What hope to victims have if the enabler's the gas lighters are funded by taxpayer money as we see with the NYPD who violate our civil rights?
I had no idea that Dr. Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks had threaten me yet again in a letter another crime threatening me with a second false cross complaint. I learned about it years later when internal fares Sergeant Mario O'Donnell / the letter at me and then said case closed and she let me believe NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer corrupt dirty his name was spelled DRIER. Do you know how many government agencies have investigators special investigators every type of investigator and under Bloomberg and the Blasio ongoing they're all protecting crimes in my case including Internal Affairs steering committee -- The goal cheat to win line all these courts the strategy used Ron Kuby's letter and pretend withhold the response by the Delita Hooks yet another crime.
There's no one with integrity and city government state or federal government in a position of power when it comes to my case because zero action has been taken to make sure I have justice and equality...so far --
It's become an industry to shut people down to shut down victims shut down whistleblowers black out news as if newspapers are run like public relations but there's a line that's crossed when it comes to breaking laws go to silence victim shut them up censor them shut them down of course it could be worse it could be Russia or China...
See everything I was holding when I became a human punching back for a doctor who I allege LIED ABOUT ME TO HIS Patient since he admitted discussing me without investigating and his employee the doctor it was all verbal but for her she broke the law and then they decided to have a verbal gaslighting attack of me anything to keep the blame off of the doctor and his employee.
What's interesting is I'm holding a sign saying that we need a trauma level one hospital in the West Village.
Reminder Jeffrey Epstein and GHISLAINE Maxwell were never arrested by the NYPD or Manhattan DA in New York State because they were Teflon with powerful enabler's including Howard Rubenstein who also wanted me crushed because I was protesting everything he was trying to push through. If the Manhattan DA gave my case a special INVESTIGATOR I think it's a no-brainer that The Manhattan DA investigated Jeffrey Epstein his case allegations against him and Ghislaine Maxwell! Every step of the way when their crimes committed can we try and get Justice here New York City New York state how many special investigators are there how many investigators and they all have bosses...? The goal blame the victim to make sure the criminals in their powerful enablers in my case including NYPD committed crimes are all above the law! When NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore Judge did they participate in breaking laws as well? Didn't the judge notice if he was missing chickens? We don't have a follow up or anyone in city government that wants to openly discuss and share the answers.
The gaslighting during an open investigation a crime witness tampering? Joe TACOPINA has not denied he broke the law threatening me during an open investigation using a fake account on YouTube. He worked for the Brooklyn DA so he would know more that it is a crime and when I filed an ethical complaint alleging that he committed the crime and drafting the letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint submitted to the attention of Detective Andrew Dwyer, Joe Tacopina did not deny that he did this?
We clearly do not have enough laws in place (witness tampering or threatening victim during an open investigation is not enforced as I know firsthand) to protect victims and being victimized over and over and we need new laws to go after gas later's... because there is no federal law in place it's become a cottage industry to make money PROFIT BY GASLIGHTING Victims!
Date: July 10, 2017 at 10:28:32 AM EDT
To: Suebe1art@aol.com
Subject: Andrew Fagelman, MD.
Hello, Suzannah B. Troy.
I read your blog from time to time-- I understand the level of corrupt tactics the NYPD and Dr. Fagelman have engaged in are appalling.
Thought you may want to know-- Dr. Fagelman has had some involvement with a female who is mentally ill, and as she went to file a police report for assault, he did just about the same thing he did to you. What a shame. This Fagelman never learns.
Supposedly, now, she filed a complaint with the ADA section of the DOJ, claiming mental health discrimination by the NYPD when she attemped to file a report. Apparently, Dr. Fagelman got the cops to say she's mentally ill, that her assault claim has no value because she's mentally disturbed.
Apparently, the FBI also investigates this kind of thing-- mental health discrimination by government agencies. I think they also got a tip as to what's going on.
What a shame, this Fagelman never learns. Shame to hear he's been the cause for your insomnia.
Yours Truly,
|  |  | Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Teflon status fir years above the law why? Do the math! They were allowed to gaslight lie perjury y? Update laws perjury prosecute GASLIGHTERS of VIOLENT CRIMES, Sex crimes, NYPD crimes, etc suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2021/02/new-fe… | | 2/27/21, 2:07 AM |
I don't understand how to lawyers involved in the Harvey Weinstein case we're involved in the goal to discredit victims one brokering a deal to higher the black cube former Israeli Mossad and the other Lisa Bloom the daughter of Gloria Allred offered to destroy the victims that she knows the type...
It seems that people can break laws and hire other people or except volunteers to destroy victims so they can get away with their crimes and many of the people offering their services are lawyers retired NYPD retired law enforcement former Assistant DA's (like Joe TACOPINA my case?) Jennifer Gaffney who asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and her husband in the NYPD supervisor who has access to data bases?
(The Manhattan DA and the NYPD make crimes disappear in our cases protected how many threats gaslighting ... they're run like a deli people make phone calls the fix is in sometimes donations are made sometimes they're willing to do the dirty deeds for free on the house retaliation or because the victims don't have any value but the abusers are rich or connected? )
“This is very unusual,” one said. “There is no way Vance didn’t know. The question is why — and who asked for the favor.”
please note that New York Post investigators don't want the answer to that question just like they don't want to know the names of the NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore Judge. The same editors make sure two different news reporters were not allowed to write what happened to me and share the video.
Like my case VIOLATED AT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN's strings were pulled even more laws broken!
I read an article allegedly a Jennifer Gaffney went into the spy industry like a Ray Kelly and how many others involving in doing favors for criminals in our cases?
Ray Kelly's company an spy/ investigation agency called K2 who funneled money to the Manhattan DA got a contract?
What chance to victims have for justice if their abusers have gas lighters either inside law enforcement city state or federal who don't value victims lives because of their color race religion sexuality politics whatever?
I called up the New York post + Email the Jeffrey atemail the Jeffrey Epstein this in the free sex offender app you would think The New York post the FBI the Manhattan DA the New York Times etc. wanna share that so New Yorkers could protect them self considering his office was by Saint Patrick's cathedral his home by Central Park in a world-class museum the Frick museum
|  |  | |  |  | @nypost Joan Illuzzi Amy Cooper WAS A threat to community? DA CY VANCE Jennifer Gaffney ENABLERS Jeffrey Epstein ghislaine Maxwell! Joan illuzzi under oath explain false cross complaint sexual assault my case + NYPD, Dr Andrew Fagelman admitted not investigating + discussing me w/patients pic.twitter.com/Sd8j0K5x6W | | 2/17/21, 4:59 AM |
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What chance to victims have for justice when there is a growing cottage industry I called the spy industry it's retired law-enforcement Corrupt employees of the Manhattan DA ex ADA Jennifer Gaffney she's in the New York Daily News trying to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status or other district attorneys like the Brooklyn district attorney for instance Joe Tacopina Who is never tonight he broke loss in my case what chance do we half of justice when there's active Gaslighting in plain sight on YouTube on yelp in my case there was a lie posted on yelp that I doctored the video and the travelers group lawyer appointed by James Toomey practically read the fake yelp review and asked me did I Dr. to the video and I said no I did not.
Delita Hooks committed a lot of perjury but she did admit to everything you see in that video plus giving me the finger three times before I started filming plus knocking my iPhone out of my hand three times.
So who posted the fake yelp review that James Toomey and his team used in their goal to cheat to win on behalf of a doctor that they value they think he's a good doctor so it's worth protecting him like a pedophile priests and the city protected NYPD that broke clause because they think they're good cops even if they break laws and civil rights they count more my basic human rights, the law the civil rights.
Travelers group the city use the same mentality that was used to protect pedophile priests all these years.
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@Travelers @IIHS_autosafety .@Travelers offices Manhattan James Toomey appointed lawyer RAJIKA egged Dr Andrew Fagelman employee DELITA Hooks on both waved styrofoam cups at me a FU MOCKERY of Delita Hooks VIOLATING MY PATIENT RIGHTS MY BODY, Dr F not investigating etc! Travelers board 0 integrity APOLOGIZE! |
2/27/21, 3:09 AM |
Travelers group went out of their way to be extremely abusive and mocking even piling up Styrofoam cups waving them at me handing want to delita Hooks to wave at me! I alleged Travelers group was openly party to the goal to cheat and lie and win just like the city of New York.
I'm alleging in my case just like Eric Garner's And both started pro under Michael Bloomberg an NYPD Ray Kelly thru Bratton on going unlawfully target people - Part of the process is called round robin it's a sling NYPD term wing judging -- they don't like us to spin forget the constitution forget civil rights violate them openly and break laws.... with that they make up lies to justify wrongdoing like they did in my case lying I was not coerced when I was in the falsified police reports of conspire to threaten me to make it go away for an MD that caters to NYPD and It was a critic up the first place and catering to the rich and connected...
We need new legislation to stop this kind of wrongdoing and also anyone party to threatening a victim like I was threatened it is called witness tampering there's got to be arrests and there weren't in my case. Joe Tacopina is not tonight he threaten me during an open investigation and neither has Detective John Vergona. Det vergona admitted threatening me with the rest unless I drop charges which is why I drop them I had a hole in my retina an emergency surgery on Friday and he would only false arrest me Saturday at 4 PM.
His justification in federal a pallet was that he was going to arrest her as well but he didn't he never told her to turn her self in just me because he targeted me and discriminated against me because he could he was protected all the way to the top he still protected to administrations let's see about the next mayor the next police commissioner the next comptroller the next Corporation counsel head ...
NYPD detective Vergona told me I'm so much bigger than her which is not true but did you get that dishonest tidbit from my attack or discriminating against me even (but not only) for my size? Had someone pointed her out to me or was she discriminating against me for my protest sign saying that we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condo. Now we have a pandemic how many people think we need a hospital not rudin luxury condo? I was targeted over and over and why was that why is that that I still don't have justice? NYPD detective Vergona said I shouldn't of walked by her I said if you had gone to the office like you said you would you would've known there was no choice because she sits at the very front of a long closed off desk. She should never of come out after me and she did to menace me to continue to yell at me to give me the finger over and over and they were witnesses I even asked my doctors assistant why is this woman following me? My doctor was already in with another patient and by the time she came to me I had a hole in my retina.
The victim is victimized again and again and again.... if users have no fear being being held accountable including for their tactics...
The system is more than broken it's complicit and what are we gonna do to put in safety measures? For instance if a cop or former cop or former ADA thought that he or she might lose his pension and go to jail maybe he would not take part in Crimes and Gaslighting?
Even Israel is investigating black cubes but not here in the USA not nyc NYS where gaslighting SPYING ON VICTIMS is a GROWING cottage industry.
Why take responsibility for wrongdoing when you can hire former cops or former assistant district attorney or former FBI agent to help spy on your victim and destroy your victim?
Delita Hooks this is her false cross complaint she said she was instructed to file it do you know how many investigators have had this case the Manhattan DA has a special investigator I got a special investigator have a Jeffrey Epstein did his case warrant that, the comptroller has an investigator Corporation counsel has investigator internal fares has many investigators and they all protected all crimes in my case and cheating to win because I was determined to have no value it's OK to retaliate against me break laws violate my civil rights cover up crimes and why not use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend that there are no crimes and withhold a letter that's a response to his threatening me with a second false cross complaint another crime plus cheating to win in court and lying I believe it's also a crime as is conspiring to threaten a victim with false arrest unless I drop charges which is what Detective John Vergona did.
The gaslighting went on and on and NYPD were part of it blaming me cheating to win lying illegal proceedings falsifying police reports they all had a letter in my file in her file internal fares have a letter the city has a letter and they withheld the letter threatening me. I'll let Joe Tacopina drafted that letter he started out in the Brooklyn DA he became A lawyer that turned on his client a police commissioner named Bernie Kerik. TACOPINA made a deal with the federal government taking proper agreement or two in queen for a day meaning that he wouldn't go to jail if he testified and told the truth and did he tell the truth? I don't know but I'd like his role in this along with Detective Andrew Dwyer and their bosses investigated if you don't like me that's fine but you don't get to break laws and violate my civil rights.
How many people were involved in trying to convince me it was my fault with a hole in my retina cervical damage party to the goal to make all this go away and how many times have this been done before me and after me?
Is that what qualified det Andrew dwyer to get promoted to the NYPD FBI task force? It was sickening to see FBI Bill Sweeney have Shea a misogynist Who openly mocked me my protest about the special treatment that NYPD gave Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell and the criminals in my case and he's mocking me and yet he said a press conference when GHISLAINE Maxwell was arrested and FBI Bill Sweeney has the nerve to talk about victims having PTSD well I have PTSD and I don't have justice. FBI is more than looking away at my civil rights being violated.
How many FBI involved in gaslighting behind the scenes obstructing justice with our NYPD brothers? Larry Byrne suffered a tragedy no one shit but that doesn't justify him going into court stating Perjury committed by NYPD it's no big deal I mean how ignorant and shocking is that that he doesn't know that and he has an FBI brother literally.
The misogynist boys club at One Police Plaza made up their mind they were going to make sure I did not have justice... even if that meant lying in legal proceedings why not they knew they could get away with it...? I was coerced there's falsified police reports there's a letter the city with health because the letters of crime.
My Civil Rights Human Rights Patient Rights Violated City of NY + I allege Travelers and I allege Dr Andrew Fagelman all cheated to win w/ top NYPD Bloomberg de Blasio Admin also party to Obstruction of justice w/ Cy Vance Joan Illuzzi similar to Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell case and other cases Goal CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS, lawsuits, arrests, Accountability and legislation to stop DISCRIMINATION ETC OUR C
See that letter (above- part of police reports took took me five years to get) posted on my misogynist blog...... I walked into a precinct in Brooklyn years later and showed a supervisor that letter and he could not hide his shock. He asked me if I talk to Detective Andrew Dwyer about that letter.
I said I sued dwyer in court.
The detectives 01 precinct were openly breaking laws, DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ME, and therefore refused to meet me I do not have badge numbers I asked Lt Angelo Burgos for badge numbers I asked fellow detectives for badge numbers of these detectives that were breaking laws and I couldn't get them they wouldn't meet me which is discrimination but they rushed to meet Dr Andrew Fagelman's employee at the crime scene where she violated my patient rights my patient safety my body sexually assaulted me they went and cater to her and it was arranged to have me violently coerced false arrested unless I drop charges.
My Dad served in World War II and he died no I was treated like a Jew in the early stages a Nazi Germany.
I question whether Joe Tacopina drafted that letter because he is so stupid and aggressive… It's not the survival of the fittest it's the survival of the most unethical corrupt but who is protecting them by looking the other way by being enabler's whether it's Joe Tacopina or Epstein or Maxwell of the doctor and his employee in my case.
Look at Dr. Robert Hadden and he was able to do what he wanted to do for how many years thanks to Cy Vance -- dirty Misogynist Corrupt DA that caters to the rich and connected like this One Police Plaza.
I called Margaret Chen... she is standing next to a police officer that was so violent with me threatening with his car that I reported him to Internal Affairs and nine years later he was arrested for drunk driving I bet he flashed his badge and thought he could walk away yet again...?
NYPD PO Schatz (in photo) was catering to the Mercer hotel and I told Margret Chen about The NYPD is cozy relationship with the hotel. It didn't occur to me at the time that probably Jeffrey Epstein had money in that hotel because Epstein and Maxwell had a very special relationship with the owner at the time but so did the NYPD. This Police Officer is Facebook friends with Detective Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona. I didn't know what the detectives look like because they hit from me like Ku Klux Klan members I never saw them I say openly broke laws at their desk at the 1st Precinct so was a shock when I finally discovered them on Facebook.
PO Schatz facebook fuck u attitude his bosses embrassed in my case, Travelers lawyers on behalf of Dr Andrew Fagelman w/ travelers group lawyer in a deposition handing my attacker a Styrofoam cup and they both with them at me like fuck you seems to be a theme as they protect all wrongdoing like the abusers are pedophile priests above the law.
Delita Hooks gave me the finger three times before I started filming she and the doctors lawyer a travelers group lawyer appointed by James Toomey traveler offices with Styrofoam cups at me as if she gave me the finger yet again and lying and cheating to win is certainly giving me the finger. How proud they and their families must be and they all took oath didn't they even Delita Hooks Took an oath when she became an American citizen after she broke how many laws and threaten to slap the shit out of my ass submit a letter threatening me to Detective Andrew Dwyer with a second false cross complaint and was party to the goal to threaten me make me drop charges she walked in and committed a crime inside the 1st Precinct but she points out she was instructed. She also said Dr. Andrew Fagelman instructed her to alert him every time Detective Andrew dwyer called her.
Delita Hooks a violent liar SAIC d she was INSTRUCTED BY DR ANDREW FAGELMAN TO ALERT HIM every time NYPD NYPD detective Andrew dwyer colt yet this creepy unethical LIAR PERJURER Dr. ANDREW Fagelman stated he had nothing to do with the NYPD (liar) and perjury the liar Dr Fagelman stated The blatant lie the attack did not happen on this property !
Dr Andrew Fagelman doesn't even understand the Hippocratic oath + when he wasn't committing perjury the true statement it were damning for instance he didn't interview her for the job, he didn't check her references he didn't investigate what happened yet Dr F discussed me with other patients even though he knew I was a patient of Dr Vine's rented from him with other patients meaning trash me, diminished me and I allege he conspired with other people to gaslight me goal cheat to win with how many enablers and or gaslighted?
Dr Andrew Fagelman openly committed perjury but occasionally told truths as damning and they were damning like for instance had had no guidelines for the office.
He lied about the yelp reviews that were critical of him or the staff especially one before I was assaulted where the patient states patient alk to Dr F about being BERATED that the staff bipolar and that for a little bit there was an improvement after the talk with dr F but then things went right back to abusive!
2012 on going ....Dr Fagelman of Soho his office is in Soho knew he could get away with anything he wanted along with his employee they were and are above the law..
How ironic in 2010 soho...I asked Margret Chen for help But she was too busy pushing through Howard RUBENSTEIN client the ruins luxury condos instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village and now we have a pandemic no hospital in the West Village and who is another one of Rubenstein's clients but Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Epstein hired Howard Rubenstein who is connected to the NYPD an Manhattan DA to trash and lie about the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and GHISLAINE Maxwell.
BRAD hoylman lives right by what was the hospital and he pushed through the condos he knew about my case he wouldn't help me he cater to Howard Rubenstein ask him when he learned about Jeffrey Epstein hiring Howard Rubenstein.
Because I asked these questions and have my opinions I don't have a right to report crime there's already a worm turned away at the first precinct told I cannot report a false cross complaint. Even in Joan Illuzzi who made it clear she was going to protect the criminals in my case the way her boss and 1 police plaza protected Jeffrey Epstein and let him walk around here like he was in the Virgin Islands -- even Joan who acted like she was in love with her boss cy vance -- admitted I was a victim of a false cross complaint second-degree assault and she made these admissions in front of witnesses.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks got fixing and favors from NYPD who did not like me and we're willing to break how many laws...? NYPD violated my civil rights -- it did not stop there...on going....
There's a growing cottage industry it's called the spy industry it's where rich people higher retired NYPD retired intelligence retired law enforcement to help destroy victims the most high profile is Harvey Weinstein and who brokered that deal with black cube you can Google it the New Yorker article tells you and then there's Lisa Bloom who offered to destroy Harvey Weinstein Victims she knows the type they're vulnerable she's not been disbarred because lawyers are allowed to break as many laws as they like for the most part and be Teflon at least a New York City New York State?
Joe Tacopina volunteer services services in my case? Joe TACOPINA DENIED HE BROKE LAWS Threatening me during an open investigation online on my YouTube channel of the attack calling me a cunt threatening to turn the tables on me he has not he drafted the letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer
NYPD Detective Andrew dwyer brooke Lawyers in my case there's a letter written to him threatening me with a second false cross complaint and he gets promoted to the NYPD FBI task force the same task force that was supposed investigate JEFFREY EPSTEIN GHISLAINE MAXWRLL?
What was he promoted for to a race more crimes who is he connected to some "Dwyer royalty" that he can get away with anything and get promoted?
DIDNT my First Judge Alison Nathan have a case after mine involving another Dwyer a retired NYPD cop who bribed a supervisor to access the NYPD database and he avoided any jail.... he was bribing NYPD to access data to get information and why do people want all this information to harm victims even further to silence them to shut them up to intimidate them and if you do what was done to me a pile up of crimes my civil rights Violated maybe you can get a job working for the NYPF FBI task force?
If our federal government is not going do anything then I wonder if we can get United Nations Human Rights division involved because they have a headquarters here in New York and IT SEENS TO ME our HUMAN ROLE GHTS civil rights are violated and NYPD are off and directly involved in wrongdoing trying to convince Victims it's their fault but in my case involves the doctors office and it's been going on for over eight years when I tested positive for Covid-19 I was sick I guess later on behalf of the doctors office and the woman that repeatedly Violated my Patient and Rights my patient safety my patient privacy someone on her behalf yet again try to convince me what was done to me was my fault and I should shut up.
I agree to false arrest if I didn't drop charges I had a hole in my retina cervical damage I've been sexually assaulted the NYPD could've done to me what they did to Eric Garner -- regis hand written lawsuit is that what I had to expect Saturday at 4 PM I had emergency surgery the day before so Saturday 4 PM I agreed to be coerced in the city and NYPD Internal Affairs Ray Kelly all cheated to win protected all crimes which continues onto the stay with NYPD Dermot Shea, One of the most openly corrupt and ignorant police commissioners we've ever had including his treatment of protesters very much like Bloomberg, Ray Kelly and Cy Vance DA but Shea is openly like an Archie Bunker barely hiding his prejudices...
No c
The victim is re-victimized I'm sure my abusers would love it if I shut up took antidepressants at trying to sell the concept that I'm a crazy lady?
If I was mentally ill that would make it even worse ironically when I sued the NYPD Internal Affairs in the city of New York under Mary Michael Bloomberg I was told by the lawyer who did the 50 H hearing I may have money coming to me but instead of a settlement just more lies the city chose to lie in court that I was not coerced no harm no foul when in fact I was coerced the NYPD falsified police reports downgraded crimes and I was finally threatened with false rest unless I drop charges.
Look hell a Bloomberg the Blasio the CITY the NYPD treat the mentally ill and why when I had my second 50 H hearing did the city under de Blasio asked me if I was mentally ill? Because if I was mentally ill that would justify the NYPD violating my civil rights and breaking more laws and a doctors office violating my body my patient writes my patient safety then discussing me with other patients lying about me demeaning me with that validate it is that what the city meant?
If the city of New York can't be honest or ethical and choose to protect crimes and maybe we need a United Nations to come in and look at our federal city and state because somethings very wrong here.
My first 50-h I was told after by the lawyer I may have money coming to me but i'm guessing the Misogynist at One Police Plaza Corrupt Dirty dealers involves decided no we're not gonna give her justice in a settlement we're going to commit more crimes will send in lawyers to lie in court that I was not coerced they chose to withhold the doctors employees letter to NYPD Detective Andrew DWYER threatening me with a second false cross complaint signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos who's in a database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest!
The first threat you see is on YouTube where a lot of the gaslighting began you can see my attacker medical receptionist office manager threatening to slap the shit out of my ass. On my opposition to dismiss and federal with Judge Alison Nathan I list all these threats to me on the front of my filing including a letter that was withheld by the city the NYPD while they used Ron Kuby's letter they hit the letter in response which is another crime threatening me with a second false cross-complaint cheat to win lie and no judge noticed?
Delita Hooks lied under oath that she got my name from social media and her boss Dr. Angie Fagelman lied stating that my doctor didn't talk to him when she demanded Delita Hooks be fired immediately. How did the doctor get my name he had nothing to do with it and another perjury the attack didn't happen on his property then how did he get my name?
I was not safe at the doctors office and then NYPD decided to join in committing crimes and it's ongoing the gaslighting the abuse over eight years trying to convince me it's my fault to me seems like a form of torture almost like brainwashing trying to convince me it's my fault when it's not.
Dr Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks now admitted to giving me the finger three times and knocking my iPhone out of my hand three times.... she's admitted PUNCHING me (it was a running punch like the game knock out the Jew and all this started first by her yelling at me that I have no rights when I asked about considering paper instead of Styrofoam so her lawyer she travelers lawyer decided it was OK to stack Styrofoam cups in Travelers group office hand my attacker Delita Hooks a Styrofoam cup and the travelers group lawyer and Delita Hooks wave them at me like fuck you in the middle of a deposition.... I allege Travelers Took part in the goal to cheat to win when I believe it was common knowledge the doctor knew that she was volatile and perhaps he doesn't think that's a problem because he also is volatile as he showed us in a deposition.... he had been mocking me medical medical patient when I had him ask this question what were the grounds for your divorce? He stopped his mocking and started shaking with anger got on his phone in a deposition shaking with anger and made a call as he ran out the door. Who did he have on speed dial or rather was it someone who he spoke to on the phone before he had walked in who is shored him he could get away with perjury and mocking me?
I should've been safe at a doctors Office and every step of the way more crimes more violations are committed more wrongdoing with travelers group joining in travelers with one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD so were they working together to cheat to win the city certainly did cheat to win the lawyers for the city of New York probably with One Police Plaza decided let's protect all crimes civil rights violations.
Why did they think they could get away with this committing even more crimes cheating to win lying in legal proceedings even mockery of me a victim who is Human Rights victim civil rights violated patient rights were violated laws were broken I've been threatened many times including a Gaslighting threat I ledge by Joe Tacopina using a fake account on YouTube Bob Dobalina and I allegde his partner Chad Seigel Used a fake account Charles Ward and I filed ethical complaints accusing them of that and Joe's fake account using the word cunt threatening to turn the tables on me and I have alledged that Joe Tacopibz wrote the letter that my attacker submit it to the attention of NYPD detective Andrew dwyer threatening me with a second false cross complaint.