Impossible to Report Crimes I tried to report Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell 1996 in 2012 Violated at Dr Andrew Fagelman office this time NYPD openly join in BREAKING LAWS AUDIO VIDEO Falsified police reports and every judge has protected them starting with Judge Alison Nathan my civil rights were violated do the math:
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@HRC @SenSchumer Ghislaine Maxwell bragged RM arms deal saved Israel,poor GM clueless I knew RM robbed employees pensions. Ask Schumer y Hewlett-Packard returned only10.5Mtax$ stolen0arrests HP pensions v VIOLATED AT MD + NYPD CRIMES THREATS FALSE arrest unless drop charges ask JUDGE ALISON NATHAN | |||
11/21/21, 5:05 AM |
When I was savagely assaulted at the doctors someone tied to federal law-enforcement came to my YouTube channel and said you got what you deserved because of what you do for a living....
Also a Twitter account (racist misogynist) tweeted you defend Blacks poetic justice assaulted #dumbcuntmatters?
LAW Suit claims culture of rape, sodomy, sexual harassment at NYPD
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@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @LtGovHochulNY DA cy vance misogynist central Siobhan Berry ADA Joan Illuzzi, Tiana Walton my Jennifer Gaffney…TEAM CY GAVE JEFFREY EPSTEIN Ghislaine Maxwell,my case Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks, NYPD falsified DD5s goal coerce me TEFLON STATUS | |||||
8/6/21, 8:42 AM |
ADA Joan Illuzzi ADMITTED DELITA HOOKS COMMITTED CRIMES INCLUDING A FALSE CROSS COMPLAINT. I did not have a copy of the letter delita Hooks wrote to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatening me with a second False cross complaint signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos who refused any contact with me and it's in the database for threatening a victim with arrest like I was threatened.
It took me half a decade to get a copy of that letter the letter withheld and how many quarts that letter also recognizes the crime with second-degree assault which the DA acknowledged but then they made it clear they were going to protect all the criminals like they protected Jeffrey Epstein as Illuzzi is caught on audio lying to me they did a thorough investigation really her F you to me for criticizing her boss confronting her boss as the exits NYU law school. Do you know who else exited that I handed my Justice card to question? Katie Couric. I would like to know if Howard Rubenstein Contact Withing Manhattan DA Katie Couric George Stephanopoulos to help his client Jeffrey Epstein?
Joan says they did a thorough investigation if they did who drafted Delita Hooks letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint? I told her about Joe Tacopina allegedly behind the cunt to turn the tables on me during an open investigation. She asked me why he would do that? She wasn't interested in an answer but it's clear to me now that he probably also drafted that letter it's overly aggressive and stupid. He worked for the Brooklyn DA which was a Corrupt DAs office as well that said how many innocent Black men to jail for rape and murders they did not commit?
Ask Joan Illuzzi Tiana Walton Siobhan Berry about that letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint which recognizes the crime with second-degree assault oh yeah there was also forcible touching which is sexual salt and Dr Andrew Fagelman has admitted he did not investigate what happened to me he committed perjury under oath that the attack did not happen on his property and he had nothing to do with the NYPD when he did . I believe he conspired w/ others to make me drop charges Against my will that he was in the loop that he had knowledge it was arranged for her to follow false cross-complaint and he was equally confident he could walk into a deposition commit perjury and talk about anger management problems, he stop mocking me like smirking when he bragged about his trust in the NYPD to investigate....apparently I got him to stop mocking me for a minute because I had my lawyer ask what were the grounds for his divorce upon which he could not control his anger he was shaking with anger got on his phone and ran out of a deposition. I'd like to know who he called when he was inside the conference room in a deposition he literally was shaking with anger and got on the phone in the deposition and ran out shaking with anger. Apparently the DA protects people with anger management problems that break laws including the detective in my case he finally threaten me over the phone with the arrest unless I drop charges and his boss Lt Angelo Burgos is in the database for threatening affect him with the arrest and don't forget the commander Ed Winski Who is catering to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's good friends hotel and Epstein may have had money in that hotel not that anyone cares. Winski was also catering to playmate who went on to murder her small child and kill her self. Who is catering to her at the same time he was catering to Dr. Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks ditto The detectives in my case who happened to be Facebook friends with Eugene Schatz and his partner Detective Tommy Moran and from what I understand it was common knowledge at the precinct they were going to break laws in my case because they didn't like me they were going to discriminate against me violate my civil rights break laws downgrade crimes that was done openly.
The Bloomberg administration to Blasio administration of protected Crimes Eric Adams my guess more of the same and could get worse. His idea of integrity is getting his ear pierced he'll probably be taking out that ear piercing soon enough ...or he doesn't even have to if he doesn't keep his word no one cares just another mayor that lied to us?
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@thehill .@thehill Cy Vance Jennifer Gaffney +investigators like my case Siobhan Berry ADA Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi ran DA office like a deli for rich, connected, retaliation,racism, discrimination cover up crimes + chronic civil rights violations by NYPD IA 1PP | |||
7/3/21, 2:34 AM |
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@AlvinBraggNYC Was Siobhan Berry special investigator assigned to Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell case like my case Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi Cy Vance #discrimination obstruction w/ NYPD Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks + Joe TACOPINA:erase crimes my case party to THREATS NYPD FALSFIED DD5s? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/3/21, 2:16 AM
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Company Appointed To Co-Manage Britney Spears $ Resigns re: Explosive Testimony… in contrast: CREEPS FOR JEFFREY EPSTEIN $ including his bro seem to enjoy stiffing #victims? JE moved $ off sure from FEDERAL JAIL? My case MD PERJURY and TRAVELERS OK w/ that? | |||||
7/3/21, 3:31 AM |
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@AlvinBraggNYC When ADA Illuzzi wouldn't do anything about NYPD my case I contacted Tiana Walton who made it clear DA protecting NYPD! downgraded all crimes to 0 my case look at NYPD IA DA Team Cy Teflon role Jeffrey Epstein GHISLAINE Maxwell!DA ignored 3 FOIA requests my ltr to DA re JE GM! | |||||
7/3/21, 3:39 AM |
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NYPD lt who avoided punishment after accusations of sexual harassment scotched his 22yr career when he was caught stealing an expensive bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue whiskey! NYPD top cops stole a federally funded + protect crimes my case = Federal offense… | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6/25/21, 6:29 AM
Must made chief Boyce James O'neill i'm guessing Dermot Shea John Miller etc Feel so powerful they can get away with being party to with breaking laws obstructing justice violating the Oath they took re our cases and fly on a Cessna...was Bratton there? Bratton and Ray Kelly know a lot about taking free rides from billionaires on jets they won't want to fly high like Jeffrey Epstein even the Manhattan DA cy vance was caught using taxpayer money for a fancy hotel in Paris |
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I sued Delita Hooks never served her SO MANY LAWS BROKEN W/ NYPD w/ Dr Andrew FAGELMAN NOW BOTH perjury SHOCKER I allege James Toomey Travelers corrupt like 1PP Corp Counsel goal lie cheat win… ADD more video cameras my life pray people speak up take action | |||
5/24/21, 5:17 AM |
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FBI big wig sexually harassed his juniors, drank on the job Just a small clue why FBI protect NYPD violating our civil rights and erasing all crimes including sexual assaults… | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/31/21, 4:36 PM
They have so much power to abuse and they do abuse it so if they do fixing and favors and makes sense that all the wealthy people want them protected all the wealthy and connected why would travelers care that I might RE-APPEAL my lawsuit AGAINST THEIR PAPS CORRUPT NYPD CORRUPT TEFLON INTERNAL AFFAIRS why do travelers choose to make a mockery of the violence my patient rights my body Violated me even caring about the environment why did they care that I did not choose to have a hysterectomy was all about degrading me a critic of their friends...
It's all involved in cheating to win lying obstructing justice they don't think they've done anything wrong as I continue year after year to fight for justice and get even more evidence and they won't mind me praying every day that they get their karma on this earth that they get a taste of their own evil Medicine and what they did to me may come back to haunt them but I prefer Justice accountability apologies and also arrests plus financial compensation for all the years that I was denied just justice and every court where they lied cheated
Broken windows does not apply to the NYPD the Manhattan DA Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell Dr Andrew Fagelman delita hooks The NYPD detective some bosses involved in my case so far 2 administrations (Bloomberg de Blasio) and counting.... turn broken windows back on NYPD and all these people that are Teflon AND THEIR ENABLERS!!!!!
That's one form of discrimination but the woman who punched a hole in my retina sexually assaulted me and got help from the NYPD to erase all crimes I alledge with her employer Dr Andrew Fagelman making phone calls he committed perjury openly he seem to enjoy it so why are they allowed to so openly break laws?
Suzannah Troy (@vegansuz) Tweeted:
Impossible to report crime NYC NYS every step of the way, NYPD openly broke laws my case involving Dr Andrew Fagelman his office...he bragged/smirked stating he trusted the NYPD to investigate; he committed perjury the attack did not happen on his property
Someone or several someone's made a phone call to the Manhattan DA to make sure Jeffrey Epstein did not face accountability here in New York in fact quite the opposite it was arranged to send in Jennifer Gaffney is married to an NYPD supervisor or was that the time to try and lower Jeffrey Someone or several someone's made a phone call to the Manhattan DA to make sure Jeffrey Epstein did not face accountability here in New York in fact quite the opposite it was arranged to send in Jennifer Gaffney who is married to an NYPD supervisor or was at the time to try and lower Jeffrey ups in sex offender status.
I also got Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and I believe gotten over 10,000 people to read it in a city of over millions what 7 million people at least and I had tweeted it to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch years before I call the rental inch when she was a Brooklyn US attorney asked her to take action because US attorney Southern District Preet Bharara and Cy Vance refused to prosecute ECTP the 911 tech crooks the scandals are massive major ongoing because majority people still haven't read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit
Written from Rikers island he describes the stop and frisk gone wrong for the cops plan to drugs on him and he was sexually assaulted....
I'll ALLEGE Joe Tacopina know openly broke laws under scoring the point of this guy that immediately came and posted a comment for all I know they're connected how many people that broke laws in my case party to the goal to obstruct justice took an oath to uphold it uphold the Constitution that is and my attacker all along said she was instructed to do this to do that.... she was not a child she was an adult she committed crimes and she still does not understand what she's done wrong nor does her boss because neither have apologized they both have lied and in fact commit more crimes Perjury so why did they think they could do that?
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Google Cy Vance tax payer $ 5 star hotel like Jeffrey Epstein. NYPD Internal Affairs DA PROTECT CRIMES ENABLE MORE CRIMES PAID enablers!SEC investigator handed Madoff his resume do the math! Corruption pays IA DA enabled #civilrights VIOLATED, MORE THREATS… | |||
6/8/21, 9:53 AM |
Aren't there allegations that Epstein and Maxwell also openly committed perjury
Date: July 10, 2017 at 10:28:32 AM EDT
Subject: Andrew Fagelman, MD.
Hello, Suzannah B. Troy.
I read your blog from time to time-- I understand the level of corrupt tactics the NYPD and Dr. Fagelman have engaged in are appalling.
Thought you may want to know-- Dr. Fagelman has had some involvement with a female who is mentally ill, and as she went to file a police report for assault, he did just about the same thing he did to you. What a shame. This Fagelman never learns.
Supposedly, now, she filed a complaint with the ADA section of the DOJ, claiming mental health discrimination by the NYPD when she attemped to file a report. Apparently, Dr. Fagelman got the cops to say she's mentally ill, that her assault claim has no value because she's mentally disturbed.
Apparently, the FBI also investigates this kind of thing-- mental health discrimination by government agencies. I think they also got a tip as to what's going on.
What a shame, this Fagelman never learns. Shame to hear he's been the cause for your insomnia.
Yours Truly,
Update July 8 or ninth I'm not sure which day but I just discovered that NYPD police commissioner Dermot Shea has BLOCKED ME AGAIN ON TWITTER...
You would think the Manhattan DA the Feds The media NYPD top cop sex crimes would want the public to have known Jeffrey Epstein was in the free sex offender app but no one wanted to share that and I know because I shared it