Dr. Andrew Fagelman
Dr Andrew Fagelman Dr. Andrew Fagelman Soho 155 Spring StreetDr Andrew Fagelman Dr. Andrew Fagelman Soho 155 Spring Street
Dr Fagelman assault - A willfully obtuse person or a malicious person with a goal to gaslight me might question why would I call the YouTube "Dr Fagelman assault Delita Hooks punched patient (me) NYPD Fix". I didn't post the YouTube until my attacker Delita Hooks aka "Delite" -- her friend called AJohn came to my YouTube about New York City 911 Tech System is over budget $1 billion and I said by the way I got punched at the doctor's by Dr Andrew Fagelman's!
https://youtu.be/BiA4zukI9Y8 this is October 3 two days after I am assaulted--
![]() | Tia Keenan (@kasekaiserina) |
When I was a sex worker one of my top clients was #3 in the NYPD. He always had the best drugs.
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I'm wondering if Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks has a special relationship with Bill Rudin (and his retired nypd he has on the payroll) who hired Howard Rubenstein a PR guy just like Jeffrey EPSTEIN did! I caught one of Rudin's retired NYPD officers a retired NYPD commander trying to fix it ticket and I reported it before I was savagely assaulted -- the fix was in so I'm wondering if this doctor is connected to Rudin and his retired NYPD on the Rudin payroll? Delita Hooks lied under oath a lot but she did remember the Rudin protest sign! Perhaps there is another connection here? Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks arrogantly committed perjury confident they are Teflon!
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
Dr Fagelman Assault. Jeffrey Epstein hired Rubenstein to trash victims?R "clout"NYPD DA City media killed news for clients like Rudin St V hospital in to luxury condos no protective zoning My case media kills news NYPD break laws DA protects see a pattern? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/07/dr-fag…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYGovCuomo @USWNT Gov Cuomo, de Blasio,City Hall give NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore court appointed meetings DA Cy who asked to lower his sex offender status and kept Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon saying NYPD DA fixing favors ok? My case nypd joined in crimes too Teflon!youtu.be/R3Dgfiuuz0s
I was violently assaulted by Dr F's lying attack receptionist/office manager and my patient rights and civil rights violated! Don't I also have a human right to go to a doctors office and not be violated Threatened and violently coerced after I was violently assaulted which included forcible touching! The NYPD blatantly broke laws and there's not one arrest of a dirty cop in my case and how many other cases!
Dr Andrew Fagelman protected all violations of my patient rights which apply to all patients including Dr Vine! He openly and actively participated in gaslighting me and him getting the NYPD to threaten me he knew every step of the way the NYPD were going to falsify police reports and an NYPD detective was going to violently coerce me and his pals at the 1st Precinct and clearly beyond like Jeffrey Epstein he's got his friends we're going to erase all Crimes and keep this case closed.
Apparently Delita Hooks first false narrative was I threw the first punch when truth was I was her human piñata! I was Dr Vine's patient. Dr Vine had removed a cyst on my elbow after injecting my arm twice with a numbing injection and I was holding bags plus my iPhone. We were never alone ever. The people involved lied in the past but they might think twice about lying to federal investigator and under oath. You can gaslight me online anonymously but again you take a risk committing perjury although Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks openly committed perjury and they are Teflon.
All I need is for federal investigators to question everyone involved in my case and I believe they can make arrests but again it seems like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell here in NYC Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks are Teflon above the law and all their crimes including including engaging the NYPD in violently coercing me falsifying police reports forcing me to drop charges against my will it's very serious injuries from the attack, now at perjury -- despite all their wrongdoing it appears there Teflon. Dr Fagelman has lots of NYPD patients but he has help gaslighting me, harassing me and help staying Teflon like Jeffrey EPSTEIN did.
You can find a letter to NYPD Det. Andrew Dwyer from my attacker threatening me at again with the second false cross complaint.
McDonald's or Starbucks would've fired her! Dr Fagelman has lots of NYPD Patients.
Any Jeffrey Epstein type Patients? Dr Fagelman is as confident in the NYPD as Jeffrey EPSTEIN?
Appears to me he's able to get away with whatever he wants just like Jeffrey Epstein did here in New York for how many years and like Epstein the Manhattan DA and NYPD are Dr Fagelman's enablers! In Dr Fagelman's case that are also his patients.
Dr Fagelman in my opinion is a worse criminal than Delita Hooks for his role. If Delita Hooks gets Arrested I believe she will expose his role. She already admitted he wanted to be in the loop every time she spoke with NYPD he wanted her to tell him!
Dr Andrew Fagelman acted far more arrogant than Jeffrey Epstein I believe for instance he mocked me he was laughing in a depo -- he bragged about his NYPD relations which are so wonderful he puts his full trust and confidence in them to investigate what happen when in fact they were fused to meet me and falsified police reports to openly behave that way like he's a pedophile priest that he's going to be protected by the judge by law-enforcement by the DA so he can just commit perjury and Marcus victim because I am his victim my patient rights were violated at his office and he discussed me with his patients which means he lied about me to his patients and demeaned me and they came to YouTube my channel and yelp to lie and gas light me on his behalf! Why else would he discussed me and lie if you didn't want them to do his dirty work ditto for her!
I don't know but I would hope. I do believe that Dr Vine's assistant would completely tell the whole truth she was very good I asked her for help and I asked her why this woman (Delita Hooks) was following me!
The creepy doctor in my case said he put his full trust me NYPD but every day their articles in the news showing that there's a lot of problems inside the NYPD and they're far from ethical?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP@TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives@MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA@MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
FYI I make comparisons to have the doctor is Teflon because I allowed she picked up the phone and he got fixing in favors at the NYPD at the 1st Precinct we're willing to break the laws and they did and they been protected along with the doctor they did fixing and favors for MD Dr Fagelman and his employee as if they were Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-my.html?m=1 here I tell you about a "book" I've written a New York City corruption which includes everything from tech contracts to Jeffrey Epstein and Manhattan DA and Nypd that do fixing and favors like a deli.
Click on the above link to see about my new "book" I put in quotes because I don't know if it'll ever be published....
8/4/19, 8:39 AM
@NewYorker @jkbjournalist Jeffrey Epstein victim Cordero told the truth? Gerald Lefcourt I spelled his name wrong! In 2011 I called the NYPost and tried to get them to go w/my exclusive Jeffrey Epstein on the sex offender free app lefcourtlaw.com/Recent-and-Not…
I want to see if there are patterns of government agencies protecting Crimes erasing crimes, and fixing in favors
I was sent this:
Date: July 10, 2017 at 10:28:32 AM EDT
To: Suebe1art@aol.com
Subject: Andrew Fagelman, MD.
Hello, Suzannah B. Troy.
I read your blog from time to time-- I understand the level of corrupt tactics the NYPD and Dr. Fagelman have engaged in are appalling.
Thought you may want to know-- Dr. Fagelman has had some involvement with a female who is mentally ill, and as she went to file a police report for assault, he did just about the same thing he did to you. What a shame. This Fagelman never learns.
Supposedly, now, she filed a complaint with the ADA section of the DOJ, claiming mental health discrimination by the NYPD when she attemped to file a report. Apparently, Dr. Fagelman got the cops to say she's mentally ill, that her assault claim has no value because she's mentally disturbed.
Apparently, the FBI also investigates this kind of thing-- mental health discrimination by government agencies. I think they also got a tip as to what's going on.
What a shame, this Fagelman never learns. Shame to hear he's been the cause for your insomnia.
Yours Truly,
I'm sure these women would never of spoken up for me in my case but covered up all crimes but FYI the head of Internal Affairs should've been forced to retire years ago and he hasn't been because I allege he's part of top cops protecting all crimes in our cases! If you pass the retirement age they have to pull strings to allow you to stay. It is clear Chief Reznick is in place to cover up crimes!
"As for Mrs. Ricci's acquittal on charges that she tried to run over her neighbor's child, that came only after a second trial. The first trial in Mount Vernon City Court ended with a hung jury earlier this year." I now found a link to the blog post I wrote that uses the word mentally unstable twice and I've never been labeled that until Barabara Ricci - a Fake news reporter labeled me that -- and according to an article I found on her she'd been arrested twice once for attempting to run over her neighbors daughter and the other time for assaulting a police officer to PTA meeting. This is a crazy and violent world we live in and people that are violent seem like they're quite the gas lighters.