Until we the people stage a mass protest that makes what's going on in the middle east right now look like the crowd at a community Bingo game! But sadly, not gonna happen.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Mike Bloomberg Brags CityTime ahead of sched! Drug Test him! CityTime Ta...
(Just a reminder CityTime was handled through the Office of Payroll not Dept. of Information Technology which by the way is run by Patricia Harris's son.)
In 1988 she married [1] attorney Mark D. Lebow. Lebow is a former chairperson of the New York City Civil Service Commission. He is a current member of the board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority [2], appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Lebow's son from a previous marriage, Michael P. Lebow, is also a member of the Bloomberg administration. Michael is the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications,[2] earning an annual salary of $140,558. She is also the mother of Jeffrey and Alexandra Lebow.
(Just a reminder CityTime was handled through the Office of Payroll not Dept. of Information Technology which by the way is run by Patricia Harris's son.)
In 1988 she married [1] attorney Mark D. Lebow. Lebow is a former chairperson of the New York City Civil Service Commission. He is a current member of the board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority [2], appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Lebow's son from a previous marriage, Michael P. Lebow, is also a member of the Bloomberg administration. Michael is the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications,[2] earning an annual salary of $140,558. She is also the mother of Jeffrey and Alexandra Lebow.
Why Does Mike Bloomberg push CityTime like Heroin? All I can say is thank goodness the MTA SAIC is dead! Suzannnah B. Troy
Michael Bloomberg's techno-dreams are the tax payer's nightmares!
Hey Mike how is the start of the art 911 tech system.
Denial is the new crack cocaine from Albany to City Hall.
Drug test Mike Bloomberg!
What is Mike's motivation to be praising CityTime?
My guess is the same reason Mike came out praising SAIC after 80 million dollars in tax payer money was revealed stolen by consultants on CityTime.....it is called damage control and Mike hoped to prevent fall-out...so far SAIC has lost 2 deals one with the sanitation dept. and one with the MTA.
I am an artist and I don't have a press pass and all the tools a newspaper reporter has but I think the 911 tech system and CityTime -- a time clock to save us the tax payers money combined cost to us is over 2 billion dollars. CityTime will start saving us money maybe in a couple of hundred years...it was meant to stop workers from stealing money and since it was originally projected to cost 68 million and is up to 700 mill? moving towards a billion it was no surprise 80 million was revealed to be stolen....in fact it would seem way more has been stolen.
SAIC has been put on performance contract....with penalties thanks to John Liu. Bill Thompson dropped the ball on this and pensions along with Mike Bloomberg who is either losing his marbles or on drugs.
Michael Bloomberg's techno-dreams are the tax payer's nightmares!
Hey Mike how is the start of the art 911 tech system.
Denial is the new crack cocaine from Albany to City Hall.
Drug test Mike Bloomberg!
What is Mike's motivation to be praising CityTime?
My guess is the same reason Mike came out praising SAIC after 80 million dollars in tax payer money was revealed stolen by consultants on CityTime.....it is called damage control and Mike hoped to prevent fall-out...so far SAIC has lost 2 deals one with the sanitation dept. and one with the MTA.
I am an artist and I don't have a press pass and all the tools a newspaper reporter has but I think the 911 tech system and CityTime -- a time clock to save us the tax payers money combined cost to us is over 2 billion dollars. CityTime will start saving us money maybe in a couple of hundred years...it was meant to stop workers from stealing money and since it was originally projected to cost 68 million and is up to 700 mill? moving towards a billion it was no surprise 80 million was revealed to be stolen....in fact it would seem way more has been stolen.
SAIC has been put on performance contract....with penalties thanks to John Liu. Bill Thompson dropped the ball on this and pensions along with Mike Bloomberg who is either losing his marbles or on drugs.
Charlie Sheen has not hit bottom but will he live long enough to hit bottom
Charlie Sheen is talking to anyone who will put him on television and the world wide web. If he ever truly hits bottom and comes back to his senses he will regret these interviews.
Charlie thinks people who are critical of him are jealous of him. He has ever rationalization possible and too bad for him Charlie can charm people and that has worked against him and his illness.
He looks emaciated. He is the father of 5 children and how can he be present for them in this state.
He is so lost and he may not live to hit bottom. Sober and healthy this is a nice guy but in this state of illness he is so off and his anti-Semitic remarks are not Mel Gibson like because Charlie is not about hating groups of people but it is ugly.
Charlie Sheen, besides alcohol and drugs is addicted to celebrity and it is killing him. He needs to remind himself to be humble -- the word humble Latin roots "earth" and Charlie Sheen will be hitting the earth in one of two ways -- either one way or another he will kill himself or two he will walk up and get humble and get help. http://www.tmz.com/2011/02/28/charlie-sheen-live-interview-tmz-two-and-a-half-men/
The interviews are not worth watching...they are sad...
Charlie thinks people who are critical of him are jealous of him. He has ever rationalization possible and too bad for him Charlie can charm people and that has worked against him and his illness.
He looks emaciated. He is the father of 5 children and how can he be present for them in this state.
He is so lost and he may not live to hit bottom. Sober and healthy this is a nice guy but in this state of illness he is so off and his anti-Semitic remarks are not Mel Gibson like because Charlie is not about hating groups of people but it is ugly.
Charlie Sheen, besides alcohol and drugs is addicted to celebrity and it is killing him. He needs to remind himself to be humble -- the word humble Latin roots "earth" and Charlie Sheen will be hitting the earth in one of two ways -- either one way or another he will kill himself or two he will walk up and get humble and get help. http://www.tmz.com/2011/02/28/charlie-sheen-live-interview-tmz-two-and-a-half-men/
The interviews are not worth watching...they are sad...
NY Post at it again -- DOT and the Hell's Angels -- Have you seen the streets in the E. Village and through NYC -- DOT and the bench are you kidding? Arrest John Sexton and the ex. Pres. of Cooper Union, Arrest the Pres. of NY Law for busting thru zoning illegally and mega-dorming people to death
Please NY Post will you do a piece on NYU, NY Law School, and Cooper Union's shady corrupt real estate dealings in the NYU and besides busting through zoning research the record setting infrastructure breaks in the neighborhood since Mike Bloomberg and his socialite city planner pushed a reckless tsunami of development coming very close to or actually breaking laws for their friends. Research the air sale by the USPS to NYU at 120 E. 12th -- the air sale was illegal but was pushed thru. Cooper Union's goal to tear down the little Science building by the Black Cube is part 2 of bust through zoning on old NY's infrastructure to rent the space to non-university tenants! DOT and DEP -- ask them for the stats and history of the streets of the E. Village and Lower East Side. It is a wonder that DOT has anytime to bother with a bench when the streets are shot to hell and it is a miracle no one has been killed. Look at the intersection of 7th St. and 2nd Avenue or St Marks Pl between 2nd and 1st Avenue.
The New York Post Editors on "poor" fat cat Wall Streeters -- Who are you kidding?
02/28/2011 5:04 PM
Dear NY Post Editors: Who are you kidding! The account/lawyers at these Wall St. firms have their fat cats declare any where but NYC as there home. Boo hoo their bonuses shrunk to a sum bigger than half the people in your office earn; fat cats have found so many ways to rip NYC off of not paying taxes.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/the_gasping_golden_goose_NS2TxUrVcGFiWfPITGroJM#ixzz1FIH9V3Hz
Oscars The Academy Misogyny Hailee & Jennifer didn't win! YouTubers Make...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t9dRF0nUok you can go to the comment section where I give you more insight in to misogyny and also explain I am referring to David Fincher and why I said Peter!!!!
Peter Finch is famous for what quote from the film "Network"?
I am exhausted. So tired and I always feel like I am rushing.
Peter Finch is famous for what quote from the film "Network"?
I am exhausted. So tired and I always feel like I am rushing.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Can't stay up or stay tuned to The Oscars to see PS 22 so posted one of their YouTubes + Greyson tells PS 22 that Lady Gaga loves them!
And here Greyson surprising PS22
I can't watch the Oscars....I tried...I try every year....
Will watch their Oscar performance on YouTube tomorrow....going to read book now!
And here Greyson surprising PS22
I can't watch the Oscars....I tried...I try every year....
Will watch their Oscar performance on YouTube tomorrow....going to read book now!
Rallies in Lower Manhattan in support of Workers' & Women's Rights
David Quintana attended both rallies downtown..
Here's my question, at the 13:50 mark (or so) r u the one with the sign..?
No David! I love her sign. She looks like a mix of me and Lady Gaga --- great smile but not mine.
Thanks for sending me this YouTube. Good work!
Check out David's blog...
Blog: Lost in the Ozone...
Twitter Feed: DavidQ_NYC
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it's the only thing that ever has..." - Margaret Mead
Twitter Feed: DavidQ_NYC
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it's the only thing that ever has..." - Margaret Mead
Christine Quinn is playing with a stacked deck! Check out who is throwing big bucks at her for her run for mayor! I want to ask you do you want Mike to have a 4th term from the golf course?
Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation, Mike Bloomberg's mini-me -- how much tax payer $ are you costing us with your high priced defense attorney?
Hey if you donate to Christine Quinn's mayoral run you campaign donations will be plastered all over the internet!!!!!! Say Cheese!
Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation, Mike Bloomberg's mini-me -- how much tax payer $ are you costing us with your high priced defense attorney?
Hey if you donate to Christine Quinn's mayoral run you campaign donations will be plastered all over the internet!!!!!! Say Cheese!
Suzannah B. Troy Sept. 11 Detectives Endowment Assoc. Card! lost but actually never lost Found
When I suffered a traumatic event post 9-11, I lost or perhaps certain special rings were stolen by someone I thought was a friend but when you think of the loss Sept. 11, you just have to shrug it off. I still find myself attached to "things" and one is this card which I love because it has the World Trade Center Towers on it. I don't have anything in my home with the image but I carried this around when it was given to me by an NYPD Det. who became my friend after 9-11 because of 9-11. I found it this morning -- too odd and funny how -- I had never actually lost it. It was stuck to another card in my wallet. I also carry a small "artwork" with the my NYPD cards because after Sept. 11 I only wanted small portable art works and I gave away copies of my little portable art works.
I was so happy when I found the card I showed it to my friend and he said oh I could use that and I told him I would never use it ever....I just carry with me always.
I keep hoping that other possessions gone -- my personal diaspora is no more -- that I reclaim what was lost but life is short and it is best to focus on the present.
My NYPD friend and I did not stay in touch and he wasn't my lover, just a wonderful friend who has since retired. A very special person who like so many NYPD stepped up in our darkest hours, and the days and months following Sept. 11.
I was so happy when I found the card I showed it to my friend and he said oh I could use that and I told him I would never use it ever....I just carry with me always.
I keep hoping that other possessions gone -- my personal diaspora is no more -- that I reclaim what was lost but life is short and it is best to focus on the present.
My NYPD friend and I did not stay in touch and he wasn't my lover, just a wonderful friend who has since retired. A very special person who like so many NYPD stepped up in our darkest hours, and the days and months following Sept. 11.
Billy Wiggins from South Ozone Park gives Mike Bloomberg a piece of his mind on Beautiful New York Women!!!!!
Billy: Great letter! Give Mike Bloomberg hell! FYI, China owns a big part of the USA's mega-trillion dollar debt and um, ehem, they can build an American woman! Still a great letter!
Mayor Bloomberg doesn’t need to import fashion models — America breeds the best-looking women in the world to do fashion modeling (“Mike a ‘Model’ Citizen,” Feb. 19).
The good news is that China can’t build an American woman.
Billy Wiggins, South Ozone Park
Beautiful News Reporter and her very Sweet Camera Man -- I love the photo and I thought they were the nicest! We talked about the 2 crazy car accidents around Union Square
There were two car accidents around Union Square -- thangs have gotten crazy -- behind them is the after math of a wild crazy car accident....look on the ground behind her arm -- apparently a cab driver and passenger got into an arguement and things got out of hand and the car out of control hitting a light pole. It was in the wee hours so thankfully no pedestrians were about.
I visited artist buddies and the news is the NYPD's Alpha Squad had made some recent visits and carted off people in handcuffs as if they were criminals and that is criminal.
I loved these two and I love my photo of them.
I visited artist buddies and the news is the NYPD's Alpha Squad had made some recent visits and carted off people in handcuffs as if they were criminals and that is criminal.
I loved these two and I love my photo of them.
NYU refuses to put a Frieze on the side of the building to honor the memory of these young women's horrific death The Triangle Shirt Factory Tragedy
NYU the evil empire of the East Village LES where many of these young women lived owns the building and to date the Purple Reign of Terror that has mega dormed the E village refuses to put up a heart moving freize like the FDNY heroes have downtown because NYU like these young womens bosses are about greed. NYU a corrupt real estate magnate - look in to the air sale deal by the USPS to NYu over St Anns 120 e 12! Nyu as usual refuses to do right by the community and honor our history!!!
How about something like the FDNY have.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkbMRF_zT88
John Sexton's actions against our communities has secured him prime real estate way down under.
The only thing John Sexton, over paid pres. of NYU not a president of academia but he is a president for a real estate entitey that uses the words "not for profit" as a tax shelter to gobble up our real estate and mass displacement of our communities and destruction of our historic buildings...
the only thing John Sexton, Mike Bloomberg and socialite mega millionaire Amanda the people's Burden have not done is provide NYU buses, trains and trolleys to move us.
NYU is the Madoff of our neighborhoods, NYU made off with our neighborhoods....
Suzannah B. Troy shouts FIRE!!! You get why there is a FDNY calendar?
On a serious note I handed firemen the flyer from the union protest and suggested they and the NYPD join us for the next protest.
I read part of the union flyer in this YouTube about Bloomberg breaking campaign laws....
My YouTube mayor hands off FDNY NYPD
NYPD Christine Quinn wants to be your mayor...
I read part of the union flyer in this YouTube about Bloomberg breaking campaign laws....
My YouTube mayor hands off FDNY NYPD
NYPD Christine Quinn wants to be your mayor...
NY Post on MTA Scams and Hustlers but oops the article leaves out the biggest MTA Scammer the MTA! NYers are even given 100 dollar tickets because the MTA does not provide enough entrances and exits for commuters and that is when they are not robbing them and providing below par service
All these topics are addressed on my YouTubes...
YouTube Millionaires article in The NY Post, Suzannah B. Troy continues to apply for partnership after wrongly being banned from YouTubeland
I continue to apply for YouTube partnership and FYI -- a month and a half before the election all my YouTubes mostly critical of Mike Bloomberg also Christine Quinn and David Yassky were all removed. I was banned from YouTube for violating terms.
Norman Siegel represented me and so many activists including film makers wrote Google which owns YouTube. I got a written apology from a staff member of Google stating I had nothing wrong and my account was returned to me in good standing.
However, it took a month to get my subscribers back. Some did not know why I had dumped them and before that all had been harassed and on the computer it is called aggravated harassment by Bloombergforlife and before him Cleo.
Question: Do you think this would factor in to a law suit.
With Cyber stalking and harassment you have two avenues and one is criminal and aggravated harassment carries jail time and you have civil so you can sue.
Note: Way back when Azi Paybarah ended his piece "Holding Back the Tides of Bloomberg" on me and my art. He was astute. I was surprised he got "it". That YouTube is my art. Because I am talking about corruption in NYC and at a State level as well it becomes tedious and boring so I try to find ways to keep it interesting especially for my audience. I also use cleavage which does surprisingly well on YouTube. I removed my most successful youtube because it was about 2 celebrities so my tube with the most hits is about my art Condom Bra. Again it is political but for underachievers unable to understand anything but what they see on the surface --- think about that --- I am making a statement about the male gaze as discussed in John Berger's book Ways of Seeing. I am talking about so much and way I am saying about cleavage and breasts is lost on the majority of viewers that tune in.
Yesterday's YouTube which I did in the cold without my coat was asking for transparency and accountability by our politicians and in my title I say get naked...It is one of the few YouTubes were I am as clothed as possible....juxtaposition. I know this is lost on my audience and I always think about Van Gogh and a later audience. I don't think my physical art will endure because I lack a Theo and I see the art galleries as run by Bernie Madoffs and the art world as dead but maybe the YouTubes endure, maybe and a saavy audience to appreciate what is not spelled out and what is going on on the surface. Every art work of mine with paint -- the surfaces are super charged. I have been complimented on the Mayor Bloomberg King of New York posters including for the dynamic paint handling that you can see on the surface. For over achievers that same can be said for the YouTubes but it requires use of one of the sexist parts of the human body -- the brain and thinking...something people do not do enough of.
I continue to apply for YouTube partnership and FYI -- a month and a half before the election all my YouTubes mostly critical of Mike Bloomberg also Christine Quinn and David Yassky were all removed. I was banned from YouTube for violating terms.
Norman Siegel represented me and so many activists including film makers wrote Google which owns YouTube. I got a written apology from a staff member of Google stating I had nothing wrong and my account was returned to me in good standing.
However, it took a month to get my subscribers back. Some did not know why I had dumped them and before that all had been harassed and on the computer it is called aggravated harassment by Bloombergforlife and before him Cleo.
Question: Do you think this would factor in to a law suit.
With Cyber stalking and harassment you have two avenues and one is criminal and aggravated harassment carries jail time and you have civil so you can sue.
Note: Way back when Azi Paybarah ended his piece "Holding Back the Tides of Bloomberg" on me and my art. He was astute. I was surprised he got "it". That YouTube is my art. Because I am talking about corruption in NYC and at a State level as well it becomes tedious and boring so I try to find ways to keep it interesting especially for my audience. I also use cleavage which does surprisingly well on YouTube. I removed my most successful youtube because it was about 2 celebrities so my tube with the most hits is about my art Condom Bra. Again it is political but for underachievers unable to understand anything but what they see on the surface --- think about that --- I am making a statement about the male gaze as discussed in John Berger's book Ways of Seeing. I am talking about so much and way I am saying about cleavage and breasts is lost on the majority of viewers that tune in.
Yesterday's YouTube which I did in the cold without my coat was asking for transparency and accountability by our politicians and in my title I say get naked...It is one of the few YouTubes were I am as clothed as possible....juxtaposition. I know this is lost on my audience and I always think about Van Gogh and a later audience. I don't think my physical art will endure because I lack a Theo and I see the art galleries as run by Bernie Madoffs and the art world as dead but maybe the YouTubes endure, maybe and a saavy audience to appreciate what is not spelled out and what is going on on the surface. Every art work of mine with paint -- the surfaces are super charged. I have been complimented on the Mayor Bloomberg King of New York posters including for the dynamic paint handling that you can see on the surface. For over achievers that same can be said for the YouTubes but it requires use of one of the sexist parts of the human body -- the brain and thinking...something people do not do enough of.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Apple Iphone explain this one to me -- I just go a voice mail from Feb. 5 today the 26th!
Yikes! Bizarre! I saw a signal I had gotten a voice mail. But than I did not see any new messages so I decided to scroll down on all the messages in my mail box and found one from 3 weeks ago!
I am an A Type and return phone calls asap.
The call was from The New York Police Dept.!
I love this phone but this is not the first Apple Iphone situation that left me shaking my head.
I have thought about tossing my phone in to the E. River on occasion but ultimately I love tech tools and the phone is pretty amazing when it works....
I am an A Type and return phone calls asap.
The call was from The New York Police Dept.!
I love this phone but this is not the first Apple Iphone situation that left me shaking my head.
I have thought about tossing my phone in to the E. River on occasion but ultimately I love tech tools and the phone is pretty amazing when it works....
Bruce Cutler Closing Arguements -- I am reading because Shargel is representing Mazer CityTime
Love Bruce's intro - describing Barry Slotnick's office the windows -- the view -- I wish I had an apt or an office with views like that.
Interesting how Cutler describes a courtroom as "intimate". Also his roots are very similar to mine on my maternal side and we are tall...smile...sigh....if you ask about roots you get a lot of tears...
The library has 3 copies of this book and they are all out so I went to The Strand. If I don't drop food all over it and or drop it in the bath tub I will donate it the NYC Public Library.
Interesting how Cutler describes a courtroom as "intimate". Also his roots are very similar to mine on my maternal side and we are tall...smile...sigh....if you ask about roots you get a lot of tears...
The library has 3 copies of this book and they are all out so I went to The Strand. If I don't drop food all over it and or drop it in the bath tub I will donate it the NYC Public Library.
True News For Change new term "The Cuomonator" hilaroius
check his blog for updates on Albany and NYC gov -- interesting info and the pensions....
Love his new term which will be ripped off like me forwarding my 3 emails from Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed Dave Paterson -- my least favorite accidental gov.
Paterson in my opinion belongs behind bars for gently and quietly intimidating a woman, a victim of spousal abuse in to silence. How sickening NYU hired him but he will enjoy flirting and hiring young beautiful women and of course partying on....NYU the evil empire -- real estate magnate abuser hires Paterson perhaps for his dad's contacts? NYU is the evil empire mega-dorming the E. Village to death, destroying our historic neighborhoods where ever NYU expands...so hiring Dave fits.
check his blog for updates on Albany and NYC gov -- interesting info and the pensions....
Love his new term which will be ripped off like me forwarding my 3 emails from Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed Dave Paterson -- my least favorite accidental gov.
Paterson in my opinion belongs behind bars for gently and quietly intimidating a woman, a victim of spousal abuse in to silence. How sickening NYU hired him but he will enjoy flirting and hiring young beautiful women and of course partying on....NYU the evil empire -- real estate magnate abuser hires Paterson perhaps for his dad's contacts? NYU is the evil empire mega-dorming the E. Village to death, destroying our historic neighborhoods where ever NYU expands...so hiring Dave fits.
Suzannah B. Troy Passionately Loves APPLE computers iphone her teachers
I LOVE YOU Apple how you teach is superb, loving and radical.
Mike Bloomberg 6200 emails John Haggerty Cy Vance Sheekey Maura Keeney Rudy from Albany to city hall get naked!
Click on the text portion and I was rushing so the part about Rudy making 31 million after leaving public office as mayor got cut off....
click on text portion for links to articles including a whistleblowers accusations against Cy Vance and his own campaign "issues".....
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hackers hack website that was an on line hate crime
Posted from iPhone.
Lisbeth lives...
Posted from iPhone.
Lisbeth lives...
City Hall huge turn out to protest budget cuts lay offs Greece Wisconsin NYC?
Sent from my iPhone
Copy and paste link can't set up lInk from phone
Sent from my iPhone
Copy and paste link can't set up lInk from phone
Jeffrey Epstein Sex Predator demands you call him a sex offender! Greece may be coming to NYC folks!
02/25/2011 8:16 AM
Jeffrey Epstein plays the semantic game trying to be like Bill Clinton also in my opinion a sexual predator but at least Bill is smart enough to own up to it. Epstein is a predator including financially. Proof: type in his zip code in the free sex offender app for your iphone and ipad and he comes up as sex offender but his ny address doesn't show up although the data base recognizes it. Is that because Epstein does not want to pay the steep taxes that New Yorker pay so he uses the Virgin islands as a tax shelter? He made his fortune here in NYC, USA yet he robs the tax payers of this Country? Some of the free sex offender apps show St. Thomas, New Mexico, Florida and the NY address is recognized. How did Epstein come to buy one of the biggest mansions in NYC? As anyone taken a look in to the purchase of the house. Wealthy people can fly to the poorest countries and the poor turn their kids over to them. What did Andrew and Jeff do in Thailand. Any reports on their visit? It is amazing to me that Ghislaine Maxwell was served a subpoena and walked away. I would love to know what lawyers asked her. What does Leslie Wexner have to say about all this. It was reported in forbes he dropped Epstein as his trustee.http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/02/jeffrey-epstein-prince-andrews-bf-is.html
Folks: I am Jewish and Epstein doesn't represent the Jews like Woody Allen he is a bad Apple with no chance of redemption or any motivation to take responsibility because here in NYC they are above the law as are the rich, connected, celebrities, politicians.
See the posting before this which shows you thousands of nyc gov. workers and politicians protesting. Wisconsin may come to NYC and Greece for that matter.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube Channel BloombergWisconsinNY
Taking me hours and I don't have time to upload all the speeches. Last tube union workers surrounding City Hall in Peaceful Protest.
Sent from my iPhone
Taking me hours and I don't have time to upload all the speeches. Last tube union workers surrounding City Hall in Peaceful Protest.
Sent from my iPhone
Suzannah B. Troy continues to give out free NYC Condoms and tell NYers congrats Mike Bloomberg has screwed the tax payers but at least he gives you FREE condoms
Suzannah B. Troy hands a free NYC condom to a fun older NYer Woman!
Asks her for her insights in to Mike Bloomberg screwing tax payers.
Bloomberg Condom Stand-up Comedy by Suzannah B. Troy okay sitting down comedy
Suzannah B. Troy's Condom Bra Art YouTube over 10,000 hits!
Charles Barron, Robert Jackson, Union Leaders and very large crowd City Hall sing Stop Shredding New York to the tune of New York New York
Charles Barron sends a message to Mike Bloomberg and to Albany!
Tax the rich and Mike you are not going to bust Unions.
Charles Barron heading over to speak on behalf of Unions |
Funniest Comment on my new Tube + mine which is not funny
see all
All Comments (2)
That's a very good point Susannah. I think that ALL those that run for office and All those that hold office, ANY PUBLIC OFFICE, should be drug tested on a regular basis. They should also be hooked up to a lie detector when giving any public speeches and the results shown instantly on a Jumbotron that is right behind them!
Until we the people stage a mass protest that makes what's going on in the middle east right now look like the crowd at a community Bingo game! But sadly, not gonna happen.
Until we the people stage a mass protest that makes what's going on in the middle east right now look like the crowd at a community Bingo game! But sadly, not gonna happen.
STARFIRESOLAR 30 minutes ago
NYC fragile violent City no guns required teen girl was slashed hand almost severed!
Gerald Shargel Mazer's lawyer CityTime thank goodness the tax payers don't have to pay Mazer's legal bills Mazer was a consultant!
Read the last paragraph. Gotti had grown disenchanted with Shargel and joked about killing him...it was playful and humorous and I am sure Shargel never took it seriously.
Anyway I emailed Gerald Shargel a quick question. Haven't heard back from him.
His website is a must see! Clearly he and Cutler love the limelight as much as defending really "challenged" individuals... I could pick other words than challenged but I will let you pick the words. Mazer, CityTime crook, big time stealer of tax payer $ and in the midst of massive lay-offs that even had Mike sending out Christmas emails alerting NYC gov workers you no longer have a job so Mike can we get a full time refund on CityTime and the 911 tech system. That would return over 2 billion to the tax payers!
Thank goodness Mazer was a consultant or we would have to pay fir his defense attorney like we do for Christine Quinn and staff. Who at NYC gov approved the use of Sullivan and Cromwell?
By the way Evan Lipton, Shargel's young lawyer assistant is fascinating! His parents are head shrinkers and Dad has a big job at NYU medical center! Lipton might cultivate defending clients and mind &$@!/()) to a new level. Joining Shargel was a good career move for this young fellow!
Watch my 2 youtubes on Mazer and his Mafia lawyer...Albany to City Hall culture of crime gangster culture... Ho hum
Sent from my iPhone
Read the last paragraph. Gotti had grown disenchanted with Shargel and joked about killing him...it was playful and humorous and I am sure Shargel never took it seriously.
Anyway I emailed Gerald Shargel a quick question. Haven't heard back from him.
His website is a must see! Clearly he and Cutler love the limelight as much as defending really "challenged" individuals... I could pick other words than challenged but I will let you pick the words. Mazer, CityTime crook, big time stealer of tax payer $ and in the midst of massive lay-offs that even had Mike sending out Christmas emails alerting NYC gov workers you no longer have a job so Mike can we get a full time refund on CityTime and the 911 tech system. That would return over 2 billion to the tax payers!
Thank goodness Mazer was a consultant or we would have to pay fir his defense attorney like we do for Christine Quinn and staff. Who at NYC gov approved the use of Sullivan and Cromwell?
By the way Evan Lipton, Shargel's young lawyer assistant is fascinating! His parents are head shrinkers and Dad has a big job at NYU medical center! Lipton might cultivate defending clients and mind &$@!/()) to a new level. Joining Shargel was a good career move for this young fellow!
Watch my 2 youtubes on Mazer and his Mafia lawyer...Albany to City Hall culture of crime gangster culture... Ho hum
Sent from my iPhone
Mike Bloomberg and corruption NYC DOB = death toll, the injuries the speed of greed!!
How many people died or were injured under Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development. DOB was over run and Mike had thrown out the requirement DOB commissioner have a degree in architecture or engineering.
Do I think massive corruption NYC gov, Albany and including DOB? Yes, I do think plenty in DOB people were and are on the take? In my opinion, way too many developers, landlords, contractors walk around with rolls of cash to bribe
How many people died or were injured under Bloomberg's reckless tsunami of development. DOB was over run and Mike had thrown out the requirement DOB commissioner have a degree in architecture or engineering.
Do I think massive corruption NYC gov, Albany and including DOB? Yes, I do think plenty in DOB people were and are on the take? In my opinion, way too many developers, landlords, contractors walk around with rolls of cash to bribe
Michael Schwartz see my Coney Island YouTube will post details later posting from IPhone
Michael Schwartz is one of seventeen poets invited to take part in special Allen Ginsberg celebration Monday Feb 28th 6:30 to 8:30PM.
Each poet will be doing one of their original poems, and will also be doing a Ginsberg poem or excerpt of a Ginsberg poem.
More info is on the attached flyer.
Each poet will be doing one of their original poems, and will also be doing a Ginsberg poem or excerpt of a Ginsberg poem.
More info is on the attached flyer.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hey Mike Bloomberg, Mazer CityTime Crook wants to see his son compete, Christine Quinn from Albany to City Hall Culture of Corruption - new YouTube by Suzannah B. Troy
Pure gangster....I was discussing Christine Quinn with a long term activist friend and he said Christine Quinn is a gangster. I agree.
Hey Mike Bloomberg, Mazer CityTime Crook wants to see his son compete, Christine Quinn from Albany to City Hall Culture of Corruption - new YouTube by Suzannah B. Troy
Pure gangster....I was discussing Christine Quinn with a long term activist friend and he said Christine Quinn is a gangster. I agree.
Mark Mazer alleged architect of 80 million CityTime tax payer robbery wants to see his son compete
The New York Times
Man Accused in Fraud Scheme Wants to See Son Compete
By DAVID W. CHENMark Mazer may have been in the headlines recently because he is accused of being the architect of an $80 million scheme to siphon money from the Bloomberg administration’s CityTime project to automate payroll for all city workers. But he is also the parent of an accomplished gymnast.
And on Wednesday, Mr. Mazer’s lawyer requested that his client be allowed to leave the New York metropolitan area to accompany his son to two national competitions, one in Landover, Md., in April, and the other in Long Beach, Calif., in May.
The request, which was made in a formal letter to Judge George B. Daniels of Federal District Court in Manhattan, is the first made by any of the seven people who have been charged so far in the CityTime scandal. The seven (one of whom has died since the charges were announced in December) have been accused of participating in a corruption plot to steer city contracts to businesses that they controlled, and pocketing some of that money.
“This type of request is standard under the federal bail system and was made with the consent of the prosecutor and pretrial services agency,” said Evan L. Lipton, Mr. Mazer’s lawyer.
Mr. Mazer, a technology consultant and resident of Manhasset, on Long Island, is free on a $2 million bond. Under the terms of his bond, he cannot leave the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, which cover New York City and Long Island. Mr. Mazer also cannot leave New Jersey, where his son Michael, a student at New York University, does his gymnastics training.
Mark Mazer alleged architect of 80 million CityTime tax payer robbery wants to see his son compete
Man Accused in Fraud Scheme Wants to See Son Compete
By DAVID W. CHENMark Mazer may have been in the headlines recently because he is accused of being the architect of an $80 million scheme to siphon money from the Bloomberg administration’s CityTime project to automate payroll for all city workers. But he is also the parent of an accomplished gymnast.
And on Wednesday, Mr. Mazer’s lawyer requested that his client be allowed to leave the New York metropolitan area to accompany his son to two national competitions, one in Landover, Md., in April, and the other in Long Beach, Calif., in May.
The request, which was made in a formal letter to Judge George B. Daniels of Federal District Court in Manhattan, is the first made by any of the seven people who have been charged so far in the CityTime scandal. The seven (one of whom has died since the charges were announced in December) have been accused of participating in a corruption plot to steer city contracts to businesses that they controlled, and pocketing some of that money.
“This type of request is standard under the federal bail system and was made with the consent of the prosecutor and pretrial services agency,” said Evan L. Lipton, Mr. Mazer’s lawyer.
Mr. Mazer, a technology consultant and resident of Manhasset, on Long Island, is free on a $2 million bond. Under the terms of his bond, he cannot leave the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, which cover New York City and Long Island. Mr. Mazer also cannot leave New Jersey, where his son Michael, a student at New York University, does his gymnastics training.
2 Blog Postings of mine make Mike Bloomberg's 1st page on Google
I went to Google and looked up Mike Bloobmerg and there were 2 postings! One from Mayor Bloomberg King of New York and one from my East East Village blog. I took screen shots of the top of the page and bottom because up top The New York Times City Room has a piece on Planned Parenthood and down load is my blog posting of a YouTube I made on Valentine's Day as usual giving the mayor a hard time and urging people to practice safe sex! You can click on the screen shots to see them.
mayor bloomberg king of new york: Mike Bloomberg Steve Rattner and ...
Dec 18, 2010 ... Mike Bloomberg and Steve Rattner sitting down to a power with some big wigs from SAIC that used to work at The White House way back when to ...
mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/.../mike-bloomberg-steve- rattner-and-saic.html - Cached
mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/.../mike-bloomberg-steve- rattner-and-saic.html - Cached
EastVillageEastEastVillage: Mike Bloomberg Rudy SAIC CityTime ...
Feb 14, 2011 ... Mike Bloomberg Rudy SAIC CityTime tracks city workers but not the mayor and Patricia Harris -- Happy Valentine's Day Love and Safe SeX ...
eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/.../mike-bloomberg-rudy-saic-citytime .html -
eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/.../mike-bloomberg-rudy-saic-citytime .html -
NYU Trolleys and Buses hated by every community they occupy from Stuy Town down to South St. Seaport stoop the waste stop all the empty buses or at least pick up community members
New Yorkers are fuming. They are sick of waiting for public transportation which is lacking only to be passed by empty NYU buses and trolleys that clog the streets. If you are going to have such a wasteful and destructive presence why not stop and pick up community members standing and waiting for transporation.
Why can't NYU students take public transportation.
The sea of empty trolleys and buses really piss people off. Ditto for seeing them parked on Broadway and Lafayette Street. NYU owns so much property park your buses and trolleys on your property rather than further congest Broadway and Lafayette Street.
Why can't NYU students take public transportation.
The sea of empty trolleys and buses really piss people off. Ditto for seeing them parked on Broadway and Lafayette Street. NYU owns so much property park your buses and trolleys on your property rather than further congest Broadway and Lafayette Street.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Mike Bloomberg NYC Thieves Jeffrey Epstein on Free Sex Offender App, Juan Gonzalez Wins Polk Award! NYC Round-up by Suzannah B. Troy
Christine Quinn Slush Mess high priced defense attorney -- look at date of article
Lady Gaga Slideshow by DNA & Suzannah on Gaga Madonna
Christopher, one of Madonna's brothers who used to live down the hall from me and was always a nice guy noted that Lady Gaga's new song sounds like a rip-off of his sister's work. I am not quoting him. I had to smile. Madonna ripped off or borrowed or was heavily influenced by just about everyone from Mae West to Cyndi Lauper so what a tribute from Lady Gaga to "model" Madonna.
Lady Gaga does have a Madonna-esque quality in her new song and of course some of her fashion wear but with the opening of the song "Born this Way" Lady Gaga has you laughing with that funny, smart sense of humor of hers as she spells out "H" "I" "M"mmm .
If Gaga occasional channels Madonna it is a Madonna with a sense of humor! Lady Gaga does have a better voice. Now I am going to go listen to "Rain".
Bowery Alliance having a vigil tonight for 35 Cooper Square -- show up or sign the petition
From Jason who was one of way too many that was mass evicted and is now in our prayers re: his battle with cancer.
Click the above link to learn more and sign the petition please.
Candlelight vigil at 35 Cooper Square.Today from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
That's all for now. Take care.
P.S. - Here's a link with more info:
Click the above link to learn more and sign the petition please.
The New York Post cartoon by Sean Delonas excoriates Sex Predator Jeffrey Epstein and his Best Friend Prince Andrew -- chasing women young enough to be their granddaughters! Read my piece on Jeff Epstein listed on free Sex Offender App for you Iphones and Ipads
Using image fair use as someone blowing the whistle as well as questioning who attempted doing damage control killing articles having them removed and made the phone call to the Manhattan DA ...was in one of the same person or team of people because this one with other articles seem to disappear ?
See below for more thoughts re: fair use
Fair use Please note the use of this cartoon is fair use this is not for profit but to show how powerful the players behind the scenes are that I'm alleging they got this image removed and possibly the people behind removing this image are the ones responsible for asking the Manhattan DA asked for lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and giving his p please note the use of this cartoon is fair use this is not for profit but to show how powerful the players behind the scenes are that I'm alleging they got this image removed and possibly the people behind removing this image are the ones responsible for having the Manhattan DA asked for lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and giving his pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon status!
There is also an article about prince Andrew and the pimp going to an S&M club here in New York City and NY Post deleted?
Juan Gonzalez wins Polk Award for CityTime reporting!
Congratulations you deserve the award Juan and we the tax payers deserve a full refund!
Jeffrey Epstein Prince Andrew's BF is listed on Sex Offender App download for free from Apple for you Iphone
Before you take your family to the Frick Museum, any of the tony museums on the upper East Side or the Central Park kid's playgrounds, you may want to type the zip code 10021 in to the free Sex Offender Apps you can download from Apple to your Iphone or Ipad. Hey isn't that Mike Bloomberg's zip code?
If you want to type in Epstein's exact address right behind The Frick you can find it listed here http://www.lefcourtlaw.com/CM/RecentNotableDecisions/Cordero-v-Epstein.pdf and I want to warn you the legal document is shocking and disturbing as well as a gender bender and bizarrely enough 2 of the 3 free sex offender apps list Jeffrey Epstein as "female" which is ironic when you look at the legal brief above. The NY Post covered the transgender (?) underage victim that alleged Epstein lured to this house. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/regional/item_YpOM2hC4qQEWpkEqunEBfJ
If you don't want to read the tawdry legal filing that lists Victoria Secrets and Leslie Wexner as well as Epstein then here is an article from The NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/11/garden/home-sweet-elsewhere.html or rather this article http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/realestate/30block.html
There is a rumor that the Feds gave Epstein special treatment and it wasn't just for helping them with the Bear Stearns debacle....what could Epstein possible have that the feds might also be interested in....hmmm
I would like to ask Donald Trump if he will be spending quality time with Epstein. Trump likes to be surrounded by young beautiful women as well and Epstein and he were friends. I guess it is okay with Trump as long as it is not his daughter or in Trump's case, I should say granddaughter. I would be interested in what Trump has to say about Epstein.
Note: I have met Epstein and his special services gal friday Ghislaine Maxwell and when I think of these two a four letter word comes to mind, "jail". Can Epstein and Company buy a get out of jail free card? He did once already.
If you want to type in Epstein's exact address right behind The Frick you can find it listed here http://www.lefcourtlaw.com/CM/RecentNotableDecisions/Cordero-v-Epstein.pdf and I want to warn you the legal document is shocking and disturbing as well as a gender bender and bizarrely enough 2 of the 3 free sex offender apps list Jeffrey Epstein as "female" which is ironic when you look at the legal brief above. The NY Post covered the transgender (?) underage victim that alleged Epstein lured to this house. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/regional/item_YpOM2hC4qQEWpkEqunEBfJ
If you don't want to read the tawdry legal filing that lists Victoria Secrets and Leslie Wexner as well as Epstein then here is an article from The NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/11/garden/home-sweet-elsewhere.html or rather this article http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/realestate/30block.html
From NYTimes article: "Or maybe the footman of the private money manager Jeffrey Epstein, out doing reconnaissance in front of No. 9, one of the largest houses in Manhattan. Across the street from the soaring (and heavily surveilled) arched door of No. 9 is the back of the Frick, a solid holding wall."
Leslie Wexner has a yacht called The Limitless but apparently Jeffrey Epstein has forced Wexner to realize he has limits after all as well at one point small children that Epstein was the trustee to?
In the Forbes article below apparently Wexner had enough and replaced Epstein as trustee. Could it be in the words of Donald Trump, Epstein's good friend, "you're fired."?
From Forbes: "Epstein was listed as a trustee of The Wexner Foundation, and Wexner reportedly bought Epstein a $13 million New York apartment."
The free apps allow you to locate Epstein here in NYC by typing in his NYC address and zip code but remember they are free so perhaps if you pay for the Offender Apps ranging from $1.99 - $3.99 you will get even more information. For the free Apps you will find Jeffrey Epstein's photo and various locations of his homes including St. Thomas, New Mexico and Florida very much like what is listed here except this page includes France as well. http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/flyer.do?personId=62762 Didn't France have a problem with one of our major stars messing with an underage woman but he threatened to never return and the problem went away?
Why isn't Epstein's NYC address officially listed although the free data base for sex offender in the app store recognizes it? Perhaps because Epstein is an "offshore billionaire" although Forbes has an article claiming he might not be one at all. http://blogs.forbes.com/billions/2010/07/23/is-billionaire-sex-offender-jeffrey-epstein-all-that-rich/ Epstein is one of many rags to riches New Yorkers that doesn't want to declare NYC as his home so he uses the Virgin Islands as a tax shelter. He enjoys the word "Virgin" and perhaps for other sheltering reasons?
Woody Allen http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Woody_Allen and even Prince Andrew are not listed as "offenders" on these free Apps just yet but maybe one day down the road? Why is Andrew so tight with Epstein a registered sex offender? Poor Queen Elizabeth.... She is preparing to celebrate her Grandson's marriage and she has to hear about her troubled son Andrew making front cover news with a shady off-shore billionaire sexual predator.
Some even wondered if Ghislaine Maxwell, famous for her "introductions" aka a special services girl friday would end up serving time and listed as an offender as well because she was known to make arrangements Epstein's "entertainment" such as massages. In NYC and LA the rich and connected are mostly above the law as most recently illustrated by Charlie Sheen.
Some even wondered if Ghislaine Maxwell, famous for her "introductions" aka a special services girl friday would end up serving time and listed as an offender as well because she was known to make arrangements Epstein's "entertainment" such as massages. In NYC and LA the rich and connected are mostly above the law as most recently illustrated by Charlie Sheen.
There is a rumor that the Feds gave Epstein special treatment and it wasn't just for helping them with the Bear Stearns debacle....what could Epstein possible have that the feds might also be interested in....hmmm
Names of some free sex offender apps :"Find Sex Offenders Free", "Sex Offenders Lite" and"Watch Out" which has a picture of a red devil and all carry Jeffrey Epstein's photo, his height, weight, eye color and list some of the many addresses he calls home.
Epstein wins an elite place among registered sex offenders as one with addresses in the most expensive postal codes in the world but he might have some elite company down the road, you never know.
If Woody Allen did what he did in middle America he would still be in jail, not married to his victim able to adopt children. Jeffrey Epstein would never ever have been busted in NYC, let's face facts. http://www.newser.com/story/96085/how-this-billionaire-escaped-sex-trafficking-charges.html He got busted in Florida but managed to slither out of a prison sentence that would mean 20 years for a regular Joe.
Yesterday The New York Post ran Epstein and Randy Prince Andy going for a walk together near Epstein's home here in NYC with photos on the front cover. Prince Andrew is not looking very attractive these days and Epstein looks agitated both guys look old but these guys have no problem getting female company and it certainly isn't for their reputations. If Andrew continues on this route he may find himself uninvited to the upcoming Royal Wedding. Ghislane Maxwell won't be getting invitation, that is for sure but she avoided joining Epstein on the offender app. There are a few women listed on the free sex offender app as well an alleged off shore billionaire.
Epstein wins an elite place among registered sex offenders as one with addresses in the most expensive postal codes in the world but he might have some elite company down the road, you never know.
If Woody Allen did what he did in middle America he would still be in jail, not married to his victim able to adopt children. Jeffrey Epstein would never ever have been busted in NYC, let's face facts. http://www.newser.com/story/96085/how-this-billionaire-escaped-sex-trafficking-charges.html He got busted in Florida but managed to slither out of a prison sentence that would mean 20 years for a regular Joe.
Yesterday The New York Post ran Epstein and Randy Prince Andy going for a walk together near Epstein's home here in NYC with photos on the front cover. Prince Andrew is not looking very attractive these days and Epstein looks agitated both guys look old but these guys have no problem getting female company and it certainly isn't for their reputations. If Andrew continues on this route he may find himself uninvited to the upcoming Royal Wedding. Ghislane Maxwell won't be getting invitation, that is for sure but she avoided joining Epstein on the offender app. There are a few women listed on the free sex offender app as well an alleged off shore billionaire.
I would like to ask Donald Trump if he will be spending quality time with Epstein. Trump likes to be surrounded by young beautiful women as well and Epstein and he were friends. I guess it is okay with Trump as long as it is not his daughter or in Trump's case, I should say granddaughter. I would be interested in what Trump has to say about Epstein.
Note: I have met Epstein and his special services gal friday Ghislaine Maxwell and when I think of these two a four letter word comes to mind, "jail". Can Epstein and Company buy a get out of jail free card? He did once already.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy goes Gaga ITunes Lady Gaga Born This Way- my words..."fans and their hands moving her like Niagara Falls" Lady Gaga is that you? by Suzannah B. Troy
![]() |
Kiss, Lady Gaga, Cats dig Lady Gaga Born This Way |
My favorite piece I have ever written on Lady Gaga....
"I was walking down the street here in NYC and I heard someone yell out, "Hey, Lady Gaga!" and it did look like her. Who knows...only Lady Gaga knows. TMZ has a racy video of her body surfacing with fans and their hands moving her like Niagara Falls...the movements rough, rapid and full of life."
Click here to read the piece that will take you to my original piece Lady Gaga is that you?....http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/02/lady-gaga-sex-fans-she-is-blast.html
And tonight I am showing you and one of my four legged friends (who clearly is entranced by) my Gaga Music on my IPhone -- I also bought her duet with Elton John because there is very little techno.
Kiss! I said I was never going to buy Lady Gaga music because I can't hear her sing over all the techno-effects but today I feel like mush and I wanted to work out so I did something I never thought I would -- go Gaga.
I have listened to what she had to say about herself and her fans and that is what I find most interesting and moving. Clearly she and her fan base are outsiders and I can tune in to that frequency.
Snippet of I was Born This Way minus techno-effects...
I love my Apple Iphone (most of the time).
p.s. There were some many topics, stories, issues I wanted to blog about including NYC politics Albany and more but you reach a point......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arggghhhhhhhh so frustrating....
Snippet of I was Born This Way minus techno-effects...
I love my Apple Iphone (most of the time).
p.s. There were some many topics, stories, issues I wanted to blog about including NYC politics Albany and more but you reach a point......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arggghhhhhhhh so frustrating....
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Unlawful Retaliation my Case How many involved in Retaliation? In breaking more laws to ERASE CRIMES
Oct 1, 2012 I WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED -- first I was threatened by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks w/ her goal to slap the shit out of my ass. Prior to that from behind the medical reception desk she yelled at me that I have no rights ! She did a running punch to my head like the game knockout the Jew punching a hole in my retina. I had to get emergency surgery the Friday before my false arrest date Saturday 4 PM unless I dropped charges.
I cannot fathom the extent of the unlawful Retaliation CRIMES..how many involved how far did they go besides party to goal coerce me cover-up falsified police reports filing threats to me during an open investigation coordinating threatening me w/ arrest unless I drop charges with Delita Hooks false cross complaint which she was instructed to file. Withholding her letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint which also underscores that they knew she committed second-degree assault the city also withheld that letter besides the detective Squad a Internal Affairs. It took me never giving up to get that letter 1/2 a decade letter...
The city withheld that in every court and there are audios where you hear audios 01 NYPD, Internal Affair Sgt Mary O'Donnell, Sex Crimes Det V all women by the way lying to me citing Ron Kuby's letter when I never had a chance to even meet him, his letter short hand for I am being coerced when they had the letter in response which is a serious crime. By the way we did not have my attacker's name (Kuby letter: I will drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges) but no one investigating asked how did Delita Hooks get my name including Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry....
I cannot comprehend the amount of people involved in the goal to retaliate against me .... just how far crossing the line into criminal wrongdoing doing in terms of their shared goal retaliation and how many or even who are involved in HOW FAR DID THEY GO FOR DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS AND THE NYPD THAT FALSIFIED DD5s police reports to erase sexual assault etc and when did it become "unlawful retaliation"...
but let's start with One Police Plaza -- it would take at least 1 cop with integrity in a position of power to come forward and how many years am I going to have to wait for that to happen?
How far did they go and how many laws did they break in their goal to retaliate against me as well as protect a medical doctor who's got lots of NYPD patients, gov employee patient and who knows how many other connected patients and friends..?
Ditto the Manhattan DA office...?
Did of the New York City Comptroller office..?
Ditto Corporation and Counsel starting with Michael Bloomberg administration then de Blasio n going..,,
How many are involved that were retired law-enforcement or retired from the DA like I allege Joe TACOPINA...?
What about James Toomey Travelers? Did Travelers contact anyone involved from Corporation Counsel who on behalf of the defendants lied that I was not coerced and withheld evidence to protect their clients lies?
Why did travelers legal team make a complete mockery of my patient rights my body Violated in a deposition, ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy, and have one concern and one concern only was I going to repeal my lawsuit against NYPD?
Suzannah B. Troy
@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC .@TishJames Unlawful Retaliation I can't fathom extent 1PP NYPD IA to cover up running punch2my head hole in my retina sexual assault. Was James Toomey party since Travelers legal mocked it all + asked if I am to re-appeal lawsuit against NYPD. Lt Burgos database threat of arrest pic.twitter.com/jU6LTP66Ub
8/9/21, 9:15 AM
I don't believe that Tish James is going to help me because again it gets down to politics. Loretta Lynch is an advisor to her and I contacted Ms Lynch and Eric Holder re: my case and Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit. I also Calked Loretta Lynch twice when US attorney Southern District Preet Bharara and Cy Vance refuse to prosecute ECTP 911 tech crooks. I pointed out because PSAC1 won the first command center is in Brooklyn she could take action.
The NYS attorney general has complaint filing from me Against the Manhattan DA refusing to take action St Vincent's Hospital crooks (who knew Cy was doing Howard Rubenstein a favor since Rudin Condos like Jeffrey Epstein were HR's client's. No one's going to be asking who made the phone call to try and lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status except me. I continue to file complaints against the DA including for what was done to me. That was before Tish James was elected but I also fear she will retaliate against me because I called for Dave Paterson to resign for his role and witness tampering.
Suzannah B. Troy
@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC .@TishJames Unlawful Retaliation I can't fathom extent 1PP NYPD IA to cover up running punch2my head hole in my retina sexual assault. Was James Toomey party since Travelers legal mocked it all + asked if I am to re-appeal lawsuit against NYPD. Lt Burgos database threat of arrest pic.twitter.com/jU6LTP66Ub
8/9/21, 9:15 AM
The extent of the retaliation, discrimination and or party to or knowledge of more crimes committed to erase crimes involving Dr Andrew Fagelman's office starting w/ Delita Hooks repeatedly VIOLATING MY PATIENT RIGHTS AND BODY, how she hot my name, the fact Dr Fagelman was involved in goal w/ goal coerce me as Hooks stated he instructed her to alert him everytime NYPD Det Andrew Fagelman called when Dr F committed perjury he had nothing to do with the NYPD and lied under oath that he did not investigate because it did not happen on his property YET He admitted discussing me doctor Vine's patient with his patients without investigating + goal to CHEAT LIE WIN by any and all parties some who I still do not know (who Did Dr. Andrew Fagelman call when he had anger management problems in a deposition and got on the phone running out who did he call?) IN ALL LEGAL PROCEEDINGS by government officials including the police commissioner, so far I allege: 4 ongoing... 2 chiefs internal affairs ongoing etc, the Manhattan DA Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, ADA Joan Illuzzi, Special investigator Siobhan Berry they were like Cy Vance ADA Jennifer Gaffney trying to lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex Offender status it is impossible that they and top cops NYPD Sex Crimes did not know all of the above but just how many people are involved in retaliation of me and participated in covering up breaking laws or enabling even more including protecting falsified police reports downgrading all crimes including sexual assault to 0 protecting the doctors office I allege Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Joe TACOPINA party to goal of the NYPD to coerce me. I allege Joe TACOPINA as YouTuber Bob Dobalina behind CUNT threat to turn the tables on me and that he drafted the letter Delita Hooks submitted threatening me with a second false cross complaint that was withheld from me for over half a decade including in 4 courts Because the city of New York and how many government agencies including Corporation Counsel withheld that letter another crime threatening me with a second False cross complaint recognizing that the NYPD had fabricated a mutual third- degree and threaten me with it succeeding in coursing me the letter acknowledged as I can come back because she committed second-degree assault but she will file a second False cross complaint. All along there have been Gaslighter is trying to convince me I antagonized her it was not true she targeted me from the moment I sat down and she's admitted that in a deposition were like her boss she committed a lot of Perjury including both of them lying that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later when she moved out two weeks later. Delita Hooks confirm Dr. Andrew Fagelman committed perjury about having nothing to do with the NYPD when she stated he instructed her to alert him every time NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer called. NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on all the paperwork refused to have any contact with me turns out he is in the water down database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest. Internal and Affairs has protected these cops who committed how many crimes? PO Schatz finally arrested 9 yrs after I reported him for drunk driving. He used his car like a weapon on behalf of the Mercer Hotel and who owned the Mercer Hotel at the time? Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's cozy pal.
Suzannah Troy
@suzannahbtroy @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames .@TishJames .@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCL
a "McClifford Genois" came
to youtube dr fagelman assault,
commented I got what
I deserve because
of what I do for a living.
Does he have knowledge
or PARTY "Unlawful
RETALIATION" my case? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/08/cy-van… pic.twitter.com/9265WmxRAc
8/9/21, 1:30 PM
Iallege and question whether James Toomey and possible Ed Fogerty as well as other lawyers involved knew that the doctor was well aware his employee has anger management problems that he was alerted prior to the attack and they were where their clients were committing perjury in my case but the priority was not ethics but winning...
Did James Toomey Travelers legal division contact Corporation and Counsel? Why did travelers ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy why did they ask me if I was going to re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD, Iallege Travelers and the city chose to be party to cheat lie win. Travelers is well aware that the doctor Dr Andrew Fagelman committed perjury even stating the attack did not happen on his property and that he did not know she was volatile when he did he had read the first yelp review who doesn't read their first yelp review?
Why did the travelers lawyer join the doctor and making a mockery of the violence my patient Rights a Violated why did the travelers lawyer ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy? Why did the travelers lawyer ask me am I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD?
Did any lawyers a Travelers group or connected to travelers group or Ed Fogerty make contact with the NYPD 1Pp any city or government official any corporation council employee?
If you're well aware your client is lying in legal proceedings and you go along with it have you been party to committing fraud or any type of crime? How many government agencies had investigators that had to of known about a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second False cross complaint to the attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer?
There's no doubt I was retaliated against and that my life has no value so it's OK we just learned that perhaps it's because I'm a blogger and YouTuber on a comment from someone who was a federal investigator?
#DumbCuntLivesMatter? Ed Winski Gene Schatz, Det Vergona, Det Dwyer,Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen's attitude?
NYPD top cops #DumbCuntLivesMatter?
Scroll Down for blog archive
Jeffrey Epstein Thought about moving to Dubai published in the NY Post Page 6 Years ago! Who contacted the NY Post to print that blurb? The real reason Jeffrey Epstein wanted fake passports was because he was thinking of leaving the country?
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-thought-about-moving-to.htmlPinned Tweet to NYPD PC O'Neill Evidence Obstruction of Justice, Civil Rights Violated
In the tweet below is audio evidence proving the 1st Precinct obstructed me prevented me from reporting my attackers false cross-complaint Sergeant Chen was the supervisor on duty for the detective squad and he also violates protocol refusing to come down and face me.
Earlier we had a conversation on the phone and he admitted a false cross complaint is a crime and I am allowed to report it but when I got to the precinct the fix was in yet again obstruction of justice yet again! I have a series of audios approve NYPD IA Crimes complicity Party to falsifying police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes, videos, police reports, my attacker Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her letter to Det Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me again the letter recognizes she committed second-degree assault and I could come back and file second-degree salt charges but I better not or she will file a second false cross complaint! Nypd Lieutenant Angelo Burgos signed off on the letter and DI Ed Winski knew about it! Winski was doing a favor for a playboy bunny that later killed her small child and her self and allegedly NYPD James O'Neill help facilitate a gun licensing for her as well!
Earlier we had a conversation on the phone and he admitted a false cross complaint is a crime and I am allowed to report it but when I got to the precinct the fix was in yet again obstruction of justice yet again! I have a series of audios approve NYPD IA Crimes complicity Party to falsifying police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes, videos, police reports, my attacker Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her letter to Det Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me again the letter recognizes she committed second-degree assault and I could come back and file second-degree salt charges but I better not or she will file a second false cross complaint! Nypd Lieutenant Angelo Burgos signed off on the letter and DI Ed Winski knew about it! Winski was doing a favor for a playboy bunny that later killed her small child and her self and allegedly NYPD James O'Neill help facilitate a gun licensing for her as well!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP@NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol@NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! |
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York

paypal.me/Suzannahartist feel free to donate to support my blog, hard work, courage click on the artwork, watch the YouTube -- to contact me suebe1art@aol.com for intell & interviews. I am Mae West meets Mike Wallace = Suzannah B. Troy PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOU/TUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist
City of NY Owes Me an Apology for NYPD Detectives/Supervisors Committing Crimes in My Case
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Zachary Carter, Corp Counsel, City of NY, Larry Byrne, #NYPD Internal Affairs Systemic Chronic Lying RICO Charges? Chronic lying, perjury, obstruction of Justice, due process? Future lose pensions all committed crimes obstructed Justice protected crimes? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/01/zachar… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@LisaEvers @NYPDByrne Use Kuby ltr to pretend 0 crimes teach me a cunt/ball buster a lesson inspired RICO NYPD chronic lying DD5s/Perjury, NYPD app tracker, permanent commission NYPD IA (pay to play) DA, DA NYPD Apology Wall. Pile-up is crimes from MD-NYPD IA no statue of Limitations lying threats etc |
I have worked so hard and suffered so much and it all started at a doctors office where was supposed to be safe and in the NYPD detective squad 1st Precinct joined in and it turns out their Facebook friends with the first copy ever reported to internal affairs NYPD PO Eugene Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran. I left a voicemail for Det Moran The next morning I got a gay bashing, put down email in response to me being critical of his new partner and if you don’t think that’s disgusting look at Community affairs Schatz’s f you facebook profile. All involved in breaking laws First Precinct behaves like the Ku Klux Klan hiding as they either directly broke laws or obstructed justice you can hear audio posted on YouTube from inside the 1st Precinct as Sgt Chen refuses to come downstairs so today I don’t have his first name or batch number he violates protocol and he backs up the woman cop lying to me that I can’t report my attackers pass cross complaint.
Top NYPD IA acted on BobDobalina fake youtube Acct I allege Joe Tacopina of NYPD Rape cop/Abner Louima infamy - I allege they have and are still acting on his contract to destroy me turn the tables on me if I take any legal action Zachary Carter included is acting on this using Ron Kuby‘s letter to turn the tables on me to pretend that there were no crimes when our pile up from the doctors to the police department on going including internal affairs role.
Update Prospect Park Rape Victim suffering 23 yrs because Bratton protected John Miller’s wrong doing allowing him to grow rich — like me NYPD prejudice so they obstructed Justice NYPD IA guilty how many cases years on going?
I spent years of my life having to be my own private investigator acting as my own lawyer with a zero legal training because I couldn’t imagine cashing out my life savings or getting a mortgage to hire a criminal defense attorney for running punched my head my body violated including my vaginal area by a doctors receptionist has a violent manipulative liar but she wasn’t alone in wrong doing and she was not fired or arrested.
My jackets on display by the exit sign of the Sept 11 Museum but now I just feel ill I know there are some good NYPD officers but there are very few and their punished and often they leave as soon as I can retire with mostly the bad one stay on and on and on... Chief Reznick head of IA named in lawsuit for calling NYPD whistleblower a rat so I guess Bill Bratton decided that qualifies him to be head of internal affairs and ditto for please commissioner James O’Neill proving they are corrupt! Resign take Zachary Carter - he obstructed justice redacting documents playing doctor Redacto lower Eastside nursing home and he’s been lying in my case, lied NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha and he supports Larry Bryne’s civil rights action to disallow us info on NYPD’s bad resumes!
paypal.me/Suzannahartist feel free to donate to support my blog, hard work, courage; also you can scroll all the way down on your right is my archive; you can also see the miniature image of my portrait Mayor Bloomberg king of New York...
Since Oct 2012 the City of New York starting with NYPD Detectives from the first Precinct committed serious crimes after I was savagely assaulted 2nd degree assault, menacing by Delita Hooks, Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist/office manager who also lied during an open investigation, filed a false cross complaint and signed a letter most likely drafted by the idiot corrupt misogynist creep Joe Tacopina openly threatening me. All the corrupt NYPD and Internal Affairs NYPD that either directly broke laws or are guilty being a party to coercion, threatening me, covering up the crimes have been protected by the City of New York and Corp Counsel who bold face lies. I have set up my pay pal I have no idea if it works but I have spent a fortune attempting to get Justice while Bloomberg and de Blasio corp counsel continue to openly lie stating the NYPD and Internal Affairs acted with in their scope and they use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced and the NYPD did not lie in police reports as well as act on a misogynist hate crime threat again most likely Joe Tacopina who is I am right committed the misogynist hate crime threat during an open investigation.
This is clearly relation for my blog, YouTubes and activism.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@NYPDONeill Joe Tacopina oggled me so I turned my iPhone on him asked y RAPES up underreported? Makesme confrontative Cunt NYPD protected fixing favors? |
Wikipedia page on my work and Censorship deleted
plus the page addressed Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel comparing NYPD Rape Cop Victim's vagina to Venus Fly Trap
So who's behind deleting since they are allowed to not use their real name?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill Ask Joe Tacopina if he contacted my attacker Delita Hooks, they, Dr Fagelman NYPD Det committed more crimes= 0crimes youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE |
To read the rest - click here...http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2017/04/joe-tacopina-witness-tampering.html
Ray Kelly, Bratton, Jimmy O'Neill's NYPD Community Affairs: NYPD Eugene Schatz FB Photo
Blog Archive
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- Why Does Mike Bloomberg push CityTime like Heroin?...
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- NY Post at it again -- DOT and the Hell's Angels -...
- The New York Post Editors on "poor" fat cat Wall S...
- Staten Island PS 22 The Oscars Some Where Over the...
- Oscars The Academy Misogyny Hailee & Jennifer didn...
- Phillipe Edouard Drice, a Vet is a whistle blower ...
- Can't stay up or stay tuned to The Oscars to see P...
- Rallies in Lower Manhattan in support of Workers' ...
- Christine Quinn is playing with a stacked deck! C...
- Susan Edelman NY Post exposes School Teachers Fina...
- Suzannah B. Troy Sept. 11 Detectives Endowment As...
- Suzannah B. Troy's Oscar Picks plus a shout out to...
- Billy Wiggins from South Ozone Park gives Mike Blo...
- Hilarious Best Buy Commercial with Ozzy Osborune a...
- Taking a break from NYC Corruption, Suzannah B. Tr...
- Beautiful News Reporter and her very Sweet Camera ...
- NYU refuses to put a Frieze on the side of the bui...
- NYC Carriage Horse rescued from Slaughter Horse --...
- Suzannah B. Troy shouts FIRE!!! You get why there...
- AOL requires I change password due to suspicious a...
- NY Post on MTA Scams and Hustlers but oops the art...
- YouTube Millionaires article in The NY Post, Suza...
- Apple Iphone explain this one to me -- I just go a...
- Bruce Cutler Closing Arguements -- I am reading be...
- True News For Change new term "The Cuomonator" hil...
- Suzannah B. Troy Passionately Loves APPLE computer...
- Mike Bloomberg 6200 emails John Haggerty Cy Vance ...
- Hackers hack website that was an on line hate crime
- City Hall huge turn out to protest budget cuts lay...
- Jeffrey Epstein Sex Predator demands you call him ...
- Suzannah B. Troy's new YouTube Channel BloombergWi...
- Suzannah B. Troy continues to give out free NYC Co...
- Crain's Harvey Epstein lawyer leads the fight for ...
- Charles Barron, Robert Jackson, Union Leaders and ...
- Funniest Comment on my new Tube + mine which is no...
- NYC fragile violent City no guns required teen gir...
- Gerald Shargel Mazer's lawyer CityTime thank goodn...
- Mike Bloomberg and corruption NYC DOB = death toll...
- Michael Schwartz see my Coney Island YouTube will ...
- Hey Mike Bloomberg, Mazer CityTime Crook wants to ...
- Hey Mike Bloomberg, Mazer CityTime Crook wants to ...
- Mark Mazer alleged architect of 80 million CityTim...
- Mark Mazer alleged architect of 80 million CityTim...
- 2 Blog Postings of mine make Mike Bloomberg's 1st ...
- Google Exec. Uses Tech Talents to help Victims of ...
- Susan Guy to the Rescue Domino's Pizza customer 80...
- NYU Trolleys and Buses hated by every community th...
- Hugs marked down from $5 to $3 to $1 does this sig...
- Bebe Ad Houston St. post Bloomberg's Blizzard 2010
- Mike Bloomberg NYC Thieves Jeffrey Epstein on Free...
- Lady Gaga Slideshow by DNA & Suzannah on Gaga Mad...
- Bowery Alliance having a vigil tonight for 35 Coop...
- The New York Post cartoon by Sean Delonas excoriat...
- Marty Markowitz in trouble yet again -- can he tak...
- Juan Gonzalez wins Polk Award for CityTime reporting!
- True News From Change for some updates on Albany a...
- Jeffrey Epstein Prince Andrew's BF is listed on Se...
- Suzannah B. Troy goes Gaga ITunes Lady Gaga Born T...
- Misogynist NYC nauseated by Egyptian creatures pos...
- NY blows 1.4 billion $ Medicad Waste
- Prices of everything going up.
- Steve Cassidy, Mary Feagin's death, No Fire Cuts
- NYPD Make Heroic Rescue West Point Cadets Stuck on...
- No! NO MORE SNOW!! 2 -4 inches heading our way if...
- Suzannah B. Troy Hands-off NYPD FDNY Pensions + Ma...
- Karen and Jason feel better
- Staten Island Oscar Mania!!!!!! SI Kids to sing at...
- Cathyrn's World -- updated
- Christin Quinn has a phony puff piece written on H...
- Violence towards women an ending cycle in NYC from...
- Suzannah B. Troy takes you to the Metropolitan Mus...
- Michael Goodwin Hypocrite handout? The NYPD FDNY a...
- 9th Precinct NYPD's Rape Cop NYPost re-reports exc...
- Michael Vick cancels Oprah appearance -- Doesn't w...
- NYPD issue a silver alert for Mr. Huang 5ft 10 inc...
- 5 Alarm Fire Flatbush killing a woman -- mayor do...
- Suzannah B. Troy Holding Hands Little Friend
- Just a reminder I called Cy Vance's Public Integri...
- East Village Yiddish Theatre now a movie theatre -...
- Bloomberg, CityTime Scandal, how is Mazer paying S...
- Cy Vance, Manhattan DA may regret going after Inde...
- CityTime Crook hires Mafia Defense Attorney???!!!
- CityTime Contractor Spherion gave lowest bid to De...
- Mike Bloomberg, John Haggerty --The NYTimes author...
- Suzannah B. Troy visits George Bliss and Scout at ...
- Suzannah B. Troy writes the mayor (ugh) re: Acid G...
- Michael Rawson is no longer with The Mercer Hotel
- DiNapoli killed the SAIC MTA deal and the MTA SAIC...
- Hank Morris goes to jail while most paid to play N...
- SAIC MTA deal officially dead heard on the street,...
- NYC Health sends Suzannah B. Troy a letter to help...
- Vote for Christine Quinn for Mayor if you want Mik...
- Yetta Kurland we need a hospital!!! W. Village thi...
- NYPD, Christine Quinn wants to be YOUR mayor!
- Ms. Kick-backs Christine Quinn, $30 grand from the...
- NYC Gov Unions including FDNY NYPD too bad there a...
NYPD 1-800-NYPD Fix it Poster
Mike Bloomberg Portrait
Painting turned Political Poster
Crazy Violent Psychos of this Blog that belong in Jail?
1) Barbara Ricci (written up in the NY Times crime section for (read it below in NYT link) for attempting to run over her neighbor's daughter and also assaulting a police officer at a PTA meeting? see the NY Times article and read it -- it sounds like "Serial Mom. Before I knew she was a violent lunatic poser more suited for The Howard Stern Show Ricci was a fan of this blog and me. She wanted to give me a press pass and a spot on a reality TV show but she showed her true colors attacking mayor Bloomberg Jewish Racketeer for CityTime when in fact Rudy Giuliani gave us CityTime a crappy payroll system and enlisted SAIC notorious for massively over billing and delivering crap -- Rudy isn't Jewish. http://www.nytimes.com/1995/08/18/nyregion/congenial-and-acquitted.html The NY Times reporter was also slandered libeled what ever but apparently she has no more and he did not pursue suing her. When she started writing lies about me I looked her up and found this a lot of other people that think she is anti-Semitic or racist or crazy... Read the NY Times article and tell me what you think.
2) Delita Hooks a violent liar and manipulative -- does that make her a sociopath? She lied to the NYPD during an open investigation which is a criminal act, so is her false cross complaint, so is repeatedly savagely assaulting me. She violated my patient rights and by the way I wrote Dr Vine a note and she never got it so my guess Delita Hooks took it -- it was written to Dr Vine so that is another violation of my patient rights. The note to Dr Vine was about paper cups being better for the environment than Styrofoam.
I think she and everyone that lied are the type of people that blame Rape Victims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE all the women in the nurse pjs also lied and Dr Fagelman protected all of them and did not fire Delita Hooks as if he received assurances from the NYPD they would threaten me and coerce me and force me to drop charges against my will.
This was under mayor Bloomberg where being a critic of the mayor, team Bloomberg and the Oligarchs of NY means the NYPD are willing to break laws and they are confident they will be protected especially if they break laws involving a critic. I am waiting for a New Commission in to Police, Internal Affairs and DA Corruption plus the NYPD app tracker -- report crimes the NYPD won't let you including their own.
3) The NYPD and Internal Affairs all involved in lying-in police reports, protecting Delita Hooks pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct to Internal Affairs to 1 Police Plaza.
Do you think the NYPD involved in my case are crazy violent liars? I do.
4) Michael Rawson obsessed with me for 6 years now and last night through this am has been threatening me with harassment via YouTube unless I remove YouTubes which are not mine. He thinks I have these 2 YouTube channels that are mine which aren't but Rawson doesn't seem to be in touch with reality. Like Barbara Ricci he lies about me but in his case it is his Facebook page dedicated to ranting about me -- one example of Michael Rawson lying is he states I did what I did my protest because of political ambitions but in fact I did it for 79 year old Eric Youngquist, a Korean War Veteran who was severely handicapped and has since passed away in a Hospice of Cancer! He is a fraud and a liar -- that is what he calls me but that is him describing himself since he would call the NYPD and demand they ticket the Veterans -- he claims are fire hazards etc but my issues was stop harassing the Veterans while you are running an illegal parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone and because the Mercer Hotel is rich and I am guessing employees retired NYPD as well the precinct was willing to do "selective policing" looking the other way -- even walking past a fake NYPD parking placard I found to harass poor Eric. Rawson -- a nut case? is not a Veteran but he says his brother is. I would like to ask his brother under oath about his stance -- if it is the same as the NYPD Veterans of the First Precinct who refused to pick on fellow Veterans and ticket them.
Below you can find a link to 2012 just before the corrupt lying criminal NYPD fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman so he did not have to fire his violent lying receptionist/office manager Delita Hooks -- they corrupt Detectives rushed to seal their crimes with her's and surprise Det Tommy Moran of community affairs and his parter the creepy PO Eugene Schatz who is the first NYPD officer I ever reported to Internal Affairs is the face book friends of the NYPD detectives Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer -- I just discovered that piece of evidence a year ago and reported it to Internal Affairs -- they were all party to coercion but the US Attorney has limited his scope of NYPD corruption just to the Hasidic Community.
The Mercer Hotel is up the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman -- it was what Preet Bharara the US Attorney calls Call a cop or I call 1800NYPD IA Fix it.
5) Joe Tacopina crazy violent liar? Let's ask Bernie Kerik his opinion but I can tell you yes I think so and I think Joe and a partner in crime committed witness tampering Sunday dinner time after I was assaulted Monday Oct. 1, 2012 -- it was a misogynist hate crime and he threatened to bury me and destroy me if I take any action and he called me a confrontative cunt. I forwarded to Det John Vergona who repeatedly refused to meet me -- never discussed the threats but in fact joined in.
If Joe Tacopina did infact do that and write Delita Hooks letter to her NYPD fixer openly threatening me and warning me to not come back again or else -- same tone similar threat minus calling me cunt than he should be disbarred.
Det John Vergona was going to false arrest me Tuesday Oct 16, 2012 but than decided he could only false arrest the Jew me on the Sabbath -- I agreed twice to false arrest. He lied and lied in police reports and protected a pile up of crimes including his own as well as whomever the YouTube cunt calling lawyer that threatened me my guess Joe Tacopina and the 2nd account Tara, or George Vomit, or Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel and when I alerted to the 2 cowardly lawyer accounts of their wrong doing they promptly deleted their accounts.
It is criminal to threaten a victim of a violent crime.
Det John Vergona acted on the threats turning the tables on me.
George Vomit used to follow me on twitter and I blocked him.
Joe Tacopina tried to follow me on twitter and I blocked him.
Here is Joe Tacopina's secretary telling me the NYPD Rape Cops are going to get off and this is before the Jury came to a decision. I alerted all the newspapers because it is shocking.
She admitted she knew who I was and watched my YouTubes.
My guess she has used sock puppet accounts to communicate with me as well as others associated with Joe?
Joe Tacopina staff Tara Portesy Brian King Talks Acquittal! 1800RapeAway Misogynist Lawyers!
You can decide for yourself but I know my feelings on the matter.
Dr Andrew Fagelman and his staff that were involved in lying about what happened as well as the perp -- violent liar Delita Hooks, the NYPD etc everyone involved in the violence and lies = criminal. They treated me like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany.
Today is Oct 22, 2016 I asked the liar Michael Rawson -- because he has lied about me to stop contacting me. The other gang from Soho and Joe Tacopina and gang he he ended broke the law should be behind bars but I am pursuing Justice and I also came up with the concept of the NYPD app tracker.
I tweeted my concept to Loretta Lynch, DOJ and the FBI and I happy to tell you they adopted one small aspect and that is they are going to roll out a National Data Base on Police and excessive violence complaints.
CityTime SAIC NYC Gov Media Black Out 2012
PC World 10 ten failed systems 2011 CityTime! Deloitte SAIC's auditor listed for RICO charges separate issue.
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/01/richard-whistleblowing-letter-refers-to.html Valcich from hero to zero to say. I want to read all his/NYC gov and SAIC's correspondence pre-Feb. 2003
May 27, 201o I alone said do not renew with SAIC.
July 14, 2011 I stand in front of SAIC here in NYC with Local 375. I alone ask for 1 Billion dollars X 3 Rico thanks to Bierce's article the day before my 49th birthday.
+Mike said we would get all 80 Million $ stolen by Spherion consultants back. Last time I checked we have not.
PLEASE CHECK OUT SUZANNAHARTIST AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist
Mike Bloomberg must see YouTubes by Suzannahartist
CLICK ON THE YOUTUBE LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for non-computer savvy people most your cursor over the links and click!
May 4, 2009 I said do not believe what the press
is telling you Mike Bloomberg may not win because of
voter anger! I was so right on. May 4, 2009!!!!!!!
Sept. 05, 2010 Mike Bloomberg does not want to
give up 63 add 6300 emails to Haggerty! Why hasn’t the DA served subpoena’s for all of Mike and his deputy mayors emails with Haggerty’s name in them? The technology king is
being brought down by emails! Amazing they haven't forced
him to turned over his emails!
PLEASE CHECK OUT SUZANNAHARTIST AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist
Below king Mike with the help of his minion prevent the people of NY from voting on term limits 2 years in a row and extend term limits!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy Interviewed
Mr. NYC says Jane Jacobs and I would add Mae West and Janis Joplin.
PLEASE CHECK OUT SUZANNAHARTIST AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist
Silvia Sanza interviews Suzannah B. Troy
The first thing you notice about Suzannah Troy is that she is never without a smile. But in her heart there is a roar, the rumble of someone who demands justice.
My very long letter which reads almost like an OpEd piece in The Chief “Mayor’s Boos Not News” On The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, praising The Chief for excellent coverage in contrast to The New York Times, The New York Daily News and The New York Post blacking out the event and other crucial issues! If you have been following Bloomberg administration it is a must read!http://m.thechiefleader.com/mobile/article_32219afa-5ec7-11e0-924f-0019bb30f31a.html
Deutsche Bank Financed Build Auschwitz!Scroll down to the bottom, look to your right, Alfredo and I standing on a speed bump I got for Anna Silver School. I was told I would never get that speed bump. Reminder, when your community board does nothing, you can do something. See my portrait turned political poster lampooning Mike Bloomberg that no newspaper would cover!
Do YOU want Mike Bloomberg for a 4th term? (click here) No Quinn! Visit: Why isn’t Quinn’s defense attorney bills listed here?http://www.comptroller.nyc.gov/mymoneynyc/checkbooknyc/http://www.muckety.com/Michael-R-Bloomberg/2387.muckety 60 Wall St.
var sc_project=8900919;
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NYPD Abuses Violence re: Filming
- "A Condo Grows in Brooklyn" Washington Post, read my blog post on their site
- 1800Whiskers.com 235 East 9th Street is a health mecca for pet care
- A City Budget, and the Cries of Pain, April 17, 2003, The New York Times, 1 of 9 of my letters published in The New York Times
- AM New York published my letter Jan 11, 2007 "Destroying 'old' New York" which talked about infrastructure concerns city wide and for the area by St. Ann's mega dorm 120 E 12th Street
- Beth Chase Real Estate
- Bloomberg Watch
- Blue Stockings Book Store
- Bowery Mission, after 9-11 a fireman told me how the men from the Bowery Mission walked over and sang hymns which I thought was a beautiful
- Brooklyn Downtown Star on our development struggles
- Brooklyn Downtown Star on our development struggles
- Chirs Hodge
- City Critters, please help cats of NYC!!!
- Crain's published my letter NYU's Logo Dorm with a dollar bill
- Curses on the Yanks, yes I write about steriods and the real house that Babe built and real fans. Such a traumatic experience close to home about dishonesty weaved into this letter, The NY Post sports section
- David Kaufman's bio on Doris Day coming out very soon creates more buzz, here is a site dedicated to Doris Day and of course Liz Smith has mentioned the upcoming book
- David Kaufman's new book on Doris Day, Virgin Books!
- Destroying Old New York Letter Suzannah B. Troy
- Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn
- EVCCNYC.org site dedicated to preserving historic PS 64 buiding
- Earth Angels NYC dog adoption
- East Village News, Jim Powers
- Elliot Landy's cool photos from the '60's
- Farbeon - Same Ol' Paradigm - Washington Square Park NYC
- Flower Power
- Fresh Air Fund for inner city kids
- Gothamist uses my photo and links to my work Roxie Sorina’s death hit and run tragedy Union Square
- Green Guerillas
- Greenwhich Village Society for Historic Preservation
- Greg Mocker WPIX
- Jefferson Siegel's photo of me at the DOB City Council Task force meeting and I am against over the top development, not development, a tsunami that was way too rapid and that includes injuries, deaths, environmental concerns and infrastrucutre plus issues like evictions, quality of life or lack of do to all the rapid construction.
- Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel Venus Fly Trap Defense
- John Heuss House Trinity Church Outreach helping homeless
- Kat's amazing website...mystical magical artistic Kat, a star that shines in the East Village
- LGBT St. Patricks
- Lost New York City blog spot.com
- Lost in the Ozone
- Michael's photos of the East Village March 23, 1962-January 15, 2008 We were the same age and we loved this neighborhood passionately. Our family has roots here. Michael leaves behind his powerful photos and he touched many people. He died I believe surrounded by love.
- Mike Lichter's photos are gritty and I added his biker "just married photo" to my collection
- Morris Hotel Gallery
- My letter in NY Daily News about construction deaths
- NY1 covers the infrastructure break on 2nd Avenue & 7th Street, you can see a diverse group of community members speak up including me. May 22, 2007
- NYPD Crime stoppers.com
- Nancy Grace, she has great links and she has two beautiful babies. I really wish I had a law degree and babies too.
- New York Magazine Intelligencer neighborhood watch/my blog & East Village/women's bathrooms in TSPark
- Open Washington Square Park
- Our Lady of Vilnius
- PAL New York City
- Pela love their music
- Please Save the Hotel Pennsylvania
- Punk Rock Republican
- Queen's Crap Blog
- Read WashingtonSquarePark.press.com
- Richard Cohen Corbis Inauguration Bloomberg
- Richard Sandler's photography, also check Amazon.com for my review of his film that documented the beginnings of NYC becoming a shopping mall "Gods of Time Square" 1998
- RockaWave
- Rusk where I did volunteer work with pre-school kids
- Rutgers Library, my one of a kind art books are in Special Collections
- Safe Horizon, help someone feel safe
- Safe rides home for Women Friday and Saturday nights
- Save Children's Magic Garden!
- Suite 303
- Suzannah B. Troy-isms
- Suzannah Interviewed by Silvia Sanza
- Swap Your Mama
- Tony Marciante, photographer
- Twitter Suzannah B. Troy
- USA Today picks up coverage of Suzannah B. Troy's YouTubes
- USA picks coverage of Suzannah B. Troy's YouTubes
- Wall Street Journal Community Member
- Washington Sq Blob
- Washington Sq Blog
- West Coast org. that helps homeless
- gominyc is a earth conscious chic shop
- have a ball with Yamuna body rolling
- http://amcny.wordpress.com/
- http://bloggasm.com/
- http://bloombergnewzzz.blogspot.com/
- http://bloombergscandals.blogspot.com/
- http://citypragmatist.com/
- http://content.usatoday.com/topics/article/Organizations/Companies/Publishers,+Media,+Music/New+York+Times/03LG3zVaV6305/1
- http://danceontherunway.blogspot.com/
- http://devilwearsmarshalls.blogspot.com/
- http://dumpchristinequinn.blogspot.com/
- http://eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/
- http://eastvillageeasteastvillage.blogspot.com/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Tweed
- http://http://www.preservewashingtonsquarepark.com/
- http://neighborsproject.blogspot.com
- http://newyorklost.com
- http://no-third-term.blogspot.com/
- http://noticingnewyork.blogspot.com
- http://noticingnewyork.blogspot.com/
- http://noticingnewyork.blogspot.com/2009/07/jane-jacobs-way-for-coney-island.html
- http://nyc.is/
- http://nymag.com/listings/stores/whole_earth_bakery/
- http://re-title.com/
- http://realizehudsonrise.blogspot.com/
- http://savestbrigid.com
- http://stopcolumbia.org
- http://suzannahbtroyartist.com/
- http://trishsexton.blogspot.com/
- http://washingtonsquarepark.wordpress.com
- http://washingtonsquarepark.wordpress.com/
- http://washingtonsquarepark.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/on-bloomberg-and-his-nyc-mayoral-win-of-third-term-plus-eight-articles-worth-reading/
- http://web.me.com/suzannahbtroy/suzannahbtroy/About_Me.html
- http://web.me.com/suzannahbtroy/suzannahbtroy/About_Me.html
- http://wirednewyork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8693
- http://www.amcny.org/
- http://www.bestfriends.org/
- http://www.blockbloomberg.com/
- http://www.bloombergnewzzz.blogspot.com
- http://www.eastvillagenews.blogspot.com/
- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1620911138
- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1620911138
- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1620911138
- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1620911138
- http://www.fdnyengine63store.com/
- http://www.forgotten-ny.com/
- http://www.iwillfoundation.com/
- http://www.metmuseum.org/
- http://www.nybloodcenter.org
- http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/
- http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2009/10/odds-and-ends-557.html
- http://www.nypost.com/seven/10152006/sports/a_little_perspective_sports_.htm?page=0
- http://www.nysun.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor-2006-11-24/44078/
- http://www.politickerny.com/
- http://www.safehorizon.org/
- http://www.streetsblog.org/2007/05/04/russianoff-on-the-mta-fiscal-crisis-congestion-pricing-and-transit/
- http://www.streetsblog.org/2007/05/04/russianoff-on-the-mta-fiscal-crisis-congestion-pricing-and-transit/
- http://www.suzannahbtroyartist.com
- http://www.tenantplanet.org/
- http://www.thepromiseofnewyork.com/
- http://www.thexandoshow.blogspot.com/
- http://www.times-up.org
- http://www.tonyavellaformayor.com/
- http://www.yogaface.net
- http://youtube.com/washingtonsquareparkpark
- https://www.sharethedamnroad.com/content/road-cycling-jerseys-related-link-partners
- letter of the week, Village Voice to preserve "old PS 64" building
- my letter in The New York Sun re: Lower East Side and yes I mention St. Ann's, luxury condos and using the term affordable housing as a trojan horse to supersize our historic area
- my letter in The New York Times re: pay raises for the FDNY & NYPD, now based on the fact the starting salary for the NYPD has been lowered I think they should protest loudly to the mayor when ever possible.
- my letter published in The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" April 27, 2005
- review of Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen
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Google YouTube Class Action Law Suit Time Sexual Discrimination Political Censorship?
"NYC is My Community" City Wide Take Action to Re-Claim NYC - CPR on NYC's Heart Soul Core Issues The People including bringing Peace to the Streets!
http://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartisthttp://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/Mike Might Not Win- look at date!When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can DoSomething! See photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School bottom right hand corner of blog! Recogntion: The NYTimes + I ask for 1 billion $ x 3 RICO from SAIC look at date CityTimeLetter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel URGENT911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mayor Bloomberg shouted down Aug. 20, 2012 911 Tech Corruption ECTP & CityTime! + Look bottom of blog!November 17, 2012 Google YouTube Censors me again_______________________ below had moved earlier.
Below -- update Google removed age restrictions on all my YouTubes but it took a long time and a lot lot of work and emails.
This makes 2 -- the 1st video age restricted below. So angry and disgusted so if anyone organizing a Class Action Law Suit against Google YouTube count me in.
GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores Google YouTube discriminated against me because of the size of my breasts in my shirt as I expose SAIC was sued by Gerald Denault and Denault won which is big news and good for the People of NYC as SAIC officials have managed to avoid their role in the CityTime mega scam NYC gov.
The video got an adult rating. Louis Flores created the term E-Burka and defends the right for my video to not be given a adult warning!
I is sexual and political discrimination/censorship.
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