I am like so many victims where is my Justice I think of Nickolas Heyward junior and I hope that he father would be able to enter his sons murder in a citizens app and that's not gonna happen because he passed away too.
So many victims passed away and their family members passed away too!
Count my Dad Decorated World War II veterans that died knowing I was treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany Ray Kelly's role!
City of NY Corp Counsel CHEAT TO WIN LIED IN 4 courts withheld Delita Hooks letter in response to Kuby's (kuby's letter short hand I'm being coerced) v Delita hooks threatens me again this time to the attention of Det Andrew Dwyer (15 complaints against him in watered down data base) Corrupt Lt Angelos Burgos signed off on the letter party to goal coerce me Erase all crimes including their own in plain sight! Delita Hooks threatening letter is a
sharp contrast - her letter another threat that recognizes the cops falsified what happened and downgraded it to a fabricated mutual third-degree and use the Threat of a 2nd fake false cross-complaint to threaten me yet again!
Manhattan DA has admitted Delita Hooks complaint it is a false cross complaint! At the time I did not have a copy of the letter because the detectives didn't give me a copy they withheld that just like Corporation counsel did! I was being discriminated against anyway and the city continues to obstruct justice in my case and how many other cases?
In New York State Supreme Court when I sued 3X my judge Lynn Kotler, cheat lie to win Corporation counsel lawyers Zachary Carter and in person Catherine Papandrew admitted the detectives did an investigation!
That's an admission in court so how could they do an investigation when they refused to meet me falsified police reports and we're party to violently threatening me!
Papandrew had Jonathan Popolow's filing from Appeallete federal where he stated in admission that the detective john Vergona ADMITTED HE THREATENED ME OVER THE PHONE WITH ARREST UNLESS I DROPPED CHARGES!
The chutzpah to use Ron Kuby's Letter short hand for him being coerced and withhold my attackers response to the attention of NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by his supervisor corrupt 30 supervisor who asked to be my LinkedIn friend when I'm suing him in New York State Supreme!
This dirty Lieutenant Angelo Burgos -A subordinate gave me his email so I emailed him asking for badge numbers ...no response aka refused to give me badge numbers refused to talk to me refused to meet me opened up my case for five times that's an investigation but when I'm suing him he wants to join my LinkedIn network!
If you look up his supervisor in the database Lt Angelo Burgos there's an old accusation against him threatening a victim with arrest!
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@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU@NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil@ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @NYCLU NYPD Det Vergona, Det Andrew Dwyer withheld Delita Hooks letter to Dwyer THREATENS ME 2nd false cross complt. CorpCounsel withheld from me 11 judges 4 courts DOI IA 1PP enablers my case Dr Fagelman MD office 0 arrests, NYPD DA enabled Jeffrey Epstein suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/08/nyc-go…pic.twitter.com/4kfY2Djxxc | |||
8/25/20, 8:15 AM |
Put all the links and I'm so tired I can't copy and paste them they're all there - The massage in this blog link has my attackers letter it took me over half a decade to get it through incredible hard work and repetition never ever giving up so if you think I complain a lot I don't I shouldn't have to complain at all but who labeled me complainer? Rapist Jeffrey Epstein, Delita Hooks who punched a hole in my retina and her corrupt enablers and Internal Affairs protecting abuse of power and CRIMES CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS!!!!!!