Saturday, November 14, 2009
Cooper Union just like Wall Street Greed that brought the collapse has the City do it 's dirty work but are the public safe?
My question is will Cooper Union's greed bring us down literally?
We have had two water main breaks with in a block of the hideous Cooper Union Studio building that is a big joke besides being out of touch with the community or is the message we are to be moved out, our buildings torn down so that the neighborhood resembles this futurist horror show building that belongs on the set of a bad Hollywood movie?
You can't even read the sign above the main entrance because this was so poorly designed...
Cooper Union is a pathetic joke and joined NYU as a greedy ruthless real estate magnate where education takes a distant 2nd place to shady real estate dealing where the term "community facility" means busting through zoning and excluding the community.
Here is a link to the medium size water main I witness and called the press to cover.
Note the date and years after the fact the same intersection continues to cave in because DEP can't seem to really get to the root of the problem and most of city government and Con Ed would not consider telling the real estate mayor and the wicked witch of the East Village Amanda socialite mega millionaire city planner -the peoples' Burden to slow down as many of us did.
I also worry for the safety of the people below ground as the subway stations are delipidated by the black cube but nothing will slow down Mike Bloomberg and his greedy real estate buddies "progress" which translates in to get your moving van and be careful not to get killed because too many people died from the the reckless tsunami of community crushing development he pushed that is not much different than the one that brought down Wall Street and in both cases it is not the average people that make the profits or get bailed out.
Especially not higher ed as if Mike and Amanda are the personal city planner for NYU, Cooer Union, NY Law (mega dorm on 3rd street) and Columbia University who abused eminent domain to displace all of Manhattanville.
+We have had way too many water main breaks, man hole explosion, sewage breaks and often the city comes in and does repairs only for us to seem return over and over. Something is wrong beneath the streets.
The streets are in the worse shape I have ever seen them city wide.
+NYU has also in my opinion recklessly endangered our community as well as destroyed it mega dorming the neighborhood to death and the shady air sale by the USPS to NYU was corrupted by the fact the USPS never notified the State as legally obligated as opposed by Andrew Berman. The State would have come in and examined if this was in the best concern of the community and environmental concerns and it never happened. I did call environmental crimes at State Attorney General and after speaking with him had him talk to Andrew Berman as well.