This blog site is dedicated to the people that love New York City, the historic stunning NYC and communities being crushed under this tsunami of community crushing development...welcome to the "new" hideous New York built on "old" New York's infrastructure. The new hideous sky piercing luxury condos, mirrored hotels and mega dorms reflect a history destroyed and communities no longer welcome. Bill Rudin's accountant called me crazy as I protested Rudin condos replacing HOSPITAL! 2020 COVID-19
2 NYPD CommissionersBLOCKED ME Twitter, YOUTUBE AUDIO 01/SEX CRIMES OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE LYING ETC audio NYPD Det SEX CRIMES SVU lying to me I was not sexually assaulted. ADA Savur confirmed I was and said he would get back to me after speaking to Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry but again the DA gave my case involving Dr F's office the Jeffrey Epstein teflon treatment...below is a tweet pinned to my twitter acct Suzannahbtroy audio NYPD 01 precinct PO Magori lies to me I cannot report Delita Hooks false cross complaint turns me away! Look up NYPost NYPD Lt Yael Magori look up NYDN NYPD Eugene Schatz facebook pals w/ nypd det andrew Deter Nypd john vergona (Schatz 1st cop I reported to Internal Affairs years later fired look up NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos and all cops I sued)
Eric Adams like de Blasio Mike Bloomberg administration devoted to covering up crimes in my case, preventing Victims from reporting sexual assault as audio evidence from my case, CityTime corruption on going 1 ex NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stole O/T #Rape cases, etc
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
3/4/18, 12:47 PM
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews@NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs@NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA@MarcSantia4NY ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
2020 update:
After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!
7/4/22 NO JUSTICE YET update: Like Eric Garner I began pro se Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly, Campisi era,prayers for KALIEF BROWDER, the ABUSE OF POWER even in the 50-H see Netflix series on Kalief, my 2nd 50-H under de Blasio asked am I mentally ill but under Bloomberg the lawyer admitted I may have money coming to me, the corruption, discrimination on going...all (note an email sent to me alleges DrF assaulted a mentally ill woman brushed off by NYPD whom she reported to the DOJ! Irony, NYPD (even the NYPD that are actually arrested for rape, etc) passed their psych evals,Dr F Hippocratic Oath all involved I including lawyers like I allege Joe TACOPINA have taken oaths they violated + broke laws or a party to crimes my civil rights VIOLATED? TO ALL DENIED JUSTICE, EVERY ONE US IGNORED as they commit MORE crimes even chronically lying in court my case legal fraud Hooks' threatening letter withheld(how did she get my name?)...see Joel Berger "Reform NYPD" NE law journal calling for RICO! NYPD 1PP IA DA etc goal CONCEAL MORE CRIMES plain sight; if you ignore me you are doing their work for them, our civil rights violated even human rights violated in our cases? I agreed to be false arrested if I did not drop charges with a hole in my retina! I feared a possible 2nd sexual assault at the precinct as described by Eric Garner in his hand written lawsuit. I had emergency surgery Friday for my retina so Saturday 4pm 10/20/12 I did drop charges fearing more crimes more harm...and there has been... COPY PASTE READ MY STATEMENT! FY: I HAVE AUDIOS SEX Crimes, 01,DA, IA, FALSIFIED POLICE REPORTS, EMAIL G-D SEES ALL 10/16/12 PROOF NYPD VERGONA LIED FEDERAL appellate he DIDN'T KNOW I am a JEW!FALSE ARREST ME ON SABBATH *SCROLL WAY DOWN for blogs posts...index on right..., to read:"about me" scroll down,:you will see I was published in many NY newspapers until I became a critic, I donated my white blood cells, NY Blood center told me: to a child fighting non-Hodgkin's cancer and a Hispanic male fighting lymphoma I didn't ask race religion their politics or even wonder do I like them or not but I was targeted at an MD office Google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube - I didn't start filming till I was given the finger, after being yelled at that I have no rights! I had to get surgery on my retina from the attack, no one was fired or arrested but even MORE crimes were committed... NYPD detectives w/ lt Angelo Burgos falsified police reports + corrupt NYPD bosses MORE THAN CROSSED an ETHICAL LINE, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Shea etc with Internal Affairs, Corporation Counsel party cheat lie win legal FRAUD WITHHELD DELITA HOOKS LTR THREAT TO ME while citing KUBY ltr case closed even though series violent threats, emergency surgery Retina from attack, keep case closed on going etc discrimination against me (and others chronically) + I allege policy of discrimination dubbed NYPD 's "Round Robin" + Chief Banks Lt Gannon: NYPD POLICY CAN'T upgrade crimes (they erased) when suing! Read Joel Berger Reform NYPD (enablers) article NE Law Journal) and I ALLEGE James Toomey Travelers his "team" decided like City of NY, like Howard Rubenstein was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to trash victims, OUR LIVES don't have value and the rich powerful and or "connected" must be protected.
"NYC is My Community" CPR on NYC's Heart Soul! The People reclaim NYC Our Rights! Peace to the Streets! Permanent New Commission NYPD IAB DA Corruption! I sued
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately!
I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz
To see the Vesco analogy (update aug 11, 2020 Henry Buhl(shitter see my youtube confronting him way down on this post) who lives by the Mercer Hotel 2010 possible JE had $ in hotel at the time -- Buhl like Ghislaine Maxwell made introductions victims to Vesco - Maxwell far more extreme -- Buhl Teflon and NYPD media catered to him and Mercer at the time owned by JE GM "pal" Andre B. you have to scroll way down because I just keep adding to this and here's to this post...
Scroll down 2 places 1986 tabloid cover Ghislaine Maxwell blackmail allegations but who's really doing the blackmailing?
Sunday Aug 23: Mr Sweeney FBI suddenly understands PTSD Trauma as per his comment press conference arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell but ask him if NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer with Ray Kelly, Bratton - O'Neill Shea Campisi Reznick protection was party to crimes my case including he knew NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer party to goal COERCE ME THAT DET VERGONA ADMITTED HE Threaten me with a Arrest in Federal Appeallate court Judge Alison Nathan has looked away like the FBI! Being party to violating my civil rights he should've been arrested but was Andrew Dwyer promoted to the New York FBI task force?
I'd like answers to my question under oath from the Manhattan DA to top cops all these years protecting Crimes and Civil rights violations NYFBI protects in New York FBI supposed to take action rather than protect their brothers weren't able them to be party to even more wrongdoing? Ghislaine Maxwell thought she could be a lawsuit by lying under oath and that's with the doctor and his employee and I alledge with their lawyers knowledge did in my case. The doctor in my case says he trusts the NYPD to investigate he lied that the attack of me did not happen on his property when he did and his insurance company lawyers knew that! His travelers group lawyer corrected him when he said he takes a woman who punched me to drug parties the lawyer said he meant pharmaceutical but when he lied under oath state aG did not happen on his property the lawyer was silent and the lawyer knew the attack happened on his property. It seems like a brotherhood misogynist brotherhood of corruption protecting NYPD brothers and sisters that openly break laws like they did in my case and I've audio video and police reports.
Notice the FBI hasn't shared the names of the NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge and FBI is not interested in how Highup at when the federal governments not interested not even Julie Brown is interested do the math.
See NYCLU database photos of pages criminal NYPD my case they also violated my civil rights and they're not arrested they've been protected check it out in the red link below- The NYPD in Manhattan DA are for sale like cheap candy although retaliation breaking laws for looking away while others do it they can do for free if they don't like you your race your religion your politics your sexuality but look what they've done in plain sight and how many cases? delita Hooks letter to det Andrew dwyer signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos
Suzannah B. Troy
@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman .@NYCLU Det Andrew Dwyer 49715 15complts Lt Angelo Burgos 1 THREAT to arrest like THEIR PARTNER IN CRIME Det Vergona ADMITTED THRU CORP COUNSEL FEDERAL APPEALLATE!JUDGE ALISON NATHAN FBI LOOKED AWAY #Civilrights VIOLATED RAY KELLY TO SHEA IA City COMPLICIT…
Dr Andrew Fagelman's Exemplary employee exemplary employee Delita Hooks threatening me with a second false cross complaint which would be a fabricated second-degree assault to the attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer who help fabricate a mutual third he broke the law and was party to violently threatening me with the rest unless I drop charges and I believe he got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force. The FBI also didn't seem to have a problem with John Miller and his role in the prospect park rape case?
By the way the letter she wrote it's a crime and my guess is Joe Tacopina drafted it only he could be that aggressive and stupid and thank he could get away with doing whatever he wants?
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks openly committed perjury I allege w/ their lawyers knowledge- why not? They've gotten away with how much already?
FBI Sweeney - Acknowledge Victims of Walkingacknowledged victims of Ghislaine Maxwell have PTSD traumatized what about the Prospect Park rape victim - FBI explain your relationship w/ monster NYPD John Miller or my case NYPD Shea, Det Andy Dwyer?
New York FBI explain how you looked away for decades are Civil rights violations NYFBI protects Southern District looked away protected NYPD and you guys didn't notice about Epstein and Maxwell either all these years or the Manhattan DA trying to lower their sex offender status because she should've had a sex offender ranking as well!
The crimes so egregious that were openly committed here in the city of New York the state civil rights abuses -- All enabler's all criminals Laughing all the way to the bank literally take me to perjury they mock in depositions why not...
We are the victims have been denied justice what do we hope for justice accountability arrests compensation for years of lying breaking laws being party to crimes being partied obstructing justice in our cases in plain sight in my case the city of New York openly lied in four different courts....
Sooner or later they'll be exposed Netflix films ????or YouTube films are the new evolution and hasn't my YouTube channel Suzannahartist been one long YouTube documentary the first YouTube I ever made mayor Bloomberg king of New York! Ask Mike Bloomberg if he visited Jeffrey Epstein's house when he was mayor ask his intelligence division and ask him about my case Underoath! Ask Mayor de Blasio and his wife why their intelligence division detectives try to remove me harassed me on the steps of City Hall at a survivors rally and how hundreds of women prevented them from actually removing me and it's on YouTube!
Saturday August 22, 2020 almost wrote 2012 - (PTSD insomnia oct 1, 2012 Violence lies a hole punched in my retina my hair ripped out of my head I was sexually assaulted everything erased from the police detectives reports with their bosses and IA City in the loop! The City of NY Corporation counsel lawyers lied in 4 quarts that I was not coerced and protected all NYPD Crimes in violation of my civil rights the first court judge Alison Nathan's.
I was so frightened when I walked in the first precinct to attempt to upgrade my complaint against Dr. Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks I gave a lawyer $1k unless I was false arrested so scared and they turned me away so I called Chief Banks office and Lieutenant Gannon made a mockery of me and told me to contact New York civil liberties well now I have and he's in the Twitter communication! I guess he's not laughing anymore or maybe he is because they're also confident like Jeffrey Epstein was like the doctor in my case and as employee are they can do whatever they want and they are above the law in New York City?
If you find this hard to follow you have delighted criminals that don't want you to know about Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell enablers, or my violence including sexual assault a hole punched in my retina all erased in no data base replied by NYCLU! Reminds me of The tsunami of community crushing development this blog originally dedicated to exposing...
Look at the twitter photos! Even Delita Hooks letter - I believe Joe Tacopina was the only lawyer stupid enough and aggressive enough to write a letter which recognizes the NYPD downgraded her crimes from 2nddegree to third-degree meaning the The letter acknowledges I've been coerced that the NYPD fabricated a mutual 3rd degree and if I come back and file the real crime second-degree assault that she will file a second false cross complaint and the city withheld this letter in 4 quarts it took me over half a decade to get!
If FBI or us attorney FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS QUESTION NYPD det andrew dwyer THAT WOULD BRING ME 1 step closer to Justice? He is in database 15 times and my complaints and lawsuits against him not in database! He broke laws my case erased crimes and promoted to NYPD FBI task force? I tried to report NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos to FBI for sending me a linked in request to join my LinkedIn network during my laws NYS Judge Lynn Kotler said sew something say something not her purview.
Lt Burgos in database for threatening someone w/ arrest like Det Vergona THREATENED ME!
There's a wall around the justice system in New York + cheat lie win culture - my case Obstruction of justice and the amount of enablers dedicated to protecting Wrongdoing violations of my patient right my body including sexual assault engaging the NYPD and violating my civil rights and joining in breaking laws everything has been protected everything done in plain sight sounds familiar?
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell never arrested in New York City New York State ever and not by the NYPD in the Manhattan DA who were open enabler's like my case. You don't think that the Manhattan DA and Sex Crimes knew?
They've protected NYPD openly breaking laws and how many of our cases with Internal Affairs actively protecting Crimes and Civil rights violations.
Ask the New York FBI how many allegations of NYPD violating our civil rights are they aware of every year?
Before they became New York City Police Department top brass, the Civilian Complaint Review Board determined that Police Commissioner Dermot Shea and his predecessor, James O’Neill, abused their authority in separate incidents, The City reports.
I'm devastated it's Friday night and I just started to go through the database I don't have strength to deal with it right now it's so upsetting but the first precinct which caters to the Rich the supervisor at the time was Lt Angelo Burgos who refused to meet with me and was party to go to ERASE ALL crimes for Dr Andrew Fagelman- I just did a YouTube it appears there's Lt Angelo Burgos the same name a lieutenant that threaten someone with arrest unless they drop the charges and by the way when Judge Alison Nathan was my judge -(she let criminals party to goal ERASE CRIMES also violated my CIVIL RIGHTS (yes she has Ghislaine Maxwell case!) I appealed her dismissal.... in appellate Corporation counsel admitted that Det. John Vergona threatened me with arrest unless I drop charges and there appears to be 15 complaints against Det. Andrew Dwyer and the doctor in my case under oath stated he didn't investigate what happened he put his full trust in NYPD it looks like there's a lot of reasons not to trust them - what a mockery they made of the NYPD of the law of the earth they took the constitution the doctor took the Hippocratic oath he sure doesn't seem to understand it the arrogance and who else trusted NYPD with Jeffrey EPSTEIN and by the way all the complaints that I made none of them are in the database not the lawsuits nothing?
Look up NYPD Larry Bryne case Judge Weinstein 95 year old judge?
Only Judge openly not ok with perjury NYPD abuse?
Feels like it?
If you scroll down on this one blog post you will see the photo with a link to my blog post from years ago and a link to the website spotlight the abuse where I found this photo years ago
(The goal of those involved in what I dubbed NYC NYS corruption pandemic don't want you to take the time to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the post -- I know most of you will not so I reposted the LINKS in pink....they are way down on this post and you will see a date and time when you actually read the bottom of the post.
I found this photo in 2015 on the "spotlight abuse" website and posted a link in my blog post below 2015 -- The header for my blog post at that time was that Maxwell a pimp! Could you imagine if the New York FBI use my work my research my information and that's the same FBI that a protected civil rights violations in my case? Wow! Do you think this covers interesting and then investigators would question her about that.
I found that black-and-white photo here on this blog post which was in my pimp 2015 post above! August 20th A Fog clears in the PTSD clears for a moment and I realize it was Robert Maxwell's tabloid! The Sun and NY Post have a commitment to not reporting this and what was done to me including their bosses killing news on me. Ironic huh? Sharing w/ Media: I have what FbI Sweeney calls PTSD -Spotlight the abuse see photo on my blog Robert Maxwell's tabloid.
(Note the NY Post editors killed news on CityTime SAIC I was giving to their news reporters J -- he left the NY Post. He had written an powerful piece on Denault suing SAIC based on information I gave him and Denault won and the NY Post editors killed news on that but also me being savagely assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's. The black and white tabloid on Maxwell's on rag PROVES
1) proves Robert Maxwell Ghislaine had Blackmail strategy 1986 YET THEY PAINT THEMSELVES AS VICTIMS (SOMETHING CRIMINALS IN MY CASE DO?) I found photo 2015 on "spotlight abuse" website posted a link in my blog post below 2015 -- The header for my blog post Maxwell a pimp! S+M spanking -- the editors of the NY Post delete Ghislaine Maxwell took Prince Andrew to S+M dinner Club Chelsea NY too. Hmmmm... but I found two articles the NY post has not deleted re; Epstein, MAXWELL AND PRINCE ANDREW. I WORKED HARD TO FIND THEM.
I sued NYPD IA - Judge Alison Nathan my judge REFUSES TO MEET ME she protects all involved like she later would do for retired NYPD bribed supervisor for access to NYPD data base NO JAIL! ON THE FRONT OF MY LAWSUIT reference a NY Post article editors DELETED ABOUT nyc gov commissioner getting a judge and NYPD to raid a neighbors apartment "Kahn's paranoia". NY Post editors delete that article and a Ghislaine Maxwell took Prince Andrew to Chelsea S&M dinner club Chelsea new york. I worked hard and found 2 articles the NY Post did not delete. I allege they NY Post editors killed news 2 different news reporters attempted to write article on my punched in the head (attack included forcible touching DA NYPD IA erased that too) I have audio ADA Joan Illuzzi lying to me posted on YouTube along with series of NYPD obstructing Justice re: Delta Hooks false cross complaint, Sex Crime lying to me, IA Sgt refusing evidence. City withheld Delita Hooks ltr to Det Andrew Dwyer threat 2nd false cross complt - NYPD downgraded all crimes to zero including a fabricated mutual 3rd degree
TEFLON Joe Tacopina (ABOVE THE LAW?) who has not denied he threatened me during an open investigation my case....
Maxwell father and daughter try to paint themselves as a victim when there's a black mailers?
Maxwell father and daughter try to paint themselves as a victim when they're the black mailers?
That's how abusers work...
Aug 20 I Twitter the cover of a Robert Maxwell tabloid where he claims he and his daughter being blackmailed involves S&M spanking I think that was the Modus operandi that Maxwell would groom Jeffrey Epstein to be part of I'm so traumatized I've had that photo posted on my blog for so many years and today this morning is the first time I'm able to fully recognize it is maxwells tabloid 1986 that he himself publish that alligation but I believe he was the black mailer with his daughter...modus operandi then Maxwell would groom Jeffrey Epstein to be part of I'm so traumatized I've had that photo posted on my blog for so many years and today this morning is the first time I'm able to fully recognize it is maxwells tabloid 1986 that he himself published that allegation but that I believe he was the black mailer with his daughter
This is to someone in the media and best selling author whose contacted me and acknowledge that Jeffrey mentioned me as someone who might complain about him there's the word complain and who labeled me a complainer but the NYPD who openly broke laws in my case in !
The New York Times published nine of my letters until I became a critic of Bloomberg and Rubenstein's clients and a lot of high powered officials I called oligarch's of New York and the wannabes then they won't mention that I sent a letter to the Manhattan DA and Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer Lefcourt on a xerox of a letter that the New York Times published about another struggle over art I think that's news along with me and Maria Farmer Both contacting NYPD I contacted them in 1996 and spoke to a detective and brushed off in 2012 I have Audios of the NYPD lying to me brushing me crimes under Chief of detectives Dermot Shea lying to me I was not sexually assaulted or coerced .... if the abusers are powerful or connected there's no way to report crimes ditto the Feds FBI who look away .... 1986 Robert Maxwell publisher claimed RM Ghislaine Maxwell blackmail S&M I found yrs ago SpotlightAbuse! FBI protect NYPD VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS erasing crimes for Dr Andrew Fagelman w/ Travelers lawyer not correcting perjury attack not on his property
Aug 19 update - negative again for series of nasal and blood test COVID-19 so I can try to have some peace of mind when I visit my mom in a nursing home if she continues to barely hang in she's been dying for five years but hanging in true Bronx DNA... severe severe pre-existing conditions plus a COVID-19 survivor.
NYC gov Department of investigation HUGELY FAILS WHISTLE BLOWERS? My case re: Dr Andrew Fagelman office the head of DOI was Rose Gill Hearn - her father was very connected and scandal scarred - when I film Misogynist Cy Vance outside NYU law school - he and Preet Bharara - then US attorney Southern District inside praising Rose Gill Hearn - All three of them made sure there were no arrests of any crooks - involving 911 tech corruption as well as NYPD in our case is chronically violating our civil rights and breaking laws like my case.
I agree to False Arrest NYPD detective (John Vergona and Det Andrew Dwyer) that openly broke laws Det Vergona moved my false arrest date until Saturday at 4 PM they could've sexually assaulted me, they could've done anything and everything that Eric Garner describes in his hand written lawsuit from Rikers under Michael Bloomberg. Eric and I pro Se under Bloomberg
@vegansuz @bradhoylman @NewYorkStateAG Jeffrey Epstein #NYPD IA DA Cy, Ray Kelly - Shea City,Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks strategy cover-up WRONG DOINGS?JE, DH aka "Delite" +crooked #enablers w/ IA label me COMPLAINER?… + Goal Erase CRIMES jusify unjustifiable! 0abuse0complts
8/19/20, 8:16 AM
My tweet to Vanity Fair
There's a Showtime TV show called "Billions" that episodes in 2019/2020 show you dirty dealings including judges....
I'm not telling you that judges took bribes in our cases or made decisions based on what would be best for their political career but I do watch that TV show and I think that it's very contemporary and reflective... There's even a scene where a A man's dog is shot and he's threatened that if he doesn't drop charges he's going to be false arrested on the weekend just like I agreed to False Arrest Nypd the second time it was moved to Saturday at 4 PM.
Judge Allison Nathan refused to meet me she held my case for one year and judge Lynn Kotler in response to my question does see something say something apply to judges her response not in her purview. My Suzannah B. Troy Twitter shows what goes on in plain sight year after year after year and who knows and who knew who is complicit who are enabler's who is an able to even more crimes..... What goes on was not done in a vacuum but in plain sight in the city and state of New York for years, decades.... Regarding the doctors office in my case we're heading towards a decade October 1, 2020 will be eight years... I reported Epstein and Maxwell attempted to in 1996 to an NYPD detective The precinct on the upper Eastside that caters to the riches of Rich and in 2012 when I'm violated assaulted including sexual assault I have audio evening of the first precinct lying to me that I cannot report my attackers false cross complaint this Precinct also caters to the Rich of Soho and Tribeca battery Park and the doctor before he was divorced live right near Rae Kelly the police commissioner at the time. The precinct on the upper Eastside that caters to the riches of rich and in 2012 when I'm violated assaulted including sexual assault I have audio evening of the first precinct lying to me that I cannot report my attackers false cross-complaint this Precinct also caters to the Rich of Soho and Tribeca battery Park and the doctor before he was divorced lives right near Rae Kelly the police commissioner at the time. Dermot Shea is the most openly corrupt and misogynist police commissioner in the shortest amount of time... like the Manhattan DA he and his predecessors are not questioned under oath about our cases and then held accountable along with everyone involved they're allowed to skate they're allowed to keep their jobs their Teflon like Epstein and Maxwell were for how many years and everyone involved in my case is.
If there's anyone with courage and journalistic integrity then ask Brad when he knew about Howard Rubenstein representing Jeffrey Epstein and why Brad push through Rubenstein's client Rudin Luxury Condos! How's it feel to do that and now we have a pandemic without a trauma level one hospital a rape crisis center No AIDS care in the West Village. Ask Brad how he helped Christine Quinn, Bloomberg, Scott Stringer etc push thru condos!!!! Brad Hoylman and his staff knew I was violated assaulted my patient rights my body at a doctors office in Soho and he did nothing he should resign from office but first start apologizing to a community he betrayed and victims he ignored aka complicit enabler?
@VanityFair Jeffrey Epstein pulled an offshore financial maneuver to shunt money out of reach from Federal prison manhattan. His brother a saint all these years along w/ others no idea? Ghislaine Maxwell got 20M how? Is she moving $ off shore too?
* The NYPD’s refusal to share evidence of its own officers’ potential misconduct with the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board is routine – just one of the ways the department has been undermining the board’s investigations, ProPublica and The City report.
@laurarichards99@VRSVirginia@realcrimeprofil I am glad you have gotten some Justice
the majority of us have been denied...
all we have is Twitter.
Twitter originally tried censoring us
but Rose McGowan Me Too movement
changed twitter's eagerness to silence
victims for the rich, connected,
for NYPD Internal Affairs
NYCgov etc
Note: As more free sex offender apps came on the market they were some that absolutely listed his New York address and I think that was newsworthy. You would think that NYPD and the New York Post in every newspaper the New York Times to ABC, CBS, etc would run an article on it but they didn't. Is it because the Howard Rubenstein, other powerful friends? Look at NYPD DA role our cases!
NYDN 2015 and no news agencies would report it because I contacted them and continue to for years until the New York Post finally published it in 2019.
took a photo of this in case the New York Daily News deletes the article but Jennifer Gaffney was allowed a soft landing rather than be questioned under oath the same with the Manhattan DA and I think it's obvious why. Interesting she's married to an NYPD supervisor and where she landed?
Interesting I'm the only one who wants names of the NYPD their bosses how many ministrations like my case did it go from Ray Kelly to Shea? As long as we don't have names and accountability from the Manhattan DA to the NYPD the coverups enabling is still going on and is in my case as well with the doctors office a lot of parallels?
I wrote this book on corruption before Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in New Jersey at Teterboro Airport... He was already on the cover under video grab from my YouTube confronting the corrupt dirty misogynist DA Cy Vance -- he's been inside NYU lost school with Michael Bloomberg's political arm head of Dept Of investigation Rose Gill Hearn and Preet Bharara all three knew of massive corruption for example 911 tech aka ECTP (new 911 tech system in response to September 11 with two command centers PSAC1 PSAC2 a lot stealing going on over $1 billion over budget and they made sure there were no arrests... Winter been good for powerful players lobbyists even the New York pensions for example Hewlett-Packard) and they all knew about my case it happened practically at their doorstep NYPD openly breaking laws in a race and Crimes ask them if they knew about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell,
My archive for email stops pre 2006 because I was writing about Epstein and Maxwell for years before emailing the press the media...
I found an email to DAVID Seifman ny post as well
(Ask him Bloomberg Dan doctoring mark page Scott stronger etc about George Arzt another greedy vile creep I criticized ask them any ideas why I don't have justice basic
human rights civil rights? If you criticize the oligarchs of New York (and the wannabes) you lose your basic rights as an American, as a human being? I wasn't even safe at a doctor's office soho nyc... interesting when you think about doctors in the office where I was violated my dermatologist rents from a creep that pushes Viagra! So did Jeffrey Epstein's best friend and mentor Ace Greenberg who's secretaries I spoke to in detail about Epstein and what he did to me!)
From:From me Suzannah B Troy on my 1st email account Date: September 23, 2006 at 10:38:19 AM EDT Subject:ghislaine maxwell worked for jeffrey epstien richard johnson is a maxwell fan
richard johnson -- a big robert maxwell fan because maxwell gave him his job at the ny daily news is loyal to the youngest most evil vapid spawn who lured me to epstein's house over a decade ago.
page six mentioning her reminded me that of the legal problems and the police there should contact her and ask her about her special unique job duties.
I am missing an artwork i sent up to his office on spec and she had a role in that -- she is evil vapid and she was epstein's special services girl friday.
very upset-- I would like my art work back and or be paid for it and compensated for all the years he held it hostage.
Epstein needs serious help but he seemed to have a some redeeming quality but probably I was wrong. She has none.
On Tuesday, February 22, 2011, I emailed lots of people here's an email to Brendan Scott wrote:
The cartoon is prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell showing a baby carriage the only thing missing is Ghislaine Maxwell...As if the NYPD Manhattan DA US attorney ny FBI missed that cartoon or the fact that Epstein was a registered sex offender right by World class Museum in Central Park children's playground....
Years later my exclusive that Jeffrey Epstein was on the free sex offender up in iTunes the New York post, NYPD DA didn't want to Howard Rubenstein client (and other powerful pals) outed that was more important then alerting people by the Frick Museum central park in children's school? When the New York post refused reported I put it on my misogynist nyc blog
There are more + no available archive pre 2006....
From: "Suzannah B. Troy"> Date: December 24, 2009 at 7:45:44 AM EST To:, david Seifman , Mike Daly , Juan Gonzalez Subject:Jeffrey Epstein Leslie Wexner Victoria Secrets money manger and Mort Zuckerman and other billionaires pal
Only Jeffrey Epstein could make Tiger Woods look like a class act that knows how to treat a woman. There is one set of laws for the people and one for the rich. Epstein was confident he was above the law and even though he served time it sounds like he has not learned his lesson. Does this mean we will be seeing him on the app for sexual predators. If so that makes him the first billionaire to break that barrier.
Also wrote and called Ace Greenberg, His secretary confirmed she was aware of the news way back
Wrote Zuckerman and Bloomberg all way back when. I let them know he is above the law and I felt they should talk to him.
For Bloomberg, Zuckerman and Wexner I guess it is okay as long as it is not their daughters.
Ghislaine Maxwell one of the most horrible creatures posing as a human being lured me to his house. I first met her she was living in a run down apt but being Jeffrey's special services girl friday paid off well for her.
Jeffrey Epstein NYPD Accomplices, Top Cops My Case Erasing Crimes Dr Andrew Fagelman Office, Eric Garner City Hall Hold Emergency Hearing ? Cy Vance ADAs under Oath too! Mercer hotel fixing pre-dates fixing for Dr F;Epstein co-owned w/ his pal Andre Balaz?
Joe TACOPINA and Chad Seigel -- Absolute silence in response to my allegations filed as ethical complaints accusing them both of threatening me during an open investigation on YouTube using fake accounts. I also accused Joe TACOPINA of drafting Delita Hooks letter To Det. Andrew Dwyer and he did not deny that the letter shockingly stupid and aggressive because it shows knowledge that the NYPD downgraded what was really second- degree assault to a fabricated mutual 3rd degree and if I come back and train Report second-degree assault that she will file a fabricated second-degree assault force cross-complaint there it is in writing signed off on by supervisor Nypd Lt Angelo Burgos of the 1st Precinct detective squad in 2012!
My point is the NYPD in Manhattan DA ERASED Crimes for Jeffrey Epstein and his Social services girl Friday GHISLAINE MAXWELL and the NYPD detective squad with their bosses knowledge open they broke laws making all crimes disappear including their own and they were protected and continue to be protected by the Manhattan DA Corporation counsel the city lawyers and Internal Affairs. +
Chicago court dismisses defamation suit!Rose McGowan WINS! Joe TACOPINA pathetic like his lawsuit against NYDN Tacky-0 loser? TACOPINA bragged he got NYPD cop off in Abner Louima case +NYPD rape cops?Karma freight train? JT never denied broke laws my case! How many PROFFER agreements did TACOPINA take Queen for how many days re: Kerik his ex- best friend ex-client went to jail, ex biz partner....? Did TACOPINA violate any proffer? Has Joe Tacopina been directly or indirectly involved in trying to remove my content or any knowledge of why the Wikipedia page on me was deleted Vimeo and how about the YouTube on he'll him that Google apologized and return to me and do you have any ideas about Yelp I had to hire a lawyer and I got my review back up any ideas any knowledge has he been behind the scenes involved in other harassment or censorship involving me?
I'm just questioning whether Jeffrey Epstein with the help of Ghislaine Maxwell and others ran a sex pyramid $ laundering and real estate...? add etc -- look how Epstein does an offshore will from jail think about that.... i'm just wondering out loud and what is Maxwell talk to me about but in arms deal that gets a royal treatment and she loves her royal treatment...? Like Mercer hotel, Henry Buhl, in my case Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks They enjoy preferential policing the NYPD were quite catering actually NYPD telling Jeffrey Epstein ignored judge verges on Criminal in the Manhattan DA tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and they had to know about Maxwell..they enjoyed preferential policing the NYPD were quite catering actually the NYPD telling Jeffrey Epstein ignored judge verges on criminal in the Manhattan DA tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and they had to know about Maxwell.. level 3 sex offender - I question if the DA had a special investigator involved but of course we don't know anything because the governor City Council the mayor no one wants to call emergency hearing into that and other wrongdoing by the DA and NYPD including my case Corporation counsel lied over and over and all these different courts that I wasn't coerced when I was and they withheld my attackers letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint. even question whether DA had a special investigator involved but of course we are in the dark.
Corporation counsel lied over and over in my case (how many other cases?) in all these different courts that I wasn't coerced when I was and they withheld my attackers letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint my first judge Allison Nathan.
I guess it's allowed for lawyers to participate with criminals to lie with the goal to let them walk free and they do it right in front of judges and that's OK in NY?
Travelers group lawyer corrected the doctor when he said he takes her to drug parties in my case the lawyer said he takes her to pharmaceutical but the lawyer didn't correct him when he Dr Andrew Fagelman lied under oath (I allege w/ Travelers group knowledge) stating the attack did not happen on his property so it had nothing to do with him when travelers group knew the attack happened on his property.
I guess in New York it's OK to do that and judges don't mind because they want to protect criminals that are wealthy and connected like a doctor in my case? I want to protect the NYPD IA etc?
Just asking I don't understand why I don't have Justice yet.
In New York it's OK to commit perjury if you're connected person it's OK to cheat to win. The NYPD top lawyer who is also a former prosecutor Larry Byrne tried to JUSTIFY NYPD perjury. Travelers group did have one concern though was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD!
For a long time Jeffrey Epstein was confident in his powerful friends and a public relations guy like Howard Rubenstein could pull strings with how the NYPD DA crossed ethical lines to enable him and Ghislaine Maxwell all these YEARS STILL 0 accountability the city nypd DA role and ditto my case at Dr Andrew Fagelman assaulted violated my patient rights violated including sexual assault and even how his employee got my name violating my patient privacy
as well as my body - and he's admitted not investigating yet he discussed me with his patients meaning that he lied about me he pulled a Howard Rubenstein and tried to marginalized and diminished me to try and justify the unjustifiable?
As long as the Manhattan DA ADAs NYPD IA involved in our cases are not held accountable how are The Democrats that are anti-trump any different than him in Victims's eyes their silence is complicity look at the Desmond Tutu quote below!
Isn't it interesting we still don't know the name of the NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge probably because it goes all the way up to the top one police Plaza just like my case and how many police commissioners? Julie Brown, Brad Hoylman not interested. Hmmm. Because all the media main stream refuse to report with the New York Daily News did in 2015 with the DA try to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status the dirty DA had for years to make up a lie and the best lie he could make up was that it was an accident either way it's negligence they need to be held accountable but this perhaps extend it beyond negligence to criminal..Because all the media main stream refused to report with the New York Daily News did in 2015 that the DA tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status the dirty DA had for years to make up a lie and the best lie he could make up was that it was an accident either way it's negligence they need to be held accountable but this perhaps extend it beyond negligence to Criminal..?
Many victims have called for Cy Vance to resign....yet he is still the math$
Again the media refused to report about an intern who was assaulted by someone powerful inside the Manhattan DA. Why? DA was taking donations and then he was spending taxpayer money to buy all kinds of favor...? He was running a favor operation kind of like Jeffrey Epstein, lots of power brokers ny?
my patient rights, my body and more repeatedly violated, please google Dr. Fagelman assault YouTube and share
You'll find a YouTube October 4, 2012 when "Ajohn" on behalf of "Delite" aka Delita Hooks started on line gaslighting lies. I was savagely assaulted VIOLATED at Dr F's office 155 Spring St nyc oct 1, 2012. YouTube has over 760,000 views on how not to treat someone. My patient rights were violated my body repeatedly violated and there's no remorse zero apologies just more lies even perjury and EVEN more ABUSIVE so imagine coping with coronavirus fear living nyc because I wasn't safe at a doctor's office.
I am Jewish. Circa 80 years ago over 6 millions of my People were rounded up robbed of everything mass murdered.
2012 Soho NYC NYS I am yelled at THAT I HAVE NO RIGHTS AND REPEATEDLY VIOLATED my patient rights and my body! I continue to be treated like a Jew in the Early stages of Nazi Germany until I have Justice! GARNER and I started out pro se under mayor Michael Bloomberg and we hoped de Blasio would bring change for the better -- Eric describes a sexual assault and NYPD planting drugs on him is that what I had to look forward to if I turn myself in Saturday 4 PM false arrest? Judge Alison Nathan had my case! In federal appellate Det. John Vergona admitted he yelled at me over the phone that he would arrest me if I didn't drop charges!
2015 I received a tweet I defend Black People poetic justice I was assaulted by a Black person #dumbcuntlivesmatter? (Someone connected to NYPD?)
FYI I've also donated my white blood cells twice, gallons of my platelets and I didn't ask race religion gender; I asked how I could help.
I was and continue to be discriminated against the City of NY, a creepy unethical doctors office who continues to lie and gaslight along w/ government agencies nyc NYS.
See her Delita Hooks letter THREATENING me (by name - she got my name I allege by stealing a note I wrote my MD and destroying that note) w/ a 2nd false cross complaint to NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer signed off on by NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos. Top cops, Internal Affairs and the City of NY had this letter but their strategy was and is use Ron Kuby's letter to say case closed - he wrote I drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges. That is shorthand for coercion. Delita Hooks got my name by violating my patient rights which she and her employer did again and again. Dr Fagelman took the Hippocratic oath and every gov employee that broke laws or obstructs justice also took an oath they violated as well.
Dr Fagelman did not investigate what happened. He lied under oath it didn't take place on his property. He never took the measures to provide a safe place by having guidelines and more. He chose to lie about me and diminish me to his patients w/ Delita Hooks to attempt to justify the unjustifiable.
I did not provoke Delita Hooks. She provoked me over and over. First I tried to get help and when she followed me and gave me the finger 3x after yelling at me who are you? (Discrimination) you HAVE NO RIGHTS! Because I asked would you consider paper cups instead of styrofoam it is better for Mother Earth.
I became a human piñata and my arm was numb from 2 numbing injections in my arm to remove a cyst. I was hold bags and my phone when my body was violated repeatedly...
I am owed apologies and more.
I would like Justice.
Many of the crimes including by NYPD have no Statute as well as other guilty of threatening me during an open investigation as I allege Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel did as well as NYPD Det John Vergona.
The NYPD Inspector general, the civilian complaint review board, the Commission To Combat Police Corruption, all forwarded my case to Internal Affairs to die "dead on arrival". They should be forced to follow up on our cases and put on their websites how many of our cases they forwarded DOA!
There's a wall around the Justice system.
I am one of too many victims that know this first hand..
iPhone Please excuse terrible typos I endured a savagely violent assault Google Dr Fagelman assault all involved are Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein was and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by corrupt NYPD and DA I was punched in the head and I have excruciating insomnia excruciating October 1 of 2020 will be eight years no justice.
See photo of email to mayor de Blasio and below my email -- a complaint to head of Dept of Investigation which is far more expanded due to larger word count allowed.
I am a victim of a violent crime at Dr Andrew Fagelman's 155 Spring St Oct 1, 2012. When Bill de Blasio was advocate the Public advocate's office followed up and apparently Internal Affairs who was and is party to FRAUD cheat to WIN in legal proceedings and withholding Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer THREATENING ME WITH A 2ND FALSE CROSS COMPLAINT SIGNED OFF ON LT Angelo Burgos is all okay as is ERASING SEXUAL ASSAULT, 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT, MENACING, PROVOKING ME TO FILM AFTER Delita Hooks GAVE ME THE FINGER 3times, criminal mischief she has admitted knocking the iPhone out of my hand 3 times and she was instructed to file a false cross complt all protected by Dermot Shea/Reznick who are also protecting NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignore a judge. LET'S HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING ON NYPD IA CITY DA CY VANCE ROLE ERASING SEXUAL ASSAULT CRIMES NYPD DA ROLE OUR CASES UNDER OATH NYPD DA KNEW ABOUT Ghislaine Maxwell AS WELL.
Above is an email to the mayor calling for a public hearing expanded version is typed up to NYCgov Department of investigation -- Dept Of investigation NYPD no longer allow acknowledgment with a print out of what you said and I allege that is because City of New York the NYPD Internal Affairs and the Manhattan DA City of New York the NYPD Internal Affairs and the Manhattan DA run by Cy Vance have so much to hide.
They count on you not caring if you don't care there's no investigation no public hearing they collect their paychecks their vacations and pensions.
Ask Brad Hoylman when he learned of Rubrnstein's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Brad's pushing Rudin condos instead of a Trauma Level 1 hospital w/ Rape crisis Center? Ditto Margaret Chin who was a council member her district when I contacted her about the first precinct and the Mercer hotel as well as my case assaulted violated at the doctors!
I'd like an apology for years of discrimination. I was a victim of discrimination violence lies threats gaslighting I'd like justice! They're famous world leaders that have words for people that are apathetic or ignore that they are part of the problem but this wasn't just apathy was it?
Enablers list extends beyond NYPD Internal Affairs Manhattan DA the City still turning a blind eye in both cases + other cases -- The wrongdoing is shocking it's devastating and it's in plain sight....
For the Epstein case he appears to be moving money in real estate with Maxwell besides sex trafficking under age or any age I believe is a violation of the Mann Act - The powers that be use that against Love Governor Governor Elliot Spitzer but not in the Epstein Maxwell case.
My case involves a doctor located in SoHo with lots of NYPD patients but I wonder who else are his patients friends and enabler's besides travelers group who I allege with Dr F Delita Hooks cheated to win again in plain sight - The lawyer for travelers handed my attacker Styrofoam cup and they both with them at me like F you violent mocking no remorse for travelers group was concerned about one thing was I going to repeal my lawsuit against the NYPD. The travelers group was centered by the judge for the bad behavior but ultimately the judge like many judges when it comes to powerful people and connected people in my opinion looked away and The very behavior she found offensive with what led to me being punched in the head and sexually assaulted but every behavior also in a doctors office is a violation of one's patient rights... The right to be safe I should be safe for the doctors....
My case Dr Fagelman
Delita Hooks w/ enablers
cheat to win +
City of NY NYPD IA Corp counsel
also cheat to win.
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell
also had NYPD DA enablers
yet no one notices or cares?
Kurt Vonnegut HB +
ballet dancer murdered
in plain sight…
My case NYPD openly broke laws with Internal Affairs protecting all Crimes and Civil rights violations protects..... turns out that isn't uncommon and has been going on for too long - I interviewed one of the dirty 30 a bunch of dirty cops from the 30th Precinct and he confirmed internal Affairs protected him over and over until finally they could not.
These allegations I'm just wondering if what the reporting involving Internal Affairs is the truth?
Maybe the person sharing this with me has an ax to grind but they could also be telling the truth about Internal Affairs considering so many people seem to be sharing this and Internal Affairs does forward our cases to die over and over DOA.
How many lawsuits over the YEARS are there naming NYPD cop cops Internal Affairs chiefs another Internal Affairs bosses on down EVEN BY IA and NYPD?
CCRB, NYPD Inspector General, Commission To Combat Police Corruption all forwarded my case to Internal Affairs dead on arrival. Woman nypd Detective who worked for Internal Affairs chief Campisi sued him also pointed out cases DOA!
Dr Andrew Fagelman committed perjury and lied the attack did not happen on his property. He said that's why he didn't investigate that and then he bragged he put his full trust and confidence in the NYPD ! How to address NYPD police “testilying.”
My case it wasn't just one bad apple it wasn't one bad cop if you haven't watched the Netflix series unbelievable just watched episode seven and eight and think of me yes I was not horrifically raped but this is years and years of my life stolen and finally recently the Manhattan DA confirmed young assistant district attorney confirm it was sent to me with sexual assault so why didn't Joan Illuzzi Address that when she needed I was a victim of second-degree assault medicine and a false cross complaint and that the doctor and his employee the woman who punched a hole in my retina and sexually assaulted me that both of them should not be discussing the patients and the patient should not be coming to my YouTube channel harassing me. I was an open critic of her boss the Manhattan DA Cy Vance - I knew he had refused to prosecute Saint Vincents hospital crooks which would've been inconvenient for Howard Rubenstein's client Bill Rudin - He was making a hospital into condos in his accountant walk by me while I was protesting calling me crazy. We have a pandemic now who's crazy? Crazy greedy and stupid?. When I sat in that office with Joan Illuzzi I didn't know about Howard Rubenstein and Jeffrey Epstein
You weren't alone in that office there was an intern and a special investigator from the Manhattan DA office so you're telling me they didn't have an investigator in the Epstein case and they didn't know about Maxwell? Because I believe they knew! I have been and continue to be denied justice discriminated against and in every court cheat to win so however long it takes like the Lance Armstrong case even if I drop dead I want my state to pursue justice apologies and accountability. How many victims of violent crimes have been forced to drop charges against their well in the city and state of New York? And how many cases did the city of New York lie in court she to win. When I say that in every court that I pursue justice it's been CHEAT to win I mean it every court. I ask Judge Lynn Cutler if see something say something applies to judges and I guess it doesn't that committing perjury or lying in court whether it's verbally or in writing or being party to your clients lying it's OK with judges?
Judge Lynn Kotler denied my request she contact the US attorney or the attorney general she said see something say something doesn't apply to her it's not her purview. I guess that's true for all judges in the city in State of New newI guess that's true for all judges in the city and state of New York and for federal judges as well?
You think your pains and heartbreaks are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who have ever been alive. -James Baldwin, writer (2 Aug 1924-1987)
Even if I'm dead and it comes out that the city was doing this on a regular basis or other entities let's say involved in my case for instants in theory travelers group I want to be part of class action lawsuits because how dare they think they could pull the Lance Armstrong and the party to lying in court whether it's through perjury were standing there lying before a judge or in written filing stating I was not coerced when I was. NYPD falsified police reports the city and how many investigators on behalf of the city including the New York city comptroller and Corporation counsel had Investigator set looked at my case and they saw Dr Even if I'm dead and it comes out that the city was doing this on a regular basis or other entities let's say involved in my case for instance in theory travelers group I want to be part of class action lawsuits because how dare they think they could pull the Lance Armstrong and the party to lying in court whether it's through perjury or standing there lying before a judge or in written filing stating I was not coerced when I was. NYPD falsified police reports the city and how many investigators on behalf of the city including the New York city comptroller and Corporation counsel had investigators that looked at my case and they sawAndrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager her letter to the attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatening me with a second false cross complaint signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos.
How many judges didn't notice that there had to be a response to that letter and the The city of New York responded by withholding the response which was a crime a second threat to me and what was the letter that Ron Kuby wrote I'll drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges. It's not exactly what I agreed to but it's still shorthand for I was coerced I had to get emergency surgery on my eye it was no time to meet my lawyer I never paid him I never met him no wonder he didn't want any money but no matter what the letter is not exactly what I agreed to but it's shorthand for I am being coerced and a letter in response by my attacker is a crime it is another threat to me.
When the new young assistant district attorney called me and I told him what my attacker yelled at me she said that she was going to slap the shit out of my ass he was so stunned and shocked he couldn't hold himself back. He exclaimed she said that to you? Yes! She did. Dr Andrew Fagelman said that she is exemplary. He takes her to drug parties he didn't fire her. He didn't investigate what happened he committed perjury why not he's been protected by the NYPD in Manhattan DA like Jeffrey Epstein.
Whether it's Nypd Criminal's or an Epstein or doctors office lucky them if their victims their lives have no value they can get away with anything? Ditto their powerful enablers?
Lucky for them see something say something doesn't apply to judges.
@VRSVirginia If Judge Alison Nathan
wants to find a way to let Maxwell go
she will ditto enablers.I'm one of the victims
NY my case MD office nypd ia da enablers!
I don't want a necklace
I want justice arrests accountability
+ compensation
years lying party
CY VANCE INTERNAL AFFAIRS 1 police plaza know about NYPD crimes my case IA protected and aren't sharing names of NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore a judge and no one cares? Lucky criminals!
“The illegal subpoena directed Twitter to ‘produce all device and contact information associated with the user handle @Tinamoorereport as well as all the handle’s connection history between October 9, and October 14, 2019.’ The illegal subpoena further tells Twitter not to inform the reporter for 90 days, so as to not interfere with the investigation,” the suit adds.
The New York Sun article gives insight underscores why in my opinion he stole my heart because he and I discussed the artwork and he made a joke about his inability to understand women to hear them listen to them please them....My brain hurts I'm so tired I can't tell you how hard it is to function when you've been punched in the head at the doctors and you're supposed to be safe, I went to the doctors to feel better and not only was my eye damaged a hole in my retina but it was also sexual salt and the wrongdoing is ongoing more lies more obstruction of justice it's sickens me...
If you attempt to report a crime that involves someone powerful connected forget it NYPD in Manhattan DA are willing to compromise their oath in their ethics in my case NYPD O'Donnell he broke laws with Internal Affairs 1PP Corporation counsel New York City comptroller and the DA more than looking away...
Note: Dr Andrew Fagelman bragged about his trust in the NYPD to investigate the violent attack of me and lied it did not take place at his office. Should be noted that the internal affairs has a history a long history of protecting corruption until they can't Should be noted that the internal affairs has a history a long history of protecting corruption until they can't - including Michael Dowd and I interviewed one of the dirty 30 the one who went to federal jail.
Updated July 27: If you don't know about the scandal it predates Bernie Madoff and you have to Google it like anything else you don't know....
The criminals in my case got preferential POLICING in Soho and if you take your time and scroll down you'll learn about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and their special friend who had a hotel in Soho and
The NYPD that we're party to the goal to race crimes by falsifying police reports none of their names are in this database they've been protected every step of the way including Internal Affairs and City lawyers committing Cheat to lie to protect them - internal affairs has protected them for almost a decade now....and the perps they did fixing and favors for....
The hotel receives preferential policing... I even alerted City Council Margaret Chin at the time but she caters to the rich...She was pushing through rude and luxury condos instead of a trauma level one hospital for Bill Rudin - along w/ 49 councilmembers 49 out of 51 and guess who the Public Relations guy pushing those condos is Howard Rubenstein who in my book I tell you his nickname is "god". I learned that from someone who is trying to get a job at City Hall to work on her Michael Bloomberg. Rubenstein is quoted as saying don't believe the victims of Jeffrey Epstein. He's never ever mentioned along with the Manhattan DA who tried to give Epstein and Maxwell the teflon freedom seen joy in the virgin islands… Tried are actually allowed it just like crimes in my case but in my case NYPD openly broke laws...and violated my civil rights as well as a group conspired to violently course me to make me drop charges against my will to race war crimes for Dr Andrew FAGELMAN. Dr f he's an unethical liar who is an expert like Maxwell or Epstein in getting enabler's to do his dirty work except I don't think he pays him as much money as Epstein and Maxwell were willing to pay...
Henry Buhl manipulated positive press w/ media that refused to report news on Jeffrey Epstein and his enabler's the Manhattan DA. Buhl an elderly bully who of course gets preferential policing from the same dirty corrupt NYPD that broke laws in my case starting with the 1st Precinct and SoHo - a creep - (YouTube below) made the introductions to Vesco's targets? Like Ghislaine Maxwell?
"Some of those who knew Mr. Vesco said it would not surprise them if he had orchestrated a fake death, to slip away one more time. “He could have died,” said Arthur Herzog, an author who interviewed Mr. Vesco in Cuba for a biography. “But Bob has used disguises in the past.”"
If you want to see how a Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell and in my case involving Dr Andrew FAGELMAN Delita Hooks along w/ NYPD goal ERASE ALL CRIMES - so many laws have been broken even more crimes have been committed including perjury and fraud how do people get away with it easily in the city and state of New York and my Twitter account Suzannah B. Troy just look at the replies it's done in plain sight.
(many of the people that have done nothing where they've been silent and enables all crimes in violation of civil rights fraud in my case were either involved in pushing through condos to replace a hospital in the West Village for Howard Rubenstein's clients and do you think any of them care that we don't have a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center during a pandemic ascot stringer cause I went with a group of Activist to his office to ask for emergency over ruling of City Council to give us a hospital and he didn't do it and he protected all crimes and civil rights VIOLATIONS IN MY CASE. I guess they don't need a hospital any more than NYPD or is it that they to cater to the Howard Rubenstein's clients to the rich and the connected the oligarchs of New York and the wannabes? A horror show and it's like something out of the Showtime series billions and then the TV show they show over and over that judges are for sale, politically ambitious and corrupt as well.
Update June 25: if you ignore what I have to say if you write me off judge me and put me down the goal diminish me dismiss me then you know the process of what Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, former mayor mike Bloomberg current mayor bill de Blasio, Rubenstein (his clients Rudin as well as Epstein!), Scott Stringer, Howard Rubenstein, Brad Hoylman not the saint he makes himself out to be - he w/ Christine Quinn push through Rudin Luxury condos - Rudin and Epstein both Rubenstein's client and how many people including top NYPD cater to Rubenstein he's very elderly I believe one of his sons is running his company but you notice he's never ever mentioned.... I had left Rubenstein a voice mail - if u think Christine Quinn is going to be mayor - you r wrong! People weren't going to forget she pushed thru Rubenstein's client Rudin luxury condos! I protested their efforts to REPLACE A TRAUMA L1 hospital w/ Rape crisis center. Delita Hooks doesn't remember her friend's name in blue in the attack YouTube..but Delita Hooks remember my Rudin protest sign. Did the retired NYPD commander on Rudin's payroll get involved to be party to erasing crimes too? How many ENABLERS INVOLVED?
(July 26 question: My case: dr Andrew FAGELMAN with I allege Travelers group Decided to walk in to a deposition cheat to win behave unethically travelers group their lawyer was is out of control and abusive and unethical as he was and so far they've been protected cheat to win he lied and said that attacked didn't happen on his property and he didn't know about it he had nothing to do with it and he had nothing to do with the NYPD all lies and travelers group lawyer who is unethical abusive who knew the attack happened on the property and didn't correct him when he committed perjury perjury is just fine because traveler group clearly is about cheating to win in my opinion just like their NYPD palace in the city of New York and I want to know everything that went on and how many laws were broken besides my civil rights and my body violated and I believe my human rights violated how far did this go in the goal to commit fraud cheat to win? )
Hmmmm City of NY and "others" perjury, fraud RICO? Just wondering....
Jeffrey Epstein was friends with both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump and they share the same strategy when it comes to diminishing women discounting them except for Ghislaine Maxwell -- big fans of her's! We've heard it right out of trumps mouth. Didn't Robert Maxwell rent storage space for his daughter his youngest daughter who is now in Federal Prison in Brooklyn at the Trump Tower?
Remember Bill Clinton strategy was to paint an intern as a stalker when he was giving her gifts?
Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell not arrested in New York - he Epstein was actually arrested in New Jersey... when I voice dictated this mysteriously "I" was placed at the front and a bizarre repeating of what I say in sued something is really been wrong with my phone I just had to get it replaced it flatlined died. The NYPD I'm guessing we're not in the loop and if there were any they were told to keep their mouth shut because the NYPD open we were enabler's along with the Manhattan DA Nitin Savur psych my case and it wasn't just wanted ministration with my case at the doctors it was Ray Kelly on going so far for police commissioners are involved in protecting all crimes with Corporation counsel committing fraud cheat to win the same with travelers group and my theory is that there was contact between travelers and Corporation counsel in their goal to cheat to win. Dr FAGELMAN's Travelers group lawyer corrected him when he said he takes Delita Hooks who punched me and violated my patient rights Dr F takes to DRUG PARTIES BUT rajika travelers group Lawyer corrected him and said "pharmaceutical" parties but she Rajika did not correct him when he lied under oath openly committed perjury stating the attack did not happen on his property and she Rajika knew that it did since she made me watch it over and over despite his employee Delita Hooks coming in and admitting that she did everything you see in the video plus she admitted targeting me from the moment I sat down in the reception area and she admitted before I started filming she Delita Hooks admitted giving me the finger three times knocking my phone out of my hand three times but first she admitted yelling at me that she Delita Hooks was going to slap the shit out of my ass and this is a woman that's a doctor calls. She also stared at me like a serial killer mocking and vicious showing no remorse. Very much like her boss he has no shame no remorse he was mocking along with his lawyer until he was asked why he got divorced and he shook with anger got on his phone and ran out. That's anger management problem right there along with his employee which is caught on video which I didn't post until they came to YouTube where my eye is bloody and said I threw the first punch when in fact I was a human piñata holding my backs my arm numb.
Travelers group lawyer corrected him when he said he takes a woman who punched me and violated my patient rights to drive parties is Travis group Lawyer corrected him and said pharmaceutical parties but she did not correct him when he lied under oath openly committed perjury stating the attack did not happen on his property and she knew that it did since she made me watch it over and over despite his employee coming in and admitting that she did everything you see in the video plus targeting me from the moment I sat down giving me the finger three times knocking my phone out of my hand three times but first she admitted yelling at me that she was going to slap the shit out of my ass and this is a woman that's a doctor calls exemplary and takes to drug parties
She has a role in helping Jeffrey Epstein to steal my art in 1996 I called the NYPD! 2012 My patient rights my body by human rights were violated and a doctors offices so how New York City not far from Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein good pal Andre's Hotel. The doctors office were many laws were broken including NYPD joining in falsifying police reports to ERASE crimes enjoys the same preferential policing the Mercer hotel enjoyed -- meeting the NYPD are so out of control protected by Internal Affairs protected by top cops....
City lawyers lied in court I was not coerced and in filings to protect all crimes #civilrights it's called fraud in my case and who is the first Judge Alison Nathan - on the front cover of my lawsuit there quotes all applicable one is from the New York post article which of course editors deleted just like they deleted a story about prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell.... I found two stories the NY Post didn't DELETE at least not yet.
Judge Allison Nathan enabled NYPD criminals protected by Internal Affairs also PARTY TO VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS CORP COUNSEL LIED IN LEGAL FILINGS LIKE LIKE DID IN JUDGE LYNN KOTLER's court but Kotler faced me would not let me respond to lies and her written response to my question does SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING APPLY TO JUDGES? Judge Kotler said not her
Ask 1PP, Brad Hoylman
ex mayor Mike Bloomberg
Christine Quinn Bill de Blasio
Cy Vance about Howard Rubenstein
stating Jeffrey Epstein victim the
victims and lawyers after Jeff's $.
from JE? They all pushed Rudin Condos
No trauma L1 Hospial w/ Rape Crisis Ctr!
Ask Brad Hoylman about Jeffrey Epstein and Howard Rubenstein! Ask Brad about Bill Rudin and why we do not have a hospital! Ask Brad about Mike Bloomberg and Rubenstein! Ask Mike about Epstein ask them all about Maxwell!
gov official has confirmed I was sexually assaulted
forcible touching at Dr Andrew Fagelman office.
(DrF)He's admitted he did not investigate
what happened yet he discussed me Dr Vine's
patient meaning pulled a Howard Rubenstein
diminish victims to attempt to justify the unjustifiable
They should not! The NYPD zero accountability and Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell not giving us names of the NYPD that told Jeffrey ignore judge because it goes all the way to the top and not just Sex Crimes but all the way to one police plaza... in sharp contrast:
New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea speaking during an NYPD CompStat meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020. Shea HAS OPENLY PROTECTED CRIMES INCLUDING SEX CRIMES ERASING CRIMES IN MY CASE - HE IS SUCH A LIAR! City of NY Corporation counsel withheld Delita Hooks letter from Judge Nathan and me in Federal and Judge Lynn Kotler NYS + I have audios of an internal affairs woman's Sgt citing Ron Kuby's letter when I never had a chance to meet him I had to get emergency surgery on my eye from the attack and was preparing for false arrest and so I didn't agreed to drop charges... kuby's letter shorthand for I'm being coerced but it's not exactly what I agreed to. I let Joe take a Pinot drafted my attackers letter it's a crime and only he in my opinion is stupid enough and arrogant and overly aggressive enough to draft such a stupid letter and he wants worked for the Brooklyn DA that sent how many innocent Black men to jail?
No one's interested in her letter which is a crime threatening me with a second false cross complaint or by the way how she got my name since I wasn't her doctors patient. I allege She got it by stealing a note I wrote my doctor and destroying it. She and her boss above the law and accountability protected? Reminds me of Epstein and Maxwell NEVER EVER ARRESTED BY NYPD or Manhattan DA but enable to by them!
Ghislaine Maxwell LURED
me to Jeffrey Epstein yrs ago
GM Epstein + willfully obtuse
ENABLERS strategy "Lie/Deny"?
Marginalize victims?
Guiltier then sin my opinion
say/do whatever
NYC NYS Oligarchs of NY,
wannabes +employees
enablers TEFLON!
NYPD DA enablers!…
REZNICK judge Allison Nathan not honorable but coward enabler who hid from me - I allege she caters to Oligarchs of NY, wannabes, their employees and NYPD City fixers BUT EVEN JUDGE NATHAN KNOWS SHE WILL BE CONDEMNED BY GLOBAL COMMUNITY IF SHE FREES MONSTER TEFLON CRIMINAL GHISLAINE MAXWELL WHO HAS/has "assistance"/active on line stalkers! SO TIRED MY EYES HURT SO DRY ALMOST 8 years Oct1 8 years... I feel like corrupt Dr Andrew Fagelman (a privileged connected LYING CREEP) who mocked the violence his employee Delita Hooks has done yet another running punch to my head, my arm numb from a cyst removed holding bags and my iphone. Earlier I protest another one of Howard Rubenstein's monstrous clients Rudin, Bill Rudin pushing thru luxury condos instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center which we really could've used during a pandemic! Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew's ex-wife were other clients but if you read my book which I'm pulling at the end of July I tell you his nickname at City Hall under Michael Bloomberg... it is a shocker!
Dr Andrew Fagelman a confident liar and his lawyer KNEW HE WAS LYING THE ATTACK DID NOT HAPPEN ON HIS PROPERTY SO IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM. Dr F smirked gloated about his trust in nypd! Same kind of "trust" Epstein Maxwell had?
It has been a full court press to deny me my basic human rights my rights as an American citizen even to report crime, to not be discriminated against but there are even more crimes and why do they think they can get away with it and even laugh about it because I've been targeted as someone who can't get justice. Maybe I can't get Justice now but maybe things will change in 10 or 20 years I'm going to get justice and accountability.
Numb: DEVASTATED CORRUPT ALLISON NATHAN WHO In my opinion caters to the rich and connected she caters to corrupt NYPD retired NYPD spying if any of what was done to us was done to her twin sons are her wife or to her she would not let them walk but she did that in my case and in the case that US attorney brought against a retired cop see the photos of the tweet I'm posting I'm devastated it also reminds me of when I looked up Travelers group head lawyer James Toomey on LinkedIn and a woman lawyer from Corp Counsel her profile came up as if they have a connection... In my opinion Corporation counsel join forces and the goal to make sure I did not have justice and to protect everyone involved from the doctors office to the NYPD and even Internal Affairs my case. I asked Judge Lynn Kotler does "See Something Say Something" apply to judges? Her response not in her purview. I told her how judge Allison Nathan head from me she held my case for one year and hid from me! I told Judge Kotler that Corporation counsel lied because I was coerced!
@vegansuz@NYDailyNews Want to understand growing cottage Spy Industry Harvey Weinstein thugs like him hire retired NYPD, my case I allege Joe Tacopina who brags he got Abner Louima Cop off NYPD Rape cops+NYPD! Thank Ghislaine Maxwell Judge Allison Nathan see photos NYT article, my case! Cy IA enablers
Judge Allison Nathan I allege my case protected NYPD Internal Affair Crimes civil rights violations my case involving Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks now she can protect Ghislaine Maxwell and her enablers oligarchs of NY, the wannabes and NYPD IA DA Cy Vance too!
Judge Nathan dismissed my case look at bottom of front page!
My opinion she is guilty enabler and the NY Post article mentioned Judge nypd special threatens global of nyc gov Commissioner Kahn DELETED like NY Post deleted S&M dinner club Ghislaine Maxwell took Prince Andrew too Chelsea NY!
Just in case enabler my case Judge Allison Nathan lets Ghislaine Maxwell walk to protect Oligarchs of NY enablers good to hear Virgin Islands investigating GM. Nathan caters to rich and connected + NYPD fixers? Money laundering ditto REAL ESTATE?
US attorney Southern District didn't get the results they wanted in that case w/ Nathan. Either did I but we both left a record and you should read the front page of my opposition to dismiss if anyone green lights fixing and favors in my opinion and this is an opinion blog it's Judge Allison Nathan and how many other judges in New York where there's a wall around the justice? The fictional TV show billions on Showtime takes it to an extreme showing how political and corrupt judges are.
How many of you believe at the Manhattan DA and NYPD knew about Maxwell and we're enabling her as much as Epstein? If you don't know about Howard Rubenstein and his pull with City Hall NYPD in the Manhattan DA how much pool do you think he had re Epstein Maxwell?
The Fix was in?
I handed this flyer out about our current police commissioner who is not sharing the name of the NYPD told Epstein ignore a judge....
I continue to demand apologies accountability even arrest in my case and I'm one of how many people that feels they are owed an apology how about the city and state of New York erect apology walls for all the corruption they have enabled all the crimes and Civil rights violations... ? Delita Hooks discriminated against me targeted me for behind a medical reception desk and she has lied changed her lies over the years along with her boss - he wants told a private investigator no comment when it came to the NYPD like he might implicate himself but Underoath he lied and said he had nothing to do with the NYPD when his own employee Delita Hooks indicated he was involved and in the loop!
She said she was angry at me for moving my chair but she lied under oath she remembered me only one time. Why because the first time without telling her my name I told her that I have a handicap that I have so many fibroid tumors that I feel like I'm pregnant and I desperately need the bathroom!
Did she have the key?
When I came back I said I'm here to see Dr Vine. Without even uttering a word she pointed to the woman sitting next to her. We were NEVER ALONE. Question them Underoath with the video and Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her letter to NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos THREATENING me with the second FALSE cross complaint and you will see and hear the truth. I allege Joe Tacopina (NYPD Rape cop defender + bragged he got an Abner Louima cop off draft that letter! I allege Joe Tacopina broke the law using a fake account along with his partner second fake account to threaten me during an open investigation. I felt ethical complaints against him and his partner chad Seigel and they did not DENY they broke the law! I'm a critic and I'm questioning how many people I criticize contacted them and I'd like to question them Underoath about any preferential policing from the NYPD that they received because I think I could expose EVEN MORE UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR, abuse of power and possibly criminal activity.
By the way -- if Jeffrey Epstein was funneling $ is that money laundering....?
If you make charitable donations let's say to the Manhattan DA or to the NYPD but you expect fixing in favors preferential policing and you receive it what do you call that? What if you don't have to even make a donation what if it's barter?
Judge censured Rajika Dr F but AS USUAL I RECEIVED NO APOLOGY. The board of TRAVELERS GROUP AND CITY OF NY OWES ME AN APOLOGY FOR WHAT THEIR REPRESENTATIVES DID! To date every good human being apologizes to me what happens at the doctors except the people at the doctors office and the NYPD involved in all the wrongdoing and the goal obstruct justice along with how many of their enabler's?
You wanna understand why Jeffrey Epstein and his special services girl Friday could openly operate in New York State and New York City all these years look at my case at the doctors office!
Hi everybody. The corruption book which I wrote last year I just looked at the new preface and the typos are horrific but it also shows you the decline continues from the severe sleep deprivation. For instance when I talk about the running punched my head that made a hole in my retina I try to say that the retina is attached to the brain instead of the word attached it says "attack" . I woke up this morning I woke up over and over through the night it's very hard for me to cope with the fact the Manhattan DA and NYPD enablers for Jeffrey Epstein ENABLED more crimes in my case
SPECIAL PROSECUTOR MY CASE + Investigation FRAUD CHEAT TO WIN START W/Corp Counsel lawyers lying I was not coerced and protecting all NYPD Crimes as well as Civil rights violations NYFBI protects.
wake-up thru night 10/1/12VIOLENCE LIES THREATS dr Andrew Fagelman office very hard to cope FACT DA Cy Vance NYPD enablers Jeffrey Epstein ENABLED EVEN MORE crimes my CASE #discrimination CHEAT TO WIN Fraud.TEFLON MD office lots of NYPD patients
Please remember I endured a running punched my head so hard it made a hole in my retina and the retina is actually attached to the brain my head was shaking and I haven't slept much in almost 8 years because the NYPD and Manhattan do you enable to even more crimes the doctor and his employee committed perjury that's that's more crimes
Howard Rubenstein help to push through his client Bill Rudin Condos instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center and his other client Jeffrey Epstein he was selling the lie that because these girls weren't virgins and saints it was OK to do what Jeffrey did in fact a Jeffrey Epstein the victim. Ghislaine Maxwell brought rubenstein prince Andrew's ex-wife as a client too?
I'm only selling my book till the end of July but I tell you Rubenstein's nickname at City Hall involving Michael Bloomberg!
This is a photo of front cover and part of the back cover of my temporary emergency publication that will be out only available through July and then will be removed with my mayor Bloomberg king of New York book until I can get a publisher. The book has me confronting the Manhattan DA in front of NYU lost school for his discrimination and misogyny in my case. Before Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and it's convenient death I had him on the cover under the photograph of a Manhattan DA.
The cover also addressed me being prevented from reporting my attackers false cross-complaint with an image of me confronting the police commissioner at the time James O'Neill who also blocked me on Twitter after I tweeted audio of the police at the first precinct lying to me that I cannot report a false cross complaint! Jeffrey Epstein referred to his massage room as a massage central so I put under the map of Manhattan on the front of the cover MISOGYNIST CENTRAL and Michael Bloomberg, Top NYPD, Sheldon Silver on the cover as well as me protesting Howard Rubenstein's client Bill Rudin replacing a trauma level one hospital in the West Village that had a rape crisis center with Rudin luxury condos. I caught a retired NYPD commander trying to fix it ticket for a rude and funky and I wonder if he's involved in my case as well erasing Crimes? Rubenstein's client Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew's ex clients. Ask Ghislaine Maxwell about Rubenstein and Cy Vance?
(Cy #Racist DA)my case running punch to head like game knock out Jew MENACING,mischief,sexual assault FALSE cross complt LTR TO NYPD THREAT 2nd false crosscomplt MD OFFICE Teflon Cy Status (like he gave Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell and NYPD that told Epstein ignore a judge) 0 Arrests (my case) NYPD CRIMES MD + his employee Perjury THANKSTO CY!
I'm calling for a special prosecutor for my case involving the doctors office and the NYPD that joined in breaking laws and we're protected by Internal Affairs in the city of New York.
When we get a mayor in liters with Integrity I'm calling for an apology and I'm one of how many victims I feel that way?
My 95-year-old art teacher
friend since I'm 13
got my New York City
corruption book
she was impressed w/the
cover a collage a lot to take in.
Morgan Library
Rembrandt lecture
Rembrandt and I
same birthday but
I will be 58!
Do not buy if ur ENBLER
etc my case! Removing End of July
Don't buy my book if you were in any way involved in crimes my case other cases were the victims were threatened, coerced, If you were involved in trying to remove my YouTube's or our party to remove all of them where I had to spend all this time fighting and getting them back although Google apologized if you were part of removing the Wikipedia page about me don't buy this book I hope you get your karma. if you were involved in trying to remove my YouTube server our party to remove all of them where I had to spend all this time fighting and getting them back although Google apologized we were part of removing the Wikipedia page about me don't buy this book I hope you get your karma. Ditto anyone involved in OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE MY CASE, other cases!
Who didn't know? The Manhattan DA NYPD open enablers? The Prince Andrew Jeffrey Epstein cartoon pushing a baby carriage in the post didn't jump out an FBI or the Infamous NYPD Sex Crimes unit w/ Lt McAteer and Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy.... plus articles in NYDN NYPost 2 still up NYP deleted the sadomasochistic dinner club here in New York City that Ghislaine Maxwell took Prince Andrew to....
The article NY Post didn't delete are below scroll down...
See quote from NYDN Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy! Same top NYPD my case + Cy Vance enabled more crimes Lt Lamboy and enabled more crimes my case but on going O'Neill, Dermot Shea! Worlds greatest Detectives and sex crimes didn't know about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?
Like my case dead on arrival my case was forwarded to Internal Affairs by the NYPD Inspector general, civilian complaint review board, and the Commission To Combat Police Corruption.
👀 Ellen Pao, former Reddit
CEO and partner at
VC giant Kleiner Perkins,
says Ghislaine Maxwell
attended Kleiner's holiday
party in 2011, and "we knew"
about her alleged role in
Epstein sex trafficking.
Pao has since made
her twitter
Cy Vance says COME FORWARD
complaint!Joan Illuzzi admitted
I am a victim of a false cross complt.
At the time I did not have Delita Hooks
ltr THREAT of a 2nd False
cross complt.
She gave me the finger 3Xs
stole note I wrote
my MD
Right now there's an HBO documentary about a serial rapist Golden State Killer but this Netflix "Unbelievable" is a must see as well - even if you only watch this scene EPISODE 8 - Misogynist cop gets a call from a woman detective w/ EVIDENCE re SERIAL RAPIST. Misogynist cop had one of this serial rapist's victim, a victim of a horrific rape, practically a child FALSELY Prosecuted for FALSELY reporting a rape; they tortured her mentally tortured her in to recanting THE TRUTH. My case I have 3 damming audios of NYPD women 1) from the 1st Precinct 2) Sex Crimes and 3) a Sgt from Internal Affairs -- The misogynist boys club New York City love to have women cops do their dirty work -- anyway netflix: this poor young woman is vindicated ALTHOUGH IT TOOK way TOO LONG. It's based on a true story Marie Adler is the victim's name.
Update July 6 Great news Mom not in Hospice! Hospice aide picked up a shift!
My IPhone XS alerted me over heated and shut off! Has that happened to your iPhone.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REPORT CRIMES WHEN THE NYPD IA DA ARE ACTIVE ENABLERS... Julie Brown gets awards in contrast people don't like my style and I'm treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany well if people don't listen then I raise my voice like I'm in parliament and I'm raising it for a good reason in contrast to people who break laws and have serious anger management problems!
Delita Hooks, Dr Andrew Fagelman shaking w/
anger getting on the phone in a deposition and running out,
Det John Vergona VIOLENTLY
THREATENING me over the phone W/ arrest
In my retina if I DID NOT DROP CHARGES!
Discrimination corruption obstruction of Discrimination corruption obstruction of justice
READ McClifford Genois his statement -- click on this photo ABOVE! because I'm a blogger what I do for a living I deserve to be a victim of violence and I looked him up on LinkedIn and it appears he has federal connections and law-enforcement connections so yeah Julie Brown keeps her mouth shut about Cy Vance, NYPD, Howard Rubenstein and she wins awards. The New York Times and media that ignored how many of us is now praising her but continues to ignore us because we contacted them over and over over the years about our cases?
I feel like Michelle but I am a VICTIM of criminals and NYPD and Internal Affairs and City lawyers, I allege Joe Tacopina and I allege others involved in I allege obstructing Justice and Cy Vance ADA Tiana Walton ADA Joan Illuzzi even knew NYPD case my role!
That's humorous
you talking about
giving people
a voice.…
Get awards
but you don't have the
guts to go after the
NYPD DA enablers + Howard Rubenstein
for Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell.
Impossible to report crimes
if DA NYPD corrupt
to the core enablers
Julie Brown didn't even have
the guts to wonder out loud
why Cy Vance tried
to lower Jeffrey Epstein
sex offender status not
forced to resign or fired.
Me confronting Cy he
had been in NYU
laws School
w/ willfullymyopicPreet,
Rose Gill Hearn
FBI and openly corrupt NYPD try and save face w/ Maxwell arrest -- a public relations move that will back fire because Epstein Maxwell operated in plain sight NYC NYS - and as I know firsthand they make it impossible to report a crime if it's someone's connected.... I called the NYPD 1996 re: Epstein stealing my art w/ Maxwell involved. Maria Farmer called the NYPD and FBI same era...?
In 1996 when I told Jeffrey Epstein he was upsetting me I got a gift in the mail from him a gift certificate from that super fancy store right by the plaza hotel where his friend owned a hair salon.
For anyone who's come here and COMMITTED crimes or PARTY TO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE MY CASE GASLIGHTING LIES THREATS etc THINK YOU got away think it -- I hope you get your karma. There's another group that comes to my blog that wants my information without thanking me or acknowledging me.... and you think that is ok? Friday night prayer book the Sabbath there's a Psalm of David that has an assurance -- when you see people who've done evil may appear to prosper it's because G-d has a plan for when they fall....
Corrupt RACIST misogynist Dirty DA Cy Vance refused to prosecute NYPD DI Bologna Misogynist hate crime assaulted women OWS standing behind barrier walked up pepper sprayed them!Cy caters to $ ask him how he + NYPD enabled Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell!
My left arm some of my fingers feel numb I'm going to just rest now... PRAY FOR JUSTICE. My Mom Bronx born didn't have money went to city college - Achieved so much even skipped a grade
famous nyc public school - went to city college -- even a full scholarship to study economics and graduate level
l she has suffered so many years with her illnesses she's survive COVID-19 although she said it was painful when she passes it will be in peace finally she has sufferEd too much didn't have money she has suffered so many years with her illnesses she's survived COVID-19 although she said it was painful ---when she passes it will be in peace finally she has suffered too much
NOTE - I ENDURES A Running punch to my head so violent I had to get surgery on my retina the retina is attached to the brain I don't sleep -- there's a pile up of crimes from the doctors to the NYPD and their enabler's and on top of it my phone VOICE DICTATION -- does crazy weird things duplicates what I say and paste it puts "I" in wrong places as if tampered with! I am wiped out but just remember the Harvey Weinstein case in extremes that he and his enabler's went to to harm victims because you're allowed to in the city of New York in the state of New York?
Most Jews have celebrated Passover and there's a very clear message about certain kind of behavior but clearly those involved and protecting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell never understood...
The fact her father is buried where he's buried is also an affront.
I hope world audience will see how
corrupt New York City is New York State
Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell
his special service
his girl Friday could operate the way
they did all these years
. I was violated a violent attack
at a doctors office Soho
and again enablers Epstein
also made sure I didn't get justice?
No mainstream media would report
NYDN 2015! The New York Times
killing the news along with the
New York post
only after Jeffrey was arrested
in New York years later?
I put Jeffrey Epstein name up top Cy Vance Manhattan DA one term blog and despite everything his role in the Jeffrey Epstein case and he had to know about Maxwell he still here he hasn't been forced to resign! He hasn't been questioned under oath in a public arena and he should be but even prince Andrew was forced to resign not the Manhattan DA or NYPD enabler's!
Did Ghislaine Maxwell FUEL
cultivated encourage
WANTED $, so did Prince Andrew
his allowance not enough to live
vapid $oulless existence they value?
RM GM the real
Blackmailers used S&M?…
You're going to find two articles if you go to misogynist blog and look at the links that the New York post did not delete that are a must read and by the way I work my buns off (I went thru NYP archive to find them! Not fun.) I haven't slept in almost 8 years if you feel like making a donation to me a PayPal please do it. What's worse is when people take my work and they don't acknowledge me don't thank me. One of the two articles talks about prince Andrew and evil creep Ghislaine Maxwell.
Hi if there's anyone thinking about ripping off my work I have another suggestion why don't you make a donation to my PayPal
and acknowledge me.
Thank you. I understand I'm suffering from PTSD I'm highly repetitive and it's hard to follow I'm a victim of violence my civil rights were violated....
S and M is a Ghislaine Maxwell theme that 1) S and M BLACKMAIL TABLOID cover 1986 2) Ghislaine Maxwell Prince Andrew S and M 2) NY Post pieces 1 deleted 1 after hard work I found.
Look at the dates of the New York post articles and I'm telling you when it's been deleted and falls at Chelsea New York dinner club S and ;M with prince Andrew. I don't know if Howard Rubenstein made a phone call to make that article disappear or someone did? Two damning articles that are still Up from way back(see link) but they did not catch the attention of the NYPD Sex crimes or the FBI or US attorney all these years or One Police Plaza for that matter.
I found this photo in 2015 on the "spotlight abuse" website and posted a link in my blog post below 2015 -- The header for my blog post at that time was that Maxwell a pimp! Could you imagine if the New York FBI use my work my research my information and that's the same FBI that a protected civil rights violations in my case? Wow! Do you think this covers interesting and then investigators would question her about that.
I found that black-and-white photo here on this blog post which was in my pimp 2015 post above!
That cartoon click on it take a good look at it it was in the New York post it's been deleted the only thing missing is Maxwell. I wish I knew the date and I'm siting fair used to share it with you I had it on my 2015 blog but I think published years earlier?
NYPD DA enabled Epstein. The amount of NYPD caught raping or preying on victims staggering but here are 2 jaw-dropping examples NEVER ARRESTED BY NYPD. FBI mostly looks away?
It's not a few bad apples and there's a major problem with screening and supervisors I can tell you my case top cops have been involved in obstructing justice protecting NYPD Crimes including falsifying police reports and coursing me with a hole in my retina and cervical damage.
Ex-NYPD Lt McAteer from Sex Crimes and Internal Affairs arrested raping minors but his NYPD career Teflon ARREST in Long Island.
Retired NYPD The lieutenant from Sex Crimes and Internal Affairs gets 18 years for raping two teens it's a horrific story you'd have to investigate it but no problems with NYPD Internal Affairs and all the years he worked here in New York City do the math. READ the NYDN see how Cy Vance -- guilty in my case guilty and Epstein case refused to prosecute the other bad Lieutenant Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy!
The articles NYPD on THE OTHER BAD LT of Sex Crimes Lt lamboy are many --- My case I've audio Sex Crimes detective a woman lying to me... What do you think it's a coincidence that you could have two lieutenants of sex crime better so depraved and no one not one to tactor for Supervisor or Internal Affairs noticed anything? Read NYDN!
Alan: Ghislaine Maxwell lured me
to Jeffrey Epstein at age 34.
If I had travelled w/ them
lured into sex w/them
and his friends as I think
their objective isn't that
sex trafficking/Mann act
at any age
tricking people
into a sex industry
and who knows
what else?
Epstein is a monster was -- I know it now fully even without knowing everything because with the public don't even know half of it clearly but I'm just wondering if she took what she was doing with her father and that would include possibly blackmailing people... and "groomed" or encouraged-- not that he needed much encouragement...?
Update 5:30 am next day - no one wondering how all this unfolded in plain sight just like my case at the doctors office in your face Blatant Crimes my Civil rights violations in PLAIN SIGHT FOR YEARS (With powerful enablers) This was going on with the former US attorney and the Manhattan DA not noticing are you kidding the Manhattan DA was an active guilty participant in the Epstein case that involves child trafficking and I made sure that Maxwell was Teflon as well all these years.
Again it's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.
Ask the judge that wanted Jeffrey Epstein to have court appointed hearings if she was aware of Jeffrey skipping these hearings as advised by the NYPD I'd like to hear her response?
I want the names of the NYPD and their boss is just like my case I don't even know what some of these cops look like but they know what I look like I want them question under oath televised along with the top cops including SHEA/O'Neill/Bratton/RAY Kelly!
I asked Judge Lynn Kotler if see something say something applies to Judges and I pointed out that new York city lawyers Corporation counsel lawyers lied in court in her court she said see something deaths and say something doesn't apply to judges! Not her purview. My case Judge Allison Nathan refused to meet me and shortly there after she let a retired NYPD cop who was caught driving in NYPD Sgt avoid jail. The NYPD need to be held accountable and they have no shame no remorse and like Epstein and Maxwell were and are confident there a Buffalo which they were for how many years openly here in New York like the doctor and the woman who violated my patient rights my body -- Like the golden state killer A COP W/ no empathy or shame all these criminals had no criminal record and operated freely TEFLON FOR YEARS. The NYPD have a failed psychological evaluation screening but again all the wrongdoing was protected by Internal Affairs and still is in our cases and FBI protecting their NYPD IA brothers!
US Attorney THANKED NY FBI SWEENEY NYPD POLICE DER@OT SHEA WHO STILL HAVE NOT MENTIONED THE NAMES OF NYPD THAT TOLD JEFFREY EPSTEIN IGNORE JUDGE! Jeffrey Epstein money laundering w/ Ghislaine Maxwell $ + X real estate etc.? NYPD control press passed! 6pm last night: DEVASTATING: Reminds me why there's so many protest because there's really no hope it appears to me the fix is in Manhattan DA and top cop still have their jobs and way too much power that they have been abused they are abusing...? Why the NYPD under Shea DEFUNDED 1 billion but US attorney thanks this corrupt misogynist Police commissioner and the head of the New York FBI like a scene out of showtimes billions! TV show billions is not shy by the way about judges being corrupt for sale as well... NYPD control press passes but this is beyond that the fact that the major news outlets here in New York we're killing news for how many years...and still are! Hello, wasn't a judge OK destroying evidence in GHISLAINE Maxwell case the other day?
Fire DA Cy Vance question him ADA Gaffney and other ADAs our case along with top cops for years obstructing justice in our cases! Can we take Mr Sweeney at his word? I believe Misogynist corrupt Shea shares Rubenstein's attitude about Epstein (and Maxwell's) victim -- see photo I took up a court document quoting Howard Rubenstein on behalf of Epstein. That really sums up the attitude of the Manhattan DMV NYPD for years NOTHING HAS CHANGED BUT SHEA GETS A NOD AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE!
@WSJ To see US Attorney thank NYPD top misogynist Dermot Shea mocked my protest NYPD DA role Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Case my Case Dr Andrew Fagelman Office Violated NYPD guilty too my case joke to Shea enabler. Was her husband a partner when this ltr drafted?…
How ironic in 2011 I contacted the New York post I called them I learned them the Jeffrey Epstein was in the free sex offender app and their bosses did not want the public to know they weren't willing to share that story only I shared it on my misogynist New York City blog Updated I tweeted to the FBI my other account w/ the US attorney's press and I tweeted to the FBI my other account the US attorney's press tweet SICKENING! Mr Sweeney: NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer broke laws in my case. He erased crimes! Did he get promoted to the NYPD FBI Task Force? Task force raided JE's properties? We had a US attorney's Southern District of woman thank a police commissioner who is openly the most racist misogynist corrupt dirty cruelest police commissioner who openly laughed at me as I protest at the special treatment of Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell By top NYPD Manhattan DA along w/ my case seeFlyer he and his guys thought was so funny but guess what people passing by took it and they didn't think it's funny and the city of New York doesn't think it's funny but Corporation counsel if they would call Hearing maybe the FBI and NYPD would be getting the praise that they should not be getting?
To see a woman US attorney Southern District thank our police commissioner is sickening and Mr Sweeney had no idea all these years? Preet Bharara has no idea and that got him a soft landing NYU. The people connected to Jeffrey Epstein like Rubenstein were in our connected to NYU! !
I protested Misogynist Cy Vance and Dermot Shea! Shea invited accidental governor Dave Paterson to his pal police athletic league luncheon Dave who I try to intimidate a victim of spousal abuse by 6 foot nine best friend Dave Johnson that's his attitude towards women to MOCK to make a joke of violence even rape..? Watch -- sickening to me heart wrenching to see the police commissioner praise by the US attorney Southern District
Dave Paterson's Dad so connected = Dave Teflon and like former US Attorney Preet Bharara -- NYU arranged soft landings.
NYS NYC misogyny central -- I made that as a verbal comment on Jeffrey Epstein he told me his massage room was misogynist central. I believe the US attorney has signal that misogyny rules and there is no hope -- Sweeney was here all these years and Shea is The most openly misogynist nasty vicious hateful police commissioner ever.
including law enforcement etc
MEDIA knew NYPD violated my CIVIL RIGHTS
broke laws to erase crimes Dr ANDREW Fagelman office DO NOT BUY REMOVING BOOKS END OF MONTH!
Do not buy my book if you were involved in any way to make sure that I was not to get justice I want to come after you if I am murdered if I die prematurely I want you arrested if you think you're going to get away with it I pray that you were exposed over and over for what you've done to me and who else?
If you were a lawyer either on the books or off the books that engage in the goal to commit fraud to cheat to win I hope that you get disbarred I want to come after you don't buy my books! If I felt ethical complain and you didn't respond and you were silent then I'm gonna ask why you bought my book when you chose to be silent and why the ethical committee let you go on and on and on because what we're seeing is people can be a buffalo off for decades so however long it takes whom ever was involved from lawyers to law-enforcement Political figures whom ever I don't want you buying my book. I'm going to remove it because I'm hoping eventually I can get an agent and editors and a company to help me rather than have to do it all by myself and I've been coping with my mother dying for half a decade which is really hard and she got COVID-19 along with being almost completely paralyzed from Parkinson's she's had cancer a blood clot embolism in her leg so I am beyond exhausted I don't sleep because I'm a victim of violence and wake up to three times a night because I was punched in the head at the doctors and sexually assaulted I told the NYPD they refused to meet me and lied and police reports and falsified and downgraded crimes.
Political figures whom ever I don't want you buying my book. I'm going to remove it because I'm hoping eventually I can get an agent and editors and a company to help me rather than have to do it all by myself and I've been coping with my mother dying for half a decade which is really hard and she got cover 19 along with being almost completely paralyzed from Parkinson's she's had cancer a blood clot embolism in her leg so I am beyond exhausted I don't sleep because I'm a victim of violence and wake up to three times a night because I was punched in the head at the doctors and sexually assaulted I told the NYPD they refused to meet me and lied and police reports and falsified and downgrade Crimes
CHEAT TO WIN That's what has been done every step of the way with my case.... Including the city of New York's own lawyers under Bloomberg and de Blasio!
How many millionaires and billionaires have been violating the Mann Act.
Why doesn't the governor the city Council wanna investigate sex trafficking OK let's say they say that it's a federal investigation what about the NYPD in Manhattan DA those involved in the Epstein Maxwell case why haven't they been forced to resign it or suspended why doesn't the public know anything about it just like my case it's not a point of interest when it should be along with how many other people? That's why I'm calling for Internal Affairs to be questioned Underoath and are many cases it's got to be every month until people feel that they're being finally heard and the NYPD Internal Affairs and dirty DAs are held accountable.Why doesn't the governor the city Council wanna investigate sex trafficking OK let's say they say that it's a federal investigation what about the NYPD in Manhattan DA those involved in the Epstein Maxwell case why haven't they been forced to resign it or suspended why doesn't the public know anything about it just like my case it's not a point of interest when it should be along with how many other people? That's why I'm calling for Internal Affairs to be questioned under oath in our many cases it's got to be every month until people feel that they're being finally heard and the NYPD Internal Affairs and dirty DAs are held accountable
You'll notice that the New York Times acknowledges me as the first person to comment on my comment is not up there because again I'm a victim of censorship by Howard Rubenstein's good friends is what I a ledge even though he's so elderly just like Robert Morgenthau his reputation Hass to be protected at the expense of the ugly truth my allegations...
Before I share other photos I want you to see a New York Times article around the Nixon era re: Henry Buhl -- made introductions just like Ghislaine Maxwell did Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein I'm gonna say specifically in a way to lore people to take their money and give it to them like he did for Vesco.
The NY Times Henry Buhl -- if there was an internet then would he still be catered to by the NYPD? Well Jeffrey Epstein was? How about Maxwell?
Appears to me that top NYPD from a Bloomberg era to de Blasio We're catering to the richest of the rich and SoHo like Henry Buhl - Got in a legal battle to inherit mega millions from his mother or the Mercer Hotel who I believe at the time was in part One by Jeffrey Epstein who is very much involved with the front man if that hotel who's Manager had the NYPD on speed dial as I was to learn and become a victim of the NYPD that we're catering to the richest of the rich as well as a doctor in my case!
I am confronting this creep I call Henry Buhl-shit. I called the real Henry Buhl foundation with the name and alerted them that perhaps this guy was trying to pass himself or probably wouldn't mind if people thought they were one in the same or somehow connected but they are the real Henry Buhl philanthropist had no surviving relatives. Buhl would get darling media Epstein... hmmm... I MADE UP THE TERM "ECONOMIC RACISM" TO DESCRIBE NYPD POLICING FOR INSTANCE....PREFERENTIAL POLICING... THEY WOULD WALK PAST A FAKE NYPD PARKING PLACARD TO TICKET A DYING HANDICAP KOREAN ERA WAR VETERAN WHO WAS DYING OF PROSTATE CANCER FOR Michael Rawson WHO USED HOW MANY ACCOUNTS TO HARASS ME ON YOUTUBE AND I ALLEGE HE REMOVED A YOUTUBE OF NYPD PO SCHATZ ILLEGALLY USING HIS SIRENS ON ANOTHER ARTIST'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL!
Someone told me Buhl allegedly rumor he had raped younger woman I have no idea but I just know if there's any rapes any sexual salt any crimes involving these types including my case at the doctors you're not allowed to report at the NYPD will prevent you any way possible they will break laws like they did in my. someone told me a rumor that he had raped a younger woman I have no idea but I just know if there's any rapes any sexual assault any crimes involving these types including my case at the doctors you're not allowed to report at the NYPD will prevent you any way possible they will break laws like they did in my case
Ghislaine Maxwell was operating on a whole other level as we are learning but still do not know...
Wishing everyone safe passage through this frightening time best of health to you and your love ones thank you
I called the NYPD I spoke to Det. in 1996 in the New York Times has me on their website 17 times but they're not sharing anything because how many times have I contacted them with news like other media and they killed it to protect the rich and the powerful the connected?
Or even supposedly liberal left wing politicians that have blocked me on Twitter like Melissa Mark Viverito and that guy from Queens who wanted to be the Queens DA I'm like how can you block a victim of NYPD Crimes of violent crime and want to be Queens DA?Or even supposedly liberal left wing politicians that have blocked me on Twitter like Melissa mark the retail and that guy from Queens who wanted to be the Queens DA I'm like how can you block a victim of NYPD Crimes of violent crime and want to be a Manhattan Queens DA ? ADA Joan Illuzzi w/ ADA Tiana Walton - protected all crimes they knew the NYPD broke laws in my case they protected all crimes in my case they're all political they're all cow towing to the rich and powerful along with the media with people like Rubenstein who have so much pull in the media, w/ NYPD and DA? I xeroxed that letter and wrote the Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau -- who was not shy about telling Bob Hurst pay his taxes on an art work he bought but the DA was silent about my allegations against Epstein and Maxwell. He could have picked up the phone and called Jeffrey Epstein and held him accountable but he didn't. Not news.... THE New York Times HAS BEEN KILLING NEWS INVOLVING ME AND INFORMATION ON THIS BLOG LIKE FOR INSTANCE HOWARD RUBENSTEIN'S ROLE? ONE OF HIS SON'S A FORMER US ATTORNEY? I DON'T KNOW I AM ASKING.
I believe that Robert Maxwell Ghislaine Maxwell were the ones doing the blackmailimh and it was arranged to make them look like the victim and then she got Jeffrey Epstein involved in blackmail my guess. You will notice sadomasochistic theme that continued on with her and Epstein.... and prince Andrew so much so the New York post removed one article involving her and prince Andrew but I found another one they did not remove!
Here you can read to New York post articles you'll want to read one includes ass than I am and her and Prince Andrew.
Thank you YouTube thanks for alerting me Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on my Suzannahartist channel.
I was not allowed to report crimes involving Dr Andrew Fagelman's office (I have audios, DD5s, Delita Hooks letter threatening me with a 2nd false cross complaint but I don't have Justice because City of NY played a role in protecting all crimes! Sounds familiar? And reminder I reported Jeffrey Epstein in 1996 called the NYPD and speaking to a detective!
America NYC Gov NYS getting wake-up call after wake-up call. I was the only one to risk possibly my life to share Eric Garner his handwritten lawsuit in his own writing filed under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly,
I am an outspoken, peaceful activist and whistle blower. 0ct 1, 2012 I did peace prayers at Integral Yoga, protested Rudin luxury condos replacing a Trauma Level 1 Hospital w/ a Rape Crisis center. I went to get a cyst removed by Dr Vine and left w/ a hole in my retina from Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying employee who targeted me as someone WHO HAS NO RIGHTS!
Before I was VIOLATED AT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN's 155 Spring st nyc I was loud protesting ECTP aka 911 tech system a response to Sept 11 not working properly and I yelled down Bloomberg at a press conference -- than Hurricane Sandy came and proved me right - 1 billion tax payer dollars overbudget and does not work properly! Over 8 million People rely on 911 nyc! Discrimination is calling an outspoken woman a confrontative C#nt.
PTSD excruciating insomnia isn't a choice.
I was suppose to be safe at a doctor's!
Delita Hooks discriminated against me - singled me out, yelled at me I have no rights!
So far it seems everyone in a position of power to take action in my case agrees...?
my patient rights, my body and more repeatedly violated, please google Dr. Fagelman assault YouTube and share
You'll find a YouTube October 4, 2012 when "Ajohn" on behalf of "Delite" aka Delita Hooks started on line gaslighting lies. I was savagely assaulted VIOLATED at Dr F's office 155 Spring St nyc oct 1, 2012. YouTube has over 760,000 views on how not to treat someone. My patient rights were violated my body repeatedly violated and there's no remorse zero apologies just more lies even perjury and EVEN more ABUSIVE so imagine coping with coronavirus fear living nyc because I wasn't safe at a doctor's office.
I am Jewish. Circa 80 years ago over 6 millions of my People were rounded up robbed of everything mass murdered.
2012 Soho NYC NYS I am yelled at THAT I HAVE NO RIGHTS AND REPEATEDLY VIOLATED my patient rights and my body! I continue to be treated like a Jew in the Early stages of Nazi Germany until I have Justice!
2015 I received a tweet I defend Black People poetic justice I was assaulted by a Black person #dumbcuntlivesmatter? (Someone connected to NYPD?)
FYI I've also donated my white blood cells twice, gallons of my platelets and I didn't ask race religion gender; I asked how I could help.
I was and continue to be discriminated against the City of NY, a creepy unethical doctors office who continues to lie and gaslight along w/ government agencies nyc NYS.
See her Delita Hooks letter THREATENING me (by name - she got my name I allege by stealing a note I wrote my MD and destroying that note) w/ a 2nd false cross complaint to NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer signed off on by NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos. Top cops, Internal Affairs and the City of NY had this letter but their strategy was and is use Ron Kuby's letter to say case closed - he wrote I drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges. That is shorthand for coercion. Delita Hooks got my name by violating my patient rights which she and her employer did again and again. Dr Fagelman took the Hippocratic oath and every gov employee that broke laws or obstructs justice also took an oath they violated as well.
Dr Fagelman did not investigate what happened. He lied under oath it didn't take place on his property. He never took the measures to provide a safe place by having guidelines and more. He chose to lie about me and diminish me to his patients w/ Delita Hooks to attempt to justify the unjustifiable.
I did not provoke Delita Hooks. She provoked me over and over. First I tried to get help and when she followed me and gave me the finger 3x after yelling at me who are you? (Discrimination) you HAVE NO RIGHTS! Because I asked would you consider paper cups instead of styrofoam it is better for Mother Earth.
I became a human piñata and my arm was numb from 2 numbing injections in my arm to remove a cyst. I was hold bags and my phone when my body was violated repeatedly...
I am owed apologies and more.
I would like Justice.
Many of the crimes including by NYPD have no Statute as well as other guilty of threatening me during an open investigation as I allege Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel did as well as NYPD Det John Vergona.
The NYPD Inspector general, the civilian complaint review board, the Commission To Combat Police Corruption, all forwarded my case to Internal Affairs to die "dead on arrival". They should be forced to follow up on our cases and put on their websites how many of our cases they forwarded DOA!
There's a wall around the Justice system.
I am one of too many victims that know this first hand..
iPhone Please excuse terrible typos I endured a savagely violent assault Google Dr Fagelman assault all involved are Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein was and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by corrupt NYPD and DA
Unlawful Retaliation my Case How many involved in Retaliation? In breaking more laws to ERASE CRIMES
Oct 1, 2012 I WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED -- first I was threatened by Dr. Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks w/ her goal to slap the shit out of my ass. Prior to that from behind the medical reception desk she yelled at me that I have no rights ! She did a running punch to my head like the game knockout the Jew punching a hole in my retina. I had to get emergency surgery the Friday before my false arrest date Saturday 4 PM unless I dropped charges.
I cannot fathom the extent of the unlawful Retaliation many involved how far did they go besides party to goal coerce me cover-up falsified police reports filing threats to me during an open investigation coordinating threatening me w/ arrest unless I drop charges with Delita Hooks false cross complaint which she was instructed to file. Withholding her letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint which also underscores that they knew she committed second-degree assault the city also withheld that letter besides the detective Squad a Internal Affairs. It took me never giving up to get that letter 1/2 a decade letter...
The city withheld that in every court and there are audios where you hear audios 01 NYPD, Internal Affair Sgt Mary O'Donnell, Sex Crimes Det V all women by the way lying to me citing Ron Kuby's letter when I never had a chance to even meet him, his letter short hand for I am being coerced when they had the letter in response which is a serious crime. By the way we did not have my attacker's name (Kuby letter: I will drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges) but no one investigating asked how did Delita Hooks get my name including Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry....
I cannot comprehend the amount of people involved in the goal to retaliate against me .... just how far crossing the line into criminal wrongdoing doing in terms of their shared goal retaliation and how many or even who are involved in HOW FAR DID THEY GO FOR DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS AND THE NYPD THAT FALSIFIED DD5s police reports to erase sexual assault etc and when did it become "unlawful retaliation"...
but let's start with One Police Plaza -- it would take at least 1 cop with integrity in a position of power to come forward and how many years am I going to have to wait for that to happen?
How far did they go and how many laws did they break in their goal to retaliate against me as well as protect a medical doctor who's got lots of NYPD patients, gov employee patient and who knows how many other connected patients and friends..?
Ditto the Manhattan DA office...?
Did of the New York City Comptroller office..?
Ditto Corporation and Counsel starting with Michael Bloomberg administration then de Blasio n going..,,
How many are involved that were retired law-enforcement or retired from the DA like I allege Joe TACOPINA...?
What about James Toomey Travelers? Did Travelers contact anyone involved from Corporation Counsel who on behalf of the defendants lied that I was not coerced and withheld evidence to protect their clients lies?
Why did travelers legal team make a complete mockery of my patient rights my body Violated in a deposition, ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy, and have one concern and one concern only was I going to repeal my lawsuit against NYPD?
Suzannah B. Troy
@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC .@TishJames Unlawful Retaliation I can't fathom extent 1PP NYPD IA to cover up running punch2my head hole in my retina sexual assault. Was James Toomey party since Travelers legal mocked it all + asked if I am to re-appeal lawsuit against NYPD. Lt Burgos database threat of arrest
8/9/21, 9:15 AM
I don't believe that Tish James is going to help me because again it gets down to politics. Loretta Lynch is an advisor to her and I contacted Ms Lynch and Eric Holder re: my case and Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit. I also Calked Loretta Lynch twice when US attorney Southern District Preet Bharara and Cy Vance refuse to prosecute ECTP 911 tech crooks. I pointed out because PSAC1 won the first command center is in Brooklyn she could take action.
The NYS attorney general has complaint filing from me Against the Manhattan DA refusing to take action St Vincent's Hospital crooks (who knew Cy was doing Howard Rubenstein a favor since Rudin Condos like Jeffrey Epstein were HR's client's. No one's going to be asking who made the phone call to try and lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status except me. I continue to file complaints against the DA including for what was done to me. That was before Tish James was elected but I also fear she will retaliate against me because I called for Dave Paterson to resign for his role and witness tampering.
Suzannah B. Troy
@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC .@TishJames Unlawful Retaliation I can't fathom extent 1PP NYPD IA to cover up running punch2my head hole in my retina sexual assault. Was James Toomey party since Travelers legal mocked it all + asked if I am to re-appeal lawsuit against NYPD. Lt Burgos database threat of arrest
8/9/21, 9:15 AM
The extent of the retaliation, discrimination and or party to or knowledge of more crimes committed to erase crimes involving Dr Andrew Fagelman's office starting w/ Delita Hooks repeatedly VIOLATING MY PATIENT RIGHTS AND BODY, how she hot my name, the fact Dr Fagelman was involved in goal w/ goal coerce me as Hooks stated he instructed her to alert him everytime NYPD Det Andrew Fagelman called when Dr F committed perjury he had nothing to do with the NYPD and lied under oath that he did not investigate because it did not happen on his property YET He admitted discussing me doctor Vine's patient with his patients without investigating + goal to CHEAT LIE WIN by any and all parties some who I still do not know (who Did Dr. Andrew Fagelman call when he had anger management problems in a deposition and got on the phone running out who did he call?) IN ALL LEGAL PROCEEDINGS by government officials including the police commissioner, so far I allege: 4 ongoing... 2 chiefs internal affairs ongoing etc, the Manhattan DA Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, ADA Joan Illuzzi, Special investigator Siobhan Berry they were like Cy Vance ADA Jennifer Gaffney trying to lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex Offender status it is impossible that they and top cops NYPD Sex Crimes did not know all of the above but just how many people are involved in retaliation of me and participated in covering up breaking laws or enabling even more including protecting falsified police reports downgrading all crimes including sexual assault to 0 protecting the doctors office I allege Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Joe TACOPINA party to goal of the NYPD to coerce me. I allege Joe TACOPINA as YouTuber Bob Dobalina behind CUNT threat to turn the tables on me and that he drafted the letter Delita Hooks submitted threatening me with a second false cross complaint that was withheld from me for over half a decade including in 4 courts Because the city of New York and how many government agencies including Corporation Counsel withheld that letter another crime threatening me with a second False cross complaint recognizing that the NYPD had fabricated a mutual third- degree and threaten me with it succeeding in coursing me the letter acknowledged as I can come back because she committed second-degree assault but she will file a second False cross complaint. All along there have been Gaslighter is trying to convince me I antagonized her it was not true she targeted me from the moment I sat down and she's admitted that in a deposition were like her boss she committed a lot of Perjury including both of them lying that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later when she moved out two weeks later. Delita Hooks confirm Dr. Andrew Fagelman committed perjury about having nothing to do with the NYPD when she stated he instructed her to alert him every time NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer called. NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on all the paperwork refused to have any contact with me turns out he is in the water down database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest. Internal and Affairs has protected these cops who committed how many crimes? PO Schatz finally arrested 9 yrs after I reported him for drunk driving. He used his car like a weapon on behalf of the Mercer Hotel and who owned the Mercer Hotel at the time? Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's cozy pal.
Suzannah Troy
@suzannahbtroy @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives @NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC @TishJames .@TishJames .@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCL
a "McClifford Genois" came
to youtube dr fagelman assault,
commented I got what
I deserve because
of what I do for a living.
Does he have knowledge
or PARTY "Unlawful
RETALIATION" my case?…
8/9/21, 1:30 PM
Iallege and question whether James Toomey and possible Ed Fogerty as well as other lawyers involved knew that the doctor was well aware his employee has anger management problems that he was alerted prior to the attack and they were where their clients were committing perjury in my case but the priority was not ethics but winning...
Did James Toomey Travelers legal division contact Corporation and Counsel? Why did travelers ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy why did they ask me if I was going to re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD, Iallege Travelers and the city chose to be party to cheat lie win. Travelers is well aware that the doctor Dr Andrew Fagelman committed perjury even stating the attack did not happen on his property and that he did not know she was volatile when he did he had read the first yelp review who doesn't read their first yelp review?
Why did the travelers lawyer join the doctor and making a mockery of the violence my patient Rights a Violated why did the travelers lawyer ask me why didn't I get a hysterectomy? Why did the travelers lawyer ask me am I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD?
Did any lawyers a Travelers group or connected to travelers group or Ed Fogerty make contact with the NYPD 1Pp any city or government official any corporation council employee?
If you're well aware your client is lying in legal proceedings and you go along with it have you been party to committing fraud or any type of crime? How many government agencies had investigators that had to of known about a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second False cross complaint to the attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer?
There's no doubt I was retaliated against and that my life has no value so it's OK we just learned that perhaps it's because I'm a blogger and YouTuber on a comment from someone who was a federal investigator?
#DumbCuntLivesMatter? Ed Winski Gene Schatz, Det Vergona, Det Dwyer,Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen's attitude?
NYPD top cops #DumbCuntLivesMatter?
Scroll Down for blog archive
See this box keep looking down below until you see the archive of this months posts on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell getting Teflon status from Cy Vance and NYPD like my case with Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks Teflon! Epstein finally lost his Teflon Status! Who's next?
Jeffrey Epstein Thought about moving to Dubai published in the NY Post Page 6 Years ago! Who contacted the NY Post to print that blurb? The real reason Jeffrey Epstein wanted fake passports was because he was thinking of leaving the country?
Pinned Tweet to NYPD PC O'Neill Evidence Obstruction of Justice, Civil Rights Violated
In the tweet below is audio evidence proving the 1st Precinct obstructed me prevented me from reporting my attackers false cross-complaint Sergeant Chen was the supervisor on duty for the detective squad and he also violates protocol refusing to come down and face me. Earlier we had a conversation on the phone and he admitted a false cross complaint is a crime and I am allowed to report it but when I got to the precinct the fix was in yet again obstruction of justice yet again! I have a series of audios approve NYPD IA Crimes complicity Party to falsifying police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes, videos, police reports, my attacker Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her letter to Det Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me again the letter recognizes she committed second-degree assault and I could come back and file second-degree salt charges but I better not or she will file a second false cross complaint! Nypd Lieutenant Angelo Burgos signed off on the letter and DI Ed Winski knew about it! Winski was doing a favor for a playboy bunny that later killed her small child and her self and allegedly NYPD James O'Neill help facilitate a gun licensing for her as well! feel free to donate to support my blog, hard work, courage click on the artwork, watch the YouTube -- to contact me for intell & interviews. I am Mae West meets Mike Wallace = Suzannah B. Troy PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOU/TUBE CHANNEL
City of NY Owes Me an Apology for NYPD Detectives/Supervisors Committing Crimes in My Case
@LisaEvers@NYPDByrne Use Kuby ltr to pretend 0 crimes teach me a cunt/ball buster a lesson inspired RICO NYPD chronic lying DD5s/Perjury, NYPD app tracker, permanent commission NYPD IA (pay to play) DA, DA NYPD Apology Wall. Pile-up is crimes from MD-NYPD IA no statue of Limitations lying threats etc
I have worked so hard and suffered so much and it all started at a doctors office where was supposed to be safe and in the NYPD detective squad 1st Precinct joined in and it turns out their Facebook friends with the first copy ever reported to internal affairs NYPD PO Eugene Schatz and his partner Det Tommy Moran. I left a voicemail for Det Moran The next morning I got a gay bashing, put down email in response to me being critical of his new partner and if you don’t think that’s disgusting look at Community affairs Schatz’s f you facebook profile. All involved in breaking laws First Precinct behaves like the Ku Klux Klan hiding as they either directly broke laws or obstructed justice you can hear audio posted on YouTube from inside the 1st Precinct as Sgt Chen refuses to come downstairs so today I don’t have his first name or batch number he violates protocol and he backs up the woman cop lying to me that I can’t report my attackers pass cross complaint.
Top NYPD IA acted on BobDobalina fake youtube Acct I allege Joe Tacopina of NYPD Rape cop/Abner Louima infamy - I allege they have and are still acting on his contract to destroy me turn the tables on me if I take any legal action Zachary Carter included is acting on this using Ron Kuby‘s letter to turn the tables on me to pretend that there were no crimes when our pile up from the doctors to the police department on going including internal affairs role.
Update Prospect Park Rape Victim suffering 23 yrs because Bratton protected John Miller’s wrong doing allowing him to grow rich — like me NYPD prejudice so they obstructed Justice NYPD IA guilty how many cases years on going?
I spent years of my life having to be my own private investigator acting as my own lawyer with a zero legal training because I couldn’t imagine cashing out my life savings or getting a mortgage to hire a criminal defense attorney for running punched my head my body violated including my vaginal area by a doctors receptionist has a violent manipulative liar but she wasn’t alone in wrong doing and she was not fired or arrested.
My jackets on display by the exit sign of the Sept 11 Museum but now I just feel ill I know there are some good NYPD officers but there are very few and their punished and often they leave as soon as I can retire with mostly the bad one stay on and on and on... Chief Reznick head of IA named in lawsuit for calling NYPD whistleblower a rat so I guess Bill Bratton decided that qualifies him to be head of internal affairs and ditto for please commissioner James O’Neill proving they are corrupt! Resign take Zachary Carter - he obstructed justice redacting documents playing doctor Redacto lower Eastside nursing home and he’s been lying in my case, lied NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha and he supports Larry Bryne’s civil rights action to disallow us info on NYPD’s bad resumes! feel free to donate to support my blog, hard work, courage; also you can scroll all the way down on your right is my archive; you can also see the miniature image of my portrait Mayor Bloomberg king of New York...
Since Oct 2012 the City of New York starting with NYPD Detectives from the first Precinct committed serious crimes after I was savagely assaulted 2nd degree assault, menacing by Delita Hooks, Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist/office manager who also lied during an open investigation, filed a false cross complaint and signed a letter most likely drafted by the idiot corrupt misogynist creep Joe Tacopina openly threatening me. All the corrupt NYPD and Internal Affairs NYPD that either directly broke laws or are guilty being a party to coercion, threatening me, covering up the crimes have been protected by the City of New York and Corp Counsel who bold face lies. I have set up my pay pal I have no idea if it works but I have spent a fortune attempting to get Justice while Bloomberg and de Blasio corp counsel continue to openly lie stating the NYPD and Internal Affairs acted with in their scope and they use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced and the NYPD did not lie in police reports as well as act on a misogynist hate crime threat again most likely Joe Tacopina who is I am right committed the misogynist hate crime threat during an open investigation.
This is clearly relation for my blog, YouTubes and activism.
.@NYPDONeill Joe Tacopina oggled me so I turned my iPhone on him asked y RAPES up underreported? Makesme confrontative Cunt NYPD protected fixing favors?
Dr Andrew Fagelman was asked by Private Investigator did he talk to NYPD he said NO COMMENT
Mike Bloomberg Portrait
Painting turned Political Poster
Crazy Violent Psychos of this Blog that belong in Jail?
1) Barbara Ricci (written up in the NY Times crime section for (read it below in NYT link) for attempting to run over her neighbor's daughter and also assaulting a police officer at a PTA meeting? see the NY Times article and read it -- it sounds like "Serial Mom. Before I knew she was a violent lunatic poser more suited for The Howard Stern Show Ricci was a fan of this blog and me. She wanted to give me a press pass and a spot on a reality TV show but she showed her true colors attacking mayor Bloomberg Jewish Racketeer for CityTime when in fact Rudy Giuliani gave us CityTime a crappy payroll system and enlisted SAIC notorious for massively over billing and delivering crap -- Rudy isn't Jewish. The NY Times reporter was also slandered libeled what ever but apparently she has no more and he did not pursue suing her. When she started writing lies about me I looked her up and found this a lot of other people that think she is anti-Semitic or racist or crazy... Read the NY Times article and tell me what you think.
I think she and everyone that lied are the type of people that blame Rape Victims all the women in the nurse pjs also lied and Dr Fagelman protected all of them and did not fire Delita Hooks as if he received assurances from the NYPD they would threaten me and coerce me and force me to drop charges against my will.
This was under mayor Bloomberg where being a critic of the mayor, team Bloomberg and the Oligarchs of NY means the NYPD are willing to break laws and they are confident they will be protected especially if they break laws involving a critic. I am waiting for a New Commission in to Police, Internal Affairs and DA Corruption plus the NYPD app tracker -- report crimes the NYPD won't let you including their own.
3) The NYPD and Internal Affairs all involved in lying-in police reports, protecting Delita Hooks pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to the First Precinct to Internal Affairs to 1 Police Plaza.
Do you think the NYPD involved in my case are crazy violent liars? I do.
4) Michael Rawson obsessed with me for 6 years now and last night through this am has been threatening me with harassment via YouTube unless I remove YouTubes which are not mine. He thinks I have these 2 YouTube channels that are mine which aren't but Rawson doesn't seem to be in touch with reality. Like Barbara Ricci he lies about me but in his case it is his Facebook page dedicated to ranting about me -- one example of Michael Rawson lying is he states I did what I did my protest because of political ambitions but in fact I did it for 79 year old Eric Youngquist, a Korean War Veteran who was severely handicapped and has since passed away in a Hospice of Cancer! He is a fraud and a liar -- that is what he calls me but that is him describing himself since he would call the NYPD and demand they ticket the Veterans -- he claims are fire hazards etc but my issues was stop harassing the Veterans while you are running an illegal parking valet service in the loading and unloading zone and because the Mercer Hotel is rich and I am guessing employees retired NYPD as well the precinct was willing to do "selective policing" looking the other way -- even walking past a fake NYPD parking placard I found to harass poor Eric. Rawson -- a nut case? is not a Veteran but he says his brother is. I would like to ask his brother under oath about his stance -- if it is the same as the NYPD Veterans of the First Precinct who refused to pick on fellow Veterans and ticket them.
Below you can find a link to 2012 just before the corrupt lying criminal NYPD fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman so he did not have to fire his violent lying receptionist/office manager Delita Hooks -- they corrupt Detectives rushed to seal their crimes with her's and surprise Det Tommy Moran of community affairs and his parter the creepy PO Eugene Schatz who is the first NYPD officer I ever reported to Internal Affairs is the face book friends of the NYPD detectives Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer -- I just discovered that piece of evidence a year ago and reported it to Internal Affairs -- they were all party to coercion but the US Attorney has limited his scope of NYPD corruption just to the Hasidic Community.
The Mercer Hotel is up the street from Dr Andrew Fagelman -- it was what Preet Bharara the US Attorney calls Call a cop or I call 1800NYPD IA Fix it.
5) Joe Tacopina crazy violent liar? Let's ask Bernie Kerik his opinion but I can tell you yes I think so and I think Joe and a partner in crime committed witness tampering Sunday dinner time after I was assaulted Monday Oct. 1, 2012 -- it was a misogynist hate crime and he threatened to bury me and destroy me if I take any action and he called me a confrontative cunt. I forwarded to Det John Vergona who repeatedly refused to meet me -- never discussed the threats but in fact joined in.
If Joe Tacopina did infact do that and write Delita Hooks letter to her NYPD fixer openly threatening me and warning me to not come back again or else -- same tone similar threat minus calling me cunt than he should be disbarred.
Det John Vergona was going to false arrest me Tuesday Oct 16, 2012 but than decided he could only false arrest the Jew me on the Sabbath -- I agreed twice to false arrest. He lied and lied in police reports and protected a pile up of crimes including his own as well as whomever the YouTube cunt calling lawyer that threatened me my guess Joe Tacopina and the 2nd account Tara, or George Vomit, or Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel and when I alerted to the 2 cowardly lawyer accounts of their wrong doing they promptly deleted their accounts.
It is criminal to threaten a victim of a violent crime.
Det John Vergona acted on the threats turning the tables on me.
George Vomit used to follow me on twitter and I blocked him.
Joe Tacopina tried to follow me on twitter and I blocked him.
Here is Joe Tacopina's secretary telling me the NYPD Rape Cops are going to get off and this is before the Jury came to a decision. I alerted all the newspapers because it is shocking.
She admitted she knew who I was and watched my YouTubes.
My guess she has used sock puppet accounts to communicate with me as well as others associated with Joe?
Joe Tacopina staff Tara Portesy Brian King Talks Acquittal! 1800RapeAway Misogynist Lawyers!
You can decide for yourself but I know my feelings on the matter.
Dr Andrew Fagelman and his staff that were involved in lying about what happened as well as the perp -- violent liar Delita Hooks, the NYPD etc everyone involved in the violence and lies = criminal. They treated me like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany.
Today is Oct 22, 2016 I asked the liar Michael Rawson -- because he has lied about me to stop contacting me. The other gang from Soho and Joe Tacopina and gang he he ended broke the law should be behind bars but I am pursuing Justice and I also came up with the concept of the NYPD app tracker.
I tweeted my concept to Loretta Lynch, DOJ and the FBI and I happy to tell you they adopted one small aspect and that is they are going to roll out a National Data Base on Police and excessive violence complaints.
July 14, 2011 I stand in front of SAIC here in NYC with Local 375. I alone ask for 1 Billion dollars X 3 Rico thanks to Bierce's article the day before my 49th birthday.
for non-computer savvy people most your cursor over the links and click!
May 4, 2009 I said do not believe what the press
is telling you Mike Bloomberg may not win because of
voter anger! I was so right on. May 4, 2009!!!!!!!
Sept. 05, 2010 Mike Bloomberg does not want to
give up 63 add 6300 emails to Haggerty! Why hasn’t the DA served subpoena’s for all of Mike and his deputy mayors emails with Haggerty’s name in them? The technology king is
being brought down by emails! Amazing they haven't forced
him to turned over his emails!
Below king Mike with the help of his minion prevent the people of NY from voting on term limits 2 years in a row and extend term limits!!!!!
Mr. NYC says Jane Jacobs and I would add Mae West and Janis Joplin.
Silvia Sanza interviews Suzannah B. Troy
The first thing you notice about Suzannah Troy is that she is never without a smile. But in her heart there is a roar, the rumble of someone who demands justice.
When Mike Bloomberg says "Progress" we know he means get the moving van!
Scroll down to the bottom, look to your right, Alfredo and I standing on a speed bump I got for Anna Silver School. I was told I would never get that speed bump. Reminder, when your community board does nothing, you can do something. See my portrait turned political poster lampooning Mike Bloomberg that no newspaper would cover!