Ask top cops from Ray Kelly era to Shea about despicable violence at Jeffrey Epstein's house and Dr Andrew Fagelman's office why 0 in NYPD crime stats?
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
My Twitter account SuzannahBTroy documents DA NYPD ENABLERS WRONG doing VICTIMIZING victims my case also NYPD Crimes #discrimination for unethical Dr Andrew Fagelman 's office! Clues you in how Jeffrey Epstein got way w/what he did all these yrs in NY! Google dr Fagelman assault
(I am so traumatized the running punched my head my head shaking years of being harassed Threats - one in writing to NYPD Det Dwyer), they lied, gaslight so exhausted DESPICABLE VIOLENCE AND IT DID NOT STOP THERE on going) I couldn't even spell this Chief Monahan correctly but look at my Twitter account my main one and you'll see years and years and years of being ignored and that's how Jeffrey Epstein and in my case the doctors office can get away with what they did get away with.
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
#coronavirus 0 dead NYC but violence NYC too MANY dead, corruption and greed that led to hospitals being shut down another kind of epidemic, the NYPD preventing us from reporting rapes in (typo and sexual) assaults another kind of epidemic IGNORED media killing news
Clearly the messages despicable violence is OK if the NYPD don't value your life!
Prince Andrew was not even questioned Underoath and he was forced out but mDs and NYPD DA ADAS involved in the wrongdoing are Teflon in New York City?
Getting back to the beat down of a 15-year-old girl by a gang two newspapers tell a different story the New York Post is implying that the violence was provoked but that's a game the NYPD play to justify violence with violence should not be provoke a bowl you don't hit people but the NYPD don't want to acknowledge that because their goal erase crimes.
Delita Hooks repeatedly provoked me and I was Dr Vibe's patient so each time Delita Hooks harasser me targeted me she also violated my patient rights and she and Dr Fagelman strategy lie gaslight me along w/ their NYPD enablers NYPD that we're willing to break laws so Delita Hooks committed despicable violence and she still sitting at the desk so no matter how bad her crimes were look at her enablets just like Jeffrey Epstein no one's looking at the enabler's especially inside the NYPD at the DAs office. I can't believe Cy Vance still has his job after what he did w/ Jeffrey Epstein and who else was involved? Do you notice complete silence from the NYPD and DA that's their strategy if they commit crimes like they did in my case they're just silent hoping I'll go away or drop dead.
Then New York Post tells a very different story than New York Daily News. You should know that the NYPD play a game called who provoked whom as a way to ERASE crimes but in my case I was provoked repeatedly by Delita Hooks. The NYPD have a term "round Robin" which means they way in judge you and if they don't like you your activism the color of your skin your religion or anything about you they feel they are justified in discriminating against you - preventing you from reporting crimes.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDDetectives@NYPDTips Ray Kelly thru Shea used Kuby ltr shorthand coerced to ERASE ALL crimes like NYPD DA ENABLED rapist Jeffrey Epstein!NYPD broke laws falsified DD5s City lawyers w/held Delita Hooks ltr THREATENING ME YET AGAIN #Crime, IA Sgt O'Donnell read THREAT TO ME!…
Ray Kelly, top cop's, ditto Bratton O'Neill Shea joined in protecting "despicable violence" erasing all crimes Shea sneered mockingly like Dr Andrew Fagelman. Dr F engaged others to protect his lies and negligence and his Travelers group lawyer joined in like those teenagers she is one how how many who made a mockery of "despicable violence" joining in the lies.
Jeffrey Epstein was like that but he got his karma. 95 year old Nazis finally get held responsible I just have to wait for People with INTEGRITY!
Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks committed perjury empowered by NYPD DA corruption and enablers like Epstein had enablers confident they are above the law and VIOLENCE TOWARDS ME IS OKAY AS TOP COPS AND DA HAVE SIGBSLLED PROTECTING THEM ENABLERS LIKE THEY ENABLED JEFFREY EPSTEIN-- Jeffrey Epstein was never arrested by the DA or NYPD!
Here's an entire playlist of videos including Sex Crimes, Internal Affairs and the 1st Precinct lying to me obstructing justice violating my rights to report crimes and not be forced to drop criminal complaints and to summit up violence is OK if the NYPD in Manhattan DA and the rich and connected that I'm critical of don't like me then a gang of wrong doing is ok.
Ask Delita Hooks how she got my name? Underoath she said social media which is not true. She's made up so many lies but so is her boss Dr Andrew Fagelman who has lots of NYPD patients. Maybe he has other connections like Jeffrey Epstein - is that why he's so confident he can commit perjury and get away with it? He's confident I will continue to be discriminated against? That someone like me cannot get justice so violence lying perjury all of that's OK?
In my new blog on the new police commissioners audio from Sex Crimes when the police commissioner was chief of detectives you can hear the sex crimes detective lying to me and I filed a complaint against her with James O'Neill and Chief Shea.
There's also audio inside the first precinct where I'm being lied to that I cannot report my tackers false cross-complaint O'neill his response is put up signs that say we can't videotape inside the precinct meaning we're not allowed to film crimes inside the precinct crimes committed by NYPD obstructing justice and then Shea takes out the patriot act to abuse as if he doesn't understand the constitution and the fact documenting NYPD wrongdoing is not a crime.
If they don't think they've done anything wrong let's have a new hearing a new permanent Commission to police corruption and question them on our case is my case Jeffrey Epstein's case Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit from Rikers also under Michael Bloomberg but ongoing what happened under de Blasio and let's question corporate counsel Bloomberg and ministration and de Blasio why they protected Crimes and Civil rights violations NYFBI protects as if they did which they did in my case.
How active for NYPD Legal teams inside one police plaza protecting crimes in our case is protecting civil rights and encouraging violating even more civil rights. In court Larry Byrne try to justify NYPD committing perjury as if everyone does it so it's OK when in fact in my case they haven't got the opportunity to commit perjury but I agree to False Arrest Nypd which is kidnapping since I was a victim of a violent crime and it didn't stop there. Threatening a victim during an open investigation is a crime and they were threats to me online and over the phone.
NYPD Det Vergona admitted via his lawyer in federal court corporate counsel lawyer Jonathan Popolow he did threaten me over the phone with arrest unless I drop charges!
I have audio Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell refusing evidence they all use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced when we did not have my attackers name and no one asked her how she got my name not even the Manhattan DA and Joan Illuzzi admitted an awful lot in front of witnesses including I was a victim of second-degree assault menacing and a false cross complaint and that my attacker and her boss should not be discussing me with patients and the patient should not be coming to my YouTube channel to harass me they were doing more than harassing me they were gaslighting me and it didn't stop with them.
I was a victim of horrific violence but more and more people ganged up on me so if you think what you seen that video with a teenage girl is awful imagine being a patient at a doctors and then years and years of people gaslighting lying and ganging up on me with one goal cover up all crimes cover up all wrongdoing and civil rights violations treat me like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany so violence is OK violating my civil rights is OK lying breaking laws is OK.
![]() | Chief Terence Monahan (@NYPDChiefofDept) |
The victim of this despicable gang assault in #Brooklyn is 15-years-old. We will never tolerate this violence in our city. @NYPDDetectives need the help of every New Yorker so they can arrest those responsible. We’re asking anyone with info to contact @NYPDTips at #800577TIPS.
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@BPEricAdams @NYPDShea NYPD Shea mocked me like Dr Andrew Fagelman +enablers violence towards women ok w/ u Cy Vance our lives 0 so ok sexual assault my case erased, Jeffrey Epstein case all crimes erased also 0 in crime stats… Delita Hooks violence ok w/u
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@CarlinaRivera @ManhattanDA@WomensCaucusNYC NYPD Shea mocked me like Dr Andrew Fagelman +enablers violence towards women ok w/ them, Cy Vance our lives 0, sexual assault my case erased, Jeffrey Epstein case all crimes erased also 0 in crime stats… Delita Hooks violence ok w/u
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
Ask Murdoch editors New York post why they killed news me violated at Dr Andrew Fagelman's is it because I called NYP told them Jeffrey Epstein free App 2011 NY Post killed the news why?… JE NYPD DA Rubenstein enablers my case Teflon Dr F Delite enablers?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDDetectives@NYPDTips NYPD Chief Monohan u r lying u r u you're part of a gang of NYPD top cops Internal Affairs protect VIOLENCE pile-up Crimes my case from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to 01 Precinct to 1PP wasn't safe Delita Hooks provoked me threatened me…