My letter published for Eric Garner in NYDN!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@nytimes Why is NYT blacking out Eric Garner his writing y won't u let readers read his own handwriting instead NYT typed up few sentences shame on the NYT black out ditto from my case! Black out Cy Vance, ADA Gaffney Asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex offender status! DA Intern Scandal!
I want NYPD Inspector Richard Dee To testify to permit new commission into NYPD Internal Affairs corruption as well as any and all legal proceedings in my case!
The disciplinary hearing about the death of Eric Garner nearly five years ago serves as a visceral reminder of the cost of refusing to hold the nation’s largest police department accountable when something goes wrong, the Times’ Mara Gay writes.
"Cincinelli cried “fake tears” during the meeting, a source said."
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD Valerie Cincinelli alleged murder-for-hire plot sort of like NYPD 01 plot DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Vergona, Det Andrew Dwyer but they broke laws at their desk my case all passed psych evaluation! Dr Fagelman TRUSTED them to coerce me?… |
The commanding officer of the New York Police Department’s recruit training section said he believes Officer Daniel Pantaleo’s actions met “the definition of a chokehold,” on the second day of the departmental trial against the officer involved in the death of Eric Garner, amNewYork reports.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Photos my protest for me, Eric Garner, all victims Getty Images me protesting Joe Tacopina, Chad Seigel comparing NYPD Rape victim's vagina to Venus Fly trap! ADA Joan Illuzzi knew Joe's alleged cunt threat to turn the tables on me!…… |
May 13 stood outside 1 Police Plaza w/ protestors for Eric Garner and Saheed Vassell demanding accountability and Justice! I informed the media about Eric garners hand written lawsuit that you must read Eric in his own words his own writing -- he wrote it from Rikers Island and you will finally understand what Eric meant when he said it stops today!
Mayor de Blasio says he doesn’t remember wrong-way driving accident from 2015, but ‘everyone has to follow the law’
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD union tweets X-rated porn to criticize congestion pricing! My case I have questions for NYPD PC O'Neill/DI Ed Winski re: playmate gun licensing +
more ?s! Audio 01 Det Squad Sgt Chen party to Obstruction of Justice and more!… |
NYPD union tweets bizarre, X-rated porn clip to criticize congestion pricing my case I have questions for the commander Soho precinct as well as the police commissioner about the playmate about her gun licensing and more
Bill De blasio nypd went down the street wrong way when they crashed and covered up all their wrongdoing just like in my case except my case violent crime at a doctors office fixing in favors for a rich Doctor Who didn't fire his violent my employee because he's even more unethical than her since he is an MD and should no better - The New York Daily News cover today is wrong waybill however the article is not at the top of their website
No arrests my case a running punch to my head after a cyst removed from my elbow, I was holding bags a human piñata. NYPD 911 operator busted for stealing from office vending machine... interesting because I was told about a decorated NYPD captain who had a habit of stealing other cops food out of the precinct refrigerator.
Corrupt NYPD vice detective pleads guilty to role in prostitution and gambling ring vs corrupt detectives and bosses in soho Manhattan that carry to rich and break laws my case Teflon!
2am Friday May 3
Manhattan museum unveils largest Auschwitz exhibition ever in U.S., with chilling artifacts from Jewish victims
NYPD flouts requirement to disclose police misconduct info, vows to post data (FYI Top cops protecting all crimes my case from MD's office to NYPD even Internal Affairs obstructing justice!)
It is not going away what was done to me and NYPD James O'Neill the third police commissioner to protect crimes in my case along with top internal fares officials and they think it's going to go away it's not going away -- I'm being treated like a Jew in early stages in Nazi Germany and it's not OK and it's not going away.
May 1 PTSD Insomnia bad dreams google Dr Fagelman assault -- very little sleep at lunch I was at Whole Foods and I paid cash for some items and I forgot to take them -- The wonderful woman at the cash register along with some customers were getting my attention and for a moment I cringed frightened but they're all trying to help me assist me they were all kind unlike the violence and lies at a doctors office where I should've been safe! I felt embarrassed I said I have PTSD
April 29 In Memory of Lori Kaye murdered gun down. I endured a running punch at an MD's office and NYPD violently threatened me w/ false arrest Saturday 4pm screaming violently at me over the phone that he would arrest me if I didn't drop charges! NYPD falsified police reports all crimes protected from MD's office to 01 Precinct -- internal Affairs joined in obstructing justice and the DA protected all crimes as well!
Det John Vergona and Det Andrew Dwyer with Lt Burgos already falsified police reports and organized what would be falsified police reports joined in as well as protected threats to me.... it's worse than I can even summarize right now and I can't believe that I saw episode for fright night this morning of the TV show billions and there was threatening the victim with false arrest on the weekend unless they drop their charges against a recipient of fixing and favors!!!! My case DI Ed Winski also a guilty party.
Update May 1 NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer broke laws my case including party to falsifying police reports, downgrading crimes to 0 crimes including his own and his co-workers, Party to coercion, party to violating my civil rights---
NYPD Det. Andrew Dwyer was promoted to NYPD FBI Task Force to break more laws and violate more civil rights?
The NYPD today uses sealed arrest information for law enforcement purposes like surveillance, for predictive policing, and targeting people for investigations… Today’s ruling means that that access that they’re giving to officers throughout the department — sometimes at the click of a button on their iPhones — is unlawful,” she added.
Me: | |
Mayor de Blasio was a passenger in a car crash; the NYPD covered it up NYPD Chief Redmond of NYPD intelligence division bodyguards for the mayor covered up this as well as wrongdoing #Survivor Rally steps of City Hall! Redmond dishonest corrupt RESIGN!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@rjhaskins86 @LegalAidNYC @ManhattanDA @BronxDAClark @TMLuongo @marie_defender @ContiCook @ciccolinijulie Cy Vance DA NYPD PC O'Neill Resign for Lies, Violating Ethics, Protecting Crimes including NYPD My Case! DA Top Cop lie to media re: NYPD Det Franco they openly protect detectives falsified police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes w/ supervisors!…
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@briankoppelman @SHO_Billions S4E8 " Fright Night" NYPD Det. John Vergona screamed at me over the phone ur gonna drop charges or I'm going to arrest you! Weekend false arrest aka kidnapping! a hole in my retina cervical damage. False arrest the Jew on the Sabbath r u anti-Semitic? N/A!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @NYPDSVU @NYCMayorsOffice @NYPDDV Cy Vance DA NYPD PC O'Neill Resign for Lies, Violating Ethics, Protecting Crimes including NYPD My Case! DA Top Cop lie to media re: NYPD Det Franco they openly protect detectives falsified police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes w/ supervisors!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDnews @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDCommAffairs @NYPDONeill @TinaMoorereport @MTA @NYPDSVU @NYPDDCPI I have audio evidence/DD5 Det Special + 01 Det squad preventing me from reporting sexual assaultmy case! My constitutional rights violated audio NYPD detective squad prevent me from reporting my attackers false complaint. My attacker yelled I have no rights NYPD enforce it!
NYPD top cops along with Internal Affairs top cops protect Crimes because they know it's not a one off and they devalue NYPD's victims...
City government officials corporate counsel NYPD know that NYPD violated their oath broke laws, violated ethics, protocol my Constitutional rights and broke laws that have no statute of limitations but top cops continue to protect all crimes in my case meaning they continue to lie and continue to be party to violating my civil rights and continue to be parties protecting serious crimes!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
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If Joe Tacopina and his partner use sock puppet accounts and they've never denied that they did - I filed ethical complaint alleging they broke laws and they have not denied that they broke laws they're just silent and Joe Tacopina was never silent so it appears to me that six days after I was attacked Use a sock puppet and a violent cunt threat warning me not to take action or he would see the tables turned I forwarded it to the NYPD who acted on it and it looks like he goes wrote her a letter yet again threatening me and he worked for the Brooklyn DA Charles Hymes the DA who stole drug for his campaign to be re-elected and sent how many innocent people to jail?
The DA knew my case admitted I was a victim of a savage assault second-degree assault, menacing a fast cross complaint, but they made it clear they did not want to touch the NYPD can you imagine when I say day I'm talking ADA Tiana Walton and Joan Illuzzi made it clear they didn't want to go after NYPD!
Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks openly committed perjury - their behavior parallels corrupt NYPD the kind that protected them? They think they can openly commit perjury and get away with it? They did littered there many perjuries with an occasional truth and their lies and occasional truths incriminated them.
I believe any and all cops in my case that her question under oath or repeat the behavior whatever they say whether they lie or tell the truth will incriminate them because I have the video I have the evidence and FYI so Do you corrupt up cops at protect all crimes like they did Sex Crimes do you corrupt top cops up protect all crimes like they did Sex Crimes Lieutenant Lamboy and Cy Vance and his ADAs protected Lamboy over and over!
Cy Vance and ADA Gaffney also asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and openly protected his pimp they both sex trafficked here in New York and our party to sexual abuse, Epstein Rape so I don't understand how the Manhattan DA and NYPD who also had a know about Jeffrey Epstein and his pants are not held accountable how a police commissioner like O'Neill can keep lying and lying and he gets to keep his job he gets to fly on a Cessna he's a misogynist police commissioner who says he's a busy man --/
Where are the resignations and where are the arrests ?
Every government agency that forwarded my case to Internal Affairs to die must be held accountable when I forward our cases they must follow through on our behalf with Internal Affairs and list how often and it's extremely often Internal Affairs Closes cases to protect NYPD and IA crimes like my case! Every case forward it to Internal Affairs today must be listed on CCRB, NYPD Inspector general and CCPC's website proving that they mostly are ineffectual and/or complicit along w/ 3 NYPD Police commissioners who protected crimes in my case and O'Neill, Shea, Reznick continue to do so!
Welcome to zero accountability and a wall around the justice system New York City !
NYPD caught committing perjury underscores turn "Broken Windows" back on the NYPD as he was now caught sexually abusing victim! City of NY/NYPD clearly are negligent refusing to update screening as well as mostly protecting chronic wrong doing!