John Jumper Ain't no Porn Star leaves LEIDOS! Leidos aka SAIC -- after SAIC got Charlie Sheen treatment by Preet Bharara SAIC made like Madonna and Lady Gaga make-over madness. John Jumper like Deb James are "cleaners" ask the Pentagon!!! John Jumper not porn star John Jumpher can retire from Leidos but it ain't over!!!!!!
SAIC made like an amoeba splitting itself in to sub parts as part of creative accounting like HP overbilling NYC Gov from get go so did creative accounting to leave under budget!???????? Hardee har must of hurt Cas Holloway and Mike Bloomberg and Rose Gill Hearn Bloomie had to admit John Liu's audit 911 has merit. Still no criminal investigation. Hmmm
Back to SAIC corruption and creative spin cycle.
SAIC and their auditors and sub-contractors, lobbyists and consultants owe NYC tax payers way more and ditto 911 in my opinion hardee har har - under Bloomberg tech Titanics and looting Time tax payer dollars!!! Full re-fund Time!!!
SAIC can run but can't hide from CityTime curse.
Deb James Deb Alderson the SAIC debs powerful jobs after they exit but should Alderson and other top SAIC and NYC gov officials be joining Denault in jail.
Lucky Preet Bharara refused to go back in Time to Richard Valcich's letter.
By the way who is Jellybean???
Miss Mike Bloomberg king of spin and his puppet Rose Gill Hearn and their faux informercial on that hunk of junk CityTime!!!
Rose well rewarded kick backs galore!!!!
(In my opinion hardee har).
Suzannah B. Troy artist: SAIC Mark Sopp Receives Email From SEC (Mike Sez Pickle w/Whopper)
Mike Bloomberg Rose Gill Hearn
spinned CityTime like they did 911 bigger corruption than CityTime and no Justice!!!
corrupt nyc, ny: Mayor Bloomberg CityTime, Valentine's Massacre Gerard Denault Wins SAIC Loses?
Huge exclusive still in play. SAIC will have to pay for his appeal. Judge thought like me SAIC guilty or more so?????
Eric Holder take action -- I was savagely attacked at Dr Andrew Fagelman and caught NYPD IAB fixing as well as retaliating against me.
I am a whistleblower. Is this the USA or Russia?