Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYC Cy Vance DA not barred from his office for asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status! Cy Vance and Jennifer Gaffney think we believe it was a random mistake? I allege they even knew about Ghislaine Maxwell her role! Ditto NYPD crooks ok ignore Judge!
I believe a mark rich like arrangement was made for Jeffrey Epstein and that's why the Manhattan DA asked to lower his sex offender status and the NYPD said he did not register ignoring a judges court order which they are not allowed to do! In my case I want the city nyc Gov corporate counsel NYPD and possibly other gov agencies -- if they have any relationship with travelers group and Dr Andrew Fagelman. Already been confirmed he has lots of NYPD patients and a teacher from an nyc teacher told me that she was encouraged to go.... my case nypd BROKE laws too like the NYPD asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status ignoring a judges ruling which is against the law just like the laws were broken in my case for wealthy doctor how many other people in city government maybe not just city government other government agencies crossed ethical lines in my case and in other cases part of fixing and favors? 0 NYPD arrested for crimes in my case, Epstein/Maxwell Case.
(Searched on my Blog: nypd office threatens to go to wikileaks with new emails)
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
For me Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks,NYPD that broke laws need to get arrested my case along w/ NYPD that told Jeffrey EPSTEIN he could ignore court appts! Everyone silent on NYPD crimes Dirty DA Cy Vance! Resign! Arrests needed! Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest soon?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Re: Epstein Maxwell
It's hard for me to believe that than mayor Michael Bloomberg and after leaving office too Bloomberg and friends I believe knew about Epstein and Maxwell and NYPD intelligence division detectives did not about Epstein and Maxwell and a lot more....
You'll notice the DA NYPD did not arrest Jeffrey Epstein July 6 and in fact NYPD made sure he didn't have to check in for his court ordered sex offender check-in's which legally he had to do the NYPD we're party to him breaking laws just like in my case I'm alleging the doctor picked up the phone and they said no problem will make this go away and to do that they had a break laws
![]() | Mathieu von Rohr (@mathieuvonrohr) |
Of Course Jeff Epstein Moved His Dirty Money Through Deutsche Bank. Where else?… via @VanityFair
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@mathieuvonrohr @VanityFair DB funded building of Auschwitz IG Farben Dr Mengele DB has private army ex military downtown no name tags… 22 yrs ago Maxwell lured me to Jeffrey Epstein. I allege NYPD DA gave JE GM Teflon $tatus like criminals:my case rich MD Dr F DH NYPD broke laws too!
How did Banks like Deutsche Bank get to have their own private military in this case there are many US former soldiers. Update July 24:
Just tip of the ice berg and I allege when it came to fixing in favors in the Epstein Maxwell case there's crossover especially with top cops and then fixing in favors and protecting all crimes including NYPD crimes literally breaking laws and violating my civil rights offer doctor with NYPD Patience and the doctor pushes Viagra and cures STDs.
I believe mayor Bloomberg and his intelligence division new and the retired cops from intelligence division that work for him now they had to of known just like George Stephanopoulos and Katie Couric me when they went to his house - Charlie Rose his TV show propped up financially by Mike Bloomberg I believe he knew and was even sharing girls with Jeffrey Epstein -
Jeffrey was doing pre-casting couch for Charlie Rose it's just the girls were legal age... he might say well then there's no crime but if he and his pimp flu those women or anyone of any age across state lines is in that sex trafficking or breaks some law they got Elliot Spitzer on ?
.....way more red flags but they're right here in New York City NYPD 1 Police Plaza and Manhattan DA Internal Affairs
![]() | Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) |
"As Deutsche Bank officials this year scrambled to extricate themselves from a years long relationship with Jeffrey Epstein...they uncovered suspicious transactions in which Mr. Epstein had moved money out of the US."
@Jo_Becker @davidenrich scoop |
. Hollywood Cutting Ties With Peggy Siegal Over Jeffrey Epstein Scandal – Variety vs NYC, NYS all enablers including nyc gov DA NYPD protected
July 20 update: I found my post questioning why the Manhattan DA Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne? Questioned it then and I'm questioning it now!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JoeNBC @nytimes Carey Dunne Davis Polk ok sexually assaulting women using fear of retaliation? Google DNA Cy Vance Intern Cy's special helper?…… Cy protected $ funneled de Blasio same $ funneled to ? so Cy doesn't Prosecute? |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
I allege Charle Rose knew they all knew... at some point the Feds knew DA knew NY FBI knew NYPD knew the A list knew! The NY Post cartoon Prince Andrew Jeffrey Epstein circa 2010 hard to miss if they missed 2002 news! They knew and Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell etc TEFLON!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jkbjournalist Did Cy Vance hire Carey Dunne to help do fixing favors cover up for guilty NYS NYC corruption back room deals pay to play? Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell to "pedophile" freely?…,…,…, |
Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne to go after de Blasio as well as advise Cy on covering up his own wrong doing? How could Feds let Cy Vance back in his office?
Keep in mind the New York City media we're talking TV networks and newspapers other than DNA have never reported this story isn't that interesting and none of them picked up on the New York Daily News story in 2015 now all the sudden they care they're interested'
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jedshug @ManhattanDA @CyVance Ghislaine Maxwell as dangerous as Jeffrey Epstein yet not arrested yet?She will have a story to attempt to alleviate guilt? GM guilty a predator special service girl Friday Pimp?… My case MD Dr F w/ Delita Hooks the Fix is in
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jkbjournalist NYPD Internal Affairs protecting crimes + NYPD crimes my case retaliation reported NYPD PO Schatz Mercer Hotel + parking placards? Jeffrey Epstein and his friend had ownership in Mercer Hotel? Schatz FB friends w/ NYPD Det Dwyer/Vergona broke laws my case…
In Florida Internal Affairs Investigations being open but in here it's just years of cover up Crimes and they just do it right in plain sight whether it's Jeffrey Epstein or in my case of wealthy doctors office and SoHo
![]() | julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) |
BTW this is known in the news biz as the FRIDAY NEWS DUMP…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jeffrey Epstein Loses Fight for Release on Bail A danger to the community but the NYPD Cy Vance, Jennifer Gaffney let him Ghislaine Maxwell get away w/ murder like Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks My Case? The FIx was in City Hall knew!…… |
Last ask mayor de Blasio, Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill about this! "...Berman also said there were questions about whether Epstein “has been compliant in legal obligations as a registered sex offender.”" Really! DA NYPD top cops, how many divisions and Dirty DA ADAs did Epstein a favor like they did Dr Fagelman and his employee!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
City Hall emergency public hearing Cy Vance NYPD PC O'Neill Chief Shea under oath My Case, Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell case, Eric Garner Case! Audio Sex crimes det under O'Neill lies to me I wasn't sexually assaulted coerced!…
Internal Affairs is a corrupt and they need to be questioned under oath especially top cops and also why is Chief Reznick still there?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jeffrey Epstein No Bail! Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Teflon arrogant confident they are above the law My Case! Victims lose hope, did EPSTEIN have hope he would get Bail? He got a taste of his own medicine what Dr F, Hooks, NYPD etc broke laws my case should!
I am calling for an emergency hearing at City Hall question the DA under oath about my case, Jeffrey Epstein's case, and top cops asked them about Eric Garner hand written lawsuit filed under Ray Kelly, Eric like me sued under Ray Kelly without a lawyer; in my case it was clearly retaliation as well as fixing in favors for a wealthy MD picked up the phone like he was calling a deli to have me violently coerced and all crimes erased. I am also Whistleblower on and why seek of tech contracts CityTime 911 biggest.NYzpD Sex Crimes LT Lamboy stole OT using citytime lying about OT rapes Cy's office 1pp. nydn reported news! same top cop protected Lamboy crimes also my protected nypd crimes my case fixing for rich md and Delita Hooks Teflon Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCSpeakerCoJo City Hall call emergency public hearing… Cy Vance NYPD PC O'Neill etc under oath My Case, Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell case, Eric Garner Case! Audio Sex crimes det under O'Neill lies to me I wasn't sexually assaulted coerced!
NYPD cop became drug dealer! Any cop like that a patient of Dr Fagelman's who picked up the phone and got fixing in favors in my case -- falsified police reports in the violent coercion of me and all the crimes erased! Dr Fagelman has lots of nypd nyc gov patients! Is Cy Vance his patient too?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jedshug @ManhattanDA @CyVance Corey Johnson I am requesting live stream Cy Vance, Ray Kelly, Top NYPD 3 admin be question under oath asap cases from Jeffrey Epstein to my case to MD sexually assaulted 19 patients to racist dirty dealings as well including an NBA star falsely prosecuted… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@teddyschleifer @gabrielsherman I am calling for an emergency hearing at City Hall question the DA under oath about my case, Jeffrey Epstein's case, and top cops asked them about Eric Garner hand written lawsuit filed under Ray Kelly, Eric like me sued under Ray Kelly without a lawyer…
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![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
Artist beaten into coma by stranger over stare down at NYC bodega has died Prayers condolences. Google Dr Fagelman assault Delita Hooks could have killed me NYPD violently coerced me Cy Vance Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi Internal Affairs protected all crimes!…
I include Internal Affairs email but they've been covering up Crimes for how many years in my case and how many other cases so I do it to show a track record of corruption and complicity
It's amazing to me that no one is sharing that cartoon except for me and now another website but not main stream news. If the NYPD wanna lie and say they didn't know anything about Jeffrey Epstein which of course is impossible and not true even they must have seem that cartoon but NYPD knew it all just like my case and they handed out Teflon cards!
By the way does the MD my case Dr Fagelman take any NYPD to drug parties including NYPD that did fixing in favors in my case ????
This is audio of NYPD Sex Crimes Unit Det. lying to me that I was not sexually assaulted and coerced and this was recorded under the NYPD police commissioner James or Neal and Chief at Det. Shea and as usual I filed a complaint and they protected all crimes so please don't tell me they had no idea about fixing in favors in my case since they were actively protecting Crimes in my case as well as the Jeffrey Epstein 3 police commissioner's didn't know? Did New York Daily News article on Cy Vance and ADA Gaffney (married to a cop) 2015 was hard to miss.
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell made Teflon all these years like my case at Dr Fagelman under Ray Kelly, than Bratton, O'Neill all crimes erased by NYPD Internal Affair's even Sex Crimes under O'Neill for Dr Fagelman who didn't fire Delita Hooks! Dr Fagelman picked up the phone and it was arranged to violently force me to drop charges against my will with a hole in my retina etc.
Alleged victims confront Jeffrey Epstein in court
Two women addressed the judge Monday.
Read in ABC News:
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@thehill Corey Johnson I am requesting live stream Cy Vance, Ray Kelly, Top NYPD 3 admin be question under oath asap cases from Jeffrey Epstein to my case to MD sexually assaulted 19 patients to racist dirty dealings as well including an NBA star falsely prosecuted… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCSpeakerCoJo Corey Johnson I am requesting live stream Cy Vance, Ray Kelly, Top NYPD 3 admin be question under oath asap cases from Jeffrey Epstein to my case to MD sexually assaulted 19 patients to racist dirty dealings as well including an NBA star falsely prosecuted… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JenniferFreemn @BradEdwards_Esq @BradEdwards_Esq here is 2010 NY Post article where Jeffrey Epstein talks about relocating to Dubai! I want to know which PR person that arrange that story to be run in the New York post? If he had a Fake Passport he could move from Dubai else where?…
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![]() | Eliza Orlins (@eorlins) |
Let's not forget that in 2011 Manhattan DA, Cy Vance, argued for leniency for Epstein. My clients (mostly poor people of color) never receive the same treatment. This is exactly the two-tiered system of justice that should not exist.…
Download the Twitter app,, Councilman Richards, New York City Council
Cc:,,, Nypd Commissioner Of Public Info 1 Police Plaza,, Associated Press Press
Subject: Corey Johnson I am requesting live feed Cy Vance, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Top Cops 3 administrations be question under oath as soon as possible involving our cases from Jeffrey Epstein case to my case to a medical Doctor Who sexually assaulted 19 patients to racist dirty dealings as well including an NBA star falsely prosecuted
Note: please excuse terrible typos
With that be a new commission into NYPD Internal Affairs DA corruption and include corporation counsel, New York city comptroller protecting all crimes and civil rights violations in my case and how many other cases ?
The tweet above has a link to audio if you look carefully the tweet starts without audio with the police officer inside the 1st Precinct lying to me telling me I cannot report my attackers first cross complaint but Zachary Carter sent an a lawyer to lawyer New York State Supreme Court saying that the NYPD did investigate my case but think how many investigators New York City government have had my case and protected it year after year from the comptrollers office to corporate counsel to Manhattan DA to the NYPD Inspector general to the Integrity division of Internal Affairs and Internal Affairs it goes on and on and on
I have a series of audios of NYPD and even ADA Joan Illuzzi lying to me. Illuzzi is so unprofessional and so loyal to her misogynist corrupt boss wants to rub my nose in it by telling me they did a thorough investigation when they did not and they didn't even know that I never received a Fed ex because they didn't know where I lived.
Joan Illuzzi acted like she was in love with Cy Vance! Runs that office like it's a cult I call it the "Cult of Cy Vance"