Rumors go on and on about lots of sex-texting, no underwear, no condoms but few women involved with this scandal and the Tiger Wood scandal seemed that concerned about having an affair as much as getting publicity and like the newest Jesse James mistress about to
emerge -- no. 4 getting the "top tigress " Gloria Allred as her lawyer . In these kinds of cases, why would she need Gloria Allred unless ta da.... she, like many of Tiger Woods mistresses, is thinking about Allred negotiating some big cashola. No. 4 for JJ claims to have had a relationship for several years that just ended. Yes, Gloria Allred is your go to lawyer specializing in this new genre of celebrity sex-texters with serial mistresses. Wow, times have changed. Adultery is a big business!!!!!!!!
I don't believe in cheating and lying. A lot of men do not wear wedding rings and they do pass themselves off as single. These men are to be avoided like the plague. Even if a man and woman have an open agreement that cheating is acceptable I still say no thanks.
Cheating is common place and occurs more than one might think with both males and females globally and in some countries is accepted but not in America which still has a Puritan stance on adultery although again many Americans do cheat. Pamela Druckerman has a book out on this topic which I am reading called
Lust in Translation: Infidelity from Tokyo to Tennessee
. I am reading this book because I have had married men hit on me and also because a long time ago I had this nutty old woman accuse me of adultery with her decaying husband and besides the fact it was not true I could see how much drama and importance it added to her day. FYI, I tend to like younger men and go through a diatribe on how you have to be single. I mean really single and that includes not living with someone.
Gays fight for the right for marriage and I support their right to be married but there are people like me that to date have avoided marriage for the simple reason marriages so rarely really work. Apparently Sarah Silverman is like minded but far more extreme.
I do think about marriage. It is hard not to in this society. The pressure is to be married and you are definitely treated differently-- not in a good way -- as a single. My favorite photo of an unconventional wedding is Mike Lichter's Just Married which is a biker photo that I happen to own.
Sturgis (Dakotas)
I do think about getting married with a pre-nup -- what's mine is mine and what's yours is your and marry asap to a guy with good health benefits because my pay out each month is way too high but other wise I don't see marriage anytime in the near future.
I do think if you want to make sure a married man does not cheat on you, the wife needs to tattoo or brand her tele no. on his forehead like 911 with instructions to call or even better
LoJack his package but the odds are if your spouse was cheating before the marriage he is most likely not going to stop when he marries you. Some women pretend they did not know or were clueless but it is hard to believe. I am sure if Sandra Bullock really thought about it -- she had to see the red lights but she did not let herself process the information. I never have seen adultery as just between two people. I believe the wife almost always knows. That there were warning signals before the marriage and sometimes the husband is cheating and it is not with a woman.
The Confession
There is no doubt that women cheat on their husbands as well and the husband can be devastated but in one example given in "Lust in Translation", he was devastated but he had cheated as well so there can be a double standard based on gender and as usual women are judged far more harshly than men. In the case of Tiger Woods and Jesse James, their actions are so extreme, mega-narcissists and they have little understanding their children are the biggest casualties. One big shift which I am suprised about is people are very angry and disgusted with the men and instead of being perceived as super studs they are being looked at as super destructive, super slime with serious problems throwing away an awful lot that most people would be grateful for.
I won't say never but so far I have avoided marriage.
Note: I am as usual extemely exhausted. Besides some health issues I am addressing including "throat burn" I have a cold and I am too tired to proof but you get the jist of what I am saying. I write and do my art, YouTubes that get to the heart and soul of what I am saying, you either get it or don't.
I wrote this in response to a comment on my facebook:
It is not a coincidence -- the timing. Women tend to be very believing, very compassionate, very hopeful with bad guys and mostly they are very betrayed. If belief was a bank account filled with gold most of us that believed have been left feeling robbed. She had to have ignored the warning signs including his resume of two failed marriages, 3 kids with 2 women and the fact he was not involved with the kids until Sandra put the pressure on him to jointly parent them with her. I wanted Gabby to win but Sandra did and instead of basking in the glow she is basking in humiliation. I think he is so shut down and so used to being above it and in his own insulated world it was like 2 Jesses and one deeply resented her and one did really love her. But I am sure he is addicted to the high of each sexcapade and even falling in love. Predication - divorce and he will be married again is a few years. Sandra will remain unmarried.