YouTube: 2014 before Pay to Rape DA exposed for taking $ from rapists funneled to him exposed and the 2015 NYDN article Cy Vance ADA Jennifer Gaffney tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein's sex offender status. (I believe DA NYPD IA also enablers Epstein Maxwell Teflon status ) This YouTube confront the Manhattan DA about his misogyny my case violence towards women who are critics of him is OK! Cy Vance SMILES at me! He had bern inside NYU Law School Praising the head of praising the head of Dept Of investigation Rose Gill Hearn (aka protector of Mike Bloomberg's tarnished legacy) w/ former US attorney Preet Bharara who all refused to pursue any arrests prosecution of (ECTP PSAC1 PSAC2) 911 tech corruption but I agreed to false arrest twice! The NYPD Inspector General can confirm they forwarded two of my cases to Internal Affairs dead on arrival one of them was about NYPD and ECTP.
Note the city got back $60.5 million a 911 tech corruption less than pennies on the dollar considering it went over budget over $1 billion contractors delivered late delivered crap especially Hewitt Packard the lead contractor tied to the New York pensions but I agree to False Arrest Nypd for running punch to my head. Det Vergona admitted he threaten me with a arrest over the phone yet he's not arrested.
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@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU@NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil@ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @NYCLU NYPD Det Vergona, Det Andrew Dwyer withheld Delita Hooks letter to Dwyer THREATENS ME 2nd false cross complt. CorpCounsel withheld from me 11 judges 4 courts DOI IA 1PP enablers my case Dr Fagelman MD office 0 arrests, NYPD DA enabled Jeffrey Epstein… | |||
8/25/20, 8:15 AM |
People think Lance Armstrong just cheated with steroids but he cheated to win in court committing perjury and only coming out when the statute ran out but there may be no statute for cheating to win in court it's called fraud? My case did Joe TACOPINA get involved in cheating to win goal enable coercing me turning the tables on me? Did he contact Delita Hooks, Dr Andrew Fagelman, Det Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos or anybody else...? Did Dr F Delita Hooks also conspire w/ Travelers lawyers or anyone other lawyers agree to conspire to lie to escape liability?
Note running punch to my head so hard it made a hole in my retina and there's a problem with me communicating plus when I email or voice dictate there's mysterious duplication. I know the goal of all the criminals is to mock my typos and wordiness - they are desperate to keep all the crimes all the obstruction of justice and civil rights violated covered up to use anything including my typos how pathetic no integrity decency and they all took oath so except for Delita Hooks?
Emailed DOI commissioner this complaint below: DOI from Rose Gill Hearn to present DOI protected NYPD Crimes my case IA Corp counsel even comptroller all have investigators role protecting crimes civil rights violations. I photographed DOI's website claiming to be investigating NYPD.Is that's true based on my case 2 administrations, 3 heads of DOI as well as DOI protecting retaliation of whistleblowers. City, NYPD withheld badge#s, Hooks ltr threatening me another crime in 4 courts 11 judges cheat to win aka fraud. I continue to demand an apology, accountability, compensation, as well as arrests. Name one Whistle Blower DOI NYPD Internal Affairs City the DA rewarded rather than joined in retaliating? I also continue to ask DOI to change their intake form which is antiquated and assume it's one department when it's many working together in our cases obstructing Justice -
DOI party to obstruction of Justice our case. DOI didn't notice fraud cheat to win my case other NYPD is victims? NYPD database released by nyclu hints at NYPD crimes civil rights violated City agencies enabled my case New York city comptroller has an investigator Corporation counsel Internal Affairs DA discriminated enable even more crimes! Name NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge
August 25, 2020 at 7:21:41 AM EDT
To:, public Advocate Office, Councilman Richards ,, women's Caucus , Get Cy Vance Out ,, CCPC ACCOUNT
Subject: NYC Gov DOI dept Of investigation enabler in my case for years, how can DOI investigate NYPD IA 1 police plaza or even themselves? Cy Vance Top NYPD involved also Teflon erased sexual assaults