I was told to get more views post on successful youtubes even if it isn't your topic so an idiot not a stalker gave me a one star.... I posted it on comedian Bob's rant about a tv show that is getting so much popularity and my point was corrupt wheelers and dealers want you to tune in to tv shows, celebrity but not what is going on at City Hall and in your community.
It is about corruption in NYC, greedy corruption and even firemen died because of illegal walls built by corrupt and greed....I am still wondering did NYU actually take down the illegal walls they built in Stuy Town?
An idiot that couldn't think it thru gave me a one star please 5 star I posted it on a youtube rant about at tv show getting too much attention
my point is corrupt jerks want you tuned in to tv not their corruption.
Even at the community board level -- the people running the show don't want you to come to meetings -- they don't want you to tune in, they prefer you watch tv. I remember contacting the city and even pointing it out at the 9th Precinct community meeting so it is on the record that CB3 went for months with out updating their notice of meetings on the side of the phone booth right across the street (same side) as 2nd Avenue Deli WAS....I couldn't say bank because now there is a bank on every corner. CB3 did not update those notices to alert the community to meetings for month and that was when they were having the supposedly important zoning meetings....the message was you are not invited.