The Bloomberg administration with socialite mega millionaire Amanda Burden, city planner leading the charge, aided and abetted a tsunami of community crushing development with evictions rising as fast as the mirrored buildings that reflected a history destroyed and communities no longer welcome -- Houston Street has looked like a bomb or several bombs have been dropped on from Broadway to the Bowery for years now. The conditions of the streets were better in colonial times and the "new" Yankee Stadium that we did not want says it all, nobody except the very rich can afford the tickets, a metaphor for Mike Bloomberg's New York!
At least one city council member has been arrested and pleaded guilty. I wish it was a public arrest at City Hall. Larry Seabrook and Kendall Stewart's aides have been arrested and pleaded guilty and the councilmen have pleaded innocent although many think they are guilty and their aides have agreed to take the fall for them. How could the councilmen not have noticed large chunks of tax payer money missing?
More arrests are coming, there have been so much scandal already reported including Arroyo and Baez and very public arrests with handcuffs at City Hall need to happen to send a message.
I am wishing for arrests of community board members that we did not vote for that perhaps as guilty as these city council criminals and of course the same for developers and landlords that counted on their deep pockets, connections and the speed of greed to get away with what ever they wanted to.
Just dreaming of some justice served for arrogant people that are so confident they are above the law. Martinez is the only one to finally confess and take full responsibility. The two aides that confessed and pleaded guilty leave me feeling they told part of the truth but not the entire truth which would have implicated their bosses. Most of these criminal types are like the Madoffs, laughing to themselves, ha ha, I got to steal 2 million dollars right under the judges nose right in court!!!
The New York Post and The New York Daily News say more council members are going to be exposed. http://www.nypost.com/seven/07182009/news/regionalnews/slush_busters_eye_a_dozen_more_pols_179970.htm
I continue to demand the council members vote on term limits be thrown out because so far every council member implicated, surprise!!!!!!, voted to extend term limits!!!! The votes by city council was tainted, proof it was a conflict of interest along and we all knew they had no right to deny us a referendum but based on the stink of corruption it underscores Bloomberg and Quinn with corrupt city council members and millions of slush money tossed at council members just was a huge red light and now in neon lights it says this NY Councils votes to extend term limits must be tossed.
Term Limits Deal Ordeal!!!! Let's call the whole thing off!!!
For me there is little difference between the speed of greed that brought down Wall Street and the speed of greed that Bloomberg pushed this tsunami of community crushing development as if a bunch of mini-Bernie Maddoffs made off with our neighborhoods and they broke a lot of laws doing so but no one was paying attention, ditto for political wheeling and dealing at City Hall from City Council to the handling of the pension funds.