NSO chairman quits cyber firm Israeli police scandal #spy #Tech
v NYC NYS USA DA NYPD enablers Jeffrey Epstein GHISLAINE MAXWELL, MY CASE OFFICE of Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN + how far did they go chronic ABUSES POWER so many cases? https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/city-hall/story/2015/07/emails-show-da-nypd-interest-in-phone-spyware-023671 + suzannnahbtroy.blogspot.com
*powerful article from Politico 2015 is missing I've contacted politico I'll be interested to see if I hear from them.
Why would Dr Fagelman not apologize violate my patient rights discussing me lie he didn't know DELITA Hooks has a violent temper when he was warned she berated patients but when I tell other medical professionals they apologize vs Dr ANDREW fagelman Nypd more crimes corp counsel fraud and I allege James Toomey and his crew he got involved in goal to send Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN in and lie the attack did not happen on his property perjury, perjury he had nothing to do w/ nypd but James TOOMEY had 1 concern after all the mockery and abuse in TRAVELERS OFFICES 1 concern would I re-appeal my lawsuit against the nypd.
The NYPD broke laws violated my civil rights as a favor to the doctor and I was supposed to shut up and go away like how many victims...?
I just can't even fathom how many crimes they have committed and how many people are involved behind the scenes to keep ALL CRIMES TEFLON?
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.@FBI .@ACLU NSO chair quits cyber firm Israeli police scandal #spy #Tech v NYC NYS USA DA NYPD enablers Jeffrey Epstein GHISLAINE MAXWELL, MY CASE OFFICE Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN, etc how far did they go ABUSE POWER so many cases? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2022/01/nso-ch… DA top NYPD IA Teflon 0 resign pic.twitter.com/652SuID5hm The NYPD in my case involving Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office violent attack of me Dr. Vine's patient - so violent I need his surgery on my left retina... such a use of power it involves sexual assault..... It involved NYPD breaking laws falsifying Police reports downgrading serious crimes to a fabricated mutual 3rd degree assault w/ Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN's assured I would be forced to drop charges? How far did they go to cover up their crimes how far how many laws for broken my civil rights violated about my human rights but how far did they go...? And who was/is involved...? |
The powerful article from Politico 2015 is missing I've contacted politico I'll be interested to see if I hear from them.
In the meantime I added this link....But to list abusive power by the NYP intelligence division as well as the nyc mayor's bodyguard division that falls under "the intelligence Division" would take a lot of copying and pasting links to articles...
Do not forget the porno star that was given a tour not only one police plaza but a division on lower Broadway that does surveilling....possibly illegal surveilling?
NYPD often look away when it comes to spying when it involves retired cops or one of their own? But this case they could not sweep under the road?
Criminals/crimes committed at the doctors office in my case how did they get my name? Dr ANDREW Fagelman mine under oath my doctor did not confront him in demand he fire Delita Hooks and no one had ever complained about her to him and he never read the yelp reviews he lied it didn't happen on his property but anyway how did he and his employee get my name? The Manhattan DA in the NYPD claimed they investigate yet they can't answer that question but I can tell you that she lied under oath she got my name from social media. Interesting answer because that would be she came out from behind a desk to menace me and then she took the show on the road but she wasn't alone doing that worse?
How far did they the NYPD and I alleged Joe Tacopina etc go?
Boy's club misogynist club with women club members because the majority of the audios I have are female NYPD obstructing justice telling me I can't report a false cross complaint lying to me I wasn't sexually assaulted.
Re: and YPD and abusive power involving intelligence and spying....among other abuses....or do you exchange the word abuses for criminal wrongdoing Teflon above scrutiny above the law...?
We are supposed to believe that NYPD and DA cleaned up their act after this article and politico? The FBI and NYPD haven't even fire John Miller for his role in the Prospect Park rape case which I believe and able to even more rapes and violent serial rapist but he was protected along with a ledge his racism misogyny and and homophobia....
*PLEASE CHECK THE PREVIOUS BLOG POSTS as well....keep looking at the blog posts prior to this until you get to the one about NYPD Round Robin posse of judging us playing judge jury before they decide whether or not they're going to join in breaking laws violating our civil rights it's part of their open acknowledge culture of corruption protected under their 5,000,000,000+ tax dollar budget a year....
NYPD Chief Banks assistant NYPD lt Gannon under mayor Michael Bloomberg had made a clear be the phone he told me that because I'm suing the NYPD I'm not allowed to upgrade my criminal complaint and I'm alleging he and all involved at One Police Plaza ongoing knew that NYPD had downgraded serious crimes to a fabricated mutual assault when I was a one-way target they treated me like a rape victim that got what I deserved....
year after year...
I'm too tired to add the links right now.....
Harvey Weinstein have been protected by the NYPD and DA and I want to know how many retired NYPD helping him? How many retired cops involved in my case how about the retired commander I blew the whistle on he tried to fix a parking ticket for RUDIN who is very busy taking a trauma level one hospital and making into luxury condos.
Weinstein hired former Israeli Mossad agents to harm his victim but the doctor in my case got volunteers people I criticize on this blog...?Joe Tacopina on his partner Chad Seigel? I felt ethical complaints they did not deny them they were completely silent unlike years before when I filed a complaint about comparing the NYPD rape victims vagina to a Venus flytrap. You see that time they threaten to sue me so I gave The ethical committee a list of who I would call in my calendar lawsuit in Joe Tacopina and partner went silent. Tacopina and his partner did not deny they use fake accounts to threaten me during open investigation online on YouTube which I believe would be a federal offense?
Tacopina is never denied that he drafted Hooks's letter threatening me to the attention of Det. ANDREW Dwyer - Who else could be that overly aggressive and stupid be so angry they'd be committing a crime seems like a lot of people my case have anger management problems they get so angry they break laws? Detected john Vergona threatening me over the phone with False Arrest Nypd I drop charges that's a crime but that wasn't enough how many more crimes committed?
Party to making me drop charges party to lying in legal proceedings.....
What else?
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Reforming the NYPD — New England Law Review
My case City of New York and many of the gov divisions including NYPD corporation Council even the New York City comptroller has investigators as well as a Manhattan DA that could've accessed a letter threatening me in response to Ron Kuby's to the attention of Det. ANDREW Dwyer signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos who is already in the New York civil liberty union start a base for threatening a victim like me with a false arrest like I was threatened but on Saturday 4 PM with a hole in my retina cervical damage ..... I had emergency surgery for my retina Friday the day before the false arrest that I agree to which is agreeing to be kidnapped because I committed no crime.
+ it took me five years to get a copy of that letter I was never given to Kuby or me or any of the judges who had my case along with the notes from Det. Dwyer but they falsified the notes and they lied in court they investigated when they were fused to meet me and downgraded crimes by breaking even more laws....
By the way there was no time to meet Ron Kuby between the medical visits the shock of everything the problems with my vision the pain in my neck the painkillers I was given to cope with the attack and I have been treated right before the attack for very painful problems with my knees including the injections into my knees...
I also had to visit my father who ended up dying a year later and all this impacted me including the shock of being threatened and treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany the humiliation and violations at in MD office and the many laws being broken ongoing obstruction of justice and discrimination it's still overwhelming....
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How far did they take gathering information about me from James Toomey Travelers group and his team who made a mockery of the violence to the city of New York since he was quite concerned that I might repeal my lawsuit against the NYPD....
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@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo@NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo@NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul @HRC@SenSchumer .@NewYorkFBI .@FBI .@NYPDPC.@ACLU .@NYCLU 1PP DA Sex Crimes Adams de Blasio BLOOMBERG admin treat me like JEW EARLY STAGES NAZI G DELITA Hooks many crimes w/ Dr ANDREW Fagelman NYPD City role + THREATS,I allege: Joe TACOPINA Det V DH; all legal FRAUD too? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com pic.twitter.com/ly2SFq3SoM | |||||
1/25/22, 7:15 AM |
The city has a term called round robin which sounds like a chronic Civil rights violations playing judge jury weighing us deciding as judge and jury how they're going to handle our cases if we're gonna have a right to report crime....
But how far do they go when it comes to violating the oath they took in the law and our constitutional rights besides falsifying police reports and downgrading them with the Manhattan DA and Internal Affairs in the loop... as well as how many government agency?
The windows are of days....
Cy Vance had an NYPD detective that did wire tapping for him who finally got arrested for some crime but he was never asked if he did any illegal wire tapping for hire?
The article that has not been deleted is on my old One Term Cy blog....
The old days....https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2012/03/eric-holder-reports-of-nypd-spying-on-muslims-disturbing-116830