Thursday, December 31, 2009
Giuseppie Logan his son Jay and Suzannah conference call

Update on "Our Lady of Vilnius" and please say a prayer!!!!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy laminating the poster in case of rain or snow to protest at inauguration & speaks to Norman Siegel as well! Ready to protest Mike!

The xerox place was filled with people that shared my feeling so I got a big discount on the lamination of this poster!
Again the biggest heartfelt thanks and gratitude with New York Attitude to Norman Siegel has seen me through from start to finish with my art poster protesting Mike Bloomberg and NO THIRD TERM!!!!!!!!!
Salvation Army works miracles NYC! Giuseppie Logan needed a coat and Jesus part of the ARC gave me this coat for Guiseppie!

NYPD thanks more than ever for protecting us & everybody have a safe blessed New Year's celebration!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Breaking News -- New York Citizen sends me this email -- he wants to have king Mike served with a restraining order to stop the inauguration
Our Lady of Vilnius -- one of the most moving Holiday card I received...she sees in to my soul
Full Moon over Tompkins, think of Karl aka Santa, Marlene, Edgar
Let's see -- at least 12 people are standing but man with legs spread akimbo makes it impossible to sit
Suzannah B. Troy preparing for Mike Bloomberg's inauguration to PROTEST king Mike flushing democracy down the toilet, mass evictions etc.

Mike Bloomberg ups the price tag on his humiliating underwhelming win by giving out undeserved bonuses to over paid staff members
Suzannah B. Troy
12/30/2009 7:58 AM
King Mike Bloomberg bought oops won the most humiliating win in NYC history for the most money ever spent which proves democracy is for sale. I made a poster and YouTube "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York" which The NY Post refused to cover although the paper published so many of my letters. The media acted like they were "Team Bloomberg" instead of reporting the news which included city wide protests against Bloomberg & City Council denying us a referendum. It is obscene that he is giving bonuses to people that barely got the job done with unlimited resources to win. Fed Up New Yorkers from all over NYC gathered and we talked about getting a bus "No Third Term for Mike Bloomberg" and that included anyone that voted to extend term limits and drive from borough to borough. If only we had and if only the press had covered opposition Mike would have gone down in history as paying the most money ever with unlimited resources to lose. With so many homeless, people in need--the amount of money he shelled to ruthless campaign people is sickening especially knowing it could have gone to homeless people and school children in need or to a thousand different issues where the city is failing. Bloomberg further humiliates himself by giving out bonuses and raises the price tag on the most humiliating win ever to buy a third term and he could not have gotten done with out Christine Quinn, Mike Jr.'s help and corrupt city council member that have no respect for democracy.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mike_campaign_bonus_babies_FZiCgjhIF2m6XvLQvSVj7I#comments#ixzz0bB0JQ57u
Monserrate needs to go and why he and Espada are not behind bars is beyond me
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=82926#ixzz0bAgGVCRx
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Jay Logan Giuseppie "Guiseppi" Logan's gifted son - Jay and GL hope to reunite for the first time in over 30 years, he calls me angel lady

It was a beautiful summer day when Jay Logan dropped off his 14-year-old son Jaee in West Oakland on July 2, 2006, to attend a barbecue with friends. Three hours later, he received a call that Jaee had been shot and killed.
A star football player at Carter Middle School, Jaee was an honor roll student who lived with his father, 7-year-old sister, Jaelena, and grandmother, Dorothy, in North Oakland. His dad remembers Jaee as a talented singer, an athlete who overcame asthma to become a starting running back on the Berkeley Cougars football team and a loving, intelligent teen who worried about his friends. “My son wanted to help everyone. He thought he was Superman,” Logan, 43, says.
Jaee’s death was one of 148 homicides in Oakland in 2006, the highest total in more than a decade. Nearly three-quarters of the city’s homicides that year were street shootings, and about half were the result of undetermined motives."
The bells of hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling -- on death, letting go yet there it is the bells of hell just desserts
Monday, December 28, 2009
Babette's Feast -- insight in to the soul of the artist
Monster w/bullet proof vest attempts to shot NYPD but his gun jams of course we won't be hearing from Gov. Paterson, Charles Barron or Al Sharpton
19th Precinct -- do you have a billionaire sex offender in your midst?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hey Suze Orman, FYI out of control spender in major debt -- his name Uncle Sam -- trillons of dollars in debt
FDNY fireman in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban
The NY Post places Sex in the City under voices of the decade -- the story is about rich white privileged women that like to shop
Suzannah B. Troy
12/27/2009 10:23 AM
As usual can't navigate The NY Post's website that Rupert Murdoch wants to charge us for but "Sex and the City" setting a new paradigm is a pathetic joke. Sex and the The City is about vapid empty head rich privileged white women that love to shop. Pathetic and to post under "Voice of the Decade"?
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/voices_of_the_decade_h8lD66qhw0uzagyyKl36VO#comments#ixzz0au3kwx9o
Oh yeah, left out power dating....that is a big important activity...it is why I like porn stars more -- at least their process is honest.
I really do not see much difference between porn and the main stream media including advertising. Calvin Klein was one of the first to use porn stream in a main stream media way and get away with it but more and more Hollywood is going the way of the porn industry and the porn industry is going more main stream.
Sex in the City was not emblematic of women in Manhattan at all.
Laughable The NY Post's Voices of a decade -- Mike Bloomberg, Suzannah B. Troy posts this response
Suzannah B. Troy
12/27/2009 9:28 AM
Mike Bloomberg, the king of New York, stole the election and certain city council members aided and abetted him in denying us a referendum thereby flushing democracy down the toilet. The Bloomberg administration pushed a reckless tsunami of community crushing development knowing it was too fast and furious to police which suited developers and contractors many that have unpaid fines from DOB and ECB (environmental control board) in what would be the real estate version of the implosion of Wall Street. Mike did not do the math. You can't displace -- drive out large amounts of New Yorkers, deny them a referendum and expect they will vote for you. But Mike and the media that backed him like they were Team Bloomberg did not figure it out so we had the last laugh election night. Mike Bloomberg set two records Nov. 3 -- one- to spend the most money to buy - oops, win an election and two -- to win the most humiliating win in NYC history. The good news is city council got the message as well and they have a lot to worry about. City Council member Miguel Martinez was arrested for stealing tax payer money and I am praying there will be more arrests in 2010. The people of New York deserve a lot better. By the way, is there some law that prevents a mayor from showing up at an eviction rally. I attended rallies fighting mass eviction, eminent domain abuse of entire neighborhoods, protests to save small businesses and never saw Mike Bloomberg at one of these events.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/voices_of_the_decade_h8lD66qhw0uzagyyKl36VO#comments#ixzz0atpP109j
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Holidays & FYI, if I am being harassed be confident I report it
Jeffrey Epstein makes Tiger Woods look sexually mature. Prediction Epstein will go to jail again - arrogance hubris lack of remorse=jail part 2
Friday, December 25, 2009
NYPD News now on Twitter/ See photo of Commish Kelly & Bob Lanier, James Macklin at Bowery Mission to launch NYCares coat drive
Neo Nazis stole Auschwitz Death Camp Sign. Did you know "Mel Gibson" is Yiddish for Anti-Semite? His father is a Holocaust denier
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The EMS that responded to Vada - inspirational and in sharp contrast to EMS that refused to help young pregnant Mom NYC moments life and death moments
I am too tired and don't want to do a lot of posts so I am adding this one because I was talking about admiration.
Note: I told you I bought Sinead O'Connor's song This is to Mother You on Itunes which is one of my most favorite O'Connor songs ever.
It was a different version and Mary J. Blige and Martha B. join her in this version and O'Connor donated the song to charity to help raise money to protect girls here in American and abroad from exploitation of all un-kinds and the worst kind.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The best and worst Best a miracle for a 5 year old boy, worst City Council naming a street for Sean Bell
Best: On ABC World News - A Lt. Colonel that had his lower half of his body blown off...very moving piece to see him united with his wife and daughters...very moving..... Really moved by him and his family. He said he still wants to work as long as they military give him work but not some job to take up space...not his words but he really moved me....can't find the link but I found another piece different officer, similar injury http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs07/columns/story?columnist=garber_greg&id=3222397 Thinking of our troops and allies out there...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sub-Zero Trickle Down -- Mike Bloomberg's New York
Just a few links to articles today...
I do agree with the mayor on this travesty -- beyond heartbreaking this beautiful pregnant Mom and unborn baby died and the EMS workers were too busy with breakfast to help.
Under Mike Bloomberg and his mega millionaire socialite city planner and with the help of city council members exposed by the NY Daily News to be getting kickbacks? or do you call it commission? or do you call campaign contributions...your pick ---- from developers including Christine Quinn example Dermott the people of New York have been crushed...a tsunami of community crushing development including mass evictions and abuse of eminent domain.
Note: For those following my blog there is no sighting of Marlene which may be a good sign. In theory she should be out of jail and by not returning to Tompkins Square Park it is better for her. I know she is a long term resident even if mostly homeless but she falls back in to the viscous cycle of drinking and I felt people were praying on her drunk as well as her temper when drunk was getting worse. I hope she can stay sober and reconnect with people that support her rather than exploit her when she is down.
New York City is Oligarch Central...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy, more of me to love + this blogger youtuber is now on break unless I get really pissed off!

There is more of me to love these days....I did not have the swine flu but the bloomberg flu and I also feel perpetually and deeply exhausted all the time.
Again to everyone that came here with positive good energy back at you times 100.
Be back blogging before the New Year. I feel burnt out. Think of my short story The Going -- that one makes me cry, a 9-11 ghost story but took on a twist I could never have anticipated when I voted for Bloomberg the first time and really believed he would help this city; instead I went to bed in the East Village and woke up in a bad xerox of mid-town turning in to a bad xerox of Dubai. The Going it is about saying good bye...the final goodbye....
Merry Happy Joyous Holidays!!!!!!!!!
To the NYPD scuba unit and helicopter pilot well done very brave rescue
NYU the evil empire of the E. Village does not want homeless from shelter next door too close - the Purple Reign of Terror

The only thing Mike Bloomberg, socialite mega millionaire city planner Amanda the people's Burden and John Sexton pres of NYU have not done is provide NYU buses and trolleys as well as trains to move the community out for the evil empire aka NYU -- ruthless real estate magnate unending need to expand.
Cooper Union was NYU jr. but is now an evil real estate magnate doing harmful development and evil real estate wheeling and dealing using "higher ed" as a tax shelter to be a landlord and college students that should be fighting for the community do not challenge the administration but actually believe Cooper Union's justification for irresponsible zone busting supersizing and land leasing and on old NY, the old Lower East Side's infrastructure. Also check out the subway stations where Cooper Union plans to add 1 of 2 hideous ugly supersized zone bustesr by the rotted leaking subways stations and the two mega builds--one is up on land leased property by Cooper Union have nothing to do with higher ed. --- just higher greed -- to their zone busting mega dorm across the street on 3rd Avenue. The half empty mirrored sky piercing mirrored reflects a history destroyed and a community no longer welcome.
exhaustion extreme
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Man Fatally Stabbed at NYC Shelter East Village
Suzannah praised -- touching comment --I watched his YouTube and I asked if a small guy named Mike Bloomberg is on Crookston city council as well?
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CrookstonDocumentary has made a comment on NY City Council never has conflicts of interest! Conflict of interest board biggest joke in town: You should be commended for your efforts to get these issues out. These fatcats seem to think they're untouchable. They work so hard to shut up individuals like such as yourself. Thank goodness for You Tube so we can bring this corruption out into the light. Keep up the good work. People are watching. You can reply to this comment by visiting the comments page. I think The NY Post and The NY Daily News and all local NYC outlets minus The NY eminent domain Times devoted to the rich real estate and their own demise -- should all post a banner -- this is how much Albany and City Hall are costing you w/corruption, bad choices, fake organizations, money doled out to developers that give them big campaign donations, how much we the tax payers are paying for Christine Quinn's high priced defense attorney along with her staff -- it should just be rolling along at the type of local news sites 24/7 -- to date Ms. Quinn has costed tax payers x amount, this charity was given x amount of pork aka tax payer money and so and relative is on their board -- it should be out there easily accessible highly visible. +Just a reminder -- city council voted themselves a raise....it was later exposed that many had a lousy attendance record with the exception of Tony Avella who had a perfect attendance record and voted against giving themselves a raise. Two other city council members out of 51 refused to vote themselves a raise. Also note at the time they did this the NYPD's starting salary was lowered. Even the harshest critics of the NYPD said this was wrong! Now Christine Quinn is actually going to check and make sure city council members live in their district! Also note ex-city council member Martinez voted to extend term limits. He later pleaded guilty to stealing tax payer money. He said he was stealing from the get go. Other aides to council members Kendall Stewart and Larry Seabrook pleaded guilty. I do not know how Seabrook and Stewart -- city council members who pleaded innocent were found innocent....how could they not have missed the money their assistants, one aide that pleaded guilty -- highest most aide staffer pleaded guilty and both Seabrook and Stewart have shady track records-- but they voted to extend term limits and both felt they had the right to return. I don't remember them apologizing for their staff stealing tax payer money. There are not alone being exposed for shady self serving dealings but why are they not booted out and or even jailed? City Council voting themselves a raise, voting to extend term limits was a conflict of interest and as far as I am concerned their votes are tainted. They denied us a referendum. There are investigations in to certain city council members still open and on going. So far for way too long they have been above scrutiny and the law. . | |