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@suzannahbtroy @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul Ghislaine Maxwell case PEOPLE may pay attention IMPOSSIBLE TO REPORT CRIME when NYPD DA cy vance,staff IA etc enablers,2001 on xerox my NYT ltr BATTLE Mural Pain I wrote DA! 2012 on going I've audios,VIDEO,NYPD falsified DD5s re:office Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN, COURTS LIE CHEAT WIN OK! pic.twitter.com/rMxcyB8iZL
As a medical patient I also found it was impossible to report the doctor in this office for anyone doing and possible Hippa violations . Update nov 27,2021http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1
It took me half a decade of never giving up to get a copy of the letter withheld from me by the first precinct, NYPD Legal, city of NY Corp Counsel in all courts, the letter is ANOTHER THREAT, a crime, my guess most likely drafted by Joe Tacopina.... The letter threatens me with a 2nd FALSE cross complaint + Tacopina never denied he broke the law he and his partner using fake accounts threatening me online on my YouTube channel. Reminder Tacopina used to work for the Brooklyn DA... brags he got an Abner Louima cop off, the NYPD rape cops off, Tacopina took proffer agreements that sent his best friend Client ex nypd police commissioner Bernie Kerik to jail. https://www.wisenberglaw.com/articles/queen-for-a-day-the-dangerous-game-of-proffers-proffer-agreements-and-proffer-letters/ i'd like to review the proffer testimony because if he lied I want him to go to jail for that too. The first precinct the city of New York One Police Plaza LEGAL CORPORATION COUNSEL as party to protecting the crimes including obstruction of justice + the letter THREATENING ME was withheld from me OVER HALF A DECADE AND IN 4 courts ! I first learned about the letter from corrupt Internal Affairs sgt Mary O'Donnell who read me the letter + lead me to believe Dwyer was spelled "Drier" and she said case closed. The strategy was to protect the CRIMES by LYING in Court that I was not coerced withholding that letter and citing Kuby's case closed. I never time to meet him because I had medical appointments and then emergency surgery from the attack Friday and I was to be false arrest Saturday at 4 PM UNLESS I DROPPED CHARGES. Lt Angelo Burgos is in the the water down database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest . As I wait for justice over nine years I can pray all involved all involved get their karma but I'd like to see them arrested and held accountable.
Update again oct 15 Reforming the NYPD — New England Law Review | Forum
https://www.newenglrev.com/v55-special/reforming-the-nypdThis article tells you about corporation council in our cases CHRONICALLY Lying in legal proceedings; in my case THEY ALL LIED cheat to win lie cheat when in plain sight.
October 25 I came up with the term "outsider trading" instead of insider trading it's about why no crooks prosecuted -- ECTP psac1 psac2 aka 911 tech corruption during City Hall Mike Bloomberg Mark Page era -- it would be bad for the stocks be bad for the pensions New York pensions and other pensions go to the bottom of this post read about that and how I agree to force arrest 2 times UNLESS I dropped charges with a hole in my retina from attack at TEFLON MD Dr Andrew Fagelman in my opinion watching him commit perjury so brazenly in mockingly fraudster so no surprise he caters to government employees including lots of NYPD....
Oct 27, 2021 Larry BRYNE lost his NYPD brother tragically and they shared a third brother and FBI agent that tragedy does not justify the NYPD chronically committing perjury. It's over nine years the crimes in my case have been covered up protected the strategy use Ron Kuby's letter when I never even got to meet him I had to have emergency surgery and before thoracic Saturday 4 PM the day after my retina was repaired from the attack.
The strategy all criminal activity tied to the doctors office --- 1 police plaza IA SEX CRIMES CORPORATION COUNSEL -- use Ron Kuby's letter and pretend there was no letter in response that letter IN RESPONSE yet another crime threatening me with a second false cross-complaint!!!!
The first precinct detective squad every division involved including Corporation Counsel withheld it because cheating to win lying was an remains more important!
More on NYPD lying in legal proceedings
Don't forget Larry BRYNE -- The head legal czar for the NYPD said in a court room to JUDGE Weinstein PERJURIES no big deal everyone does it. BRYNE was also behind 50a. It's tragic his brother who is an NYPD cop was murdered because of his uniform but it doesn't give him license to encourage and defend NYPD breaking laws. Since he did his horrible wrongdoing in court he's passed away before he did I confronted him and I'm proud of it. You might not agree unless you are taken hostage by the NYPD and falsely imprisoned. Their brother is an FBI agent and I don't know if he agrees that it's OK to cheat lie commit perjury falsely arrest people. I can tell you the FBI has looked away chronically when it comes to the NYPD in the attorney general always refers you to your local FBI re: NYPD violating our civil rights breaking laws.

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn @NYCLU @ACLU @FBI.@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCLU
I'm critic of Oligarchs of NY,
gov dirty dealings tied to PENSIONS
like Teflon ECTP 911 Tech NYPD IA
Jeffrey Epstein was Teflon
bragged re:his 'trust' in nypd
pic.twitter.com/xNWuMYgRGT 11/1/21, 8:13 AM
Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@HRC @SenSchumer
Ghislaine Maxwell bragged RM arms deal
saved Israel,poor GM clueless
I knew RM robbed employees pensions.
Ask Schumer y Hewlett-Packard
returned only10.5Mtax$ stolen0arrests
HP pensions v VIOLATED AT MD +
arrest unless drop charges
ask JUDGE ALISON NATHAN pic.twitter.com/tQUiQT9K5x 11/21/21, 5:05 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Judge Alison Nathan ALL JUDGES
MY CASE OK defendants lied
legal proceedings.My dream FRAUD RICO
charges City NYPD IA 1PP Legal
Corp COUNSEL etc
my opinion Dr ANDREW Fagelman
James Toomey TRAVELERS
Joe Tacopina etc +
App data Judges rate them
add allowed lying MORE CRIMES pic.twitter.com/C7LuPVlGXQ
An NYPD officer was quietly FIRED. 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

teen's shooting fired?Took yrs?
Our cases CORPcounsel City,
IA party goal lie cheat win?
NO BIG DEAL? #civilrights +
cases?My #patientsafety Body
of Dr Andrew FAGELMAN
nypost.com/2021/10/27/nyp… 10/27/21, 5:53 PM
Read Joel Berger his article in New England law journal about possible racketeering charges because of what I witnessed including I believe lawyers who I alleged were party to their defendants lying in legal proceedings legal filings I believe that's fraud but even more so I would like to see racketeering charges if Joel Berger's case is correct for so many of us that it was done chronically.... 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

RICO suggested NE Law Journal
NYPD Corp Counsel "etc" ENABLERS?
NO time meet RON KUBY
from attack office DR ANDREW FAGELMAN FRIDAY,1dayb4 SAT4pm
HOOKs ltr CITED KUBY LTR CASE CLOSED pic.twitter.com/gSaTbBNkTS 11/1/21, 10:35 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul Can u imagine MD NYC Soho located by 01 precinct not far from City Hall FBI NY headquarters DrF enjoyed committing perjury mocked me a victim horrific violence at his office DrF James Toomey Travelers appointed lawyer made a mockery of it.DrF "trusted" NYPD!So did Jeffrey Epstein pic.twitter.com/V6oXWcMQea 11/1/21, 11:36 AM
The city of New York has investigators the New York City comptroller's office, one police plaza they have a legal division and investigators, Internal Affairs, Corporation council has investigators and I can tell you in my case I ALLEGE they all knew there was a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second false cross-complaint. It was hard not to notice I sued in 4 courts and I'm not done.... Joel Berger has made a powerful point about RICO charges and I am thinking that MAY BE The only way to get the city of New York corporation Council One Police Plaza with their legal team there to stop being party to the goal to lie cheat win in our cases.....
I know some of the people involved were former US attorneys and of course US attorneys, AG attorney generals don't want to prosecute their own but if that's what it's going to take to stop chronic horrific abuses crimes Civil rights violations NYPD crimes chronically lying in legal proceedings etc. all protected MORE WRONG DOING.... Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn
1PP NYPD intelligence div
Sex Crimes IA go:obstruction Justice
etc,my case 01 all of the above
had Hooks ltr party w/holding ltr,
CORP COUNSEL,comptroller
NYPD abuse data/tech
chronic SPY on victims?
pic.twitter.com/PER6JzwvRH 10/31/21, 7:09 PM
Corporation council withheld a letter in response to Ron Kuby's their strategy was the same as One Police Plaza the 1st Precinct Internal Affairs withhold a letter in response because it's a crime threatening me with a second force cross-complaint and I think only Joe Tacopina a former assistant district attorney in the Brooklyn DA could've been that aggressive and CONFIDENT that Teflon?
Every step the way that letter was withheld from me I thought and finally got it five years later because I never gave up! 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn
NYPD 1PP + legal division
IA SEX Crimes,Intel, ASK THEM,
Cy Vance + staff: about exploring
Hacking spy software same era
as enabling crimes our cases!
My case office of
MORE CRIMES my case,
politico.com/states/new-yor…pic.twitter.com/K4EvQjESYH 10/31/21, 7:41 PM
Maxwell Trial Tracker@TrackerTrial
Reddit user u/MaxwellHill is 99% likely to be Ghislaine Maxwell. That user posted nearly every day for 14 years up until Maxwell's arrest. Here is more evidence. https://twitter.com/TrackerTrial/status/1462666898689175553/photo/1 11/22/21, 1:18 AMHow many people got online on behalf of the Dr. where they volunteers that posted gaslighting lies like one example on yelp and DR ANDREW FAGELMAN PERJURIES RE: YELP, he didn't read yelp he didn't read the yelp reviews what a liar... put someone on his behalf posted a lie that I doctor the video when I didn't and his Travelers insurance lawyer appointed by James Toomey asked me if I doctor the video quoting a yelp review when the goal was to lie in every way to make sure that I would not get justice.
How ironic I'm thankful to DELITA Hooks for taking a break from her many PERJURIES to admit the truth of everything you seen that video plus more. 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@suzannahbtroy @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul
Audio ADA Joan Illuzzi lying to me thoro investigation!
Investigator Siobhan Berry.
Joan didn't ask y I, Kuby had
no copy of DELITA HOOKS ltr
patient w/ his + more!
pic.twitter.com/TtPuggBFgx 10/29/21, 11:46 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul Cuomo arrest?Gov Dave Paterson not arrested alleged WITNESS INTIMIDATION.My case Dr ANDREW Fagelman mocking, perjury re: ATTACK,NYPD,Yelp,DrV.Dr F patients NYPD,GOV EMPLOYEES. NYPD my case broke laws.DrF "trusted" NYPD to investigate! JEFFREY EPSTEIN NYPD DA ENABLERS TOO! pic.twitter.com/9oUxnutM4Q 10/29/21, 11:40 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Travelers James Toomey DR ANDREW FAGELMAN strategy mock violence me caring about environment MOCK MY #patientsafety 1 concern will I re-appeal lawsuit NYPD! Y? #HIPPA violations?How far did CITY NYPD MD etc go TO WIN? Jeffrey Epstein underage girls NY MDs? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… 10/29/21, 11:33 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul
DR VINE's patient!
about attack!
Jeffrey Epstein
enabled more CRIMES.
HIPPA VIOLATIONS? 10/28/21, 3:43 PM
Nov 29, 2021 update PTSD....It's Friday morning my head hurts I woke up at 2 AM I wasn't able to get back to sleep it's almost 6 AM and I can't believe Governor Cuomo the X governor is going to be arrested while The accidental governor Dave Paterson I believe committed witness tampering it's shocking shocking story not forced to resign or arrested.
My case has been like one long extended hate crime as I continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany...
Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn
Mayor de Blasio scandal scared
NYPD intelligence division newest:
shared hotel w/ staffer
same dirty division
de Blasio boys set on me
#Survivor Rally CITY Hall
2 youtubes:1 lied to me he
doesn't have to show me badge.
Hundreds of women prevented my removal.youtu.be/RKKOwshy9vkpic.twitter.com/7O3PC87Adl 10/31/21, 5:52 PM
Petition · NYPD Sgt Chen, Det Vergona Det Squad 1…When I wrote this petition I didn't know how could I thought NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos would be exposed in the water down civil liberties database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest. I contacted the New York FBI about Lt Burgos harassing me mocking me as I sued requesting to join my linked in network.

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

James TOMEY Travelers strategy
my patient rights body violated
Iallege FRAUD DRF knew
she was volatile was warned!
TOOMEY 1 concern
re-appeal lawsuit NYPD!
Travelers like City
Corp Counsel chronic
Hippa violations too? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… 10/29/21, 5:14 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

If Prince Andrew wants to
DrF w/ Travelers lawyer appt
by James Toomey
MOCKED VIOLENCE #patientsafety
Too many judges ok w/LIE CHEAT WIN? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… DrF TRUSTED NYPD to investigate! pic.twitter.com/j9zsCd6o0x 10/20/21, 8:33 AM
Update October 18, 2021"Beginning with my botched rape investigation, it has been difficult to experience firsthand the systemic incompetency and lack of investigative effort,” Christine said during the hearing. "
https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/rape-survivor-details-botched-nypd-probe-in-emotional-testimony/NYPD erase RAPES SEXUAL ASSAULTS for a multitude of reasons to lower statistical reports because they have no respect for women because they don't like our race religion or politics activism because they themselves have a culture of rape and misogyny. The amount of rapists that have made it past the psychological evaluation is staggering. Our lives don't matter.... in my case besides my activism which got me the label complainer the crime took place or the series of crimes began at a doctors office that caters to NYPD and government employees..... The doctors and his employee we're not shy about committing perjury and they cater to Gov employees.... (retired cops, wealthy elite -- where did Epstein send his teen victims in nyc for medical care.... just a reminder besides reporting NYPD crimes it's almost impossible to report doctors as well and in my case a doctor and employee that caters to government employees and lots of NYPD ....think about that too... does he have federal state government patients that want an unethical MD? I'm just wondering because every step of the way ethics meant zero in plain sight the city Corporation Counsel the doctor I ALLEGE PARTY TO MORE CRIMES HOW ABOUT FRAUD IN Legal proceedings besides bing party to making all crimes disappear goal coerce me using Delita Hooks FALSE CROSS COMPLAINT! The city Corporation Counsel the Legal division one police plaza the first precinct withheld Delita Hooks letter threatening me with a second False cross complaint to the attention of Detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by corrupt lieutenant angelo BURGOS -- Who is already in the water down database released by the New York civil liberties union for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest!

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@billritter7 @ABC7NY @KristinThorne #BrianLaundrietold police #GabbyPetito
CRAZY misogyny 101 like
Look at YOUR BIAS favor Boyce?
NYPD told EPSTEIN ignore judge!
TURN BROKEN WINDOWS ON 1PP! pic.twitter.com/GiwY90TxaF 10/22/21, 10:32 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

ABC ethics #BrianLaudrie victims
crazy bias?DISCLOSE who
arranged George Stephanopoulos
Jeffrey Epstein +
other "dinners" w/ JE ?
BOB BOYCE misogyny
lie legal fraud win City
01 IA withheld LTR
ASK BOYCE lTR!suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe…pic.twitter.com/iLM1h6DbVp 10/22/21, 11:17 AM
I want top NYPD to explain this letter and why it was withheld from me and my short term lawyer Ron Kuby Since it's a direct threat to me it's threatening me it's a crime it was withheld in 4 courts were the city cheated to win because they can!
ABC gives is corrupt misogynist NYPD chief of detectives the right to chime in on a fellow Misogynist Brian Laundrie -- Who use the oh she's crazy routine to do attempt to justify the unjustifiable.....
ABC was well aware of my case I spoke to Jim Hoffer. I wasn't Jim's wife so it's OK.
Cy VANCE STILL NOT FIRED for his role trying to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status to give him the freedom he enjoyed in the virgin islands! Don't forget his assistant Jennifer Gaffney who got a soft landing as an investigator...? She has an NYPD supervisor husband who has access to databases? Not only are government officials party to obstruction of justice or worse in our cases they get soft landings to do what to help harm more victims? Joe Tacopina has never denied he broke laws in my case or his partner Chad Siegel despite my ethical complaints! Don't forget Lisa Bloom offered to destroy the victims for Harvey Weinstein and she's not disbarred.
This is not a new trend it's just now out there and no one cares?
Every audio I have for the NYPD lying to me obstructing justice -- and they had a copy of that letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint but they were protecting the first force cross-complaint but every audio it's a woman Sex Crimes DETECTIVE a woman lying to me... internal Affairs it's a woman SGT MARY O'Donnell -- we were not even aware of a letter until she let me know about it and then said case closed and missed lead me to believe Det. Dwyer's name was spelled DRIER! That's how corrupt she is.
The misogyny often has women club members like the Manhattan DA and the Brooklyn DA take a look at these photos!!!!

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

I'm 1 of too many victims violent crime + sexual assault every div NYPD IA DISCRIMINATED AGAINST US NO JUSTICE MY CASE MORE CRIMES YRs GASLIGHTING!Apologies, $ compensation including for every court where city of NY LIED!u had Hooks ltr! Ignored u cited KUBY CASE CLOSED!0 ARRESTS pic.twitter.com/KmsGcMs0Ko 10/21/21, 8:21 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@suzannahtroy @suzannahbtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul
NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer 01
promoted FBI NYPD Task force
after party falsified DD5s
VIOLATED office of
1PP LEGAL Sex Crimes
IA FBI ERASE any crimes
for Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell? pic.twitter.com/Ac1W1rXfnT 10/21/21, 8:17 AM
Oct 21, 2021 This morning I filed a complaint yet again with Dept Of investigation do you know how many administrations-- 1st Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn, then de Blasio - MARK PETERS - yeah his secretary told me to call Internal Affairs suing them! He was forced out one he expose Zachary Carter had a Corporation Counsel blacking out redacting incriminating evidence regarding a nursing home but Mark peters took money that we fought so hard to get back 911 tech corruption from Hewlett Packard 0arrests but I agree to false arrest two times and Mark peters use some of that money to build a gun range for Dept Of investigation? The new commissioners just like NYPD Inspector General no arrests and they collect their big paychecks like every person in the government who is either forwarded our case to Internal Affairs DOA DEAD ON ARRIVAL or doesn't even bother because I think we deserve what we got we're nothing...(you have no idea EXHAUSTION TRAUMA Pile-up of crimes, fraud lying in legal proceedings, GASLIGHTING, THREATS ETC it is nine years I've been punched in the head so hard I had to get surgery on my retina which is attached to the brain this is at a doctors office so I went to get peace of mind I've never been able to rest and heal and relax... I always feel like I'm on the defense because they're going to commit get another crime they're gonna lie in another legal proceeding which is fried and they're going to be Teflon as even more JUDGES ETC just look away...?)New York civil liberties union water down database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest! I was given his email since he never acknowledged me, The dirty corrupt prejudice cops refused to meet me as they openly broke laws with the precincts knowledge it was kind of like Abner Louima -- The entire Precinct I believe knew what went on and no one contacted! The first audio I posted YouTube is at the 1st Precinct I'm being lied to that I cannot report a false cross complaint and there's a big poster by corrupt NYPD police woman as she is party to discrimination obstruction of justice because they don't like me my politics my style my activism -- The poster ---- if you see corruption inside the NYPD to call INTERNAL AFFAIRS! The dirty corrupt cops like the doctors office that caters to NYPD and government officials and this is an MD dr Andrew Fagelman who enjoyed committing perjury and mocking the crimes abuses in my case and he caters to government officials like NYPD...
My case wasn't botched they broke laws -- they withheld a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second False cross complaint and from Kuby My short term lawyer who I never met because I had a half of emergency surgery plus visit my Dad who was not well and died as I pursued justice in federal court and One Police Plaza corporation council party to fraud Lying and legal proceedings to protect falsified police reports downgraded to zero crime.
If the city of New York and politicians are going to protect systematic discrimination civil rights violations and crimes and perhaps we need our federal racketeering charges as lawyer Joel Berger suggested in New England legal journal?
Corporation Counsel - chronically lied in our cases look at the article!!!!! They lied in my case 4 courts and JAMES TOOMEY LAWYER FOR DR ANDREW FAGELMAN AND HIS PLAYERS INCLUDING OTHER LAWYERS INVOLVED STRATEGY Mock me mock the violence mock my patient rights my body Violated asked me why do I have a hysterectomy... ONE CONCERN WILL I RE-appeal MY LAWSUIT AGAINST THE NYPD! Why? He too PARTY to fraud? He knew his client was going to walk in commit perjury and lie the attack did not happen on the property.... Team Dr ANDREW Fagelman Travelers w/ some "help" party to goal cheat to win?
I want to know if he had even one conversation With top NYPD with anyone from One Police Plaza any legal NYPD Plaza a Corporation Counsel or any government employees and Government employees in his family or any of the lawyers family I'm just curious about the brazenness of what I am alleging are more wrongdoing -- I don't have a legal degree but I believe it's called fraud.
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@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn @NYCLU @ACLU @FBI.@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCLU I'm critic of Oligarchs of NY, gov dirty dealings tied to PENSIONS like Teflon ECTP 911 Tech NYPD IA so do a BRIAN LAUNDRIE JUSTIFY THE UNJUSTIFIABLE? Jeffrey Epstein was Teflon LIKE I ALLEGE DR ANDREW FAGELMAN is bragged re:his 'trust' in nypd to INVESTIGATE! pic.twitter.com/xNWuMYgRGT | |||||
11/1/21, 8:13 AM |
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@HRC @SenSchumer Ghislaine Maxwell bragged RM arms deal saved Israel,poor GM clueless I knew RM robbed employees pensions. Ask Schumer y Hewlett-Packard returned only10.5Mtax$ stolen0arrests HP pensions v VIOLATED AT MD + NYPD CRIMES THREATS FALSE arrest unless drop charges ask JUDGE ALISON NATHAN pic.twitter.com/tQUiQT9K5x | |||
11/21/21, 5:05 AM |
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.@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCLU RICO suggested NE Law Journal NYPD Corp Counsel "etc" ENABLERS? NO time meet RON KUBY EMERGENCY SURGERY MY RETINA from attack office DR ANDREW FAGELMAN FRIDAY,1dayb4 SAT4pm FALSE ARREST UNLESS I DROP CHARGES!01 IA CC w/held HOOKs ltr CITED KUBY LTR CASE CLOSED pic.twitter.com/gSaTbBNkTS | |||||
11/1/21, 10:35 AM |
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@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn RICO CHARGES?How FAR did 1PP NYPD intelligence div Sex Crimes IA go:obstruction Justice etc,my case 01 all of the above had Hooks ltr party w/holding ltr, cite Kuby ltr CASE CLOSED DITTO CORP COUNSEL,comptroller all have INVESTIGATORS. NYPD abuse data/tech chronic SPY on victims? pic.twitter.com/PER6JzwvRH | |||
10/31/21, 7:09 PM |
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@NYDailyNews @graham_rayman @michaelgartland@PPVSRB @JacqCutler @petersblendorio@NYDNPolitics @NewsMaven @ErikaMNews@janieho16 @snydenydn NYPD 1PP + legal division IA SEX Crimes,Intel, ASK THEM, Cy Vance + staff: about exploring Hacking spy software same era as enabling crimes our cases! My case office of DR ANDREW FAGELMAN! DA NYPD ENABLERS MORE CRIMES my case, JEFFREY EPSTEIN etc politico.com/states/new-yor…pic.twitter.com/K4EvQjESYH | |||||
10/31/21, 7:41 PM |
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@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul NYPD 1PP 01 IA DA CY VANCE TIANA WALTON JOAN ILLUZZI, DELITA HOOKS NEVER ASKED HOW SHE GOT MY NAME DR VINE's patient! DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS COMMITTED PERJURY about attack! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… TEFLON ENABLERS like Jeffrey Epstein enabled more CRIMES. HIPPA VIOLATIONS? | |||||
10/28/21, 3:43 PM |
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@billritter7 @ABC7NY @KristinThorne #BrianLaundrietold police #GabbyPetito CRAZY misogyny 101 like NYPD IA DA? Look at YOUR BIAS favor Boyce? NYPD BOYCE PARTY to DISCRIMINATION erase all crimes SEXUAL ASSAULT MY CASE!Boyce PROMOTED DWYER NYPD FBI TASK FORCE? NYPD told EPSTEIN ignore judge! TURN BROKEN WINDOWS ON 1PP! pic.twitter.com/GiwY90TxaF | |||||
10/22/21, 10:32 AM |
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@suzannahtroy @suzannahbtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer 01 promoted FBI NYPD Task force after party falsified DD5s w/HELD HOOKS ltr THREATENS ME 2nd FALSE CROSS COMPLT? MY #PATIENTSAFETY BODY VIOLATED office of DR ANDREW FAGELMAN! 1PP LEGAL Sex Crimes IA FBI ERASE any crimes for Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell? pic.twitter.com/Ac1W1rXfnT | |||||
10/21/21, 8:17 AM |
It took half a decade to get a copy of this letter The first precinct, Internal Affairs O'Donnell Corrupt corporation Counsel and how many government agency HAD ACCESS TO AND ALL PROTECTED YET ANOTHER CRIME from the perpetrator I ALLEGE DRAFTED BY JOE TACOPINA - the threats origins from in the doctor's office in Soho Dr F who is never fired in fact Dr Andrew Fagelman stated she is exemplary that it takes her to drug party said he has lots of NYPD patients as he mocked and smirked and committed perjury...Iallege Travelers was 100% cognizant he was gonna walk in to Iallege Travelers was 100% cognizant he was gonna walk in and commit perjury why not it's New York -- The elite and the people that cater to them are above the law. 

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

If I was Jew EARLY STAGES NAZI G, makes sense Dr F employee yelling U HAVE NO RIGHTS.Ray Kelly era AUDIO 01 CAN'T report Hooks False Cross complt audio Shea's SEX CRIMES LYING CITY CORPCOUNSEL 01 IA 1PP FRAUD LIE IN COURT w/HELD Hooks ltr THREAT 2nd false,audio Illuzzi lies to me pic.twitter.com/acQIdcD7sb 10/15/21, 11:39 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul youtu.be/zXq71ozOLc4
any kind most bstopped I'm 1
FRAUD #civilrights VIOLATED
PERP:U HAVE NO RIGHTS!suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe…see photos pic.twitter.com/SPOOr9Yrbr 10/15/21, 9:12 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul
CITY NYPD LIE cheat win!
spousal abuse DJ hand around
victim's NECK,my case coercion
Emergency surgery
retina day b4
google.com/amp/s/www.nbcn… 10/14/21, 9:27 AM
Prince Andrew LIE PERJURY NY OK? Look Manhattan DA CY VANCE + his staff not forced to resign for their role along w/ TOP NYPD etc OUR CASES! Preet Bharara lucky no one cares he was "clueless" re: JEFFREY EPSTEIN GHISLAINE MAXWELL vs Cy VANCE OPEN ENABLER only NYDN 2015 reported Cy Vance ADA Jennifer Gaffney role! NY TIMES NYPOST Every New York news station refused to report this article which was hard to mess and allowed the DA to keep his job and he still has it and she got a soft landing and they weren't alone when they did what they did just like my case but include Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry.

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Dave Paterson NYU JOB
for Dave Johnson 6ft 7
spousal abuse big hand
victim neck.Gabby Petito DEAD
throttled!BHARARA LIAR
DR Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Biz
do the math!Sick! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… 10/14/21, 9:55 AM
I went to a doctors October 1 for peace of mind to have a cyst removed on my elbow my life has been taken from me my health my well being versus how many people involved in the actual crimes committing crimes obstruction of my justice or profiting their enablers... those that looked away as Crimes were committed in my case my civil rights violated and how about other cases, so many cases.... all profit Golden parachute soft landing...?
Woman at Center of Gov. Paterson Aide Scandal Wants “Justice” – NBC New York (GABBY PETITO STRANGLED! Dave Johnson 6 foot 7 had his giant hand on his victim's neck! She to became a victim of intimidations in my case the intimidations THREATS TO ME far more violent!! )You can read here a hint of what women have to go through when the patriarchal big boys and gang (women my case caught on audios) want to make sure that we cannot report a crime...
Read this article and you get a taste of the kind of intimidation I dealt with but far more violent and allege the most violent threats -- I allege Joe Tacopina as YouTuber Bob Dobalina lawyer w/ Cunt to turn the tables, I allege Chad Seigel his partner as YouTuber Charles Ward 0ct 7, 2012 both posting comments re: re the tables to be turned on me if I took any action --,NYPD DET JOHN VERGONA Who is admitted in federal appellate he threaten me with arrest -- He lied in the appellate filing that he was going to arrest her to when the perpetrator was never told to turn her self in just me the victim. I was violently threatened over the phone by the detective with arrest unless I drop charges. A letter was withheld from me by him who told me never to contact him again the detective squad supervisors internal affairs the city of New York Corporation Counsel threatening me with a second False cross complaint attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer. I learned about the letter half a year later when IA Sgt Mary O'Donnell from Internal Affairs O'Donnell Corrupt the threats to me flashes the letter and then closes the file and says case closed... she was reading a threat to me as if I'm being threatened yet again, and the most violent threats in my face was the doctors receptionist the perpetrator but she wasn't the lone TEFLON criminal...

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

If Prince Andrew wants to
USA ynot
DrF w/ Travelers lawyer
appt by James Toomey
MOCKED VIOLENCE #patientsafety
Too many judges ok w/LIE CHEAT WIN? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe…
DrF TRUSTED NYPD to investigate! pic.twitter.com/j9zsCd6o0x 10/20/21, 8:33 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Prince Andrew could come to NY commit perjury and then John sexton NYU give him a job as an NYU professor like I allege gov Dave Paterson , or my case Dr Andrew Fagelman commit perjury, makes Prince Andrew a good candidate for NYU Stern degree like dr F suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google@jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost@NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP@NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG@NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU@NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil@ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul
NYPD too both enablers
Prince Andrew Jeffrey Epstein
Ghislaine Maxwell.
My case Dr Fagelman office
01 w/held Hooks ltr to
det Dwyer signed off by Lt Burgos
THREAT 2nd false cross complt
Shea Sex Crimes audio LIES
ADA confirmed suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe…pic.twitter.com/WS5nvqdDli 10/12/21, 6:38 AM
Update it's October 10, 2021 AM woke up couple hours go I can't get back to bed I'm so upset and it looks like somehow accidentally unpublished this post so hmmmmm- this so at least by adding a tweet below I have now re-published this.
0ct 9, 2021 update: Reforming the NYPD — New England Law Review | Forum
https://www.newenglrev.com/v55-special/reforming-the-nypdCorporation Counsel - chronically lied in our cases look at the article same lawyers Bloomberg de Blasio -- there it is in writing but it should include the police legal division at One Police Plaza and don't forget city Comptroller they had my case they have an investigator has a Corporation Counsel as does the Manhattan DA... internal a Affairs was involved in the goal sheet line win and I alledge so was Joe TACOPINA, I allege so was James Toomey Travelers Insurance incredible abuse went on in his offices and the judge was alerted and agreed but I guess she doesn't mind that same behavior in a doctors office which led to a hole punched in my retina my patient rights violated... it is ok? Before the violence my patient rights my patient safety was violated I was degraded and humiliated reminded me of clips you see of the Nazis in the early stages of Nazi Germany degrading humiliating Jews in public spaces.
This is like a horror film it's like some thing out of the TV show "billions" The TV show I think it was season four had a man that was going to be false arrested by the New York State attorney general if he didn't drop charges and he would've been false arrest it on Saturday like I was to be.
If prince Andrew wants to come to America and commit perjury he can maybe James Toomey Travelers can coach him? Travelers and Insurance Iallege was party to fraud and that Dr. Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks were coached to commit perjury lie to say that Dr. Vine and her partner who is her sister moved out 4 to 6 months later when they moved out two weeks later because I was told by Dr Vine she can't have her patients being assaulted she was very concerned about patient safety! Dr. Andrew Fagelman was confident he could lie about her when she moved out the fact that she confronted him immediately he lied about it and said she never spoke to him yet right! I also believe Joe Tacopina broke laws and was involved and I wanna know who the doctor called in the middle of a deposition when he had anger management problems when I asked what were the grounds for his divorce he shook with anger and he got on the phone and called someone in the deposition room I want to know who!

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

NYS Medical Misconduct
Dr Andrew Fagelman who admitted
NO GUIDELINES for office,
1)interview DELITA HOOKS
check her references
DR Vine's patients w/his!
HOW DID THEY GET MY NAME? pic.twitter.com/uY0xYmGGAR 10/20/21, 8:19 AM

Suzannah B. Troy @suzannahbtroy

@vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google@jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost@NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP@NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG@NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU@NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil@ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul
of Dr Andrew Fagelman 01
PLAINSIGHT Gov agencies
looked away
ditto Cy Vance 1PP ENABLED
Jeffrey Epstein freedoms
he enjoyed in Virgin Islands!
JE EVEN another rip-off moved
his $ estate offshore
from FEDERAL jail,I told
NYPD he stole
my art 1996
broken windows
pic.twitter.com/j7kXQALIPa 10/10/21, 6:53 AM
Turn broken windows back on the NYPD and look at the Epstein case that they had applied it broken windows when I called in 1996 and Maria farmer... she was more than brushed off by an FBI teen agent she was threatened. When I was threatened by the NYPD for the doctors office it was with false imprisonment Saturday 5 PM and that's OK. 0arrests of anyone involved in line to the police even though the police themselves for falsifying police reports 0arrests it's OK because it's me. 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@TheSun Met Police
hired Sarah Everard's killer
despite nickname 'The Rapist'.
NYPD also hired Rapists
high profile cases,
NYPD DA enablers
Jeffrey Epstein GM,
AG FBI look away.
My case MD office
erased sexual assault
all crimes.Fix is in
pic.twitter.com/6XulyhndL5 10/11/21, 2:49 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

@suzannahbtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul
Travelers James Toomey team
w/ Dr Andrew Fagelman,
Delita Hooks
MOCKERY VIOLENCE #patientsafety
1 concern will I re-appeal
lawsuit NYPD!
NYPD MD my case,
Jeffrey Epstein Maxwell
Cy Vance y not lie confident
JUDGES etc look away
as if we r Jews
in Nazi G!
pic.twitter.com/A6RjE9Zqn3 10/10/21, 8:48 AM
It's really tragic and terrible and very sad that Larry Byrne brother was murdered because he was wearing an NYPDUniform but before Larry passed he stated in court that NYPD committing perjury is no big deal and it is it's terrible... it's a crime if you believe in G-d,it's a sin.... I agreed to be kidnapped twice by an NYPD detective John Vergona. 

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Larry Byrne was top NYPD
legal stated NYPD perjury
no big deal.
He had FBI brother
other brother NYPD murdered
so LB former Prosecutor
OUR #Civilrights ok?
FBI agree?
Prince Andrew can
lie US courts NY PERJURY often okay! pic.twitter.com/zjk6ZmTZg7 10/11/21, 10:06 AM

Suzannah Troy @vegansuz

Oct 1, 2012 VIOLATED
I'ld like Justice +
new legislation re Gaslighters,
and move on w/the
last chapters of my life not thinking of this again suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… 10/10/21, 10:02 AM
October 1 2012 I went to a doctors office for peace of mind I left with a hole in my retina I was repeatedly attacked a one-way attack I was targeted bullied provoked over and over and I tried to get help and we were never ever alone... when I couldn't get help and the behavior was so shocking I decided to document. Delita Hooks had the option to apologize or close the door but she didn't even have a boss Dr Andrew Fagelman with GUIDELINES FOR A MEDICAL OFFICE or an understanding of right and wrong moral compass as they were going to teach me with their perjuries which they really seem to enjoy...
The NYPD also lied in all legal proceedings why not I'd like to move on with my life I went to a doctors for peace of mind and it's over nine years now...
Bloomberg de Blasio monstrous (guessing next admin more of the same) and they know my case in fact Bill de Blasio his NYPD intelligence division tried to remove me from a #survivors rally
(see this guy he was part of team de Blasio nypd intelligence division trying to remove me from a #survivors rally steps of City Hall, in this photo and the little clips at the base of the photo I want to know this guys name but how many people know my name that our party to obstructing justice discriminating against me party targeting me party to falsified police reports party to withholding a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second false cross-complaint party to lying in every court as I tried to get justice...?)
on the steps of City Hall with his wife there and that's a violation of my civil liberties and I caught it on camera and hundreds of women prevent that from happening.
No apologies none. We are owed apologies me Eric Garner both pro se under mayor Mike , Joe Jazz Hayden, NBA star Thabo, so many in fact we need apology walls because it was so much abuse of power crimes or worse people killed.... there's apology walls will be a reminder stop it stop the abuse of power stop the corruption!
I've said we needed a citizen database -- Federal state city track how we are more than failed and some of our cases the government cross the line or at least certain government officials were their legal team Corporation Counsel in the NYPD legal team was definitely an active party...our cases. You can find tweets to Eric holder Loretta Lynch by me regarding Eric Garner his hand written lawsuit I contacted them about my case too.
In the about section of the YouTube of the attack you can find a link to scribe to letter that was to top government officials including the medical official of Albany I contacted how many people... I wrote a letter way back included AG Eric Holder.
Read that article New England law journal I only read part of it because I'm exhausted but there were the two lawyers Cardozo, Zachary Carter and they're just too powerful he connected Sheldon silver lost his Teflon status. Loretta Lynch looked away (I contacted her and Eric Holder about my case and about Eric Garner and everyone's using her she's become a powerbroker New York.... Eric Adams is suggesting she might be the next police commissioner. How can she be the next police commissioner when I I called her office in Brooklyn how many times alerting her the 911 tech system is over budget over $1 billion Preet Bharara US attorney Southern District won't do anything -- I asked Larreta via her assistant please take action the first command center for 911 is in her district she could prosecute the crooks. She did not and I don't believe anyone did because it's tied to the New York pensions. The fact that I can't even talk about this means I can't have justice I lose my constitutional civil rights my rights as American citizen it's OK to punch a hole in my retina running punched my head as I hold my backs my arm numb from a medical procedure it's OK to sexually assault me?
This went on in plain sight sight like the way how many agencies looked away as Cy Vance 1PP enabled Jeffrey Epstein giving him the freedoms he enjoyed from the virgin islands he was even able to wire money his state offshore so to speak from federal jail.
I've been sending this article out... I want people to read it I had no idea when the top officials Under Bloomberg Blasio lied fraud legal it was chronic so relieve in law journal (most likely on going w/ next mayor...) Corporation Counsel (Plus the legal division One Police Plaza at one point lead by Larry Byrne who had an FBI -- Byrne had stated NYPD perjury not a big deal everyone does it..see NYDN article on Byrne Judge Weinstein.
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Dave Paterson NYU JOB THANK JOHN SEXTON, Dave I ALLEGE WITNESS INTIMIDATION for Dave Johnson 6ft 7 spousal abuse big hand victim neck.Gabby Petito DEAD throttled!BHARARA LIAR OR NEGLIGENCE EPSTEIN MAXWELL, DR Andrew Fagelman NYU Stern Biz do the math!Sick! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe… | ||||
10/14/21, 9:55 AM |
Read this article and you get a taste of the kind of intimidation I dealt with but far more violent and allege the most violent threats -- I allege Joe Tacopina as YouTuber Bob Dobalina lawyer w/ Cunt to turn the tables, I allege Chad Seigel his partner as YouTuber Charles Ward 0ct 7, 2012 both posting comments re: re the tables to be turned on me if I took any action --,NYPD DET JOHN VERGONA Who is admitted in federal appellate he threaten me with arrest -- He lied in the appellate filing that he was going to arrest her to when the perpetrator was never told to turn her self in just me the victim. I was violently threatened over the phone by the detective with arrest unless I drop charges. A letter was withheld from me by him who told me never to contact him again the detective squad supervisors internal affairs the city of New York Corporation Counsel threatening me with a second False cross complaint attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer. I learned about the letter half a year later when IA Sgt Mary O'Donnell from Internal Affairs O'Donnell Corrupt the threats to me flashes the letter and then closes the file and says case closed... she was reading a threat to me as if I'm being threatened yet again, and the most violent threats in my face was the doctors receptionist the perpetrator but she wasn't the lone TEFLON criminal...

Suzannah B. Troy |
@suzannahbtroy |

If Prince Andrew wants to
USA ynot
DrF w/ Travelers lawyer
appt by James Toomey
MOCKED VIOLENCE #patientsafety
Too many judges ok w/LIE CHEAT WIN? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/10/octobe…
DrF TRUSTED NYPD to investigate! pic.twitter.com/j9zsCd6o0x
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Prince Andrew could come to NY commit perjury and then John sexton NYU give him a job as an NYU professor like I allege gov Dave Paterson , or my case Dr Andrew Fagelman commit perjury, makes Prince Andrew a good candidate for NYU Stern degree like dr F suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com |
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NYS Medical Misconduct REFUSED TO INVESTIGATE Dr Andrew Fagelman who admitted NO GUIDELINES for office, DID NOT: 1)interview DELITA HOOKS check her references 2)INVESTIGATE WHAT HAPPENED YET DISCUSSED ME DR Vine's patients w/his! PERJURY ATTACK,Dr Vine etc! HOW DID THEY GET MY NAME? pic.twitter.com/uY0xYmGGAR | |||||
10/20/21, 8:19 AM |
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@suzannahbtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul Travelers James Toomey team w/ Dr Andrew Fagelman, Delita Hooks MOCKERY VIOLENCE #patientsafety VIOLATED PERJURY 1 concern will I re-appeal lawsuit NYPD! NYPD MD my case, Jeffrey Epstein Maxwell Cy Vance y not lie confident JUDGES etc look away as if we r Jews in Nazi G! #JUSTICE pic.twitter.com/A6RjE9Zqn3 | |||||
10/10/21, 8:48 AM |
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10/9/21 Gabby Petito's father talked about social media but that's what I've been doing for years (now de-listed buried...) but 1st I tried justice reporting the corruption abuse of power the crimes including in my case my civil rights violated series of violent threats to me during an open investigation.... it was one wall after another + a wall around the justice system
Updated October 6, 2021 see pink and red TWEETS below re FBI Ed Mullins how it speaks to my case Dr F's office NYPD crimes Dr F BRAGGED ABOUT HIS TRUST IN THE NYPD TO INVESTIGATE WHAT HAPOENED TO ME AS HE SAT next to a James Toomey TRAVELERS INSURANCE group appointed lawyer and DR Andrew Fagelman even ADMITTED he did not investigate what happened to me YET discussed me with his patients knowing I was Dr Vine's patient. I talk about Jeffrey Epstein his special relationship with NYPD see the photo from the New York post NYPD instructed him to ignore Judge ....scroll down!!! Dr. Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD crimes their powerful enablers (some the same enablers as Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell like Manhattan DA and 1 Police plaza top cops IA too + more) all thought they could treat me like Brian Laundrie treated Gabby Petito telling cops SHE's crazy? They all thought and think they can get away with it so far they have it's been nine years.....
I allege Joe Tacopina Party to the Crimes for all I know he also may have contacted NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer who got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force and now wants to have his own private investigation business what to do more harm to victims like me break more laws be Teflon?
Update October 2, 2021 I went to the dentist the other day and I have cavities which is unusual for me but it's lack of self-care and I told him what happened to me it's so shocking.
October 1, 2012 I was violated a Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office -- first my patient rights than my body repeatedly Violated and we, Delita hooks and I were never alone.
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@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames @NYCL@GovKathyHochul British cop false arrested Sarah Everard fake Covid patrol kidnapped her off street raped strangled her w/his police belt,burned her body. 2012 I agreed to false arrest aka KIDNAPPING if I did not drop charges.DR FAGELMAN BRAGGED TRUSTED NYPD re my case! pic.twitter.com/2I5DrT2Qz5 | |||
9/30/21, 11:41 AM |

NYPD detective Vergona Refused to meet me falsified police reports finally threaten me with false arrest Saturday 4 PM unless I drop charges I had not committed any crime in fact he was protecting a false cross complaint and he and his bosses were protecting a series of threats ANOTHER false cross complaint... The letter to the attention of NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos in the database the water down database for threatening a victim like I was threaten.. my guess Joe TACOPINA drafted that letter he used to work at the Brooklyn DA...
Reforming the NYPD and Its Enablers Who Thwart Reform"
This article also tells you what I experience firsthand that you have these top lawyers representing Corporation and Counsel that were party to the goal CHEAT LIE WIN IN OUR CASES....what the article doesn't tell you that even Dept Of investigation had a threaten Zachary Carter for redacting documents involving a nursing home real estate dirty deal...under de Blasio. This article about the NYPD makes it clear as I started under Bloomberg and de Blasio the city Corporation and Counsel was Lying to Protect NYPD....? Take a look...
Sure sounds like what was done to me under Bloomberg and de blasio...
Eric Garner and I started out pro se under mayor Michael Bloomberg an NYPD Ray Kelly..., then under de Blasio ERIC IS DEAD...starts with a phone call his death the phone calls to Chief Banks office....
I had a phone call more than one to banks office about my case but when judge Alison Nathan has my case - I paid a law firm $1000 in case I was false arrested to walk into the first precinct they were on call as I tried to report second-degree assault and again I was turned away so I called Chief Banks office and Lt Gannon -- Who had worked for Chief Esposito Told me The NYPD detective squad was correct to turn me away that when I see you it's their policy to prevent me from upgrading the crimes Delita Hooks committed.
I question whether their policy is yet another violation of civil rights along with Round Robin policy -- they essentially decide whether they're even gonna let you report crime...
The city was chronically and is chronically committing fraud in legal proceedings in my case I allege Travelers too and I'm guessing Travelers has a lot government connections (like the corrupt MD in my case for instance admitted he has lots to f nypd patients) and I question whether lawyers involved have relatives in the NYPD and even the FBI or government they weren't shy about cheating to being party to cheat to win it's familiar to them... ? I allege Travelers James Toomey and strategywas highly misogynistic highly abusive make a mockery of everything but one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD...
My head -- a running punched my head....at a doctor's I am rich as well as the city committing fraud cheat to win I would so did travelers insurance who had one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD!
I want to know why travelers was concerned about that so they have NYPD in the family FBI law enforcement government officials connections donations what are the donations to the NYPD DA etc ...?
What about the doctor does he have any federal government patients like FBI...?
I have ptsd ---
I should never of been violated once I was in sustained serious injuries which you know I could've been killed running punched my head I didn't get to heal because they went on the offensive committing more crimes...Plus more gaslighting your after year.,..
so I am wondering out loud...Dr Andrew Fagelman's employee he describes his exemplary employee he admits he never interviewed for the job never checked her references had no guidelines gave her no title...his employee repeatedly violated my patient rights first from behind a medical reception desk and then coming out to pursue me to menace me...
DR ANDREW FAGELMAN with Travelers group a lawyer appointed by James Toomey strategy was to walk in mock me make a joke of the violence my body my Patient Rights repeatedly Violated it was all a big joke Travelers group strategy stack Styrofoam cups up they laughed and mocked it all -- why not..?
Travelers group lawyer Rajika handed Delita Hooks A Styrofoam cup and they both wear them at me like f### you in a deposition-- as if they were giving me the finger yet again that's what it was really from the city of New York to the police that they could get away with anything and in plain sight like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell did for years...
The camera goes black when Dr Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks lands a running punch to my head and she wasn't satisfied with that ripping out my hair my earring ripping a sign protesting in fact we didn't have a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center anymore...she wasn't satisfied trying to kick me over and over throwing her shoes taking her barefoot and pressing against my vaginal area she had to take it online pursue me on social media....when I asked how she got my name she lied under oath stating through social media....
I had written my doctor note and handed it to my doctors receptionist and my doctor doctor Vine never got it. I allege Delita Hooks stole the note.
She intercepted it just like she interfered with me asking the water cooler across from the desk in the direction of my doctors receptionist would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam and when she interfered and yelled at me that I have no rights essentially I'm nothing I walked over to my doctors receptionist and wrote a note and hands with a note to her.
Delita Hooks and Dr Fagelman openly committed perjury get another crime I alleged they both conspired to make me drop charges with the NYPD and others advising them and I'd like to know who they were. Delita Hooks stated her husband instructed her to file the false cross complaint and she stated that Dr. Andrew Dwyer instructed her to alert him every time NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer called. I allege after Joe Tacopina and his partner Chad Seigel broke the law October 7, 2012 by posting a thread on my YouTube channel on the video of the attack they would see the tables turned shows through it had the words FIGHT Picking cunt -- both promise to see the tables turned if I took any action telling me it was my fault I allege they were directly involved with the doctors office Dr. Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks in The goal to commit even more crimes participating in the goal to make me drop charges to make this go away and that he draft of the letter that was withheld from me by the 1st Precinct, IA - I first learned about the letter from Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell Corrupt - she shows me the letter doesn't give me a copy and allows me to believe Det Andrew Dwyer spelled "Drier" - I hand her my notes with the misspelling by accident and called her and asked her to please mail them back and she said she would and she never did.
Corporation Counsel with Health a letter and you should know the city Comptroller Corporation Counsel the Manhattan DA every division of internal fares and the integrity division Lt Michael J Agnes all have investigators and Corp Counsel as does DOI New York City government department of investigation, as does NYPD Inspector General, as does the civilian complaint review board.... I have called all these agencies and spoken with each of the investigators if not directly leaving messages and they all had access to that letter threatening me that was withheld and how many courts?
I have audio posted on YouTube obstruction of justice of the NYPD Internal Affairs DA complicity of the 1st Precinct stating I can't report Delita Hooks false cross complaint, audio sex crimes Detective Vazquez lying to me that I was not sexually assaulted or coerced -- she attempts to offer me advice and I stayed I did not call you for advice I called you to report a crime. This started under a Kelly but the sex Crimes Audio is recorded under Dermot Shea is chief of detectives and James O'Neill police commission. O'Neill and Shea's predecessor were among a group using a federally funded Cessna to fight TERRORISM as their personal taxi -- including chief Boyce --
Boyce like his predecessor Pulaski had protected all crimes in my case and enabled at least one Detective Andrew Dwyer to be promoted to the NYPD FBI
Task force the same task force that raided Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell properties ....
Audio of ADA Joan illuzzi lying to me they did a very thorough investigation and I have proof that is not true. Delita Hooks confident the statute has right now and has now admitted to everything you seen the video plus more -- targeting me from the moment I sat down, giving me the finger three times, knocking my iPhone out of my hand three times which is criminal mischief ...she made it her boss Dr F lied about the NYPD...he stated Underoath had nothing to do with the NYPD in the attack did not happen on the property and that my doctor never spoke to him all these perjuries and they coordinated Perjury that my doctor and her partner moved out 4 to 6 months later so who helps him coordinate that perjury?
Do you think travelers group and the lawyers they engage to help them we just let them casually walk in and lie? I allege just like the city of New York they were party to lie cheat win aka as fraud....
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How ironic the first judge I have is judge Alison Nathan who refused to meet me I asked her please meet me and the lawyer for the defendants and go for the evidence.
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Ironic at the time that I filed a federal lawsuit I had no idea how far the NYPD, top officials One Police Plaza top officials internal fares, corporation Counsel even city Comptroller they all have investigators they were going to go to an extreme of lying in court to state I wasn't course withholding Delita Hooks's letter as for 1st Precinct did in 2012 which has a threat of a second False cross complaint...
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