"New York City would be an “ideal” location for an early FirstNet deployment, based on the police department’s technological advances and the existence of supporting physical infrastructure, New York Police Commissioner William Bratton told FirstNet board members this week.""

In this article above the next search and below an excerpt -- Mr. Bratton may have put his foot in his mouth.  It may be that Mr. Bratton got ahead of himself allowing FirstNet under investigation to host a board meeting at 1 Police Plaza. 

I'm not sure this is a match made in heaven as the article states.  Let's ask Chief Dowd. 

Below Bratton 's not so hotsy totsie analogy and it looks like Bill got ahead of himself with FirstNet? I wish I could get that kind of enthusiasm re: me being nearly blinded at Dr. Andrew Fagelman's no arrest for some reason.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em

Especially after 911 Fiasco Tax Payer Titanic bigger than CityTime ala Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly, Mark Page Rose Gill Hearn,  the majority of city Council allowed a billion-dollar overrun on 911 and it's a taxpayer you would hope that Bratton would be at Tadmore cautious?  911 HP is alleged to have been stealing like SAIC CityTime pre Denault from the get go.  

I believe Preet Bharara will do everything to stop us from getting a trial on 911 because he had to protect City Hall on the CityTime trial and he can't do it again with 911.  Cy Vance already said no to John Liu's request for a women investigation May 31, 2012 and Scott Stringer removed that press release first thing January 2014!


Bill Bratton quotes from a match made in heaven pr piece. 

"“Having the best technology without a public-safety broadband network, in some respects, is like having a bullet train with no tracks to ride on,” he said. “You can have a bullet train—the best technology in the world—but if it can’t get down the track, what good is it? In some respects, we’re outpacing ourselves, in that we’re developing so much. But we need a delivery system, and [FirstNet is] that delivery system.”

Bill you may have out paced yourself here.    Not the best quote -- using analogy that doesn't have the word bullet.    Now someone's going to bite the bullet?  What else did she doubt take besides gifts from Verizon?  Like my attacker I don't think this is the first time. 

Two years ago, Congress established FirstNet and charged the organization with deploying a nationwide broadband network for first responders, but many questioned what public-safety applications would run over the network. Bratton pledged New York City’s support of FirstNet and noted that NYPD’s applications would be an excellent example of the capabilities that could become a reality with a dedicated broadband network."

"“The capacity to use what you create is currently there,” Bratton said. “It’s not something that needs to be built. It is there. It’s waiting for you; it’s waiting with urgency for what you’re going to build.

“I believe New York City would certainly be ideal for the FirstNet initiative, and many other cities around the country also are moving very quickly to be in that type of position. The NYPD, with its technology-driven approach to law enforcement, and FirstNet is effectively a match made in heaven.” "