I'm asking you to take my case and refer my case to the US attorney but if you won't I have already reported the defendants along corporate counsel lawyer Catherine Papandrew and her supervisor and investigator Rachel Stephens. If corporate counsel responds to this appeal by lying about me stating I was not coerced and lyimg on behalf of NYPD that violated my constitutional rights broke the law were not properly supervise them trained violated the oath they took lied and police reports were involved in having me threatened coerced whom ever lawyer response I can report them to the ethical committee of the Supreme Court as well as to the US attorney because these are not mafia lawyers these are city lawyers with access to my attackers false cross-complaint filed two days after me and the video which I emailed to NYPD proves she lied along with photos, medical reports and corp counsel know that NYPD rushed to seal their crimes with my attackers Delita HOOKS crimes and everyone at Dr Andrew Fagelman's office that lied to the NYPD during an open investigation; they committed crimes lying to the NYPD during an open investigation even if the NYPD is lying in police report committing crimes as well.
Corp Counsel my Appeal FYI NYD O'Neill - appeal opens w/ Omar Mateen, 911 tech, Chief Boyce Stellar victim
NYPD chief Boyce quote stellar victim --
Note to activist:
Please include this in the email and the other biggie Chief Boyce quote underscores the NYPD are improperly trained and supervised-- they don't even understand right from wrong you don't get to "weigh" and judge a victim and then say OK I'm not gonna do my job keep and keep my oath to uphold the Constitution; I'm going to violate their constitutional rights because I don't like what I see when I look when I investigate the victim. Adrian Schoolcraft's audios and mine prove the corrupt Capt in his audio and my audio Sgt Chen prevent victims from reporting crimes and Sgt Chen supervisor for the first precinct detective squad even refuses to come down and face me which is also violation of protocol. A crime is a crime but because they NYPD don't like you you don't get to report crimes or they coerce you lie in police reports and say no crime. The NYPD crime stats are a lie too and it is another way to lie and say crime is down.
I think of the film spotlight which was an indictment of judges, police and media who also looked the other way. NYPD act like the Catholic Church when it comes to their own crimes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This below from previous post and NYPD cyber stalker and cyber stalking pals remain silent right now and corrupt chief Boyce a poster boy for what is wrong with the NYPD how they discriminate against victims decide whether or not they like a victim or they think a victim deserves justice it's not their choice - I don't like someone the color of their skin their religion the race their politics you don't get to decide whether they to serve justice or whether they get to report a crime. Boyce a corrupt chief has blocked me and Twitter because he knows I'm telling the truth and he can't handle the truth he's protecting the NYPD that light and police reports the detective squad of the first precinct along with internal affairs.
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