Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Howard Stern, Is Bill Rudin Stoking Anti-Semitism?
OWS Credit Suisse
Bloomberg, Rubenstein, Rudin, Amanda The People's Burden : A Message From Sam Adams
New YouTube: Mayor Bloomberg Cathie Black Emails!!! Scandal Like Mike's Emails To Haggerty!
Suzannah B. Troy Killer Smile Delicious Dining
Delicious Italian food and beyond spoiled with extras....cheese and...
Somebody turned on my inner beauty switch today -- maybe a group effort...still under the weather but flirting did me wonders.
Mike Bloomberg Cathie Black Emails Trouble!!! Like Mike 's Emails to Haggerty !!!!
Suzannah B. Troy Mayor Bloomberg King of NY York and Rudin Protest Posters Shaking!!!!!!!!!!!
Rudin Profits People Die - Amanda Burden The Most Evil Commissioner of City Planning EVER NYC gov. history!
Amanda Burden, socialite mega-millionaire city planner head is like Mike Blomberg -- has all the top newspaper protecting her evil deeds and even sugar coating them but she and Mike Bloomberg along with Mike’s mini-me Christine Quinn are responsible for the largest push-out, mass displacement -- exodus of New Yorkers -- especially poor and middle class -- and more poverty and homelessness as they push ever greedy zone busting corrupt real estate deal -- and support eminent domain abuse.
Welcome to Mike Bloomberg and Amanda te People’s Burden hideous “new” New York, built on “old” New York’s infrastructure except way back we had 17 hospitals opened including St. Vincent’s which Bill Rudin wants to make in to luxury condos.
Path Train Suspended Police Activity
Mayor Bloomberg Has His Own Army of NYPD - He forgot to say Thank You Tax Payers!
Yetta Kurland Live! Coalition for a New Hospital Tonight on the Radio!
West Village No Hospital Just a Band-Aid Posing as One!
Yo, I had to stop and talk to a very handsome NYPD officer re: my concerns and rights and I want a police officer’s insights on the law. He noted my signs. He said there is going to be something...I told him not what it appears to be -- all public relations -- an ambulance port -- ambulances for what...?
To rush someone that could be fighting for their life like a cop shot across town to Beth Israel?
The “nice” Rudin Family even sent out flyers as phony as the harassing annoying ones that filled our mail boxes when corrupt Mike Bloomberg with Christine Quinn, his mini-me were trying to steal a third term....remember. By the way...there are some that say the Rudin’s are not as nice as those on the receiving end of their $$$$ say.
Blue Door Suzannah' s Poster Site of Bloomberg Quinn Sexual McCarthyism
Christine Quinn remained silent as gay men falsely arrested and Babeland Stores catering to women raided!!!!
ps Super Hottie cop from 9th -- I'll pay you!!!
Rupert Murdoch In Trouble and it isn't John Liu Pension or Wireless Generation!!
Stuyvesant Town Residents Try Again To Buy Stuy Town!!!
US Attorney SAIC CityTime Spherion Constipation But Fire SAIC Exec Lands Job!!!!
Breaking Armani Store Robbery 1st Precinct
Occupy Wall Street Protestor Credit Suisse Corp. War Lords + Lobbyists, Suzannah Says Look to SAIC, Northrup Grumman NYC Gov CityTime + ECTP 911 Tech System!
Rudin Retired NYPD Plot To Give Suzannah Troy Occupy Treatment Violate Her 1st Amendment Right!!!
Old neighbor stopped to say hello. He made my heart sing. Rudin cop passes me. Film him. All quiet. 5th ave all lined with NYPD barricades. Wish OWS joining me here.
Construction worker makes me feel like hot mama. Better than hot chocolate.
Suzannah Troy Occupy Rudin Sales Wed.
Christine Quinn Sue Christine Quinn On Behalf of Homeless
NYC Tax Payers Pay Glenn Hutchins Gartner How Much? + Christine Quinn
From My YouTubes and Blogs I said Throw Out City Council Vote to Extend Term limits -- tainted because of investigations Miguel Martinez arrested jail now Seabrook they voted to extend term limits
NY Post Desperate to Destroy John Liu
Suzannah Troy Round-Up OWS to SAIC to Bill Rudin
Cooper Union Evil Real Estate Magnate Landlord Should Lower Rents but Celebrate St Marks Books Win
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Paulson and Geithner Inside Information 2008?
Inside information one Goldman Sachs to another.....hmmmmm.....
Steven Rattner -- yo I just watched the video -- he refers to a Steve Rattner that “doesn’t remember”???
Like Mike Bloomberg and Team Bloomberg including Pat Harris, Fiona Reid, Allison Jaffin, Kevin Sheekey all hand memory problems as well when cross examined by Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello during the Haggerty trial and they were all given immunity? Mike perjured himself and that is not covered by immunity.
Is that Steve Rattner who was forced to step down from his White House job and pleaded the 5th amendment 64 times and is mentioned in that piece of trash Joyce Purnick’s bio on bloomberg along with Howard Rubenstein, Rupert Murdoch, Mort Zuckerman -- urging Mike to run.
The same Steve Rattner that got busted for pay to play NY Pensions? Is that why Mike did not restructure the NY Pensions until the 3rd term because his friends and pals like Goldman Sachs done raiding the NY Pensions. Goldman Sachs mishandled the FDNY and NYPD pensions by the way.
Rattner was banned by the SEC and Mike still keeps him on the payroll!!!!!!
The Haggerty Trial -- Haggerty had affair with Fiona Reid who works with Rattner on Mike’s hedge fund -- oh Steve is not allowed to actually work on it anymore....right?
Mike did restructure John Liu out of the NY Pensions.....was that for voting with 94 million dollars worth of NY Pension shares to ouster Rupert Murdoch as chair of News Corp and because Liu killed a 28 million dollar deal with wireless generation owned by Rupert Murdoch with the Board of ed? So Bloomberg, Murdoch and gang conspired to murder John Liu? Maybe SAIC threw in some FBI contacts?
Blogger Calls Me Saying He is Bill Rudin’s Retired Cop!
Hardee har
Occupy Wall Street Tomorrow Good Luck + Look to MTA Alcatel-Lucent and NYC Gov Contracts!!!!!
Dear Occupy Wall Street Good luck tomorrow!
The MTA is back to dirty deal replacing SAIC with another corrupt company embroiled in scandal.
Check it out! Read this -- NYC gov was and is bringing in companies that deal with military and the MTA -- there was the dirtiest deal with SAIC and we fought it tooth and nail. We got State Comptroller NY to put the kibosh on it and SAIC and MTA said F-you. We finally got the deal killed but MTA just got another company just as scandal ridden as SAIC! NYC gov has been shoveling money to SAIC and Northrup Grumman and all their sub-contractors and partners robbing and raping tax payers with NYC gov blessing. Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime and SAIC! It was simple math they were robbing us. Great work tomorrow -- we need help here NYC gov.
Here I am with Local 375 asking for 1 billion dollars back from SAIC in front of NYC offices. Bloomberg asked for 600 million of our tax payer money back but he was low balling us and no nyc gov officials arrested. Gee, I wonder why. Only innocent protestors arrested. SAIC main headquarters by CIA. Google Vanity Fair SAiC and read the article. It is old but you will get it.
SAIC to be Sued for 4.9 Billion Tricare Theft!!! Tax Payers NYC Next
Here is my blog posting Tricare
By the way -- I believe Bloomberg asking for only $600,000 million tax payer dollars back from SAIC is the mayor low balling us!
This went way back and we threw out payroll systems that worked. SAIC and Bloomberg rushed and pushed more gov. dept to give up their payroll systems so SAIC could crow on their website.
This went back to Rudy Guiliani who gave us CityTime and SAIC and read the Richard Valcich letter -- there is enough proof in that letter to know this went way back and we are owed more!
Where are the arrests of NYC gov officials?
Look at the lobbyists for SAIC and sub-contactors....ditto for companies working on ECTP -- 911 Tech System!!!!!!!
Occupy Wall Street to Protest Credit Suisse and War Profiteers!
I love have Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch try to sell notion OWS has no agenda or message!
Baby Lisa Lawyer Joe Tacopina As Sports Agent? Read This
Joe Tacopina with Chad Seigel being yelled down outside criminal court when he client the NYPD rape cop got sentenced to jail.
Bill Rudin Being Screamed at by Suzannah Troy addresses St Vincent's + Anti-Semitism
I also have youtubes -
The steps of City Hall--- yelling oust the king
as Mike Bloomberg gives me thumbs up + outside WOR yelling at Dave Paterson re: his role spousal abuse keeping his 6 foot 9 pal on Albanys payroll as long as possible - politely intimidating victim --- Dave Paterson lies and defends himself but truth is he protected his friend that he kept on the payroll as long as possible....if the law applied to all people equally Dave and his best friend would both be in jail.
posting from street so add links later
Suzannah Troy Rudin Protest Tuesday NYPD Emergency Unit Gets it!!
I went up to NYPD Emergency Unit stopped at red light and pointed to St Vincent's - 9-11 open!!! A cop shot opened!!!!!!! So they gave me a salute of siren!!!
Suzannah ill
Bloomberg Sued by Christine Quinn re; Homeless! Quinn Should Sue herself she is as gulity!
Christine Quinn Hates Homeless Cruel to Them Agrees to Sue Bloomberg for Homeless! Quinn A Fake and a Liar!
Read on and learn about Christine Quinn’s treatment of the homeless! You will learn why I say she hates the homeless and her cruel actions pure hatred!
Explain why Norman Siegel had to call her lawyers at City Hall to make thme stop violating the homeless group “Picture the Homeless rights” preventing them from attending public meetings! Quinn didn’t like them demanding she help the homeless so she banned them which is unconsititional!
Explain why Christine Quinn blocked intro 48! Occupy Wall Street would be very interested in this. Intro 48.
As told to me by a homeless activistL
I spoke to Andres Perez from Picture the Homeless just now and he told me that Intro 48 is being blocked by Christine Quinn!
What is Intro 48? Intro 48 is a city council bill that would empower NYC to conduct an annual count of vacant buildings and lots.
Why would Christine Quinn block this bill that has been mysteriously stuck in front of Housing and Building committee of City Council since February 2010. There are believed to be 11,500 empty lots here in NYC.
Having a count of the buildings would be a first step to looking in to providing housing for homeless and non-homeless people.
Quinn and Bloomberg played good cop bad cop with the firehouses in Brooklyn -- fake set-up so Quinn could take a victory lap!
Christine Quinn is a fraud and a liar who violated the rights of homeless people and refused to help. Now she and her billionaire buddies are afraid all the money they dumped in to her mayoral run and their mega investments won’t be protected so she does this phony!
Chrisitne Quinn hates homeless people and have contributed to poverty and homeless which have grown under her acting as Bloomberg’s deputy mayor. She has moved up in the world with she and her wife having profited and the most evil real estate community crushing magnates and cronies + wall street bail out money coming her way so they can put Mike’s puppet -- his mini-me in office.
She is as real as her fake red hair.
Christine Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike Bloomberg for a third term to help us with the economy. They helped themselves, Wall Street, The Rudins, NYU, Cooper Union, Ratner, etc with close to illegal if not in your face illegal real estate deal where zoning protection should have been put in place to protect The People and or Quinn should have fought against eminient domain abuse and mass displacement.
More people were forced out of their homes while Quinn who was sued 4 times for back rent and her wife moved in to more expensive over a million dollar home that Quinn can’t afford but will be with enough corrupt 1 percenters rewarding her and pals for doing their dirty work.
Quinn hate the poor and working class. Quinn blocked the bill that would have required any contractor municipal as an example you get a contract with NYC gov. for over aprox. 1 million ? you have pay 10 dollar an hour min. wage -- is what I heard it blocked too -- she prevented from going before city council.
She is a fake and a liar. Mike’s mini me -- and a poser who has sold the people out....she is about greed stupidity and public relations lies!
Suzannah Troy Coughing Fit
Monday, November 28, 2011
CityTime SAIC Sub-Contractors ECTP NYC corruption
Scott Stringer Big Jerk Backs Rudin!!!
City Council to Rule on Homeless Lawsuit Against Bloomberg -- Gee Whiz How R they going to rule?
NYC Has The Best People but also a United Nations of the Worst
Besides Team Bloomberg and our NYC gov Commissioner Amanda the People’s Burden pure evil, John Sexton and Cooper Union dealers, the folks behind NY Law mega dorm in E. Village all getting prime real estate in Hell but here in NYC evil piece of crap posing as human come in all forms -- shapes and sizes and they will use anything from pregnancy to kids to use you in any way possible for their evil agendas so look out.
The goodness the good out weighs the evil creeps but truly this city and LA have the most narcissistic self absorbed megalomaniacs and the largest amount of greedy stupid people that kid themselves they are Mother Teresa and get awards because of their money!
G-d sees all -- truly I believe that and justice will be served...not in the way I would like -- sometimes way better than I could ever imagine.
Bloomberg World AIDS Smear Date + Demand Wall St. Pay More Taxes
Evil Amanda the People's Burden City Planner Always Green Lights Evil Real Estate Magnates! Rudin NYU Cooper Union examples destroying Village !!!!
Baby Lisa Lawyer Joe Tacopina Liar? No!
Howard Stern Move But True Dumb Celebrity
Rudin Management Suzannah Troy Protesting Week 4?
Had to take last week off due to illness. Still feel very weak!!!! Glad to be here.
Lean against pole and rest. Standing by 6th Ave and 12th -- traumatic am exhausted.
Kind words, smiles, thumbs up salve my soul
Rudin Management Protestor Naked Bad Dream Hospital?
Bad dream woke-up naked protesting Rudin Management no Hospital Luxury Condos in a hospital St. Vincent’s -- can’t be?
Sign petition
When I get the “help” Demi Moore gets I want to go for it.
Rose Gill Hearn the Cathie Black of DOI NYC gov
Occupy Wall Street LA Fights Eviction Human Chain
Columbia University As Evil as NYU
The NY Times Feared Reproaching NYPD Abuse Press + Censorship
Suzannah Still Locked-Out NYDN via MacBook Mort Zuckerman
Cafe Vivaldi Saved!!!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christine Quinn and Commish Kelly Having Good Laugh Occupy Waldorf
Adrian Schoolcraft News Story Ssshhhhh NYU Corrupt Dave Paterson Shhh
Remember accidental gov Dave Paterson a big time little skank (but such a nice guy yeah right) who protected his 6 foot 9 best friend guilty of spousal abuse -- polirely intimidate victim in to silence --- Dave Paterson like Bloomberg protected from going to jail for that and perjury did make it happen - a cop found guilty will lose pension but Dave's politically connected Dad makes Dave above the law and NYU students pay higher tuitions for NYU's evil wherlings and dealing real estate and politically so they are paying corrupt exploiter of women Dave Paterson. Is Dave dating coeds helping them get jobs hardee har? Dave Paterson Acqueduct Race Scandal dealings swept under rug connected to whom --- any connection to politician Columbia U bought to help push thru Columbia U eminent domain abuse? Why NYU put Dave on payroll -- Basil's connections will help evil NYU.
You didn’t figure it out. Bill Lynch -- lobbyist and deputy mayor to Dinkins....that would make Dinkins connected yes or no? It was disheartening that African American leaders met and made the wrong decision to keep Paterson in office when he should have resigned. Witness tampering -- silencing a victim of spousal abuse for his best friend on the Albany’s payroll -- but at least crooked cops will lose their pensions thanks to Dave although Dave is clearly above the law thanks to Daddy Basil’s connections.
Mike Bloomberg jail broke campaign laws, perjury, his role in pushing SAIC along with key top aides...?, Christine Quinn jail slush fund abuse and intimidation + did her staff work on her campaign on NYC gov time and are they doing so again?, Dave Paterson jail perjury witness tampering silencing a victim of spousal abuse in to silence for starters.
WOR radio has zero respect for women along with John Sexton president of NYU.. they have respect for political connections like Dave’s daddy Basil has. Oh yeah. Watch me confront Dave Paterson.
Amanda The People’s Burden, mega-millionaire socialite The Worst City Planner EVER NYC History!
She is way worse than Cathie Black. She is a socialite, mega-millionaire dubbed...Amanda the People’s Burden with a 40 million dollar trust fund for her kids!
The People’s Burden has never ever passed up a zone busting deal to help out her fellow mega-rich pals including real estate magnate Universities using higher ed as a tax shelter like her pals NYU, Columbia U, Cooper Union, NY Law and you name a rich corrupt skanky real estate developer and you can bet Amanda helped them to bust through zoning.
Amanda The People’s Burden and Bloomberg are responsible for the most displacement, mass evictions and the largest amount of people leaving the area since The American Indians.
Burden is protected by her media mogul friends who lie and package her as a hero -- laughable if it wasn’t horrifying and her face is tighter than a drum although she is an old rich nasty lady.....Amanda Burden is meaner than a junk yard dog!
Suzannah B. Troy Tacopina? No Relation to Hated Joe Tacopina
Nice but I didn’t get a new last!
Here is my latest post on Joe Hell Bound Tacky-O-pina and FYI, Tacopina not my last name.
If you have not clicked and read Leonard Levitt’s piece on Bernie Kerik and Joe Tacopina involving a BMW you have not clicked on enough links I provide. It takes patient and it worth the read.
NYC Gov Biz Deals with SAIC and Northrop Grumman
Mayor Bloombeg, Rudin Family Hospital Condos, NYC Gov officials xxx and 3rd Term Scandals Have What in Common? Media Special Treatment!
p.s. Why no NYC gov officials arrested CityTime scandal? No arrests ECTP -- why?
p.p.s NYU continues to destroy our communiites -- stay tuned to the latest destruction and possible robbery of NYC gov park dept. property and continued ripping out of NYC trees -- the worst was for the unwanted renonvations of Washington Square Park -- along with literally digging up people’s bones long buried there...all to make the fountain line up -- perfect symmetry and make the park look generic -- all while parks in poor neighborhood a mess and more People falling in to poverty and homelessness + Cooper Union illegal corrupt real estate deals that even Rudy’s City Planner said no to -- it is a shell game + Columbia U abuse eminent domain to make an entire neighborhood move and Columbia U bought ex mayor Dinkins who used to fight their abuses! Not news worthy!