Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bernie Madoff costs all of us! A comment from West Coast inspires my reply he pulled another scam 2.2 mill under the judges nose!
No pay for the clowns in Albany and their pay should be docked and given back to tax payers!
Bad news a police car may have lost control and jumped the curb, pedestrians injured
NYPD gets praise as I hear it on the 10th St. cross down bus West to East Village catching mugger last night!
Another NYC heartbreak the death of 3 men including father and son in sewage hole
Another NYC heartbreak the death of 3 men including father and son in sewage hole
Bernie Madoff, Suzannah B. Troy's youtube, NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law made-off with the E. Village, where is the policing white collar to real estate
Monday, June 29, 2009
Cooper Union commenter comes back with more proof CU preaches denial and lies for greed!!!!!!
NYT fails to See the Real Story by Gary Tilzer (Hey Gary The New York Times has a real problem telling the real story way too often!)
NYT Fails to See the Real StoryBy Gary Tilzer
On the same day the NYT does an article saying pols can do whatever they want and get reelected, it prints an article about Espada lawyer long time Bronx Democratic Party operative and lobbyist Stanley Schlein that is off point. Nicholas Confessore the writer of the NYT article does not go into why are Democratic lawyer is helping the man who destroyed the Democratic majority in the State Senate. He sidetracks the story to the fact that Schlein is a lobbyist for the Real Estate Board of New York away from dysfunctional battle over the control of the State Senate. Is Schlein attempting to broker a deal between the two sides? Espada Puts Lawyer-Lobbyist at Center of Talks on Senate Power Struggle
What Confessore should have been looking at is why the Bronx DA is all the sudden trying to drop the assault case against Espada son Judge benches plea deal for son over scuffle with blogger. A deal brokered between prosecutors and State Sen. Pedro Espada's son to allow the younger Espada to avoid criminal charges fell apart in Bronx Supreme Court Thursday when Judge Joseph Dawson (appointed by republican mayor Giuliani) felt the terms were too light. Alejandro Espada, 30, is accused of pushing 75-year-old City Hall blogger Rafael Martinez-Alequin and breaking his video camera after Martinez-Alequin peppered Sen. Espada with questions during a campaign rally on Sept. 7, 2008.More Espara State pulls Espada grant Comptroller revokes $3M payment to renegade senator's Bronx health network, citing liens, judgments and warrants *** In an article Sunday in the DN by Barbara Ross reports that State Sen. Pedro Espada finally filed campaign finance disclosure forms with the state, he claimed he had "no activity" in his grueling bid for election last year. The story also reported that A Bronx grand jury has subpoenaed testimony and tapes from blogger, Rafael Martinez Alequin, who took videos of Espada's food distribution and petition signing events. But did not report a tape of Espada neighbors saying he did not live at the Bronx residence he claims as his legal residents for his senate job. It also did not report on judge who refused to go along with a deal to dismiss an assault charge against Espara son who attacked Martinez while he was filing a rally after Martinez residence tape become public. This is very strange since Eddie Baez who the DN reported did not get paid the money by Espapa's son for hanging posters, is also a witness in the Martinez ass ult case No activity' or brutal campaign by Pedro Espada, wonders election big
Activist sends me article Highrise collapse & I think that might happen here but from below ground infrastructure

Truenews points to NYPost article helping the homeless can pay big buckss "Dough fund"
Hey Mike Bloomberg, the East Village really doesn't like you!!!!
Mike Bloomberg's Streets of NY Part 3, you have seen the youtubes part 1 and 2
More responses on Cooper Union's dangerous reckless greedy expansion "Greed is good" Gordon Gekko of higher ed. it is all about greed
Sunday, June 28, 2009
They back Mike, get more pork by Adam Lisberg NY Daily News
I usually delete abusive comments, this one is emblematic of the greed & stupidity that brought down wall St. & Peter Cooper is turning in his grave
cooper union is not-for-profit. they built that building so that they can fund full tuition scholarships to every student who is accepted. Many of those students are NYC residents. The school is trying to provide an first rate education to students who may not otherwise afford such an opportunity. yes so greedy of them.
My response:
The pres. of C.U. was on ABC news admitting that Cooper U. is a real estate magnate. Thank u for your comment because I will forward to the media & hope they continue to come here to see how abusive students are, I have removed some abusive comments & how your attitude reflect the greed and stupidity that brought down Wall St. and the self entitlement that created the mortgage meltdown. Any person with an ounce of humanity can see the truth. C. U. teaches greed not Peter Cooper's principles.
NYPost NYU ate the neighborhood, gobbled it up!
NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and NY Law, Cooper Union, The New School and SVA jumped on the mega dorm band wagon busting
through zoning. NYU uses it's not for profit status like a tax shelter to buy up, supersize and exploit our communities where ever they have expanded including
Stuy Town that was meant to be affordable housing not NYU student housing! NYU uses the term community facility to supersize and exclude the community
so I want community outreach resource centers in every building where they have done so! NYU doesn't need to abuse eminent domain like Columbia University to displace community members and small businesses and the mayor and socialite city planner are confused and think they work for these institutions
rather than for the people of New York!
We need our communities protected from greedy real estate magnates posing as higher ed and if something is not done you will have to
visit a recreation of the Village in Las Vegas or a museum!
I call Cooper Union "NYU jr." and I want to know when is higher education going to learning the meaning of the word "No!"?
Suzannah B. Troy
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My letter published in The New York Sun slamming NYU and Amanda Burden the wicked witch of the East Village, throw in Cooper Union's brutal exploits
‘City Set To Present Plan for Lower East Side'
Renaissance? I thought I was living in the East Village, not a bad Xerox of midtown [New York, "City Set To Present Plan for Lower East Side," November 1, 2006]. We have been mega dormed to death mostly by New York University but also by New York Law School, The New School for Social Research, and Cooper Union. Yet another NYU mega dorm and the tallest building ever in the East Village will be built and Saint Ann's Church from 1847 fell to NYU's greed and need to build yet another NYU mega dorm. Amanda Burden supports this dorm being the tallest building yet in the East Village. So far Amanda Burden has ignored our community pleas for zoning protection.
City Planning's incentives to developers in the name of affordable housing is a Trojan horse for developers to further supersize our historic area. The mayor and City Planning seem to care only for housing for NYU students and developers with luxury condos and mirrored hotels that reflect a history that is being destroyed. A community is no longer welcome. We have asked for preservation and protection of our long term community members, and if more isn't done to protect us you will have to visit a re-creation of the East Village, Bowery, and Lower East Side in Las Vegas or in a museum.
New York, N.Y.
Shoot out NYC day care center...no outrage about criminals with guns, police heroic but no praise?
behind flowers are renovations yet something about the park seems dark
The park has it's share of drug pushers but also more parents pushing strollers still there is something "dark and ominous" -- a vibe...I realized how much I miss Central Park and the reason I stopped going there is I blew out my knees and I can't run.
I spent so much time there on long distance runs and treasure the memory of crossing the finishing line for 26.2 mile marathon....
It is not just the gi-normous rats......Maybe after the renovations are completed that vibe will disappear...
Giuseppie Logan Tompkins
the internet and freaky abusers
Queens Crap rocks and I added this comment which includes abuse by Columbia U., NYU and Cooper Union
NYU that doesn't have to abuse eminent domain to get the job done. NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and so many other Universities followed their example in the East Village where The New School, SVA, NY Law and Cooper Union all have joined NYU in confusing the EV with dorm fodder and not a community.
The only thing John Sexton, best friends with every power broker possible, Mike Bloomberg and the wicked witch of the East Village haven not done is provide buses, NYU trolleys and trains to move us out to make room for these greedy evil real estate magnates that use their not for profit status as a tax shelter.
The division that handles anti-trust at the State Attorney General's office should be investigating these land grabs and abuse by NYU and Cooper Union because they are playing Monopoly and only this greedy administration that favors developers would allow this to happen.
Even Guiliani's city planner said "No" to the evil exploitive real estate magnate Cooper Union when they asked if they could supersize their little yellow Science building, supersize it and lease it for 99 years. I am told he responded "It is a shell game."
But Amanda Burden let them do this twice. Cooper Union is about to tear down the yellow building by the black cube and on the other side the sky piercing mirrored half empty condo building that reflects a history destroyed & a community no longer welcome I am told -- the land is owned by Cooper Union and they lease it. Ha Ha by a condo for 5 million dollars and know you are buying a leased property.
Around the corner Cooper Union just supersized it's old historic studio and it looks like a hideous ugly fractured aquarium that belongs on a Hollywood set of a bad B movie and not the Bowery.
After zone busters NYU and Cooper Union supersized down Third Avenue than came condo and hotel developers that were able to do so as well with the wicked witch mega millionaire socialite city planner's blessing.
Do you think you will read about this in The New York eminent domain Times -- no or just glowing lies and as much as I like the NY Daily News - Mort Zuckerman may have the same money manger Steve Rattner -- and they did a dishonest public relations piece for the socialite mega millionaire city planner saying she preserved the East Village when thanks to her stupidity and greed shared with all these developers they have destroyed the heart and soul and community of the East Village and Lower East Side. The Bowery looks like space ships landed on it and are illegally parked.
Burden and Bloomberg want the area to be an extension of Wall Street with a few token buildings.
The evil landlords at 47 East 3rd Street did a mass eviction for their greed so it just is in vogue right now.
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
On sexism and pms, grumpy morning and it isn't 7am yet, stream of conscoiusness
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Piercing Bible by Elayne Angel master piercer, book signing LeRoi Rivington Street, Lower East Side!!!
corruption, confessions and Rangel acting above the law as usual just another day in NYC politics.....
Charles Rangel to date is confident he is above the law and now accountable and so far he is right.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Anti-smoking ads to stores? Anyone smoke a cigarette and get in a car and than kill people because they were drunk, how about drinking warnings?
I think of the horrific rapes and murders of Imette St. Guillien and Jennifer Moore, the countless victims of drunken drivers and so
many quality of life complaints including my own associated with bars and clubs like Webster Hall in the East Village where the community board chair owns many bars and CB3 is referred to as the community bar!
Time to have safety warnings involving drinking; nobody smoked a cigarette and got in a car and killed innocent people!
Tweed del dee TWEED dee dumb, only at City Hall can staffers get busted but not their bosses
Bloomberg Monopoly from The Angry NYer dot com
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So many small businesses are moving even if it is around the corner
Vote Tony Avella front forward St. Marks Place, stream of consciousness on voting, the middle class, Yankee Stadium and breasts!
I want to go skinny dipping at midnight Washington Square Park!
Beautiful flowers and from this angle I can pretend NYU did not destroy the historical beauty of most of what surrounded the park.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Community centers in the first symbol of gentrification the Christa Dora and every NYU student housing + NY Law dorm w/balconies like Red Square
+ go to link http://www.nyc.gov/portal/site/nycgov/menuitem.b270a4a1d51bb3017bce0ed101c789a0/index.jsp?doc_name=/html/om/html/2007b/events_10.html
pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load
move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!)
OCTOBER 19, 2007
Mayor Mike and John Gambling
WOW!!!! Type Mike Bloomberg in to Youtubes search engine my youtube is No. 2!!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy on "breasts" for the over achievers
Youtube thanking Queens Crap and supporters!
The media silences voices that are not their rich friends
so thank you Queens Crap!
Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino are 9-11 heroes after the fact
Is City Council going to unvote themselves a raise and I am not just asking because of their lousy attendance record
Just go to this blog's search engine and type in Tweed, or City Council or corruption
They have not succeeded in murderer but they keep her prison her, fake trial, we all know even in NYC women speaking up face double standard or worse
