Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I value PASSION over perfection
I value passion over perfection.
My creativity with words comes from having such a hard time with spelling and pronouncing words. I made up the term "mega dorm".
NYU inspired my creativity with words but ultimately sucked my life force out of me the way they have with the neighborhood.
'If more is not done to preserve our historic buildings and our long term community members, you will have to visit a recreation in a museum or Las Vegas...." from a letter in The Village Voice of mine on the old PS 64 building and I was talking about the Lower East Side, Bowery and East Village but it applies city wide.
Just listened to Natasha Bedingfield sing Freckles and the words and her beautiful voice sum it up in a sweet way and soothe my tired soul.
(May 1, 3:29 am, insomnia, the trauma returns, the stress.
I have freckles -- lots of them, Natasha Bedingfield has an analogy to stars in the sky but does she actually have lots of freckles like me? Her message "love who you are and your imperfections make you more not less" I did an art work about this but did I throw it away in the traumatic move where I did lose a lot in the process but I have to focus on moving forward not looking backward. The battle to save the Provincetown Playhouse in the West Village hits the trauma buttons and I am not yet settled in my new life--trauma. I have my 2 new older cats that have lived in foster care so the three of us are the only constant until we are settled in.)
Love who you are.
I do and I love my neighborhood that NYU is turning into NYU-Las Vegas Ville....
my letter to Alicia Hurley and John Sexton
The email from Andrew Berman has links to write letters which did not come through in the blog which is why you have to join and get on the email alert list.
Sent: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 7:29 pm
Subject: Stop the destruction of our historic neighborhoods East and West including the Provincetown Playhouse
Sent: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 7:29 pm
Subject: Stop the destruction of our historic neighborhoods East and West including the Provincetown Playhouse
To: Alicia Hurley and John Sexton:
Stop the destruction of our historic neighborhood and the continued push out of our long term community members and small business for NYU's unending need and greed to continue to expand at the communities expense in every way imaginable and unimaginable. We saw how NYU honored St. Ann's Church and we again we continue to say the words that NYU can't seem to understand and respect.
Stop now and expand your campus some where else or re-think your expansion but no more community crushing development that includes the tear down of our historic community and the push out of our long term community members small businesses.
Suzannah B. Troy
++++note the typo above, I misspell my own name in the blog I hope any press people that actually visit figure it out....I am so mentally and physically exhausted from all the upset and trauma that was way over the top besides the move after 20 years
I will forward this to the rest of the press and post on my blog.
Provincetown Playhouse Preservation alert from Andrew Berman
This photo of 127-131 MacDougal Street/Provincetown Playhouse came from Andrew Berman's email alert and please do get on his mailing list and most of all help in any way you can please!
from the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
April 30, 2008
The historic Provincetown Playhouse and Apartments, 133-139 MacDougal Street
Dear friend,
The effort to save the Provincetown Playhouse is gaining growing support, and is clearly having an impact. Please join us in the fight! Here is the latest:
Letter-writing Campaign: Literally hundreds and hundreds of people from across the city, country, and globe have written to NYU urging them to reconsider plans to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse (we got several letters from China and Japan today). GVSHP has sent a sign-on letter to NYU President Sexton urging him to drop plans to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse, signed by dozens of prominent preservationists, community leaders, theater producers and academics, and artists and entertainers. New names are being added to the letter every day. If you haven't already written NYU urging them to drop their plans to demolish the Playhouse, please do; if you have, please forward this e-mail and the link to our sample letters and ask a friend, neighbor, or family member to write.
Media Attention: NYU's plan to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse and the campaign to save the building has received an increasing amount of media attention, including from the Associated Press (which has been picked up widely) and the New York Times today.
NYU Response: In response to the avalanche of letters and criticism it has received regarding its plans to demolish the Playhouse building, today NYU issued a document entitled "Rebuilding the Provincetown Playhouse and Honoring a Cultural Institution" -- their rationale for their plan to raze the building to the ground. The basic premise is that because the Provincetown Playhouse was altered 70 years ago, the building has little or no cultural significance, and a better way of "honoring" it would be to demolish the building and constructing a new one. See GVSHP's reponse.
Public Hearing on May 28th: GVSHP is enlisting help to publicize the public hearing on May 28th at which NYU will be presenting their plans for demolition of the Provincetown Playhouse, and the public will have an opportunity to respond. Please download the flyer we created and circulate it to your friends, family, and neighbors, and encourage them to attend the hearing on May 28th at 6:30 pm at the Caring Community, 20 Washington Square North.
GVSHP and a broad coalition of neighbors, preservationists, and theater and arts advocates are working hard to prevent demolition of the Provincetown Playhouse from taking place; for more information, see, and to get more involved, contact us at
Andrew Berman, Executive Director
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
212/475-9585 x38
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
Here is the newest email from Andrew Berman and I am giving you the link of a posting I wrote earlier today.
You can see a photo in my piece posted above how NYU "honored" St. Ann's from 18547 that survived everything but NYU's need and greed to built yet another mega dorm!
from the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
April 30, 2008
The historic Provincetown Playhouse and Apartments, 133-139 MacDougal Street
Dear friend,
The effort to save the Provincetown Playhouse is gaining growing support, and is clearly having an impact. Please join us in the fight! Here is the latest:
Letter-writing Campaign: Literally hundreds and hundreds of people from across the city, country, and globe have written to NYU urging them to reconsider plans to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse (we got several letters from China and Japan today). GVSHP has sent a sign-on letter to NYU President Sexton urging him to drop plans to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse, signed by dozens of prominent preservationists, community leaders, theater producers and academics, and artists and entertainers. New names are being added to the letter every day. If you haven't already written NYU urging them to drop their plans to demolish the Playhouse, please do; if you have, please forward this e-mail and the link to our sample letters and ask a friend, neighbor, or family member to write.
Media Attention: NYU's plan to demolish the Provincetown Playhouse and the campaign to save the building has received an increasing amount of media attention, including from the Associated Press (which has been picked up widely) and the New York Times today.
NYU Response: In response to the avalanche of letters and criticism it has received regarding its plans to demolish the Playhouse building, today NYU issued a document entitled "Rebuilding the Provincetown Playhouse and Honoring a Cultural Institution" -- their rationale for their plan to raze the building to the ground. The basic premise is that because the Provincetown Playhouse was altered 70 years ago, the building has little or no cultural significance, and a better way of "honoring" it would be to demolish the building and constructing a new one. See GVSHP's reponse.
Public Hearing on May 28th: GVSHP is enlisting help to publicize the public hearing on May 28th at which NYU will be presenting their plans for demolition of the Provincetown Playhouse, and the public will have an opportunity to respond. Please download the flyer we created and circulate it to your friends, family, and neighbors, and encourage them to attend the hearing on May 28th at 6:30 pm at the Caring Community, 20 Washington Square North.
GVSHP and a broad coalition of neighbors, preservationists, and theater and arts advocates are working hard to prevent demolition of the Provincetown Playhouse from taking place; for more information, see, and to get more involved, contact us at
Andrew Berman, Executive Director
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
212/475-9585 x38
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
NBC Nightly News returning US soldier
So sad and unfathomable as again more reports come in about terrible conditions for returning soldiers...just heartbreaking for so many reasons...
Father of soldier stationed at Fort Bragg but this Dad took photos and put it on You Tube and he got results.
I think of people that died 9-11 that were Viet Nam ves returned and were treated so badly and died 9-11 to be so far made invisible...firefighters and police that survived when off to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq...and the death toll, horrific injuries continue for soldiers and civilians and all loved ones...
wishing for peace.
People of Harlem that disrupt City Hall because of zoning make me happy
City wide there is a tsunami of community crushing development and I am so glad I saw the people speaking up and refusing to be silenced at City Hall on NBC news tonight. I am glad the people representing Harlem made the news and we the people of this city need as much press coverage on this topic which is a city wide crisis that this entire blog is dedicated to.
They also interviewed mega millionaire Amanda Burden the city planner who is responsible for the unwanted city wide make over -- like a bad plastic surgery show, welcome to the new hideous new york built on OLD New York's infrastructure for the mega rich only. By the way, it looks like Amanda has had the best plastic surgery.
Tony Avella has been a consistent voice speaking up for the people of New York city wide.
Amanda Burden has to be one of the most hated people in the city but she won't have to worry as she is chauffeured every where....she will never come in contact with real people when she lives this city job. She can be the city planner for NYU since they have bought up most of NYC they need a city planner and she made sure "what feels like a" corrupt evil St. Ann's zone busting deal went through despite major protests and thousand of signatures on petition after petition and how many letters we all wrote to her and the developer mayor... Mike Bloomberg for president of NYU. John Sexton for the position of chair for community board 3 and 2 for that matter....why not make him the chair of all the community boards where ever NYU owns property!!!
Bravo for the people of Harlem that came to City Hall and gave some people a wake up call.
No to community crushing development when the term affordable housing is an oxymoron and a Trojan horse for developers to supersize our historic communities and make them into a soulless city of generic shopping malls for mega rich.
NYU to destroy more historic New York in the name of higher education aka "progress", after destroying St. Ann's from 1847 NYU goal destroy playhouse
NYU's next historic landmark to destroy after St. Ann's from 1847 is the historical Provincetown Playhouse in the West Village so just a visual reminder of NYU's last evil destructive blow as NYU mega dormed the East Village to death!!!!
Please walk by 120 East 12th St. and see that John Sexton and NYU were unable to understand the word "No!" and to date the USPS and NYU have not been held accountable for the air sale by the USPS to NYU that required the USPS to notify the State of New York. This is my photo and documentation of the illegal air sale can be found on my site and
NYU's logo is the historic Washington Square Arch yet NYU continues to destroy our historic city tearing down Poe House, St. Ann's (type St. Ann's in to my blog search engine) and now this playhouse!
NYU's logo should be a mega dorm with a dollar bill! They should not be allowed to use our historic Arch since they destroy as much NYC history in the name of higher education using their not for profit status as a tax shelter as they gobble up more NY real estate and destroy our historic neighborhood. What part of "No!" can this institution for higher learning not understand?
NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain like Columbia University to push out the entire community. The only thing our billionaire mayor, socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden and John Sexton, president of NYU haven't done is provide NYU buses and trolleys to move us to make way for their unending rapacious need to expand.
Take a look at 120 East 12th Street to see the newest hideous NYU mega dorm that reflects a history destroyed and a community no longer welcome! I have it pictured on this blog. The pathetic "The Villager" reported me "Sharon" Troy confronting John Sexton so long ago at a Town Hall meeting before the tear down of St. Ann's. and he still is not listening although they spend so much money on phony public relations and their powerful connections with the deepest pockets help make it all possible!
Welcome to the new hideous New York and the no. 1 real estate magnate continues the tear down of old New York in the name of higher ed and under the guise of not for profit with all it perks at the expense of the communities they occupy city wide as in the death of and destruction...Stuy Town was meant to be affordable housing not NYU student housing....
This posting is about NYU's next destructive move to destroy the Village, East and West in the name of higher ed but please don't forget St. Ann's my now ex-next door neighborhood that is involved in the hellish trauma of one reason I had to move after 20 years.
I agree with the gentleman above so I include his link as well.
NYU's logo is the historic Washington Square Arch yet NYU continues to destroy our historic city tearing down Poe House, St. Ann's (type St. Ann's in to my blog search engine) and now this playhouse!
NYU's logo should be a mega dorm with a dollar bill! They should not be allowed to use our historic Arch since they destroy as much NYC history in the name of higher education using their not for profit status as a tax shelter as they gobble up more NY real estate and destroy our historic neighborhood. What part of "No!" can this institution for higher learning not understand?
NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain like Columbia University to push out the entire community. The only thing our billionaire mayor, socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda Burden and John Sexton, president of NYU haven't done is provide NYU buses and trolleys to move us to make way for their unending rapacious need to expand.
Take a look at 120 East 12th Street to see the newest hideous NYU mega dorm that reflects a history destroyed and a community no longer welcome! I have it pictured on this blog. The pathetic "The Villager" reported me "Sharon" Troy confronting John Sexton so long ago at a Town Hall meeting before the tear down of St. Ann's. and he still is not listening although they spend so much money on phony public relations and their powerful connections with the deepest pockets help make it all possible!
Welcome to the new hideous New York and the no. 1 real estate magnate continues the tear down of old New York in the name of higher ed and under the guise of not for profit with all it perks at the expense of the communities they occupy city wide as in the death of and destruction...Stuy Town was meant to be affordable housing not NYU student housing....
Here is a piece you can read written by someone from NYU on the history of the Provincetown Playhouse....
Reminder Develop Don't Destroy needs your support, rally May 3rd!
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn Newsletter
April 30 , 2008
Reminder: May 3rd, 2pm, Community Rally to Halt Atlantic Yards
In this issue:
> May 3 Community Rally: Halt the Atlantic Yards Bait & Switch!
> May 1: Cobble Hill Cinemas Free Screening of Must-see Documentary "Brooklyn Matters"
> May 3rd Mega-Stoop Sale Fundraiser Postponed Until May 17th
> May 3 Community Rally: Time-Out for Atlantic Yards Bait & Switch!
This is a critical juncture for the "Atlantic Yards" project, and it's hugely important that we Brooklynites show Governor Paterson just how concerned we are about it. We urge you to find a way to give just one hour of your time this Saturday to attend this community rally...
Community Rally On Atlantic Yards Called For
May 3rd, 2 PM
752 Pacific Street
(near Carlton Avenue)
in the "footprint" of the proposed project.
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn Newsletter
April 30 , 2008
Reminder: May 3rd, 2pm, Community Rally to Halt Atlantic Yards
In this issue:
> May 3 Community Rally: Halt the Atlantic Yards Bait & Switch!
> May 1: Cobble Hill Cinemas Free Screening of Must-see Documentary "Brooklyn Matters"
> May 3rd Mega-Stoop Sale Fundraiser Postponed Until May 17th
> May 3 Community Rally: Time-Out for Atlantic Yards Bait & Switch!
This is a critical juncture for the "Atlantic Yards" project, and it's hugely important that we Brooklynites show Governor Paterson just how concerned we are about it. We urge you to find a way to give just one hour of your time this Saturday to attend this community rally...
Community Rally On Atlantic Yards Called For
May 3rd, 2 PM
752 Pacific Street
(near Carlton Avenue)
in the "footprint" of the proposed project.
New York Daily News, Juan Gonzalez's article on Union Square, please read, we do think "improvements" tasteless
Read this article by Juan Gonzalez to learn more about this and other about this and other shady deals and here is my response.
What is next, privatizing the Statue of Liberty? Excellent list of shady deals and add the multi-millionaire dollar "improvement" to Washington Square Park which would improve the real estate value of the number one real estate magnate NYU University. Hmmm, I wonder who the anonymous donor is for this Union Square Park Deal is? The population is rising and if anything we need more space for children to play not a private restaurant to eat in a park that was designed for the people of New York to have some respite and ironically Union Square historically is a place for people to speak up, not for an elite few to sit down and dine. All these "deals" show having powerful friends comes with big benefits in NYC at the expense of the New Yorkers struggling to continue to live here.
Email from Andrew Berman,[GVSHP] Presentation re: Whitney Museum Plans for Meatpacking District; Updates on Far West Village Rezoning and St. Vincent'
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation[GVSHP] Presentation re: Whitney Museum Plans for Meatpacking District; Updates on Far West Village Rezoning and St. Vincent's
Please visit the comment section of this post to read the email from Andrew Berman, GVSPHP
and here is the link to this superb organization devoted to preserving the Village.
and here is the link to this superb organization devoted to preserving the Village.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
John, me and St. Brigids,
John and I met because of Sept. 11 and reconnected because of the Save St. Brigids activism.
John truly helped me through one of the most horrible traumatic events and I felt like he was a pinch hitting angel here on Earth. In NYC we all of have chance to step up to the plate and step in for the angels and help out someone, something, in some way to help the world be a better place and mega bucks is not required.
You can also see an enormous amount of damage to this beautiful historic church. This beauty looks like she was beaten up by goons.
Please visit the Save St. Brigids website, read and learn more and help if you can!!!!!
Pug Lost please help!!! This photo posted in Tompkin Square park today
Flower Power Beauty Power!!!!! East Village
Flower Power
406 East 9th Street, between Avenue A and First Avenue, New York, NY 10009
Cafe Habana, 17 Prince Street, NYC 10012 Maayan and me!

I love Cafe Habana and they have a Habana Outpost, New York's first solar powered restaurant wih seasonal outdoor flea market at 757 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 718-858-9500
Monday, April 28, 2008
East Village garbage to the brim, advertisement sexploitation expands in the East Village and more
East Village garbage to the brim, advertisement sexploitation East Village style or rather lack of...I posted this on one of my other blogs because it is has a more adult theme...I also show a women's bathroom turned in to a newstand in the subway and talk about sexual politics, sexism and about eco-issues like recycling.
911 Cops on Wall of Fame page 5 The New York Post
To the Editors: My email in response to the article in today's The New York Post.
Commissioner Kelly made the right decision honoring our fallen heroes that died a slow heroic 9-11 death at the "Wall of Heroes".
To date the mayor still denies our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS their rank at the 9-11 Memorial which is the simple respect and honor due.
All police, fire and ems that died post 9-11 because of 9-11 should be honored at the 9-11 Memorial including Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino.
This was the largest loss of rescue workers in our Nation's and city's history, this heart breaking loss and historical fact should be honored and recognized at the WTC site always and should have been all these years to millions of visitors. They did not hesitate with their lives and the mayor has hesitated all these years with the simple respect due.
Suzannah B. Troy
Commissioner Kelly made the right decision honoring our fallen heroes that died a slow heroic 9-11 death at the "Wall of Heroes".
To date the mayor still denies our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS their rank at the 9-11 Memorial which is the simple respect and honor due.
All police, fire and ems that died post 9-11 because of 9-11 should be honored at the 9-11 Memorial including Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino.
This was the largest loss of rescue workers in our Nation's and city's history, this heart breaking loss and historical fact should be honored and recognized at the WTC site always and should have been all these years to millions of visitors. They did not hesitate with their lives and the mayor has hesitated all these years with the simple respect due.
Suzannah B. Troy
Rescue Ink, 'Pet Heroes are a Buncha of Animals"
"Pet Heroes are a Buncha of Animals" Page 9 The New York Post.
Post 9-11 I became fascinated with tattoos as living canvas and in the East Village, Lower East Side and Bowery (nix the Bowery -- the Bowery has been destroyed and crushed with a pink unmarked NYU dorm, the Bowery Hotel that looks like a zone busting prison) I was in tattoo heaven living vicarously through my eyes as I have no tattoos on the outside of my body. My insides feel tattooed with my life story.
I loved the photos of these tattooed men that rescued these dogs. I should have called them when I needed rescuing because I fall under the two legged animal theory at least.
I actually feel the need for rescue. I have my belongs scattered at friend's places through out the Village, East and West and it will take me until June to get settled...I think and it freaks me out, feel traumatized and ...freaked out...
Feeling like I am needing rescue.
Post 9-11 I became fascinated with tattoos as living canvas and in the East Village, Lower East Side and Bowery (nix the Bowery -- the Bowery has been destroyed and crushed with a pink unmarked NYU dorm, the Bowery Hotel that looks like a zone busting prison) I was in tattoo heaven living vicarously through my eyes as I have no tattoos on the outside of my body. My insides feel tattooed with my life story.
I loved the photos of these tattooed men that rescued these dogs. I should have called them when I needed rescuing because I fall under the two legged animal theory at least.
I actually feel the need for rescue. I have my belongs scattered at friend's places through out the Village, East and West and it will take me until June to get settled...I think and it freaks me out, feel traumatized and ...freaked out...
Feeling like I am needing rescue.
Please visit
*I wrote the wrong year and have since corrected it because of a wonderful comment posted on my blog. I hope you will go see Courting Mae West!
Mae West was taken to the Jefferson Market Police Court on 9 February 1927. The trial began there on Sixth Avenue in March 1927.
• • My play "COURTING MAE WEST" (based on true events 1926 - 1932) dramatizes Mae's arrest and trial. My play opens on 19 July 2008 at the Algonquin (New York, NY).
• •
• •
Here is an excerpt from this wonderful blog and I am going to do my best to see this performance -- it will be a birthday gift to myself, if I make it to my 46th birthday!
Courting Mae West
The play "COURTING MAE WEST: Sex, Censorship & Secrets" is based on true events during the 1920s when actress MAE WEST was arrested and jailed in New York City for trying to stage two gay plays on Broadway. Maybe she broke the law - - but the LAW couldn't break HER!
p.s. I posted my letter in The New York Times in the Arts and Leisure Section under comments for this posting which has a tribute to Mae West!
• • My play "COURTING MAE WEST" (based on true events 1926 - 1932) dramatizes Mae's arrest and trial. My play opens on 19 July 2008 at the Algonquin (New York, NY).
• •
• •
Here is an excerpt from this wonderful blog and I am going to do my best to see this performance -- it will be a birthday gift to myself, if I make it to my 46th birthday!
Courting Mae West
The play "COURTING MAE WEST: Sex, Censorship & Secrets" is based on true events during the 1920s when actress MAE WEST was arrested and jailed in New York City for trying to stage two gay plays on Broadway. Maybe she broke the law - - but the LAW couldn't break HER!
p.s. I posted my letter in The New York Times in the Arts and Leisure Section under comments for this posting which has a tribute to Mae West!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Joshua Toas submitted his resignation, I heard he was good the real deal
I am crushed to read that Joshua Toas submitted his resignation. The rumors re: the bars, night clubs, community boards, community board sla etc...the rumors I heard were always ugly.
What I heard about Joshua Toas was good. He came to the 9th Precinct to the NYPD Community meeting and that was a good action so I am sad to read this news and I had to write about this on my blog.
dark sombre view of what was the WTC, the "new" New York
Click on this sad dark photo and you will see a tour bus with the advertisement "This is your New York" dissecting the photo at the base and looking south from just above 14th St., West Village, mystical Jefferson Library down at the WTC with so many cranes piercing the dark sky.
Please make the leap with symbology as if this was a dark painting or dream I am asking you to analyze and look at the enormous cranes in the background.
NYC city wide has cranes piercing the sky because of this tsunami of community crushing development that came crashing down on us post 9-11.
I would look down and see the World Trade Center and I would go for long runs down there but now my knees are shot and just walking is painful. This is a dark sombre view now of what can be seen today...It is important to click on the image to see it larger but I am not interested in "perfection" or perfect expressions but passion and my art audience and readers feel the heart and soul of my expressions. I also want to thank the editors of my passionate letters published especially the dynamo that edited my Bruno Schulz letter in The New York Times and the editor of my WSJ letter. It is amazing my letter "Betrayal at Ground Zero" made it into the about breaking through a wall.
I can't get mind, heart and soul around 9-11. I can't get mind, heart and soul around what happened here in NYC post 9-11...this new hideous new york built on old new york's infrastructure and the death toll and destruction that looked like terror attacks that were not terror attacks.
I miss the NYC pre-Sept. 11 in so many ways.
p.s. I am a Mae West fan and Madonna clearly was inspired by Mae West as an artist and business woman although Madonna is going for the Marlene Deitrich look these days. Mae West's legal bill for her arrest for the play she wrote and performed in "Sex" was 30,000 dollars but the publicity was estimated at one million dollars. (Translate that in to dollars now.) Mae West was way ahead of her time; sometimes I feel like I am from the future and that is where I imagine my art will get the recognition deserved. I never wanted people lacking passion for my art to own my art work but now caring for my art and storing it feels impossible. In the context of Sept. 11 it all seems meaningless at least right now but the one benefit of fame while alive is the mega good you can do helping out but as individual just walking down the street you can do so much to help out picking up litter or handing a homeless person a sweater and some food, etc. I am so tired I want to rest and no more blogging for 24 hours.
*I wrote the wrong year and have since corrected it because of a wonderful comment posted on my blog. I hope you will go see Courting Mae West!
Betrayal at Ground Zero, The Wall Street Journal, my letter pubished April 27, 2005
The link to my letter published in The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, April 27, 2005 is broken so I will hand type the letter.
I remember there was a letter above mine on another issue co-written by 3 senators and one had been a presidential candidate. It is like going to the opera to see Carmen and getting a box seat front and center, pretty amazing.
April 27, 2005
The Wall Street Journal
"Betrayal at Ground Zero"
Art is life and death for me, and being a passionate New York City artist, betrayal is a daily staple; however to read Ada Louise Huxtable's In the Fray column "The Death of the Dream for the Ground Zero Site(Leisure & Arts, April 20) bemoaning the performing arts center being dropped from the $500 million fund raising campaign for the World Trade Center memorial and the museum doesn't even touch the surface of death and betrayal.
I feel numb when thinking of the massive murder, destruction and funerals from 9-11 and I want to scream in disbelief, anger and grief to learn our FDNY which suffered the largest loss in our nation's history, is not acknowledged. Every front-line hero who rushed down Sept. 11 and gave the ultimate sacrifice should be recognized always at the site. Members of our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS that died in the line of duty. Do the financial and cultural power brokers have no respect for this fact of history?
Who would have thought firehouses would be closed after Sept. 11, and that the heroes who came from them would become an economic causality as well.
Suzannah B. Troy
I write about betrayal which as a passionate artist here in NYC is a daily staple which is so "burningly true" today for me but it doesn't compare to 9-11 issues, read on....
I remember there was a letter above mine on another issue co-written by 3 senators and one had been a presidential candidate. It is like going to the opera to see Carmen and getting a box seat front and center, pretty amazing.
April 27, 2005
The Wall Street Journal
"Betrayal at Ground Zero"
Art is life and death for me, and being a passionate New York City artist, betrayal is a daily staple; however to read Ada Louise Huxtable's In the Fray column "The Death of the Dream for the Ground Zero Site(Leisure & Arts, April 20) bemoaning the performing arts center being dropped from the $500 million fund raising campaign for the World Trade Center memorial and the museum doesn't even touch the surface of death and betrayal.
I feel numb when thinking of the massive murder, destruction and funerals from 9-11 and I want to scream in disbelief, anger and grief to learn our FDNY which suffered the largest loss in our nation's history, is not acknowledged. Every front-line hero who rushed down Sept. 11 and gave the ultimate sacrifice should be recognized always at the site. Members of our FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS that died in the line of duty. Do the financial and cultural power brokers have no respect for this fact of history?
Who would have thought firehouses would be closed after Sept. 11, and that the heroes who came from them would become an economic causality as well.
Suzannah B. Troy
New York
April 27, 2008
To date there is no acknowledgement of the largest loss of our rescue workers in our city and nation's history at the WTC site. This fact of history is erased and yet the images of our rescue workers is indelibly part of all our memories from either seeing it first hand or repeated over and over on television and our computer screens.
To date the mayor refuses to give our rescue workers their rank at the memorial although they died with uniforms that said New York and their rank, the mayor says that would make them some how special. Please write and email the mayor and tell him this is the simple honor due and also to acknowledge the largest loss of rescue worker in our city and nation's history.
Our firehouses have been closed.
Our NYPD's starting salary has been lowered. The NYPD is the only police force in the USA that has had to deal with 2 destructive terror attacks so you would think they would be the highest paid and that the city would receive the most funding to protect ourselves....
There is so much more I have to say but my body and mind are exhausted and post 9-11 , I do have throat burn aka acid reflux. I am so tired....
p.s. To see photos and an example of what I call a living memorial shut down by the mayor please visit my blog posting
I am exhausted but I want to add Bobby and Joey who died at the Deutsche Bank toxic waste death trap down there should be added to the memorial. Many of those front line rescue workers were highly decorated serving in the military and for the city and yet this loss has been made invisible all these years at the site. There has also be the medical illnesses 9-11 and the struggle for medical support needed and heroes that died the slow death 9-11.
I also remember the sea of rescue workers that went down to the site every day including buses and I mean literally buses of NYPD cadets.
They did not hesitate but the mayor still hesitates all these years to give them the simple respect due.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Grace Reach Out for Animal Rights!
Reach Out for Animal Rights!
Grace gracing Tompkins Square Park and all the blessed animals
Develop Don't Destroy, rally May 2
Please go to and get the info to attend the rally or send a check for their legal bills if you can. I did send a small check recently.
Community Crusher Columbia University attempts to stop protest, Columbia and NYU are community destroyers in the name of higher ed
Columbia University is playing hardball and is trying to stop this protest!!!!!!
Columbia U. and NYU use the velvet hammer of higher ed to crush our communities. NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain to destroy and displace entire communities with friends like the mayor and mega millionaire socialite city planner Amanda Burden.
To CPC Members and Others Interested: 4/25/08
Below is press release about our march and demonstration at Columbia tomorrow. For the past four years the students and community have held joint on-campus actions in April which highlighted the opposition and criti
cism of the expansion plan. This year, Columbia is playing hard ball because it fears that the 40th anniversary of 1968 will put its current eviction plan in an historically bad light. Despite Pres. Lee Bollinger’s constant references to his love of “free speech”, the behind the scenes efforts by his administration to squash dissent have been increasingly evident – especially in the past weeks.
Columbia U. and NYU use the velvet hammer of higher ed to crush our communities. NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain to destroy and displace entire communities with friends like the mayor and mega millionaire socialite city planner Amanda Burden.
The email sent to me I will post on the comment section -- please read!!!!
Here are the first few sentences...
To CPC Members and Others Interested: 4/25/08
Below is press release about our march and demonstration at Columbia tomorrow. For the past four years the students and community have held joint on-campus actions in April which highlighted the opposition and criti
cism of the expansion plan. This year, Columbia is playing hard ball because it fears that the 40th anniversary of 1968 will put its current eviction plan in an historically bad light. Despite Pres. Lee Bollinger’s constant references to his love of “free speech”, the behind the scenes efforts by his administration to squash dissent have been increasingly evident – especially in the past weeks.
Eviction rumors reality are we all just hanging by a thread?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Eco-Party time at Hub Station, 73 Morton Street, George Bliss and Scout, eco -party nyc
It's midnight and I am sure the party is Eco-rocking our consciousness and bodies but I am in bed with my cats of course!
Hub Station, 73 Morton Street, 212-965-9334, support Hub Station please!!!!
Parks are for the public and stop mayor stop allowing trees to be ripped out and the people ripped off!
Elizabeth handed me some reading material re: Protect the Village Historic District and their is an email:
and her email is
A young man handed me The Indypendent and I think he wrote the piece "Fighting for Union Square" by Alex Kane which I read and it was well written.
+go to my blog search engine and type in Washington Square Park and read my other postings.
Bluestockings Radical Bookstore and I see a radical friend indeed!
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