I don't know how Sept 11 could have happened --- prayers for all good souls that took the Express to Heaven...
Now the Pandemic because greedy humans Harming this Planet? A lab or a live markets w/ scared animals crapping all over each other in terror?
Why are suppose to rely on government city state federal?
Princeton University thu j about how FBI New York FBI looked away as NYPD VIOLATED OUR CIVIL RIGHTS OPENLY BROKE LAWS LIKE MY CASE VIOLATED AT MD OFFICE SOHO ALL CRIMES ERASED LIKE JEFFREY EPSTEIN ENABLERS BY NYPD DA MY CASE w/ IA corporation counsel city https://twitter.com/vegansuz/status/1298997790471671813?s=21
(FYI I felt something tear in right knee - the knee I had surgery on twice -- commuting on train - of course I had to get up use the WC on NJ Transit on my way to see Mom.
NYPD Det John Vergona NYPD det Vergona admitted he THREATENED me with arrest in FEDERAL APPEALette via Corp counsel Jonathan Popolow. NYS Catherine Papandrew admitted detectives investigated! Really? How did Delita Hooks get my name and why refuse to repeatedly meet me lie to me being abusive and protect her false cross complaint etc? NYPD detectives 01 w/ supervisors openly broke laws my case and laughed about it. Sgt Chen laughed over the phone stating YOU GOT ASSAULTED AT THE DOCTOR's!
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My head hurts a lot 5:30 pm maybe dehydrated huge commute wearing 2 masks subways, NJ Transit - so grateful trains do clean. It's like I just had another running punch to my head at the doctors office which is apparently OK in the state of New York City of NY it is ok to punch a patient make a hole in the retina and sexually assault them and also steal a note I wrote my doctor dr Vine and destroy it it's New York City in the state of New York so doctors and their employees can get away with anything like pedophile priests?
Same with corrupt NYPD that break laws for them to erase all crimes protected by Internal Affairs and how many other officials that looked away?
Before there was a COVID-19 pandemic clearly a corruption pandemic.
These people laughed but so did Jeffrey Epstein and he's not laughing.These people have laughed but so did Jeffrey Epstein and he's not laughing anymore
My goal show world via twitter
top NYPD w/NY FBI looking away protect crimes my case my #civilrights violated NYPD 01 det squad CO ERASED: CRIMES for DR ANDREW FAGELMAN OFFICE + NYPD crimes + all party to goal VIOLENTLY coerce me! Jeffrey Epstein DA Cy Vance enabler too our cases pic.twitter.com/0hzWMnHJAk |
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Link has Delita Hooks letter to NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer and Lt Angelo Burgos were both in the database that was released - No surprise Burgos is in there for threatening someone with the rest that was what they conspired to do with me and the letter kind of outlines it with a second threat recognizing they fabricated a third-degree assault and I could actually come back and report second-degree.
no surprise Lt Angelo Burgos in NYPD data base for threatening someone with arrest that was what they conspired to do with me and the letter kind of outlines it with a second threat recognizing the fabricated a third-degree assault and I could actually come back and report second-degree assault that letter was withheld from my lawyer at the time Ron Kuby and me there's a threat to me in that letter and they withheld it from me and the city withheld it in 4 courts and from 11 judges.
I have Oreos where Internal Affairs and Sex Crimes use that letter of Ron's that says I'll drop charges against my Attacker my attacker drop charges which means I'm being coerced and threatened to say case closed you drop charges you weren't coerced when I was.
I never met Ron I didn't have time my father wasn't well and I had to get emergency surgery the day before the false arrest date which could only be Saturday 4 PM according to the corrupt detective openly breaking laws who has a gun and he's retired. So is Lt Angelo Burgos a criminal and Dwyer got promoted I believe to the NYPD FBI task force!
The FBI don't have a problem with John Miller his role in the Prospect Park rape case either. See a pattern?
Scroll down in the misogynist link and look at the letter you also question how my attacker got my name and you can see I never had her name how unbalanced bias corrupt discriminatory unfairly I was treated but worse they were Crimes and Civil rights violations NYFBI protects violated and no one cared and no one asked how did she get my name? Not NYPD IA DA Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi, Siobhan Berry -- The same corrupt DA office they tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and with Sex Crimes erased sex crimes too! My case included!
October 1, 2012 I went to see Dr. Katherine Vine I have a cyst removed from my elbow, the cyst biopsied for peace of mind.
I had two injections in my left elbow to numb it I was holding a bunch of bags in my iPhone when I became a human piñata in a one-way unprovoked attack in fact my attacker the medical receptionist office manager provoked me over and over first to get help and when I couldn't get help and she kept giving me the finger harassing me following me and we were never alone she provoked me to document it to show to my doctor which I d!
I had two injections in my left elbow to numb it I was holding a bunch of bags in my iPhone when I became a human piñata in a one-way unprovoked attack in fact my attacker the medical receptionist office manager provoked me over and over first to get help and when I couldn't get help and she kept giving me the finger harassing me following me and we were never alone she provoked me to document it to show to my doctor which I did!
I left with a hole in my retina I was told immediately that I had no rights after I ask a simple question would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth and although the doctor and is employee lied a lot Underoath my attacker Delita Hooks did admit I asked that.
That doctors office cost me my health it may end up impacting me an old age I may end up with dementia or severe neurological break down because of a running punched my head shaking and they chose to lie they continue to lie gaslight and organize powerful people to make sure I don't have Justice cheats a win lie perjury like Lance Armstrong why not it's a city of New York the state of New York where I wasn't even safe at a doctors! That doctors office cost me my health it may end up impacting me an old age I may end up with dementia or severe neurological breakdown because of running punched my head shaking and they chose to lie they continue to lie gaslight and organize powerful people to make sure I don't have justice cheats win lie perjury like Lance Armstrong why not it's the city of New York the state of New York where I wasn't even safe at the doctors
I already got a phone call from city MD on .1 pre-diabetic one diabetes doesn't run in my family and that was a wake up call I was heading towards obesity because these cruel evil people don't respect the law civil rights the oath they took except for my attacker Delita Hooks who Dr Andrew Fagelman takes to drug parties.
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@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU When NYBlood ctr called me to donate White Blood cells I said YES I did not ask race/religion/politics/ sexuality but NYPD IA DA GUILTY "round Robyn" #discrimination Eric Garner I both pro se under Bloomberg NYPD Ray Kelly targeted nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-g… de Blasio too! #Justice pic.twitter.com/yxK9ijsMCg | |||||
6/4/20, 5:21 PM |
The attitude of top cops from Ray Kelly Bratton O'Neill Shea critic dear Whistle Blower you lose your rights to report crimes you lose your human rights you lose your civil rights.
Lieutenant Gannon from Chief Banks office same office that set in motion Eric Gardner's death he told me I'm suing the NYPD I lose the right to upgrade( the fabricated downgraded ) third-degree assault of what it truly was second-degree assault.
Look at these videos a playlist exposing NYPD Dermot Shea, Bratton, O'Neill, Reznick, Campisi - audios police reports prove NYPD broke laws violated my civil rights
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Is this the same corrupt Sergeant Chen who's in the audio 1st Precinct backing a police officer McGorry lying that I don't have a right to report a false cross complaint again discrimination obstruction of justice fixing and favors for Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office --I have so many audios and they're on YouTube http://thisisversaillesmadame.blogspot.com/2013/09/beauty-spots-more-than-just-mark.html?m=1 |
See Margaret Chin I alerted her what happened to me but she was catering to Howard Rubenstein's client I'm not talking about Jeffrey Epstein but another client Bill Rudin - Rudin family Pushing through luxury condos instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center and standing next to her is a dirty corrupt cop in enforcer for the Mercer hotel and a creepy manager Michael Rawson and who's use multiple accounts to harass me and even I'll let you remove a YouTube of this cop illegally using his sirens for non-emergency to come harass us protesting the hotels treatment of an elderly veteran vendor who died of prostate cancer in hospice of cancer who this cop harassed for Michael Rawson!
Did Jeffrey Epstein have $ in the hotel and Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell have a very special relationship with Andre who owns it at the time?
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All these dirty cops and dirty politicians who know what I look like but I don't know who they are I wanna know who is the sky see a political player or a dirty corrupt cop I want to see photos of every cop involved in crimes in my case from Internal Affairs to NYPD and I want them alerted never ever to contact me or anyone connected to me because I will go to local law-enforcement and a DA or federal who may one day pay attention! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/harvey-weinsteins-army-of-spies/amp Joe TACOPINA has not denied my allegations against him in an ethical complaint accusing him of criminal activity involving me assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman and if he or anyone associated joined in goal to further harass me censor me THREATEN ME INCLUDING DURING AN OPEN INVESTIGATION I WANT THEM HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Who was involved in censoring me on yelp and what is dr Andrew fagelman Delita hooks relationship with yelp because even there they got special treatment as I was openly harassed yet again and lied about on their behalf! One fake account the lie was so blatant I reported it and it was removed but Travelers used it.I allege Travelers lawyers also knew Fr Fagelman would lie and state attack did not happen on his property! |