EARLY STAGES...they database is exposing police corruption or in the early state. The NYPD 01 first precinct conveniently located near office of Dr ANDREW fagelman they did fixing and favors for their doctor ? 01 precinct Dr ANDREW fagelman he lives near 01, Nypd ray Kelly lives not far 01 not far from City Hall I remember not far from my protest in front of Dominique Strauss Kahn's rented penthouse. Not far from the FBI New York headquarters the FBI chronically looks way as their brothers and sisters in the police department chronically break laws violator civil rights AND Ignore it the NYPD ERASING sexual assaults AND Any crimes they want including their own!
June 30, 2022 wake up extreme pain: horrifying a 20-year-old mother till pushing her baby and it can happen in New York especially with top NYPD fixing crime stats a numbers game selling a lie the crime is down and worse openly breaking laws to make crimes disappear like my case for Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN who admitted he's got lots of NYPD patients I wonder if he's got FBI patients feds ? Incredible pain my back L hip neck I'm trying to walk move my body,years lies more crimes office Dr. Andrew Fagerman + NYPD crimes=powerful enablers I allege TRAVELERS James toomey KNEW DrF LIED KNEW HOOKS Volatile so is DrF TEMPER asked grounds divorce....
I was painted as an angry woman because I yell town mayor Michael Bloomberg are y'all down a corrupt NYPD cop I reported to Internal Affairs the first 01 NYPD SCHATZ who would be arrested about nine years after reported him for abusive power with his squad car and he gets arrested in a car hitting a car drunk leaving and I'm sure he flashed his badge abusive power in his car.
I started out politely writing letters emails and when I couldn't get justice couldn't get heard couldn't help protect the people of New York with the blatant corruption that was endangering their safety with 911 technology so flaw at the fdny rejected using the new 911 tech...they want to paint me is the bad guy when I was a victim and a whistle blower and still am I haven't been able to heal and people with serious anger management problems like the woman who punched a hole in my retina the detective the doctor they broke loss they get angry break loss and they think it's a big joke that they're above the law ....
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Well you know who else had a terrible temper? Jeffrey Epstein. My theory -- he lost his temper anc he threaten someone or certain people very powerful he shouldn't of and that was his death sentence. Judge Nathan sold a lie saying that no one's above the law you have right she enabled how many more crimes in my case but she wasn't alone the city of the New York corporation council One Police Plaza and their legal division even the New York City comptroller has an investigator and corporation counsel guilty withholding a letter in response to Ron Kuby's letter that's a crime letter that's threatening me yet again with more false cross-complaint. I never got to meet Ron Kuby there was a time between emergency medical visits and my false arrest state Saturday 4 PM unless I drop charges. I would like to discuss this with Human Rights officials at United Nations since the New York City human rights commission division blocked me and then when the Blasio's people come they say well the statutes run out. I don't believe the statute to run out on discrimination targeting someone conspiring to make that person drop charges by having them fall arrested unless they drop charges and it starts with having the perpetrator file a false cross complaint.
She also stated that Dr. Andrew FAGELMAN instructed her to alert him every time Det. Andrew Dwyer called. This statement contradicted Dr. Fagelman who committed perjury stating he had nothing to do with the NYPD in the attack did not happen on his property. Why not commit perjury I'm sure prince Andrew was forced to testify he would as well they're so arrogant like Maxwell they just believe their lies they're perjury is above the law and it is the city committed legal fraud and the first Court that the city committed legal fraud in my case (4 courts) and lied it was Judge ALISON NATHAN's court! Then I see the doctor and he committed perjury he committed page after page of perjury in depositions laughing and mocking as if he was high on the power of committing more crimes and getting away with it because I believe 100% he was in the loop hands he instructed Hooks alert him every time Det. DWYER called and where does Dwyer go after committing crimes in my case and being party to violating my civil rights? I believe from his LinkedIn page and I've never met him or the detective Cipro clause in my case or their immediate supervisor because they were discriminating against me refuse to meet me but on Dwyer's LinkedIn page and I only found him when instead of focusing on healing I had to focus on being a private investigator and found DWYER and Vergona are Facebook friends with the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs NYPD EUGENE SCHATZ!
Every step of the way it's gonna fuck you to me for being a whistleblower treating me like a rape victim I got what I deserve, DELITA HOOKS has admitted giving me the finger three times before I started filming to document her ABUSES abuses of my patient rights, I tried to get help way before I ever took out my iPhone and said please would you give me the finger again.
Assistant district attorney Joan Illuzzi LYING to me that she wouldn't hold my politics my activism against me and then the audio I record she lies and And states we did a very thorough investigation that was her fuck you to me but it really was an admission of 100% guilt that they did not because if they have done a thorough investigation they would've learned about the stalking the continued online how my name was illegally access to how they were discussing me with Patients and the doctor Dr. Andrew FAGELMAN has admitted discussing me with Patients! If the DA in the NYPD had done a thorough investigation there would've been arrest including of NYPD but anyway Delita hooks admitted she targeted me from the moment I sat down.
She stated she was angry at me for moving my chair but she lied that she only remembered me being there one time some of the lies between her and the doctor working coordinated PERJURY like stating my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later when she and the two more staff confirmed she moved out two weeks after I was assaulted.
This is a doctor that caters to lots of NYPD and many government employees in fact a teacher told me her union encouraged teachers to go to this doctor and I find that very distressing when he's so openly and arrogantly committed perjury and travelers make sure to protect all the wrongdoing although they were forced to apologize for the abuse that went on in the deposition it was insincere and fake and phony and I am alleging they cheated me out of justice just like the city of New York except the city has the job of protecting people and NYPD it says protect and serve it doesn't say break laws falsify police reports threaten intimidate victims into dropping charges as their motto.
I did REPORT James Toomey travelers to Dept Of investigation but that's Dept Of investigation who either forwarded my case to Internal Affairs that on arrival or was pardoned covering up for far more crimes than they were ever suggesting to prosecute including 911 tech corruption we're only 60.5 million tax dollars to return no arrests but I agree to False Arrest 2x for not dropping charges!
My first false arrest date was Tuesday at 1 o'clock and I had an emergency dentist appointment for my front tooth chipped because I was so upset about the VIOLENCE the ATTACK the THREATS I chip my tooth biting down on a fork as I ate and talked to my friend. I told the detective john Vergona I would sue him so he move the date to Saturday 4 PM he said that unless I drop charges he was going to arrest me and I asked him false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath and followed up with an email to him including two of NYPD Ray Kelly Community Affairs DETECTIVES Det. Duffy and Det. Martin Brown. Internal affairs top rass were actively involved in protecting crimes and promoting cops that broke laws in my case which they commonly do despite their fake posters like the one 01 NYPD MAGORI Student next to us she openly broke laws in my case at least she was partyed to them breaking laws by turning me away lying to me preventing me from reporting false cross complaint and I'd like to ask her if she's ever sexually assaulted women victims as a form of degrading them harassing them humiliating them because apparently the NYPD enjoy doing unnecessary strip search is which version or our sexual assaults there's one that was described by Eric Garner in his hand written lawsuit that nobody in the black community in a position of power wants to share which is very sad this is also a community that supported Dave Patterson staying in power after he actively intimidated a victim of his best friend 6 foot seven Dave Johnson who practically throttled his victims spousal abuse the only honest people in Albany resigned at a protest it's heartbreaking whatever race color religion crimes are crimes omission be protected including intimidating victims like I was intimidated violently threatened online over the phone and even in a letter that was withheld from me that letter is a crime withholding it is a crime all in plain sight...
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Corrupt NYPD MAGORI PARTY W/ Nypd Ed winski to crimes my case PROMOTED NYPD LT MAGORI under oath questions if she is sexually assaulted victims as part unnecessary strip search body cavity examinations besides being party to obstructing justice in my case? …… | |||||
6/24/22, 3:52 AM |
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CityTime Sex crimes lt lamboy taught us you don't need fancy tech to steal overtime on Rape cases for protector Cy Vance and top brass 1 police plaza INTERNAL AFFAIRS, like my case the most primitive tech a pen or pencil ample?
It means everything to me the caps that is using my federal lawsuit with Judge Alison Nathan as one of their first listings in their database exposing the longest serving Internal Affairs chief Charles Campisi and it's almost funny if it wasn't so horrifying that it says dismiss without discrimination when Zi believe it's quite the opposite!!!!
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Friday June 17, 2022 on transportation to see retina specialist new vitreous leak from violence oct 1, 2012 at Teflon office Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN's office!
PTSD the years and years of gaslighting lies more crimes lying in how many courts lie cheat win will how many government agencies looked away or passed the corruption buck or ignored....
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I updated this blog post about contacting the new police commissioner yeah emailing the police commissioner trying to report sexual assault trying to report corruption it's impossible still a wall and it's no surprise with Eric Adams as mayor and look at his appointees Chief Banks and the other chief who made crime go away by simply contacting a precinct he wanted a crime to disappear and it did? i'm so happy Simone Biles is suing the FBI along with how many other victims
My NY Times My Comment Answer to Horrific Abuses Including Me Violated at MD’s than NYPD Joined in Breaking Laws, Prospect Park Rape, Victims, Family Fight Back Citizen Databases Find Patterns of See Something do Nothing like FBI Larry Nassar?
“NYT: 2. Dozens of young women say they were molested by Larry Nassar, the former doctor for U.S.A. Gymnastics, as the F.B.I. took more than a year to pursue its case against him. |
“Look at all the people who could’ve stopped him earlier,” said Leslie Miller, above, whose daughter Emma Ann was among the victims. “My goal is to find every single one of them in the haystack — expose them all, so this will never happen again.” |
Comment posted on NYT website 11:51:
“I copied and pasted a quote from the article below on accountability. I was the victim of a violent attack at an MD's office in SoHo which included forcible touching of my genital area! My attacker was not fired or arrested! The NYPD don’t like my activism just like the Prospect Park Rape Victim so NYPD joined in breaking laws! I’m not alleging anything; I have evidence but 0 Justice over 5 1/2 years on going. The way that Leslie Miller and all of us across the country can hold people accountable is thru a series of databases. 1st I suggested an NYPD app tracker but a series of data bases city, state and federal to hold gov officials/employees that failed us, or were complicit, or in my case committed crimes accountable.
“Look at all the people who could’ve stopped him earlier,” said Leslie Miller, whose daughter Emma Ann was among the victims. “My goal is to find every single one of them in the haystack — expose them all, so this will never happen again.” For the entire country we need data bases / report how we have been failed and hold the people that should’ve taken action accountable, any government officials any employees that either committed crimes or protected crimes, passed the Corruption buck, etc instead of taking action! I believe we would see patterns that are shocking of how many people have failed us. See Something do Nothing? Lose your job and pension! Note Prospect Park Rape, John Miller wasn’t fired 23 yrs ago by Bratton who admitted she was raped! “"
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Acute insomnia new vitreous leak violence lies Dr ANDREW Fagelman office DrF DELITA Hooks 0 apology + crimes perjury TOO OK w/ travelers insurance LEGAL James Toomey like corrupt LARRY BRYNE WHO THOUGHT NYPD PERJURY NO BIG DEAL? DR F DH NYPD + ENABLERS L MY CASE I WAIT FOR JUSTICE | ||||
(To your right on this blog scan down until you see the index of posts!!!!
Databases exposing police corruption in my case there they are New York civil liberties union's database Lt Angelo Burgos threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest must I drop charges
Pro publica database
database ....judges too...? How judges look at civil rights very differently depending on victim...?
Cap stat database how I learned the real name of NYPD Sgt Chen from the 1st Precinct is Sgt Richard Chen
So honored to be listed on their website suing corrupt Internal Affairs chief Campisi and there are the defendants except for Michael J Agnese because I didn't know how to spell his name properly can you imagine Nypd Lt Michael J Agnese from the Integrity division
Based on Dr Larry Nassar Teflon years, my case Dr ANDREW Fagelman I allege w/ James Toomey TRAVELERS IN THE LOOP ALL HIS PERJURY BUT LIKE LIKE city 1pp corp counsel I believe in New York City comptroller in loop lie cheat win my so far Bloomberg de Blasio administration but Eric Adams no different look who he hires corrupt NYPD CHIEF BANKS MY CASE ERIC GARNER CASE, etc Banks was a "gift taker"... he is one of many corrupt brass devoted to obstruction of Justice our cases?
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell NYPD DA ENABLERS any NY MD underage victims?
July 3, 2022 I have opinions I have a blog I am Whistleblower I also have let other whistleblowers have a voice through me does that mean it's OK to violate my civil rights to break laws falsify police reports conspire to have me violently threaten to protect violent threats to protect lying in every court I sued in and a doctors perjury of course a doctor during a pandemic even more TEFLON or a doctor that caters to Rich powerfully connected people to the NYPD again to TEFLON? His employee to connected as well as her boss to be held accountable and go to jail?
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@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo@NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo@NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul @HRC@SenSchumer @NYPDPC @chuckschumer @Ccrb.@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCLU .@NYPDPC FLOW CHARTS:NYPD POLITICOS MY BLOG corruption,abusers of power etcOBSTRUCTION JUSTICE MY CASE DR ANDREW FAGELMAN office,JEFFREY EPSTEIN GM,Bloomberg $ deBlasio Eric Adams 1PP IA KELLY BANKS ETC!gov Paterson didn't resign y?etc… | |||||
6/17/22, 7:46 AM |