Monday, October 31, 2011
SAIC Rico Insights from Bierce and Kenerson CityTime Suzannah B. Troy Rewind
The day before my birthday this article comes out....
next day my 49th birthday standing outside SAIC with Local 375 asking for our money back. Local 375 asked for 600,000 million and I asked for a billion dollars times 3 thanks to this law firms article....
Yo -- SAIC should have been shut down, shut out, terminated 2003 if not even sooner...CityTime a lemon brought in by Rudy Giuliani and there was no way to make lemonade EVER. Giuliani threw out AutoTime created and run by NYC gov. workers.... but outsourcing with a company involved with military, Pentagon, White House folks, CIA can be engaged and one has their eyes on The White House it made sense for Rudy and than Mike’s career to go with SAIC....and look how many Rudy pals involved in lobbying for SAIC!
Did you see the Dennis Vacco interview post Haggerty Trial. I added a question for Dennis Vacco to this post....
The day before my birthday this article comes out....
next day my 49th birthday standing outside SAIC with Local 375 asking for our money back. Local 375 asked for 600,000 million and I asked for a billion dollars times 3 thanks to this law firms article....
Yo -- SAIC should have been shut down, shut out, terminated 2003 if not even sooner...CityTime a lemon brought in by Rudy Giuliani and there was no way to make lemonade EVER. Giuliani threw out AutoTime created and run by NYC gov. workers.... but outsourcing with a company involved with military, Pentagon, White House folks, CIA can be engaged and one has their eyes on The White House it made sense for Rudy and than Mike’s career to go with SAIC....and look how many Rudy pals involved in lobbying for SAIC!
Did you see the Dennis Vacco interview post Haggerty Trial. I added a question for Dennis Vacco to this post....
Bloomberg Murdoch 2% of 1 % NY Pensions Restructuring Halloween Bloody Murder
If you don’t have time click this link above go to Gawker link!!!!! Shows you power of pension and John Liu taking on Murdoch to vote him out with 95 mill NY Pensions shares so no brainer Murdoch and Bloomberg 2 percent of 1%s behind the axing John Liu out! Nice no newspaper pointing this out!
Restructuring should have happened in the 1st term but too many people were busy raiding the pensions!
What are the NY Pensions worth....between 89 billion and 100 billion? Translated there are great white sharks -- guys that would be serial killers if they didn’t have a job on Wall Street that would kill for money managing positions for the money and the power that goes along with it.
We would need the Feds monitoring these pensions and how about public video cameras with channel so We the People can watch those pensions. Even bigger revolving door for corruption....Don’t trust Mike with restructuring after CityTime Mike’s Watergate, Spherion stealing 80 million Mike’s Watergate -- Mike said we would get the 80 million dollars back , Steve Rattner who Mike Bloomberg steal oops still employees so Mike resign -- Mike’s Watergate, Haggerty Trial Mike’s Watergate....Mike how many Watergates do we need for you to resign not restructure our pensions for you 1 percenter pals to get even fatter, greedy and stupid with?
You have to click on a lot of links until you get to the Gawker article on Liu taking 95 million dollars of News Corp stock from 5 pensions he over saw to vote with other share holders to ouster Murdoch as do the math Mike Bloomberg and Murdoch restructured the John Liu out of the pensions and John Liu who did what no one else could shutting down SAIC worth billions and heavily connected to White House, CIA, etc is quiet because Bloomberg’s pals starting with The NY Times and NYDN along with NY Post were doing a hatchet job of allegedly breaking campaign laws. To use a crude term said to me by a political insider they have Liu by the short on....go from link to link....
What ever Liu’s flaws he did something historic shutting down SAIC CityTime and is doing the same with ECTP (CityTime 2) which is said to be a big black hole of tax payer money than CityTime and don’t forget NYCAPS (I dubbed CityTime 3) which only went over budget 300 million! No arrests of NYC gov. officials -- sweet and we aren’t suing on ECTP and NYCAPS .
Bloomberg is asking for 600 million dollars back from SAIC because of People like me but I say it should be at least a billion (with RICO charges x 3) because Richard Valcich’s letter clearly indicates this was going on as early as 2002 if not from the get go....? Read on....
(Also if you didn’t check my blog this morning scroll down until you see my post on CityTime ECTP NYCAPS city council Christine Quinn a big fat liar. She may have lost weight but she is a big fat liar...)
If you don’t have time click this link above go to Gawker link!!!!! Shows you power of pension and John Liu taking on Murdoch to vote him out with 95 mill NY Pensions shares so no brainer Murdoch and Bloomberg 2 percent of 1%s behind the axing John Liu out! Nice no newspaper pointing this out!
Restructuring should have happened in the 1st term but too many people were busy raiding the pensions!
What are the NY Pensions worth....between 89 billion and 100 billion? Translated there are great white sharks -- guys that would be serial killers if they didn’t have a job on Wall Street that would kill for money managing positions for the money and the power that goes along with it.
We would need the Feds monitoring these pensions and how about public video cameras with channel so We the People can watch those pensions. Even bigger revolving door for corruption....Don’t trust Mike with restructuring after CityTime Mike’s Watergate, Spherion stealing 80 million Mike’s Watergate -- Mike said we would get the 80 million dollars back , Steve Rattner who Mike Bloomberg steal oops still employees so Mike resign -- Mike’s Watergate, Haggerty Trial Mike’s Watergate....Mike how many Watergates do we need for you to resign not restructure our pensions for you 1 percenter pals to get even fatter, greedy and stupid with?
You have to click on a lot of links until you get to the Gawker article on Liu taking 95 million dollars of News Corp stock from 5 pensions he over saw to vote with other share holders to ouster Murdoch as do the math Mike Bloomberg and Murdoch restructured the John Liu out of the pensions and John Liu who did what no one else could shutting down SAIC worth billions and heavily connected to White House, CIA, etc is quiet because Bloomberg’s pals starting with The NY Times and NYDN along with NY Post were doing a hatchet job of allegedly breaking campaign laws. To use a crude term said to me by a political insider they have Liu by the short on....go from link to link....
What ever Liu’s flaws he did something historic shutting down SAIC CityTime and is doing the same with ECTP (CityTime 2) which is said to be a big black hole of tax payer money than CityTime and don’t forget NYCAPS (I dubbed CityTime 3) which only went over budget 300 million! No arrests of NYC gov. officials -- sweet and we aren’t suing on ECTP and NYCAPS .
Bloomberg is asking for 600 million dollars back from SAIC because of People like me but I say it should be at least a billion (with RICO charges x 3) because Richard Valcich’s letter clearly indicates this was going on as early as 2002 if not from the get go....? Read on....
(Also if you didn’t check my blog this morning scroll down until you see my post on CityTime ECTP NYCAPS city council Christine Quinn a big fat liar. She may have lost weight but she is a big fat liar...)
Suzannah Troy Artist with Frieda Kahlo Artist Halloween
Frieda Kahlo and Friend
I never thought I would get to meet Frieda in the beautiful and part Jewish!
Frieda’s Dad Jewish.
Italian Chocolate Bar Orgasmic!!!!!! Weird because the company Kinder is German for children like kindergarden but this red and white packaged chocolate is actually Italian and beyond orgasmic.
If I had to choose between sex (with some really nice and respectful that I love or lust) or chocolate I would choose sex but ooooohhhhhhhhh is this chocolate good. Really, really good. I also looovvee Cadbury and Hershey chocolate kisses. I was cooking a chocolate cake with a friend and beyond delicious top secret on chocolate source and I licked the entire large bowl.
If it wasn’t for sex there wouldn’t be children and apparently billions of people do it since we have what 7 billion people -- sex that is not eating chocolate.
If I had to choose between sex (with some really nice and respectful that I love or lust) or chocolate I would choose sex but ooooohhhhhhhhh is this chocolate good. Really, really good. I also looovvee Cadbury and Hershey chocolate kisses. I was cooking a chocolate cake with a friend and beyond delicious top secret on chocolate source and I licked the entire large bowl.
If it wasn’t for sex there wouldn’t be children and apparently billions of people do it since we have what 7 billion people -- sex that is not eating chocolate.
Playing the Occupation for Laughs Occupation Wall Street (this review appeared in the NY Times paper the next day)
Playing the Occupation for Laughs
True News and Suzannah Troy NY Halloween Horrors or NY Massive Scandals Business as Usual
and my new Mayor Bloomberg Stu Loeser Blog and NY Pensions Restructuring that horror show being covered up by the press so sshhhhh
it is a bloody mess...........
Stu Loeser I am waiting for a call back with an answer re: Steve Rattner and NY Pensions!
and my new Mayor Bloomberg Stu Loeser Blog and NY Pensions Restructuring that horror show being covered up by the press so sshhhhh
it is a bloody mess...........
Stu Loeser I am waiting for a call back with an answer re: Steve Rattner and NY Pensions!
Bloomberg’s Head of Business Integrity Commission secretly gave secrtary 3 big raises in 7 months
Gee she doesn’t live in NYC either?
Gee almost like the mayor giving his money mules a 2nd salary via a dummy company not bloomberg news plus their nyc gov salary and some got money for working on the campaign....
We have lay-offs, people struggling to survive, no health insurance or trying to meet payments, put food on the table but politicos NY state and NYC gov getting $$$$$$$ creatively!!!!
it is who you know and who you....
Mike Bloomberg Rupert Murdoch NY Pensions Restructuring A Halloween Store Involving Bloody Axes & 2 BILLIONAIRES!
Bloomberg Murdoch (2 percent of NY’s 1 percent) NY Pensions a horror movie ratedX for violence and how many New Yorkers are being screwed.
Hint: Pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term. NY Pensions Liu over saw -- 95M$ in Murdoch's News on about how and why Bloomberg Murdoch axed Liu and why Murdoch key player in restructuring Liu our comptroller out who makes Thompson look a he was in a coma all these years serving as comptroller.
Happy Halloween!
NYDN NY City Board of Elections Stop the Theives
NYC cess pool of corruption and we have the largest white collar crimes ever under mayor mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn who the NYDN pointed out was sued for back rent 3 times.
Read more:
NYC cess pool of corruption and we have the largest white collar crimes ever under mayor mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn who the NYDN pointed out was sued for back rent 3 times.
Read more:
CityTime ECTP NYCAPS inspires City Council to Monitor Budgetary Over-runs NYC gov contracts Too Little Too Late Christine Quinn Big Time Liar
Christine Quinn went on NY1 and and told a BIG TIME lie that she was on top of CityTIme. Christine Quinn brushed a side two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James and discouraged a third. All City Council members know Quinn is Ms. Slush and Intimidation retaliating against city council people that don’t do her bidding. CityTime took simple math and should have been shut down in Feb. 2003 with Richard Valcich’s whistle blowing letter but neither Bloomberg and Bill Thompson shut it down. Mark Page and Christine Quinn could have and did not. Tish James 2 investigations -- I have a link to the 2nd one and Joel Bondy swore under oath in front of City Council so does that mean he committed perjury or like the mayor and key NYC C Gov employees are above the law?
NYCAPS over budget 300 million dollars and ECTP the 911 tech system over 2 billion dollars flawed mess. Mike Bloomberg techno dreams are the tax payers nightmares. Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me and sold us the People out flushing democracy down the toilet, sold her soul to real estate developers in lieu of campaign donations, Quinn was sued 3 times for back rent and more people fell in to poverty and homelessness as she and her girlfriend now spouse grew richer. Her than girlfriend brokered a deal for a 1 million dollar plus condo that Quinn herself would have difficulty buying considering she has been sued for back rent 3 times and Quinn thinks she can be mayoral and be responsible for NYC”s massive budget and budgetary problems when she can’t pay her rent on time and is sued is beyond me. Clearly she and the Wall Street firms she gets bail out money for her campaign and real estate magnates like the Rudins, higher ed like Columbia U. NYU and Cooper Union all ruthless real estate magnates don’t care and want Bloomberg’s mini-me in office to continue with corrupt dealings where greed and stupidity rule. Christine Quinn has spent perhaps a record amount of tax payer money on her and her staff’s legal bills for slush money including Quinn approving Sullivan and Cromwell the same firm that Goldman Sachs uses. When their bills exceed a million will there finally be an investigation? Just wondering out loud.
Did I mention she used slush (aka tax payer money) and intimidation to push thru an illegal third term with the great big lie we needed Mike Bloomberg to help us with the economy? She and Mike only helped their pals. Did Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn help you with the economy? Here is Katie OWS in front of St. Vincent’s talking about health care. Christine Quinn allowed a hospital St Vincent’s open 9-11 to close in her own district. That means no hospital from Chelsea to Battery and she wants to be our mayor. Ask her how many small business closed under her rule acting much more like Bloomberg’s deputy mayor and not a city council speaker.
p.s. Why did Richard Valcich go from hero to zero to say?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Dept of Building Add Yet Another Death to Stats Cooked Like NYPD, 311 DOB Sham!
The NYPD may cook their books -- stats on crime but the NYPD do catch criminals -- okay in the NYPD have some of their own plus ticket fix scandal not in Manhattan where NYC gov officials and others got fixing and favors or Brooklyn or Queens BUT the NYPD actually do catch criminals but not DOB.
Commissioner Limandri urges us to call 311 if we see anything dangerous. I can tell you you can call 311 and expect no illegal activity caught or punished. Would you believe me if I told you have photographs of dangerous activity at a construction site and that DOB did nothing as if DOB is taking bribes or maybe they are too few inspecting way too many construction sites because under Bloomberg it was about speedy reckless development where greed and stupidity rule!
Question! Did this construction site that took yet another life have any 311 calls alerting the city.
Make a call to NYC government I had the pleasure of listening to Limandri brag about the lack of deaths and injuries and urging us to call 311.
I have a question for Mr. LiMandri regarding the stats on your DOB website regarding deaths and injuries. Do the injuries accurately reflect illegal immigrants being paid off the books or do they not come forward when they are injured to be included?
Mr. Limandri immigrant workers are working in unsafe working conditions and I call tell you DOB and NYC gov do not give a damn. Feel free to call Osha but don’t expect much either.
Here in NYC there are a lot of abuses of immigrants both legal and illegal. I have heard plenty of NY politicians talk about immigrants but none I have talked to give a damn. Mike Bloomberg, Diana Taylor and every one in NY and NYC gov love to show up for awards lunches and dinners to pat themselves on the back both those stats are cooked too.
DOB commissioner Robert LiMindri urges you to call 311 if you see unsafe construction sites. During Hurricane Irene the construction sites had so many materials not secured that if Irene had hit us full force we would have had major damage and deaths and Bloomberg’s p.r. machine sold the lie Bloomberg did a great job...Lie!
Call 311 so you can leave a record of DOB not doing their job.
The NYPD may cook their books -- stats on crime but the NYPD do catch criminals -- okay in the NYPD have some of their own plus ticket fix scandal not in Manhattan where NYC gov officials and others got fixing and favors or Brooklyn or Queens BUT the NYPD actually do catch criminals but not DOB.
Commissioner Limandri urges us to call 311 if we see anything dangerous. I can tell you you can call 311 and expect no illegal activity caught or punished. Would you believe me if I told you have photographs of dangerous activity at a construction site and that DOB did nothing as if DOB is taking bribes or maybe they are too few inspecting way too many construction sites because under Bloomberg it was about speedy reckless development where greed and stupidity rule!
Question! Did this construction site that took yet another life have any 311 calls alerting the city.
Make a call to NYC government I had the pleasure of listening to Limandri brag about the lack of deaths and injuries and urging us to call 311.
I have a question for Mr. LiMandri regarding the stats on your DOB website regarding deaths and injuries. Do the injuries accurately reflect illegal immigrants being paid off the books or do they not come forward when they are injured to be included?
Mr. Limandri immigrant workers are working in unsafe working conditions and I call tell you DOB and NYC gov do not give a damn. Feel free to call Osha but don’t expect much either.
Here in NYC there are a lot of abuses of immigrants both legal and illegal. I have heard plenty of NY politicians talk about immigrants but none I have talked to give a damn. Mike Bloomberg, Diana Taylor and every one in NY and NYC gov love to show up for awards lunches and dinners to pat themselves on the back both those stats are cooked too.
DOB commissioner Robert LiMindri urges you to call 311 if you see unsafe construction sites. During Hurricane Irene the construction sites had so many materials not secured that if Irene had hit us full force we would have had major damage and deaths and Bloomberg’s p.r. machine sold the lie Bloomberg did a great job...Lie!
Call 311 so you can leave a record of DOB not doing their job.
NY Pensions: Media Selling Lies False P.R. for Bloomberg Black-out Murdoch
also covers NYPD ticket fix scandal cover-up for City Hall officials, PBA favors as well as ticket fixing and for special people and their families? NYPD rape cop lawyer Chad Segiel Tacopina Seigel comparing women’s genital to venus fly trap in question on...
also include WSJ article and ask we all vote no to carriage horses NYC in memory of Charlie the Beautiful White Horse that died in the streets of NYC
Folks: I am tired -- been up since 430 am and did not sleep much. At the crack of dawn comforted best friend...someone we loved died. Andy Sichel my painting teacher from Mason Gross School of the Arts Rutgers. Very sad and extremely exhausted.
also covers NYPD ticket fix scandal cover-up for City Hall officials, PBA favors as well as ticket fixing and for special people and their families? NYPD rape cop lawyer Chad Segiel Tacopina Seigel comparing women’s genital to venus fly trap in question on...
also include WSJ article and ask we all vote no to carriage horses NYC in memory of Charlie the Beautiful White Horse that died in the streets of NYC
Folks: I am tired -- been up since 430 am and did not sleep much. At the crack of dawn comforted best friend...someone we loved died. Andy Sichel my painting teacher from Mason Gross School of the Arts Rutgers. Very sad and extremely exhausted.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Updates Occupy Wall St. Staying...Read NY Pensions Bloomberg Murdoch Hatchet Job
Occupy Wall Streeters did not get evicted tonight despite having their generators removed to makes this blizzard even harder to endure but Rupert Murdoch not an official ruler oops NYC gov official along with recently deposed king of New York Mike Bloomberg did evict John Liu from any power and control....the death blows were prepared with attacks from The NY Times 1st on campaign laws allegedly broken by John Liu rumored to be done in Rudy style and than came the double hatchet Bloomberg Murdoch death blows payback for Liu exposing Mike Bloomberg as the most corrupt inept mayor shutting down The Tax Payer’s Titanic CityTime and ECTP aka CityTime 2 but Rupert Murdoch wanted to shut Liu out because of Liu controlled 95 million dollars in stock of the NY Pensions in News Corp and demanded Murdoch’s ouster because of the phone hacking scandals which I found in Gawker article. You do have to click on all my links like a cracker jack boxes until you get to the Gawker article and The NY Times article on Liu shutting Murdoch out of a 27 million dollar deal with NYC gov board of ed schools and Rupe’s Wireless Generation.....
so instead of pension reform in the 1st term we get it now to keep the 1 percenters in charge of pensions so they can exploit rob raid the NY Pensions worth mega billions -- oops I meant to say manage them.
Is Steve Rattner going to advise Mike on the pensions or is being banned by the SEC for pay to play NY Pensions enough of a message it is a conflict of interest? How about Goldman Sachs who did an awful job handling the FDNY and NYPD’s pensions. Mayor Mike Bloomberg more than bungled CityTime, pushed SAIC like cocaine at a Hollywood party and allowed ECTP to balloon over 2 Billion dollars and it is still a mess, he did a lousy job two terms with pensions but now cutting out John Liu the only comptroller to shut down massive white collar crime fraud and tax payer abuse out is going to some how help when they combine all the pensions or even a big revolving door for abuse?
Occupy Wall Streeters did not get evicted tonight despite having their generators removed to makes this blizzard even harder to endure but Rupert Murdoch not an official ruler oops NYC gov official along with recently deposed king of New York Mike Bloomberg did evict John Liu from any power and control....the death blows were prepared with attacks from The NY Times 1st on campaign laws allegedly broken by John Liu rumored to be done in Rudy style and than came the double hatchet Bloomberg Murdoch death blows payback for Liu exposing Mike Bloomberg as the most corrupt inept mayor shutting down The Tax Payer’s Titanic CityTime and ECTP aka CityTime 2 but Rupert Murdoch wanted to shut Liu out because of Liu controlled 95 million dollars in stock of the NY Pensions in News Corp and demanded Murdoch’s ouster because of the phone hacking scandals which I found in Gawker article. You do have to click on all my links like a cracker jack boxes until you get to the Gawker article and The NY Times article on Liu shutting Murdoch out of a 27 million dollar deal with NYC gov board of ed schools and Rupe’s Wireless Generation.....
so instead of pension reform in the 1st term we get it now to keep the 1 percenters in charge of pensions so they can exploit rob raid the NY Pensions worth mega billions -- oops I meant to say manage them.
Is Steve Rattner going to advise Mike on the pensions or is being banned by the SEC for pay to play NY Pensions enough of a message it is a conflict of interest? How about Goldman Sachs who did an awful job handling the FDNY and NYPD’s pensions. Mayor Mike Bloomberg more than bungled CityTime, pushed SAIC like cocaine at a Hollywood party and allowed ECTP to balloon over 2 Billion dollars and it is still a mess, he did a lousy job two terms with pensions but now cutting out John Liu the only comptroller to shut down massive white collar crime fraud and tax payer abuse out is going to some how help when they combine all the pensions or even a big revolving door for abuse?
Occupy Wall Street Protestors Safe! Won’t be forced out
Does not apply to Zucotti Park privately owned....and it was an advisory -- Occupy Wall Street protestors hunkered down to stay.
Does not apply to Zucotti Park privately owned....and it was an advisory -- Occupy Wall Street protestors hunkered down to stay.
Suzannah B. Troy Blizzard Update Freezing Rain to Bloomie Rupe Fast One NY Pensions to Tacopina Seigel NYPD Rape Cop Lawyers Rude Sexually Ignorant V Lawyers
Yo, first I got caught in the freezing rain. I didn’t bring my own bags to carry home food from Whole Foods so their double bagged paper shopping back broke in the middle of the street with 2 beautiful apples rolling into filthy dirty black water. My hands were numb with cold. Needless to say I didn’t bring the apples home. What a waste of money and fruit. (note i downloaded Steve Jobs bio on to my iphone -- my eyes get tired so it is audio unabridged. )
How is Occupy Wall Street doing? Go to this link and make sure to follow like a treasure hunt the links until you get to the dish on Brookfield, Occupy’s landlord being worth $150 Billion yes 150 BILLION dollars and they got big loans from our Federal Government! about the loans. I am eager for an update from Occupy.
One percent of the richest folks USA will control NYC pension with Mike Bloomberg's help -- just like he helped CityTime to be the Tax Payers Titanic.
The pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term.
How convenient the pensions restructuring that should have happen in Bloomberg’s 1st term has been restructured to cutting out John Liu/Comptroller from every taking action with the massive stock the NY pension happens to own of News Corp. If you have not followed my links like a treasure hunter to the Gawker article you have missed the point of what I am saying so wake-up and you need to know about Wireless Generation and read the link i posted from NYTimes on Liu putting the kibosh on 27 million dollar deal Rupe’s Wireless Generation NYC gov schools....amazing how much power Rupe has and he doesn’t like being interfered with.
I dare anyone in the media to ask Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel if they have any idea why rapes are up and under reported in NYC.
I urge you to write the supreme court and express your outrage that a lawyer compared women's genitals in court to a venus fly trap.
I believe in freedom of speech but calling a hate crime that encourages even more violence towards women to be punished.
Tell me the fix was not in and I will laugh in your face. I have video on Youtube of Brian King who works for Tacopina Seigel and a vile creature who would not give me her name bragging that it was going to be an acquittal. What did they know that we did not? Did they have the dinner date with the jurors planned before the trial ended as well?
I was threatened with a law suit by Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel....never served me just like Casey Anthony's lawyer threatened a woman blogger as well.
As an artist rewarded to know Chad Seigel upset my posters dehumanizing him and Tacopina. I wrote $750 an hour on Tacopina forehead as well as over their faces my outrage at putting the rape victim on trial and comparing our genitals to a fly trap.
Chad Seigel and Joe Tacopina are everything secretly ignorant of women’s plumbing and or filled with hatred and fear and lots of anxiety about women’s vaginas.
John Elligon of The NY times covered up for Chad Seigel refusing to even report Chad Seigel's name when identifying his hateful analogy posed as a question.
How is Occupy Wall Street doing? Go to this link and make sure to follow like a treasure hunt the links until you get to the dish on Brookfield, Occupy’s landlord being worth $150 Billion yes 150 BILLION dollars and they got big loans from our Federal Government! about the loans. I am eager for an update from Occupy.
One percent of the richest folks USA will control NYC pension with Mike Bloomberg's help -- just like he helped CityTime to be the Tax Payers Titanic.
The pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term.
How convenient the pensions restructuring that should have happen in Bloomberg’s 1st term has been restructured to cutting out John Liu/Comptroller from every taking action with the massive stock the NY pension happens to own of News Corp. If you have not followed my links like a treasure hunter to the Gawker article you have missed the point of what I am saying so wake-up and you need to know about Wireless Generation and read the link i posted from NYTimes on Liu putting the kibosh on 27 million dollar deal Rupe’s Wireless Generation NYC gov schools....amazing how much power Rupe has and he doesn’t like being interfered with.
I dare anyone in the media to ask Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel if they have any idea why rapes are up and under reported in NYC.
I urge you to write the supreme court and express your outrage that a lawyer compared women's genitals in court to a venus fly trap.
I believe in freedom of speech but calling a hate crime that encourages even more violence towards women to be punished.
Tell me the fix was not in and I will laugh in your face. I have video on Youtube of Brian King who works for Tacopina Seigel and a vile creature who would not give me her name bragging that it was going to be an acquittal. What did they know that we did not? Did they have the dinner date with the jurors planned before the trial ended as well?
I was threatened with a law suit by Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel....never served me just like Casey Anthony's lawyer threatened a woman blogger as well.
As an artist rewarded to know Chad Seigel upset my posters dehumanizing him and Tacopina. I wrote $750 an hour on Tacopina forehead as well as over their faces my outrage at putting the rape victim on trial and comparing our genitals to a fly trap.
Chad Seigel and Joe Tacopina are everything secretly ignorant of women’s plumbing and or filled with hatred and fear and lots of anxiety about women’s vaginas.
![]() |
Click on photo to read about Cha Seigel and Joe Tacopina needing an anatomy lesson! |
John Elligon of The NY times covered up for Chad Seigel refusing to even report Chad Seigel's name when identifying his hateful analogy posed as a question.
Steve Berke Comedian Running for Mayor Miami Beach Secret Weapon Roger Stone!
"Steve Berke is for real. And the 30-year-old comedian’s quixotic race for Miami Beach mayor — with its YouTube parody videos, sultry fashion models, publicity stunts and pro-marijuana platform — has morphed into a serious bid, with serious money and a serious political consultant.”
Steve wants to keep the clubs open to 5am.
Note from Suzannah....I have never smoked pot or first experience with drugs was as an alternate juror when they past around the drug for each juror to take a look at and I go to bed early so I won’t be running for mayor in Florida with Roger Stone as my political consultant. Roger you are making me sound like a Republican and I am not. My sexual politics are pure Democrat but I am an Independent. I registered as Democrat to vote against Christine Quinn for mayor and to vote for Norman Siegel if he runs for Public Advocate.
After the mayoral election I return to being an Independent.
but this vid is more fun to watch -- he sing....
"Steve Berke is for real. And the 30-year-old comedian’s quixotic race for Miami Beach mayor — with its YouTube parody videos, sultry fashion models, publicity stunts and pro-marijuana platform — has morphed into a serious bid, with serious money and a serious political consultant.”
Steve wants to keep the clubs open to 5am.
Note from Suzannah....I have never smoked pot or first experience with drugs was as an alternate juror when they past around the drug for each juror to take a look at and I go to bed early so I won’t be running for mayor in Florida with Roger Stone as my political consultant. Roger you are making me sound like a Republican and I am not. My sexual politics are pure Democrat but I am an Independent. I registered as Democrat to vote against Christine Quinn for mayor and to vote for Norman Siegel if he runs for Public Advocate.
After the mayoral election I return to being an Independent.
but this vid is more fun to watch -- he sing....
Occupy Wall Street -- How are they doing Blizzard Freezing Rain?
There generators have been removed -- another unkind move by Bloomberg and gang to flush them out of Brookfield’s Zuccotti Park real name Liberty Park.
Read yet another example of Christine Quinn being a big phony taking credit for everything but World Peace and the dirt on Brookfield and why they want as much attention as an organized crime gang.
Chad Seigel Tacopina Seigel NYPD Rape Cop Suzannah Troy's Grievance
Supreme Court Dept. of Disciplinary Committee not going to punish Chad D. Seigel, Esquire but the Supreme Court Disciplinary Committee does echo the sentiment of Judge Carro in relation to the crude and inappropriate term Chad Seigel used in defending his client(s) in the underlying rape trail, it does not rise to the level of misconduct warranting discipline pursuant to the NY Rules of Professional Conduct.
Folks -- Chad Seigel and Joe Tacopina got away with putting the rape victim on trial and an in your face hate crimes against women. Rapes are up and under reported. Another NYPD officer has been exposed raping yet another innocent woman and another NYPD officer has been exposed involved with drugs -- as making money off of drugs. Why not since Cy Vance has given a message to the NYPD -- go for it with drugs and you will get barely a wrist slap rolling the heroin in the NYPD rape cop’s locker in to a year sentence.
In Chad Seigel’s response to the grievance he gives me the full Tacopina Seigel rape treatment and slanders me and Veterans from WW2, Korea and Viet Nam as well as LGBT activists who bothered to protest in front of their law offices with me because we objected to their behavior in court and putting the NYPD rape victim on trial.
Anyone who cares you too can write and complain for Chad Seigel comparing women’s genital in question form to a (Venus) Fly Trap. This file is closed with in thirty days folks unless you care to write them and tell them your opinion -- at least we can make the file a bit thicker and send a message.
You don’t get to prey on us, rape us because we a drunk, how we are dressed or even naked, it doesn’t matter if we are dressed provocatively from babies to grannies stop the violence towards women, the rapes and murders. Click on the link to see the photos of the Art Posters I made to dehumanize these misogynist lawyers and it worked. I can show you Chad Seigel’s upset in his own words sent to the committee as he beat me up lying up me and trashing me. I call it lying and slander when he says I sent to his offices to harass him. I had a protest in front of his office with the permission of the NYPD.
Write to:
Department Disciplinary Committee
Supreme Court, Appellate Division
First Judicial, Department
61 Broadway
NYC, NY 10006 re: Chad Seigel, Esq. Docket No. 2011.1204
Mayor Bloomberg & Murdoch Restructure Pensions Axe Liu 1 Percenters Rule Pensions
Hilarious -- the pension reforms should have come in the Mike’s first term but what it really is now is a grab by 1 percenters to gain further control and exploit the and listen....
Bloomberg Murdoch Do The Big Dirty on Liu to Protect Themselves NY Pensions Restructuring Now in 3rd Term!
The NY Pensions need restructuring in the 1st term not Mike's scandal ridden 3rd term. Mike's 3rd term makes Koch's scandal ridden 3rd term look mellow. By the way in "City For Sale” 50 NY Post reporters hand Rupert Murdoch a signed petition protesting his reporting of Ed Koch because yes Rupe had decided Koch would be mayor and skewed the reporting of the paper to make it so.
Why now and why Lui -- comptroller cut out -- Rupert Murdoch Mike Bloomberg is why and the attack full frontal with Lui having to hire Abrams....really well orchestrated. If Bloomberg could have done that to stop corruption in NYC gov. help school kids get an education, stop poverty instead of increasing it, prevent a reckless dangerous tsunami of development it would have been amazing but Bloomberg's agendas hurt the city helping the richest New Yorkers while driving out the largest amounts of NYC folks from the area since The American Indians.
Why now and why Lui -- comptroller cut out -- Rupert Murdoch Mike Bloomberg is why and the attack full frontal with Lui having to hire Abrams....really well orchestrated. If Bloomberg could have done that to stop corruption in NYC gov. help school kids get an education, stop poverty instead of increasing it, prevent a reckless dangerous tsunami of development it would have been amazing but Bloomberg's agendas hurt the city helping the richest New Yorkers while driving out the largest amounts of NYC folks from the area since The American Indians.
Mike Bloomberg Rupert Murdoch 2 percent of 1 percenters cut Liu out who was shutting down 1 percenters Bloomberg, Murdoch, SAIC, other top companies that saw nyc gov contracts as winning the lottery -- Liu shut down the largest abuse, theft and fraud of NYC tax payers largest white collar crime in NYC gov history...ho hum...
John Liu has his flaws but stopping the bleeding re: the largest white collar crimes ever NYC gov. redeeming. Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations in to CityTime brought by Tish James and discouraged James from bringing a third. Christine Quinn went on NY1 and blatantly lied stating she was on top of CityTime. To be on top of CityTime it required simple math and integrity and CityTime SAIC should have been shut down in Feb. 2003.
Learn why Mike Bloomberg did not restructure Pensions in his 1st term but right now in his scandal ridden 3rd term to shut John Liu out of control over pensions that have 95 million dollars in stock News Corp and Liu with that control called for Murdoch’s ouster. He also thwarted Murdoch’s 27 million dollar deal Wireless Generation with Board of Ed NYC schools which Rupe hopes to take global and Liu exposed CityTime and ECTP tax payer abuse and is doing effective work to shut down the massive white collar crimes and tax payer abuse. Besides being pro Union he is also a serious contender for mayor. Do the math.
That Christine Quinn, Mike Bloomberg and Mark Page could not do simple math along with Dept of Investigation and Joel Bondy testified under oath before City Council is almost entertaining except we could have used a billion dollars in waste to help this city and keep city workers employed and have payroll systems -- the old ones that worked including AutoTime thrown out by Rudy created and run by City Workers. Rudy brought in SAIC and CityTime.
My fan base are writing to me that you The NY Times are doing a hatchet job on John Liu and reporting as little as possible or nothing on anything unflattering Mike Bloomberg...Team Bloomberg
Locking me out of reading NYT for free because I have read 20 articles hurts you.
I post links from other newspapers rather than yours. Because of you one sided reporting I do use less nytimes links -- food for thought.
The NY Times, NY Daily News and NY Post have silenced all critics of Mike Bloomberg and pushed Mike and his mini-me Christine Quinn illegal third term denying voters a referendum through. Now they turn assassin for them.
The voters are angry and they will vote against Christine Quinn they way they did against Mike Bloomberg and all the work by the media to silence voices like they did for Mike Bloomberg will back fire.
excerpt from above post...
Did Cy Vance break campaign laws? Does someone need to pay up some fines? Guma dismissing money owed...Does that mean the money dismissed is a campaign contribution?
If so time to pay some fines...? Does Cy Vance owe Mark Guma favors for dismissing money owed?
Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws which carries jail time.
p.s. Occupy Wall Street’s landlord -- 150 billion dollar landlord with mega-federal loans!!!!!!
If so time to pay some fines...? Does Cy Vance owe Mark Guma favors for dismissing money owed?
Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws which carries jail time.
p.s. Occupy Wall Street’s landlord -- 150 billion dollar landlord with mega-federal loans!!!!!!
John Liu Hired former AG Robert Abrams To Defend He Broke Campaign Laws
John Liu hires Robert Abrams. The goal to shut John Liu out as in payback from 2 percent of the 1 percenters, Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch. John Liu was in charge of 95 million shares of News Corp and joined the action by shareholders that Murdoch step down as well as put a kibosh on Wireless Generation deal that was to be a global math tech deal of Murdoch’s. Liu exposed how Mike Bloomberg (also Bill Thompson) allowed CityTime and ECTP to flourish - largest White Collar Crimes ever + NYCAPS and Board of Ed corruption.
Did Cy Vance break campaign laws? Does someone need to pay up some fines? Guma dismissing money owed...Does that mean the money dismissed is a campaign contribution?
If so time to pay some fines...? Does Cy Vance owe Mark Guma favors for dismissing money owed?
Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws which carries jail time.
Warning Mike Bloomberg does not use a gun personally to shoot you down in the street but Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch 2 percent of the 1 percent of NYC are doing everything but hire an assassin to take John Liu out of the mayoral run and pay him back. Read below what for....
John Liu hires Robert Abrams. The goal to shut John Liu out as in payback from 2 percent of the 1 percenters, Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch. John Liu was in charge of 95 million shares of News Corp and joined the action by shareholders that Murdoch step down as well as put a kibosh on Wireless Generation deal that was to be a global math tech deal of Murdoch’s. Liu exposed how Mike Bloomberg (also Bill Thompson) allowed CityTime and ECTP to flourish - largest White Collar Crimes ever + NYCAPS and Board of Ed corruption.
Did Cy Vance break campaign laws? Does someone need to pay up some fines? Guma dismissing money owed...Does that mean the money dismissed is a campaign contribution?
If so time to pay some fines...? Does Cy Vance owe Mark Guma favors for dismissing money owed?
Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws which carries jail time.
Warning Mike Bloomberg does not use a gun personally to shoot you down in the street but Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch 2 percent of the 1 percent of NYC are doing everything but hire an assassin to take John Liu out of the mayoral run and pay him back. Read below what for....
The pensions need restructing 1st term -- instead now 1 goal to shut Liu out -- 2 percent of 1 percent shutting down Lui to hold on to their power and to pay back John Liu as well as attempt to further weaken the Unions.
The New York Times, The NY Post and The New York Daily News have launched a full on attack on John Liu on behalf of the 1 percenters of NYC and their financial interests and investments as the continue to report 0 to 1 percent of unflattering to out and out corruption by Mike Bloomberg like pushing SAIC like a drug king pin pushes heroin including at press conferences where he had to tell us Spherion hired to do quality control on SAIC stole 80 million. Startling that the press has hushed up Mike’s more than enthusiastic relationship with SAIC now banned from doing biz with the State and City of NYC for now....the press blacked out our mayor committed perjury Haggerty trial.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Gloomy Bloomy News Sub-Zero Trickle Down (Suzannah B. Troy YouTube Rewind!)
Before Mike Bloomberg and that fake Christine Quinn got away with stealing a third term.....
watch what I had to say and I was so right on!!!!!!!!
Oct. 13, 2008 and even more true including the mega-millions Mike spent to steal a third term -- that money sub-zero trickle down as well as all the consultants stealing on so many projects Mike pushed like cocaine at a Hollywood party.
Mayor Bloomberg Rupert Murdoch NY Pensions Slashing John Liu
Wow, 2 percent of NYC’s 1 percent take down John Liu cutting him out of the NY Pensions....and why and learn my opinion....
NY Post & NYDN Blacked Out Occupy Wall Street Health Care Protest but ABC, WPIX, CNN, NY1, WSJ Picked Up Story
(The combined list is also found on PNHP-NY Metro's blog: & WABC Ch 7, Oct 26, 2011 Though video of our march was replaced by footage of Oakland, half of the written texts on both the websites of NY1 andWABC Ch 7 are still about our health care march.Getty Images photos, Oct 26, 2011Getty Images photos with captions picked up by sites such as NPR, Chicago Tribune, Dallas News, and Forbes. See full gallery of Getty photos from the march here.Associated Press photos, Oct 26, 2011Associated Press photos of our march with captions picked up by sites such as Yahoo! News and AOL News.
CNN, Oct 26, 2011
(last 3 paragraphs of article about our health care march)
(picked up by local TV stations in Orlando, Des Moines, San Antonio, New Hampshire, and others)
Wall Street Journal, Oct 26, 2011
Wall Street protesters target health insurers
Katie's initial roundup already included the WSJ; same AP story was also picked up by wide range of news sites across the country, including Times Herald-Record, Fox23 News (Albany), Ch 9 WSYR (Syracuse), The Republic (Columbus, IN), Vos Iz Neias (#1 Orthodox Jewish news site) and Long Island Business News.Our Town Downtown, Oct 26, 2011OWS Teach-In at St. Vincent’sRelated article:Crain's New York's Health Pulse, Oct 26, 2011
Mike Bloomberg Restructures Pensions to Protect Rupert Murdoch! Also Pay Back from Bloomberg & Murdoch!
Wow way back when I made this YouTube asking Mike when are you going to do something take action re: NY Pensions.... but when Mike Bloomberg does it is to protect fellow billionaire Rupert Murdoch and payback from both billionaires Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch with the goal to shut John Liu down who has been a hero to the tax payers busting CityTime and ECTP wide open and stopping the bleeding in the largest white collar crimes ever.
I want to call Stu Loeser back to ask him about this since he has not returned my call asking if Steve Rattner is to play a role in pension restructuring. I should have also asked if Goldman Sachs is as well.
Click here for the Gawker link that explains it all and my post telling you how I call Mike Bloomberg’s press guys who do not call me back. Not a tough question to answer....
I want to call Stu Loeser back to ask him about this since he has not returned my call asking if Steve Rattner is to play a role in pension restructuring. I should have also asked if Goldman Sachs is as well.
Click here for the Gawker link that explains it all and my post telling you how I call Mike Bloomberg’s press guys who do not call me back. Not a tough question to answer....
Suzannah Troy Calls Stu Loeser/Marc La Vorgna to ask if Steve Rattner Will Have a Role in Pension Restructing?
(Note from Suzannah....Is this why Mike is finally attempting to restructure pensions or should I say neutralize Liu?)
Stu Loeser/Marc La Vorgna (Mayor), (212) 788-2958October 27, 2011
Mayor Mike Bloomberg keeps Steve Rattner on his private payroll despite being banned by the Sec for his role in pay to play NY Pensions and Rattner pleading the 5th 62 times so I am curious to know if Steve Rattner will be advising Mike Bloomberg on the pension restructuring.
Mike Bloomberg continues to open doors even wider -- revolving doors of corruption and Mike Bloomberg rewards a culture of failure but only in his public empire aka NYC gov. CityTime, ECTP, NYCAPS, NY Pensions including pay to play Steve Rattner, Board of Ed NYC schools, etc.
I will give you Stu and Marc’s response as soon as I get one!
Why Bloomberg and gang trying to shut Liu down, the Unions, Liu could win if he runs for mayor and this from Gawker....
Among News Corp.'s larger investors are New York City's five pension funds, which collectively own a $92 million chunk of the company. And New York City Comptroller John Liu, who manages the funds, is joining a shareholder revolt that seeks to oust Murdoch, his two sons James and Lachlan, and a number of other Murdoch cronies from the company's board on account of all the lying to Parliament and running their British newspapers like a massive criminal conspiracy.
At least Mike Bloomberg’s thugs don’t use guns to try and shoot some one down -- that would be beneath Mike....stay tuned...
and don’t foret Liu vs. Murdoch’s tech deals NYC schools
Murdoch wanted to go global and NYC schools was to be a feather in Murdoch’s empire...
Murdoch wanted to go global and NYC schools was to be a feather in Murdoch’s empire...
Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch The NY Pensions and John Liu
"Among News Corp.'s larger investors are New York City's five pension funds, which collectively own a $92 million chunk of the company. And New York City Comptroller John Liu, who manages the funds, is joining a shareholder revolt that seeks to oust Murdoch, his two sons James and Lachlan, and a number of other Murdoch cronies from the company's board on account of all the lying to Parliament and running their British newspapers like a massive criminal conspiracy.”
read on....
150 Billion $ Brookfield Occupy Wall Street’s 1% Landlord Could Provide Solar Panels and Heated Tents for Occupy Wall Street
ps How is Brookfield worth 150 billion dollars doing with all those mega-millions of dollars they got from our Federal government for 9-11 and also Dept. of Energy?
Hilarious Christine Quinn tried to take credit for getting Brookfield to back down!
Maybe Brookfield can give Occupy Wall Street some solar panels and some warmth since they got 137 million dollar Dept. of Energy loan.
How the media including the NY post blacks out Occupy Wall Street health care protest march that ended in front of St. Vincent’s open 9-11 closed now thanks to corrupt politicians and real estate greed. The Rudins donating big to corrupt Christine Quinn who let the hospital close and it is in her district. She has sold what was left of her soul to the Rudins.
More news the media main stream won’t report Occupy Wall Street Health Care March Protest
More news the media main stream won’t report Occupy Wall Street Health Care March Protest
Mayor Bloomberg NY Pensions Another Revolving Door for Corruption Not Progress! VIDEO response -- do not trust Mike Bloomberg with pension. Who is he going to have watch it, Steve Rattner and Goldman Sachs? Reread NY Post articles on the pension including Bill Thompson’s role in bungling and Mike’s massive conflicts of interest -- they didn’t stop CityTime and ECTP massive tax payer abuse but John Liu did.
Just another revolving door for corruption -- and this is mega-bucks for white collar criminals to exploit.
Mike are you going to have Goldman Sachs and Steve Rattner who was banned by the SEC and pleaded the 5th 62 times in the pay to play pension scandals and he should have never been allowed to be involved in the pensions and you still keep him on your payroll of course!--
Are you going to have them manage the new restructuring of the pensions?
You and Bill Thompson get an F for the pensions, the conflicts of interests and we even paid people I believe combined 3 million to play with the pensions -- oops I meant advise us NYC hardee har...;jsessionid=BDC29A2368B60ED5A7F51DF291704323 More unkosher activity FDNY NYPD handling of pension money..??????
Mike’s techno-dreams are the tax payers nightmares...from CityTime, ECTP to pensions Mike is a failure not a biz whiz so hands-off and resign Mike Bloomberg! You are a lame duck mayor and take your mini-me Christine Quinn an utter soulless sell-out with you!
Just another revolving door for corruption -- and this is mega-bucks for white collar criminals to exploit.
NY pensions are losing $$ on Sachs
Last Updated: 7:11 AM, May 2, 2010
Mike are you going to have Goldman Sachs and Steve Rattner who was banned by the SEC and pleaded the 5th 62 times in the pay to play pension scandals and he should have never been allowed to be involved in the pensions and you still keep him on your payroll of course!--
Are you going to have them manage the new restructuring of the pensions?
You and Bill Thompson get an F for the pensions, the conflicts of interests and we even paid people I believe combined 3 million to play with the pensions -- oops I meant advise us NYC hardee har...;jsessionid=BDC29A2368B60ED5A7F51DF291704323 More unkosher activity FDNY NYPD handling of pension money..??????
Mike’s techno-dreams are the tax payers nightmares...from CityTime, ECTP to pensions Mike is a failure not a biz whiz so hands-off and resign Mike Bloomberg! You are a lame duck mayor and take your mini-me Christine Quinn an utter soulless sell-out with you!
NYPD and the Female Anatomy! Scary! From Ticket Fixing to Rape Cop
“You p-----s,’’ shouted one cop at the IAB contingent.
Read more:
The NYPD and all ignorant humans male and female that call people “p///sies” to mean weak are the same people that would most like pass out or cry if they witnessed a birth first hand.
I also give you a link to 2 articles -- 1 in The NY Post and 1 in The Village Voice that expose male officers from the 9th Precinct calling women C//T and one is to a superior officer a female Lt.
I am interested in the 3 PA officials busted.
Read more:
The NYPD and all ignorant humans male and female that call people “p///sies” to mean weak are the same people that would most like pass out or cry if they witnessed a birth first hand.
I also give you a link to 2 articles -- 1 in The NY Post and 1 in The Village Voice that expose male officers from the 9th Precinct calling women C//T and one is to a superior officer a female Lt.
I am interested in the 3 PA officials busted.
Mike Bloomberg No Faith or Trust Handling NY Pensions
Mike Bloomberg -- No trust or faith in the mayor's administration of the pensions. CityTime and ECTP and NYCAPS may have sounded good on paper but greedy predators robbed the tax payers in epic ways and Bloomberg and than comptroller dropped the ball with pensions which were raided, poorly managed. Goldman Sachs blew it on NYPD FDNY pensions. I do not trust Bloomberg. Massive conflicts of interest, back room deals and tax payer waste and fraud. Who's going to be advising this new committee Goldman Sachs or Steve Rattner???????
Cy Vance Campaign $ Troubles Guma Now Christine Quinn's Guy - Fine Troubles? Remember the NYDN's comments accusing Cy Vance of possibly campaign unkoshor activity -- Cy Vance spent a lot of mula and he owed Guma. A little birdie asked me if Mark Guma dismissed money Cy owed him -- than would that turn in to a donation and I am wondering if someone has to pay a fine now? U all know Cy Vance dropped ball Deutsche Bank Fire 2 hero FDNY dead, NYPD Rape Cop Heroin, DSK mess -- he will be voted out.
NYPD Sergeants Will Sue Protestors if Injuried!!!
NY Post has 2 articles on NYPD mulling possible law suits if any Occupy Wall street Protestors hurt NYPD officers. On YouTube people have viewed NYPD white shirts punching and pepper spraying. I see photos of Capt Ed Winski commander of 1st Precinct constantly in the NY Post. Anyone following my blog knows I have memories of Capt. W who the NY Post now says is a Deputy Inspector. I have grey hairs from Capt Winski not DI Ed Winski. How much $ could I get if I sued over those grey hairs?
OWS liaison and I agreed the NYPD were good policing our healthcare protest ending at St Vinnie's. I thank NYPD at end of Christian's speech on YouTube and wrote Commish Kelly.
Evil Cooper Union Real Estate Magnate Vile Landlord
Peter Cooper turning over in his grave by the zone busting corrupt real estate deals that even Rudy's city planner said no to and now raising St. Marks Bookstore's rent to 20,000 a month underscore yet again how evil Cooper Union is!! Cooper Union students a joke supporting greed and stupidity that had me name CU NYU junior. Cooper Union and NYU and Columbia University are about higher greed not higher education.
PBA Biggies Busted NYPD Ticket Fix
3 PBA Union biggies busted ticket fixing. Did PBA guys do favors other than ticket fixing and if so for whom? NYPD Rape Cop heroin the fix was in? Who at City Hall got NYPD tickets fixed?
Mike Bloomberg Hands-Off Pensions! ECTP, CityTime & Me New Yorkers Says No More Mr. Control Freak!
I didn’t sleep much but I had a bad dream with Mike Bloomberg -- it was a very close encounter but not sexual -- I tell you about it at the end of my new YouTube.
Get the hell out of office Mike Bloomberg and keep your hands off the pensions
Read Susan Edelman's amazing pieces on pensions Goldman Sachs screwed up big time with FDNY NYPD pensions
Thursday, October 27, 2011
True News From Changes Covers Occupy Wall Street Health Care Protest! Bashes Christine Quinn
You have to scroll all the way down until you see this image...
it is way down
you have to scroll down until you see this.....
In Bloomberg's NY Real Estate Trumps People Health Even If You Stay Away From Salt
Occupy Wall Street Protests Health Care System at St. Vincent's Site(DNAINFO) * Associated Press * Video of Healthcare for 99%/OWSMarch in NYC (Daily Kos)
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