Saturday, May 31, 2014
City Council Fails The People Again no Criminal Invedtigation
City Council holds hearings on911 system The Bloomberg administration launched a high-tech 911 systemback in 2004. |
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Now We Know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Now We Know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon
Where is our criminal investigation all these years it's been obvious we need one simple math....
I guess city Council aren't the brightest light bulbs or is it that they're trying to protect the fact that they dropped the ball.. Majority of city council (almost) as guilty as Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly but when the truth finally comes out they will blame Bloomberg and Kelly when city Council could've stopped this years ago.
Reminder Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations into SAIC (CityTime Scandal) with the majority of city councils help.
May 31, 2012 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned NYPD Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.
Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous NYPD Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?
hardee har har....
I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.
NYPD cop facing departmental charge, lawsuit for receiving nude pics of female prisoner
"A Queens cop accused of having nude pictures and videos of a female prisoner sent from her cell phone to his is facing a federal lawsuit and administrative charges, the Daily News has learned.
NYPD Officer Sean Christian was hit earlier this month with departmental raps for misconduct, but he remains on full duty at the 104th Precinct in Ridgewood.
Pamela Held, a 29-year-old sales rep who filed suit against Christian, told The News her ordeal began when cops pulled her over near the Queens-Brooklyn border in February 2013. She was cited for having an expired vehicle inspection, but the cops found prescription drugs in her car. " excerpt
Lawyer for former City Councilman facing bribery charges just learned his client had brain tumor removed
Temporary Restraining Order Halts Construction of High-Rise Near Prospect Park - NY1
Begin forwarded message:
Date: May 30, 2014 at 8:30:04 PM EDT
To: Suzannah Beth <>
Subject: City 911 Call System will Undergo Two Reviews, Officials Say - NY1
Friday, May 30, 2014
Love Rain Storm Noise Polluters Silences Rain Drops Like Kisses
David Fincher Girl That Played With Fire Anytime Soon?
I Got 2 Basket Ball Recycled T Shirt Dresses
911 Fiasco City Council 2014 Marks Years No Criminal Investigation
May 31, 2012 tomorrow 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned NYPD Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.
Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous NYPD Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?
hardee har har....
I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.

Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies 2 Cyber attacks harassing spur a small miracle?
Who gets to repeatedly violate a patient rights and than repeatedly violate a patient's
body -- my hand/iphone, my face permanently damaging my eye, ripping out my
earring, grabbing my hair ripping out my hair with the goal to drag my down the hall
and place her bare foot against my vaginal area and LIE ABOUT it all including to her
NYPD helpers who sealed her false cross complaint instead of bringing it
to the DA and they threatened me with it first insisting I wait until 20 days
later for a arrest on Saturday at 4pm unless I dropped the charges?
Delita Hooks.
Thanks and gratitude to a mosaic of People all colors and backgrounds male and female who helped me obtain just a little bit of Justice via YouTube aka YouTubeland helping me break 22,000 views to shame Dr Andrew Fagelman who ignored how many yelp reviews regarding his staff and I paid the price with a hole in my retina and permanent damage to my eye and my neck.
Than I went to the NYPD and took 20 days to commit the crime of COERCION.
Coercion is a crime not a policing tool.
Internal Affair also turned out to be corrupt as well so thanks and gratitude.
I believe the NYPD via YouTube posted a comment telling me my lawsuit against them would go no where -- the same words I heard when I tried to report the savage attack.
Well the lawsuit is now past the 9 month mark so what ever the Judge rules it has gone some where and there is a Federal record of what was done to me and via their lawyer I got more incriminating evidence including NYPD DOCUMENTS which are fabrication and from NYPD officers that NEVER MET WITH ME!!!!!!!!
Children's Magical Garden Under Garden Watch
Ready to come and support if an urgent call is made
Coming by to visit - especially between 7-9am weekdays
Money to support ongoing running of campaign
Food & Beverages - fruits - Water (gallon or more) - fresh juice
Canopy & Tarp
Extra cell phones - preferably with reception
Solar chargers
Herbal first aid
Plants and herbs (check with kate)
More Trees!
Cy Vance left a message I want to report Det Vergona alleged Hate crime, I want my attacker Delita Hooks arrested for Assault False Cross complaint
I urged the woman in his office who took the call to include Delita Hooks threatening me with bodily harm on the YouTube with over 23,000 views and I included her false cross complaint and some links to NYPD lying in police reports as well. Delita Hooks false cross complaint used to threaten me with one goal to coerce me to drop charges against my attacker. The NYPD also prevented me from report ing her false cross complaint which I have an audio recording of and the NYPD prevented me from reporting Det John Vergona's alleged hate crime.
The AG's Public Integrity Unit told me yesterday they got my complaint against the AG Investigative Unit for not taking action re: Cy Vance and 911 Tech corruption, St Vincent's Hospital Crooks and my case being attacked by Delita Hooks, her false cross complaint.
I was harassed allegedly by 2 of Dr Fagelman's patients yesterday so I decided to try contacting Cy Vance again today.
I also told the woman how answered the phone -- the link on his website to reporting a crime crime stoppers is broken, the hate crime units voice mail says it is full and can't take messages and I want to report Det John Vergona's alleged hate crime and the Community Affairs telephone number is not working.
(In my opinion Cy Vance is a dirty DA in league with NYPD corruption so that is why in my opinion he has turned me away in the past pre my lawsuit.)
Cy Vance left a message I want to report Det Vergona alleged Hate crime, I want my attacker Delita Hooks arrested for Assault False Cross complaint
Cy Vance Manhattan DA Link to NYPD Crime stoppers broken Cy Vance lists Community Affairs tele number does not work
Hate Crimes Unit -- says leave a message and the voice mail is full not accepting messages.
Report a crime
Additionally, if you are the victim or are aware of a financial crime, fraud, or other nonviolent offense in Manhattan that requires investigation, please call, write, or visit the District Attorney’s Special Prosecutions Bureau.
Special Prosecutions Complaint Hotline:
(212) 335-8900
Downtown Office
80 Centre Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Northern Manhattan Office
State Office Building
163 West 125th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10027
(212) 864-7884
Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
At a Precinct: Go to the precinct that covers the area where the crime occurred. If you don’t know the precinct, you can dial 311 to help you locate the correct precinct or find your precinct here.
Report Anonymously: Call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS, text TIP577, or file an on-line report here.
When reporting a crime or incident, please be prepared to provide the following information:
*Your name (unless you wish to remain anonymous) and the phone number where you can be reached
*A description of what occurred, including date, time and location
*Number of suspect(s)
*Information on the suspect(s)- name (if you know it), a physical description and any other relevant details
*Last know location of suspect(s)
Mayor Bloomberg Oppressive Ways CelebratedSubway Ad Manhattan Storage
Well Bloomberg's terror ads are finally gone and I had to laugh seeing this ad!
911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
May 31, 2012 tomorrow 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned NYPD Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.
Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous NYPD Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?
hardee har har....
I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.
Preet Bharara Harvard Speech Humor over Devyani Handling in The Face of Crumbling India US Relations and Cries of Women Violated Girls Gang Raped Murdered
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called for a Criminal Investigation 911 Tech Contractors
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called for a Criminal Investigation 911 Tech Contractors
As I recall it was Hewlett Packard, Northrop Grumman, Verizon and Mike Bloomberg's puppet Cy Vance said no need for a criminal investigation!!!!
911 Corruption Update AG Public Integrity Unit Has My Complaint
Joe Tacopina MLB Baseball A-Rod frivolous lawsuit Against NYDN Call 911 FYI Kerik KO's Super Liar