the owner and creator of Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen ever get mentioned. Anderson would not fix this error or erasing me. I was the only one who talked about Filomena Silvestri. She died at 94 knowing we the community fought and won a small victory, her store--her dream was not thrown out on the street. I thanked the community and Amy Zimmer from Metro for writing an article that I believed helped. I also demanded community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm starting with NYU that would help the community. These community outreach resource centers would include helping small businesses struggling to survive, seniors and even young people with free computers and tables to ask for volunteers.
It seems like The Villager is working for NYU. Why hasn't The Villager mentioned my demand for community outreach resource centers. I had met with Alicia Hurley and her staff prior to the rally and they admitted it was a great idea.
Why erase me. Anderson had forwarded me an email by the author of the piece. Who does she think she is? Is she running for office?
Maybe that was the real concern. Anderson could have mentioned it the week after as well since I made it clear I felt what they did was wrong.
This article has been pulled from the Chelsea Now or should I say deleted as John air space Sutter and Lincoln Anderson may again being trying to give a little help to Christine Quinn because she could not attend this city council task force meeting on DOB and I gave a stirring speech and where I addressed the fact too many construction workers dieing.
Here is the same piece in The Villager but they removed my picture by Jefferson Siegel. The photo is striking and I am wearing a hand painted protest shirt I made. Surprising the photo and article is gone from Chelsea News completely and in The Villager my photo is deleted.
I remember talking Lincoln Anderson after the meeting and I also told him about infrastructure concerns and he had no idea what I was talking about! Only later did he learn...sad stuff. I rememeber Bob Arihood told me I didn't know what I was talking about and he was an engineer but again he had to eat his words because the city is in over it's head with infrastructure problems and to date the steam pipe explosion by Grand Central was the most horrifying one in recent years and sadly it underscored my point. Note: I was in Tompkins last night before going to the Harps Galore recital at Theatre 80 and Bob Arihood leaned against a fence and stared at me. I was with many regulars of Tompkins and pointed him staring at me and we all agreed his photo of Marlene topless who was drunk was exploitive.
Sure seems like Chelsea News pulled this article and there were two reasons I am guessing, one is Christine Quinn was too busy to attend and more deaths and catastrophes were to come so they simply deleted the article as a public relations move or favor for Quinn.
Dear Alan: Your term for Lincoln is much better than air head so thank you and folks!
I got more praise on YouTube today from my diverse audience praising me for my assistance of Jim and Jesse Jane and my coverage of Giuseppie Logan including from an 18 year old sax player from Holland!
Chelsea Now,
christine Quinn,
Lincoln Anderson,
The Villager