Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bob Arihood at it again stalking but this time on the computer
The NYPD have his photo that proves he is more than "focused" on me and now I have been forwarded a comment he attempted to post on a blog but the owner will not post it. I am forwarding to the NYPD.
Let us see. Bob Arihood asked me to have his baby with his Mr. Softee. When did he do this. He gave me a photo -- actually quite large that he blew up just for me -- of the hawk in Tompkins. I said okay thanks -- I will take you to dinner.
Than he sprung the question -- would I have his baby. I don't have babies with guys that I treat to dinner and he is 20 years older than I am. As I understand it his main source of income is living off of suing the NYPD.
Bob has told me many things.
Bob Arihood told me Susan Stetzer was given money under the table from Con Edison. I said okay, give me proof. He said it is too hard to prove.
He told me about retired NYPD det. and a job they have working for a certain bar that is not up and up and having them their with their retired NYPD badges makes the NYPD go away just in case something arises.
He has told me the FBI had him come down to question him about Margarita Lopez and that they were investigating her but they dropped it because of 9-11.
Thanks for sharing all that and offering to be the father of my child but no thanks. He doesn't take rejection very well and when the going got rough he let me know that he would not be a reliable person and he has lied about me.
We never had physical contact except once he was drunk and leaned over and kissed the side of my face and left a drunk wet slick on my face.
I gather he envies his successful brother's corvette. Lincoln Anderson and he ganged up on me because I made it clear it was wrong to take a photo Marlene drunk and topless. She is 56 years old and mostly homeless, African American and poverty level. These are two older over weight white guys that have the luxury of getting drunk and closing a door so no one is going to photograph them drunk. Bob Arihood's obsession with photographing drunk people has been duly noted by everyone that tunes in to his blog.
I used to and stopped. Outraged community members asked me to look and I did but I don't anymore. Bob does do good work like covering Rays and Ben Shaul as just two examples but he also does bad and he can't seem to stop obsessing on me although he likes to tell people it is the other way around so now I forward this to the NYPD because the aggravated harassment complaint I have filed with the NYPD against Lincoln Anderson when Lincoln Anderson lost his mind and sent me all those unwanted emails happen to go on about Arihood and he speak for Arihood so why Bob continues to stalk me in person and on the internet is an interesting question I will ask the NYPD.