It means everything to me the caps that is using my federal lawsuit with Judge Alison Nathan as one of their first listings in their database exposing the longest serving Internal Affairs chief Charles Campisi and it's almost funny if it wasn't so horrifying that it says dismiss without discrimination when Zi believe it's quite the opposite!!!!
My NY Times My Comment Answer to Horrific Abuses Including Me Violated at MD’s than NYPD Joined in Breaking Laws, Prospect Park Rape, Victims, Family Fight Back Citizen Databases Find Patterns of See Something do Nothing like FBI Larry Nassar?
“NYT: 2. Dozens of young women say they were molested by Larry Nassar, the former doctor for U.S.A. Gymnastics, as the F.B.I. took more than a year to pursue its case against him. |
“Look at all the people who could’ve stopped him earlier,” said Leslie Miller, above, whose daughter Emma Ann was among the victims. “My goal is to find every single one of them in the haystack — expose them all, so this will never happen again.” |
Comment posted on NYT website 11:51:
“I copied and pasted a quote from the article below on accountability. I was the victim of a violent attack at an MD's office in SoHo which included forcible touching of my genital area! My attacker was not fired or arrested! The NYPD don’t like my activism just like the Prospect Park Rape Victim so NYPD joined in breaking laws! I’m not alleging anything; I have evidence but 0 Justice over 5 1/2 years on going. The way that Leslie Miller and all of us across the country can hold people accountable is thru a series of databases. 1st I suggested an NYPD app tracker but a series of data bases city, state and federal to hold gov officials/employees that failed us, or were complicit, or in my case committed crimes accountable.
“Look at all the people who could’ve stopped him earlier,” said Leslie Miller, whose daughter Emma Ann was among the victims. “My goal is to find every single one of them in the haystack — expose them all, so this will never happen again.” For the entire country we need data bases / report how we have been failed and hold the people that should’ve taken action accountable, any government officials any employees that either committed crimes or protected crimes, passed the Corruption buck, etc instead of taking action! I believe we would see patterns that are shocking of how many people have failed us. See Something do Nothing? Lose your job and pension! Note Prospect Park Rape, John Miller wasn’t fired 23 yrs ago by Bratton who admitted she was raped! “
New York civil liberty Union database NYPD LT ANGELO Burgos is in it for threatening a victim like I was threatened with False Arrest Nypd supporting it NYPD Detective john Vergona but it was a group of them all involved in making this go away and I believe 100% that Dr. Andrew Fagelman was in the loop!
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@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP@TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives@MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA@MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! | |||||
3/4/18, 12:47 PM |
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years ago I reported my concerns about James Toomey TRAVELERS CORPORATION Counsel to Dept Of investigation NYC....
Just like trying to report medical misconduct it's impossible you just hit a wall just like the wall around the justice system in New York City New York State as our federal government looks away...The federal government is part of the wall...?
I continue to call for an app a data system to show how we are ignored the complicity our journey year after year to fight for justice when we are denied it and in fact there are more crimes committed more discrimination.
I also would like to know the name of the doctors that Jeffrey Epstein had the girls go to to be screamed as he shared them and with him and the other elements to the crimes that we don't even know everything is a cover-up but look at the NYPD Manhattan DA role in his case with ghislaine maxwell and in my case...! How many other cases?
Note: rest in peace Tim. Thank you for joining me and Norman Siegel fighting for a hospital at City Hall literally sitting down with Christine Quinn and her staff. Who would've imagined we'd have a pandemic and no trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village.
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@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo@NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo@NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul @HRC@SenSchumer @NYPDPC @chuckschumer Dad WW2 VETERAN DIED KNOWING NYPD RAY KELLY role treat me like Jew EARLY Nazi G. Bratton o'Neill Shea campisi ETC Dr ANDREW Fagelman DELITA Hooks DA Joe TACOPINA, James TOOMEY Travelers chose EVIL, MORE CRIMES!… G-d sees all! Jeffrey Epstein karma!JUSTICE! | |||||
5/30/22, 9:06 AM |
Under Bill Deblasio his NYPD intelligence division tried to remove me from a group of 300 women survivors and the women would not allow me to be removed - The NYPD intelligence division bodyguards for the mayor and his wife overstepped lines and they were not held accountable on top of which I want to know their names including who is this guy because he knows my name there's always this incredible abuse of power from the doctors office they were never asked by investigators how they got my name!
-lying to the police during an open investigation DELITA Hooks lied to the NYPD during an open investigation, she filed a false cross complaint, she submitted a letter in response to RON Kuby's letter threateningly me yet again! The letter acknowledges that she's committed to a series of CRIMES and I could come back and report them and I better not if I do she's gonna file more false cross-complaint and I'm guessing Joe Tacopina drafted that because it's shockingly aggressive and it's inappropriate and I believe it could be a crime it was so incriminating it was withheld from me by the first precinct, by internal affairs by corporation counsel with the goal to cover up all the crimes this is very serious I believe it's legal fraud ! I never got a chance to meet Ron and his letters not exactly what I agreed to I had to have emergency surgery for my RETINA Friday and I was to be false rested Saturday 4 PM if I didn't drop charges these are Blayton crimes in plain sight. Audios NYPD PREVENT ME FROM REPORTING CRIMES LYING TO ME THAT I CANNOT REPORT A FALSE CROSS COMPLAINT AND SEX CRIMES LYING To ME I WAS NOT SEXUALLY ASSAULTED.
The NYPD want my case closed because they committed serious crimes and so did the doctors office so they're willing to break more laws obstruct more justice to cover up terrible wrongdoing abuse of power civil rights violations and more crimes including lying in legal proceedings and withholding a letter where I'm being threatened I am threatened in that letter I should've been issued a copy of that letter immediately!

-threatening a victim with retaliation during an open investigation they were series of threats
-The doctor's office and the NYPD conspired to make me drop charges and all crimes have been protected at the highest level bloomberg era Deblasio now Eric Adams please read civil rights lawyer in JOEL Berger Reforn NYPD in the New England Journal calling for racketeering charges as well as going after the ENABLERS
I filed a series of complaints this is the newest with the police commissioner but I know I'm just invisible I continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages a Nazi Germany by Manhattan DA Braggs like Cy Vance ENABLERS of how many CRIMES CORRUPT to the core even had a dream a bad dream this morning confronting the dirty DA yet again...
I never got a chance to meet Ron Kuby I had to have emergency surgery Friday, October 19, 2012 and then I was to be false arrested Saturday, October 20 the city the detective also lied that the detective did not know I was Jewish when there's an email from October 16, 2012 false arrest the babbling Jew on the Sabbath he called me Babbling, yelled at me he didn't care if I two black eyes yelled at me that I was gonna drop charges or he was going to arrest me he told me to keep my head down...The email following up with a false arrest of me that you on the sabbath included two of NYPD Ray Kelly Community Affairs Detective Detective Brown and Det. Duffy.
I had asked Det. John Vergona FALSE arrest the Jew on the sabbath are you anti-Semitic? No answer from him. I don't know how this guy lives with himself he and his boss is the amount of crimes they've committed they have badges the oath they took off so they violated that oath they broke laws! They're protected like Mafia.
The attorney general tells you to contact the FBI but the FBI are in it with them ask them about Epstein and Maxwell how they were able to operate all these years and they were never actually arrested in New York State or New York City?
attorney general decades tells us to contact FBI when NYPD violate our civil rights! FBI are enablers ignored victims of Dr. Larry Nassar, Jeffrey Epstein , Ghislaine Maxwell, etc how many times? My case NYPD broke laws too Re: Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN office...also impossible to report medical misconduct or Hyppa violations this doctors office has never been confronted questionedby government entities that are supposed to protect human rights patient rights civil rights and uphold US Constitution and discrimination laws because I was targeted for some reason I was yelled at that I have no rights I was seeing is something other....
Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN w/ James Toomey TRAVELERS appointed lawyer mocked the violence mocked me caring about the planet, NYPD erasing all crimes so no surprise DELITA Hooks yelled at me WHO R U YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! Like Nazis target victims as "other"! TEFLON it took me half a decade of never giving up to get a copy of the letter they withheld the letter threatens me it has my name no one asked my attacker and her boss Dr. Andrew Fagelman how they got my name they committed so much PERJURY but when they told the truth it was so incriminating they seem to enjoy committing perjury so openly confident yet again they would be above the law.
I watch the Netflix documentary about the MD who impregnated women with his own sperm kind of rape there was no consent he did not go to jail again to connected to powerful doctors are above the law like NYPD way too often...
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@suzannahbtroy @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul Ghislaine Maxwell case PEOPLE may pay attention IMPOSSIBLE TO REPORT CRIME when NYPD DA cy vance,staff IA etc enablers,2001 on xerox my NYT ltr BATTLE Mural Pain I wrote DA! 2012 on going I've audios,VIDEO,NYPD falsified DD5s re:office Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN, COURTS LIE CHEAT WIN OK! |
Below newest complaint calls for RICO --mayor terrible typos but that's because I'm having bad dreams I'm waking up every few hours remember it was a Running punched my head so hard a hole in my retina was made and I'm still having problems with my eye the newest a vitreous leak just in the left eye that I was punched in...for many years I have been tortured gaslighted -- as listed in my opposition to dismiss with Judge Alison NATHAN I list and then he threats to me during an open investigation and reference a letter that was withheld I didn't know what the time the term legal fraud....not that it would've mattered judges protect the wealthy that connected in the NYPD way too often and so did juries....?
October 1, 2012 will be 10 years obstruction of justice falsified police reports downgrading second-degree assault, sexual assault, menacing, criminal mischief, NYPD and Dr. Andrew Fagelman DELITA Hooks + I alleged Joe Tacopina who also committed federal offense using a fake account on YouTube to violently threaten me cunt THREAT to turn the tables and that he drafted the letter that the city withheld with the 1st Precinct Internal Affairs One Police Plaza LEGAL with a goal to commit legal fraud as well cheat lie win in court with corporation counsel. The New York City comptroller also has an investigator as does Internal Affairs and then many different divisions so let me know when Sex Crimes will stop preventing me from reporting sexual assault and when Internal Affairs will stop being accessory to multitude of crimes obstruction of justice along with One Police Plaza LEGAL. I've been trying to report crimes per almost a decade please let me know when I become an equal rights citizen instead of discriminated against my civil rights violated as well as retaliated against... as the doctor in his employee have they got my name. If you ever find anyone with integrity that will investigate they have to audiotape any questions because these people can emergery with joy confident they are TEFLON above the law. Please read New England law journal Reforming Nypd by civil rights lawyer Joe Berger I hope to be part of class action lawsuits against every enabler inside government as well as those that they were doing fixing in favors for or were in the loop the goal to line all legal proceedings legal fraud. As the article suggests I grew racketeering charges would be appropriate.