Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI NYPD PC O'Neill coward afraid of the truth blocked me Twitter… he protected NYPD lies violations Civil Rights breaking laws Eric Garner Case + My Case under Bloomberg Ray Kelly to PRESENT! Resign! Resign Chief Shea/Reznick, My Case Cy Vance/Illuzzi/Walton!
O'Neill took way too long he protects NYPD IA lies
Resign NYPD PC O'Neill all lip service protects lies crimes and more all these yrs!
Why would Travelers Group lawyers for Dr Andrew Fagelman care whether I may or may not re-Appeal my lawsuit against the City? Do they also have unethical fixing in favors on Kosher relationship with the city (any city lawyers) and NYPD?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neill a liar picks his victims like Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein!He thinks he can get away w/obstruction of Justice my case, Eric Garner crimes civil rights violations yrs ago! Pantelo didn't deserve raise 24hr security O'Neill protected that too!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI Eric Garner and I started out pro se under mayor Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly looks like NYPD broke laws violated civil rights City protects ERASES all wrong doing like NYPD telling Jeffrey Epstein to ignore all crimes! DA Cy, NYPD O'Neill/Shea etc resign!… |
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI .@FBI the FBI ignored Dr Larry Nassar abuse, NYPD breaking laws + violating my civil rights, Eric Garner civil rights violated pro se like me under Ray Kelly/Bloomberg, DA keeping Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex offender status NYPD JE ignore Judge!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@thehill NYPD PC O"Neill Playmate #gun Ed Winski party crimes fixing mycase for Dr Fagelman Delite 01 tied to playmate… killed child herself… O'Neill protects crimes abuse until hecan't My Case he complicit! Ask him NYPD Epstein. Eric Garner
I forwarded it to the NYPD's public information so the NYPD will know exactly where I stand it I'm sure they now
To:, Nypd Commissioner Of Public Info 1 Police Plaza
Subject: Fwd: NYPD PC O'NEill Eric Garner Case he must resign! Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell and series of high profile rapes and sexual assaults including Intern in DA's office The NYTimes NY Post local news killed Cy Vance resign
Note: please excuse terrible typos
Begin forwarded message:From: Suzannah Troy
Date: August 19, 2019 at 6:33:32 AM EDT
To:,,, Councilman Richards <>
Cc:, Associated Press Press <>
Subject: NYPD PC O'NEill Eric Garner Case he must resign! Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell and series of high profile rapes and sexual assaults including Intern in DA's office The NYTimes NY Post local news killed Cy Vance resign
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI Jeffrey Epstein GM Case same?Violated at MD office 4 Audio Proof DA NYPD Internal affair obstruct justice lied to me Violated civil rights discrimination 1) 2) IA 3) 4)Joan Illuzzi lied!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI When Jeffrey Epstein was arrested I called the Florida cop that made the arrest I spoke to him I congratulated him and I told him it would never happen here in NY. I have tweeted u, FBI 4audios proving impossible to report crimes the perps are "connected"$
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@washingtonpost @jkbjournalist The same power brokers who own NYCgov make sure news exposing Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell not in New York Times NY Post local news in 2015 or earlier own the NYPD made sure NYPD breaking laws in my case all protected. I allege Feds FBI knew…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@washingtonpost @jkbjournalist Maxwell lured me to Epstein '95 I never saw underage girls.A list knew?Woody Allen?Dershowitz's goal to lower age consent?"Wealthy people can fly to the poorest countries..poor turn their kids over to them? What did Prince Andrew and Jeff do in Thailand. "…
Dr Andrew Fagelman put his full trust and confidence in the NYPD's investigate what happened to me he sneered and mocked me when he said it. He knew full well me NYPD and promised to coerce me and falsified police reports and erase all crimes! The NYPD promoted Pantaleo and gave him 24 hour security like he is mayor....
NYPD "...Officer Daniel Pantaleo was “untruthful” during his interviews with investigators after the death of Eric Garner, according to an administrative judge for the NYPD — who blasted the Staten Island cop’s repeated chokehold denials as “implausible and self-serving” in a 46-page opinion on Sunday."
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JenniferFreemn NYPD hid refused to meet me broke laws,others covered up crimes Internal Affairs, DA, Corp Counsel they know what I look like Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos complicit all with held badge #s what do they look like?City crossed ethical lines my case othercases Track share info w/other victims
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JenniferFreemn Do uknow how frightening it is hole my retina floaters cervical damage VIOLATED forcible touching and NYPD Det. John Vergona is violently threatening me over the phone, falsifying police reports! When the NYPD law Dept refused service c4yrs later I found him on facebook!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@washingtonpost @jkbjournalist Jeffrey Epstein "massage Central" his term!City protected all crimes retaliated against me "Misogynist Central" 911 tech aka ECTP over 1B over budget PEOPLE DIED! CityTime SAIC, NYPD advisors took gifts run PD like a deli for rich!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI NYPD Det Vergona violently threatened me over the phone w/false arrest unless O dropped charges! When I agreed he moved arrest to Saturday 4pm! He Det Dwyer FB pals w/ NYPD PO Schatz I reported re Mercer Hotel! Did Jeffrey Epstein have $ in that hotel w/AB?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI Mayor de Blasio Chirlane McCray theirstaff NYPD Intelligence division trying to remove me from #Survivors Rally City Hall 1 of many YouTubes my case NYPD violating protocol or worse! CCRB under deB worse!protected many victims?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@davidenrich @JamesStewartNYT I believe I read that mayor Mike Bloomberg went to Jeffrey Epstein house. I left him a voicemail Bloomberg's # listed, i'm sure NYPD intelligence division and maybe even Bloomberg's private security have a copy of that voicemail includes I believe includes critical of MB, NYPD?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@washingtonpost @jkbjournalist I believe I read that mayor Mike Bloomberg went to Jeffrey Epstein house. I left him a voicemail Bloomberg's # listed, i'm sure NYPD intelligence division and maybe even Bloomberg's private security have a copy of that voicemail includes I believe includes critical of MB, NYPD?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI anonymous account blaming me when in fact I contacted DA NYPD Wexner Greenberg Zuckerman Bloomberg I never saw underage girls but I reported my art stolen. 2012 I'msavagely assaulted and violated I've audio a video I police reports the NYPD fabricated + gaslighted threatened
I never saw any young girls but how many people in New York did including every public A list events besides The photo that ran in the New York post with Naomi Campbell looking bewildered.....
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@davidenrich @JamesStewartNYT Henry Buhl another media darling w/ NYPD City officials in his pocket actually a monster? #Watergate era no Internet or he would be i jail? 1st Precinct was doing fixing favors for him and allegation he allegedly raped a woman but I agreed to false arrest for 1way savage assault
It all s almost 2am Aug 15 my new YouTube about Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy results which leave it open to the possibility he was murdered a convenient death...
![]() | Usman Khan (@ukhan888) |
@DSAMikeP @RyLiberty The NYPD and many of these 'child protection' organizations are filled with organized pedo cells. Picture attatched: The NY Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children's 2013 Spring Luncheon. Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's right hand woman and daughter of a MOSSAD operative.
Someone just called me and said he asked Scott stringer to put forward Investigations with municipal agencies I said are you kidding Scott stringer can't even do his own taxes he has a job he's not qualified he'll do anything that the oligarchs of New York who protected Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell all these years tell him the fix! I responded -- are you kidding Scott stringer can't even do his own taxes he has a job he's not qualified he'll do anything that the Oligarchs of New York who protected Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell all these years tell him the fix is in!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@VanityFair @FBI NYC NYS victims of crimes+civil rights We Have No Hope FBI covering up for their NYPD pals but Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell crimes expose Feds NYPD DA gave them free reign+ JE ok ignore judge!Maxwell Teflon vs I agreed to false arrest 2x because I refused to drop charges!
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@ukhan888 @DSAMikeP @RyLiberty NYPD guilty w/ Manhattan DA officials at City Hall so guilty!… I demand it this speaker called emergency hearing and question them and of course he won't!…
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@ukhan888 @DSAMikeP @RyLiberty Robert Maxwell had more intelligence contacts so it wouldn't be just Mossad? Alleging possibility it could be other intelligence agencies as well for instance MI5 since Prince Andrew Teflon and Maxwell had ties Eastern Europe. Ghislaine Maxwell vile highly manipulative exploiter
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Dr Andrew Fagelman his violent employee violated my body stole note+Dr F w/his I allege unethical lawyers crossed lines besides #PERJURY depo "cups" etc+ NYPD crimes Dr F mocking about his "trust" in NYPD. I did wish I was w/my Dad in Heaven but IpreferAlive goals happy #Justice!
but Dr Fagelman put his full "trust" in the NYPD translation to violently coerce me --- so glad 17 years later but WHAT A TRAVESTY!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@nypost Ghislaine Maxwell "in$out" her time in jail?Sexualshort hand4quickie?Book to tell us not just Mossad?GM not concerned about being arrested?I agreed to false arrest 2Xs for a running punch to my head human piñata after cyst removed by Dr V!Dr F #NYPD Fix it!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD PC O'Neill (silent Eric Garner), Shea, Reznick + DA resign corrupt fixing favors for rich connected like Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell, Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks etc like predecessors!NYPD 9 suicides NO Leadership 1PP DA run like a deli for rich connected!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@InsideEdition @FBI 1person multiple sockpuppet accounts YouTube continues harass/gaslight me says I'm disturbed-disturbing violent violated at MD's violently threatened coerced by NYPD enablers City protects I told folks Epstein Maxwell c22 yrs ago& c7 yrs Dr F Delite Hooks
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@davidenrich @JamesStewartNYT found more documentation Jeffrey Epstein stole my art 1996, letter to Richard ROTHMAN '98 I mention House Wexner gave him, girl Friday(GM, he doesn't like publicity but the gossip shocking. 2007 lefcourt epstein owes me 7k to buy + 1k per month rental every month art held hostage
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@washingtonpost @jkbjournalist Here is a draft of a letter Richard Rothman Weil Gotschal wrote to Jeffrey Epstein. I don't know if this was sent because when he found out Jeffrey was being represented by a lawyer and his firm he decided he would just call up the lawyer directly...
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Aug 14 It's 4:30 AM I'm so sick I'm overwhelmed read this tweet to begin to even understand why it is so out of control and so wrong and I demand justice in my case federal investigators to investigate what happened to me at a doctors office and SoHo! Look at enablers fixers really sickening -- these people have no remorse no shame no empathy and they actively protected crimes or they actively are protecting them and civil rights violations in my case
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD PC O'Neill (silent Eric Garner), Shea, Reznick + DA resign corrupt fixing favors for rich connected like Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell, Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks etc like predecessors!NYPD 9 suicides NO Leadership 1PP DA run like a deli for rich connected!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks broke laws w/NYPD fixers all crimes erased!I was violently COERCED!Cy Vance Joan Illuzzi Tiana Walton protected all crimes like DA did for Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell NYPD fixers!Everyone Teflon Absurd……
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews FBI going to get NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer help ERASE crimes like he did for Dr Andrew Fagelman a viagra pusher, cures STDs + violent lying Delita Hooks MD DH committed perjury my case Teflon! Dwyer promoted to NYPD FBI Task Force to Erase more crimes?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jeffrey Epstein DEAD enablers Teflon! Ghislaine Maxwell still Teflon like criminals/fixers my case Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks + NYPD broke laws for them "MD in coercion loop" police reports falsified! NYPD PC O'Neill corrupt silent for yrs Eric Garner Case!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD police commissioner O'Neill a coward his SILENCE Eric Garner DEATH should be a career killer! Eric not mayor de Blasio son! If cop died there would be an arrest tale2Cities RESIGN top Cops Dirty DA Cy Vance Crony Central NYPD aided Jeffrey EPSTEIN Ghislaine MAXWELL predators
It's amazing how the city and State the corrupt players think that we're going to suspend belief about a lot of issues including Jeffrey Epstein's death more than convenient!
"...A source told The Post that Maxwell is cooperating with federal authorities."
The NYPD told him to ignore a judge do you know how many top cops had to know about that this is absurd that the Nypd has an answered questions about this!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jeffrey Epstein told guards that someone tried to KILL HIM weeks before death! Even Epstein's NYPD fixers enablers relieved confident their crimes ERASED just like crimes in my case ERASED do the math! Ghislaine Maxwell Teflon too!……
Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide in Manhattan jail |
Jeffrey Epstein is dead he killed himself I did a new YouTube. He dies similar to Robert Maxwell right is she next? It sure makes it easy for their enabler's doesn't it? They hope it'll go away just like everyone who broke laws in my case hopes it all go away! you can see photos of him dead so it is very real to me after seeing those photos.... but there's more to this story and it's so convenient he dies now isn't?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorkFBI FBI going to get NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer help ERASE crimes like he did for Dr Andrew Fagelman a viagra pusher, cures STDs + violent lying Delita Hooks MD DH committed perjury my case Teflon! Dwyer promoted to NYPD FBI Task Force to Erase more crimes?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@politico Attorney General William Barr 's Personal Ties to Jeffrey Epstein are SHOCKING!!!!! Even Barr's Dad!… |
Too bad political incest is not a crime too!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews Florida Part 2 like Cy/Preet/NYPD protected powerfully connected $ that kind that got Ghislaine Maxwell 9 speeches at the United Nations! Barry Diller a fixer too?She's cooperating. Really?She belongs in jail she's not indicted aka the Fix is in yet AGAIN!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews The fact Ghislaine Maxwell was not Arrested in Florida and is still Free is proof there is No Justice! How could she not be indicted and be behind bars? The fix is in! You get to grab Jeffrey Epstein house $77 million + more;they'll be some victim settlements!GM a monster free!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SDNYnews The fact that you have not arrested Ghislaine Maxwell is proof the FIX was in and it remains in, has been in for years! Wexner makes his convenient announcement, Epstein murdered/suicide and it is obvious what is next.... Where does Barry Diller in this...?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
The FBI lost the trust of the public -- no one buying their's, the NYPD and Cy Vance dirty DA "public relations". Their goal is to have the public move on always NYPD police commissioner O'Neill strategy - so all fixing favors Teflon status forgotten all enabler protected!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@eorden The same FBI who didn't investigate NYPD telling Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge's court appointed hearings ALL THESE YEARS? FBI who didn't investigate DA Cy Vance ADA Gaffney + their special investigator giving Teflon status to Ghislaine Maxwell the deal GM made in Fl? PRcrueljoke?
Multimillionaire and accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein dies after hanging himself in cell
I want to flow chart of all his enabler's and I know would include top NYPD for years and the Manhattan DA but who else who is the person who got Maxwell nine speech is at United Nations and we know about Howard Rubenstein don't we? How many news agencies in New York killed news in this case and in my case for years the same media outlet send you some of my work but would never report would happen to me -- I was not even safe at a doctors office and SoHo.
Harassed on new youtube reminds me: By the way any lawyers besides I allege Joe Tacopina. Chad Seigel, any lawyer's Travelers group or any staff associated with them, anyone associated w/ Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks and retired NYPD use sock puppets on youtube to harass, gaslight or had knowledge of goal coercion, knowledge of violent threats to me on line...?
If it is true Maxwell moved to Soho that would make sense NYPD first Precinct protect rich criminals and their criminal employees-- Remember I was questioning whether Jeffrey Epstein had an ownership in the Mercer hotel which is where I start to have problems with the first precinct a totally corrupt precinct that does catering to the rich you just pick up the phone like you're calling a deli if you live in Soho Tribeca.....
Everything seemed orchestrated even Wexner coming out just before Epstein's death it's also convenient and ironic to because Jeffrey Epstein I'm guessing videotape people and he was videotaped 24 hours seven days a week before his mysteriously convenient suicide so there's a lot of mystery here just like Robert Maxwell's death and Ghislaine Maxwell next?
I'm in shock and it made me cry and you know what if the people that broke laws in my case were arrested I'd probably cry too it's also shocking to me the violence the abuse just in my case at a doctors that I wasn't safe but behind the scenes how many strings were pulled and how many crimes were protected in my case on a bigger macro level look at the Epstein Maxwell Kates and their i'm in shock and it made me cry and you know what if the people that broke laws in my case were arrested I'd probably cry too it's also shocking to me the violence the abuse just in my case at a doctors that I wasn't safe but behind the scenes how many strings were pulled and how many crimes were protected in my case on a bigger macro level look at the Epstein Maxwell Case and their enabler's The Fix was in so Cy Vance did not resign no NYPD outer or fired their role and no arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@KlasfeldReports @CourthouseNews If you go to the back of the scribed document you'll see the letter from the US attorney Southern District. Ghislaine Maxwell was breaking very serious laws DA NYPD etc like my case everyone involved including who did fixing in favors as well as the criminals Teflon?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jkbjournalist Who gets Ghislaine Maxwell 9 speeches United Nations?Same person/people that own top NYPD, Manhattan DA,ties to NY media kill news for yrs, same connections arranged immunity deal pure theatre for Jeffrey Epstein special services girl Friday to walk? Where is she not at UN today?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@KlasfeldReports @CourthouseNews As usual Ghislaine Maxwell scrubbed! I'm waiting for her to be on the front cover of all NY media w/ Jeffrey Epstein + enablers that gave them Teflon status including Manhattan DA, top NYPD, Feds how many yrs many cases NYC NYS? My case wealthy MD bragged about his trust in NYPD!
The bottom YouTube of these four is me reading from my book that I've yet to find a book agent and publisher for because it's about corruption in New York especially the city and how in enables Teflon status....
By the way who got Ghislaine Maxwell nine United Nations "talks" when she should've been behind bars instead she's talking to the united nations are you kidding me who arrange that?
You have to be very powerful to arrange for her to get those United Nations speeches someone very powerful who could also call up the Manhattan DA.... someone who could influence the media more than one person perhaps...?
This is my extended playlist on the corrupt Manhattan DA my case and also the Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell because there's no doubt that
The Manhattan DA Cy Vance knew about Maxwell and I believe Cy Vance ADA Gaffney had a special investigator in there there are witnesses that he and Gaffney knew and I allege Cy Vance, he purposely asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status -- they would all have to be willing to lie to Investigator's federal investigators who I hope will question them but maybe will never do so just like my case with the wealthy MD Dr Andrew Fagelman who pushes Viagra and advertises he cures STDs and has lots of NYPD Patients and who knows who else has his patience and friends because he got fixing in favors along with his employee punched a hole in my retina ....
Travelers group who is defending the doctor in my case seems very concerned that I might re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD why would they care unless they're part of the New York State and New York City fixing in favors get out of jail free card program but it seems so many people are hence so much cover up involving the Jeffrey Epstein case the Ghislaine Maxwell case and my case where wealthy doctor got fixing in favors and was party to the goal the NYPD Det was to violently coerce me erase all crimes!
If you read the scribd document down below it looks like there was enough to put Epstein and Maxwell in jail for a long long time yet she is nowhere in sight not a single photo which Hass to be Internet news history that since July 6 we don't see a photo and we don't know her location why? Because the fix is in ? I wonder what she has hidden that's her special passport her Teflon passport and why she was in arrested in Florida it was pure theatre -- the Fix was in!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@KlasfeldReports @CourthouseNews Prince Andrew Affidavit | Sexual Intercourse | Human Trafficking… Ghislaine Maxwell Prince Andrew S&M dinner club Chelsea NYPost article removed… My4 most interesting YouTubes Teflon NY. Imagine contents of GM safe v Jeffrey Epstein? |