Sunday, July 31, 2016
NYPD prefer terrorist attack rebrand NYPD as heroes truth NYPD Internal Affairs systemic corruption NYPD App tracker
NYPD prefer terrorist attack rebrand NYPD as heroes truth NYPD Internal Affairs systemic corruption NYPD App tracker
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer
NYPD IA crimes inspired NYPD App tracker on top of the call for a new Commission police NYPD IA DA corruption.
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI FBI clueless how corrupt Internal Affairs is or party3crime
@LorettaLynch FBI clueless how corrupt Internal Affairs is or party2crime Eric Garner hand written lawsuit 8 yrs ago
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer for Dr Andrew Fagelman a pile up of crimes Delita Hooks 2nd degree assault, false cross complaint, threatened me in a signed letter to the NYPD to her NYPD fixer and my guess Joe Tacopina drafted it as well as my guess he did the sock puppet YouTube account identifying himself as a lawyer threatening to bury me destroyed me if I took any action he would see the tables turned on me that's also a serious crime as is lying to the police during an open investigation as well as threatening intimidating a victim telling them not to come forward .
Lying to the police during open investigation is still a crime even if the NYPD are lying in police reports which they did and if Dr. Fagelman was party to coercion, having me threatened, party to his employees lying, party to threats than he has committed a series of crimes as well.
Internal Affairs lied to me repeatedly when Bratton but the Public Advicate at that time de Blasio documents that it was an open case and I have a foil report.
There are more FB friend party to the coercion including PO Eugene Schatz's partner Det Tommy Moran.
The blue wall of silence protected by top cops and chiefs in Internal Affairs and IA repeatedly LIED to me even telling me it was not a police matter!
Internal Affairs also protected NYPD top cops taking GRAFT lavish gifts on 911 from top contractors stealing delivering late, delivering crap and a flawed system jeopardizing the safety of this City!!! Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.

NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
I have video evidence I wasn't going to be quiet about NYPD PO Schatz's wrong doing involving the Mercer Hotel and here with Delita Hooks she gave me the finger -- the video starts with me asking her to please give me the finger again because now I am filming.
Schtaz NYPD det facebook friends involved in coercion sent me a message to keep my head down and I was to take what ever they were going to dole out including coercing and lying I have a videos and photos of Schatz harassing and or illegal parking or violating CPR and illegally using his sirens so this was pay back fixing if for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not want to fire Delita Hooks. Dr Fagelman blames me for Delita HOOKS violating my patient rights and my body making a hole in my retina and the corrupt NYPD IA blame me for NYPD coercion lying so they are willing to cover up like Zachary Carter but a New Commission in to police corruption can finally get them all exposed for what they did to me.
I have to go thru the videos -- I have to find the one where NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally uses his sirens to harass me and United States Veterans I organized a protest for because Schatz's friends at the Mercer Hotel have him on speed dial perhaps so he can get invited to fancy events -- Preet Bharara thinks NYPD only do fixing and favors for money not parties or power trips like my case and Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran who wouldn't answer my question about it via facebook I believe all party to coercion -- they went to the First Precinct's designated bar and even had a good laugh like Dwyer and Vergona's supervisor laughed over the phone Delita HOOKS had given me the finger and than tried to beat me to a pulp -- see a common thread?
Sgt Chen laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctor's.
Yes and I believe Dr Fagelman called up just like the Mercer hotel down the street and Internal Affairs under Ray Kelly and Bratton have been covering up and corrupt Zachary Carter and his lawyers are using white out like in the nursing home they are blacking out the truth -- just like Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of the NYPD crimes and wrong doing have bene blacked out.
I will post videos of Schatz's violating CPR and protocol illegally using his sirens rushing get to a 20 minute protest because Vet Vendors couldn't afford to be away from their tables any longer than 20 minutes and Ray Kelly a veteran Bratton a Veteran protected all these NYPD not Veterans that harassed us and than up the stakes of retaliation to violate protocol and than break the law.
Bratton says the crack addict calling NYPD po social media doesn't represent the NYPD but doesn't it..
they are employees and it seems like groups of NYPD unite on facebook and in my case their Facebook pages hold clues to the coercion, lying in police reports like Schatz is the catalyst for his facebook friend's to refuse to meet me and lie in police reports and commit the crime of coercion to teach me a lesson for Schatz who FB page photo is the guess more clues but NYPD and Internal Affairs are protecting him and will until I get a new Commission and my goal to bring them in and question them under oath. I am trying to do that now in NY State Supreme Court by Zachary Carter is doing his criminal dirty deeds just like the nursing home.
Schatz has pictures of Tony Bennet again -- the NYPD will do fixing and favors to be invited to parties and events by the rich they do fixing and favors for so is that how he got that picture.
Are these fellow NYPD who know about 1800 NYPD fix it?
I am a victim of a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct Det Squad and NYPD PO Eugene Schatz's facebook page holds clues.
I have been working on uploading the videos of Schtaz harassing me and US Veterans -- again Schtaz I am guessing along with all the corrupt cops in my case that are his facebook friends are not veterans.
I will post the link soon.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
Schatz inspired the NYPD app tracker and via the app that will some be reality fellow victims can find each other. The NYPD covered up his wrong doing along with Vergona and Dwyer and the NYPD can thank them and NYPD Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos all cowards who never met me and lied and are still having their lawyers lie saying they did an investigation -- they did not they commited crmies or were party to committing crimes coercion lying in police reports.
I want to know who are these men and do they know about NYPD fixing and favors as well as retaliation.
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI FBI clueless how corrupt Internal Affairs is or party3crime
@LorettaLynch FBI clueless how corrupt Internal Affairs is or party2crime Eric Garner hand written lawsuit 8 yrs ago
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer for Dr Andrew Fagelman a pile up of crimes Delita Hooks 2nd degree assault, false cross complaint, threatened me in a signed letter to the NYPD to her NYPD fixer and my guess Joe Tacopina drafted it as well as my guess he did the sock puppet YouTube account identifying himself as a lawyer threatening to bury me destroyed me if I took any action he would see the tables turned on me that's also a serious crime as is lying to the police during an open investigation as well as threatening intimidating a victim telling them not to come forward .
Lying to the police during open investigation is still a crime even if the NYPD are lying in police reports which they did and if Dr. Fagelman was party to coercion, having me threatened, party to his employees lying, party to threats than he has committed a series of crimes as well.
Internal Affairs lied to me repeatedly when Bratton but the Public Advicate at that time de Blasio documents that it was an open case and I have a foil report.
There are more FB friend party to the coercion including PO Eugene Schatz's partner Det Tommy Moran.
The blue wall of silence protected by top cops and chiefs in Internal Affairs and IA repeatedly LIED to me even telling me it was not a police matter!
Internal Affairs also protected NYPD top cops taking GRAFT lavish gifts on 911 from top contractors stealing delivering late, delivering crap and a flawed system jeopardizing the safety of this City!!!
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
I have video evidence I wasn't going to be quiet about NYPD PO Schatz's wrong doing involving the Mercer Hotel and here with Delita Hooks she gave me the finger -- the video starts with me asking her to please give me the finger again because now I am filming.
Schtaz NYPD det facebook friends involved in coercion sent me a message to keep my head down and I was to take what ever they were going to dole out including coercing and lying I have a videos and photos of Schatz harassing and or illegal parking or violating CPR and illegally using his sirens so this was pay back fixing if for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not want to fire Delita Hooks. Dr Fagelman blames me for Delita HOOKS violating my patient rights and my body making a hole in my retina and the corrupt NYPD IA blame me for NYPD coercion lying so they are willing to cover up like Zachary Carter but a New Commission in to police corruption can finally get them all exposed for what they did to me.
I have to go thru the videos -- I have to find the one where NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally uses his sirens to harass me and United States Veterans I organized a protest for because Schatz's friends at the Mercer Hotel have him on speed dial perhaps so he can get invited to fancy events -- Preet Bharara thinks NYPD only do fixing and favors for money not parties or power trips like my case and Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran who wouldn't answer my question about it via facebook I believe all party to coercion -- they went to the First Precinct's designated bar and even had a good laugh like Dwyer and Vergona's supervisor laughed over the phone Delita HOOKS had given me the finger and than tried to beat me to a pulp -- see a common thread?
Sgt Chen laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctor's.
Yes and I believe Dr Fagelman called up just like the Mercer hotel down the street and Internal Affairs under Ray Kelly and Bratton have been covering up and corrupt Zachary Carter and his lawyers are using white out like in the nursing home they are blacking out the truth -- just like Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of the NYPD crimes and wrong doing have bene blacked out.
I will post videos of Schatz's violating CPR and protocol illegally using his sirens rushing get to a 20 minute protest because Vet Vendors couldn't afford to be away from their tables any longer than 20 minutes and Ray Kelly a veteran Bratton a Veteran protected all these NYPD not Veterans that harassed us and than up the stakes of retaliation to violate protocol and than break the law.
Bratton says the crack addict calling NYPD po social media doesn't represent the NYPD but doesn't it..
they are employees and it seems like groups of NYPD unite on facebook and in my case their Facebook pages hold clues to the coercion, lying in police reports like Schatz is the catalyst for his facebook friend's to refuse to meet me and lie in police reports and commit the crime of coercion to teach me a lesson for Schatz who FB page photo is the guess more clues but NYPD and Internal Affairs are protecting him and will until I get a new Commission and my goal to bring them in and question them under oath. I am trying to do that now in NY State Supreme Court by Zachary Carter is doing his criminal dirty deeds just like the nursing home.
Schatz has pictures of Tony Bennet again -- the NYPD will do fixing and favors to be invited to parties and events by the rich they do fixing and favors for so is that how he got that picture.
Are these fellow NYPD who know about 1800 NYPD fix it?
I am a victim of a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct Det Squad and NYPD PO Eugene Schatz's facebook page holds clues.
I have been working on uploading the videos of Schtaz harassing me and US Veterans -- again Schtaz I am guessing along with all the corrupt cops in my case that are his facebook friends are not veterans.
I will post the link soon.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
Schatz inspired the NYPD app tracker and via the app that will some be reality fellow victims can find each other. The NYPD covered up his wrong doing along with Vergona and Dwyer and the NYPD can thank them and NYPD Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos all cowards who never met me and lied and are still having their lawyers lie saying they did an investigation -- they did not they commited crmies or were party to committing crimes coercion lying in police reports.
I want to know who are these men and do they know about NYPD fixing and favors as well as retaliation.
Internal Affairs,
Michael Rawson,
NYPD Gene Schatz
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer
There are more FB friend party to the coercion including PO Eugene Schatz's partner Det Tommy Moran.
The blue wall of silence protected by top cops and chiefs in Internal Affairs and IA repeatedly LIED to me even telling me it was not a police matter!
Internal Affairs also protected NYPD top cops taking GRAFT lavish gifts on 911 from top contractors stealing delivering late, delivering crap and a flawed system jeopardizing the safety of this City!!! Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.

NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
I have video evidence I wasn't going to be quiet about NYPD PO Schatz's wrong doing involving the Mercer Hotel and here with Delita Hooks she gave me the finger -- the video starts with me asking her to please give me the finger again because now I am filming.
Schtaz NYPD det facebook friends involved in coercion sent me a message to keep my head down and I was to take what ever they were going to dole out including coercing and lying I have a videos and photos of Schatz harassing and or illegal parking or violating CPR and illegally using his sirens so this was pay back fixing if for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not want to fire Delita Hooks. Dr Fagelman blames me for Delita HOOKS violating my patient rights and my body making a hole in my retina and the corrupt NYPD IA blame me for NYPD coercion lying so they are willing to cover up like Zachary Carter but a New Commission in to police corruption can finally get them all exposed for what they did to me.
I have to go thru the videos -- I have to find the one where NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally uses his sirens to harass me and United States Veterans I organized a protest for because Schatz's friends at the Mercer Hotel have him on speed dial perhaps so he can get invited to fancy events -- Preet Bharara thinks NYPD only do fixing and favors for money not parties or power trips like my case and Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran who wouldn't answer my question about it via facebook I believe all party to coercion -- they went to the First Precinct's designated bar and even had a good laugh like Dwyer and Vergona's supervisor laughed over the phone Delita HOOKS had given me the finger and than tried to beat me to a pulp -- see a common thread?
Sgt Chen laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctor's.
Yes and I believe Dr Fagelman called up just like the Mercer hotel down the street and Internal Affairs under Ray Kelly and Bratton have been covering up and corrupt Zachary Carter and his lawyers are using white out like in the nursing home they are blacking out the truth -- just like Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of the NYPD crimes and wrong doing have bene blacked out.
I will post videos of Schatz's violating CPR and protocol illegally using his sirens rushing get to a 20 minute protest because Vet Vendors couldn't afford to be away from their tables any longer than 20 minutes and Ray Kelly a veteran Bratton a Veteran protected all these NYPD not Veterans that harassed us and than up the stakes of retaliation to violate protocol and than break the law.
Bratton says the crack addict calling NYPD po social media doesn't represent the NYPD but doesn't it..
they are employees and it seems like groups of NYPD unite on facebook and in my case their Facebook pages hold clues to the coercion, lying in police reports like Schatz is the catalyst for his facebook friend's to refuse to meet me and lie in police reports and commit the crime of coercion to teach me a lesson for Schatz who FB page photo is the guess more clues but NYPD and Internal Affairs are protecting him and will until I get a new Commission and my goal to bring them in and question them under oath. I am trying to do that now in NY State Supreme Court by Zachary Carter is doing his criminal dirty deeds just like the nursing home.
Schatz has pictures of Tony Bennet again -- the NYPD will do fixing and favors to be invited to parties and events by the rich they do fixing and favors for so is that how he got that picture.
Are these fellow NYPD who know about 1800 NYPD fix it?
I am a victim of a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct Det Squad and NYPD PO Eugene Schatz's facebook page holds clues.
I have been working on uploading the videos of Schtaz harassing me and US Veterans -- again Schtaz I am guessing along with all the corrupt cops in my case that are his facebook friends are not veterans.
I will post the link soon.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
Schatz inspired the NYPD app tracker and via the app that will some be reality fellow victims can find each other. The NYPD covered up his wrong doing along with Vergona and Dwyer and the NYPD can thank them and NYPD Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos all cowards who never met me and lied and are still having their lawyers lie saying they did an investigation -- they did not they commited crmies or were party to committing crimes coercion lying in police reports.
I want to know who are these men and do they know about NYPD fixing and favors as well as retaliation.
Internal Affairs Protected Call a Cop for Soho First Precinct Under DI Ed winski The Mercer Hotel PO Eugene Schatz to Coercion down the street with PO Gene Schatz's FB friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer
There are more FB friend party to the coercion including PO Eugene Schatz's partner Det Tommy Moran.
The blue wall of silence protected by top cops and chiefs in Internal Affairs and IA repeatedly LIED to me even telling me it was not a police matter!
Internal Affairs also protected NYPD top cops taking GRAFT lavish gifts on 911 from top contractors stealing delivering late, delivering crap and a flawed system jeopardizing the safety of this City!!!
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
I have video evidence I wasn't going to be quiet about NYPD PO Schatz's wrong doing involving the Mercer Hotel and here with Delita Hooks she gave me the finger -- the video starts with me asking her to please give me the finger again because now I am filming.
Schtaz NYPD det facebook friends involved in coercion sent me a message to keep my head down and I was to take what ever they were going to dole out including coercing and lying I have a videos and photos of Schatz harassing and or illegal parking or violating CPR and illegally using his sirens so this was pay back fixing if for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not want to fire Delita Hooks. Dr Fagelman blames me for Delita HOOKS violating my patient rights and my body making a hole in my retina and the corrupt NYPD IA blame me for NYPD coercion lying so they are willing to cover up like Zachary Carter but a New Commission in to police corruption can finally get them all exposed for what they did to me.
I have to go thru the videos -- I have to find the one where NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally uses his sirens to harass me and United States Veterans I organized a protest for because Schatz's friends at the Mercer Hotel have him on speed dial perhaps so he can get invited to fancy events -- Preet Bharara thinks NYPD only do fixing and favors for money not parties or power trips like my case and Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran who wouldn't answer my question about it via facebook I believe all party to coercion -- they went to the First Precinct's designated bar and even had a good laugh like Dwyer and Vergona's supervisor laughed over the phone Delita HOOKS had given me the finger and than tried to beat me to a pulp -- see a common thread?
Sgt Chen laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctor's.
Yes and I believe Dr Fagelman called up just like the Mercer hotel down the street and Internal Affairs under Ray Kelly and Bratton have been covering up and corrupt Zachary Carter and his lawyers are using white out like in the nursing home they are blacking out the truth -- just like Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of the NYPD crimes and wrong doing have bene blacked out.
I will post videos of Schatz's violating CPR and protocol illegally using his sirens rushing get to a 20 minute protest because Vet Vendors couldn't afford to be away from their tables any longer than 20 minutes and Ray Kelly a veteran Bratton a Veteran protected all these NYPD not Veterans that harassed us and than up the stakes of retaliation to violate protocol and than break the law.
Bratton says the crack addict calling NYPD po social media doesn't represent the NYPD but doesn't it..
they are employees and it seems like groups of NYPD unite on facebook and in my case their Facebook pages hold clues to the coercion, lying in police reports like Schatz is the catalyst for his facebook friend's to refuse to meet me and lie in police reports and commit the crime of coercion to teach me a lesson for Schatz who FB page photo is the guess more clues but NYPD and Internal Affairs are protecting him and will until I get a new Commission and my goal to bring them in and question them under oath. I am trying to do that now in NY State Supreme Court by Zachary Carter is doing his criminal dirty deeds just like the nursing home.
Schatz has pictures of Tony Bennet again -- the NYPD will do fixing and favors to be invited to parties and events by the rich they do fixing and favors for so is that how he got that picture.
Are these fellow NYPD who know about 1800 NYPD fix it?
I am a victim of a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct Det Squad and NYPD PO Eugene Schatz's facebook page holds clues.
I have been working on uploading the videos of Schtaz harassing me and US Veterans -- again Schtaz I am guessing along with all the corrupt cops in my case that are his facebook friends are not veterans.
I will post the link soon.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
Schatz inspired the NYPD app tracker and via the app that will some be reality fellow victims can find each other. The NYPD covered up his wrong doing along with Vergona and Dwyer and the NYPD can thank them and NYPD Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos all cowards who never met me and lied and are still having their lawyers lie saying they did an investigation -- they did not they commited crmies or were party to committing crimes coercion lying in police reports.
I want to know who are these men and do they know about NYPD fixing and favors as well as retaliation.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Internal Affairs Protected NYPD Det John Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer Coercion for Dr Andrew Fagelman 2012 and their FB friend PO Eugene Schatz Harassing me Illegally using his Sirens for the Mercer Hotel 2010
I just founded this blog post and video but Rawson did delete 1 video and I don't know which one....I just this blog post today Sunday Morning, July 31, 2015. I also found the fake NYPD illegal parking placard parked at The Mercer Hotel....a lot of interesting "policing" or lack of policing by the NYPD and Internal Affairs was going on than at the Mercer Hotel including at the loading and unloading zone run as private parking w/ valet service and Michael Rawson and the men that work the front door sure had a special relationship with the NYPD and PO Gene Schatz would should be explored under oath in front of a new commission.
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.

.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI Corp Counsel systematically obstructing justice protect #NYPD crimes? New Commission
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI Corp Counsel systematically obstructing justice protect #NYPD crimes? New Commission
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI Rumor Zachary Carter more than 1whiteout. Zachary Carter has evidence proves my case
Date and reason NYPD rush to seal their crimes with the Delita Hooks signed letter to her NYPD fixer openly threatening me warning meets not come back and file assault charges wherever wrote that letter and I'm guessing it was Joe Tacopina understood I could come back but the NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs prevented me from reporting second-degree assault really suggesting it and menacing as well she menace me The detectives removed from their notes the fact she threatened me with bodily harm perceive me as I backed away she repeatedly assaulted me it's on the police reports
My case it starts with the Mercer Hotel and PO Eugene Schatz and it ends with serious crimes committed down the street in Soho with Schatz's facebook friends Det Andy Dwyer and Det John Vergona (all their superivsors party to crimes of coercion, lying in police reports -- they felt it was pay back and the goal to silence me.
Sent from my iPhone
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton .@FBI Rumor Zachary Carter more than 1whiteout. Zachary Carter has evidence proves my case
Date and reason NYPD rush to seal their crimes with the Delita Hooks signed letter to her NYPD fixer openly threatening me warning meets not come back and file assault charges wherever wrote that letter and I'm guessing it was Joe Tacopina understood I could come back but the NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs prevented me from reporting second-degree assault really suggesting it and menacing as well she menace me The detectives removed from their notes the fact she threatened me with bodily harm perceive me as I backed away she repeatedly assaulted me it's on the police reports
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@suzannahbtroy CommissBratton .@FBI 1800NYPDIADA fix it no $ required. Future NYPDapp tracker will expose
New Commission
NYPD retaliation started with the Mercer Hotel every step of the way Internal Affairs protects everyone involved from the hotel to the doctors office
We just found threats five months ago Michael Rawson and threatens me with the FBI that they've opened up a case but the FBI's never contacted me glad you posted these comments because it shows he was doing this with the NYPD and now he thought the FBI would jump through his hoops and they're not doing it
More on that later
.@PreetBharara .@NYPDChiefofDept .@CommissBratton @FBI Orthodox Jews not only 1 have #NYPD onspeed dial. Michael Rawson, DrFagelman 01 NYPD?
I want to ask Michael Rawson that water thrown out of the top floor of the Mercer hotel onto Vietnam vet, about the NYPD walking past illegally parked cars in the loading and unloading and how the front door guys would take money and then park cars and take the keys so is in that parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone in the face with nor that in the police missed in a fake NYPD Placher it in one of those luxury vehicles and when ticketed veterans one veteran Korean War veteran died of prostate cancer - I want to know how many times he called the police did Yellit the police didn't demand that they ignor I want to know how many times he called the police did Yellit the police when the please department today talk to you did you talk to any retired NYPD I have a lot of questions
A private investigators already spoken to Dr. Fagelman just down the street and when he's asked about the NYPD he says no comment.
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial - I believe no supervisor NYPD officer sent him over
NYPD Gene (Eugene) Schatz first used his squad car like a weapon and than here is at the Mercer Hotel illegally using his sirens.
Schatz’s supervisors had been notified we were having a twenty minute protest and he illegally used his sirens. NYPD supervisors told the hotel to stop using the loading and unloading as private parking for the protest but on the series of videos NYPD “gene” Schatz tells a Viet Nam Vet to move his car which is part of our protest and has a banner for VETERANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want every NYPD veteran to know this and that Michael Rawson and The Mercer Hotel seem to have NYPD Eugene Schatz on speed dial.
The young female NYPD partner would have to commit perjury — she had witnessed him yelling at me they can park there meaning The Mercer Hotel can use the loading and unloading as private parking with valet service as he used his NYPD squad car as a weapon pulling over and I was leaving a voicemail with Internal Affairs but Internal Affairs is pulling a dirty Thirty 30 protecting The First Precinct fixing and favors for the rich of SOHO and Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer coercing me and lying in police reports….VERGONA verbally violent threatening and NYPD Internal Affairs retaliation starts with Gene Schatz and The mercer hotel and has ended with me suing the NYPD and Intenral Affairs — next lawsuit now that I have put the pieces together I will Schatz since the City under Zachary Carter a compulsive liar has his staff of lawyers LYING for the NYPD and Internal Affairs and I will be filing ethics complaints as well as testifying in front of a new Commission.
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This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
Preet Bharara calls it call a cop -- I call it 1800 NYPD IA DA fix it. Preet Bharara thinks it only goes on involving money but it is about fixing, favors, retaliation, power trips, invitations to parties etc no money may change hands and even retired NYPD are involved in fixing and favors....
My case it starts with the Mercer Hotel and PO Eugene Schatz and it ends with serious crimes committed down the street in Soho with Schatz's facebook friends Det Andy Dwyer and Det John Vergona (all their superivsors party to crimes of coercion, lying in police reports -- they felt it was pay back and the goal to silence me.
Sent from my iPhone
Zachary Carter and Bill de Blasio more white out de Blasio Arrest Imminent?
How many victims of the NYPD could join and have a civil lawsuit obstruction of justice by corporate counsel -- The curtains been drawn back and I hear there's another case involving white out Zachary Carter.
Class Action lawsuit obstruction of justice Zachary Carter Corp Counsel #NYPD Internal Affairs?
Class Action lawsuit obstruction of justice Zachary Carter Corp Counsel #NYPD Internal Affairs?
Bill de Blasio Defended Zachary Carter, Sheldon Silver is de Blasio's arrest imminent?
Mayor lies again keeping info from DOI in Rivington House probe - NY Daily News
Mayor de Blasio lies involve Zachary Carter's wrong doing and Carter has yet to resign or be fired.
Mayor lies again keeping info from DOI in Rivington House probe - NY Daily News
Mayor de Blasio lies involve Zachary Carter's wrong doing and Carter has yet to resign or be fired.
Chandra Levy Murder Case Secret Recordings Destroyed Prosecutor's Case
Secret recordings emerged and the Chandra Levy case rapidly unraveled - The Washington Post
At least Bill Clinton didn't murder any interns. Did it ever cross his mind?
Police ignore Condit’s faulty alibi -
Bill Clinton, Cy Vance Intern Scandals, Gary Condit Remains Suspect Chandra Levy Murder
Police, DAs corrupt for sale they do fixing and favors.
The prosecutors in Chandra Levy's case didn't want to tell the truth about why the judge threw out their case but the news is out.
I think most people believe Condit contracted her murder.
Zachary Carter caught whiting out information he decided wasn't pertinent but in fact it was not involve the nursing home in the mayors office but guess what he does the same thing but not with white out he sends lawyers into court to lie on behalf of NYPD that blatantly commited crimes in my case and how many others?
At least Bill Clinton didn't murder any interns. Did it ever cross his mind?
Police ignore Condit’s faulty alibi -
Bill Clinton, Cy Vance Intern Scandals, Gary Condit Remains Suspect Chandra Levy Murder
Police, DAs corrupt for sale they do fixing and favors.
The prosecutors in Chandra Levy's case didn't want to tell the truth about why the judge threw out their case but the news is out.
I think most people believe Condit contracted her murder.
Zachary Carter caught whiting out information he decided wasn't pertinent but in fact it was not involve the nursing home in the mayors office but guess what he does the same thing but not with white out he sends lawyers into court to lie on behalf of NYPD that blatantly commited crimes in my case and how many others?
Preet Bharara pretending Orthodox Jews i'm the only one that gets fixing favors for the NYPD put in which Soho you just call up have to put money down and NYPD fixing in favors for all kind of motive citizen always money in hand -- can be a power trip or a party they want to be invited to.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Police ignore Condit’s faulty alibi - My case NYPD lied in police reports threatened me…
Friday, July 29, 2016
True News Reports de Blasio subpoenaed re: LICH
From The NY Times:
"A developer, Fortis Property Group, which had been favored by SUNY, bought the hospital, with the sale completed in 2015. Prosecutors are seeking information related to the sale and, in particular, communications between SUNY and top City Hall officials or those associated with the mayor’s nonprofit group, Campaign for One New York, about the hospital’s fate, according to the subpoena, dated July 14 and described by an official who had seen it.
True News connected dots get back to you on that true news claiming connected the dots prior and more coming?
Mayor lies again keeping info from DOI in Rivington House probe - NY Daily News
Notes from me:
If de Blasio is out than Tish James can immediately fire Bratton and call for a new commission -- Tish James can clean house in the short interiem before a special election mayor.
Zachary Carter --- also must be fired or resign and should face criminal charges and a new commission in to police corruption along with all lawyer working for him and Cy Vance ditto obstruction protecting NYPD Internal Corruption or complicit in crimes. My case dr fagelman assault see his attack receptionist....did Dr Fagelman call 1800 NYPD fix it... Dr Fagelman was questioned by a private investigator he said "no comment" when asked if he talks with the NYPD.
@TishJames @NYCPA Tish when u r mayor next week Fire Bratton give us new Commission in to #NYPD fire Zachary Carter for his fixing our cases
.@TishJames when your mayor next week take action my case call for 2nd grand jury Eric Garner release his hand written lawsuit.
I still believe Bratton blackmailing the mayor and thought he could make it to the end of the term but it's not gonna happen is what I hear come next week.
Also James Capalino was in on Rudin BLOOD Condos, LICH blood hospital and Rivington Nursing blood Condos ---- True Blood Bad Blood pure corruption.
From The NY Times:
"A developer, Fortis Property Group, which had been favored by SUNY, bought the hospital, with the sale completed in 2015. Prosecutors are seeking information related to the sale and, in particular, communications between SUNY and top City Hall officials or those associated with the mayor’s nonprofit group, Campaign for One New York, about the hospital’s fate, according to the subpoena, dated July 14 and described by an official who had seen it.
The subpoena names Mr. de Blasio; Anthony E. Shorris, the first deputy mayor; four top mayoral aides; and Ross Offinger, who had been finance director of the mayor’s 2013 campaign, according to the official, who requested anonymity citing the continuing federal investigation."
True News connected dots get back to you on that true news claiming connected the dots prior and more coming?
Mayor lies again keeping info from DOI in Rivington House probe - NY Daily News
Notes from me:
If de Blasio is out than Tish James can immediately fire Bratton and call for a new commission -- Tish James can clean house in the short interiem before a special election mayor.
Zachary Carter --- also must be fired or resign and should face criminal charges and a new commission in to police corruption along with all lawyer working for him and Cy Vance ditto obstruction protecting NYPD Internal Corruption or complicit in crimes. My case dr fagelman assault see his attack receptionist....did Dr Fagelman call 1800 NYPD fix it... Dr Fagelman was questioned by a private investigator he said "no comment" when asked if he talks with the NYPD.
@TishJames @NYCPA Tish when u r mayor next week Fire Bratton give us new Commission in to #NYPD fire Zachary Carter for his fixing our cases
.@TishJames when your mayor next week take action my case call for 2nd grand jury Eric Garner release his hand written lawsuit.
I still believe Bratton blackmailing the mayor and thought he could make it to the end of the term but it's not gonna happen is what I hear come next week.
Also James Capalino was in on Rudin BLOOD Condos, LICH blood hospital and Rivington Nursing blood Condos ---- True Blood Bad Blood pure corruption.
Michael Rawson Cyber Stalking me on YouTube Rawson Lies about me too
No Eugene Schatz in the FBI for Michael Rawson who calls me a liar but I am not liar so that makes Micahel Rawson a liar. He is very sick and I am questioning whether he has been using sock puppet accounts to harass and menace me and other activists he has threatened. It should be noted the Korean War Veteran Eric Youngquist has died of Prostrate Cancer and Eric asked me to fight for him because Michael Rawson would come out with a measuring tape or the call the police on him over inches. Michael possible has used a fake email account to harass me after I left a voicemail for Det Tommy Moran about his partner PO Eugene Schatz. I believe Schatz played the message for Michael Rawson and I have harassed every since including by the NYPD I allege he has on speed dial and I guess he is disappointed he does not have the FBI on speed dial but the FBI aren't rushing to arrest NYPD doing fixing and favors for the Mercer Hotel or NYPD taking gifts on 911 that went budget billion dollars google NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd NYDN.
The NYPD 01 Precinct allowed The Mercer Hotel to run an illegal parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone but Michael Rawson got the NYPD to ticket a dying Korean War Veteran Eric who has since died of PROSTRATE cancer and now 5 months ago -- see Michael Rawson's crazy lying rants because if you call me a liar you are the liar and the rants posted on Youtube admit trying to remove all evidence of the protests!
Look at Michael Rawson is connected to whom that he thought he could get the NYPD to pull an NYPD PO Eugene Schatz for him but he failed. The FBI refused to falsely harass me like the First Precinct did and worse.
Mike Rawson my opinion a sick mentally ill power hungry crack pot who admits he is tried flagging me on YouTube and I'm questioning whether he thought he'd have the FBI on speed dial like he has the NYPD. NYPD for sale like she pieces of candy want to come to the 1st Precinct and rich people but I guess the FBI weren't willing to accommodate like the First Precinct because he is a crazy liar and cyber stalked me? Did Michael Rawson use fake sock puppet accounts to menace, harass me and a fake Mail account which I've sensed a ternal fares involving the voicemail I left for detective Tommy Moran how many years ago that's now part of my lawsuit involving PO Eugene Schatz questions even then weather was Michael Rawson.
Michael Rawson Mercer Hotel Infamy a Crazy liar youtube stalker? ELDERLY KOREAN WAR VET HE CALLED NYPD ON DIED OF PROSTATE CANCER HOSPICE
Evidence of Michael Rawson cyber stalking me? Michael Rawson is a liar because he calls me a liar and I am not but look at his irrational comments. Did he have NYPD Schataz on speed dial?
I want to ask Michael Rawson under oath if he had NYPD PO Eugene Schatz on speed dial and who else at the First Precinct and anyone NYPD retired or otherwise. I guess Michael Rawson can't get fixing and favors from the FBI.
Funny I called The FBI, Ray Kelly's office and spoke to his community affairs liason about this fake NYPD parking placrad parked in the loading in unloading zone The Mercer Hotel black& white NYPD laminated card in SUV's window w/note asking NYPD not to ticket - can all New Yorkers get this laminated card? As I recall NYPD miss the fake parking Placher's are too busy ticketing Veterans .@placardabuse Fake #NYPD placard parked The Mercer Hotel loading/unloading Internal Affairs NYPD 2busyfixingfavors
Does Andre Balaz who's website said he was the owner want to have a chat?
Did Michael Rawson Get a Youtube to delete video evidence of NYPD PO Schatz illegally using sirens to get to protest at The Mercer Hotel 2 min before 20 min protest was to end?
Does Michael Rawson know who threw water at a Veteran from the Metcer Hotel Windows pretty high up floor?
Dear FBI — I am guessing you don’t want to bother me because you have not arrested NYPD that took gifts on 911 ECTP and HP one example was stealing delivering late…
FBI isn’t on Michael Rawson’s speed dial like the First Precinct
Dear FBI:
Re: 911 also know as ECTP
As I have written you before re: retired NYPD #$%%%%% group, HP #$$#$$%%% #1 thief HP and special secretary DOITT ##### - question them.
It was open season to steal/over bill by many contractors consultants and I'm guessing lobbyists... DOITT knew, DOI knew anyone who could do simple math knew it including City Council who pushed through billions of dollars of overruns on technology contracts just like they pushed thru illegal third term because they get money real estate including for their family it's just one corrupt cesspool of greed, arrogance and stupidity.
Contractors that overbilled us connected to Homeland security so you won't touch them.
Gartner Group Teflon as well.
I warned you August 20, 2012 before hurricane Sandy 911 would collapse. It told you they were stealing, it was HP but not just HP. It wasn't just the phone lines on 911 and 311 over priced tech messes although 311 improving.
You may or may not know 1 of my sources but djlfsdlkfsjldkkdfsj harmed because of intimidation or threats which is what she went through arrested by same NYPD Det squad 01 Precinct -- they made her original complaint against #$$%%%% group his resume on LinkedIn and he is retired NYPD aka part of 1800 Nypd PBA IAB fix it and familiar with Nypd chief chuck Dowd.
Warning if you look at his LinkedIn page signed into yours he can see you!
The NYPD 01 Precinct allowed The Mercer Hotel to run an illegal parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone but Michael Rawson got the NYPD to ticket a dying Korean War Veteran Eric who has since died of PROSTRATE cancer and now 5 months ago -- see Michael Rawson's crazy lying rants because if you call me a liar you are the liar and the rants posted on Youtube admit trying to remove all evidence of the protests!
Look at Michael Rawson is connected to whom that he thought he could get the NYPD to pull an NYPD PO Eugene Schatz for him but he failed. The FBI refused to falsely harass me like the First Precinct did and worse.
Mike Rawson my opinion a sick mentally ill power hungry crack pot who admits he is tried flagging me on YouTube and I'm questioning whether he thought he'd have the FBI on speed dial like he has the NYPD. NYPD for sale like she pieces of candy want to come to the 1st Precinct and rich people but I guess the FBI weren't willing to accommodate like the First Precinct because he is a crazy liar and cyber stalked me? Did Michael Rawson use fake sock puppet accounts to menace, harass me and a fake Mail account which I've sensed a ternal fares involving the voicemail I left for detective Tommy Moran how many years ago that's now part of my lawsuit involving PO Eugene Schatz questions even then weather was Michael Rawson.
Michael Rawson Mercer Hotel Infamy a Crazy liar youtube stalker? ELDERLY KOREAN WAR VET HE CALLED NYPD ON DIED OF PROSTATE CANCER HOSPICE
Evidence of Michael Rawson cyber stalking me? Michael Rawson is a liar because he calls me a liar and I am not but look at his irrational comments. Did he have NYPD Schataz on speed dial?
I want to ask Michael Rawson under oath if he had NYPD PO Eugene Schatz on speed dial and who else at the First Precinct and anyone NYPD retired or otherwise. I guess Michael Rawson can't get fixing and favors from the FBI.
Funny I called The FBI, Ray Kelly's office and spoke to his community affairs liason about this fake NYPD parking placrad parked in the loading in unloading zone The Mercer Hotel black& white NYPD laminated card in SUV's window w/note asking NYPD not to ticket - can all New Yorkers get this laminated card? As I recall NYPD miss the fake parking Placher's are too busy ticketing Veterans .@placardabuse Fake #NYPD placard parked The Mercer Hotel loading/unloading Internal Affairs NYPD 2busyfixingfavors
Does Andre Balaz who's website said he was the owner want to have a chat?
Did Michael Rawson Get a Youtube to delete video evidence of NYPD PO Schatz illegally using sirens to get to protest at The Mercer Hotel 2 min before 20 min protest was to end?
Does Michael Rawson know who threw water at a Veteran from the Metcer Hotel Windows pretty high up floor?
Did Michael Rawson delete the YouTube of NYPD PO Schatz illegally using a sirens to get to the Mercer hotel protest with two minutes to go? Than Google Youtube refused to allow any more deletions. In Rawson's crazy youtube comments he admits to attempting to delete the YouTubes of the protest. How often did he or others working for him call Schatz and did they have his cel number and a special relationship?
Prior occasion who from the Mercer hotel through water on in Vietnam vet? Was Rawson behind that and sock puppet YouTube harassment and an email account I was a direct response to a voicemail I left the 1st Precinct community affairs to text of Tommy Moran? Did Schatz discuss the voicemail with Rawson and someone who harassed me.
Prior occasion who from the Mercer hotel through water on in Vietnam vet? Was Rawson behind that and sock puppet YouTube harassment and an email account I was a direct response to a voicemail I left the 1st Precinct community affairs to text of Tommy Moran? Did Schatz discuss the voicemail with Rawson and someone who harassed me.
I want Michael Rawson to answer questions about NYPD PO Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran and other NYPD and retired NYPD and about me under oath.
Dear FBI — I am guessing you don’t want to bother me because you have not arrested NYPD that took gifts on 911 ECTP and HP one example was stealing delivering late…
FBI isn’t on Michael Rawson’s speed dial like the First Precinct
Dear FBI:
Re: 911 also know as ECTP
As I have written you before re: retired NYPD #$%%%%% group, HP #$$#$$%%% #1 thief HP and special secretary DOITT ##### - question them.
It was open season to steal/over bill by many contractors consultants and I'm guessing lobbyists... DOITT knew, DOI knew anyone who could do simple math knew it including City Council who pushed through billions of dollars of overruns on technology contracts just like they pushed thru illegal third term because they get money real estate including for their family it's just one corrupt cesspool of greed, arrogance and stupidity.
Contractors that overbilled us connected to Homeland security so you won't touch them.
Gartner Group Teflon as well.
I warned you August 20, 2012 before hurricane Sandy 911 would collapse. It told you they were stealing, it was HP but not just HP. It wasn't just the phone lines on 911 and 311 over priced tech messes although 311 improving.
You may or may not know 1 of my sources but djlfsdlkfsjldkkdfsj harmed because of intimidation or threats which is what she went through arrested by same NYPD Det squad 01 Precinct -- they made her original complaint against #$$%%%% group his resume on LinkedIn and he is retired NYPD aka part of 1800 Nypd PBA IAB fix it and familiar with Nypd chief chuck Dowd.
Warning if you look at his LinkedIn page signed into yours he can see you!
CCRB Passes Corruption Buck to NYPD NYC Charter Makes CCRB ineffectual Party to Chief fixing or forwarding wrong doing
Dear Ms. Troy:
This letter is to inform you that the Civilian Complaint review Board (CCRB) acknowledges receipt of your complaint.
The CCRB has jurisdiction to investigate complaints filed against officers of the New York City Police Department that allege excessive force, abuse of authority, discourtesy or use of offensive language, including slurs relating to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability. We have determined that your complaint does not fall within the Board's jurisdiction, either because the allegations do not fall within our jurisdiction or because the subject of the allegations is a civilian employee of the Police Department.
The Office of the Chief of Department (OCD) of the New York City Police Department reviews and processes complaints made against both uniformed and civilian members of the Police Department which questions their general performance of duties. Once the Investigation Review Section within OCD determines the proper bureau for your complaint, the respective bureau will assign an investigator for your case. Therefore, we have referred your complaint to the Office of the Chief of Department Investigation Review Section for processing.
An OCD control number has been assigned to your complaint and appears at the top of this page. Once received at the appropriate investigative bureau, an OCD investigator will contact you and will handle all further action regarding your complaint.
If you have any questions, please contact the Chief of Department Investigation Review Section at 718-834-3382 or 3390. Please refer to your OCD control number when making all inquiries. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Nina S. Mickens
Director of Case Management
This letter is to inform you that the Civilian Complaint review Board (CCRB) acknowledges receipt of your complaint.
The CCRB has jurisdiction to investigate complaints filed against officers of the New York City Police Department that allege excessive force, abuse of authority, discourtesy or use of offensive language, including slurs relating to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability. We have determined that your complaint does not fall within the Board's jurisdiction, either because the allegations do not fall within our jurisdiction or because the subject of the allegations is a civilian employee of the Police Department.
The Office of the Chief of Department (OCD) of the New York City Police Department reviews and processes complaints made against both uniformed and civilian members of the Police Department which questions their general performance of duties. Once the Investigation Review Section within OCD determines the proper bureau for your complaint, the respective bureau will assign an investigator for your case. Therefore, we have referred your complaint to the Office of the Chief of Department Investigation Review Section for processing.
An OCD control number has been assigned to your complaint and appears at the top of this page. Once received at the appropriate investigative bureau, an OCD investigator will contact you and will handle all further action regarding your complaint.
If you have any questions, please contact the Chief of Department Investigation Review Section at 718-834-3382 or 3390. Please refer to your OCD control number when making all inquiries. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Nina S. Mickens
Director of Case Management
NYPD PO Eugene Schtaz interrupts Stop Harassing Veterans, Facebook Profile "The Finger w/ a Glove FB friend John Vergona Coerced ME LIED IN POLICE reports
NYPD PO Eugene Schtaz interrupts Stop Harassing Veterans, Facebook Profile "The Finger w/ a Glove FB friend John Vergona Coerced ME LIED IN POLICE reports and Gene Schatz's other Facebook friend Det Andy Involved in lying in police reports and coercion, was Det Tommy Moran party to coercion as big party, did they celebrate at the bar DI Ed Winski and the First Precinct went to "decompress" and what about "stripper parties" did they celebrate there?
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission 2015 Vergona FBFriends Eugene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission 2015 Vergona FBFriends Eugene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer
Did Michael Rawson Get a Youtube to delete video evidence of NYPD PO Schatz illegally using sirens to get to protest at The Mercer Hotel 2 min before 20 min protest was to end?
I just founded this blog post and video but Rawson did delete 1 video and I don't know which one....I just this blog post today Sunday Morning, July 31, 2015. I also found the fake NYPD illegal parking placard parked at The Mercer Hotel....a lot of interesting "policing" or lack of policing by the NYPD and Internal Affairs was going on than at the Mercer Hotel including at the loading and unloading zone run as private parking w/ valet service and Michael Rawson and the men that work the front door sure had a special relationship with the NYPD and PO Gene Schatz would should be explored under oath in front of a new commission.
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Facebook Page Picture Glove Giving the Finger he was party to his FB friend Det John Vergona Coercing me with his other FB friend Det Andy Dwyer
I just founded this blog post and video but Rawson did delete 1 video and I don't know which one....I just this blog post today Sunday Morning, July 31, 2015. I also found the fake NYPD illegal parking placard parked at The Mercer Hotel....a lot of interesting "policing" or lack of policing by the NYPD and Internal Affairs was going on than at the Mercer Hotel including at the loading and unloading zone run as private parking w/ valet service and Michael Rawson and the men that work the front door sure had a special relationship with the NYPD and PO Gene Schatz would should be explored under oath in front of a new commission.
The Mercer Hotel & Michael Rawson Protest - Part 5 PO Schatz rushed over using his siren to get here you can see the clock says 12:20 and we have ended the protest but Schatz acts like his is on the Mercer Hotels speed dial Here is the link to the video of NYPD PO Eugene Schatz using his sirens illegally to rush to get to our protest to stop harassing Veterans!
This woman NYPD officer was in the car the first time PO Schatz the first time he used his vehicle like a weapon on behalf of The Mercer Hotel - we he barked at me aggressively they can park there and she would have to lie under oath about his rushing with his sirens which is a violation -- there was NO EMERGENCY and I want to know what else she witnessed and knows about PO Eugene Schatz. From the Mercer it goes worse with PO Eugene Schtaz's FB friends Det John VERGONA and Det Andy Dwyer willing to send me a message.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally used his sirens and she can verify it as well as the other incident I reported to Internal Affairs and it was caught on the VM I left for IA but IA has been covering up for them all but SCHATZ"S facebook friends took it much further Dr Andrew Fagelman who is down the street from The mercer hotel.
NYPD Det John VERGONA breaking the laws coercion, threatening me, lying in polce reports --- NYPD retaliation starts here with The Mercer Hotel down the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman.
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Facebook Page Picture Glove Giving the Finger he was party to his FB friend Det John Vergona Coercing me with his other FB friend Det Andy Dwyer

Delita HOOKS a violent liar = a crazy violent woman with anger management problems did to me what Schatz wished he could do as he violated protocol harassing me rushing to get to my Stop Harassing Veterans Protest illegally using his NYPD sirens and he got his FB NYPD det friends who had my case to do what he dreamed of and they all were confident they would be protected.
I have video evidence I wasn't going to be quiet about NYPD PO Schatz's wrong doing involving the Mercer Hotel and here with Delita Hooks she gave me the finger -- the video starts with me asking her to please give me the finger again because now I am filming.
Schtaz NYPD det facebook friends involved in coercion sent me a message to keep my head down and I was to take what ever they were going to dole out including coercing and lying I have a videos and photos of Schatz harassing and or illegal parking or violating CPR and illegally using his sirens so this was pay back fixing if for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not want to fire Delita Hooks. Dr Fagelman blames me for Delita HOOKS violating my patient rights and my body making a hole in my retina and the corrupt NYPD IA blame me for NYPD coercion lying so they are willing to cover up like Zachary Carter but a New Commission in to police corruption can finally get them all exposed for what they did to me.
I have to go thru the videos -- I have to find the one where NYPD PO Eugene Schatz illegally uses his sirens to harass me and United States Veterans I organized a protest for because Schatz's friends at the Mercer Hotel have him on speed dial perhaps so he can get invited to fancy events -- Preet Bharara thinks NYPD only do fixing and favors for money not parties or power trips like my case and Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran who wouldn't answer my question about it via facebook I believe all party to coercion -- they went to the First Precinct's designated bar and even had a good laugh like Dwyer and Vergona's supervisor laughed over the phone Delita HOOKS had given me the finger and than tried to beat me to a pulp -- see a common thread?
Sgt Chen laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctor's.
Yes and I believe Dr Fagelman called up just like the Mercer hotel down the street and Internal Affairs under Ray Kelly and Bratton have been covering up and corrupt Zachary Carter and his lawyers are using white out like in the nursing home they are blacking out the truth -- just like Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of the NYPD crimes and wrong doing have bene blacked out.
I will post videos of Schatz's violating CPR and protocol illegally using his sirens rushing get to a 20 minute protest because Vet Vendors couldn't afford to be away from their tables any longer than 20 minutes and Ray Kelly a veteran Bratton a Veteran protected all these NYPD not Veterans that harassed us and than up the stakes of retaliation to violate protocol and than break the law.
Bratton says the crack addict calling NYPD po social media doesn't represent the NYPD but doesn't it..
they are employees and it seems like groups of NYPD unite on facebook and in my case their Facebook pages hold clues to the coercion, lying in police reports like Schatz is the catalyst for his facebook friend's to refuse to meet me and lie in police reports and commit the crime of coercion to teach me a lesson for Schatz who FB page photo is the guess more clues but NYPD and Internal Affairs are protecting him and will until I get a new Commission and my goal to bring them in and question them under oath. I am trying to do that now in NY State Supreme Court by Zachary Carter is doing his criminal dirty deeds just like the nursing home.
Schatz has pictures of Tony Bennet again -- the NYPD will do fixing and favors to be invited to parties and events by the rich they do fixing and favors for so is that how he got that picture.
Are these fellow NYPD who know about 1800 NYPD fix it?
I am a victim of a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct Det Squad and NYPD PO Eugene Schatz's facebook page holds clues.
I have been working on uploading the videos of Schtaz harassing me and US Veterans -- again Schtaz I am guessing along with all the corrupt cops in my case that are his facebook friends are not veterans.
I will post the link soon.

I want to know who are these men and if they know anything about NYPD fixing and favors?
I demand Justice my case.
Schatz inspired the NYPD app tracker and via the app that will some be reality fellow victims can find each other. The NYPD covered up his wrong doing along with Vergona and Dwyer and the NYPD can thank them and NYPD Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos all cowards who never met me and lied and are still having their lawyers lie saying they did an investigation -- they did not they commited crmies or were party to committing crimes coercion lying in police reports.
I want to know who are these men and do they know about NYPD fixing and favors as well as retaliation.
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