Saturday, November 28, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy in Ed Hardy motorcycle jacket If only there was an original thinker in Hollywood "Chopping the Street one mega million" kick A film!
Before Sons of Anarchy which is in it's Season 2 already, before Bernie Maddoff and the complete economic global meltdown....the death of Wall Street, although we already have a new version .2 and it is gee, um, about the same as before....before Quentin Tarantino motorcycle flick that came and went...ho hum..
to listen click above, to read click below...
and it is about a woman that takes over a notorious international motorcycle club and turns it into a global financial service firm on wheels....The story starts out intentionally slow and ends with a big point at the time, 2 years after Sept. 11 and way before the global meltdown and mega white collar crook Maddoff...
my point being that white collar crime is rampant, hard to catch and sometimes even harder to prosecute and white collar crime costs the tax payers billions -- I made this point in this short story in 2003. How brilliant, on the money and prophetic was I? I was so write, oops right on and beyond what I could imagine. Too bad the powers that be (SEC Security Exchanges Commission and the FBI) were not doing their job and they did not take down Madoff when they could and he destroyed many people's lives.
In Chopping the Street I also had to make fun of gossip...hmmmm.
Oh, if only there was one original thinker in Hollywood or here in NYC...this should have been made in to a film or an HBO series. It still could and it would wipe the floor with Sons of Anarchy, Taranwhats his name....
The film would not be one dimensional which I know is difficult to when it comes to film making here. One big hint....besides the stunning art of the motorcycles I would make sure the art in the film would knock your socks off as well....
ho hum back to movies that are a waste of time and money and tv where you have 800 channels and nothing to watch...same old same old...
Talk about "a club" -- if the entertainment business isn't one big "club" and not warm and cuddly as you might think....hmmmm. I use to tease an NYPD officer...I told him when you retire go in to acting. You will find all the same people in the just won't be arresting them.
Thanks to Jay for photo magic....
p.s. Of course I made a YouTube about Chopping and I would want Mickey Rourke to play the most part of the aging president of the club...