The NYPD 01 Precinct allowed The Mercer Hotel to run an illegal parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone but Michael Rawson got the NYPD to ticket a dying Korean War Veteran Eric who has since died of PROSTRATE cancer and now 5 months ago -- see Michael Rawson's crazy lying rants because if you call me a liar you are the liar and the rants posted on Youtube admit trying to remove all evidence of the protests!
Look at Michael Rawson is connected to whom that he thought he could get the NYPD to pull an NYPD PO Eugene Schatz for him but he failed. The FBI refused to falsely harass me like the First Precinct did and worse.
Mike Rawson my opinion a sick mentally ill power hungry crack pot who admits he is tried flagging me on YouTube and I'm questioning whether he thought he'd have the FBI on speed dial like he has the NYPD. NYPD for sale like she pieces of candy want to come to the 1st Precinct and rich people but I guess the FBI weren't willing to accommodate like the First Precinct because he is a crazy liar and cyber stalked me? Did Michael Rawson use fake sock puppet accounts to menace, harass me and a fake Mail account which I've sensed a ternal fares involving the voicemail I left for detective Tommy Moran how many years ago that's now part of my lawsuit involving PO Eugene Schatz questions even then weather was Michael Rawson.
Michael Rawson Mercer Hotel Infamy a Crazy liar youtube stalker? ELDERLY KOREAN WAR VET HE CALLED NYPD ON DIED OF PROSTATE CANCER HOSPICE
Evidence of Michael Rawson cyber stalking me? Michael Rawson is a liar because he calls me a liar and I am not but look at his irrational comments. Did he have NYPD Schataz on speed dial?
I want to ask Michael Rawson under oath if he had NYPD PO Eugene Schatz on speed dial and who else at the First Precinct and anyone NYPD retired or otherwise. I guess Michael Rawson can't get fixing and favors from the FBI.
Funny I called The FBI, Ray Kelly's office and spoke to his community affairs liason about this fake NYPD parking placrad parked in the loading in unloading zone The Mercer Hotel black& white NYPD laminated card in SUV's window w/note asking NYPD not to ticket - can all New Yorkers get this laminated card? As I recall NYPD miss the fake parking Placher's are too busy ticketing Veterans .@placardabuse Fake #NYPD placard parked The Mercer Hotel loading/unloading Internal Affairs NYPD 2busyfixingfavors
Does Andre Balaz who's website said he was the owner want to have a chat?
Did Michael Rawson Get a Youtube to delete video evidence of NYPD PO Schatz illegally using sirens to get to protest at The Mercer Hotel 2 min before 20 min protest was to end?
Does Michael Rawson know who threw water at a Veteran from the Metcer Hotel Windows pretty high up floor?
Prior occasion who from the Mercer hotel through water on in Vietnam vet? Was Rawson behind that and sock puppet YouTube harassment and an email account I was a direct response to a voicemail I left the 1st Precinct community affairs to text of Tommy Moran? Did Schatz discuss the voicemail with Rawson and someone who harassed me.
Dear FBI — I am guessing you don’t want to bother me because you have not arrested NYPD that took gifts on 911 ECTP and HP one example was stealing delivering late…
FBI isn’t on Michael Rawson’s speed dial like the First Precinct
Dear FBI:
Re: 911 also know as ECTP
As I have written you before re: retired NYPD #$%%%%% group, HP #$$#$$%%% #1 thief HP and special secretary DOITT ##### - question them.
It was open season to steal/over bill by many contractors consultants and I'm guessing lobbyists... DOITT knew, DOI knew anyone who could do simple math knew it including City Council who pushed through billions of dollars of overruns on technology contracts just like they pushed thru illegal third term because they get money real estate including for their family it's just one corrupt cesspool of greed, arrogance and stupidity.
Contractors that overbilled us connected to Homeland security so you won't touch them.
Gartner Group Teflon as well.
I warned you August 20, 2012 before hurricane Sandy 911 would collapse. It told you they were stealing, it was HP but not just HP. It wasn't just the phone lines on 911 and 311 over priced tech messes although 311 improving.
You may or may not know 1 of my sources but djlfsdlkfsjldkkdfsj harmed because of intimidation or threats which is what she went through arrested by same NYPD Det squad 01 Precinct -- they made her original complaint against #$$%%%% group his resume on LinkedIn and he is retired NYPD aka part of 1800 Nypd PBA IAB fix it and familiar with Nypd chief chuck Dowd.
Warning if you look at his LinkedIn page signed into yours he can see you!