Saturday, August 1, 2009
Christine Quinn called a whore? The whore comment is retracted. Metaphorically gun to the head?
Except for a few die hard loyalists the majorities of New Yorkers think Christine Quinn and Mike Bloomberg are all about catering to money and they in fact have sold us out.
NYC is oligarch central not a democracy as Mike's slick and shady move to push term limits proved this. King Mike Bloomberg didn't break the law, he changed the law.
Mike is anti-gun but he, Quinn and gang have other ways to put the metaphorical gun to your head and again it is perfectly legal -- no arrests will be made.
He can't put you on a plane like the homeless yet. He and Quinn can attempt to have the NYPD harass you at demonstrations and even arrest you but in doing so Bloomberg and Quinn will further alienating New Yorkers and hurting NYPD and community relations.
No gulag for the man that used the word "whore" to say Quinn sold us out. He was talking about small businesses and I would add Quinn, Mike Bloomberg and socialite mega millionaire, Amanda Burden (she made the Bowery look like Dubai aiding and abetting Cooper Union) ---they sold the people of this great city out to greedy ruthless developers like the wall streeters that had no limits -- no one was policing this reckless tsunami and more terrible collapses are coming from infrastructure breaks on and below the streets, to empty store fronts city wide to democracy.
We do not recognize our city just the moving vans. Mike hasn't provide air fare for us yet! I always said he, Burden and John Sexton, pres. of NYU did everything but provide buses, trains and trolleys to move us out.
This small business owner made a retraction but is Howard Stern humor spoke mega volumes for how most New Yorkers feel. I wouldn't use the word whore. I remember witnessing socialites doing what ever it takes for the money, to be on the A list and that wasn't consider prostitution.
Politician has become a dirty word -- a very dirty word. Thank goodness Mike Bloomberg doesn't believe in the actual use of guns. He and his crew just use the gun to your head in a metaphorically way -- shut up, know your place -- this is oligarch central and it is best you leave NYC -- a one way ticket.