NYPD Police Commissoiner O'Neill and Cy Vance Corrupt to the Core like de blasio...
Uniformed NYPD Madison Sq. Garden security jobs mean working with detective ex-con, NYPD investigates, signs off on arrangementhttps://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-cops-msg-security-jobs-20190613-otte6i5earazhk32gedcolhwue-story.html
I have a lot of questions including about gun licensing fixing and favors and who gets what....
Did James O'Neill facilitate a gun license for the playmate that DI Ed Winski did fixing and favors for around the time Winski was breaking laws in my case which sure likes he was doing favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman erasing crimes all crimes even though there is a youtube heading towards a million views of Delita Hooks savagely assaulted me. The playmate Ed Winski gave his special attention to as he erased crimes in my case ended up killing her small child and herself. I want to know if the allegations in the NYDN are correct that O'Neill was involved in her gun licensing or any for that matter where strings were pulled.
James O'Neill has to block me on twitter because I tweeted him evidence of obstruction of Justice and NYPD crimes as well as fixing and favors for MD's office.
Mayor’s Nonprofit Got Builder’s Check After $12 Million Deal
De Blasio blames his staff for missing 9/11 memorial event
de Blasio lies corruption and 0 Accountability -- just in your face corruption biz as usual....
NYPD Police Commissoiner O'Neill and Cy Vance Corrupt to the Core like de Blasio 0 Accountability
City Law Dept that lied in legal documents my case redacted bombshell documents linking de Blasio’s team to nursing home dirty dealings! There is more than this....
Zachary Carter lied a lot on many fronts to protect wrong doing....
Ask NBA star Thabo Sefolosha if he believes Zachary Carter is a core liar, if Cy Vance is a racist corrupt DA that chronically protects NYPD wrong doing, and if mayor de Blasio should have apologized to him!
Mayor Violated Ethics Rules in Seeking Donations, DOI Finds
FYI Dr Fagelman an unethical creep discussed me w/ patients and they came to my youtube channel to harass me and post his and Delita Hooks lies! Dr Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks because he does not understand right from wrong or is willfully obtuse but he has lots of NYPD patients and nypd broke laws in my case and top cops including in internal affairs and Cy Vance protected all crimes including ANYONE INVOLVED PARTY TO THE GOAL TO COERCE ME USING DELITA HOOKS FALSE CROSS Complaint and her letter to Det Dwyer another crime Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on, !
NYPD police commissioner James O'Neill Violates First amendment rights Twitter Obstructing Justice and violating My First Amendment Rights as a victim of violence demanding Justice; violence, lies, multiple threats to me, Delita Hooks false cross complaint, falsified police reports a letter by my attacker threatening me to Det. Andrew Dwyer
 | Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) |
NYPD O'Neill, Cy Vance Corrupt like de Blasio 0 Accountability. FYI Eric Garner and I started out pro se under Bloomberg corrupt Ray Kelly Eric's handwritten more than civil rights violated! Eric NYPD homicide like NYPD crimes my case started w/ a call fix suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/05/nypd-p…
I believe Dr Fagelman picked up the phone to have his nypd friends break laws erase all crimes including all crimes it would take to erase crimes committed at his office!
With Eric Garner under mayor de Blasio with Bratton --- phone call was made to Chief Banks and that would be the beginning of the end for Eric Garner it would end any NYPD homicide. There was no reason to jump on Eric and if you read his hand written lawsuit you'll understand what he had to fear and possibly what I had to fear at the hands of corrupt cops at the first precinct openly breaking laws at their desk and I agree to false arrest which is kidnapping twice all because a rich doctor had no integrity no decency doesn't understand Hippocratic oath in patient rights none of them understand human rights and if they took an oath what that oath means.
Zachary Carter and his Predecessor and City lawyers lied and legal documents in court filings in my case because I can tell you I was coerced and Zachary Carter did what a $40 million settlement with the central park five and then he lies and says I wasn't coerced when I was why would I drop charges except for the fact I was violently coerced over the phone and the cops were and still are breaking laws at their desk and until their are arrests NYPD IA are complicit along w/ City officials like Zachary Carter!
Zachary Carter was caught Obstructing Justice the lower Eastside Nursing Home redacting documents and he was forced to stop! He was trying to cover up!
Has New York City Dept Of investigation been caught doing something similar?
See City link above!
It is worse than that ---- they are are corrupt 0 ethics and they are not asked the tough questions by the press either.....
Not one person from NYC main stream media has confronted Cy Vance and former ADA Gaffney now working for a spy company like corrupt Ray Kelly why they tried to lower Jeffrey Epstein Sex offender status and lets ask top cops about their knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein and his pimp Ghislaine Maxwell because it sounds like they were sex trafficking with the DA and NYPD's knowledge as well as having Cy Vance ask to lower Epstein's sex offender status and give pimp Maxwell teflon status including for her role trafficking under age girls even here in NYC?
Eric Garner and I started off at pro se litigants under Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly and we thought it would get better -- how many of us under de Blasio who picked Bill Bratton who taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD and O'Neill is all talk and Chief Shea like his predecessors and sex crimes unit and Internal Affairs ERASES CRIMES!