Saturday, July 31, 2010
Best Doggie Picture!! I have no idea who took this I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!!!!
I love the tattooed arm reaching forward in to the picture. We never see who this person is. The person probably enjoyed a few good licks of that cone before sharing with two beloved dogs....the dogs clearly also love each other and than there is the person who caught the magical moment!!!!!!!!!
Ice cream, dogs and love all around....
JUST LOVE THIS PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy working on electric guitar
I started working on this about the time of the illegal air sale by the corrupt mega-billion dollar loser USPS (scary the USPS loses multi-billions a year and abuses it's federal status in every way possible) sold the air rights over St. Ann's, 120 East 12th Street to NYU. The stunning Church from 1847 survived everything but NYU's greed to build yet another mega dorm. NYU was and is tearing down everything possible and supersizing our historic neighborhoods where ever the evil empires occupies NYC.
The USPS never notified the State of New York as legally obligated when selling air space over a historical site but just like blocking fire hydrants the USPS was confident they could push the air sale through and get away with it. They did succeed. The State of NY was supposed to be notified so they could examine and investigate was this air sale in the best interest of the community and environmental issues, infrastructure, etc. It NEVER happened and USPS was not penalized in any way. Andrew Berman was the person who exposed the USPS. NYU and the USPS did not care about what was best for the community.
I thought of the super sized passion of Janis Joplin and started working on this. It has been needs a lot of work. It has a pair of truly trashy undies in it and mosaic. I had saved all these mosaic pieces for a homeless mentally ill artist and he became so abusive I decided to keep the broken mosaics and put them in my own art work. (I have 2 Janis Joplin guitar works. This is the 2nd in the series.)
This art needs major work but I do like the pieces I glued on to the electric guitar. There are a lot of layers of paint...very thick and when you get up very close it has a very, very raw quality. There is beauty in the broken despite the breakage.
Before St. Ann's got torn down I had the distinct displeasure of fighting with Amanda the peoples' Burden on the telephone over zoning she refused to give us to aid her good developer friends the evil empire NYU.
Bloomberg seeks to end progressive era reforms No 3rd Term Blog
Suzannah B. Troy thoughts below...
Biggest laugh or should I say insincere moment -- when deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith said "we don't hire buddies any more."
That is the biggest joke from City Hall to Albany to The White House where that is all they hire and even the interns are buddies' children.
Second biggest laugh -- deputy Stephen Goldsmith being introduced as Jane Jacobs. Go to YouTube and search "Christine Quinn Jane Jacobs" and find my protest of Christine Quinn at the Jane Jacobs street naming where Quinn is compared to Jane Jacobs but CHRISTINE QUINN GETS KICKBACKS AKA CAMPAIGN DONATIONS FROM DEVELOPERS.
I am sure at some event I have not been invited to that Mike Bloomberg and the worse city planner ever socialite megamillionaire Amanda the peoples' Burden are being introduced as Jane Jacobs. Jane Jacobs has to be turning over in her grave.
Suzannah B. Troy thoughts below...
Biggest laugh or should I say insincere moment -- when deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith said "we don't hire buddies any more."
That is the biggest joke from City Hall to Albany to The White House where that is all they hire and even the interns are buddies' children.
Second biggest laugh -- deputy Stephen Goldsmith being introduced as Jane Jacobs. Go to YouTube and search "Christine Quinn Jane Jacobs" and find my protest of Christine Quinn at the Jane Jacobs street naming where Quinn is compared to Jane Jacobs but CHRISTINE QUINN GETS KICKBACKS AKA CAMPAIGN DONATIONS FROM DEVELOPERS.
I am sure at some event I have not been invited to that Mike Bloomberg and the worse city planner ever socialite megamillionaire Amanda the peoples' Burden are being introduced as Jane Jacobs. Jane Jacobs has to be turning over in her grave.
Giuseppi Logan Playing at Brecht Forum W. Village tonight & Stone Aug. 15 Giuseppi Logan will be playing tonight at Brecht Forum. For those who don't know I discovered him playing on a freezing cold winter day 2 years ago to an empty park. I posted a moving rendition of Begin the Beguine and before I knew jazz fans and critics were contacting me from all over the world celebrating he was in fact alive. He was looking for a home, a place to compose music and play music.
I ran home and posted the amazing video footage and immediately found a British film maker's video footage of Giuseppi with a little boy Jaee holding hands in Tompkins -- same park almost 45 years before me!
Peter Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise, wrote a stirring piece about Giuseppi Logan and acknowledged my work along with the British film maker; a powerful piece worth checking out.
Since my first YouTube and now there are over 20 tube in my YouTube documentary he has now cut a new CD, the first since his 2 well received ones by ESP in the 1960's. An angel posing as a human being who works for Salvation Army found him a small space in one the Salvation Army's houses that helps people struggling like Giuseppi which is beyond awesome and his little sliver of a living place filled with instruments donated to him by the Jazz Foundation and given to him by kind people fill his little room.
He is playing at the Stone August 15. I am hoping his son will be back to continue work on his documentary and that down the road a major motion picture will be made to tell Giuseppi Logan's story as well as honoring the tragic loss of GL's grandson, same name as his son Jaee's memory. Jaee was murdered by a cowardly act of gun violence, several shots to the back of his head at a barbecue He was an honor student and a football star and like his grandfather, and Dad Jaee he had the musical gift.\
Note: The film would honor jazz but also raise awareness and hopefully raise money for a foundation to help stop gun violence. Who knows maybe there will be a series of films....
The film like my YouTube documentary would underscore even in the latest chapters of your life you can find some kind of redemption.
You can see my first YouTube discovering Giuseppi Logan and I did not know who he was. As an artist I had a powerful feeling for him -- playing to empty seats....admired his passion and drive at such an old age to get out and play in freezing cold weather.
A friend of his youngest child Jaee and only child from Guiseppi's 2nd marriage told Jaee there is this woman on YouTube filming your Dad! Jaee did not know his father was still alive and after losing his son he wanted to be reunited with his Dad.
I helped make that happened and captured them reunited for the first time in over 40 years so the little boy in the YouTube I found from so long ago in Tompkins is reunited once again with his Dad thanks to a YouTube miracle that I am honored to be part of!
Search for giuseppi logan
Friday, July 30, 2010
Toxic WTC death dust no pay out for Rescue Worker Heroes
Suzannah B. Troy
07/30/2010 8:55 AM
I had a letter in The Wall Street Journal before The New York Post's owner Rupert Murdoch bought it called "Betrayal at Ground Zero" published years ago and the "betrayal" has grown exponentially. I think of Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagino who belong on the 9-11 Memorial. Do to negligence they died heroes because of Sept. 11, just years after the day. It is heart breaking that we have slow motion deaths from the heroic effort the days and months following Sept. 11. The betrayal at Ground Zero has grown exponentially.
Read more:
Charles Rangel Times Up The New York Post, Sign of Our Times Mike Bloomberg by Suzannah B. Troy artist blogger
"Serial offender", denial is his crack cocaine, he thinks he is above the law and untouchable. How many other politicos does that describe? Too many!!! Mike Bloomberg wired money out of his personal account instead of his campaign. If any poor schlub running for office did that they would be in trouble; not "Teflon Mike". Accidental gov. Paterson in my opinion absolutely called a victim of spousal abuse by his staff member who I am sure had a past of this kind of behavior and should go to jail for attempting how ever gently to silence a victim. It is not just these offenders but the people, groups and judges that let them walk away over and over. Special note: I attended the Crain's Breakfast for the inarticulate bumbling deputy mayor Goldsmith and he said a figure of the NYC budget deficit next year which was STAGGERING. Next years budget crisis could be described as a terror attack.
Time for the corrupt city council members that voted to extend term limits to vote themselves another raise but they need to start unvoting themselves raises, stop wasting- stealing tax payer money and taking the subway instead of using car services. We need king Mike to fire his campaign staff and reimburse the city for their salaries because he had no right to hire them. But these ideas aren't in Goldsmith's agenda to save the city some money. It would help if Albany closed their 9.2 billion dollar budget crisis which was supposed to be closed last April.
Here is an article from The New York Post covering the anger, sadness and Betrayal felt by people in Harlem. I feel that way about Mike Bloomberg.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Marc Zaleela's Happy Joyful NYC! GO NYC!
Go NYC by Marc Zaleela
New York is arguably the best city in the world. Just ask any native New Yorker, and they will agree. Of course we have our problems. What city doesn't? Is there such a thing as urban perfection? I doubt it.
And, like most native New Yorkers, I have some favorite places. My list is quite lengthy, so I will limit myself to a few summer time highlights. One of the greatest urban restoration projects is the South Street Seaport. Once a bustling wholesale fish market, it had fallen into blight and disrepair in the 60's and 70's. It was also allegedly a hotbed of organized crime activity. In the early 1980's it was renovated and transformed into what we see today. While it may be a bit "touristy" for some natives, it is a piece of old New York history that has been well preserved.
From pier 17, the views of Brooklyn and the world famous Brooklyn Bridge are spectacular. Ask a foreign visitor what they know about New York and they'll tell you "the Statue of Liberty and The Brooklyn Bridge". Completed in 1883, it is an architectural masterpiece. The Brooklyn Bridge is without peer, anywhere in the world. Take the time to walk across from Brooklyn to Manhattan and you'll get the full experience.
And lastly, what would New York be without one of my personal favorites, Yankee Stadium? I know the purists will decry tearing down The House That Ruth Built in favor of the one that George built, but you have to see it to believe it. Being a fan for my whole life, I had mixed emotions about the transformation and I still do miss the old ballpark. But, I must admit that the new Yankee Stadium (thankfully they did not sell the naming rights), has done much to retain a lot of the old stadium feeling while providing an upgraded fan experience. In my opinion, the only downside is that a family of four will be required to pay a king's ransom for an outing to the ballpark. I would recommend buying your tickets on Stub Hub as I have gotten good seats for as little as 15 bucks! You can be part of NYC history as the Yanks pursue their 28th World Series Championship! GO NYC!
Dear Blog Readers: Marc contacted me to discuss my comments on The New York Post. He is so optimistic I decided to post his positivity on my blogs when I get the chance to. Been hectic...but I have to add these comments.... See the Seaport photo- notice how Bloomberg has found ways to put advertisements every where except the Statute of Liberty? See the Coors Lights structure? Yet in contrast he wants vendors swept off the streets.
Re: The Yanks -- I can't belieeeeeve Mike Bloomberg made Babe Ruth's ghost homeless!!!!
Thanks for the cheer Marc! We need it because next year we are going to have an economic crisis like a huge terror attack so thanks for any all good cheer!
New York is arguably the best city in the world. Just ask any native New Yorker, and they will agree. Of course we have our problems. What city doesn't? Is there such a thing as urban perfection? I doubt it.
And, like most native New Yorkers, I have some favorite places. My list is quite lengthy, so I will limit myself to a few summer time highlights. One of the greatest urban restoration projects is the South Street Seaport. Once a bustling wholesale fish market, it had fallen into blight and disrepair in the 60's and 70's. It was also allegedly a hotbed of organized crime activity. In the early 1980's it was renovated and transformed into what we see today. While it may be a bit "touristy" for some natives, it is a piece of old New York history that has been well preserved.
From pier 17, the views of Brooklyn and the world famous Brooklyn Bridge are spectacular. Ask a foreign visitor what they know about New York and they'll tell you "the Statue of Liberty and The Brooklyn Bridge". Completed in 1883, it is an architectural masterpiece. The Brooklyn Bridge is without peer, anywhere in the world. Take the time to walk across from Brooklyn to Manhattan and you'll get the full experience.
And lastly, what would New York be without one of my personal favorites, Yankee Stadium? I know the purists will decry tearing down The House That Ruth Built in favor of the one that George built, but you have to see it to believe it. Being a fan for my whole life, I had mixed emotions about the transformation and I still do miss the old ballpark. But, I must admit that the new Yankee Stadium (thankfully they did not sell the naming rights), has done much to retain a lot of the old stadium feeling while providing an upgraded fan experience. In my opinion, the only downside is that a family of four will be required to pay a king's ransom for an outing to the ballpark. I would recommend buying your tickets on Stub Hub as I have gotten good seats for as little as 15 bucks! You can be part of NYC history as the Yanks pursue their 28th World Series Championship! GO NYC!
Dear Blog Readers: Marc contacted me to discuss my comments on The New York Post. He is so optimistic I decided to post his positivity on my blogs when I get the chance to. Been hectic...but I have to add these comments.... See the Seaport photo- notice how Bloomberg has found ways to put advertisements every where except the Statute of Liberty? See the Coors Lights structure? Yet in contrast he wants vendors swept off the streets.
Re: The Yanks -- I can't belieeeeeve Mike Bloomberg made Babe Ruth's ghost homeless!!!!
Thanks for the cheer Marc! We need it because next year we are going to have an economic crisis like a huge terror attack so thanks for any all good cheer!
Suzannah attends the Joyce Champion Open Rehearsal
Pilobolus dancers tend to have beautiful bodies. There was one guy with a body so outstanding he redefines the word "definition".
Suzannah B. Troy goes to attend the 1st Precinct Community Meeting
I thought it said the last Thursday of every month.
I showed up and was told no meeting. I guess that people that want to sweep Viet Nam, Korean War Vets, any Veterans and Artists off the streets are away in the Hamptons, Bermuda like our mayor who is known to start his weekend in Bermuda Friday mornings or Vermont like the little Mike wannabe's aka Mike Red Square Rosen or Florida, or the Caymans to check out investments.
Just spoke to some very nice NYPD officers young enough to be my grand children.....(scary), well in another 10 years, but they were very nice and I checked their name plates to make sure they did not say Caro on them.
I left Capt. Winski who is a good cop when it comes to catching bank robbers, a note asking if he wants to murder Eric by ticketing him to death and harassing him with tickets that will be thrown out? I pointed out Eric is 79 years old. I had written 69 because he looks so young but I realized he really is 79. I have to make him show me his license not that I can add or spell anyway when you see Eric he is sitting down he looks about 50. When he stands up and starts walking it is a shocker to see how handicapped he actually is.
Anyway Eric was back on Prince Street by the Mercer Hotel today and he was in good spirits.
To learn more about what has been happening go to my blog engine and type in Mercer Hotel.
I showed up and was told no meeting. I guess that people that want to sweep Viet Nam, Korean War Vets, any Veterans and Artists off the streets are away in the Hamptons, Bermuda like our mayor who is known to start his weekend in Bermuda Friday mornings or Vermont like the little Mike wannabe's aka Mike Red Square Rosen or Florida, or the Caymans to check out investments.
Just spoke to some very nice NYPD officers young enough to be my grand children.....(scary), well in another 10 years, but they were very nice and I checked their name plates to make sure they did not say Caro on them.
I left Capt. Winski who is a good cop when it comes to catching bank robbers, a note asking if he wants to murder Eric by ticketing him to death and harassing him with tickets that will be thrown out? I pointed out Eric is 79 years old. I had written 69 because he looks so young but I realized he really is 79. I have to make him show me his license not that I can add or spell anyway when you see Eric he is sitting down he looks about 50. When he stands up and starts walking it is a shocker to see how handicapped he actually is.
Anyway Eric was back on Prince Street by the Mercer Hotel today and he was in good spirits.
To learn more about what has been happening go to my blog engine and type in Mercer Hotel.
NYPD 1st Precinct
If there are any police officers willing to contact Internal Affairs about any knowledge they have about an officers having a special relationship with The Mercer Hotel please do so.
If there any NYPD officers sick of having to ticket innocent people and or have knowledge of any kind of corruption and you do not want to go to Internal Affairs you can contact any newspaper, The New York Times, The New York Post, The New York Daily News and of course The Village Voice that exposed NYPD officers forced to give out tickets. This was exposed by an NYPD officer that taped the orders and turned the over to The Village Voice.
If you go to a newspaper you are a source and your identity will be protected.
+ I sent out a huge mailer to the media with my concerns and sent a copy to Internal Affairs.
If there any NYPD officers sick of having to ticket innocent people and or have knowledge of any kind of corruption and you do not want to go to Internal Affairs you can contact any newspaper, The New York Times, The New York Post, The New York Daily News and of course The Village Voice that exposed NYPD officers forced to give out tickets. This was exposed by an NYPD officer that taped the orders and turned the over to The Village Voice.
If you go to a newspaper you are a source and your identity will be protected.
+ I sent out a huge mailer to the media with my concerns and sent a copy to Internal Affairs.
Accidental Gov. Paterson off the hook for ever so gently intimidating victim of spousal abuse by his aid
- Suzannah B. Troy07/29/2010 5:35 AMSo corrupt and no surprise. Welcome to Misogynist NYC.
Suzannah doing series of interviews to learn more about Mike Bloomberg campaign irregularities
I am an artist. When I read Mike Bloomberg wired money from his personal checking account instead of his campaign account I thought it was clear he broke the law.
Why he is not indicted I do not understand.
I am doing a series of interviews and I may be able to prove allegedly he had names removed from the ballot re: Independent party. If names were removed so voters had one focus and one focus only again if true it is irregular but apparently Mike' deep pockets help him to get away with plenty...
Stay tuned....
Why he is not indicted I do not understand.
I am doing a series of interviews and I may be able to prove allegedly he had names removed from the ballot re: Independent party. If names were removed so voters had one focus and one focus only again if true it is irregular but apparently Mike' deep pockets help him to get away with plenty...
Stay tuned....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy Aerial Yoga Loving it!!! Michelle superb teacher
You can take Aerial Yoga at locations around NYC or do what I did and arrange a private class.
I took a group class with Michelle and I was the oldest person there and I exceeded my expectations. Taking a private with Michelle was a different experience. She had body genius and superb insights I greatly appreciated. I was able to really relax and be presence. I learned so much. I have the highest praise and I look forward to seeing her perform as well.
Michelle also does teacher trainings and her students are older than me including a 70 year old man. As I get older I am fascinated learning about people who are older still learning and superb they are getting their teacher training. They are already yoga teaching taking their teaching to new heights.
My VIP's special to me knows I love defying gravity!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite pose...head stand in the air!!!!!!!!
Above is the link to a YouTube of Michelle teaching a class and she is truly amazing teacher. I took a class like this and I did so much more than I ever imagined.
The YouTube is not Michelle but the video also shows you some more Aerial Yoga.
You can take Aerial Yoga at locations around NYC or do what I did and arrange a private class.
I took a group class with Michelle and I was the oldest person there and I exceeded my expectations. Taking a private with Michelle was a different experience. She had body genius and superb insights I greatly appreciated. I was able to really relax and be presence. I learned so much. I have the highest praise and I look forward to seeing her perform as well.
Michelle also does teacher trainings and her students are older than me including a 70 year old man. As I get older I am fascinated learning about people who are older still learning and superb they are getting their teacher training. They are already yoga teaching taking their teaching to new heights.
My VIP's special to me knows I love defying gravity!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite pose...head stand in the air!!!!!!!!
Above is the link to a YouTube of Michelle teaching a class and she is truly amazing teacher. I took a class like this and I did so much more than I ever imagined.
The YouTube is not Michelle but the video also shows you some more Aerial Yoga.
Squirrel Mom breast feeding babies in window NYC a magical place
This squirrel is wild, not a pet. She knows magical good people and she comes to this window to have her babies on a regular basis. If you click on the photo you can see the babies so small and almost fetal looking drinking her milk.
Best Friends No More homeless Pets Conference Nevada
This male black kitten was thrown out of a moving car on the highway at 6 weeks old. He has road rash on the left side of his face which you can not see in this photo.
An amazing family came to his rescue.
He is an amazingly sweet cat who knows what it is to suffer abuse and he knows he is now safe and surrounded by love.
This kitten is a survivor.
Below I take you on a tour of The Animal Medical Center on the upper East Side and you will see what an amazing place the hospital is.
This male black kitten was thrown out of a moving car on the highway at 6 weeks old. He has road rash on the left side of his face which you can not see in this photo.
An amazing family came to his rescue.
He is an amazingly sweet cat who knows what it is to suffer abuse and he knows he is now safe and surrounded by love.
This kitten is a survivor.
Below I take you on a tour of The Animal Medical Center on the upper East Side and you will see what an amazing place the hospital is.
NYPD Internal Affairs how to contact - keep this telephone number handy
I have had many letters published on behalf of The NYPD so I never imagined suggesting you keep Internal Affairs on your speed dial.
They are open 24 hours a day. If no one answers wait at least 13 or more rings and an answering machine will come on and you will get a call back.
They are open 24 hours a day. If no one answers wait at least 13 or more rings and an answering machine will come on and you will get a call back.
Eric, handsome Korean War Vet, Cancer Survivor victim of just a few NYPD officers harassing him with ticketing that is wrong. Eric likes many NYPD officers at the 1st Precinct just not being harassed and ticketed
Eric is 79 years old. He is handsome. He walks with a huge limp. Walking is clearly very difficult for him. If I could I would get him in to physical therapy right away. Many of the good souls at the 1st Precinct treat him with respect and kindness well deserved.
Yesterday he was the victim of harassment and wrongly ticketed along with others. He went down to CCRB. I went with him and made sure my letter to Commissioner Kelly and the complaint number went with Eric's info.
He is such a good man and even helped the NYPD catch a criminal a few years back by Union Square. He is a great looking guy but when he walks it breaks my heart so see how difficult it is for him. I have such respect for our Veterans. Apparently Michael Rawson the manager of The Mercer would come out and be rude to the Veterans as well as take special pleasure in calling the NYPD who responded as if they worked directly for Rawson and were on his payroll.
After leaving CCRB I went to Internal Affairs.
True News From Change NYC picks up Suzannah B. Troy's blog piece on Mike Bloomberg Steve Rattner Cayman Islands less than transparent dealings!
Check out True News -- a lot of very disturbing news including the accidental governor getting off scott free and in my opinion he is guilty as sin and deserves jail time for intimidating a victim of spousal abuse in to silence. Word on the street on while Paterson was allowed to walk free -- more on that later.
True News went with this posting and it is with more posts on Mike Bloomberg Off-Shore Mayor. I have a YouTube with that title where I interview Michael White. Michael hits on the Cayman Islands and Mike Bloomberg leaving for 3 day weekends to Bermuda but also real estate and land dealings "off shore NYC style" as in very uncool...not in the people of New York City's best interest.
p.s. True News reminds us of Mike's idea to have a free cross town bus....uh huh...
I know many people are following my blogs and I have had to ask certain people to please check certain postings. Thank you.
Check out True News -- a lot of very disturbing news including the accidental governor getting off scott free and in my opinion he is guilty as sin and deserves jail time for intimidating a victim of spousal abuse in to silence. Word on the street on while Paterson was allowed to walk free -- more on that later.
True News went with this posting and it is with more posts on Mike Bloomberg Off-Shore Mayor. I have a YouTube with that title where I interview Michael White. Michael hits on the Cayman Islands and Mike Bloomberg leaving for 3 day weekends to Bermuda but also real estate and land dealings "off shore NYC style" as in very uncool...not in the people of New York City's best interest.
p.s. True News reminds us of Mike's idea to have a free cross town bus....uh huh...
I know many people are following my blogs and I have had to ask certain people to please check certain postings. Thank you.
Suzannah B. Troy-Internal Affairs, NYPD P.O. Schatz approaches me less than friendly he doesn't believe me when I say I am on the phone with Internal Affairs and he does not seem to care
I responded I am on the phone with Internal Affairs and anything you say to me will be recorded. He did not care. He started by asking me very insincerely "Can I help you?" but he was rude and acted like he was on the payroll of The Mercer Hotel.
I had just been down at CCRB
and I also had spoken with a Det. Liaison from Commissioner Kelly's office last night who directed me to
Internal Affairs.
After CCRB, I went directly to Internal Affairs and sat down with NYPD officers.
CCRB involved the excessive wrong ticketing of Veterans and Artist vendors and Internal Affairs involves the NYPD and The Mercer Hotel.
After I came across NYPD Officer Schatz looking very cozy including sharing some words with a staff member of The Mercer as if they were team members.
Regarding Police Officer Schatz: I found his name listed on the 1st Precinct's community affairs page for catching criminals, bravo, I just wonder how many complaints he has filed against him?
NYPD Officer Schatz was not interested in helping me. In fact the impression he gave me was quite the opposite. His understanding of the law is different than mine in many ways from the side of the car he was driving which says "protect and serve" and not I work for The Mercer Hotel as just one example.
Another example is NYPD officer Schatz must see some sign I don't that says "parking for The Mercer Hotel only". The signs I see say "no parking" "loading and unloading.
I would like any officer that my have a "friendship" with The Mercer Hotel transferred out of the 1st Precinct immediately.
On a very sad note, I was a huge supporter of The NYPD and I have my letter in The New York Times asking for a raise for them. I want them to earn enough money so they do not have to have 2 jobs and can spend more time with their families. It would also make it harder hopefully for corrupt arrogant people who think they are above the law to use the NYPD hiring them off-duty which could influence on duty behaviors as well.
The NYPD Detective from Internal Affairs asked me to not judge all NYPD officers by the actions of a few. I know he is right but it is not easy.
Stay tuned to Suzannah B. Troy-Internal Affairs, The NYPD and The Mercer Hotel
More on this later.
I had just been down at CCRB
and I also had spoken with a Det. Liaison from Commissioner Kelly's office last night who directed me to
Internal Affairs.
After CCRB, I went directly to Internal Affairs and sat down with NYPD officers.
CCRB involved the excessive wrong ticketing of Veterans and Artist vendors and Internal Affairs involves the NYPD and The Mercer Hotel.
After I came across NYPD Officer Schatz looking very cozy including sharing some words with a staff member of The Mercer as if they were team members.
Regarding Police Officer Schatz: I found his name listed on the 1st Precinct's community affairs page for catching criminals, bravo, I just wonder how many complaints he has filed against him?
NYPD Officer Schatz was not interested in helping me. In fact the impression he gave me was quite the opposite. His understanding of the law is different than mine in many ways from the side of the car he was driving which says "protect and serve" and not I work for The Mercer Hotel as just one example.
Another example is NYPD officer Schatz must see some sign I don't that says "parking for The Mercer Hotel only". The signs I see say "no parking" "loading and unloading.
I would like any officer that my have a "friendship" with The Mercer Hotel transferred out of the 1st Precinct immediately.
On a very sad note, I was a huge supporter of The NYPD and I have my letter in The New York Times asking for a raise for them. I want them to earn enough money so they do not have to have 2 jobs and can spend more time with their families. It would also make it harder hopefully for corrupt arrogant people who think they are above the law to use the NYPD hiring them off-duty which could influence on duty behaviors as well.
The NYPD Detective from Internal Affairs asked me to not judge all NYPD officers by the actions of a few. I know he is right but it is not easy.
Stay tuned to Suzannah B. Troy-Internal Affairs, The NYPD and The Mercer Hotel
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy writes Commish Kelly to make complaint against NYPD officer ticketing Korean War Vet up to his eyeballs by Mercer Hotel where cars were parked illegally all day today as usual and no tickets
Commish Kelly, Capt. Winski: This is a complaint against P.O. Caro Badge No. /////. You will be receiving more complaints against him from vendors that feel he was not only excessive in ticketing them but also wrong and the tickets will be hopefully thrown out. After he ticketed Eric, a Korean War Vet who is in his 70s a survivor of prostate cancer, I asked Eric to put me on the phone. I asked him who ordered you to tckt. He said no one. I told him I was making a complaint. He than retaliated by giving Eric more tickets. I also find it wrong that the 1st Precinct officers walk past illegally parked cars in front of the Mercer to ticket our heroes that served in the military and are working honestly and peacefully in the community. I know a while back Eric helped catch a criminal. My Dad served in WW2. Many heroic NYPD FDNY officers that died 9-11 were decorated serving in the military. Shame on PO Caro for his harassment and disrespectful harassing treatment of vendors.
Dear Blog Readers: Please go to my blog engine and search under Michael Rawson, The Mercer Hotel and or Capt. Winski.
Eric looks way younger than his age -- he is 79 years old.
Stay tuned....
Dear Blog Readers: Please go to my blog engine and search under Michael Rawson, The Mercer Hotel and or Capt. Winski.
Eric looks way younger than his age -- he is 79 years old.
Stay tuned....
The Mercer Hotel black& white NYPD laminated card in SUV's window w/note asking NYPD not to ticket - can all New Yorkers get this laminated card?
Click on the photos for a closer look -- the SUV has no front license plate but I believe says "prestige" perhaps a commercial plate.
Is this an off duty-officer working a 2nd job and is this legal. There were many cars parked illegally but the NYPD from the traffic dept. asked me to call his office and send them this photo.
I am and I am sending this link to Commish Kelly and Capt. Winski as well to explain what this means, is this legal and how you and I can go about getting one of these.
I find it astounding to witness Viet Nam and Korean War Vet Vendors getting ticketed and or harassed -- ticketed by the NYPD - harassed by Michael Rawson and certain staff members that would walk up to the tables but The Mercer Hotel visitors seem to have a special relationship with the NYPD and I want to hear back from the NYPD on this and have the NYPD please explain to me so I can explain to you!
Please go to my blogger search engine and type in Mercer Hotel to see many other postings on this issue.
August 1st, 2010 -- realize I should have added this photo as well....
The officer that belongs to this car was nice enough to walk over to the Range Rover but gave me the work to do of calling his office and arranging to send them a photo. The woman that answered his office's telephone told me her bosses where in a meeting and to call back two hours later. I said "No, just go to my blog or google my name and the blog is the first and see the photos because I am not calling back."
Karl and Suzannah reunited
I thought perhaps Carl had died even though I knew he found housing uptown. He has returned to the park. I had know he was here for the past 5 weeks but finally we came face to face.
Karl said to me, "Still raising hell with the universe."
Marlene who I tried to avoid came up and snarled at me. I just ignored her. I feel so bad that two white males one in the press, one an old obese vain blogger who dyes his hair and beard black have exploited a woman that clearly is wrestling with mental illness, a violent streak, alcohol addiction should be photographed topless but I all don't condone any of her violent behavior. She is ill and mostly homeless living poverty level.
Karl's housing is not working out for him because he has to walk up 5 flights and that is too much for him. He was desperate for some basics he had to trust some guy who of course robbed him. He is going to the NYPD to fill out a report when he returns up town.
I bought him very expensive tobacco and told him the mayor has made it cheaper and easier to buy and sell heroin than buy cigarettes.
To see more postings on Karl put his name in my blogger search engine.
9th Precinct 2 cars looking for a thug?
I wish we had more police visit the park because Tompkins is drug city. Also many people that should be in mental institutions or old age homes kind of live there. I have compassion for them but as they grow older some are growing more violent.
The NYPD did not find whom ever they were looking for in the park.
Domino Sugar luxury development disaster for community, king Mike Bloomberg's hideous NYC
Mike Bloomberg shuttered The People's Firehouse Engine 212 as he pushed an insane and reckless tsunami of development on old New York's infrastructure.
A mysterious and very convenient fire for a developer was set -- oops -- did I say set? -- and Engine 212 was the closest house and it was and is shuttered.
The subways are filled to the brim actually everywhere in NYC and not just rush hour but will this stop Mike and his puppets from their continued push as reckless, stupid and greedy as what brought Wall Street to implode?
Also note to anyone in affordable housing associated with these luxury condos. Don't even think about asking to use the swimming pool. Affordable housing -- an oxymoron -- is simply a term used by a socialite city planner, Amanda the peoples' Burden as a Trojan Horse to supersize and bust through zoning.
She doesn't need any such term when it comes to her pals in higher ed crushing our community, busting through zoning and blotting out the sky with zone busters. Amanda acts like she is the city planner for NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia U. all evil real estate magnates using their not for profit status as a tax shelter to exploit and displace our communities. The universities do not like to publicize the fact they spend big bucks to beat down our communities' law suits.
Mike Bloomberg shuttered The People's Firehouse Engine 212 as he pushed an insane and reckless tsunami of development on old New York's infrastructure.
A mysterious and very convenient fire for a developer was set -- oops -- did I say set? -- and Engine 212 was the closest house and it was and is shuttered.
The subways are filled to the brim actually everywhere in NYC and not just rush hour but will this stop Mike and his puppets from their continued push as reckless, stupid and greedy as what brought Wall Street to implode?
Also note to anyone in affordable housing associated with these luxury condos. Don't even think about asking to use the swimming pool. Affordable housing -- an oxymoron -- is simply a term used by a socialite city planner, Amanda the peoples' Burden as a Trojan Horse to supersize and bust through zoning.
She doesn't need any such term when it comes to her pals in higher ed crushing our community, busting through zoning and blotting out the sky with zone busters. Amanda acts like she is the city planner for NYU, Cooper Union and Columbia U. all evil real estate magnates using their not for profit status as a tax shelter to exploit and displace our communities. The universities do not like to publicize the fact they spend big bucks to beat down our communities' law suits.
Another moving Sept. 11 story, our Firemen and our Military less than ideal circumstances for people that give their all
This story mentions 3 firefighters that saved a waitress's life only to have all three die Sept. 11
This story mentions 3 firefighters that saved a waitress's life only to have all three die Sept. 11
Charlie Rangel being treated like toxic waste dump by democratic party?
Suzannah B. Troy
07/27/2010 6:13 AM
Denial is the new crack cocaine. Has Pelosi stopped using military jets as personal limo service for her and her family. Maybe we need a reality show with cameras on all these jokers to get the public to really wake up. To bad the threshold for corruption is higher than NYC's tallest sky scrapers!
Read more:
Betrayal at Ground Zero
I had a letter published in The Wall Street Journal in April 2005 for our Rescue Workers and the title of my letter, "Betrayal at Ground Zero". The betrayal has grown exponentially in so many ways...way too many ways.
Read more:
Here is one example.
I had a letter published in The Wall Street Journal in April 2005 for our Rescue Workers and the title of my letter, "Betrayal at Ground Zero". The betrayal has grown exponentially in so many ways...way too many ways.
Read more:
Here is one example.
Rufus hero dogs saves our soldiers' live 3 hero dogs injured 1 died fighting off bomber Afghanistan
Deeply moving. I am glad Rufus is safe state side here in NYC and will be reunited with Sgt. Duke. As anyone following my comments knows on my blog I have been covering the story of the manger of The Mercer Hotel calling the NYPD to ticket our Veterans that are now vendors and I caught the NYPD giving Vets tickets over 2 inches on behalf of Michael Rawson, manager of The Mercer Hotel. The soldiers that make it back may have survived by 2 inches. Clearly to many people here in the USA take their service for granted. For those hero dogs that died saving lives - they are in a special place in Heaven.
Read more:
Go to my blog engine to read more on The Mercer Hotel using the NYPD to ticket Veterans that are now vendors.
I found this article on The New York Daily News....
Just a peek in to our military's life abroad. The story is about information leaked...but read what they endure if they even survive.
If they return here alive and many return with horrific injuries just hope they do not have to become a vendor here in NYC.
By the way I haven't found out if Michael Rawson, manager of The Mercer Hotel served in the military. I am guessing he did not.
Our soldiers come back and they do not get the support they need.
Read more:
Go to my blog engine to read more on The Mercer Hotel using the NYPD to ticket Veterans that are now vendors.
I found this article on The New York Daily News....
Just a peek in to our military's life abroad. The story is about information leaked...but read what they endure if they even survive.
If they return here alive and many return with horrific injuries just hope they do not have to become a vendor here in NYC.
By the way I haven't found out if Michael Rawson, manager of The Mercer Hotel served in the military. I am guessing he did not.
Our soldiers come back and they do not get the support they need.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mike Bloomberg Steve Rattner move some of Mike's charity money to Cayman Islands’s-offshore-millions
Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee-- asks what does this say to the average New Yorker?
Harde har har, hilarious.......
I copied the text below from the article -- when Dean Zerbe says they should look very hard -- is that like the NYPD looking hard in the other direction when it comes to not ticketing cars illegally parked for "the rich' aka 'above the law" parked in front of The Mercer Hotel where it says no parking - loading and unloading? Does anyone know when the SEC is going to make a ruling on whether Steve Rattner is going to be banned for 3 years? Has anyone learned the name of Steve's new firm managing Mike's billions for charity that some say is to buy good will in case he runs for President although all say he has zero chance of winning.
For those that do not know Steve Rattner is a money manger for Mike Bloomberg and it was not considered a conflict of interest that his company Quadrangle get involved in pensions here in NY but oops it blew up in Steve Rattner's face with pay to play scandals but no splish splash on to Teflon Mike Bloomberg. Rattner did have to step down from his job at The White House rescuing the auto industry and Rattner thinks you will buy his book and read how he rescued the auto industry before he had to step down to spend more time with his family here in NYC! Hardee har Mike Bloomberg family?
Below from the article:
“Is (using the loophole) allowable under the law? Yes,” said tax expert Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee. “Is it something that is a best practice, particularly by an elected official? I think they should look very hard when they are engaging in this kind of activity. What does it say to the average New Yorker?”
The foundation’s tax returns indicate that Mr. Rattner’s team migrated much of its money to large hedge funds with ostensible island charters, including several in the Caymans, two of which list an address at P.O. Box 309 of the Ugland House, a building that “houses” an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 foreign businesses.
Found this article here....
Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee-- asks what does this say to the average New Yorker?
Harde har har, hilarious.......
I copied the text below from the article -- when Dean Zerbe says they should look very hard -- is that like the NYPD looking hard in the other direction when it comes to not ticketing cars illegally parked for "the rich' aka 'above the law" parked in front of The Mercer Hotel where it says no parking - loading and unloading? Does anyone know when the SEC is going to make a ruling on whether Steve Rattner is going to be banned for 3 years? Has anyone learned the name of Steve's new firm managing Mike's billions for charity that some say is to buy good will in case he runs for President although all say he has zero chance of winning.
For those that do not know Steve Rattner is a money manger for Mike Bloomberg and it was not considered a conflict of interest that his company Quadrangle get involved in pensions here in NY but oops it blew up in Steve Rattner's face with pay to play scandals but no splish splash on to Teflon Mike Bloomberg. Rattner did have to step down from his job at The White House rescuing the auto industry and Rattner thinks you will buy his book and read how he rescued the auto industry before he had to step down to spend more time with his family here in NYC! Hardee har Mike Bloomberg family?
Below from the article:
“Is (using the loophole) allowable under the law? Yes,” said tax expert Dean Zerbe, a former staffer at the Senate Finance Committee. “Is it something that is a best practice, particularly by an elected official? I think they should look very hard when they are engaging in this kind of activity. What does it say to the average New Yorker?”
The foundation’s tax returns indicate that Mr. Rattner’s team migrated much of its money to large hedge funds with ostensible island charters, including several in the Caymans, two of which list an address at P.O. Box 309 of the Ugland House, a building that “houses” an estimated 12,000 to 18,000 foreign businesses.
Found this article here....
City Pragmatist picks up Stephen Goldsmith video footage Crain's doesn't want you to see
Crain's New York hosted this breakfast but was very careful not to show YouTubes like the one posted above and others I include in my playlist that are not by me but a fellow activist.
The topics: closing fire houses, anti-gay marriage? sure sounds like after a very long non-answer that he is, pro-stop and frisk although again it was a non-answer.
Please go to the City Pragmatist and read what he has to say..... Read below what I have to say.... Please watch my YouTube. I walk up to Goldsmith before the function and ask him several questions including why hirer a republican this late in the game unless it is yet another indicator Bloomberg still has his eye on The White House? When I ask Goldsmith about "infrastructure" as in NYC's is shot to hell and my concerns for the people of NYC he says "thank you" which I translate as "F-you, you are dismissed". I made a playlist of YouTubes, one by me and several by my fellow activist and he uses subtitles on all his YouTubes. He is a hard core liberal but being tri-linguil at least he provides subtitles translating republican. All jokes aside Stephen Goldsmith is a disaster who can handle questions from 2 white male reporters and says he is an "operations guys" and he does not want to answer social political questions. Scary I know. He appears not to understand why the FDNY has 2 fire trucks in a firehouse. You see Deputy Goldsmith, one fire truck is an engine and one is ladder and you need both in case of a fire!!!!!! He will not last as long as Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff. Go to my blog and under my search engine type Goldsmith and read my insights. I mention confronting Doctoroff about infrastructure concerns as well and that was before the steam pipe explosion that looked like a terror attack. Doctoroff did not brush me off with "thank yous". He had someone from DEP contact me and assure me all was ok. Than the Grand Central horrific steam pipe tragedy happened and shortly there after Doctoroff who once referred to himself as the Deputy of infrastructure left to return to king Mike's private empire. Goldsmith is shockingly inarticulate and a bumbler with words. Hard to believe he would be much better with "operations".
Crain's New York hosted this breakfast but was very careful not to show YouTubes like the one posted above and others I include in my playlist that are not by me but a fellow activist.
The topics: closing fire houses, anti-gay marriage? sure sounds like after a very long non-answer that he is, pro-stop and frisk although again it was a non-answer.
Please go to the City Pragmatist and read what he has to say..... Read below what I have to say.... Please watch my YouTube. I walk up to Goldsmith before the function and ask him several questions including why hirer a republican this late in the game unless it is yet another indicator Bloomberg still has his eye on The White House? When I ask Goldsmith about "infrastructure" as in NYC's is shot to hell and my concerns for the people of NYC he says "thank you" which I translate as "F-you, you are dismissed". I made a playlist of YouTubes, one by me and several by my fellow activist and he uses subtitles on all his YouTubes. He is a hard core liberal but being tri-linguil at least he provides subtitles translating republican. All jokes aside Stephen Goldsmith is a disaster who can handle questions from 2 white male reporters and says he is an "operations guys" and he does not want to answer social political questions. Scary I know. He appears not to understand why the FDNY has 2 fire trucks in a firehouse. You see Deputy Goldsmith, one fire truck is an engine and one is ladder and you need both in case of a fire!!!!!! He will not last as long as Dollar Bill Dan Doctoroff. Go to my blog and under my search engine type Goldsmith and read my insights. I mention confronting Doctoroff about infrastructure concerns as well and that was before the steam pipe explosion that looked like a terror attack. Doctoroff did not brush me off with "thank yous". He had someone from DEP contact me and assure me all was ok. Than the Grand Central horrific steam pipe tragedy happened and shortly there after Doctoroff who once referred to himself as the Deputy of infrastructure left to return to king Mike's private empire. Goldsmith is shockingly inarticulate and a bumbler with words. Hard to believe he would be much better with "operations".
Sean Diddy Combs/ Celebs, Nations & Biz Firms owe the City billions- have yet to pay!
I wanted to post my "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, Is Democracy for Sale? No Third Term" poster in every empty store front in NYC before the mayoral election but I did not because I consulted a lawyer and told I could get a ticket. Diddy and many politicians including Cy Vance running for DA broke the law and posted their signs on light poles. I was also told that DOB and ECB environmental control board combined were owed billions in fines of course from developers, contractors & landlords and Christine Quinn's mini-me dismissed a massive debt! If you are in Soho check out The Mercer Hotel by Prince St. There are cars parked illegally out front. It says no parking loading and unloading and Ferraris and Ranger Rovers, SUV's park there without getting tickets!
For more on The Mercer Hotel go to this blog search engine and type in Mercer Hotel.
Mean while the middle class and poor are ticketed up to their eye balls.
I wanted to post my "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, Is Democracy for Sale? No Third Term" poster in every empty store front in NYC before the mayoral election but I did not because I consulted a lawyer and told I could get a ticket. Diddy and many politicians including Cy Vance running for DA broke the law and posted their signs on light poles. I was also told that DOB and ECB environmental control board combined were owed billions in fines of course from developers, contractors & landlords and Christine Quinn's mini-me dismissed a massive debt! If you are in Soho check out The Mercer Hotel by Prince St. There are cars parked illegally out front. It says no parking loading and unloading and Ferraris and Ranger Rovers, SUV's park there without getting tickets!
For more on The Mercer Hotel go to this blog search engine and type in Mercer Hotel.
Mean while the middle class and poor are ticketed up to their eye balls.
Juan Gonzalez NYCHA's new fix system is years behind
I am behind in my is one from July 23, 2010
I am behind in my is one from July 23, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Giuseppi Logan Some Where Over the Rainbow Tompkins
It was a brutally hot morning here in NYC including really bad air quality but of course Giuseppi Logan was out early playing his sax to practice, to play because playing music is his life line, without music he is dead and because he needs to earn money. I of course gave him some.
I happen to send YouTube an email just now about some things that exceed dollars and cents and reuniting Giuseppi Logan with his son after over 40 years thanks to my YouTubes can only be described as a YouTube miracle.
Jaee Logan lost his son to random gun violence. His son was an honor student like his Dad. Jaee flew to NYC to be reunited with his Dad and now he is back in California working hard on his career with the goal to get back here and continue work on his documentary.
When Jaee and I first spoke I told him I saw a documentary but also a Hollywood film like The Soloist but better.
Here is Giuseppi Logan playing music because not to play is to be dead. He had to live too long without his instruments. Giuseppi still struggles big time but he has found some kind of redemption very late in the 9th inning so to speak including with his new album his first since his two he made with ESP in the 1960's.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Was a man murdered Wednesday East Village by teens?
I have no idea if this is accurate info but I get calls and emails with tips on what is going down from City Hall to NYC streets.
I was told a white male 50ish and I was given a name was murdered by a group of teens. He was a regular guy around the East Village.
I left a message with the community affairs Det. 9th Precinct.
I heard on the street this in not the first incident with these teens.
Have no idea if this is accurate info?
I was told a white male 50ish and I was given a name was murdered by a group of teens. He was a regular guy around the East Village.
I left a message with the community affairs Det. 9th Precinct.
I heard on the street this in not the first incident with these teens.
Have no idea if this is accurate info?
Deputy mayor Stephen Goldsmith wants to close Fire Houses FDNY a four letter word!
Stephen Goldsmith (R) wants to close more firehouses and layoff more firefighters. At a July 20, 2010 breakfast meeting, the new Deputy Mayor of New York City had to answer for his opinions about more FDNY cost-cutting.
Mr. Goldsmith said he believed that the city had to renegotiate collective bargaining agreements and challenge court orders that regulate the public safety in order to cut costs.
Mr. Goldsmith was appointed on April 30, 2010, to become deputy mayor by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Under three consecutive terms of the Bloomberg administration, the city has closed firehouses all over the city. But as many as have already been shut down, it still isn't enough for the mayor or his new deputy mayor. They want to see more firemen leave the service, and they want to find ways to cut retirement benefits to our city's heroes.
Suzannah B. Troy makes another donation to PAL
I dropped off a letter that goes to PAL and in it is a small check dedicated to a PAL retiree that did outstanding work for PAL and I greatly admire!
The Mercer Hotel a Ferrari parked illegally with a note to the NYPD please don't ticket I am with The Mercer Hotel
Again I called the 1st Precinct. I can tell you what time Capt. Winski gets in to work today and I asked him to please call me and go over the laws and ticketing because according to the signs and my interpretation of them, no parking anytime, loading and unloading for hotel only this car and many others are breaking the law.
Please note this working stiff parked with all the illegally parked SUVs, Ferraris, Range Rovers etc.
did get a ticket.
Is there an invisible sign that says do not ticket me I am rich.
Dear Commish Kelly and Capt. Winski:
Can we have a stop and frisk, drug sniffing dog, det. that specializes in Elliot Spitzer like behavior, officer from computer crimes unit for missives I received via email to pay The Mercer Hotel a visit?
To learn more please go to this blog engine and type in The Mercer Hotel and also see my YouTube.
As all of you know New Yorkers excluding the rich people are getting ticketed up to their eyeballs for just about everything including not breaking the law. Some New Yorkers take time out of their day and fight tickets. When they fight they often win and the tickets are dismissed.
I just want to learn how to become a ticket free zone like this hotel and it's exclusive gang of friends, clientele.
Lower East Side early 1900's you could smell the poverty, now you can smell the wealth!
My maternal Grandfather was born in a tenement house on this street on the Lower East Side 1904.
You could smell the you can smell the wealth.....
Henry Hill got cement shoes Theatre 80 American Gangster Museum screening Goodfellas signing

Above see Henry Hill getting a pair of cement shoes!
Actually Lorcan Otway the proprietor of Theatre 80 came up with the idea to get Henry Hill's foot prints and his signature in cement. I am sure Hill has many other fans that would like the idea but are not Quakers like Otway!
I have to say that Henry really was very nice but I had to reprimand him for using too much white in his paintings. He stated he is not an artist. I said I know. He paintings go for 50 dollars and they sell.
He has fans and Scorese's film Goodfellas is a masterpiece. Of course the real live harsh realities of his story is beyond most people's scope and disturbing yet perfect for the museum of the American Gangster at 80 St. Marks Place here in NYC.
There was a big enthusiastic turn out to meet Henry Hill, get autographs and watch Goodfellas at Theatre 80 tonight!
The Museum of The American Gangster has moved upstairs from Theatre 80 but still connected literally and with amazing new items; a must to visit while in NYC or pretending you are a tourist!
I gather this Cadillac made an appearance in Goodfellas!
St. Vincent's won't become luxury condos by Louis Flores
Residents of the West Village, Chelsea, and other neighborhood in the Lower West Side of Manhattan, showed up at a meeting of Community Board 2 last Thursday night. It was a historic evening in Village history : CB2 passed a resolution to lock the land use and zoning of St. Vincent's Hospital.
Numerous residents signed up to make public statements to the Board Members of CB2. Many residents had urged CB2 to put a lock on the zoning on the site of the former St. Vincent's Hospital. Locking the zoning, or the ''land use',' of the site would prevent the site from being used for other purposes, such as luxury condominiums. Unless a Board Member asked the speaker a question, each speaker was limited to two minutes of speaking time.
Eileen Dunn, RN, who formerly worked at St. Vincent's, asked CB2 and its chair, Jo Hamilton, to locate critical data issued by the Berger Commission. The Berger Commission was a statewide panel, whose members were charged with recommending the ''rightsizing'' of hospitals and nursing homes in New York state.
Nurse Dunn said at the meeting that CB2 Board Member Brad Hoylman had distributed information about the Berger Commission, which Nurse Dunn said was incorrect. Meanwhile, critical Berger Commission data that was applicable to St. Vincent's main hospital site in the West Village can no longer be found on the Internet.
When it came time for Susan Howard to speak, she questioned why CB2 would advocate for a ''needs assessment.'' Ms. Howard said it would be a waste of taxpayer money to conduct an expensive and lengthy study to determine whether a hospital was needed in the Lower West Side. There is no hospital now ; therefore, it is true that a hospital is needed.
Another concerned citizen, Jim Fouratt, took a break outside during the meeting. He said that Beth Israel Hospital is too far away from his apartment if, God forbid, he ever had a heart attack. Mr. Fouratt compared an urgent care center with the pharmacy department at Duane Reade. Both are places you can go, if all you need is a band-aid, but you won't find treatment for broken limbs or strokes at either.
He added that New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has let her community down.
Following the sudden and shocking closure of St. Vincent's Hospital, many politicians have proposed replacing St. Vincent's Hospital with an urgent care center. If you have a serious condition, like a stroke, heart attack, severe bleeding, head injury, or other major trauma, don't take a chance. An Emergency Room that is attached to a full-service hospital is where you should go. Otherwise, the pharmacy counter at your nearest Duane Reade might better meet your needs if you suffer from minor burns or injuries, sprains and strains, or coughs, colds, and sore throats.
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