I have severe chronic insomnia PTSD agreed to false arrest twice for running punch to my head at MD if I didn't drop charges! https://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE + https://youtu.be/4u4MD42cfxc + https://youtu.be/4u4MD42cfxc British PM #COVID19 nurse dead;Julian Assange has 2 babies
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I am still retaliated against for being a whistleblower including about the Manhattan DA not only about Jeffrey Epstein but about making St. Vincent's Hospital into condos it had a rape crisis center....
The unethical medical office criminals call me a complainer what if I complained about that we need a trauma level one hospital in the West Village not Rudin luxury condos!
I called for more than $1 billion in damages for CityTime corruption-- I was part of the movement perhaps the most vocal publicly online and YouTube demanding money back on the scrub payroll system and even Mike Bloomberg had to change his tune and we got $500 million back tax dollars stolen over billing but the biggest crime in tech under Bloomberg on going maybe 911 tech definitely Bloomberg's fault by far he and top officials that allowed corruption including top NYPD officials....
With New York being the epicenter right now with the coronavirus pandemic how important are hospitals like the one I fought to keep open rather than be replaced by condos in the west village and how important is a working 911 tech system?
For the first time in U.S. history, every state is under a disaster declaration simultaneously
More than 20,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the United States, which now has more reported deaths than any country in the world, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/ASCNd0EpgQdSspc-7eEC09A
Delita Hooks and Dr Andrew Fagelman also committed perjury why not did you just chill system and the medical community in New York or one big joke when it comes to ethics and accountability?
Delita Hooks letter threatening me with the second false cross complaint to the attention of Det. Andrew Dwyer signed off on by Nypd Lt Angelo Burgos that Letter is a crime that the city of New York withheld and legal proceedings and Internal Affairs in the Manhattan DA protected. The NYPD including Sex Crimes and Internal Affairs are very aware of this letter and ignore it using Ron Kuby's to pretend that I wasn't violently coerced because they're covering up a pile up of crimes from the doctors office to the first precinct. Dr Andrew Fagelman has lots of NYPD Patients do the math the fix is in. Unethical dr Andrew Fagelman doesn't even understand Hippocratic oath got an NYU Stern business degree after I was violated at his office and he got fixing in favors so I wonder if you got any fixing in favors to get that degree or discount? He admits that he did not investigate what happened but he discussed me with his patients meaning he lied about me to try and justify the unjustifiable. What doctor doesn't investigate and lies under oath so blatantly for instance see the video above he lied and said it didn't happen on his property when my patient rights in my body were violated on his property!
Dr Andrew Fagelman an unethical liar perjurer 0 remorse 0 decency his observation skills are that pathetic how could he be a doctor?
The fix was in and it was coordinated to make this go away but to do that laws had to be broken and my constitutional rights my civil rights had to be violated welcome to the State of New York in city of New York and I wrote how many politicians about safety patient safety and politicians did nothing in an 85-year-old woman is now dead assaulted at a hospital in New York City by crazy violent woman like woman who punched me but this woman has a record but my attacker doesn't because again the fix was in so how many other crimes were committed by those involved that have no record because the fix was in?
Under Michael Bloomberg his administration protected community crushing development For instance St. Vincent's Hospital no protective zoning Scott Stringer was Manhattan Borough president I went with a group of activists his office I was stunned they were men with machine guns why would he need men with machine guns and they weren't NYPD it was odd and bizarre. Scott Stringer appear to be on the payroll of Howard Rubenstein along with how many other people and why PD in the Manhattan DA did his bidding along with media killing news for his clients like Rudin pushing luxury through instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center and AIDS care in the West Village. That hospital served all the communities surrounding the West Village as well as the west village.
https://scallywagandvagabond.com/2020/04/julian-assange-fiancee-lawyer-secret-two-kids-ecuadoran-embassy/ Lawyer and the mother of the two youngest children of Julian Assange says that he is retaliated against for being a whistleblower. She fears for his death from The coronavirus pandemic which is obviously virulent in prisons.
If Jeffrey Epstein wasn't murdered...the coronavirus pandemic would've gotten him....
Howard Rubenstein was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to lie about the victims very much the same attitude as me that my life was worth nothing so their crimes of Mr. Rubenstein's clients are ok kind of like pushing through condos to place a trauma level one hospital feels like a crime scene and now maybe it is how many people have died because they couldn't get the care they needed because there was no trauma level one hospital and there's even a YouTube with me calling the location of crime scene!
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@nypost NYPost photos NYPD at murders none of the plain clothes nypd wore face mask etc $5.6 billion budget not including Fed tax payer $ NYPD PC Dermot Shea resign like unethical predecessors protect corruption my case how many others? youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE + suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/04/ny-cov…pic.twitter.com/PioJ2iY2LA | |||||
4/12/20, 8:03 AM This is just one example because the top cops at one police plaza who are protecting horrific crimes in my case care more about flying on a private Cessna plane that's supposed to fight terrorism not be their personal taxi then setting up protocols to protect their own police force. The NYPD had how much money and how much time over the years to pre-prepare for pandemic with the proper equipment and protocols but that's not want one police plaza is clearly about it's run like a deli catering to the rich -- doing fixing and favors along w/ how many government agencies that turn a blind eye or are complicit? |
I miss you too but I call it a crime scene I also hold the Manhattan DA accountable in the U2 below I talk about Scott stringer. You may not know this but 49 city council members push through rudin luxury condos replacing a trauma level one hospital which had a rape crisis center by the way only Charles Baron and Tony Avella voted for a hospital but guess what Scott stringer could've given us protective zoning I wish I had video of the men with machine guns that guarded him at the Manhattan Borough president like he needed his own private military unbelievable if it was a film it would shock you....A group of community activist me included went there to demand a hospital and what's the stringer do push through GREED so when it came to doing the right thing with my case he protected civil rights violations treating me like a Jew in the early stages
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Cy Vance refused to prosecute Saint Vincents hospital crooks it may have slow down the conversion into condos and been bad publicity. Rubenstein killed News for his clients like Bill Rudin - Who is billionaire parents and grandparents would never of taking a hospital and made it into condos and Rubenstein got news killed and more for his client Jeffrey Epstein?
Who else?
The NYPD in Manhattan DA were Rubenstein's clients as well do the math I was never going to get Justice I'm treated like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany ongoing and Scott Stringer make sure not to settle my case and he push through those condos instead of a trauma level one hospital.
John Lui could have settled my case. Corporation counsel both under Bloomberg and de Blasio Protected all crimes including committed by the NYPD and withheld Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Det. Andrew Dwyer threatening me with a second false cross complaint that letter as a crime corporation counsel withheld it it took me about six years to get that letter!
I first learned about it when internal affairs Mary O'Donnell in front of witnesses said case closed after reading me the threat!
How corrupt is Internal Affairs? Clearly very corrupt. Ditto the Manhattan DA.
Here I am protesting outside St. Vincent's Hospital being turned into condos and I caught a crime scene and now I look like the grandmother of that woman and I'm worried about brain and neurological damage and all along I contacted Dept Of investigation about corruption inside New York City government as well as high-level inside the NYPD and the highest level of top cops are protecting crimes and Civil rights violations some of the protects cops are the same cops that protected sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboys crimes year after year keeping him employed!
You'll note the Manhattan DA was not forced to resign for doing fixing in favors for sex predator rapist Jeffrey Epstein who is able to rape away right here in New York above for law and the NYPD were notified by Maria farmer in me in the 1990s about Epstein and Maxwell their shocking behavior although I did not know about rape I contacted the NYPD and the DA about Epstein stealing my art with the help of Maxwell!
I'm so glad Mormor people around the world are acquainted with my case and how the city of New York has protected all Crimes and Civil rights violations NYFBI protects and see has either protected the crimes or pass them to Internal Affairs to Die dead on arrival.
I'm a whistleblower on corruption the 911 tech system
When whistleblowers would contact me I alerted New York City government department of investigation but clearly they crush whistleblowers… I may even have shocking news on CityTime corruption and the city which I'm not able to share at this time but ironically that has Rudy Giuliani roots the payroll system technology scandal although what I have to share is about Bloomberg and City government corruption in the payroll system that continues to be scandal scarred....and a Judge. I don't know whether I'll be able to share info or not but that scandal is still not over remember New York Post reporter that I was educating had written an article based on information the article was the fact that the crook Denault sued SAIC And he won the lawsuit the company had to pay all his legal bills which was a massive massive amount
The New York post editors kill the new story and the excellent news reporter left the New York post!
Involving me being savagely violated at a doctors two different New York Post reporters tried to tell the story and again editors killed the news. Dept Of investigation massively protected far more corruption than you'll ever know about involving the technology corruption inside city government as well as my case protecting all the crimes and Civil rights violations!
You can see a video of me demanding over $1 billion back citing racketeering charges on the payroll technology corruption CityTime outside SAIC's ny offices and Tish James is standing behind me with a remember many different union representatives except the NYPD.
Corrupt Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy was one of how many NYPD officers using the flood technology to easily steal overtime?
I set a record On the corruption with the payroll system the technology and help to get back half a BILLION taxpayer dollars - The first time Tish James ever met me was at a meeting with DC 37 where I told the union leader we have to terminate the contract and he didn't think that would be possible and later the New York State Comptroller would agree with me and actually do that.
New York City government department of investigation protected all wrongdoing in my case but under Mark peters took money that I forgot to get back CityTime and use it for gun range for Dept Of investigation etc.
I went to City Hall there's a YouTube of the audio where I testify we need criminal prosecution of the 911 tech crooks which is what the comptroller at the time John Liu had requested twice and press releases to the Manhattan DA even calling ECTP 911 tech CityTime 2.
I also had questions about Chief Dowd and others involved in FirstNet another scandal and Bratton and Dowd hosted a board meeting shortly there after that board was disassembled over and more scandals. FirstNet like Mayor Bloomberg's 911 tech were responses to September 11-- but just like the hospital grade came first?
Before I testified I bumped into Ray Kelly as I was heading into City Hall he was exiting and I gave him my Justice card about being assaulted and violated at the doctors and coerced and inside City Hall I walked up to Chief Chuck dowd - he refused to identify himself and I explained that NYPD protocol requires that he tell me who he is so he admitted that he was the chief of technology for the NYPD clearly he didn't want to admit that for obvious reasons the 911 tech was over budget over $1 billion open season stealing delivering late but who cared was only 8 million people depending on that system a response to September 11 so who would care not important right but I agree to False Arrest Nypd running punched my head at the doctors!
I'm clearly being discriminated against and I'm waiting for people in positions of power with integrity to take action in my case and so far zero in almost 8 years in the state of New York the city of New York as we encounter pandemic we even had hail during Passover.....
Wow: I got this message and it's so moving:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” Famous quote: originated with Mahatma Gandhi. Don't let them convince you IT'S YOU; cause it is definitely THEM that's corrupt & callous.
How many times have misogynist men in power tried that with women enabler's?
Manhattan DA assistant district attorney Jennifer Gaffney trying to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status that's crazy did her NYPD husband know about that because apparently the top cops claim they didn't know that NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge...???? Really?
Crazy unethical and like my case The Manhattan DA and the NYPD guilty complicit enabler's and you notice the NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge have not been held accountable just like NYPD that openly broke laws in my case protected by Internal Affairs protected by four police commissioners I'm waiting for the next police commissioner to contact him or her about my case!
The NYPD and City lawyers use the Ron Kuby letter to pretend I was not coerced when his letter is shorthand for I was coerced and my attackers letter in response is another threat of a second false cross complaint which would be second- degree assault that's another crime she needs to be held accountable for but again she and her boss and everyone involved as Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein and his employee Maxwell were for years and she still is. You should know that Jeffrey Epstein was never arrested by the Manhattan DA or NYPD. I believe the US attorney made the arrest in New Jersey to keep the NYPD out of the loop! The NYPD and City lawyers use the Ron Kuby letter to pretend I was not coerced when his letter of shorthand for I was coerced and my attackers letter in response is another threat of a second false cross complaint which would be second-degree assault that's another crime she needs to be held accountable for but again she and her boss and everyone involved is Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein and his employee Maxwell were for years and she still is. You should know that Jeffrey Epstein was never arrested by the Manhattan DA or NYPD. I believe the US attorney made the arrest in New Jersey to keep the NYPD out of the loop
what's crazy is NYPD breaking laws and they're protected by Internal Affairs and top cops not just my case look into Sex Crimes Lieutenant Lamboy -- The same top cops protected him over and over and some of them flew on a federally funded Cessna abuse federal tax payer money and a plane that supposed to fight terrorism cop sitting prepare for pandemic.
The misogynist corrupt powers at be inside New York City government in the NYPD want to write me off is crazy that's a form of misogyny but their behaviors what's crazy and if I was mentally ill it would make their crimes even worse their abuse of power even worse conspiring to make me drop charges even worse...."
What's crazy is taking a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center and making into luxury condos in the West Village that's crazy. The violence at a doctors office and left me with a hole in my retina and cervical damage zero rest zero accountability that's crazy the doctor walking in and committing perjury and mocking at all the violence the lies and even Styrofoam that I asked would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth that's crazy and Dr Andrew Fagelman both bragging about his relationship w/ the NYPD and lying about the NYPD and his involvement with the NYPD Underoath Underoath that's crazy!
His travelers group lawyer behavior and Delita Hooks violently waving star from cups at me as if to say F you in a deposition that's crazy and the doctor when asked what were the grounds for his divorce shaking with anger getting on his cell phone in a deposition and running out that's crazy.