Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
My Dad World War 2 Veteran his grave died knowing Dr Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks her violence lies violating my patient rights my body My Dad we knew creepy Dr F made a call 800 NYPD fix it! In your face evil City of NY, Internal Affairs protect all crimes I demand arrests
My Dad once respected Ray Kelly and so did I. My Dad died knowing the truth about Ray Kelly that he's corrupt and unethical along w/ the corrupt NYPD Internal Affairs he protected in my case and how many others crimes NYPD and Internal Affairs committed obstruction justice and erasing crimes.
Delita Hooks thinks she is free and clear so she admitted a few crimes that statute has run out on but she AND OTHERS INCLUDING NYPD IA obstruction of Justice committed crimes that have no statute...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Dad died knowing Google Dr Fagelman assault. I woke up SIDE of my right hand fingers numb I think from Delita Hooks damage to my neck BAD dream w/ unethical liars Dee, Dr Andrew Fagelman poster boy lack of ethics he violated Hippocratic oath 0 decency liar…
| Tacopina's Secretaries in the YouTube bragging that the NYPD rape cops a walk... she tells me she watches my YouTube channel as well. This conversation happens when I'm protesting outside their office we're comparing the NYPD rape victims vagina to a Venus fly trap and by the way I had a World War II veteran Bob w/ me! Joe's secretary said the jury will let the cops off when I want to know about the jury because some of them even went out to celebrate with Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel. Filed an ethical complaint against Chad Seigel as well alleging he used a sock puppet account as well to threaten me during an open investigation...
I'd like to know how many people are involved in obstructing justice in my case lying fabricating.... If you help create false narratives--lies to try and get people off from Crimes and let's say you are a lawyer.......? I've been blogging from three am it's almost 430 now in the morning PTSD I'm just trying to figure this all out... October 1 will be seven years but I tell myself the prospect Park Rape victim didn't get an apology for 23 years and she still does not have Justice because O'Neill has not fired John Miller.
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
Memorial Day I remember My WW2 Veteran Dad died knowing Ray Kelly than NYPD Commissioner role corruption coercion in my case. Ray Kelly and K2 breaking any laws? K2 funneled $ to Cy Vance got a contract w/ Dirty DA! NYPD DA scandals……
Corrupt Lying Unethical NYPD PC O'Neill Not a Veteran a corrupt fixer like Bratton and Ray Kelly All Party to Erasing Crimes in my Case
Corrupt Lying Unethical NYPD PC O'Neill Not a Veteran a corrupt fixer like Bratton and Ray Kelly All Party to Erasing Crimes in my Case let's ask them questions about my case and Eric Garner his hand written lawsuit under oath in front of a permanent new commission in to police corruption and a series of class action lawsuits against the City -- let's see if they commit perjury like Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks
Cy Vance DA NYPD PC O'Neill Resign for Lies, Violating Ethics, Protecting Crimes including NYPD My Case! DA Top Cop lie to media re: NYPD Det Franco they openly protect detectives falsified police reports bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes w/ supervisors!
Nazi hate symbol scrawled on tunnel wall in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, latest in year of increased hate crimes
Delita Hooks said she was instructed to file her false cross complaint. She walked into the 1st Precinct and committed a crime and I have audio pins to my account to the police commissioner James O'Neill of me being prevented from reporting her false cross complaint as if I'm not a US citizen as if I don't have rights to report a crime. I was coerced which was also preventing me from reporting a crime and the NYPD ERASED ALL CRIMES including their own with Internal Affairs!
Unethical corrupt coward NYPD police commissioner James O'Neill a unethical coward blocks my tweets w/ evidence of nypd obstructing Justice, Audio refusing to let me report my attackers false cross complaint and more evidence tweeted to him