Sunday, March 31, 2019
NYPD Academy #2 Detective Dwyer "Hooks" letter Threatening Me
Eric Vassell, Father of Saheed Vassell, Disappointed That Attorney General Letitia James Will Not Seek Indictments and Prosecutions of NYPD Officers Who Killed His Son Last Year | Communities United for Police Reform
NYC I Love You Big Time: Eric Garner Handwritten Lawsuit filed under mayor Bloomberg and nypd police commissioner Ray Kelly, March 29, 2019
NYPD Police Academy My Class My Case, PP Rape, Eric Garner
Update 4:54pm my iPhone flat lined w/ 60 percent battery
any ideas why did that happen and why does the voice dictation application for the Iphone constantly put "I" in wrong places? Just wondering out loud I know everyone's had Bizzarre experiences with their voice dicatation application on their iPhone but still...
My goal is to teach my Case To police academies throughout the country through video modules with the police reports my attackers false cross complaint, her letter to Detective Andrew Andrew Dwyer Openly threatening me
I would like to share with universities across the country the audios, the attack, police reports, Delita Hooks false cross complaint and her letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me again and how Corp Counsel even lied in court stating I was not coerced when I was and protected all crimes from a rich MD's office to the First Precinct IA and 1PP including Civil Rights violations!
The lawyer for the City of NY first 50-h hearing said to me a pro se litigant I may have money coming to me.
Under de Blasio 2nd 50-h an unethical woman lawyer was clearly committed to protecting NYPD crimes and violations of my civil rights as well as failure to train and supervise -- than comes Zachary Carter who suddenly agrees Central Park 5 were coerced but I was not when my Case is 100 crystal clear City NYPD IA more than negligent!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYC teachers union honcho ousted in office sex scandal? Is he a patient of unethical Dr Fagelman/Delita Hooks perjurers like corrupt NYPD? FYI Dr Fagelman an unethical liar advertised curing STD and pushed #viagra viagra $alesman?…… |
Or something interesting about the teachers union and MD's office my case...? I know he hasn't lot of NYPD Patients.... talk about plugged in.... not a urologist published in the urology magazine about Viagra being good for you...hmmmm good for whom..?
Also I wonder if abusive creepy predator man inside New York city government use The unethical doctor in my case is a liar who's not shy about committing perjury along with his employee we didn't fire filing my patient rights my body if he has a group of predators that are also nyc got employees NYPD teachers union and after Joe Tacopina I allege broke laws - in my case violently threatening me using a sock puppet account and he's never denied he and his partner did not break laws when I felt ethical complaints against both of them -- What is Joe now gone to this creep MD because he broke was threatening me got the cops to join in this cunt threat so in return the doctors going to get him drugs testosterone or Viagra HGH pain killers? I found searched on my blog "Joe Tacopina Rapist" What was done to me has the NYPD Internal Affairs been involved in doing things like that to women but involving rape?
Internal Affairs could no longer cover up for Internal Affairs captain Aaron Wright who did a brutal beat down it was of his domestic abuse sergeant girlfriend but he made the mistake of doing it on her front lawn or neighbor saw it and reported it and I believe Internal Affairs had me covering up his violence for years because his victims didn't matter but in this case they couldn't cover it up?
For years this Lieutenant worked in Internal Affairs and the sex crimes unit and even used NYPD car parked in front of his home but he was never arrested by NYPD!
And then there's other bad sex crime Lieutenant protected by the same top cops and dirty DA that protected all the cops in my case that broke laws
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Is that why doctor Fagelman trusts the NYPD so much because they're so grateful to him they cover for him like they cover up for them selves?
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCMayor MTA is better than City Hall, 1 PP w/your unethical NYPD pc O'Neill, Bratton like Ray Kelly you all put $ before ethics, decency and the law! At least the MTA gets us from point A to B unlike CCRB, IA, DOI, CCPC NYPD IG like City Hall pass the corruption buck to no where to die!
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please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Monday, March 25, 2019
No Raises for NYPD Blame Top Cops Corruption!
No raises for NYPD until new psychological evals, improves, screening and training, accountability including 5.6B$ budget + contracts deals tied to pensions arrests of Top cops including Internal affairs bosses protecting crimes in our cases fixing favors shut down!
If you call me a complainer than now (typo know) my complaining got a speedbump for Anna Silver school My complaining help to get $500 million back on CityTime and 65 million dollars back on 911 tech corruption and that was way too low a figure it should've been higher than CityTime!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT NYPD Police Academy My Class My Case, PP Rape, Eric Garner via @YouTube
For example Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from Rikers he said the NYPD said to him the parks department should not employ you you are a felon. Is that the proper way to approach someone handcuff them stop and frisk them?
Yes or no and explain why The officers comment could be interpreted as bias with an agenda not a good agenda.
My case the evidence is overwhelming on top of it I'm traumatized I haven't slept in 6 1/2 years at the unethical NYPD would use any handicap of mine they could but they can't cover up crimes committed by their detectives and their supervisors and their internal affairs including top brass just like they've been protecting sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboy lying about overtime on rape cases
and Cy Vance, internal Affairs steering committee and the corrupt misogynist chief boyce who is best friends cesna theiving buddies with our corrupt police commissioner protected crimes in that case as well!
I'm also demanding that they reimburse the taxpayers they can do it in installments from their pension but they have to pay back those airplane rides just like their predecessors Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton had to!
Updated: another example of allegedly violent cop this time a woman who is protected like all the dirty crap cops in my case by Internal Affairs. The civilian complaint review board, NYPD Inspector general, and the Commission To Combat Police Corruption or forwarded my case to Internal Affairs to die!
Here's the head of Chicago police in stark contrast to the corrupt police commissioners involved in my case and how many cops it seem to of made a specialty of committing perjury I wonder if any encourage the doctor in my case to commit perjury where did you come upon that arrogance and stupidity lack of integrity all by himself along with the woman who punched me?
NYPD James O'Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly and his top chiefs involved in my case and how many others are not interested in clearing their name and the only way they could do it is committing perjury meaning their corrupt their liars and ethical and they should not be allowed to use the prestige of their office for personal gain or golden parachutes.
They are the reason the police department is broken along with their top cops protecting crimes in our cases we're talking criminal actions committed by cops who get promoted.... The system is broken top cops on down involved in fixing favors breaking laws are partied breaking laws must go.
google Dr Fagelman assault - Watch the YouTube my attacker came out from behind a long closed off desk to further harass, menace and violate my patient rights.
This was after she yelled at me that I have no rights and clearly the NYPD and every government agency that supposed to hold them accountable protected their crimes therefore agreeing I don't have rights when in fact I do and the people that broke was in my case from the doctor said the police department can still be arrested because many of the crimes have no statute of limitations!
You have an unethical doctor -- so arrogant he's confident he can get away with committing perjury any caters to NYPD and any other people that aren't shy about committing perjury raining very rich men who are grateful for a Viagra pushing unethical MD Dr Andrew Fagelman-- any rich men patients do they have retired cops on their payroll like a bill Rudin?
It's interesting to me that my attacker lied a lot about what she remembered what she can't remember but she remembers my Rudin protest sign! Hmmm.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission John Vergona FBFriends Gene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer: Key Figure Capture Nazi Eichmann dies Reminds Me Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill all Party to treating me like a Jew Early Stages Nazi G…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Chicago mayor DA top cop still say Smollett guilty v NYC Delita Hooks filed false cross complaint, wrote letter to Det Andrew Dwyer threatening me again! Lt Burgos, Ed Winski IA guilty No Raises NYPD Blame Top Cops corrupt to the core! Not a few bad apples…
Ask NYPD PO Gene Schatz why I do not want NYPD to get raises until there are arrests until there are actions taken against dirty cops in my case is and how many other cases? Ask Det Tommy Moran and how many other cops I sued including NYPD Lieutenant Michael J Agnese, I don't even know how to spell his name all these years what a corrupt evil creep along with IA Sgt Mary O'Donbell asked them why I don't want the NYPD to have raises until there are arrests in my case from the doctors to the police department!
No Raises for NYPD Blame Top Cops Corruption! Dr Fagelman committed perjury occasionally a truth example he put his full trust and confidence in the NYPD! As his victim (victim of negligence and lack of ethics and...?) my belief Dr Fagelman put his trust and confidence in NYPD to inflict more suffering on me with goal NYPD DI Ed Winski and gang to attempt erase all crimes for MD!
NYPD PO Schatz and his facebook pals and Ed Winski wanted to teach me a lesson courtesy of Dr Fagelman...
Here's my letter in The NY Times asking for a raise for the NYPD and I'll never ask for one again because they taught me how corrupt (typos) an unethical --- in your face evil that the police are
the NYPD (and Cy Vance) are like a deli for rich people like the doctor to pick up the phone -- call in coercion and threaten me with a hole in my retina so do you think they got the results they were hoping for with violent threats coursing me and falsifying police reports for a rich MD who was advertising Viagra and curing STDs! Dr Fagelman and his sister-in-law our (typo are) primary care physicians and the doctor marked (typo MOCKED) me because I thought he was a urologist because he's published in the urology magazine about Viagra being safe to use he's not a cardiologist and he's not a urologist so how did he get that publication? He has friends?
the NYPD (and Cy Vance) are like a deli for rich people like the doctor to pick up the phone -- call in coercion and threaten me with a hole in my retina so do you think they got the results they were hoping for with violent threats coursing me and falsifying police reports for a rich MD who was advertising Viagra and curing STDs! Dr Fagelman and his sister-in-law our (typo are) primary care physicians and the doctor marked (typo MOCKED) me because I thought he was a urologist because he's published in the urology magazine about Viagra being safe to use he's not a cardiologist and he's not a urologist so how did he get that publication? He has friends?
There are too many victims of NYPD crimes and of a love one was killed by a cop who says oh it was an accident do you think that family sees it as an accident or his negligence by the city not training their own the NYPD even just kill their own detective and it seems like it was pure negligence!
How many people have died because of NYPD negligence, how many people been false arrested or like me a victim of dirty cops who broke laws at their desk and got promoted?
How many people have died because of NYPD negligence, how many people been false arrested or like me a victim of dirty cops who broke laws at their desk and got promoted?
Chief Boyce promoted NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer for participating in a biased hate crime yes they were bias against me they didn't like me like small children but they have guns and badges they were willing to break laws and violate my civil rights and Det Dwyer got doing so he gets promoted to the NYPD FBI task force which makes me wonder if the FBI are jointly violating civil rights along with the NYPD because they don't like people based on their color religion sexuality whatever it is their political opinions ?
(Pause: did you know NYPD control press passes and they should not! How can the NYPD control press passes when you have a policd commissioner blocking me on Twitter you have top cops do not understand the first amendment or the constitution or the law !)
All of Jussie Smollett's charges have been dropped, but Chicago's mayor still calls his story a hoax
Chicago's mayor and the city's police superintendent reacted angrily Tuesday to news that Jussie Smollett's charges were dropped, with both of them still calling Smollett's claim that he was attacked a "hoax." Read the full story
FYI The prosecutor said that he does not believe Jussie Smollet is innocent but he paid a $10,000 fine and he did community service!
NYPD PO Schatz illegally used to sirens on behalf of Michael Rawson and the Mercer hotel! There's more that went on also with him and his partner Tommy Moran and their Facebook friends with the detectives that broke laws in my case so these arrogant creeps thought they were going to teach me a lesson did they get the results they wanted because now I want pensions taken away I do not want races( typo raises) for the NYPD and I was published in the New York Times asking for a sizable raise for the NYPD. I want to permit new commission into NYPD corruption and the agencies that are supposed to police the police are not working they need to be revamped or shut down including corrupt Internal Affairs!
Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD!
Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD!
Chief Shea joins Chief Boyce, Pulaski, Campisi and Reznick covering up crimes in my case! Shea talks about Stats but he knows the crime stats are fixed including in my case that Ed Winski made a pile up of crimes disappear!
It's amazing to me that corrupt top cops including Internal Affairs are also acting on a hate crime a misogynist hate crime to turn the tables on me I ledge by Joe Tacopina who is a big mouth he's never denied he and his partner broke laws using sock puppets threat threatening me during an open investigation and that he drafted a letter threatening me to detective Andy Dwyer which is also a crime!!!
Joe Tacopina brags he got the NYPD way pops off and I took my protest right to his offices where his employee told me they watch my YouTube's and told me that the NYPD rep cops were going to walk he also brags about getting Abner Louima cops off!
Abner Louima Survive the worst most violent sexual assault torture inside a pre-sinks we're not one cop called Internal Affairs and I agreed to go into a precinct First Precinct that's clearly corrupt and who knows what they would've done to me and they're acting on a hate crime threat by a Joe Tacopina!
One Police Plaza and the 1st Precinct minus well have signs for sale we do fixing in favors for rich people we discriminate against people if we don't like them and we have guns and badges!
There are no statute of limitations for the crimes committed from the doctors office to the police department and I am demanding arrest however many years it takes these people can be arrested and I'm calling for a special prosecutor and in for the NYPD IA to lose their pensions if they break laws they must lose their pensions and compensate their victims along w/ the City of NY!
Zachary Carter his predecessor their lawyers the city of New York lawyers NYPD lawyers were party to this and they need to be held accountable Zachary Carter sending lawyers that lied before G-d as well as Judges in my case and other cases!
There has to be accountability!
We have a dirty DA protects NYPD crimes and he must be fired for his role in the Jeffrey Epstein sex offender case how he hasn't been forced to resign is unbelievable!
The dirty DA protects dirty cops the DA knew about cops breaking laws in my case!!!!
The DA Internal Affairs top cops on down have been protecting crimes one example is sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboy, My Case, countless others
If cops had to be held accountable for breaking laws how to pay for their own legal fees along with politicians And lose their pensions then maybe New York City New York state would not be one in most corrupt cities and states in the entire country but I demand justice in my case if the cops think they're going to cover up the crimes and it's going away it's not since their wrongdoing and will fill malice to ignore crimes in violation of my civil rights I've demanded a permanent new commission into police corruption
A series of databases one will be the NYPD app tracker
That the New York city comptroller turn over the database of lawsuits so we can search them not only the NYPD but all aspects of the city negligence so we can start holding the city accountable
The different government agencies that are supposed to police the police have more than failed us and everyone who's breaking laws inside New York City government complicit to breaking laws covering up crimes in my case party to coercion threatening me falsifying a police report has collected paychecks and pensions and I would like to see all of that taken away from them how dare they take it to uphold the Constitution and break laws at their desk and collect paychecks and a pension
You have top cop Stealing a federally funded aka
Taxpayer money FEMA Cessna for their personal taxi -- One of the trips was to Chief Boyce's Mothers funeral and I'd like to know every cop that was on the plane because he broke laws in my case he was party to covering up crimes in my case and sex crime Lieutenant Lam boys case I want to know how many cops or party to this that know about my case another case is protected and jumped on a federally funded airplane because that's theft and if anyone else did it it's a federal offense and you go to jail but it shows how arrogant they are how confident they are and they're not accountable they should be forced to re-pay every airplane trip just like Ray Kelly and Bratton forced to! If they don't have the money it could be taken as a lien against their pensions!
My mother was in hospice but she is still alive before she dies from the city of New York and a police commissioner and that's not so corrupt and on ethical and misogynist and anti-Semitic although he cops do likes rich Jews or Jews that can do something for them? I made it clear over and over I agree it's a false arrest on Saturday 4 PM clearly this was a violent form of retaliation for my activism for who I am misogyny whatever and I asked the detective are you anti-Semitic? There's an email I sent out to Ray Kelly's community fares officers along with the detectives so no one can deny this it's in lawsuits teeets to top cops ny blog -- The NYPD don't have any evidence against me any evidence they have proved their crimes their wrongdoings I was just going to a doctors office!
What we have is the more and more evidence years and years of obstruction of justice for a rich Doctor Who is as arrogant and on ethical as them and his specialty seems to be selling Viagra and curing STDs and he's got lots of NYPD patients how interesting
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Monday, March 18, 2019
NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer Broke Laws My Case promoted to NYPD FBI Task Force vs Tennis Star James Blake Cop in Trouble
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JRBlake @briankoppelman Cop jumped on tennis star James Blake in trouble v NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer broke laws at his desk evidence in link Delita Hooks letter openly threatening me again this time w/ 2nd false cross complaint Dwyer broke laws w/ others 0 no statute crimes!…
Update on NYPD that kill People even their own -
NYC agrees to pay $1.9 million for NYPD killing of Mohamed Bah
Audio pinned to my Twitter account to NYPD police commissioner and chief of department chief etc
audio proof my civil rights are violated the police officer lies to me telling me I cannot report my attackers false cross complaint and the supervisor for the detectives also lives in abstracts Justice and this is been protected for years by three police commissioners the current one James O'Neill who I believe knew about Tom Selleck getting a special favor of gun licensing
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
NYPD sergeant fined $6,000 for abusing badge privileges B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@JRBlake @briankoppelman NYPD O'Neill Chief Shea Chief Boyce Chief Pulaski 2 Chiefs of IA protect crimes no statute of limitations,civil rights/protocol violations discrimination MY CASE NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer broke laws promoted to NYPD FBI Task Force v Tennis Star James Blake cop…
Ironic Billions showtime new season episode 1 fixing favors gun permits parking placards retaliation sound familiar?
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@SHO_Billions @Showtime @briankoppelman @DavidLevien bribery NYPD One Police Plaza gun permits easy reported in local news! I'm a victim of horrific violent crime patient rights violated my body violated no rest retaliation for my activism my civil rights violated… read about gun permit Tom Selleck. My case
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@SHO_Billions @Showtime @briankoppelman @DavidLevien google Dr Fagelman assault FYI I'm a victim of retaliation NYPD IA DA Corporation counsel protect in your face NYPD crimes fixing favors for rich MD pre that fix see laminated fake NYPD placard; my activism CityTime so ok to punch hole in my retina at MD's…
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please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
DA Cy Vance using Rape Kit PR to cover-up helping Jeffrey Epstein? Ghislaine Maxwell unsealed could expose Crimes No Statute? Dirty DA City State Feds for Sale Media Kills News Replaces w/ Rape Kit PR corrupt Misogynist DA, pals? NYPD IA DA guilty my case!
As usual in 2015 on for years I was blogging I was asking why did Cy Vance asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status how did that happen why I think it's obvious money was a big factor but there's more...
I'm just beyond exhausting the English language feels out of my room (realm -- ptsd insomnia Google Dr Fagelman assault) I can't seem to get words to match up it's so frustrating so thanks and great gratitude to those who get what I'm saying vs guilty and will fully obtuse?
FYI severe insomnia bad dreams Dr Fagelman office just sickening my patient rights and civil rights were violated crimes are broken there's no statue limitation many crimes which brings me to possible allegations involving Jeffrey Epstein and his pimp? If they got fixing in favors from how many government agencies federal state city? How many different states how about New York or any crimes if they committed crimes crimes that have no statue limitations?I'm just beyond exhausting the English language feels out of my room (realm -- ptsd insomnia Google Dr Fagelman assault) I can't seem to get words to match up it's so frustrating so thanks and great gratitude to those who get what I'm saying vs guilty and will fully obtuse?
The New York Times had done their job the DA wouldn't have a job but they been protecting his crimes his wrongdoing his complicity for how many years? Ask NBA star Thabo Seflosha if he thinks Cy Vance is racist?
Ask Joe Jazz Hayden.
There's so many victims that believe the Manhattan DA did more than just fail them but was complicit protecting crimes in their cases horrific crimes horrific how many horrific crimes does it take for someone to be fired or arrested if they're obstructing justice or protecting crimes and threats to a victim?
I am beyond exhausted
The NY Times My Comment Answer to Horrific Abuses Including Me Violated at MD’s than NYPD Joined in Breaking Laws, Prospect Park Rape, Victims, Family Fight Back Citizen Databases Find Patterns of See Something do Nothing like FBI Larry Nassar?
Manhattan DA Cy Vance NYT killed news on Cy and ADA Gaffney attempting to lower Jeffrey Epstein +how +why never asked except by me vs Rape Kits Fake PR Ghislaine Maxwell unsealed exposes possible crimes in multi States NY crimes w/ no Statute?
Jeffrey Epstein enjoyed private jet when/where ever but as a registered sex offender could no longer fly w/ Kevin Spacey, Clinton,Teflon whom ever thanks to NYPD, DA, Feds, NYFBI, politics for $ protecting him,pimp for yrs Cy wanted JE free to travel w/out registering no1noticed?
Google DNA Intern Cy Vance
NY Times etc did pick up news or follow up
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@WashTimes My comment on New York Times website re Dr Larry Nassar, #FBI ignored Mom! I saw future series of citizen databases tracking crimes + Fed State City Agencies fail is or complicity, or party to crimes = patterns, Systemic…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@MikeBloomberg Mike u, any your NYPD intelligence division cops retired cops knew activities Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell why Manhattan DA asked to lower his sex offender status just like the DA protected all CRIMES my case do you have any idea or you're retired NYPD? CrimesNO STATUTE ?
I have audio from the sex crimes unit under mayor the Blasio detective lies to me violates protocol
Like so many victims I have so much justice plenty of it's unsealed because I sued and I still don't have justice
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@WashTimes If the New York Times have picked up the New York daily news article in 2015 about Jeffrey Epstein the Manhattan DA Cy Vance and ADA Gaffney would not have a job they have today! NYPD Manhattan DA Feds knew about Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? FBI Feds no idea Cy Vance Epstein?
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Google Cy Vance MD 19 victims not in Sex offender status and 0 jail
My case Google Dr Fagelman assault
Were NYPD aware and protected?
Michael Bloomberg has how many NYPD intelligence division officers on his payroll and have them sign nondisclosure agreements are any of them aware of Michael's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein what about Wortzel Carmen it's a miracle that New York Daily News bother to report anything what about other people too many appear to be above the law and articles are killed to protect all wrongdoing?
Friday, March 8, 2019
Mayor de Blah Blah Blah Blasio Fraudster Liar Tantamount to Money Laundering$?
Mayor de Blasio and Ms McCray's mental-health initiatives close to a billion dollars in spending like too much "de Blah blah blah Blasio" more talk than actual action so egregious it's almost like money laundering!
Bill de Blasio is an elitist, New York City corporate Democrat fauxgressive, masquerading around South Carolina as a progressive,” said John Samuelson, president of Transport Workers Union."
Ask NYCHA residents and New Yorkers in need of open hospitals if mayor Bill de Blah Blah Blasio delivered on his campaign rhetoric?
Mayor Blah Blah bought a 2nd term using tax payer dollars and put so many people on nyc gov's payroll the next mayor may have to do lay-offs! Mike Bloomberg also used tax payer $ but he did use his own $ too. For Bill and Chirlane tax payer $$$$$ is their ATM?
I don't have a law degree so tell me if the lawyers will fully with malice lie in legal filings is that a crime? Let's say a corporate counsel Lawyer tries to parlay lies into a job in the private sector go the back room deal end up in getting disbarred?
"This statement misses the point," Weinstein wrote. "Police officers, unlike civilians, have the power to terminate constitutionally protected liberty. With this power comes great responsibility." Thanks - I agreed to false arrest twice aka agreed to be kidnapped by corrupt NYPD for running punched my head so violent I had to get surgery on my eye or possible lose my vision!
Anyone reading my blog knows that Joe Tacopina has not denied that he and his partner broke laws in my case! I felt an ethical complaint against him and his partner watching they broke laws and that Joe also party to ghost writing Delita Hooks letter to corrupt NYPD to tacked up Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me with the second false cross-complaint a serious crime he's not tonight he broke laws and that NYPD acted on his misogynist cunt to turn the tables on me!
Mayor Blah blah's corrupt police commissioners took over where Ray Kelly, Campisi, Burgos, Vergona Dwyer O'DONNELL left off acting on misogynist CUNT to turn the tables on me it's still very much in play with top cops!
Photos of mayor Blah Blah on the subway trying to sell congestion pricing is another cruel joke -- tale of 2 Cities -- as he spends more time on airplanes and helicopters than he ever did on a subway like he's king Mike BloomdeBlasio without a personal fortune unless he thinks tax payer dollars are his and his wife's personal fortune!
WHY NOT Divert tax payer $ ear marked for his legal bills to MTA transit for poor New Yorkers "tale of Cities Bill de Blah Blah Blasio" and make him live in NYCHA until housing is safe warm and lead free! listen to this young woman sing Rise Up! In the face of terrible wrongs so important to rise up... I love this song and how this beautiful young woman who suffered so much has found a way to rise up!
What can we do in the face of evil, in-your-face crimes violence lies corruption a city and government agencies that are supposed to protect us but worse and fail us they become complicit either literally or by doing nothing as they pass the corruption back and collect their paycheck and their pensions?
Any arrests on the lower Eastside nursing home? The head of corporate counsel Zachary Carter went into the city Council and committed perjury under oath just like Joe Bondy did CityTime!Zachary Carter obstructed Justice Lower East Side Nursing Scandal and he used a sharpie to cover-up as usual and he isn't fired kind of like the many corrupt NYPD officers he protects who break laws and are still on the job! Amazing Carter once prosecuted Abner Louima cops and now Zachary Carter is helping keep dirty cops that belong in jail on the payroll like de Blasio keeps retired chokehold Chief Esposito on the job another top cops like how many that do fixing and favors?
Eric Garner not Bill Blah Blah de Blasio's son.... so he and Al Sharpton are not sharing Eric's handwritten lawsuit interestingly enough like me he felt it under Michael Bloomberg and Ray Kelly so why wouldn't Blah blah Bill want to share it? No brained why ....,
(My Case Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks openly committed perjury and for some reason they believe they can! Why is that? NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer literally broke laws at his desk with his supervisor's knowledge and top cops promoted him to NYPD FBI task force for breaking laws at his desk in my case instead of arresting him and all involved! I thought you might like this story from NY Daily News.
Dr Andrew Fagelman is an unethical liar who said he did not investigate me being savagely violated at his office and he lied under oath about my MD Dr Vine demanding Delita Hooks be Fired! He and Delita Hooks lied under oath about when Dr Vine and her partner moved out - 2 weeks after I was assaulted!
Why would de Blasio keep chokehold Chief Esposito And NYPD chief photographed with the band chokehold on a small occupy Wall Street women the same chokehold that led to the homicide death of Eric Garner?
Google NYDN NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy! There are many articles but the one about the Manhattan DA and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting all his crimes it's parallels my case how they protected all these crimes and then get to the part about how he stole overtime!
CityTime tax payer titanic of Giuliani ( his deputy mayor's and he profited as lobbyists for SAIC as SAIC grossly over billed) and Michael Bloomberg and now de Blasio -- Lt Lamboy showed what is common knowledge if you want to steal overtime you can do with a pen or pencil meaning this flawed payroll system which never should've come to be should be thrown away along with the corrupted other boondoggle 911!
FYI still 0 accountability transparency CityTime, ECTP 911 tech corruption and PSAC 2 top secret or massive rip-off more NYPD wrong doing using the cover "top secret" and let's ask New Yorkers if they think 311 is worth all the billions of tax dollars that of been poured in to 311?
Zachary Carter lied and legal documents in my case because I was coerced he and how many lawyers he has assigned or were involved in my case were involved in LYING protecting even more crimes by NYPD Internal Affairs obstructing justice -- going on year Seven My Case!
Zachary Carter lied in NBA star Thabo Seflosha's Case attempting to cover up NYPD wrongdoing and Dirty DA Cy Vance most corrupt DA in the shortest amount of time Cy Vance FALSELY PROSECUTED an NBA star like too many victims of NYPD and Internal Affairs! Resign Cy!
Why am I the only one to continue to demand that Cy Vance RESIGN!!!! Cy Vance must resign including for asking Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status to be lowered! For his role in that and other cases where his behavior and his assistance actions are so egregious it's amazing they aren't arrested ! The New York daily news reported in 2015 how are Manhattan DA and ADA Gaffney shocked a judge asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and to date no one's asked why that came to be and how they came to be and we know how they came to be money with spinal to the Manhattan DA!
So why hasn't the DA been forced to resign because guess who's funneling money whoever is funneling money to him who else are they finally money to so there's no arrests no resignations just more Teflon!
Amazing in Albany that Percoco actually going to jail because City and State One Police Plaza seems like pay to play with City lawyers and top cops so out of control -- I'm alleging instead of jail they're getting golden parachute jobs where I'm questioning whether they have crossed the ethical lines as well as data bases where they're selling/BARTERING information on us their victims?
I'd like to see flow charts of every top cop and city lawyer where their next job is?
Most of all that amazing ad campaign with his son is the biggest fraud is how many Black New Yorkers are dead thanks to de Blasio's corrupt commissioners that are as awful as Ray Kelly as they too abuse their 5.6 billion dollar budget and use fake ad campaigns to sell lies --NYPD out of CONTRIOL recently murdered one of their own and suddenly Bill's NYPD can't determine which NYPD bullet is responsible aka like all our cases where we don't have justice thanks to NYPD corruption thanks to dirty DAs we are not bill de Blasio's son and THERE IS NO JUSTICE!!!
Under mayor de Blasio and Bratton Who taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD and Mr Misogyny O'Neill his false ads his press conferences all talk vs his actions a very different story
--- how many New Yorkers including NYPD have been killed on their watch ?
Just like Ray Kelly the stats are fake the crime stats are fake and NYPD are lower in crime by preventing us from reporting crimes including their own crimes obstruction of justice, falsifying a police reports you name it this city is going down the toilet and yet they have an ad campaign on toilets in the subway what to not throw in the toilet well this mayor and his corrupt police commissioner have thrown the entire city down the toilet it's never been so dirty messy and viole just like Ray Kelly the stats are fake the crime stats are fake and NYPD are lowering crime by preventing us from reporting crimes including their own crimes obstruction of justice, falsifying a police reports you name it this city is going down the toilet and yet they have an ad campaign on toilets in the subway what to not throw in the toilet well this mayor and his corrupt police commissioner have thrown the entire city down the toilet! Resign!
Vile fraud Rudy Giuliani gave us a commission into police corruption but not this corrupt progressive mayor...
By the way his little speech on anti-Semitism rings hollow based on my case where agreed to false arrest twice for running punched my head at the doctors after had a cyst removed and the corrupt NYPD to tactor up with his associates at the 1st Precinct that we're breaking laws at their desk he would only false arrest me and meet me for the first time is you lied and police reports on Saturday and I asked are you anti-Semitic and Det John Vergona did not answer!
His CCRB is worse than Bloomberg's literally preventing victims of the NYPD's abuse of power as well as rudeness and violating protocols looting in my case on the steps of City Hall first survivors rally where video evidence and photo evidence and it's not in the CCRB records and has not been investigated because the NYPD intelligence division continues abuse of power and corruption thanks to the mayors lack of accountability with a corrupt police commissioner !
Bill de Blasio belongs in jail with too many Teflon figures he has helped made wealthier!
De Blasio and ‘co-mayor’ wife have "wasted" $1.8B of taxpayer money.... really.... where did all the money go.... sounds like a different variation on Rudy/Bloomberg tech boondoggles where contractors, "consultants", any kinds of deals massively inflated or over billed to the tunes of billions -- under Bloomberg w/ Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turn lobbyists also making out like robbers at a bank -- no arrests any nyc gov involved but me a Whistleblower agreed to false arrest twice. de Blasio is an elitist, New York City corporate Democrat fauxgressive, masquerading around South Carolina as a progressive,” said John Samuelson, president of Transport Workers Union."
Ask NYCHA residents and New Yorkers in need of open hospitals if mayor Bill de Blah Blah Blasio delivered on his campaign rhetoric?
Mayor Blah Blah bought a 2nd term using tax payer dollars and put so many people on nyc gov's payroll the next mayor may have to do lay-offs! Mike Bloomberg also used tax payer $ but he did use his own $ too. For Bill and Chirlane tax payer $$$$$ is their ATM?
Mayor de Blasio used NYPD counterterror plane to fly from Canada to Bronx - New York Daily News Blah Blah sends Zachary Carter in to lie under oath and Corporation counsel city lawyers in cahoots with NYPD lawyers when they aren't committing perjury or defending perjury by NYPD officers à la Larry Byrne to Judge Weinstein as no biggie -- did not go over well w/the Judge -- they OPENLY LIE legal documents defending NYPD crimes like in my case! I don't have a law degree so tell me if the lawyers will fully with malice lie in legal filings is that a crime? Let's say a corporate counsel Lawyer tries to parlay lies into a job in the private sector go the back room deal end up in getting disbarred?
"This statement misses the point," Weinstein wrote. "Police officers, unlike civilians, have the power to terminate constitutionally protected liberty. With this power comes great responsibility." Thanks - I agreed to false arrest twice aka agreed to be kidnapped by corrupt NYPD for running punched my head so violent I had to get surgery on my eye or possible lose my vision!
Anyone reading my blog knows that Joe Tacopina has not denied that he and his partner broke laws in my case! I felt an ethical complaint against him and his partner watching they broke laws and that Joe also party to ghost writing Delita Hooks letter to corrupt NYPD to tacked up Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me with the second false cross-complaint a serious crime he's not tonight he broke laws and that NYPD acted on his misogynist cunt to turn the tables on me!
Mayor Blah blah's corrupt police commissioners took over where Ray Kelly, Campisi, Burgos, Vergona Dwyer O'DONNELL left off acting on misogynist CUNT to turn the tables on me it's still very much in play with top cops!
Photos of mayor Blah Blah on the subway trying to sell congestion pricing is another cruel joke -- tale of 2 Cities -- as he spends more time on airplanes and helicopters than he ever did on a subway like he's king Mike BloomdeBlasio without a personal fortune unless he thinks tax payer dollars are his and his wife's personal fortune!
WHY NOT Divert tax payer $ ear marked for his legal bills to MTA transit for poor New Yorkers "tale of Cities Bill de Blah Blah Blasio" and make him live in NYCHA until housing is safe warm and lead free! listen to this young woman sing Rise Up! In the face of terrible wrongs so important to rise up... I love this song and how this beautiful young woman who suffered so much has found a way to rise up!
What can we do in the face of evil, in-your-face crimes violence lies corruption a city and government agencies that are supposed to protect us but worse and fail us they become complicit either literally or by doing nothing as they pass the corruption back and collect their paycheck and their pensions?
Any arrests on the lower Eastside nursing home? The head of corporate counsel Zachary Carter went into the city Council and committed perjury under oath just like Joe Bondy did CityTime!Zachary Carter obstructed Justice Lower East Side Nursing Scandal and he used a sharpie to cover-up as usual and he isn't fired kind of like the many corrupt NYPD officers he protects who break laws and are still on the job! Amazing Carter once prosecuted Abner Louima cops and now Zachary Carter is helping keep dirty cops that belong in jail on the payroll like de Blasio keeps retired chokehold Chief Esposito on the job another top cops like how many that do fixing and favors?
Eric Garner not Bill Blah Blah de Blasio's son.... so he and Al Sharpton are not sharing Eric's handwritten lawsuit interestingly enough like me he felt it under Michael Bloomberg and Ray Kelly so why wouldn't Blah blah Bill want to share it? No brained why ....,
(My Case Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks openly committed perjury and for some reason they believe they can! Why is that? NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer literally broke laws at his desk with his supervisor's knowledge and top cops promoted him to NYPD FBI task force for breaking laws at his desk in my case instead of arresting him and all involved! I thought you might like this story from NY Daily News.
Dr Andrew Fagelman is an unethical liar who said he did not investigate me being savagely violated at his office and he lied under oath about my MD Dr Vine demanding Delita Hooks be Fired! He and Delita Hooks lied under oath about when Dr Vine and her partner moved out - 2 weeks after I was assaulted!
Dr Fagelman stayed he did not investigate what happened because he put his full trust and confidence in NYPD! I think he meant he put his full trust and confidence and NYPD to join in breaking more laws force me to drop charges against my will w/ a hole in my retina and cervical damage!
Dr Fagelman did say he takes Delita Hooks to drug parties! Every day it seems like there's an article about NYPD cops breaking laws from shoplifting to drug trafficking and this unethical liar an MD with lots of NYPD patients puts his full trust in NYPD to what? Join him in his violent goal to coerce me?
NYPD cop found guilty of running drug-trafficking operation out of her Bronx apartment
NYPD cop found guilty of running drug-trafficking operation out of her Bronx apartment
Why would de Blasio keep chokehold Chief Esposito And NYPD chief photographed with the band chokehold on a small occupy Wall Street women the same chokehold that led to the homicide death of Eric Garner?
Google NYDN NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy! There are many articles but the one about the Manhattan DA and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting all his crimes it's parallels my case how they protected all these crimes and then get to the part about how he stole overtime!
CityTime tax payer titanic of Giuliani ( his deputy mayor's and he profited as lobbyists for SAIC as SAIC grossly over billed) and Michael Bloomberg and now de Blasio -- Lt Lamboy showed what is common knowledge if you want to steal overtime you can do with a pen or pencil meaning this flawed payroll system which never should've come to be should be thrown away along with the corrupted other boondoggle 911!
FYI still 0 accountability transparency CityTime, ECTP 911 tech corruption and PSAC 2 top secret or massive rip-off more NYPD wrong doing using the cover "top secret" and let's ask New Yorkers if they think 311 is worth all the billions of tax dollars that of been poured in to 311?
Zachary Carter lied and legal documents in my case because I was coerced he and how many lawyers he has assigned or were involved in my case were involved in LYING protecting even more crimes by NYPD Internal Affairs obstructing justice -- going on year Seven My Case!
Zachary Carter lied in NBA star Thabo Seflosha's Case attempting to cover up NYPD wrongdoing and Dirty DA Cy Vance most corrupt DA in the shortest amount of time Cy Vance FALSELY PROSECUTED an NBA star like too many victims of NYPD and Internal Affairs! Resign Cy!
Why am I the only one to continue to demand that Cy Vance RESIGN!!!! Cy Vance must resign including for asking Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status to be lowered! For his role in that and other cases where his behavior and his assistance actions are so egregious it's amazing they aren't arrested ! The New York daily news reported in 2015 how are Manhattan DA and ADA Gaffney shocked a judge asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and to date no one's asked why that came to be and how they came to be and we know how they came to be money with spinal to the Manhattan DA!
So why hasn't the DA been forced to resign because guess who's funneling money whoever is funneling money to him who else are they finally money to so there's no arrests no resignations just more Teflon!
Amazing in Albany that Percoco actually going to jail because City and State One Police Plaza seems like pay to play with City lawyers and top cops so out of control -- I'm alleging instead of jail they're getting golden parachute jobs where I'm questioning whether they have crossed the ethical lines as well as data bases where they're selling/BARTERING information on us their victims?
I'd like to see flow charts of every top cop and city lawyer where their next job is?
Most of all that amazing ad campaign with his son is the biggest fraud is how many Black New Yorkers are dead thanks to de Blasio's corrupt commissioners that are as awful as Ray Kelly as they too abuse their 5.6 billion dollar budget and use fake ad campaigns to sell lies --NYPD out of CONTRIOL recently murdered one of their own and suddenly Bill's NYPD can't determine which NYPD bullet is responsible aka like all our cases where we don't have justice thanks to NYPD corruption thanks to dirty DAs we are not bill de Blasio's son and THERE IS NO JUSTICE!!!
Under mayor de Blasio and Bratton Who taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD and Mr Misogyny O'Neill his false ads his press conferences all talk vs his actions a very different story
--- how many New Yorkers including NYPD have been killed on their watch ?
Just like Ray Kelly the stats are fake the crime stats are fake and NYPD are lower in crime by preventing us from reporting crimes including their own crimes obstruction of justice, falsifying a police reports you name it this city is going down the toilet and yet they have an ad campaign on toilets in the subway what to not throw in the toilet well this mayor and his corrupt police commissioner have thrown the entire city down the toilet it's never been so dirty messy and viole just like Ray Kelly the stats are fake the crime stats are fake and NYPD are lowering crime by preventing us from reporting crimes including their own crimes obstruction of justice, falsifying a police reports you name it this city is going down the toilet and yet they have an ad campaign on toilets in the subway what to not throw in the toilet well this mayor and his corrupt police commissioner have thrown the entire city down the toilet! Resign!
Dirty cops NYPD IA Did Fixing Favors for Rich MD Dr Fagelman plus Retaliation now in Test Data base the way his little speech on anti-Semitism rings hollow based on my case where agreed to false arrest twice for running punched my head at the doctors after had a cyst removed and the corrupt NYPD to tactor up with his associates at the 1st Precinct that we're breaking laws at their desk he would only false arrest me and meet me for the first time is you lied and police reports on Saturday and I asked are you anti-Semitic and Det John Vergona did not answer!
His CCRB is worse than Bloomberg's literally preventing victims of the NYPD's abuse of power as well as rudeness and violating protocols looting in my case on the steps of City Hall first survivors rally where video evidence and photo evidence and it's not in the CCRB records and has not been investigated because the NYPD intelligence division continues abuse of power and corruption thanks to the mayors lack of accountability with a corrupt police commissioner !
Bill de Blasio belongs in jail with too many Teflon figures he has helped made wealthier!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Dirty cops NYPD IA Did Fixing Favors for Rich MD Dr Fagelman plus Retaliation now in Test Data base
Dirty cops NYPD IA Did Fixing Favors for Rich MD Dr Fagelman plus Retaliation now in Test Data base
Holocaust remembrance Day, Tom Selleck gun License, Dr Fagelman My Case Fixing Favors Party to Coercion?
Looking for Details on Rogue N.Y. Police Officers? This Database Might Help - The New York Times
I've been talking about data bases and we need them this is one step closer although it's rough it is the beginning and it's so great to see that they're not going to escape they thought they could be violent with me threatening me and this would go away from the doctors office to the police department?
I have received allegations against the doctor allegedly he was violent with a woman and allegedly the police would not let her file a complaint....
The New York Times has censored me again-- The newspaper that would not share Eric Garner his hand written lawsuit let people read it the newspaper that protected a dirty DA Cy Vance that asked for a pedophile sex offender Jeffrey Epstein status to be lowered!
The NY Times "censors" have prevented me from having a voice recently blacking me out on de Blasio and Bloomberg so here I go again attempting to comment. When The New York Times did an article on the mother of the victim of Dr Nassar - she said she contacted the FBI and the FBI did nothing. My comment on the New York Times website at that time which did go up which is that we need data bases so I'm happy to see this preliminary first step... we need all kind of database - city state and federal -- there clearly patterns of wrongdoing -- I checked the database and one of my lawsuits is there! I'm so happy but the database itself needs work; it's just the beginning and of course needs to be expanded. Thanks and gratitude to whomever worked on this database -- it is the future. For now there is a "Wall Around the Justice System" and I writing about it with that title... future database will track every gov official and agency that failed us or was and or is allegedly complicit. This is a peaceful powerful way to fight back and stop rampant crimes, violent of protocols, abuse of power and more so shocking and so chronic mostly all protected by top brass inside the NYPD, Internal Affair's and Corp Counsel!
ps Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit belongs in the data base once it is expanded to Bloomberg/Ray Kelly era. Eric Garner and I started out pro se filing under mayor Bloomberg/Ray Kelly!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jenniferdeseo @LegalAidNYC NYPD Lt Burgos database! When I sued him he asked to join LinkedIn network! IA, NYPD brass protected all crimes + Zachary Carter! Judge Lynn Kotler shrugged off Lt Burgos harassing me via LinkedIn! He signed off on Delita Hooks ltr threatening me again!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jenniferdeseo @LegalAidNYC Yes corrupt NYPD in data base! I didn't know correct spelling of Lt Michael J. Agnese! NYPD Det. John Vergona, his corrupt co-conspirator in crime NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer broke laws Dwyer promoted to the NYPD FBI Task Force! Took me years to get this…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jenniferdeseo @LegalAidNYC 1)arrests many crimes our cases no statute coercion, falsifying police reports 2)class actions pro se litigants me, Eric Garner etc 3)City has to pay victims/punish those willfully protected/committed: crimes, violations of civil rights/oath/protocols/promote rather than fired
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jenniferdeseo @LegalAidNYC So happy beginnings of a data base when expanded data/patterns: chronic abuse of power, crimes, civil rights violations; City of NY protected crimes/civil rights violations! My case pro se CC Zachary Carter lawyers lied! I was coerced!… Eric Garner pro se!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jenniferdeseo @LegalAidNYC The New York Times is preventing me from having a First Amendment right and posting a comment the photo to the left I signed in and there's no option to comment and I did it through the Twitter app commented and it says there's an error another words there censoring me!
The New York City database, named CAPstat, is searchable by an officer’s name, unit, precinct and type of allegation — or by the names of the people filing suit. The data includes court records, news articles and published decisions about officers that defense attorneys have obtained.
To date, the database includes 2,339 lawsuits filed from January 2015 through mid-2018 against 3,897 officers, as well as internal disciplinary records for about 1,800 officers accused of misconduct between 2011 and 2015.
The database includes a summary of the complaint and the outcome of each case, but the Legal Aid Society said it cannot vouch for the accuracy of all the allegations, since many suits are settled without the police admitting wrongdoing.
Day 2 Protest NYPD Police Commissioner James O’Neill Misogyny in Your Face Corruption NYPD Internal Affairs
See the photo I'm holding a justice card that's a man Citizen databases that will show patterns of corruption in crime I will allow people to report abuses of power and how government agencies fail us and/or are complicit!
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