Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@suzannahtroy @NYPDDetectives @MTA @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDSVU @NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDPBMN @NYPDPBMS @NYPDTD4 @NYPD13Pct @NYPD25Pct Jeffrey Epstein arrested because 1 Florida cop unlike NYPD Cy Vance not corruptible!He wouldnt not look the other way;not for sale!That's y US attorney made arrest! If Florida cop was like NYPD there would be no arrest NY yrs after the fact!How many yrs do I have to wait my case?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@informedvoting @NewYorkFBI @SDNYnews @CyVanceforDA @CyVance @ManhattanDA Fix is in yet again Cy Vance ADA Gaffney should have been arreste files 1 Hogan place seized! Unofficial immunity Cy Vance gives to the rich he just received! He/Gaffney asked to lower Epstein Sex offender status and he got to go to work today!…
Subject: Tweet by suzannahtroy on Twitter why am I the only one demanding the Manhattan DA be arrested?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jeffrey Epstein Arrested NY 1 Florida Cop Shamed NYC? via @YouTube Ghislaine Maxwell not Arrested? Cy Vance allowed to go back to work today yet again despite Cy/ADA Gaffney trying to lower Epstein Sex offender status giving Maxwell Teflon status as well?
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I sit out there for years almost a decade protesting this DAdecade now?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews I am praying that you arrest everyone involved in aiding in abetting him and the Manhattan DA Cy Vance and ADA Gaffney for attempting to lower his Sex offender status! You're telling me that NYPD didn't know?iNew York post carton New York Daily News exposes Cy Vance ADA Gaffney!
suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) misogynistnyc: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested NY because 1 Florida Cop was not corrupt like Misogynist NYPD Top Cops DA Cy Vance his partner in crime ADA Gaffney who tried to lower Epstein Sex Offender Status kept Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon as well!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews Thank you to Florida cop w/ integrity wasn't looking away do fixing in favors erase crimes for rich people + flunkies NYC like NYPD IA DA! Cy Vance thought a judge would lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex offender status! 1 good Judge the only 1 I know said NO!…
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![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
misogynistnyc: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested NY because 1 Florida Cop was not corrupt like Misogynist NYPD Top Cops DA Cy Vance his partner in crime ADA Gaffney who tried to lower Epstein Sex Offender Status kept Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon as well!…
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