Tuesday, June 30, 2020
NYC Council Hold Televised Monthly Hearing Corporation counsel Nypd 1 Police Plaza and Internal Affairs question them under oath to shut down their corruption protecting chronic crimes chronic Civil rights violations EVEN CHEATING to win in legal cases committing fraud
The Manhattan DA and his assistant district attorney is the ones who left and got soft landings and Bob and Jeffrey Epstein/Maxwell says bring them back question them under oath if they're still employed they should be forced to resign!
The NYPD that told Jeffrey Epstein ignored judge and my kiss NYPD openly broke laws protected by Internal Affairs the way they protected NYPD michael Dowd for how long? Dowd working for a murderer drug dealer!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Corporation Counsel LIES aka Fraud "Cheat to Win"!City Council Make CC, Internal Affairs Hold Monthly Televised Hearings Explain our Cases To Shut Down #NYPD Crimes chronic #discrimination #civilrights violated Protected 1 Police Place CC Internal Affairs!
Jun 28 update Sunday - my newest idea:
The civilian complain review board, Commission To Combat Police Corruption and NYPD Inspector general all Forwarded my case 2 corrupt Internal Affairs - DOA - Dead on arrival and I would like legislation that forces these agencies to follow through and list how many our cases are DOA (dead on arrival) as well as monthly public hearings by Internal Affairs explaining why they are closing our cases meaning literally exposing them to admit that they are breaking the laws party to violating my civil rights our civil rights like in my case etc.
If they were monthly public hearings that were Televised maybe we would have justice?
If anyone wants to label me a complainer let's go over what I've complained about and it will prove how RIGHT ON I have been on CityTime ECTP 911 tech Corruption oh yeah and how many retired NYPD is advisers and NYPD's role in the tech corruption or with the payroll system stealing overtime like Sex Crimes Lieutenant Lamboy lying about rape overtime for Cy Vance and hours 1 police plaza he never worked! Ask Chief Dowd why he didn't notice the 911 tech was Way over budget and that the contractors were delivering late and have our current top rest explain the second command center called PSAC2 why it was years late over budget and why it's top secret?
From top NYPD to the union leaders they seem unable to explain why people are so critical of the NYPD. I'm against violence and there's no justification but why are people even being violent towards the NYPD it seems union leaders to 1 police plaza internal affairs have no idea?
Eric Garner and I started out pro se under mayor Michael Bloomberg and we thought it would be better under de Blasio! If you haven't read Eric in his own handwriting then you don't know what it stops today means and our current mayor and his friend Al Sharpton aren't sharing it with you I am! Google it!
http://nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-garner-handwritten-lawsuit-from-7.html?m= Corporation counsel OWES ME AN APOLOGY action taken in my case including cops that openly broke laws and violating my civil rights in the city owes me money for years of obstructing.Corporation counsel who is mean apology action taken in my case including cops that openly broke laws and violating my civil rights and the city owes me money for years of obstructing justice! Ditto Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit it needs to be fully investigated and if it's proved to be true bring them and question them under oath televised then his family is owed money! If They were forced to sign agreement that they could not reopen this then that has to be over ride to get to the truth.
Please read Delita Hooks letter ANOTHER OPEN THREAT TO ME!!!!
Joe Tacopina who brags he got an Abner Louima cop off and The NYPD rape cops off has never denied he broke laws during my case using a fake account on YouTube to threaten me with retaliation if I took action and that he drafted my attackers letter threatening me in a similar fashion minus the word fight picking cunt (discrimination targeting me and labeling a courageous woman who speaks up..) Delita Hooks committed perjury her newest crime and claimed she only remembered my one visit because she knew I have a medical issue, that I AM a de axe older than her and I was Dr Vine's medical patient when she TARGETED ME #discrimination against me and targeted me and broke how many
DELITA HOOKS ADMITTED SHE WAS ANGRY AT ME FOR Moving my chair in the waiting room that she had lined them up perfectly and she admitted I asked her would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam that it's better for MOTHER EARTH! I wish you would stop committing crimes and taking advice from people who are clearly giving her bad advice in my opinion of this is an opinion blog -- and tell the truth because I'd rather see the people that were breaking laws enabling her held accountable although she does have to take responsibility and stop years of lies along with those that empowered her!
laws but look how many people advised her and encouraged her to commit even more crimes! Delita Hooks claims she only remembers one medical office visit and that somehow she came to the conclusion I'm a complainer sounds like her NYPD friends are Joe Tacopina urged her to label me but my question is when are there going to be arrest and accountability and apologies in my case instead of more wrongdoing more discrimination more Teflon crimes? 0 remorse! I NEVER TOLD DELITA HOOKS MY NAME AND SHE GOT IT Violating my patient rights as well as stealing a note I wrote my MD on the back of my doctors business card and she threw it away destroyed it! The Manhattan DA NYPD IA are guilty ENABLERS!!!!
As a Jew who knows people firsthand survivors of Auschwitz of horrific torture salvation I've even met a survivor who is a victim of medical experiments on his back without anesthesia as a little child -- AS A JEW AND A WOMAN -- AN ARTIST AND ACTIVIST -- I am waiting for someone or people in positions of power to stop the discrimination and speak up and take action in my case! I continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany and my dad a decorated World War II veteran knew that and even knew Ray Kelly's role and he can't backtrack and try and deny it at any point just like NYPD union leaders they could've said I don't condone this but they didn't. I called Pat Lynch's office regarding the NYPD Rape cops. He and his staff are always polite but I want Union leaders who defend NYPD to do it in public hearings along with top cops.
I have every right to report CRIMES! I've audios where I'm told I'm not allowed to report a crime or I'm being lied to you that I wasn't COERCED (I agreed to FALSE ARREST 2X if I did not drop charges and finally dropped charges out of fear since I had emergency surgery for my eye!) -- Corporation counsel lied in court hearings that I was not coerced and they protected police reports that were falsified and withhold a letter from my attacker threatening me with a second false cross complaint and the Manhattan DA who protected all crimes admit it in front of witnesses that my attackers complaint false complaint and she committed second-degree assault. I would not want my attacker to go to jail for all the crime she committed but she has to be held accountable. Just like Jeffrey Epstein for how many years she has no record like he had no record and she didn't do forcible touching I made it clear don't touch my body! She did including her barefoot to my vag! I told NYPD Det Vergona! !
My case it's in your face the crimes and anyone of them could sit up and said this is wrong but they didn't.... Dr Andrew Fagelman has lots of NYPD Patients and I was LABELED A BALL BUSTER SO IT WAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO A FAVOR FOR DR F and retaliate? Det. said brooke was in my case our friends were the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs and NYPD police officer SCHATZ FINALLY ARRESTED IN 2019 drunk driving -- of course leaving the scene of his wrongdoing why not he did it how many other times like when I first reported him in 2010 abuse of power with his car illegally using the sirens for non-emergency using his car like a weapon and for The Mercer Hotel owned by Jeffrey Epstein friend Andre -- my guess Epstein a part owner!
The dirty corrupt cops in our cases were protected including the Jeffrey Epstein case enabler's in my case the cops openly broke laws detectives and bosses have their jobs or Retired got promoted protected in the Manhattan DA and his assistant district attorney is that obstructed justice like for instance a Jeffrey Epstein either still are employed or they got soft landings!
Ask NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha and Joe Jazz Hayden! I'm sure they would agree that the Manhattan DA is racist and he should've been forced to resign. Ask Jeffrey Epstein's victims if they think the Manhattan DA and everyone in the staff involved and obstructing justice should be forced to resign I know I feel that way about my case with the doctors!
There are countless victims of Reppin sexual assault that were more than betrayed by DA who gets to keep his job along with all his assistant district attorney's!
Cy Vance and his ADAs and firmer ADAs also need to be forced under oath to answer questions I want the world to know what's been going on for years in plain sight and why do they keep their jobs or get soft landings?
Instead years and years of empowering Crimes and Civil rights violations where I was not safe at an MD's office. I went to get a cyst removed from a doctor that rented space from Dr Andrew Fagelman who admits he has lots of NYPD patients and he bragged about how he trusts the NYPD that he didn't even investigate what happened to me and he trusted NYPD and he smirked!
We are seeing records amount of people expressing how much they don't trust the NYPD but the NYPD and union leaders and top cops don't want to investigate why!
The post below is from few days ago...
Department of Health report NYC underreported civilian deaths KILLED BY NYPD? NYPD Detectives bosses broke laws my case so I guess I'm lucky they didn't murder me fixing favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1
NYPD Killed People Under Reported Like Erasing Crimes for Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks + NYPD Det bosses crimes my case Thanks for not murdering me just breaking laws lying party to gaslighting coercion threats to me breaking so many laws and erasing Crimes how many enabler's in positions of power have protect them
DOH report shows NYC underreported police-related civilian deaths
Update in red June 25, 2020
The RUNNING PUNCH TO MY HEAD BY DELITA HOOKS COULD HAVE KILLED ME BUT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN CALLS HER EXEMPLARY AND TAKES HER TO DRUG PARTIES. Every government agency I attempted to report the wrongdoing put up a wall to make sure I would not have justice that nothing would happen and guess what when they do this they collect their paychecks their pensions except three agencies who forwarded my keys to Internal Affairs to die and that's the civilian complaint review board, the NYPD Inspector general, and the Commission To Combat Police Corruption but of course dead on arrival because Internal Affairs is as guilty....
Dr Fagelman bragged about his TRUST In the NYPD and he lied under oath that the attack did not happen on his property when it did my patient rights my body violated on his property and he didn't investigate it yet he discussed me doctor Vine's patient with his WITHOUT INVESTIGATING!
Every step of the way I've been thwarted and Dr Andrew Fagelman and his NYPD enablers think that's so funny along with their legal enabler's ha ha like his travelers group Lawyer waving a Styrofoam cup at me as if to say f- you in the middle of a deposition. His Travelers group handed a Styrofoam cup to Delita Hooks - Hooks looked like she was going to murder me she wasn't laughing and smirking like Travelers group lawyer -- it was quite a different expression but both of them were sending me a message and they're confident they can get away with whatever because I continue to be discriminated against and denied Justice!
My Human Rights my patient rights my body my civil rights violated.... A pileup of crimes from the doctors office to a police department my patient rights violated here in New York City New York state it's OK because it's OK to discriminate against certain people target them discriminate against them!
.....it's called discrimination....
Travelers group - Had no problem with their client and his employee committing perjury my patient rights violated a hole punched in my retina sexual assault but they did have one concern would I be re-appealing my lawsuit against the NYPD so I question their relationship with the city of New York the NYPD and anyone else that was committed to making sure I don't have aka #Discrimination obstruction of justice #Fraud ????????????????????????????????
Dept of Health NYPD Under reporting civilian deaths similar to ERASING CRIMES FOR Dr Fagelman Just like in Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy Case as just one example top NYPD including Internal Affairs chief and Internal Affairs steering committee a race crimes they're literally breaking laws as well aren't they? Obstruction of Justice party to falsified police reports and more making crimes disappear
On the front page of my Federal lawsuit -- states NYPD fix crime (and their stats) like a Las Vegas Casino.
City and State: Dept of Health NYPD Under report civilian deaths similar ERASING CRIMES FOR Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks.Dr F: Delita Hooks exemplary takes her to drug parties he lied under oath w/ Travelers knowledge attack didn't happen his property! NYC crimes plain * The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene quietly released a 2017 draft report Tuesday night that revealed the city vastly underreported police-involved deaths over a recent five-year period, the Post reports.
There seems like all kinds of crime including fraud when you're lying and people as a group in positions of power know it and they're not taking action are they involved in freight besides obstruction of?
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If fraud was committed cheat to win I want to know how many people were involved in fraudulent activity besides making all this go away when crimes were committed my human rights were for highlighted my patient rights were violated my body including sexual assault violated a hole punched in my retina cervical damage I had to get emergency surgery and never had time to even meet with the lawyer because I agreed to false rest Saturday at 4 PM I agreed to be kidnapped twice for no crime False Arrest NYPD first precinct.
The travelers group lawyer did not correct the doctor when he lied under oath that the attack did not happen on his property but she corrected him when he said he takes Delita Hooks to drug parties. He said he meant pharmaceutical parties so to me that looks like we're dealing with fraud and I wanna know if Corporation counsel was involved that they as a group conspire to cheat to win and that's fraud?
When I looked up James Toomey travelers group on LinkedIn I found a corporation counsel lawyer her name popped up as well I want to know if there was cross pollination in the goal to cheat to win involving the city of New York?
Also note I let's Joe Tacopina openly broke laws in my case using a fake account to threaten me during an investigation calling me a fight picking cunt and if I took any action he would see the tables turned in the NYPD been acting on it he is the same lawyer that brags he got an Abner Louima cop off and the NYPD rape cops off.
The city of New York lied in every legal proceeding involving my case stating I was not coerced when I was an acknowledge they investigate it so how can you investigate when detectives are refusing to meet me and Internal Affairs is refusing evidence and there's audio evidence of NYPD preventing me from reporting crimes it's called discrimination lying and legal proceedings and cheating to win.
All around they've been cheating but I'm asking if that's actually fraud if they're committing fraud when they cheat to win.
I endured a running punch to my head like the game knock out the Jew at a doctors office in Soho New York City where I should've been safe but I wasn't and then I was violently threatened including online over the phone and even in a letter to the attention of NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by Nypd Lt Angelo Burgos and Internal Affairs in the city had this letter and they decided they were going to use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend that I wasn't coerced. I will swear in court under oath anywhere I was coerced because I was I don't know what they would've done to me Saturday 4 PM and how many more crimes they would've falsified and or committed?!
The civilian complain review board, Commission To Combat Police Corruption and NYPD Inspector general all Forwarded my case 2 corrupt Internal Affairs - DOA - Dead on arrival and I would like legislation that forces these agencies to follow through and list how many our cases are DOA (dead on arrival) as well as monthly public hearings by Internal Affairs explaining why they are closing our cases meaning literally exposing them to admit that they are breaking the laws party to violating my civil rights our civil rights like in my case etc.
If they were monthly public hearings that were Televised maybe we would have justice?
If anyone wants to label me a complainer let's go over what I've complained about and it will prove how RIGHT ON I have been on CityTime ECTP 911 tech Corruption oh yeah and how many retired NYPD is advisers and NYPD's role in the tech corruption or with the payroll system stealing overtime like Sex Crimes Lieutenant Lamboy lying about rape overtime for Cy Vance and hours 1 police plaza he never worked! Ask Chief Dowd why he didn't notice the 911 tech was Way over budget and that the contractors were delivering late and have our current top rest explain the second command center called PSAC2 why it was years late over budget and why it's top secret?
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@DemocraticAGs @TishJames @AaronDFordNV@KwameRaoul @noblenatl @barryfriedman1@policingproject .@NYCCouncil CorpCounsel lawyers LIES Fraud "Cheat to Win"! NYC Council Make CC, #NYPD Internal Affairs Hold Monthly Televised Hearings Explain our Cases To Shut Down #NYPD Crimes chronic #discrimination #civilrights violated Protected 1 PP, CC IA! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/06/corp-c…pic.twitter.com/fSN38prqZF | ||||
6/28/20, 10:36 AM |
From top NYPD to the union leaders they seem unable to explain why people are so critical of the NYPD. I'm against violence and there's no justification but why are people even being violent towards the NYPD it seems union leaders to 1 police plaza internal affairs have no idea?
Eric Garner and I started out pro se under mayor Michael Bloomberg and we thought it would be better under de Blasio! If you haven't read Eric in his own handwriting then you don't know what it stops today means and our current mayor and his friend Al Sharpton aren't sharing it with you I am! Google it!
http://nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-garner-handwritten-lawsuit-from-7.html?m= Corporation counsel OWES ME AN APOLOGY action taken in my case including cops that openly broke laws and violating my civil rights in the city owes me money for years of obstructing.Corporation counsel who is mean apology action taken in my case including cops that openly broke laws and violating my civil rights and the city owes me money for years of obstructing justice! Ditto Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit it needs to be fully investigated and if it's proved to be true bring them and question them under oath televised then his family is owed money! If They were forced to sign agreement that they could not reopen this then that has to be over ride to get to the truth.
Please read Delita Hooks letter ANOTHER OPEN THREAT TO ME!!!!
Joe Tacopina who brags he got an Abner Louima cop off and The NYPD rape cops off has never denied he broke laws during my case using a fake account on YouTube to threaten me with retaliation if I took action and that he drafted my attackers letter threatening me in a similar fashion minus the word fight picking cunt (discrimination targeting me and labeling a courageous woman who speaks up..) Delita Hooks committed perjury her newest crime and claimed she only remembered my one visit because she knew I have a medical issue, that I AM a de axe older than her and I was Dr Vine's medical patient when she TARGETED ME #discrimination against me and targeted me and broke how many
DELITA HOOKS ADMITTED SHE WAS ANGRY AT ME FOR Moving my chair in the waiting room that she had lined them up perfectly and she admitted I asked her would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam that it's better for MOTHER EARTH! I wish you would stop committing crimes and taking advice from people who are clearly giving her bad advice in my opinion of this is an opinion blog -- and tell the truth because I'd rather see the people that were breaking laws enabling her held accountable although she does have to take responsibility and stop years of lies along with those that empowered her!
laws but look how many people advised her and encouraged her to commit even more crimes! Delita Hooks claims she only remembers one medical office visit and that somehow she came to the conclusion I'm a complainer sounds like her NYPD friends are Joe Tacopina urged her to label me but my question is when are there going to be arrest and accountability and apologies in my case instead of more wrongdoing more discrimination more Teflon crimes? 0 remorse! I NEVER TOLD DELITA HOOKS MY NAME AND SHE GOT IT Violating my patient rights as well as stealing a note I wrote my MD on the back of my doctors business card and she threw it away destroyed it! The Manhattan DA NYPD IA are guilty ENABLERS!!!!
As a Jew who knows people firsthand survivors of Auschwitz of horrific torture salvation I've even met a survivor who is a victim of medical experiments on his back without anesthesia as a little child -- AS A JEW AND A WOMAN -- AN ARTIST AND ACTIVIST -- I am waiting for someone or people in positions of power to stop the discrimination and speak up and take action in my case! I continue to be treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany and my dad a decorated World War II veteran knew that and even knew Ray Kelly's role and he can't backtrack and try and deny it at any point just like NYPD union leaders they could've said I don't condone this but they didn't. I called Pat Lynch's office regarding the NYPD Rape cops. He and his staff are always polite but I want Union leaders who defend NYPD to do it in public hearings along with top cops.
I have every right to report CRIMES! I've audios where I'm told I'm not allowed to report a crime or I'm being lied to you that I wasn't COERCED (I agreed to FALSE ARREST 2X if I did not drop charges and finally dropped charges out of fear since I had emergency surgery for my eye!) -- Corporation counsel lied in court hearings that I was not coerced and they protected police reports that were falsified and withhold a letter from my attacker threatening me with a second false cross complaint and the Manhattan DA who protected all crimes admit it in front of witnesses that my attackers complaint false complaint and she committed second-degree assault. I would not want my attacker to go to jail for all the crime she committed but she has to be held accountable. Just like Jeffrey Epstein for how many years she has no record like he had no record and she didn't do forcible touching I made it clear don't touch my body! She did including her barefoot to my vag! I told NYPD Det Vergona! !
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@SBANYPD @SBA_president Ask Pat Lynch, ask yourself why NYPD GREEN LIGHT VIOLENCE AGAINST OK AND DID IT GET THE RESULTS U NYPD PO SCHATZ DET VERGONA/Dwyer/Burgos/E. Winski etc wanted? Inspired NYPD app tracker, request monthly televised public hearing Corp Counsel IA on our case PROVE CHRONIC ENABLING | |||||
6/28/20, 10:31 AM |
My case it's in your face the crimes and anyone of them could sit up and said this is wrong but they didn't.... Dr Andrew Fagelman has lots of NYPD Patients and I was LABELED A BALL BUSTER SO IT WAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO A FAVOR FOR DR F and retaliate? Det. said brooke was in my case our friends were the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs and NYPD police officer SCHATZ FINALLY ARRESTED IN 2019 drunk driving -- of course leaving the scene of his wrongdoing why not he did it how many other times like when I first reported him in 2010 abuse of power with his car illegally using the sirens for non-emergency using his car like a weapon and for The Mercer Hotel owned by Jeffrey Epstein friend Andre -- my guess Epstein a part owner!
The dirty corrupt cops in our cases were protected including the Jeffrey Epstein case enabler's in my case the cops openly broke laws detectives and bosses have their jobs or Retired got promoted protected in the Manhattan DA and his assistant district attorney is that obstructed justice like for instance a Jeffrey Epstein either still are employed or they got soft landings!
Ask NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha and Joe Jazz Hayden! I'm sure they would agree that the Manhattan DA is racist and he should've been forced to resign. Ask Jeffrey Epstein's victims if they think the Manhattan DA and everyone in the staff involved and obstructing justice should be forced to resign I know I feel that way about my case with the doctors!
There are countless victims of Reppin sexual assault that were more than betrayed by DA who gets to keep his job along with all his assistant district attorney's!
Cy Vance and his ADAs and firmer ADAs also need to be forced under oath to answer questions I want the world to know what's been going on for years in plain sight and why do they keep their jobs or get soft landings?
Instead years and years of empowering Crimes and Civil rights violations where I was not safe at an MD's office. I went to get a cyst removed from a doctor that rented space from Dr Andrew Fagelman who admits he has lots of NYPD patients and he bragged about how he trusts the NYPD that he didn't even investigate what happened to me and he trusted NYPD and he smirked!
We are seeing records amount of people expressing how much they don't trust the NYPD but the NYPD and union leaders and top cops don't want to investigate why!
The post below is from few days ago...
Department of Health report NYC underreported civilian deaths KILLED BY NYPD? NYPD Detectives bosses broke laws my case so I guess I'm lucky they didn't murder me fixing favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1
NYPD Killed People Under Reported Like Erasing Crimes for Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks + NYPD Det bosses crimes my case Thanks for not murdering me just breaking laws lying party to gaslighting coercion threats to me breaking so many laws and erasing Crimes how many enabler's in positions of power have protect them
DOH report shows NYC underreported police-related civilian deaths
Update in red June 25, 2020
The RUNNING PUNCH TO MY HEAD BY DELITA HOOKS COULD HAVE KILLED ME BUT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN CALLS HER EXEMPLARY AND TAKES HER TO DRUG PARTIES. Every government agency I attempted to report the wrongdoing put up a wall to make sure I would not have justice that nothing would happen and guess what when they do this they collect their paychecks their pensions except three agencies who forwarded my keys to Internal Affairs to die and that's the civilian complaint review board, the NYPD Inspector general, and the Commission To Combat Police Corruption but of course dead on arrival because Internal Affairs is as guilty....
Dr Fagelman bragged about his TRUST In the NYPD and he lied under oath that the attack did not happen on his property when it did my patient rights my body violated on his property and he didn't investigate it yet he discussed me doctor Vine's patient with his WITHOUT INVESTIGATING!
Every step of the way I've been thwarted and Dr Andrew Fagelman and his NYPD enablers think that's so funny along with their legal enabler's ha ha like his travelers group Lawyer waving a Styrofoam cup at me as if to say f- you in the middle of a deposition. His Travelers group handed a Styrofoam cup to Delita Hooks - Hooks looked like she was going to murder me she wasn't laughing and smirking like Travelers group lawyer -- it was quite a different expression but both of them were sending me a message and they're confident they can get away with whatever because I continue to be discriminated against and denied Justice!
My Human Rights my patient rights my body my civil rights violated.... A pileup of crimes from the doctors office to a police department my patient rights violated here in New York City New York state it's OK because it's OK to discriminate against certain people target them discriminate against them!
.....it's called discrimination....
Travelers group - Had no problem with their client and his employee committing perjury my patient rights violated a hole punched in my retina sexual assault but they did have one concern would I be re-appealing my lawsuit against the NYPD so I question their relationship with the city of New York the NYPD and anyone else that was committed to making sure I don't have aka #Discrimination obstruction of justice #Fraud ????????????????????????????????
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@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU When NYBlood ctr called me to donate White Blood cells I said YES I did not ask race/religion/politics/sexuality but NYPD IA DA GUILTY "round Robyn" #discrimination Eric Garner I both pro se under Bloomberg NYPD Ray Kelly targeted nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-g… de Blasio too! #Justice pic.twitter.com/yxK9ijsMCg | |||||
6/4/20, 5:21 PM |
Dept of Health NYPD Under reporting civilian deaths similar to ERASING CRIMES FOR Dr Fagelman Just like in Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy Case as just one example top NYPD including Internal Affairs chief and Internal Affairs steering committee a race crimes they're literally breaking laws as well aren't they? Obstruction of Justice party to falsified police reports and more making crimes disappear
On the front page of my Federal lawsuit -- states NYPD fix crime (and their stats) like a Las Vegas Casino.
City and State: Dept of Health NYPD Under report civilian deaths similar ERASING CRIMES FOR Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks.Dr F: Delita Hooks exemplary takes her to drug parties he lied under oath w/ Travelers knowledge attack didn't happen his property! NYC crimes plain * The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene quietly released a 2017 draft report Tuesday night that revealed the city vastly underreported police-involved deaths over a recent five-year period, the Post reports.
There seems like all kinds of crime including fraud when you're lying and people as a group in positions of power know it and they're not taking action are they involved in freight besides obstruction of?
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If fraud was committed cheat to win I want to know how many people were involved in fraudulent activity besides making all this go away when crimes were committed my human rights were for highlighted my patient rights were violated my body including sexual assault violated a hole punched in my retina cervical damage I had to get emergency surgery and never had time to even meet with the lawyer because I agreed to false rest Saturday at 4 PM I agreed to be kidnapped twice for no crime False Arrest NYPD first precinct.
The travelers group lawyer did not correct the doctor when he lied under oath that the attack did not happen on his property but she corrected him when he said he takes Delita Hooks to drug parties. He said he meant pharmaceutical parties so to me that looks like we're dealing with fraud and I wanna know if Corporation counsel was involved that they as a group conspire to cheat to win and that's fraud?
When I looked up James Toomey travelers group on LinkedIn I found a corporation counsel lawyer her name popped up as well I want to know if there was cross pollination in the goal to cheat to win involving the city of New York?
Also note I let's Joe Tacopina openly broke laws in my case using a fake account to threaten me during an investigation calling me a fight picking cunt and if I took any action he would see the tables turned in the NYPD been acting on it he is the same lawyer that brags he got an Abner Louima cop off and the NYPD rape cops off.
The city of New York lied in every legal proceeding involving my case stating I was not coerced when I was an acknowledge they investigate it so how can you investigate when detectives are refusing to meet me and Internal Affairs is refusing evidence and there's audio evidence of NYPD preventing me from reporting crimes it's called discrimination lying and legal proceedings and cheating to win.
All around they've been cheating but I'm asking if that's actually fraud if they're committing fraud when they cheat to win.
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please forward this to the Head of Dept Of investigation because Dept Of investigation has to come clean on Corporation counsel literally going into court lying for NYPD chronically. It's not just the NYPD erasing crimes including what many in the public believe is murder murder by NYPD officers... Corporation counsel has also been party to making crimes disappear as well as our civil rights violated I know mine were. Eric Garner stated NYPD targeted him too + committed a crime and violating his civil rights and this was under Bloomberg as well. We voted for de Blasio believing things would get better.... http://nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-garner-handwritten-lawsuit-from-7.html?m=1 |
cells I said YES I did not ask race/religion/politics/sexuality but NYPD IA DA GUILTY "round Robyn" #discrimination Eric Garner I both pro se under Bloomberg NYPD Ray Kelly targeted nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-g… de Blasio too! #Justice pic.twitter.com/yxK9ijsMCg | |||
6/4/20, 5:21 PM |
America NYC Gov NYS getting wake-up call after wake-up call. I was the only one to risk possibly my life to share Eric Garner his handwritten lawsuit in his own writing filed under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly,
I am an outspoken, peaceful activist and whistle blower. 0ct 1, 2012 I did peace prayers at Integral Yoga, protested Rudin luxury condos replacing a Trauma Level 1 Hospital w/ a Rape Crisis center. I went to get a cyst removed by Dr Vine and left w/ a hole in my retina from Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying employee who targeted me as someone WHO HAS NO RIGHTS!
Before I was VIOLATED AT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN's 155 Spring st nyc I was loud protesting ECTP aka 911 tech system a response to Sept 11 not working properly and I yelled down Bloomberg at a press conference -- than Hurricane Sandy came and proved me right - 1 billion tax payer dollars overbudget and does not work properly! Over 8 million People rely on 911 nyc! Discrimination is calling an outspoken woman a confrontative C#nt.
PTSD excruciating insomnia isn't a choice.
I was suppose to be safe at a doctor's!
Delita Hooks discriminated against me - singled me out, yelled at me I have no rights!
So far it seems everyone in a position of power to take action in my case agrees...?
Ex-NYPD cop imported meth from Mexico, date rape drugs: feds - New York Daily News
I bet like all Teflon NYPD criminals in jail or above the law PASSED THE NYPD PSYCH EVAL!
Friday, June 26, 2020
Mom 100 Percent Bronx Still Alive Thanks to No CRUEL Unethical MD Dr Andrew Fagelman + Cruel violent Liar Delita Hooks aka MOM's care: decent ETHICAL MEDICAL CARE NO NYPD TO JOIN IN ABUSE OF POWER CRIMES ERASING CRIMES
overwhelming visit mom nursing home NJ 85th birthday. We met out in parking lot she cannot sit up in a wheelchair rolled her out in lounge chair not allowed to touch or hug! Wear masks 6 feet away only 30 min. Ma many scary pre-existing survived infected by COVID-19 but very weak
My mom was infected by a staff member and there's no malice pure innocence good person in sharp contrast to what was done to me was about malice ongoing more lies more wrongdoing in a city and state where violence towards a medical patient discrimination against the medical patient is OK almost 8 years now I don't have justice just more.....
My mom was infected by a staff member and there's no malice pure innocence good person in sharp contrast to what was done to me was about malice ongoing more lies more wrongdoing in a city and state were violence towards a medical patient discrimination against the medical patient is OK almost 8 years now I don't have justice just more discrimination-- more wrongdoing - i'll just keep sharing until I get people to stop discriminating and take action in my case because I had a right to a safe experience at a doctors!
NYPD top cops on down aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund them!
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination!
4:15 AM
NYPD Bronx CO Brea receives warm goodbye resigns in protest!Dermot Shea, James O'Neill, Monahan, Reznick willfully obtuse CHRONIC #discrimination #FRAUD w/ Corporation counsel w/@NYCComptroller CHEAT TO win CHRONIC #FRAUD NYPD crimes #civilrights VIOLATED! DOI Rose Gill Hearn, Mark Peters and now Ms Garnett LOOK AWAY AS Top NYPD the comptroller Corporation counsel commit CHRONICALLY COMMIT fraud in our cases protect all Crimes and Civil rights violations lie in court for instance my case LIED that I was not COERCED WHEN I WAS AND I have overwhelming proof police reports by detectives and their boss lying downgrading all crimes to a fabricated mutual ASSAULT. If they want to say I provoked her which I did not she provoked me and she's admitted it that she targeted me because I moved my chair in the waiting room a few inches and that made her angry. We were never alone she followed me there are waiting room. WE WERE NEVER ALONE AND there are witnesses!
Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint and she submitted a letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint. Just like the Jeffrey Epstein case the NYPD made it impossible to report crimes involving their doctors office that's right a lot of NYPD go to this doctors office. I was a medical patient there's nothing I could do or say to make a medical receptionist yell at me that I have no rights for asking would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth and she admitted that's what I asked. She remembers she saw my sign protesting Rudin making Saint Vincents hospital Trauma L1 into luxury condos. She is admitted she was instructed to file that false cross complaint which she did 24 hours after me. http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1 I'm VIOLENTLY REPEATEDLY violated at a doctors SOHO NYC - my arm numb from a cyst removed biopsies -- I 'm holding bags - my patient Rights my Human Rights my body then the NYPD join in committing crimes and violating my civil rights then the city of New York joins the NYPD with top cops year after year in committing fraud obstruction of justice Corporation counsel lawyers committed fraud lying in court I was not coerced and that the police investigated this when the NYPD refused to meet me and falsified police reports and downgraded all crimes including their own to zero
Suzannah B. Troy
4:45 my last call to Mom today: HEART WRENCHING I asked them to please let me video conference my mom I want to do it before Shabbot Friday night sundown. We got to communicate this morning but I tried this afternoon she's asleep and I didn't want to go into the Sabbath without making sure she know she's loved!
At least are no unethical criminal staff that would punch her hit a patient like I was punched and hit holding my bags my arm numb from having a cyst biopsy removed from my elbow at doctor Andrew Fagelman and No crazy unethical NYPD nearby to break laws to fixing in favors or race Crimes discrimination from the doctors office to NYPD certain employees took OATHS They violated them as well as broke laws and or party to conspiring to coerce me party to the knowledge that Crimes would be downgraded you can see that YouTube that second-degree assault menacing there's a threat to harm me she should never of come out from behind the reception desk! You were never alone she's admitted to giving me the finger three times knocking the phone out of my hand three times I would believe it's criminal mischief she provoked me over and over not the other way around and I didn't say anything wrong I asked would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth and she's admitted that. He tries coming up with new lies her boss they're such liars he tried to lie and say they attacked did not happen on his property they lied about my doctor she left two weeks after they said 4 to 6 months later simply not true they're just counting on everyone being too scared to come forward or that they'll never be questioned Underoath and then corrupt New York City where everyone seems for sale and doesn't have ethics it's He tries coming up with new lies her boss there such liars he tried to lie and say the attack did not happen on his property they lied about my doctor she left two weeks after they said 4 to 6 months later simply not true they're just counting on everyone being too scared to come forward or that they'll never be questioned under oath and then corrupt New York City where everyone seems for sale and doesn't have ethics it's possiblepossible?
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination
Didn't have to sue him like people how to sue President Trump I made complaints everywhere possible and I guess he was spoken to and he unblocked me because of a president was told not to block voters I assume that he's not supposed to block Victims of NYPD Internal Affairs Crimes as well as the doctors office can you imagine being party to covering up Crimes and blocking the victim silencing the victim that's what they do and then they wonder why people are upset with the.
Didn't have to sue him like people how to sue President Trump I made complaints everywhere possible and I guess he was spoken to and he unblocked me because of a president was told not to block voters I assume that he's not supposed to block Victims of NYPD Internal Affairs Crimes as well as the doctors office can you imagine being party to covering up Crimes and blocking the victim silencing the victim that's what they do and then they wonder why people are upset with the NYPD!
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination
I don't think that NYPD even wonder they just respond with anger.... except for the few decent ones who know what's going on and can't do anything about it either they two would be retaliated against?
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overwhelming visit mom nursing home NJ 85th birthday. We met out in parking lot she cannot sit up in a wheelchair rolled her out in lounge chair not allowed to touch or hug! Wear masks 6 feet away only 30 min. Ma many scary pre-existing survived infected by COVID-19 but very weak | ||||
6/26/20, 3:30 PM |
My mom was infected by a staff member and there's no malice pure innocence good person in sharp contrast to what was done to me was about malice ongoing more lies more wrongdoing in a city and state where violence towards a medical patient discrimination against the medical patient is OK almost 8 years now I don't have justice just more.....
My mom was infected by a staff member and there's no malice pure innocence good person in sharp contrast to what was done to me was about malice ongoing more lies more wrongdoing in a city and state were violence towards a medical patient discrimination against the medical patient is OK almost 8 years now I don't have justice just more discrimination-- more wrongdoing - i'll just keep sharing until I get people to stop discriminating and take action in my case because I had a right to a safe experience at a doctors!
NYPD top cops on down aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund them!
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination!
4:15 AM
NYPD Bronx CO Brea receives warm goodbye resigns in protest!Dermot Shea, James O'Neill, Monahan, Reznick willfully obtuse CHRONIC #discrimination #FRAUD w/ Corporation counsel w/@NYCComptroller CHEAT TO win CHRONIC #FRAUD NYPD crimes #civilrights VIOLATED! DOI Rose Gill Hearn, Mark Peters and now Ms Garnett LOOK AWAY AS Top NYPD the comptroller Corporation counsel commit CHRONICALLY COMMIT fraud in our cases protect all Crimes and Civil rights violations lie in court for instance my case LIED that I was not COERCED WHEN I WAS AND I have overwhelming proof police reports by detectives and their boss lying downgrading all crimes to a fabricated mutual ASSAULT. If they want to say I provoked her which I did not she provoked me and she's admitted it that she targeted me because I moved my chair in the waiting room a few inches and that made her angry. We were never alone she followed me there are waiting room. WE WERE NEVER ALONE AND there are witnesses!
Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint and she submitted a letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint. Just like the Jeffrey Epstein case the NYPD made it impossible to report crimes involving their doctors office that's right a lot of NYPD go to this doctors office. I was a medical patient there's nothing I could do or say to make a medical receptionist yell at me that I have no rights for asking would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth and she admitted that's what I asked. She remembers she saw my sign protesting Rudin making Saint Vincents hospital Trauma L1 into luxury condos. She is admitted she was instructed to file that false cross complaint which she did 24 hours after me. http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1 I'm VIOLENTLY REPEATEDLY violated at a doctors SOHO NYC - my arm numb from a cyst removed biopsies -- I 'm holding bags - my patient Rights my Human Rights my body then the NYPD join in committing crimes and violating my civil rights then the city of New York joins the NYPD with top cops year after year in committing fraud obstruction of justice Corporation counsel lawyers committed fraud lying in court I was not coerced and that the police investigated this when the NYPD refused to meet me and falsified police reports and downgraded all crimes including their own to zero
Suzannah B. Troy
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At least are no unethical criminal staff that would punch her hit a patient like I was punched and hit holding my bags my arm numb from having a cyst biopsy removed from my elbow at doctor Andrew Fagelman and No crazy unethical NYPD nearby to break laws to fixing in favors or race Crimes discrimination from the doctors office to NYPD certain employees took OATHS They violated them as well as broke laws and or party to conspiring to coerce me party to the knowledge that Crimes would be downgraded you can see that YouTube that second-degree assault menacing there's a threat to harm me she should never of come out from behind the reception desk! You were never alone she's admitted to giving me the finger three times knocking the phone out of my hand three times I would believe it's criminal mischief she provoked me over and over not the other way around and I didn't say anything wrong I asked would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth and she's admitted that. He tries coming up with new lies her boss they're such liars he tried to lie and say they attacked did not happen on his property they lied about my doctor she left two weeks after they said 4 to 6 months later simply not true they're just counting on everyone being too scared to come forward or that they'll never be questioned Underoath and then corrupt New York City where everyone seems for sale and doesn't have ethics it's He tries coming up with new lies her boss there such liars he tried to lie and say the attack did not happen on his property they lied about my doctor she left two weeks after they said 4 to 6 months later simply not true they're just counting on everyone being too scared to come forward or that they'll never be questioned under oath and then corrupt New York City where everyone seems for sale and doesn't have ethics it's possiblepossible?
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination
Didn't have to sue him like people how to sue President Trump I made complaints everywhere possible and I guess he was spoken to and he unblocked me because of a president was told not to block voters I assume that he's not supposed to block Victims of NYPD Internal Affairs Crimes as well as the doctors office can you imagine being party to covering up Crimes and blocking the victim silencing the victim that's what they do and then they wonder why people are upset with the.
Didn't have to sue him like people how to sue President Trump I made complaints everywhere possible and I guess he was spoken to and he unblocked me because of a president was told not to block voters I assume that he's not supposed to block Victims of NYPD Internal Affairs Crimes as well as the doctors office can you imagine being party to covering up Crimes and blocking the victim silencing the victim that's what they do and then they wonder why people are upset with the NYPD!
NYPD top cops aren't intelligent enough to figure out why people want to defund the NYPD! People don't want the NYPD to have billions of taxpayer dollars doesn't even include federal tax payer $ for NYPD break laws violate our #civilrights discrimination
I don't think that NYPD even wonder they just respond with anger.... except for the few decent ones who know what's going on and can't do anything about it either they two would be retaliated against?
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