Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
9/22/18, 2:02 AM
2am insomnia PTSD neck severe pain severe degenerative disc disease i dont know if it was severe when Dr Fagelman protected Delita Hooks running punch to my head, she grabbed my hair jerked my head and neck. It was arranged to commit more crimes +coercion…
Give an NYPD or retired NYPD viagra? There are over 10,000 urologists in the USA but Dr Fagelman who did not have the integrity to fire Delita Hooks some how gets published in a urology magazine just like he someone gets the NYPD to threaten me....hmmm.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
9/1/18, 8:50 PM
NYPost brash soccer star irony editors kill news like serial killer for pals, soccer dude’s shirt says LEIDOS! After SAIC caught stealing Guiliani/Bloomberg CityTime flawed payroll for tax reason renamed LEIDOS to leer in Spanish suzannahbtroy.blogspot……
The other irony is CityTime such garbage it will be thrown out. Even mayor Bloomberg looked at replacement but Bill de Blasio has given green light to steal example NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy and Cy Vance protected him stealing over-time lying about working on rape case at Cy’s office. Cy Vance also refused to prosecute CityTime. Cy Vance’s free pass for criminals could have blocked city of NY from getting hundreds of millions of dollars back from SAIC but the US Attorney did Cy’s job for him but didn’t go far enough hence some NYPD easily stealing overtime using CityTime?
New YouTube account A A harassing me insulting me so I asked for the person's real name and contact info... AA responded not associated with Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks. More lies? AA did not give me real name contact info.
A A language interesting...
My response: LOOKING AT PATTERN aggravated harassment online including you "A A" on behalf of Delita Hooks and or Dr Fagelman so do you represent either one of them or are you "connected" to them in any way? Have you had contact with them or anyone else involved with harassing me during an open investigation? Please do not contact me again unless you give me your real name and contact information. I am working getting this case re-opened because many of the crimes have no statute of limitations so please give me your real name and contact information.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NBC Threatened Ronan Farrow over Harvey Weinstein look what was done to me Cy Vance Top NYPD 01Precinct did fixing favors for Dr Fagelman google Dr Fagelman assault NYPD falsified police reports Delita Hooks lied to NYPD fix was in retaliation my activism…
Updated August 31:
If you are wealthy or connected you can call the NYPD or the DA like you’re calling a deli and order up whatever you want — arrangements are made and if they really don’t like you and your politics your activism thr NYPD IA DA do the dirty work for free. Often people who call up funnel money through donations to the DA or the NYPD. The NYPD are known for taking bribes as we saw in the case of the orthodox Jews from Williamsburg as the most recent example that was exposed. We saw it in the tech corruption- 911 with Chief Dowd head of tech taking lavish gifts and in return not sounding alarms contractors were delivering late in delivering crap.
Dial a DA example read Flash Boys exposes Cy’s special relationship with GS but that was obvious - Wall St implosion Goldman Sachs 0 arrests.
I exposed Michael Bloomberg as an offer mayor that the tech contracts under him one over budget billions of dollars let me repeat that billions of dollars I want to came to CityTime a flawed payroll system — where supervisors can steal time with a pencil and ECTP aka 911 tech system — major fraud including delivering late delivering crap and the two flaw systems are destined for the dumpster.
It is amazing that mayor de Blasio has an address this and thrown out at least the payroll system even Bloomberg was shopping for new one but didn’t have the guts to do the right thing. The 911 tech was all Bloomberg but CityTime had Rudy Giuliani roots and Rudy brought in SAIC with a history of inflating prices essentially stealing and he and Deputy mayors became lobbyists — it appears the NYPD and retired cops were making money hand over fist retired cops as lobbyists and top NYPD getting “ lavish gifts“. Then New York Post hasn’t told my story because of their special relationship with Michael Bloomberg and also George Arzt. Arzt is particularly greedy and he’s got his hands in every pot allegedly when Hewlett Packard mysteriously got the contract for 911 when they shouldn’t have he was there lobbyist is a rumor I heard... I was common knowledge Hewlwtt Packard was over billing delivering late and delivering crap and they only pay back $10.5 million dollars despite stealing and delivering late! I don’t know lobbyist don’t have to pay back money when they push a company that they know is stealing and they knew everyone knew.
George Arzt and Charles Hynes were communicating before Hynes got caught breaking the law. You can read the emails. Hynes was supposed to face at least one if not more grand juries and it never happened!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
I’m looking lawyer group sue city class-action lawsuits City of NY, DA, ADA, NYPD IA Obstruction justice I’m also looking for a lawyer to take my case I sued pro se I’m getting even more evidence! Det Andrew Dwyer, Det Vergona etc broke laws at their desk…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Google Dr Fagelman assault. DrVremoved cyst on my L arm Dr F’s manipulative violent liar Delita punched hole in my retina, cervical damage told severe DDD never had pain tingling numbness like this, torn rotator cuff they got NYPD to join in breaking laws!…
NYPD cop accused of beating up homeless teen, lying about attack
Detectives and supervisors would not meet me except to false arrest me on Saturday 4 PM unless I drop charges I was verbally violently threatened over the phone by Det John Vergona - he broke the law and was allowed to retire along w/ Lt Burgos. I don’t know what would’ve happened in person Saturday the NYPD 01 broke so many laws behind their desks violated my civil rights....I can’t imagine how many more laws they would have broken.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDBees @NYPDTimesSquare @NYPDnews O’Neill Cessna thief ok w/a running punch to my head hole in my retina Det Andrew Dwyer, Det Vergona, Lt Burgos, Ed Winski falsified DD5s refused to meet me the victim. #NYPD called Dr F it’s done! Misogynist DA Cy Vance Ray Kelly, Bratton O’Neill corrupt
I had a DNA test I’m 95.5 Ashkenazi Jewish. It’s hard to understand but the 5% seems so small is everything under the sun from everywhere around the world and I am not surprised.
I despise Donald Trump and I hope he and Pence are forced out both of them — I could not vote for him or Hillary Clinton because Hillary was going to put Bill Bratton in place — Bratton has Eric Garner’s blood on his hands along w/ Chief Banks and Bratton Did not fire John Miller 23 years ago when he should’ve for lying about a Black, LGBT, AVP ( anti-violence project) activist, John Miller did obstruct Justice similar to top cops on down my case and DA — disgusting.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCMayor @RepDeSantis @AndrewGillum @realDonaldTrump Bill de Blasio are you racist? How many Black men, women killed in nyc by NYPD and you are silent? You have not shared Eric Garner his handwritten lawsuit from Rikers under Michael Bloomberg and Ray Kelly. Eric Garner and I the diverse People of NYC not your son and daughter
I despise Trump and his picks for everything. Bill de Blasio is using Trump to try and hide his own HUGE failings.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCMayor @RepDeSantis @AndrewGillum @realDonaldTrump Bill de Blasio how many Children MURDERED nyc children services failed them, NYCHA no heat freezing temps + lead paint, Eric Garner & I victims NYPD under Bloomberg Eric homicide u Bratton O’Neill failed us! U should live in NYCHA!…… |
I want to find out if I can report lawyers that sculpted false narrative‘s to cover up very serious crime in violation of my patients rights can I report them to the Supreme Court ethics committee?
I already reported Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel - for allegedly breaking the law obstructing justice witness tampering threatening me using sock puppet show using the word cunt threatening to turn the tables on me he and his partner did not deny that they broke the law !
New York State Supreme Court ethics committee has let Charles Hynes and Cy Vance and ADAs get away with murder along with Joe Tacopina? I believe that an archive will be opened up to the public to show the answer is yes including in my case!
Aug 30, 2018 update I was supposed to visit my mother today she’s dying she’s been dying for years it’s very tragic it’s very sad but I can’t because the PTSD and chronic severe insomnia was so extra (Google Dr Fagelman assault + NYPD did fixing favors retalation) PTSD extra bad last night.
Note please scan down below why the top rest of the NYPD three police commissioners have retaliated against me for my activism along with the Manhattan DA on the lowest level the first precinct police officer Gene Schatz violently threatened and harassed a Korean war veteran who is dying of prostate cancer before he died all he wanted to do was sit outside the Mercer hotel and sell his wares and Michael Ross and wanted the police to ignore the illegally parked cars do you preferential policing ignore the fact the hotel uses this loading and unloading as private parking while he called the police on Eric who is dying and did die of prostate cancer and hospice . I had reported this vicious nasty police officer who abused his power legally use to sirens harassed me and it turns out that Detectives that broke laws at their desk it’s in my case or Facebook friends with him
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDBees @NYPDTimesSquare @NYPDnews Fire NYPD O’Neill, Boyce Cessna thieves repay Federal tax $ not ur taxi! Fire John Miller Prospect Park #Rape case! Thank you PO Lauriano for caring about #bees! Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill SUPREME MISOGYNIST 1PP brass only care about ABUSING their power!…
Aug 29 3:45 I thank G-d for sending me people that help me build up the muscles around joints so I can walk, move my shoulder and left arm torn left Supraspinatus probably fighting off Dr Fagelman’s attack receptionist/ office manager Delita Hooks, Dr F’s violent manipulative lying receptionist/office manager — Google Dr Fagelman assault! Watch her — tell me do you see her threatening me with bodily harm? Do you see her hitting me with multiple objects throwing her shoes running at me as I back away none of that is in the NYPD and Internal Affairs reports!!!!! Internal affairs under three police commissioners has protected the first precinct detective falsifying police reports because they don’t like me! I am a complainer! Scroll down you can see me in front of SAIC New York offices with union leaders, Tish James complaining about over $600 million SAIC stole. I’m the only one asking for Rico charges so that would be 600million x 3. Should have been 700 million x 3. I also complained about the 911 Tech system over budget 1 billion tax dollars + delivers crap and late way behind schedule (under Bloomberg 911 house of cards) and the city only got back $60.5 million on 911 tech system aka ECTP — yes worth repeating 911 that went over budget over billion dollars and doesn’t work properly didn’t then or now! System is a convoluted mess! Like CityTime, 911 tech is Destined for the dumpster and there are more efficient ways to run the systems but that would expose Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg and how many corrupt players that made a fortune off this corruption and how it also ties into New York pension fund! 911 top brass caught taking lavish gifts 0 arrests not fired — at least one company that bought NYPD lavish gifts had to repay the city $50,000,000.00 arrests! HP returned 10.5 million 0 arrests and HP’s relations w/ NY Pensions speaks volumes.
My complaining helped to put the pressure on to get mega millions back for the city of New York! If Internal Affairs stopped covering up NYPD and IA crimes I wouldn’t need to complain. More on NYPD, IA, the MD’s office my case later.
Watch the youtube Google Dr Fagelman assault proves NYPD falsified DD5s police reports IA protected all crimes and guess who lied to the NYPD during an open investigation- party to the goal to threaten me and force me to drop charges! Every woman you see in that video their faces they all lied to the police during an open investigation and when I finally got the DA to investigate they lied to the DA! There is more stay tuned about why Delita Hooks wasn’t fired for a running punch to my head after repeatedly violating my patient rights. Delita Hooks running punch to my head caused a hole in my retina. She still is there - The violent liar thanks to her employer Dr F doesn’t know right from wrong and she is now training her daughter to work there too? (Feels like a horror movie but real.) Delita aka Delite and Dee has yet to be arrested. Lying to the NYPD has no statute of limitations even if the cops for falsifying police reports she lied and that’s a crime!
I was threatened and threatened but there is more on going more lies... stay tune...
If and when we finally get an honest police commissioner that cares about right and wrong and integrity instead of stealing plane rides like all three of them did by the way Ray Kelly Bratton and O’Neill our and Cy Vance out like Charles Hynes maybe I will get Justice?
FYI Chief Boyce, Moynihan and police commissioner O’Neill have not paid back the federal tax dollars they stole taking those free rides on federally funded Cessna! If they were subordinates I’m sure they took those rides because they felt they had to but the big brass have to pay back even if it comes from their pensions! Ray Kelly and Bratton were forced to pay back free rides they wrongly accepted but this is worse!
I am trying to lose weight I gained after the attack years of lying and harassment and bullying online besides the violence and threats.... I gained weight my health declined.
If my spine was like Eiffel tower it’s crumbling I have to work to strengthen every muscle that supports it especially the neck neck I have severe degenerative disc disease . I had problems in terms of medical issues before I went to the doctors but left with a hole in my retina and severe medical concerns greatly amplified from shocking violence threats s harassment online stalking on social media post Dr Fagelman refusing to fire Delita Hooks and it didn’t stop there thanks to corrupt NYPD from the First Precinct and One Police Plaza and Dirty DA Cy Vance, Tiana Walton and Joan Illuzzi. I am one of how many victims that is calling for permanent new commission that holds all of them NYPD, internal affairs dirty DAs ADAs even corporate counsel accountable...????
I’m working in getting in shape in case I need surgeries like neck surgery, let’s say etc for the other possible ones. I was in good shape before the attack but after all the violence lies harassment on going I gained 30 pounds!
I’m working hard losing weight strengthening all the muscles that support my spine and joints ....preparation for any surgeries I may need for my neck, my left shoulder, and I’m meeting with doctors after MRIs in September to see if I need a surgery I wanted to put off - Or avoid with the violence and lies from the doctors office he NYPD have increased bad symptoms to very bad —- also my mom was a victim of violence she is now completely handicapped it was a slow process of losing her neurological abilities — I have to lose weight to help my joints which are so damaged specially my neck, knees, right ankle etc. if I become severely handicapped I have to use every muscle in her back the case very serious surgery is like next surgery I have to drop my body fat and you’re ready ...,.
I wasn’t safe for the doctors please Google Dr Fagelman- Babe no decency are such liars —
August 29 updating 2 PM if you see me looking fit I’m not fit I’ve worked my heart my soul and my guts out with special support it’s like on the Eiffel tower crumbling I’m working every muscle every that supports my structure—
When I went to see my physical therapist for a valuation for my neck I was told I terrible posture if you see me sitting up if you see me walking it’s because I have work so hard to stand up straight to sit up to walk ——.
Delita Hooks violent manipulative liar who works for Dr Fagelman -- as his office manager and receptionist she worked there for over a decade still there she finally crossed the line she and he could not erase a running punch to my head she repeatedly violated my patient rights including from behind the receptionist desk then she menaced me stalk me she engaged other people to protect her violence lies and her initial threat to harm me she still harming me and so is her boss.
I was a patient of another doctor but she left the office moved out after I was attacked and I didn't look it but actually was handicapped I had a conversation with Dr. Rosen before the attack that I need a handicap sticker but I didn't have a car I've had painful excruciating injections in my knees because I don't have cartilage it's hard to walk, turns out I have degenerative disc disease quite severe in my neck we knew I had problems with my feet and my Achilles tendinitis my right Achilles very swollen and filled with scar tissue --
It was a miracle I looked so good it's a miracle I could move my body it's a miracle I can move my body today
If you see me looking fit now it's because I've worked so hard with an amazing physical therapist Magda when I lost all hope and believe that I would ever be able to use my left arm again I have a torn tendon seriously torn but not complete very bad tear in my lateral rotator cuff left arm I was not able to move my arm I lost all hope and she help me -- I found Australian physical therapists that teach private reformers and we're reconstructing my abdomen my posture my shoulder
I feel like I'm the Eiffel tower and everything is crumbling so we're working so hard to support every structure in my body every joint I work so hard so if you see me looking healthier a better it's because I've worked so hard!
But I still have to generative disc disease it's very extreme in my neck which means it's a dangerous condition that's my neck I have a torn tendon that still torn in my left shoulder that could tear completely and then I'll need surgery I do need surgery for my neck but we're putting it off but I still have to generative disc disease it's very extreme in my neck which means it's a dangerous condition that's my neck I have a torn tendon that still torn in my left shoulder that could tear completely and then I'll need surgery I do need surgery for my neck but we're putting it off
I've never felt such terrible pain in my neck as I did after I was attacked----
I can turn my head but it's with extreme pain I've worked hard for this motion the range of motion I have but to do it it hurts it'spainful
Do I need to wear signs on me please don't punch me or hit me at a doctors office because there have been no arrest zero accountability in my case?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Updated blog Cuomo passes bill to go after Dirty DA! #NYPD pc O’Neill out soon? May bring me a step closer to Justice my case, me and how many victims? Also Siri put “I” wrong places see newest I Cuomo so upsetting. Anyway no statues many crimes my case!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@TishJames @Gothamist Can you go after NYPD Police commish, Chief Boyce corrupt, chiefs, deputy inspectors that stole rides on Federally funded Cessna. Like CityTime do a split on $ returned. They can work out a payment plan w/ pensions but 1st resign!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD many nycgov employees see Dr Fagelman? google dr Fagelman assault watch youtube 0 arrests. Any Rudin Dr F’s Patients? Names of NYPD besides NYPD I have already I’m getting more names soon? No statute on many crimes in my case!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Cy Vance, Preet Bharara, Feds looked away CityTime, 911 tech corruption 0 arrests NYCgov involved CityTime/ECTP 911 destined for dumpster, #NYPD among nycgov using CityTime to steal - my case retaliation google Dr Fagelman assault……
FRI, MAR 16, 2012 Greg Farrell San Diego
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Lawyers, NYPD, retired cops, Internal affairs officers that knowingly conspire to create false narrative/s for person or persons who committed a crime/s, have crossed a line, criminal as well? If so can they lose certain attorney client privileges?
Lawyers, NYPD, retired cops, Internal affairs cops that knowingly conspire to create false narrative/s for person or persons who committed or party to a crime/s, have crossed a line, criminal as well? If so can they lose certain attorney client privileges?
IN MY CASE..... NYC Cy Vance, Joan Illuzzi, Tiana Walton, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, James O’Neill, Campisi, Reznick, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon, Lt Michael J Agnese, Lt Fikru, Sgt Mary O’Donnell, Lt Angelo Burgos, Ed Winski, Det Andrew Dwyer, Delita Hooks, The women in the video and nurse PJ said all lied to the NYPD and the DA with their protection, NYPD Det John Vergona, FB friends NYPD PO Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran all thought this would go awake. I am not an 11 year old boy murdered and raped (prayers for Nicky and family) but my case and how many cases DNA isn’t needed. The media is killing news like serial killers but I do believe however many years it takes I will get Justice I hope with many other victims of dirty DAs,ADA and NYPD top brass on down.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
mentally ill psycho account Catherine Dockery gives Gibson Bridge Vineyard 1 star woman rude? This Google account libeled me blamed me for Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks abuse lies false narrative blame me for Delita Hooks violating my patient rights punching a hole in my retina etc
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
PTSD 3:30 am I pray to G-d to punish all involved in the violence lies on going almost 6 yrs Google Dr Fagelman assault. NYPD O’Neill out soon will contact new PC I continue to call for special prosecutor to go after MD office NYPD IA broke laws no statute…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@TishJames Bill past go after Dirty DAs! My case DA Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi I’ma critic of Cy’s so not entitled to Justice see date of YouTube!… #Justice most traffic now blog Hynes Grand Jury Cy guiltytoo… |
See tweet below Siri puts I in front of Cuomo - it’s upsetting I’m struggling so hard to try and get Justice and I feel like my iPhone is sabotaging me sticking I in all the wrong places I have PTSD and insomnia almost 6 years Google Dr Fagelman assault ok to punch a hole in my retina hurt cervical spine sexually violate me
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI Old post Hynes faces Indictment Cy Vance as guilty?… I wondered why blog post getting lot of views? Now I Cuomo past bill to go after DAs!… here I confront misogynist Cy ‘14! Ok to hit a woman if she’s a critic… |
August 21 I also have even more evidence and I may be getting my hands on shocking evidence of who inside the 1st Precinct/1 police Plaza coordinated coercion falsifying police reports, had the NYPD to et John Vergona threaten me. I may also be getting evidence that will prove Joe Tacopina involved and reminder I file to ethical complaints against him and his partner alleging they broke laws and they did not deny that they broke the loss harassing me threatening me online during an open investigation! Also key NYC gov officials protected all crimes including Zachary Carter, Scott Stringer, Dirty DA Cy Vance/Tiana Walton/Joan Illuzzi and 3 NYPD police commissioners #retaliation
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCComptroller How many people like Rudin, George Arzt etc I criticized on my blog for their wheelingdealing that’s Scott Stringer acted on their behalf retaliation refusing to settle my case in concert w/Cy Vance, Zachary Carter 3 corrupt NYPD PC protected all crimes in my case NYPD IA CRIMES!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCCouncil @RLEspinal @NYCMayor Bill de Blasio protecting all crimes from mayor Bloomberg era Eric Garner case my case etc +CityTime, 911 etc he continues to push reckless tsunami up development on all New York’s infrastructure. He hire Bratton/O’Neill taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD Bill resign!
Aug 19 update: (What ever you think you know about my case there’s a lot more you don’t know, I’m learning more gathering more evidence about what happened and the extent including involving lying false narratives posted online now mostly gone and where they “landed”...) Please help the Dr Fagelman assault YouTube go viral until everyone involved in the violence, lies stops their lying including ACCOUNTABILITY involving those who directly threatened me online (I allege Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel broke the law threatening me during an open investigation and they’ve never denied it I felt an ethical complaint - just silence no denials!) I was also violently threatened over the phone by NYPD John Vergona - he broke the law too, anyome anyone party to the lies, threats, falsifying police everyonline harassment of me on Yelp, YouTube etc including during an open investigation stop they’re lying. I think Dr Fagelman’s patient Cathrine Dockery just removed her lying blaming false statement on my YouTube channel? If so why?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI Cy Vance DA, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill NYPD IA taught Delita Hooks be violent lie threaten your victim u can become an American Citizen. Hooks lied to NYPD! 01 NYPD falsified DD5s DA IA protected VIOLENT threats to me during open investigation coercion…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@UN @UNHumanRights Cy Vance is worse than NFL NYPD cop horrific Rape of school teacher ask why Cy didn’t return Lloyd Constantine campaign donation?… Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi my case RESIGN DA doesn’t have the public trust! DA ADAs don’t even have integrity!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@UN @UNHumanRights Myletter FT ‘01 “Image atthe Cutting Edge” Iwrite globally concern4 #women basic Human Rights ‘12 my HR body violated! Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill, Boyce, DA Cy Vance misogyny retaliation Google dr Fagelman assault pile-up of crimes holemyretina…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
#NYULangone sends me note from MDs, nurses, staff — thank you for trusting us w/ your health.Very touching! Google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube! See women Nurse outfits all lied to NYPD! NYPD joined in falsified DD5s Det Vergona threatened me w/ false arrest unless I Drop Charges!
See these 2 videos?????
The first is in 2010 — like my Sheldon Silver r u corrupt Shelly, I am years ahead of the curve I was invited to a big union meeting and so was Tish James. Than I made this youtube! I am the lone voice saying end the contracts w/ SAIC! Later NYS Comptroller agreed!!!!
Aug 12 updated this post: added this paragraph and links on CityTime here I am w/ Union leaders I demand more than $600 million back from SAIC + also my YouTube the only demanding the City end the contract w/ SAIC watch the video Youtube look at date I am the first only voice that stated end SAIC contract months before NYS Comptroller does (bad news for Rudy and his deputy mayors turned lobbyist + retired NYPD consultants), 911 aka ECTP (call me a complainer — my complaining combined w/ other People’s hard persistent work helped to get $665 CityTime, 911 ECTP Million back CityTime+911 oops -NYPD caught taking lavish gifts 911) EVEN MORE REASONS ZACHARY CARTER, Cy Vance, IAB DA PROTECTED ALL THE NYPD IA THAT BROKE LAWS INVOLVED IN FIXING, FAVORS AND RETALIATION AGAINST ME... also: The mayors, comptrollers, heads of legal NYPD and Corp Counsel could have done the morally right thing in countless cases including Eric Garner and my -- our pro se lawsuits under mayor Bloomberg both pro se lawsuits stated RETALIATION but EVERY OFFICIAL THAT SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING instead they protected CHRONIC wrong doing by the NYPD 1-800-NYPD IA DA Fix-it and fixing it included dirty DAs and corrupt Internal Affairs in too many cases for way too long.......class action lawsuits and a mayor that is demanding accountability and clean house is needed.... I was the victim of horrific violence, lies, threats and online bullying after Delita Hooks a violent manipulative liar and bully...she tried beating me to a pulp after menacing me, stalking me coming out from behind the large receptionist desk she even stole a note I wrote Dr Vine and destroyed it as her boss Dr Andrew Fagelman hid in his office and he did not fire her! (Dr Fagelman's "role" in this -- I am PTSDing it has been almost 6 years ---I can't even find words right now.....stay tuned) I was bullied lied about threatened like her NYPD fixers that broke laws! NYPD Detectives Andrew Dwyer, Det John Vergona and supervisor and the corrupt NYPD detectives facebook friends it took until 2016 to see the detectives from the first precinct that broke laws falsified police reports -- their faces for the first time click this link watch my discovery documented on YouTube facebook friends complicit NYPD PO Gene Schatz and his partner det moran -- (I reported Schatz in 2010 to IA) Schatz is quite a bully and a player in the fixing and retaliation at the lowest levels....the NYPD joined in breaking laws, acting on a cunt threat to turn the tables one me -- which Joe Tacopina has never denied he committed during an open investigation as "Bob Dobalina" a YouTube account along with partner "Charles Ward" I allege is Chad Seigel who I protested for their treatment of the NYPD rape victim and top cops including Internal Affairs acted on this threat protecting all crimes including by the NYPD from the First Precinct like the protected Lt. Lamboy as reported by the NYDN. I have bad PTSD -- severe insomnia for almost 6 years so writing and voice dictating has become hellish but here is an attempt to understand after years of Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks lying and blaming me, Dr Vine's patient who became a human piñata starting with Delita Hooks literally....0 arrests as NYPD and others joined in threatening me online, selling a false narrative, obstructing justice and more.... this paragraph added Aug 12 as the Oct1, 2012 anniversary of a horrific attack that would damage my body and mind unfolded at Dr Fagelman's -- I went to the MD's office to get a cyst removed by Dr Vine; to feel better and I left with a hole and my retina, cervical damage and more...
Ray Kelly, Campisi, Winski taught me NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino, Bratton taught me turn Broken Windows back on the NYPD. O'Neill all of the above and he protected John Miller a racist homophobe misogynist and promoted Det Andrew Dwyer who acted on the cunt threat to counter-terrorism so indirectly working for John Miller who lied about an LGBT rape victim; Miller obstructed Justice similar to Det Andrew Dwyer and Miller enabled a serial rapist to rape even more women. Bratton did not fire him 23 years ago and NYPD PC O'Neill protected Miller who should have exited w/ Bratton. PC O'Neill still acting on cunt threat...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU online harassment started by AJohn YouTube w/ me black eye hole in my retina from Dr Fagelman attack receptionist I l’m talking about SAIC CityTime, 911 ECTP overbudget c 2 billion tax $ mayor Bloomberg. FYI Teflon Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stole OT CityTime
City of NY got 600 million dollars back CityTime from SAIC thanks to activists like me — Mike Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearn praised SAIC until they couldn’t and Rose Gill Hearn went on NY1 and didn’t infomercial for the floor payroll system and to date NYPD like Lt Lamboy of Sex Crimes Unit used CityTime to steal overtime and Pat their pensions because it’s such a flawed system it’s easy to do. We only got 60.5 million back a 911 also known as ECTP. That was too low of figure and not enough was done in terms of accountability especially with PSAC2 The second emergency command center which the NYPD to cover up for wrongdoing and years behind schedule says is top secret. Looked who were the lobbyists for the contractors that grossly inflated prices and they often delivered late and delivered below par services. Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayor’s lobbyist for SAIC. I believe George arzt a lobbyist for Hewlwett Parkard when They got the 911 contract even though they weren’t experienced enough to have it and a rep openly bragged to source he would over bill until he lost the contract there been no arrests! Top cops got lavish gifts from contractors grossly overbillimg. Cy Vance refused to prosecute CityTime and ECTP 911 as well as top cops taking lavish gifts! I called for an investigation in to NYPD 911 and First Net too major boondoggles tax payer titanics and Chief Dowd involved in both. He is enjoying his pension — there’s a large scale terrorist attack with the 911 tech system will it work after years and years of over billing, graft 0 - little accountability. By the way the contractors are all tied to the New York pension - another reason it was chosen to sweep everything under the rug.
They were many reasons I was retaliated against and all of them in excusable I’m an activist I have a right to go to wood doctor not have a whole punched in my retina and be threatened multiple times to be harassed and threatened during an open investigation it’s just shocking that this happens in America in New York City in the 21st-century? The City is in bad shape in so many ways....
(There were a fleet of "tax payer Titanics" under Bloomberg some with "rudy roots".....includign 311, board of ed tech scandals, FDNY Wireless, etc...)
It should be noted after almost 6 yrs of on going harassment lies associated w/ Dr Fagelman’s and NYPD grow increasingly handicapped even trying to write her voice dictate has turned into a nightmare w/ “Siri” but “I” in inappropriate places terrible typos.
I guess the NYPD don’t understand right from wrong it wasn’t a few bad apples in my case and what about the doctors office isn’t there something called the Hippocratic oath?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@nytimes My ltr The Financial Times June 2000 woman lack of economic power/human rights 12 Yrs Later My patient/human rights More Violated at Dr Fagelman's Horrific Attack Damaged My Retina than NYPD Internal Affairs Coercion More Violence Lies NYC USA SHOCKING… |
4:41 August 10 dripping with sweat — 2 hr commute each way Friday night coming home from being with my mom who continues to barely hanging in but is cognizant… I think of my letter in the financial times in 2001 and 17 years later here I am fighting for justice because I was violated my patient rights my human rights patient rights my body my civil rights NYPD violated my civil rights like they did how many under Bloomberg Ray Kelly and continue to do so....And a doctors office certain members as well as NYPD from the 1st Precinct that caters to rich people above the law along with Internal Affairs, one police plaza -- did (continue to) directly participate in breaking laws or cover them up but a mistake they made Is there is overwhelming evidence and there’s no statute of limitation on lying to the NYPD during an open investigation. NYPD falsified police report -- there’s no statue of limitations on the crime, people threatening me during an open investigation including online and NYPD detective John Vergona finally VERBALLY VIOLENTLY threatened me over the phone with false arrest unlessI drop charges there’s no statute on threatening a victim during open investigation etc. Than a phone call was made directly to Dr Andrew Fagelman it's done -- we coerced her threatened her got her to drop charges - in so many words (a lot less words) that was what communicated.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Such bad dream about Dr Andrew Fagelman. Google Dr Fagelman assault. #unethical #liar
I told ADA Joan Illuzzi I believe Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina used a sock puppet account to threaten me during an open investigation -- it was a cunt threat to see the tables turned. At time I still was in shock so I didn't point out he most likely contacted Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks and ghost wrote her signed letter in response to Ron Kuby's openly threatening me yet again. Delita Hooks letter to Det Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me again warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges or she will file yet another false cross complaint is a crime. Ron Kuby's letter is shorthand for I was coerced. Joan Illuzzi could not hide her feelings for Ron Kuby the polar opposite of her feelings for her boss Cy Vance.
I remember ADA Joan Illuzzi asking me why would Joe Tacopina due that? She did not want an answer.
Ironic the powerful photo of me protesting Michael Bloomberg's "3rd term" was in Corbis Images bought someone bought Corbis and the image was deleted but the images protesting DSK and Joe Tacopina, Chad Seigel who I allege also used a sock puppet during an open investigation is still in Getty Images and gives you a clue about why Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel I allege openly broke the law and threatened me during the investigation which is enough to get them disbarred but some people are Teflon at least for now.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU NYPD IA joined in breaking laws w/ Delita Hooks all lied w/ NYPD during open investigation labeled me a complainer so ok to punch hole in my retina violate me falsify DD5s!Sgt shot revival in face fabricated narrative like my case… ( rival - typo)
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD Sex Crime Lt also Internal Affairs maybe at the time I went to IA admits to raping under girls? My brain can’t even absorb this. All I know is top cops One Police Plaza protecting crimes in my case, Lt Lamboy, maybe they protected this creep, others?…
Updated with documentation the harassment started online before I posted the YouTube of the attack with violent threat to harm me by Delita Hooks Dr Fagelman's employee aka "Dee" and "Delite" — first sock puppet: "AJohn"This was the first false narrative see tweet above click on link— I harassed nobody (Dr Vine and her nurse can confirm I was happy)! I WAS HARASSED MY PATIENT RIGHTS VIOLATED. MY BODY REPEATEDLY VIOLATED AFTER I HAD A CYST REMOVED. I attacked nobody! I did not throw the first punch. Please note Delita Hooks the woman w/ ANGER MANAGEMENT problems, who FIRST THREATENED ME WITH BODILY HARM savagely assaulted me; she knew I was a patient! She knew I had a ton of fibroids tumors! I told Delita Hooks the first time I walked in to the office to see Dr Vine, I really need to use the bathroom because of the fibroid tumors...
The narrative changed and changed and I want to know who were the coaches, coached her to change each false narrative all these years...?
The Netflix TV Show "The Crown" young Queen Elizabeth is at first happy a critic of her's got punched but than she learns the man who did the punching is far from an appropriate night in shining armor. In my case People in positions of power took pleasure in the assault but never had young Queen Elizabeth's epiphany... She secretly met with her critic and made BIG IMPROVEMENTS based on his very valid feedback.
The first time I had learned I was labeled "a complainer" was by an NYC gov employee I was told had anger management issues and hit a secretary.
My complaints and activism my blogging contributed to pressing the Bloomberg Administration in to getting SAIC to return aprox $600 million dollars back and I was the only one to say we must end our contract with SAIC. The NYState Comptroller did just that! I sat in on a meeting by invitation way before that was accomplished invited by a Union worker from DC37 who was impressed with my work. I made a recommendation than and there to terminate with SAIC. You know who else was invited to the meeting? Tish James!
Two years before I was savagely assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's I reported NYPD PO Eugene "Gene" Schatz -- see photo below for illegally using his sirens, using his car aggressively -- verbally violently abusive yelling at me the Mercer Hotel can use it 's loading and unloading zone as private parking --legally the can't but they do because Soho 01 Precicnt w/ One Police Plaza and transit have arrangements and why do the have arrangements?
CORRUPT PO GENE SCHATZ AND HIS PARTNER DET TOMMY MORAN (party to crimes committed in my case) FACEBOOK FRIENDS WITH THE DETECTIVES THAT BROKE LAWS IN MY CASE! Do the math. I discovered this not Internal Affairs who has been protecting crimes for almost 6 years now proving to me Internal Affairs cannot police the police or themselves. See something say something doesn't apply to the NYPD IA DA?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI NYPD have chronically break laws violating our civil rights falsifying (DD5) police reports coercion top brass inside the NYPD IA DA protected all crimes every agency that supposed to police the police gave my case back to Internal Affairs who was guilty in the first place!
Aprox 4 years later as I continued to sue the City and NYPD who to date are still covering up crimes I saw Det Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona who hid from me like Klu Klu Clan breaking laws at their desks, falsfying police reports, downgrading all crimes to 0 including their own --- I found them on facebook and they are facebook friends with Det Tommy Moran and his community affair partner PO eugene Schatz! Another words they were all party to the dirty dealing the crimes fixing and favor for a rich MD that has lots of NYPD and I am guessing retired NYPD patients! For all I know maybe Dr Fagelman has DA ADA patients. What I do know is he has lots of NYC gov patients! His location is so convenient he is making money hand over fist but look what was done to me!
My goal is to sue the City yet again with even more evidence I am getting/plus join class action lawsuits against the City for years of obstruction of Justice in so many of our cases!
How about NYPD hiring practices? NYPD sergeant gets 28 years for persuading women to sexually abuse infants and children
Retired NYPD Lt worked sex crimes, Internal Affairs admitted to raping sexually abusing teenage relatives over several yrs? Did he used NYPD vehicles? Read this article “According to that same source, the abuse occurred in a systematic fashion–either while McAteer’s wife was asleep or inside of McAteer’s unmarked NYPD patrol car.” far more info on NYPD Lt. than NYDN.
Was this creep working protecting crimes along with supervisors when I went to IA?
So many articles NYPD crimes arrested it’s so many NYPD involved in my case broke laws they’re not arrested because there’s no proper screening or accountability which is why we need a permanent new commission into corruption as well as a Citizen database!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @StateDept @CTCWP @madeleine @USArmy @WPAOG @NYPDCT @NYPDnews @NYPDDCPI @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDSpecialops My civil rights violated by NYPD IA DA who also protected Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stealing OT rape cases work he didn’t do at DA/1PP. DA NYPD IA protected assault on me handicapped w/ DDD arm numb cyst removed Delita Hooks lied to NYPD DA NYPD falsified DD5s…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
Delita Hooks did a running lunging punch to my head -- she made a hole in my retina......
She could have killed me! When she grabbed my hair and jerked neck and head around she caused massive floaters in both eyes and she further damaged my neck that has DDD degenerative disk disease!
In contrast Delita Hooks letter in response written to Det Andrew Dwyer is yet another crime and only Joe Tacopina could have been stupid enough to ghost write that letter OPENLY THREATENING ME YET AGAIN WARNING ME TO NOT COME BACK AND FILE 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT CHARGES OR SHE WILL!!!!! That is a serious crime!
Read her letter in response to Kuby! The NYPD rushed to seal it. It is unsealed and it still doesn't matter -- it is like Censa stealing NYPD PC James O'Neill abuse of FEDERAL tax payer money -- in your face wrong doing 0 accountability except this was an attack on a handicapped medical patient -- yes I don't look handicap -- yes I am active as much as possible to support my spine and knees that are in bad shape and from the MD's office to the NYPD Internal Affairs a pile up of crimes and the DA protected all of them like Cy Vance has done for how many rich people?
EXCLUSIVE: Coalition that includes wrongly convicted urges Cuomo to sign law creating prosecutorial misconduct commission - FYI DA ADAs break laws dirty dealing must be held accountable
"Love working with Suzanne. A real powerhouse that is nice and loves
NYC so much with all this criminal behavior by our elected officials and corporate elite.
She marks the spot. She is an angel on Earth too."
Giuseppi Logan's only child from his 2nd marriage Jaee calls me an Angel too.
At the bottom of this article you can see a photo of GL and me. Since than I gained so much weight I can't fit in to those pants -- I went to see Dr Vine to feel better get peace of mind and I because a victim of violence and lies -- I had to get surgery on my eye to repair a hole in my retina from Delita Hooks, I have never felt such pain my back, neck and shoulder as I do from that attack. I had insomnia before but nothing like this -- it is hard to even right and when I voice dictate "siri" has become a nightmare putting "I" in the most in appropriate places.
I am sure the families of the child and adult I donated my blood cells so and the many recipients of my platelets consider donors like me pinch hitting angels.
I don't appreciate the violence and LIES, THREATS -- I have a right to go to the doctor's and violently threatened and harmed and I have a right to report crimes and I was blocked every step.
Before Delita Hooks hit me -- I looked beautiful that day and I was laughing and joking with Dr Vine and her nurse. I said goodbye to the staff outside Dr Vine' examine room and joked about getting botox (a joke) next year. You can see from my face I never got botox. TO DATE I AM STILL IN SHOCK AT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN'S BEHAVIOR, DELITA HOOKS, ALL THE WOMEN IN THE VIDEO WHO DIDN'T OFFER ME ASSISTANCE AND THEY FACT THEY ALL LIED AND THE NYPD JOINED IN REFUSING TO MEET ME A ONE WAY PILE UP OF WRONG DOING AND CRIMES.
STUNNING TO ME -- still in shock the violence and lies at Dr Fagelman's office. Dr Fagelman's shocking behavior mind blowing! From my experience he is not a good MD or even a decent person. The NYPD Internal Affairs and DA their wrong doing startling but I am one of how many victims?
![]() |
Proof Delita Hooks hit a handicap patient that would be me -- she assaulted me multiple times watch the video, watch the keys, her phone, her shoes, when the camera goes black she landed a running punch, grabbed my hair and jerks my head multiple times -- all the women you see in the video screaming for her not to hit me all lied to the NYPD and DA as I understand they all lied because an ADA said to me lucky you have the video. |

I became yet another victim first of a violent horrific attack I was holding bags one heavy bag with a glass iPad but was holding several bags, my left arm was numb from two injections because Dr Vine removed a cyst on my elbow!
Google Dr Fagelman assault. The other day the media ran a video of a violent fight that broke out in a manicure place but I was a victim I was a medical patient almost 6 years ago at Dr Andrew Fagelman’s. He is such a sicko. From six years he has lied blaming me I’d like to call his sister in law and his father and brother and have them be questioned under oath about that video and have them explain to Dr Andrew Dwyer why I am not to blame but he is to blame.
Delita Hooks lied to the NYPD and to the Manhattan DA and as I understand so did the women in nurse PJ's -- they all lied! An ADA said to me lucky you have the video. Yes. They broke even more laws lying to the NYPD who also were breaking laws falsifying police reports down grading 2nd degree assault and menacing to no crimes and Dr Andrew Fagelman so that video and Dr Vine went to him immediately and demanded Delita Hooks be fired and he refused!
Delita Hooks could’ve murdered me with that one running punch you see when the camera goes black! If I had fallen backwards I would’ve died and it’s shocking the number of people that do die from a punch like we just recently had of a tourist by a crazy angry violent man similar to the woman who punched me who still sitting at that same desk working for her equally creepy boss !
Their wrongdoings are shocking but they have their supporters some who use fake accounts to harass me and lie about me on yelp and YouTube some patients actually use their real name and Delita Hooks false narrative!
Ted Bundy had his supporters. I can tell you about Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks is from my experience an ethical and master manipulators as well as liars.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bill Bratton, James O’Neill, Reznick, Chief Boyce/Pulaski, Cy Vance, ADA Joan Illuzzi protected #NYPD crimes fixing +violent assault of me handicapped w/ DDD spine! Delita Hooks running lunging punch hole my retina cervical damage she touched myvag w/ barefoot
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorkStateAG Dr F spoke to NYPD fixed4 Delita Hooks women see in lied too NYPD. Det Andrew Dwyer, Vergona, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Ed Winski party falsifyied DD5s threats2me, retaliation4reporting Schatz +mayor’s Det Lynch to IA! DH punched hole my retina hurt neck w/ DDD
After the NYPD had succeeded in threatening me falsifying a police reports coercing me breaking how many laws NYPD picked up the phone and made a phone call to Dr Andrew Fagelman. We coerced her! Suzannah Troy dropped charges. Dr Fagelman delighted?
Yes NYPD Det John Vergona repeatedly refused to meet me had told me he didn’t care by two black eyes when I actually had a hole in my retina from running punch my neck was in a neck brace because She jerked my neck over and over and over in uncontrolled fit of rage shocking problems with anger management not fired or arrested!
After being a victim of a medical receptionist/office manager’s anger management problems I’m now being threatened over the phone finally find another person with anger issues but he’s got a gun on his waist. Det Vergona Refused to meet me and lied and police reports he was protected by a supervisor who also never met with me and refused to give me a badge numbers.
My civil rights were violated I wasn’t allowed to report any crimes I have audio of me being turned away when I try and report my attackers false cross complaint!
I was able to reach out to Joan Illuzzi approximately two years later when his patients were harassing me on mine Joan said they should not be harassing me she met with me she was horrified by the video! I remember being surprised that she was horrified by such violence she was the head of Hate Crimes she seen a lot of violence when she saw that video she was horrified.
I was wearing a sign protesting Rudin taking a trauma level one hospital with rape crisis center and AIDS care and turning it into luxury condo.
Cy Vance had refused to prosecute st. Vincent‘s Hospital crooks because he didn’t want to interfere with the rapid development by Rudin hoping the Rudins would donate to the cash poor Cy Vance. Cy Vance ran out of $ running for the Manhattan DA his first time out. Mark Guma forgave him money owed but both of them may have broken campaign laws working out that deal.
Joan Illuzzi gushed when she talked about her boss Cy Vance like she was in love with him. The DA isn’t an unbiased ethical government agency but the cult of Cy and funnel money to him you get fixing in favors as exposed by Harvey Weinstein for how many years? How about the case of the doctor that sexually assaulted 19 patients and he did not go to jail and he’s not a Registered sex offender! Jeffrey Epstein finals money somehow someway to guess who and the Manhattan DA Cy Vance sends in a woman ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status . Google DNA Cy Vance Intern — and intern at the Manhattan DA was a victim of sexual assaullt and we’ve never heard what was the outcome because you know what the outcome was Teflo. like everyone involved in my case that broke laws!!!
No major media picked up this story and asked Cy Vance the status of the senior official inside the DA's office -- is alleged sexual abuser still employed there?
Jeffrey Epstein got help from Manhattan District Attorney’s office in seeking low-level sex offender status I am alleging a "Marc Rich" deal w/ made with Cy Vance and phone calls were made.
If you don't know about John Miller obstructing Justice lying about the Prospect Park Rape Case -- similar to my case -- they did not like her politics, activism, color of her skin, sexuality so the NYPD obstructed justice and Bratton protected JOHN MILLER LYING TO THE MEDIA about her 23 years later she is vindicated and NYPD Police Commissioner refuses to fire John Miller even though the rapist went out and raped so many other women he is in jail for life!
Cy Vance Defends Decision Not to Pursue Case Against Harvey Weinstein Illuzzi admitted to me Delita Hooks cross complaint WAS FALSE! I allege Joan Illuzzi is in love with Cy Vance and when I dared to confront her boss Cy Vance ADA Joan Illuzzi joined the scrum violating my civil rights giving free reign to violence, NYPD falsifying police reports and multi-threats to me during an open investigation.
I told ADA Joan Illuzzi I am a critic of Cy Vance. Joan did not know who I am she did not know about my blogs on YouTube. She could not hide her horror of the violence she saw in that video and another video popped up with a blackeye I said yes that was her YouTube I made after was savagely assaulted. (I did not mention to her in the video of the YouTube with a blackeye I was talking about the 911 tech system being over budget over $1 billion. I did not tell her John Liu than comptroller had asked for Cy Vance to prosecute ECTP 911 tech he called CityTime2. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 ECTP over $1 billion over budget only 65.5 million taxpayer dollars returned and tip NYPD cops took lavish gifts not punished or prosecuted either.
Cy Vance refused to prosecute CityTime. The Manhattan DA protected sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboy stealing overtime lying about working on rape cases at The Manhattan DAs office and One Police Plaza. Cy Vance, ADA Tiana Walton, ADA Joan Illuzzi protected all crimes in my case I have no idea if money was funneled to Cy Vance by Dr F but what I can tell you I was retaliated against for yelling down Cy Vance calling him a misogynist DA it’s OK to assault a woman if she’s a critic of yours and he smiles at me I put the YouTube up and that was it they weren’t going to make any arrests.
What they needed to do and what must be done is my case turned over to a special prosecutor the NYPD and internal affairs in my case along with the doctors office need to be held accountable for criminal wrong doing and or party to coercion party to threatening me during an open investigation along with I’ll let Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina the cunt threat and I allege Chad Seigel as Charles Ward.
I alleged Joe Tacopina contacted my attacker and her boss and possibly NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer and I allege Joe Tacopina with corrupt cops coordinated committing even more crimes with my attacker the goal to teach me a lesson — if I’m correct he should be disbarred and there should be arrest my case.
There are so many victims they need a special prosecutor because DAs are for sale their corrupt and like the cops they’re willing to participate in covering up crimes if they don’t like the victim they don’t like their gender their color their politics Ask Joe Jazz Hayden about Cy Vance’s false prosecution of him! Ask NBA star Thabo Sefolosha about Cy Vance’s Boss prosecution of him! Ask Michael Prema about Cy Vance’s boss prosecution of him and how he protected NYPD committing perjury and selling the lie they could not share NYPD Tara video and cop couldn’t come testify because he was on a top-secret mission what ever DA complicit top cops covering up crimes in my case and how many others?
Resign take top cops who flew on a federally funded Cessna for private personal trips! Even Ray Kelly and Bratton had to financially pay back airplane rides they were not allowed to take but NYPD police commissioner O’Neill hasn’t. His response arrogant clearly more insight into his self entitlement and inability to see wrongdoing starting with himself! He reminds me of Dr Fagelman.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI Cy Vance,Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi protected NYPD IA crimes my case protected assault to me a handicap person w/DDD, sexual assault Delita Hooks touched myvag w/ barefoot punched hole my retina + lied2nypd!Dr F’soffice got Weinstein treatment any donations or retaliation critic?
I am alleging that Michael Rawson using multiple accounts on YouTube harassed me, threatened me and in concert with his call-a-cop Schatz -- Schatz has "many rich folk he serves" that the video footage of the illegal use of the sirens was removed thru a censorship. Rawson is so twisted and sick he believed other activists channels were mine and harassed anyone who dared posted videos of the protest of Michael Rawson and The Mercer Hotel receiving "selective policing". Shortly there after Rawson no longer was employed by the hotel but Schatz's special relations with the rich continue -- I question if Schatz has ever received free golfing gifts with other NYPD pals, invites to parties etc....? If so how far does it go -- is it like NYPD Chief Dowd who got to retire and collect his pension?
Mayor de Blasio betrayed how many of our votes....? He is as bad as Bloomberg minus a personal fortune.....his wife follows me on twitter and Eric Garner and I started out pro se under Bloomberg and Eric dead and his top cops are so corrupt -- the city and NYPD IA DA appear to be crooks for sale and de Blasio is silent....
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPD1Pct @gene Schatz(blocked so he can’t read my tweet but O’Neill can ) @NYPDONeill Does #DTCC get fixing and favors from NYPD Gene Schatz or 1 Police Plaza or retired NYPD?
I want to know about any gifts any invitations to parties, fixing favors or retaliation for free by the 1st Precinct
I know Community Affairs NYPD PO Eugene Schtaz and his partner community affairs Det Tommy Moran were party to a pile up of crimes from the MD's office to the First Precinct that they were in on it and like Sgt Chen who spoke to me on the phone -- Chen laughed you got assaulted at the Doctor's! --- Getting a hole punched in my retina was entertainment for the misogynist boy's club and female club members like the audio I have pinned on my twitter -- front desk 01 preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint. From the MD's office to the First Precinct the fix was in.....